1 t i. 1 t. - ' V - f - 6- V -1- -- THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE AUGUST 2 1899 .Jf 1 3 uvuu CorHpioxlon and Hair SscclaIIctnm . The brflW complexions i of women in the more exdusivedrdeii of W. York society are not explained by the theory that associates aundSS Jess. In fact, many leaders of theworWfrf fashion areard workere? Yet' ... Vn their food looks evpn Txrhun V. 1 -i T-r a"1'- es tSS MISSES BELL, of 78 AJL iected with some of the most noted and honored families in thrmetroDoHs lUe answered the question. They have prepared for the uwofS to general, five preparations for improving the complexion ta&XhohgdZZ IFffw The Misses BELL'S COMPLEXION TONIO Is an external application, the presence of which on the facecannotbe detected. It is perfectly harmless even to the most delicate skin. It is a sure and quick cure for all roughness and eruptions. It acts on the skin as a tonic, producing a naturally pure complexion.. Cosmetics merely hide blemishes. TheTonicgets rid of them. . , " It removes pimples, freckles; Ttfack hpads. moth patches,-liver 6pots, eczema, redness, oiliness and all ciscolorations and imperfections of the skin. Price, f 1 bottle. - - Tie Misses BELL'S UAIR TONIO cures dandruff and prevents any return of it ; stops that maddening itching of the scalp and makes the hair strong, soft and lustrous. It is especially help ful to persons vhose hair is thin, dry and liable to fall out The tonic cleanses the skin about the roots of the hair : will goon cover bald spots vith a handsome growtn. rnce, a uuiwe. The Misses BELL'S SKIN FOOD Is a soft, creamy, exquisitely perfumed Ointment, which helps the action of the Tonfc; and, in mild cases of roughness, redness, pimples, etc.," is a cure in itself. It clears the cores of the skin of all impurities and feeds it b .buildincr un the textum nnrt mafa-fn he flesh, beneath it solid and firm. Price, 75 c i w ? san,P,e ot ny ono f bove preparation's at our parlon in New York City; or by mail to any address ia plain wrapper upon re ceipt of 23 cents in stamps or silver to cover actual cost of postage and packing. Trial size samples can be secured from our New York office only. Oax agents will not supply them. Correspondence cordially soHciteB. Address ft . THE BELL. TOILET CO., 8 Fifth Avenue, New York City. wwmr new gpew, The Mlases Bell's ComplexSan Toinic, Oomplextoa Soap, depilo are for wale In this city by Vf. C. CarmlcheL IP n. WILMS' mah rasoimmi by druggists. Sent FOR SALE BY DR. I am a former located near Stony districts in this State, and was bothered terk fbiyearsvat times so 1 could not work, and was always rery wistipatcd as wcIL For Tears I had malaiia so bad in the rat I could do noting but shake. of quinine pills tesLdes'doxen of ay permanent benefit Last falL In j ttack of chills and then commenced mend s advice, and the first box made me ail right and I have never been without them since.; I take.ce:Tabukrco,nbsrttn night tna sometimes when rtee! more than iisuaqy oOuusted take thiee in day. They have kept'myoraach sweV my boweis regular and i ave not had the least touch of malaria nor putting headache since I commenced using them. I know also that I sleep better and wake up nore refreshed than formerly. I don't .know how many complaints Ripans Tabules will help, but Tdo know thejwBl cure any one in the condition I was and I would not be wiuMUt: them at any price. I nonestly consider them the cheapest-priced medidne in the world, as fey are also the most eneiiaal and the most convenient to take. , 1 am t wentv-pvn M0-r n mtrtanA hsv waHtmI hard zU mv life, the anie as most farmers, both early and Ute tnd in s3 kinds of weather, and I have never enioved such eood health as I have since last fa&; in ct my netehbora have all remarkeci , 4 Say, John, what are you doing to loos co IseaJury.f tvk-A. mm r ted haaltt that vuvKrrMnner. nottsewta r wAm aAsiMtMiBsasB KMMtmonuis wuibinaad tossTsacMMSsr ENDUS OME DOLfcAR trt i.dd J"1- oat md seudto us wltkCl.90, wdwewlll send you thto k3 u iD ACIUC Wi&S PARLOR ORflAH.by freight CO, ., MU If mriV"B You 040 examine tt at your nearest freight depot, ana 2.exactly M represented, equal to organs that retail at r nA0, I0- 0. the greatest value you ever sw and far better than 'issue viTert.in1 kn Vv, . 