IV - I if j.:; ; . U I THl! GAZET ASHBVILliK. N. C Pablishcd Every morning Except Mondays : ZT fSE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE FUB- LISHINO XMP3Y. JAMES . K6BTOK.Pre.id.nt. TERMS OF SUBSCRIVXON. Dally Gazette, one year pally Gazette, twelve week ..... Daily Gazette , one mouth Sunday Gazette, one year ... Weekly Gazette; one year Weekly Gazette six months GAZETTE TELEPHONES. Business office. 202. two rings. Editorial rooms, 202, three rgs. 4 00 1 0 40 1 00 1 00 60 During the past three week, there has been great excitement la furaituie cir cle, and it cam be justly attributed to the prices which' Blair has been selling at during that period. The; prices came upon the public unannounced and unexpected in fa forcible and startling manner, and buyers could scarcely be lieve that ithey were as low as adver ted. Month ago Blair saw that an ad vance in wholesa'e prices was inevitable Ihis summer and fialB, and being fore warned, he bought while prices were de pressed. The recent rise in wnolsale prices averaged fifteen per cent., and Blair profltited ito 'that amount, and) hence his prices now are just Una much lower than, those who purchased after the ad vance. His present stock cannot laac always, (however, and now ds your time to buy at No. 45 Patlton avenue. "NO HARM IN TRYI&G." While we are imi tating Louisiana in 'the making cf bad laws why not estab lish a Louisiana 'Lotteiry in ..North Caro lina and increase itlhe revenues of ithe etate? Oh, but that would be iQ'Iegal! Yes, but so i the grandfather clause of the Louisiana disfranchising amend ment illegal. No one cian eay it isn't. The best that1 can be done is to set up a claim that "if it comes to the courts" tffey will be etruck blind to the fact. The Louisiana ilofctery flourished for a whil " efore dt was declared a viola tion of law. The Louisiana constitu tional amendment, supported in the same way, wi'iL go on for a time, in spite of the fact that the leading men of Louisiana, including its two United States senatons, have said it was an unconstitutional act. We are asked to "try" the Louisiana! amendment it "can do no harm" to let the counts pass on. it. The state needs freeing from a bugiaboo known as "negro domination," manufactured out of straw by ia firm chartered by Jtself last autumn. Tni3 firm, which did a lucrative business in 1898, 1 ty put lits manufactured arti cle on the market again soon. The firm is known as the "White Suprema cy 4tompariy,' with Simmons, Ay cock and others charter member. The state aSsof needs increased revenues. The constitutional amendment will supersede "negro domiinaition" and knock out a, few dozen thousand white voters, a4id the North Carolina lottery would furnish the money to run the stifle If a constitutional amendment for a lottery coujd be submitted, and with an election Haw that couLd be re lied upon to pass iti even if the people should vote it down, we might fill the treasury before the police got after ua That the courts would not declare a lottery law illegal, even if the statr. ufces do .pronounce it so, lis easily to be seen ; if It comes before the court as the "will of ithe majority" (a. e., the "White Supremacy company limited),' when ywe consider the arguments in tlhe par allel case of ithe disfranchising' amend ment by such eminent authorities as H. G. Connor of the Simmons, Ayoock & Co. firm. Mr. Connor says: "It will be observed that when adopted it" (the disfranchising amendment) "will not be a mere adi of the Qegrislature, but the wiMi of the entire people of the state in truth and in fact the eitate's col-i 1-ected wiWt This will next be set laside or dnvailidated except upon clear, c'on cluedve and unmistakable evidence of the violation! of the federal constitu tion. Every presumption will be in fa vor of the will of the people." And in order that the will of the people cannot go astray an election daw that will pull It around on the side of the White Su premacy company has h,een construct ed. We don't see under tfhese circum stances why a law to license a lottery, to permit looting of private property, confiscation of farms and houses or to compel any class of citizens to work Ave days a week for any other class . i 1 x , ,. , . . " ' wimwui pay couia not oe made a con stitutional' amendment," and thus be ing the "will of the people" could .be relied upon to escape the sword of justice that presides in; the courts. Th second international Zionist con fess at Basel, Switzerland, has begun. The Zionists advocate the creation of a Jewish nation Hn Palestine. Dr. Max Nordau is one of the chief (leaders in the movement. Out of the 450 delegate at the congress morethan a score are Americans; Dr. NordajUt says:1 "The sittings of the congress will last three days. I consider thetnost important subject that wttll he discussed the cre , altion of a Jewish colonial trust bank situated in , London. Our idea is to give this plan practical, form. The congress will receive reports from Various coun tries on the progress of the work and will, discuss plans for Colonization, for removing surrertng Jews from certain countries 4 Palestine. I thoroughly be- uaeye xnm rne nenished ambitions of : - ' x 9 went of; Wools; rJLlilti f rted Friends Best. ForthlrtyyeareTutt'sPilbhave proven a blessing to the invalid. a . ' .i j . rr-; J.IajlUB' A xwl V vuwre w wme greater Are tmly tneiCKfmaji siino life there For bilious headlcKe, dyspepsia sour stomach, malaria,constipa tion and all kindred diseases; TUTT'S Liver PILLS AN ABSOLUTE CURE. the Hebrew race are such as insure the realization at an early date of our plan for building up a Jewish fatherland." ' - It -realty looks as "if a "crisis" were, approaching at Rennes in which some people will be hurt. Troops from Paris nd civilian scalawags from Paris boith perhaps equally dangerous to the peace of Renhea are gathering in large numbers in the city where Dreyfus is on tria, according to the Gazette's de spatches today, and Rennesi itself is up to the top notch