. - i. 02 ft h if 3 r- 11 w 1 CLLHI ALSO 0 and 0 TEA Put up only in tin - cans. One tea- Bpoonful le enough for two cups; use fresh boiling: waiter and eiteep for five ;,mi)mtef . A. D. COOPER, 32 SOUTH MAIN STREET. IF YOU NEED A Suit or Extra Pants Now is Your Chance. 20 Per Cent. Off " Any Light Weight Suit' or Pants. ANI SIZE I . . . ANY STYLE ! IN ALL GRADES 0 1. OTKKIBW . . a l-A. A A I A I A I At Al A I Alii. Pfcone No- 254 Eugrenie Cairrttll haa taken a posiitltoQ wttOi H. Taylor Boffera. Master Willi Wadaworth is oa. the force of telegraph boys. :- , There -wiH be a meetdug' off St Mary's Guild in the -Sunday edhool room of Tr&olity churdh' th!i Bfternoom t foua to'clocK. . - -' :v Thomas L. Dockery, Madiiaon ooUnityji was lbh only recruit "accepted here ye terday. - He will .tteav to Joia Ma iregi-men-t tlhe ' Twenity-ninth, tat Fort Mc Ffaersan; tctdlay. , ' ; All young Jadies who haareait any time beea students a!0 the Stjaite NorrnAl Cb4 lege, Greensboro, are requested to. meet at the home of Miss Prances Suittle, Ool- Qiegre street, ithOs mornlntg at J0:3(r o'clock, Isaac and; Auguet Bfombeix, who have been visMng Mr. airicl Mrs. L. Blombe.-f g Baii'ley sfaveefc, for two weeks, re turned , 'to tthe&r home In Savannah yes terday lacompanied iy; Misses Dora end Freda Bllomberg. . In rthe County Ctrcuilt court yester day -at verdiictt.of guiiHty was given In the case of State "against Posey Pia.rham and J T. McCtareon, for an affray. Thtomas Jones, oolcred, was- found guilty of a 'larceny charge. Afiter ithe dance at the Casino last evening a duet was sung by Herbert H. Dallifon and John Baiird. The aeilection made a deaided "hit." Mr. Dalton, who is traveling for the Richmond stove works, has a remarkably fine barytone voice. About three humidred peopile are In AheviiUe from Shelby. They came in yesterlday on. an excursion (train and 'Will remain umtiil 5 o'clock this afternWaa. Oomioerfts and dances were giiveu at Look out Park and Swarm an'Ota Casino for the exeursianttsta, and both, were well at tended. 1 Tihrfsirfl will fx a. mrioliev Trae this even ing oa tifce Inter-Montaine compatny s ,HnOll6 22o itinie. line parry wau leave court square att 9 o'clock and go to the pavilion tat ithe river end of the lime, where there will le chiristtcling exerdises over ithe new pa- vtifion. There wllB be a -watermeron feast during Ithe evening. summer ma : tM Hamoct. - Not whether you waat-", kimd, you want , TTrnftnyM have the weather of the 4ropdc let us bave 1U ease .too Surniner with the doze, wfth the swlngung repose tthat on -dan fully enjoy omly ' !nl a - bammook.-: Note the harmonious Wending of colo to w. lia, The piicef are rifht. ;.. . - 1:. SO SOUTH MAIN STREET. W. W. West, Jr., won the 2nd race one mile of the series for the Athletic Belt N. T. r artmel! won the one mile race for 1 6 year old boys '. ' They rode Eagles Don't you want one? CYCLE CO., ASHEVILLE COINC TO HAYWOOD- "J 18 Patton Avenue, Lovers ol Good Colfee, List-n ! Delicious and deTigh'tf ul are the re cults you get on tryiaig MONOGRAM - COFFEE. 1 SSI CiLESTON IMPORTlNfi 1 A composition of genuine Java' -and Mocha -when green, thoroughly cleaned, JB11 fioreigBL Bubstances carefully einov . . k ed. Roasted by the nattiest improved 'Txitiithod amd fmmediaiteiy packed In one, . 'two md three pound cans, thereby re- lateirtg-Its haitural delicious flavor, -wh.eh saainot be Surpassed. , Jf 'you enjoy good coffee anxd want good, ;''-'iodfflfeei:-eVder-ia. Iriiall1 lean from bur grocer. Bold by first class grocers everywhere. CHARLESTON. IMPORTING AND ,;, .EXPORTING COMPANY Importers and Roasters jof High Gade - Coffee, Charleston, S. C, U. S. A. Matt. Eankin, the Notorious Colored Woman, to Leare. Mat 'Rankinr the . notorious colored woman, atyout. Whom so. mucn nas been said and written, again concluded to leaye town. Every officer in the city knows Mat Rankin as well as tie. does his beat.' For several years she was a terror to the community 