1 t-v. A .iirht aMtntaar ?i fi.,offer 31.6, lessthel,or$30.t6 sad ftvifekarM. 4M5 IS OUR SPFfilAI m Dm PRICE nnA-ialf tha JSOURSPEGIAL 90 DAYS PRICE, M k- .77 " lx" I He ARMP nilCU isoueofthe mmt dmrhl i mw vu.fA VTfe0 W Ct S MMUW avawv "ovn." "r vuul.1i 8trumentseTerinadei.lfTomuwutuuv me lrir . '? enrved direct from a photograpn, you Vua-r"1 1M MautifBl appcaranee. Made iram aoiiu f mm So f.7T? raaiu"nfr1 ia.7.. aanAul:- faandsomely decorav THS aCBS tiaaji wide and weighs ; ns ri i -r . LJ coDtaina K oetmn. 11 .t'naaa f A.rai DiaaaMMU ps as lOuOWSt inapaaaa, tnaau. Baas Coapler, lacJnal rarta, aa Tax unaia-. II. 1 flraad Oraaa Swell, 4 Sets 5fataJu t? BMWSarr Pips QasHty flees a, IBtUltl Para 1B Bt. 1 8ef of 11 Chtrilagly BrIIUaat CIaU tin1,0' 2 BIchSellawB.aota Diaiaiea Seeds. ISat of i DiapaaaBa4s.iat action consist of the celebrated ?t'ihiph..,u,-.l-n HwelRedi, .which are only used Co.bi:" lCr5QeLn8truments. also fitted with: ", nutans, also Dest Doira reits. leasnf eras vs sto 2?Pelai 7. --uveiea ptate urencn jnlrror. nioaei " j LVI8H jg,V "es ana every modern improvement. W Sttoni an?" -orgaa stool and the beet orsaa- , - n PODUthad - ,7f. I A ID rti-r: WtaalaT. mS.hi.uih ii my k cctidi icucirnr ; Sftaor eJSlif th BPUo7o Bank ot Comma J SSttiSM bloS .".cPn' In Chicago. , W. h.,.ae. ur"8! tut na m. "aro ana employ orer suupeo ft LBeiL ?M alsoeverythlni fa musicali erythlng fa musical -.. ROEBUCK & CO, OacJ. fiiUom rirr??i?n.lc,a initnunent catalogue. yinet if.hl . ucsl ruDoer cloth, 3-pir bellows stooK tahh.iV.le.tber in tuc inUc nhceui, "With. ttm, . LZ".m .V--'T " rfVitee, b7f Reissue a written bEdingf 26 year I k""! e win JLV1! lt fr6 O' chrgfc Try U sac I 1 " i theHiaseM BELL'S COMPLEXION SOAP is made from the pure oil of larnW wool. 11 is neailnff niii mMfi,n. j V , s lu limes in a eleaa and healthy state. This Soap is daintily scented, and is a most welcome aid to the toilet of fastidious women. The ut most car is taken in selecting materials and scrupulous cleanliness in the labor atory insures the parity of the product. Price, 2o cents $er cake, large four-ounce The Misses BELL'S OAPILLAmRFNn MA tor restoring prematurely gray locks to! It is not a dye nor a stain. Itisacolor less liquid that Is applied to the roots of the hair and leaves no. telltale signs on the scalp or forehead. , Neither does it change the color of the hair all at once. Only dyes do that, and they wash off. But Capilla-Renova will not wash off. Price. $1.50 per bottle 1 per js oecrnm or Oviuti 1 ee to any addrest. Skin .Pont, ftnd Is a SURE CURE for Blind Bleed- ln fimd Itching Piles. It absorbs the tumors, allays the itching at once, aixea instant relief. Everv box Is warranted. Sold by mall on receipt of price, 50 cents and $1.00 per box. wiLiriiAffis Burot. co., rops., uieveiaaa, uruo T. C. SMITH. Crooll. cne the "rnost malarious SDciniL wfcen csinured in blowinflr. X must' hare taken about a barrel other remedies, but never obtained peach time, I had a most serious to rtake - RipansTabuIes, upon a .my fcsprored ccadidoif and have srakmallfs. ssssj jr,s3sts tss mxmm. fSSBI-M MMMVMBi one-half tha price costs' Mfit - can wrii? i f instruments at lowest whoiasaM) nrtcea. Writ Cor Cras OetslsisesudWtimsiiStft. CHICAC6. ILU . - Ti 77S -A, J" 1 - 1 naav m .,... .s. a r I - i .i , , , j i i 1 1 umiwudTII - "W MHiMTitae tj f fel I u II 1 It 1 a 1 1 jo, Chleagoi or German Exchange Bank, Hew York, o ual af inaVsAML OO.oa, ooCTipyeotire ana of tbe larg Tux buildinT WBBSU OBSAHaTSSaSSaaS CITY;r,lftRKET. TLatest Market Prices to Consumers. MEATS. Beefv .. fixat colt, rip, IS to 18. Steak,, slrtcto, 15 to 18 ; Steak tonderloln, IS to IS. Round, 10 to 12 I S. Beef, Western, rib roast, TS to z. Beef Western, slrloim, IS to SO. Tenderlolii,r29.- Sweetbreiadsir 25c pate. Lamb whole, 12 18. Legr of lamb, IS. j r' Lamb chopa, SO. H Legr. veal, 121-2 to 15. ,( Veal cHops, 12 1-S to IS. Wieaer sanaaso, 10. All pork Muaagre, IS IS. Mixed aaiuaso, 10. Bologna sauaagre, 10. Hamburg iteak, 10 to IS 1-S. Pork lotos, 12 1 8. Pork hams, 10. Pork steak, 12 1 S. Chop, 12 1 2. Chickens, 12 1-2 to lBo pound., Turkeys, 16 to 18c pound. Geese, 15c pound. Squabs, 45c pound. Ducks, SO to 40c each. FISH. 1 Shad, roes, 50 and 75 each. Shad, bucks; SO and 60 each. Black, base, 15c. J "r .CSjannel base, 8 and lt Sun perch, 12 12.' . Speickled trout, 10 and IS 18. Pikes, 10 and 18 1 Sc. Halibut, 85. Hi Breem, IS 12c. Cat fish, 8 and 10c. Red snapper, 12 1 2c. I1 Sheep head, 8 and lOe. Porgles, 8 and 10c. Fresh herring, lOo. Mullets, 8 and 10c. Bunde fish, 12 1 2 to SOe bunck. OYSTERS. 'Extra select, 60. Select 40. DAIRY PRODUCT!. ' Butter (creamery), 25. Batter (country), 12 1-2 to 20. Eggs (market quiet) 12 1 2c retail. VHGBTABLEft. Cabbage, Sc. ope pound. Onions, 10c quart. Carrots, 10c bunch, Beets, 10c bunch. i ' Parsley 5c hunch. Lettuce, 6c bunch. - ? :''' Celery, stalk. - ; ' "1 Rhubarb, 5c buneh. r Irish potatoes, S5c peck. New potaJtoes, 65c peck. Sweet potatoes, 25c peck Turnips, 35c peck. Cauli flower, 15 to 40e. Apples, 60 to 75c peck. Beans. 71-2. quart., Hulled corn, 5c quart. Squash, 71-2c. pound. Spinach, 25c peck. " " ; Turnip greens; 20c peck. Mustard -greens, 20c peck. Peas, 7 l-2c quart. Asparagus, 15 to 25c bunch.. Green pepper. 80c docen. I Cucumebrs, 60c dozen. To Care Constipation Forever Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic lOo or 23c. It C C. C fait to cure, druggists Refund money. NOTICE OF SAUH. By virtue of a power of sale entaine4 in a deed) of trust, executed by J. A. Mc- Guiinm and his wife, Arkansie McGuinn on the 12th day of Marcli, A. B.t 1892, to the undersigned as trustee, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness intended to be secured by the same, toy which, the power to sell be came operative, and at the request of (the cestui que trust, the undersigned will of fer for sale, at the court house door, in the city of Ashevilie, country of Bun combe and state of North Carolina, to the Mghest. bidder for cash, on Tuesday, August 8; 1899, the following described lot or parcel of land, situate, lying and being to the cou&ty of Buncombe and state of Nojtfh- Carolina, la. the town of South BlDtmere, on the eastern side of the Buncombe turnpike road, and being Tot No. 1 of Block No. 6, of the lands of S. H. Reed, aa per plat made by B. M. Iee, surveyor, and) known as Reed's ad dition to Biltmore, N. C, beginning at a stake isa Che eastern margin or saiq road, in the south margin of Hill street of said plat, at a point where Hill street Ljntersects with said- road, and thence running south twenty-five degrees east fifty -4rine andVedrty vug hundredths feet to a stake; thence, north, seventy-five degrees and fifty-eight minutes east one hundred and ninety feet to a stake in the western margin of Ridge Alley; thence with the western margin of Ridge alley north twenttwo degrees andi twenty four minutes west one hundred and twenty -three and three tenths feet to a stake in the south "margtn of said Hill street? thence with ' the. south margin of Hill street north fifty-six degrees and fifty five mfSrtites 'west one hundred and ninety-three and ninety-six one hun dredths feet -to the place of the begin ning; and' being