'irKvhlch-ehe lived, but wound up a checkered career by becoming a convert and joining the1 church. Then 'for a time she lived a consistent and commendable life, the old. haunte arid the police court knew $ef no more; 'and trie police felt that' life had become lessuieiiEome'. There came a day,-however, when Mat turned over a new. leaf and about half bf'thej house and yard in winch she was liv ing. The police force . was notified of the fall from, grace, and after much ef fort she was locked " up. Yesterday Judge Brown, of the police court, decid ed that if Mat would leave she would not be required to serve but a term, to w&ich she was recently Eentenced. She will go ifo Haywood county. today and it is safe to say that every member of the police force will heave a sigh of .relief. EUGENE C. SAWYER? Prop No. 18 arid 20 Church St. 53 South Main Street. I carry a select stock of Brandies, Wines and Whiskies ; every trtringriihat's kept in an up-to-date saloon. Alloo Is guaranteed iq qnaiity ana price. - re, Proprietor,: ' : Phone P. Q. Box 337. ASK - FOR - BEACH - NUT - RYE. Pat Mclnty 0 MMMH .3 " A CALLED MEETING. Will be ;el4 Friday Evening: by Clerk's Association. A meeting of -the Retail Clerks' asso ciation was held last evening. It was decided' to 'nave a called meei tmg Friday evening vo attena to some special Du?t-'' ness. The meeting will be an important one and a full. attendance is desired. : A few complaints 'have been made recently1 regarding merchants who, it i said, have failed to close their places of business , promptly on the hours agreed upon: In aU instances the me chants have pjromised--4o give no fur ther cause for complaint. - . i i AN 1 To Spem W&ffiZ. SPOT & Summer in Rest, 'Recreation and Pleasure. ASHEVILLE COLLEGE BUILDING 4 Has beeit thoroughly renovated and is nor open f qr the accommo dation of suinmer visitors. Excellent service, electric lights and baths on every floor. THET-iCRE CAMPUS GROUNDS are well shaded and afford delightful walks and beautiful mountain scenery. Terms $7.00 to $10 00" per week. Address t ARCHIBALD A. JONES, AshevlIIe, N. C l NOTICE. --TJtfe Eureka deanlng and! Preskng TJompany ds prepared to clean., press and - . -. cioicnea aw gcod ' order for $1 , Per, monlth. Please give us a trial:: Ia-v--we8-w0riiig.,appafiiel given special' at " .tentfioaf incCeaplng and-mending, - - ?Z.r , LEWIS. & FORD, XT T- -rrr , ' IPT'tOfrS. Z JN. is. We also rnlake a -'specialty of cteaantog Carpets, Rugo, Pcitteres,' Drap eries, Jackeits, Ribbons, Scarfs, "etc." '- .iioi?ei wotk giiven prompt attention. - F-H. KEIIIIEDY WiltGo to Georgia Today on Minir g .... f . - ,,- Businesr x F. H. Kennedy, of this city, leaves this morning- for Dahlonega, Ga., to ba gone perhaps several weeksv He goes in the interest of some eastern parties, who have mining property in that lo cality. It looks as though Lumpkin county, Ga., "wiajs. going to have an old time "boom' ' A: new railroad, is protL jected to run from Dahlonega to some point on the. Southern probably Gains vine. Mr. Kennedy hasla letter from one of the promoters of t. road, which says that the. railroad is . an assured' success. . , ' " OFFICERS ELECTED A- ? . r 'General Mknar-pr " rr mrs. g; w. LKAas;;; i Manager LaJdles' - Department. 102 Patton-avenue. . 148-3 m At . a meeting' of the board of deasoos and- teacners of the First Baptist church Sunday school the officer of the school were re-elected. The officers are: r v G. W. LEWIS, . KSuprinteriuentr-rH. Tucker. -. .' uasurera.. k. Patterson. -Secrfetary-E. B. Stradl'ey.. 7 IFM:USE ?Spmodical;ticets i r V v Tou cave 4 peacenik on- fth mon ey"yod are spepBlng" daily; 3d V "' f V " - . ' I- T " -s--:" " , - f 1 - "MISS COLD, Jlaaager.::, Librarian-nJb&peh Suttle. HOWTO; ;TELL A BAD EGG. . XA. cunning, device for detecting -the Quaty.of esrgB is off ered for sale by E. -isrown. "X'ne egg is placed on top of a pasteboard; box and "its Teflectioa-Tn a looking glass, inside the box tells-the