the . same lot of land!s set forth and described in said deed of trust, -which recorded! in the office- of the register of deeds "for the coumity of Buncombe and"' state of North, Carolina, In Book No. 28 of the records of deeds of trust, on. page 344 to which deed, ef trust and the records thereof reference is hereby made as part of this' descrip tien. This July 3, 1899. " Li. P. McLOTJD, - . Trustee. - ' V -NOTICE. ...... By virtue of the" power of sals con tained in aeertatn deeSj of trust execut ed to A. J. Lymafis, the undersigned trustee, by T. F, Starnes and wife, An nie L. Starriesv dated September-10. 1892, for he purpoae of securing the In debtednesB mentioned ia ttm said deed of trust, ah4 because of default 1st the nayment of said indebtednecs, the said trustee will sell a 12 on MONDAY ; THE lTHf DAT OF ATT- - GUST, 1899, r at the court house door- to- the city of Ashevilie, coucfty of unwonibeNand state of Jorth CaroHna, to the highest bidder for cash, jail that certain real estate, sit uate, lying arid being in the city of Astheville, adjoinltog) the. , lands of A. Rankin, W. L. Shope and others, and bounded as follows, via: Begindng ait a point -on the southern margin of Cherry street, the northeast corner ef A . Ran kin's lot, amd tune thence with safd lot south 31 degrees and 28' minutes east; tlhree rlmmdred aaud fotty-hree and .odel 1 Btjed Biawassee Place) thence with Starnes Street north. 65 degrees' 46 mln ufces east seventy-five (75) leet to a stake; thence; ntorth. 31 Jdlegrees 22 mto ktes west three hundred" and. fiftyiine (359). fee to Ctoerry street, and thence watfe Cherry sfcreat south63 degrees 47 rninuftes west sevemty-nve and one half f7BU feet to? the befllhnlng.- together (with the twoi housesf offl ptvpettfl And. for further itiescripttflon ojrr saia premise reference Is hereby made to said deed, of tniataa ireglsitered-oca page 26?et sect. f boek Noi Sl ot the records ef moiitgagei arnl irfeeds of.itirust to the office oi uiet regisxer tic uveas xar sua "nun combe county. Thte 14th July,- 18S3. (Signed.) ,; ; A. J. LiTMANL r oeeoooooooooocdoooooooooo eedr.Si a -a "V are responsible for dry , scrawny and variable colored hair. ; Many peo0e have a goodly mpply of hair, and it .wonld -be beautiful were it not that J daiidrufl had destroyed itee and made 0 it lustreless. Everyone's head should be shampooed once a week with some non-injurious and health-giving wash. V M - - U Scalp Cleaner . Jloesnot rot and bleach the" hairvHke soda, ammonia, etc. Aid the scalp cleaner with the " Haib Growxr." They contain nothing hot what is good for the hair and scalp. SOLD BY BBTJGGISTS. SPECIAL RAILROAD RATES. Th Southern, railway: will sell special round trip tickets. for the following oc casions: Annual convention and tournament, of the Notith Carolina State Firemen's as- sociartioo, Oreensboro, N. G. Tickets' on sale July 31. August 1. 2. and 3, final limSt August 7. .For clvUlians, rato ome first class flam for the round) trip. Rate from Ashevilie. $6.20. For firemen in uniform, ten or more on one ticket trav eling together, ralte from Ashevilie, $4.10 per capita. Gala week, Greensboro, N. C. - Tickets on sale JUly 31, Augueit 1, 2, and 3, final limit August 7. Rate of on fare for the round trip. Rate from Ashevilie $6.20. On August 2, 3, final limit August 5, froiiri Ashevile, N. C, ard Danviille, Va.. aaid from cither, points within radius of one hundred and fifty (150) miles from Greensboro, very low rates are authoriz ed Rate from Ashevill. $4.10. For full information call on ticket agents or address, F. R. Darby, C. P. & T. A., Ashevilie, N. C, or R. L. Vernon, T. P. A., Charlotte, N. C. NOTICE. State of North Carolina, ' Buncombe County, In the Superior Court. Wingo, 'Elliott & Crump Shoe Co. vs. v Notice. J. B. Ingle and Mary V. Gentry. By virtue of seven executions issued to the undersigned sheriff of Buncombe county from the supertDr' court of said county, in the above entitled actions, re turnable to tho Augus. term. ISSaTof ?K?d court, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder tor cash, at ifce count h.use door, in the said county cf Bun combe; oa Monday, the 14 th day of vg ust, 1892; 11' this nightr-tlWe and interest of : the defendant, J. B. Ingle, to and to the following described pieces or parcels of landj situate, lying and being in the county of Buncombe and state of North Carolina: - : First tract: In Lower Hofniny town-' ship, beginning on a stake the northeas't corner of tot No. 4, the center of Bear Creek road, and runs w&h the said road north 11 3-4 degs. west 50 feet to a stake; thence south 89 degs. west 104 feet to a stake In the bank of the road!; thence with the" said road south 52 degs. west . 54 feet to a stbake in lot No. 4 -4hemce north 89 210 degs. 132 feet to the begin nlnig, containing 21 rods, and being the lot of land on which the store house for meriy occupied by the, said! J. B. Iagle and more recently occupied- by E. J. Rhodes, is situated, and being the same lot of land conveyed to the saJd J. B. Ingle by G. W. Ballard and wife. Second tract: On Hominy Creek, and Jojnlng the lands of G., Candler and 'ofthers, beginning on a stake oni the; bank " of North Homdny Greek, running north 23 degs. east, seven poles to a stake on the railroad; thence west, with railroad 2 poles to a stake; thence south. 23 degrees west seven poles to North Hom iny Creek; thence down said creek to the beginning, contalnfling 20 rods more or less, and for a further descriptioa ref erence is hereby made to a certain deed executed by O. F Thompson and wife A. F. Thompson to W. G. Candler, trustee, whdeh 'deed in trust is" recorded in book 27, alt page 540 of the records of deeds of trust and mortgages of the said county of Buncombe. Thto the 14th day of July, 1899. R. F. LEE, Sheriff of Buncombe County. By F. M. JONES, D. S. . NOTICE. The Farmers' Muftiial Fire Insurance Association of Buooomb'e county, North Carolina, " wfll hold the first annual meeting in; "the oojirt house in Ashevilie August 5, at' 1.30 p. ni." All members are solicited to attend. All inttested! in jiasuraaice are espe cially invited. ". . " ' " - ' RekpecMJfully, R. C. Oayto; Presideailt; M. J. Bearden, Secretary --Liu3iiTeaiastRPer;;' J.V and J. p(hr:ies'aaid,- Jese P.' lJffwry Local Atw':-'r"-. f --w-Zt y: "- '-f": r .7-" ; ' " , i7'N .7M Jusfc received a fresh lot of Filmrfor Bull's Eye, Buck eye Zand Bullet Cameras. Films of all sizes. 6 Films in a roll, 3-1-2x3 12, 30c, Self-Toning Paper, the simplest to use. No toning required. Velox, o-ives black .and whitje ef - t T-; - rArxr . r o TT .or night. ayte fiook, Store. IIOLIE, SHEET H0L1E Home cfeunnDt be sweeitif a man coms from ttnis work atnd has a dusty old eu9t to put on. You dan have one nicely cleaned and pressekl waiting for you by paying $1 per mototth, aaad being a njem her of the Pressing Club. Hurry up ana Avoid (the; ruBh .Remember, we send for and (deliver all clothing. , Special altitientloaaaiBd: quick serVke. for those not members of Club. Jenkins & ffitchffl, ilgrs., Rooms L 2, 3, and 1 4, Gazette Building, i 'tr ' NewrPhone 889. . If . P. TSSW siar SB - THEPOTJ?lX Th&. stocks and various Instruments of correction whereby New England -"" M -M towjjs once mainjianea puuiic oraer, and sought to establish T conformity in reBjrion, long ago vanished. The pound their companion, still lingers, says the Boston Transcript. It has so long been in disuse in one of our old towns that the-gate has fallen, and the walls en close a sturdy forest of maples and lo custs.