story. : If it "4s too old and' depraved to be respectable its reflection is as. bTack ais' its, character. If it is young" and in nocent its picture is light and- transparent-- - lt -, 1 Iced chlofbfbrm, has bean used. as 'an lanaejthe.mc Ha Prof. Slhorburg's clrnac in tune Junius ihospltai;at Wurzhurg, Ba varla, to over 14,000 cases Without a sin gler impleasant -result. The -odyantges caaimed Mfor th!i 'preparation 'jot chloro iorm'yare th. quickness of its action, 'its comparative 'freedom- ffOm danerer. . ana the ubsearpe'Jfrom the nausea amd " depres-. i T - .. . . ' .... J .... rivj-po .csmjnoini wita o:aner anaesunecjtc A FISHING EXCURSION That you didnt .datchi any fish on didn't hinder you having a good tlime, if you had plenty of goo dnoirwiati 'KxpOnt beer, or some of our good Moun tiaiq WhUite Rye whiskey, or a bottle of Maohattan Whiskey or Martini Cocktail In yburr locker to wlash idkjwn your lunch with. Every one tshould carry a flask of our Monogiram Rye Whiskey or Grape - - ' Brandy wheni goiinig away "from home. THE ill B0fln2ft " VK1E AJD LIQUOR CO. TelepBone.72. ; ; "43 South Main Street; 1 It Beats the World hpyr we can put such perfect work mansibip on 'a shirt front; collar or cuff is what everyone says that examines our faultless laundry , work. No spot tor Ifray to mar the beauty of the irre proacfeable color and finish, put upon it that defies competition by any laun dry in this .'town. Our . - laundry work has reachedJthe top notch of perfection that has yet been obtained. IFBfrmir Harlot ' BItoe Patent l-4k s. Biltmore " 1-2 Mm " st Biltmore 0" till ColIiHS' Whole Wbeat Flow 1-4 si Steam Laundry Phone 95. 43 WEST COLLEGE ST. 51 LSI Jl "W. Write tk. md. WJwto wbMt Sour t u,, , yT t& aura .or tWe " .r nwl mt b th. u.t brwi, 2 TH08. LAWRINCI For Sale by all Dealers PRATT & LAMBERT'S Spar Finishing Varnish We commend this to tnoe who have felt the need of a finst-class outside Varnish, that will not crack, turn white, crawl, pit or bloom- For all exposed work like front doors or store fronts it has no equal. Brown, ITorthup & Co. 33 PATTON AVENUE. JAS. P. SAWYER, Preside. J. . RANKIN, Casal. IBatttteiry JPairk HBaek5 wapitsLl Stools - - - - SlOOooo SUPERIOR FACILITIES FOR DOIHQ A GENBRAL ' " BANKING. BUSINESS. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. . . - . Imported and Domestic Cigars Sold by the Box at Factory Prices at the ! Berkeley Cigar Stand A Man That Loves Good Eating . knows tJjat a substantial roast from our ' prime ribs of beef, legs of lamb, saddle . of mutton that he always gets fresh, juicy, tender and delicious, is what will ; 'stick to Ms ribs in nutriment and digert easily. ZIUUERMN & WHITEHEAD Telephone 4. City Market. Agents for Swift & Co.'s West . era Meats. THE CELEBRATED ESTABLISHED III GSLOMBERG ELECTO IGAR... Is the Only 5 Cehtigair Worth Smokinp;. It Has Stood the TesJt for the Last Ten me. 17 P&ttoii Avenao Branch Cigar Stand, 14 Patton Avenue. Telephone No. 456. "L-d- mm' " Amkk ' w " r FALL AND WINTER SHOES V O .- We. have just gotten in our line xf the celebrated : "Turner" Shoe, known everywhere as ithe best shoe for men that's made.' MseB-00:'ud'$6il0t::ln''XMute leather." Tana, Vici Kid,- Kid ffiud-Bnamel., Look Uhem over. SherflBn's-Butfitter.? 27 Norti Hail CS. w Si w Que Ice Cream is the best in:town. We are particular about .aMn-,. it,jase the- piiresir ' cre'am. insist upon clean vlmess,; quick: service . and politeiie3s. These points make oar Ice. Chamambxw. . . : C 3- 28 PATTon Ayis Telephone UOi Oflr Candies are made fresh every day L. Al. THEOBOLD. ASHEVILLE CANDY KITCHEN 5s i" . tlKlieiimmer -' ' C T AT ' . . Sale At COST Tl JffiperiamiM Outfitter VVd; 22rSdutMlaln Street. i are closing out our enMra stock regardlew of COST. VHS : Cnjr entire, stock-of Trimmed and Untrimmed MiHlny, Sailors, ,WtlK Hats, Ribbona. Flowers, winga, QtiiMM, Aigrrttfw and Feathered Noveltie THE niPERIAL MILLINERY ' 1Ta 1 00 Q n Si. If I'AND LADIES' OUTFELTERr,