- Three-quarters of a century have passed since -"It was removed from the village common, near the meeting-house, and erected upon its present site. Its walls are composed ofTmassive rocks, the weight of which must have tested the strength of more than one team of oxen. Until this century had opened, it was the -common custom to allow cat tle to wander at liberty in village streets. " Early laws of the towns pro vided for the reservation, along the highways, of certain trees marked by a T, saved, not for beauty, but as a shade 'for cattle. Even swine were commonly allowed the "liberty of the streets, if 'roperly yoked and rung." With the new century came a new at titude towards the various domestic animals. Until 1805 oc thereabout, it was usually voted that the creatures go at large. Then for. ten years or more the town meeting warrants con tained annual articles concerning 'aeat cattle," etc., which were regularly neg atived. Whether iState action was taken in the matter is not apparent from town records, but, after 1815 it-J seems to have been taken for granted that -the liberty of the streets should be denied to the domestic animals. In these years, when the policy of restric tion was first put m force, the pound keeper's office could have been no sine cure. Cater, various causes worked to deprive him of any authority save in name. The advent of the railroad made it the interest of cattle owners to restrain the errant proclivities of their property, and, in later years, the inven tion of cheap materials for secure fenc- ing made it easier for the land-owner to keep his barriers in proper condi tion. To-day, except in the smaller and more remote townships, wander ing cattle are a thing almost unknown, and the old pound has become an arbo retum. - "De Watt's Little Early Risers did me more godd thian all bloodl medidin.es and other pdlls," writes Geo. H. Jacobs, of Thompson, Conn.. Pnoisrot, never gripe, iChey cure corns' iipaUon, arouse ithe tor pid Uvea- ix aatioaii and give you clean bloodl, steady (nerves, a dear brain and healthy appetflte. Paragon Pharmacy. GLEANINGS . In some parts of Russia the only food for "the people is acorns, leaves and soft bark of trees. A Gnilford (Me-) small boy, Master Leon Howard, has trained a rooster to make himself useful by hauling around a little cart. Extensive deposits of bauxite, one of the main sources of commercial alumin ium, have been, discovered in New South Wale by the department of mines. Hamilton Clark of Chauincey, Gav says he suffered wdtlh Stchlog piles twen ty years before trying DeWi tit's Witch Hazel Salve, two boxes of- -Which com pletelycured -him. Beware of worthless and . daajgerou'a counterfeits. Paragon Eharmacy. DeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure. Quickly cares Dysentery and Diarrhea. NOTION By virtue of the power vested) 4n the undersigned by deed of 'tfrust! executed on the 16th day of November, 1895, by Mary A. Frady and Noah L. Frady, her husband, to Robert Clayton, trustee, to secure the indebtedness therein, fully described.-wlhtich deed of true is duly recorded in the office of the register of "needs of Buncombe counlty, in book of deeds of trust and morc&ages JNo. 40 at page 460; defaullt having beeni made 5n the paymenltJ of said note, (and at !thte re- auest of the present owner and the Jhold- of said note, the utoidie reigned wiu or-j fr for saJe alt the court house aoor m the' cilty of Asfieville, county of. Bun combe; by public audtlon) tor oaeh on Monday, the 28th day of Augusib, 1899, the following described - piece or parcel of land in the County of Buncombe and state of Northr--earolnist, adjoining the lands of M. A. Lance and dthers, be gLnnlncr at a double sourwood corner ef .land of Mary .A. Frlaidly amd running thence South 87. degrees wesit wilth little John E. Patton's line 244 poles to a etyaiiii'sh oak comer; thtemce souftih thirty- two (32) poles to a stake and pointers In M. A. Damice's Hne; ithence wttb M, A. Lance's line am easiteta diredtion to Nan ny's branch, thence with the meaoder tngs of the branch to taie begibnlng, and conltarMng five acres, more or less. This the 27th day of July, 1899. ROBERT E. CLAYTON. . , Trustee. I NOTICE. ; By virtue of .the power of sale con tained in a certain deed of trust exe cuted to me by M. E. Carter and wife on January 27th 1893, registered on page 205 of book 32 in the omce oi tne regis ter of deeds of Buncombe county, I will, on Saturday, August 26, 1899 at 12 olock m., at the court House door in the city or .v.iris cv-nma .hn sn3 to the hlsrhest l adder for cash, the lands menitloned In 1 h Raid -deed OI TTUSl, U1W BJUJUt? 'MCiuft- half intterest'to and. to thait certain pdece of land lying and' being in the county of Buncombe and state of Norm Carolina, am Sugar Fork and Little Left Hand Forifof Swaananoa river on ' the north east side of Brushy Mountain, beginning on a stake on the second high top of Brushy mountain the corner of the lands formerly known as the Bailey lands and fn the Une of the Richard Fortune tract and runs north, crossing the Sugar Fork and Littfle Left Hand Fork to the top. of the Grape Thicket ridge, then west up said ridge to the top of the mountain thaJt divides the waters of the North t Fork of -Swannanoa river from those of Bee Tree; then a eoutti course along the too of said moumrtain to a' stake , in the Richard" Fortune line, being at the June-? tion of the Brushy mountain, wtth said mounttaln dividing said waters; then an rmurga wfta said Fortune's line. down said Brushy -mountain down. he ton to the beirininlng.. containing four thousand acres, more or less. . '. This July 24, 1899. ' ,n ' ' H. B. CARTER ' ,: , 1- - i-- . ' Trustee. DeWitt'i Witch llazel: Salye: t . Cares Tiles. ScalJs. Burns. - jfresiuent u." . G. -urt. of the .Union iacific system adoptenhe time-honored tactics of Haroun al Raschid -last week, and took a trip incog, among his employes. lie .entered a baggage xr at Clinton, Iowa, with the conductor of .a flyer, . and being introduced, aa a friend, rode 30Q whiles lit the character of a bummer. He sat on. a Saratoga, tad handed around Cigars to t the . smashers d who, after 10 miles of his company. Voted; him the taost agreeable fellow who had ever ridden witir-them. It is probable, that no railroad magnate had ever succeeded in getting. Into such close touch with his hands. 1 He steered the conversation around to , their work, drew from thflm their ideas o.- improvements in the line, and gave h'.s owir pet theories on unionism, , strikes, etc. ,in returnHe had ridden almost to. Omaha before a chance orft1 cial, getting on to ride to a station, fliwovered him. The smashers were Bomewbat embarrassed when they saw " to whom they had' been confiding their thoughts, especially as some of the sonversation had bordered on the dan ger line, but president Burt put them all at their ease in a twinkling. His true character known, he rode to the tod of the line, with his feet on a trunk, talking railroad, and enjoying niintelf hugely. And when they tenoned their destination, he performed that pleasant duty which, according to the Goernor of North Carolina, no ?entleitn would avoid. The Kind You Haw Always Bought The Umbrella. The umbrella is of very ancient origin. It is found in designs on Greek and Etruscan vases and is traced back to an cient Egypt, the mother of arts. Its first use was undoubtedly to protect from the burning rays of the tropical sun. Its Latin derivation is from umbra, a shade. The English got. the umbrella from Prance, and the first man who carried this rain protector in England wa Jo seph , IIarway, who began the pr ctice when a young man and continued it until his death, in 1784. Hanway was fa mous in his day as a philanthropist, but he is remembered now quite as much for his persistence in carrying an umbrella and beating down the prejudice against the use of it as for any of his purely ben eficent ' deeds. John Gilmer Speed in Woman's Home Companion. - SPREADS LIKE WILD FIRBL. Tou can't keep a eood thlnsr down. News of lit travels fast. When Ithingg are "the beet" they become "the best selling." Abraham Hare, a leading druggflbat of Belleville, Ohio, wri-tes: "El trio Bitters are the best selling hitters I have ever bandied to my 20 years experience." You know why? Most diseases begin in disorders of the -stomach, liver, ""bowels,, blood antd nerves. Electric Bitters tomes up itbe stomach, regulates liver, kidneys and bowels, purines the blood, strengthens the nerves, heraoe cures . multitudes ot maladies It builds up the entire y- weak, sickly, rue-down man or woman. Only 50 cents. Sold by T. C. Smith, W. C. Carmlichael, and Pelham's pharmacy, guaranteed. v . . Deceived by a Cloud. The'" instinct of animals is sometimes supposed to be more infallible than hu man reason, but Mr. A. H. Verrill's ob servations of the katydid, with its musicr al membranes, produces two distinct "songs," one peculiar to the night and familiar to everybody, the other a day time tune, which is rather a rasp than a melody. "But,'.; says Mr. Verrill, "it is sometimes quite comical to hear the sing ers suddenly change their tune when a dark cloud obscures the sun, immediately resuming their daytime song when it has passed." This recalls the hens that go to roost during a solar eclipse. Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. Salt stjald be taken Dy everybody at meals, for a sufficient quantity does nob exist in our food to supply . the needs of the body Many people do not realize that alt is nblately essential to health and even-life PARKER'S ' HAIR BALSAM Otnaea - and beftutifitt tha bate YmrmM m nmmnnm ROWUL, e IWto to Betqr Ormf air to ita X(mwmi voior. acaJp oiieatea nan- iauina g0c.andtl.0Oat Dmggirtj VIRGINIA COLLEGE For YOUNG LADIES, Roanokey Va, Opens September 12, 1899.' One of th leading schools for young ladles in the South. Magniflcent buildings, aU mod ern improvements. Campus ten acres. Grand mountain scenery In Valley of Virginia, famed for (health. European ajad American teachers. Full course. Superior advantages in art, and musk; Students from twenty-seven states. For catalogue address the president; Mattie P. Harris. Roanoke. Va. i i - i ia Mr For the treatment ofTHE UQUOR, OPIUM, MORPHINE and other Drug Addiction The Tobbacco Habit. Nerve Exhaustion TLANTA DENTAL COLLEGE,- Leading School of its kind in the South. CATALOGUE FEES TO PARTIES INTERESTED. tcun lie nuc nni I id na tnud, and w?ta send rou this M tS-flM mw 18M aatten Urh-cn4 BE BBSEBT01B COili UIS WO COOK 8TOTK, by freight O.O.D subject to examination. Examine lt your freight depot and If found perfect' ly satisfactory ud the gnUmt Store BIS. auB yon eTer saw or heard of,pay the SBKltJHT AflEST oar RFKCIAli PBUIE SI3.00 less tne Cl-OS sent with or der or 112.00 andrreignt cnaxges.- This rtore la'slaeNo.'s.oTenf$ 16J4X18XU, top i large flaea, he 3x18x11, top Is 41x23; made from best pig iron, extra .jiKl AD CCM CD af D aft If WRITE FOB OUR BIO FREC STOVE CATALOGUE. eary eorera, nearr unings ana giwi , large oxen shelf, neary tin-lined oren door, Handsomat nickel-plated ornamentations and trimmings, extra :. , !.twrrl.M imniilnaBlMiltah wmmm llnftii rmrtilf .miwt- j some ianre ornamented base, i Bast eaai Haaf ana . , ftimih FSJCK an extra voM erate. maklnflr lt a Vtt- feet WI laStK A VUDIW WUAJLAJIXM WIUB, ' verv sto- and nrnarantee ,aXe deUTery to your raiW fnr mrh a stove, the xrelsfat la only about fl.00 foe ir local oaufrwoou nsg jvv jvch BOO miles, m w uh at let 10.eO. Address, T SEARS, ROECUCK&CO.flSOCMlCACa.lLU1 aca ate wnriaiy raiunia.wriat,) y; ft til'