of anti-Dreyfus, anti-Jew. excitement. ' Meanwhile a "new bordereau", has been produced, which may mean more isca'irawagery by the unsavory Esterhazy or may by a miracle mearf that "the truth 'is unfold ing itself through a channel that Iras known little of its ways heretofore. The tendency to relapse into barbarism is well illustrated in the island ofHayti. Before the government of tlhe island was tunaed over to-the native blacks land during the time when tlhe French direc ted affairs there & fine road, wide enough to permit the idWving of a four-in-hand over it, was built across 'the island from the north to the south end, but at present there is not a trace of the thoroughfare; in fact, .it toas beea so overgrowm with vegetation that even tone line of location Cannot be found. The march of civilization marked by the improvement the f roald' ' offered was halted just as soon as the natives were given back the canilrol of the island's affairs. . Itia-ly is protecting herself sysitemati cally against heflstorms by firing can-n-cn. Several hundred villages on the slopes of the Alps and of the Apennines haVe established firing s;tations, where two or three damnon are kept which are fired at a signal from the weather ob server. The results are said to be (as tonishing. In none of these vdlleges did hail fall tihis summer, while neighbor ing districts have suffered from the us ual number of storms. The works otf Kipling have beem boyr cotted by the Methodist Sunday school In Crawfordsville, Ind. One of his works, came into the family of a man who declared that it was "fairly reeking with profanity, and 'tlhe most oubrageocs s'liang." Fortifying himself with num erous quotations, he went before the Sunday school authorities, and as a re sult the offending book was thrown out of the library. A MULE TALE. Cod stable James Had Gotten the Ani mal by Claim ' and Delivery Constable W. A. James recently s.iz ed a rrfule on claim and delivery pro ceedings, Ithe animal being in possession of W. W. H'aanmli'tt. Iti is said that Hammitt traded the mule to a color ed boy for a horse. Later he traded the horse for still another horse, and in the course of animal events the horse died. Then he went 'to the mother of the boy who had figured in the first transaction and "borrowed" the mule, saying it would be returned in about half an hour. After getitiinrg posses sion of the an'imal he concluded it rightfully belonged to him anyway as the horse had died. He refused to re lease the mule and this precipitated the litigation. The colored woman got the mule. STORAGE WAREHOUSE. To be Erected Near the Depot by G A. Greer Vj. A. Greer, the Patton avenue gro ceryman, will soon have erected a building in the depot section to be used for the storage of heavy groceries. The lot purchased for the building is 25x118, and the bundling will cover the entire space. The storage room" will have many conveniences. ' "'Trucks' with heavy boxes and articles may be rolled directly from the car through the building' and into wagons at the front entrance, which will be on Depot street. The Southern company will put down a special sidetrack for the Armour Packing eornjpary and for Mr. Greer. FIRST BAPTIST REVIVAL. Dr. White Will Probably Preach Here Only Two More Days. Dr. WMte (announced last evening at the first Baptist 'chorch that he would probably preach his last sermon in the, present revival tomorrow evening. His text last evening was from Joshua 7:18: "And Akta Waa TjalDen." A large au dience wtas present. There were two can didates for memberships and . several who asked (for prayers. An extract from Itlhe sermon follows: "A Christian man, right with God, IS invliiciblev and a christian church right with God 5s unconquerable. In Aken we have the example of a deflaint sinner. ' He knew the law of God concerning 'tine ef fects of rthe Canaanitee, that notf a single Jew should take any article from , the fallen) city. In face of rffxis he took of the accursed things, ankl tempted .God He hid the stuff in ibis. tent. He bad reached a spirit of defianoeL and! I-dont care, He probably asked Mmself what hiarm there could be of taking these few tnmiga as souvenirs of the fall of the city, . . ssA LrUIl v30l7f 304 hanks'of Saxony, 280ks of Ger- popular Hia 'conscience smote 5Lm, and rlta tnem hi nia tent, ? iei became at '-: on a, secret sanner. . doesn't want , to join- the church as he aon't want sso qcit dancing or Playing qanas, i reel mat mere is some la erorewu wuib puouw love CC some- .ItHinff greatea? wMch twevenlta him from joining me ; vuutcil. x nere as noxning covered hich shall 4iot be revealed to God. ' "V .-4 VThe chuTdh ia a unit after alL 'There is unSty in marvelous diversity. No men lives byj himself, bufc, Js 4n, touch with all the world. When you "sia a5d bring shame upon yourself, you. bring shame upon (all the churcih. If yoc are going to live dn -sin; be a man and get out of the church." EDUCATION THAT PAYS. The North Carolina College of Agri culture and Mechanic Arts ifr- Raleigh, offers the youibh of tlie state not lonlja thorough English and" scientific educa tion butt also a practical training., for all trades and businesses, including es-i pecially cottcn manaifacttung s'o-k, dairy, fruiit and truck farming; civil, electrical and mechanical " engineering afchiteoture and' mercantile business Boys are taught to work as well as toJ think, amid are thus- fitted to be self -sup--porting and wealth producersi Boys unable to take the full course should take one of) the short oourses, or, as special stbudenits, devote themselve en teirely to some one subject to which they need special . training. No deserving boy will be excluded) from the college for lack of means. Work is furnished the most deserving. Examinations wV be held on Saturday, August ISth, 1899 at the court house by the county super intendent. Let every boy who wishes an education that pays come and try the examinations. Some one will have a chance to secure the county scholarship. Others, if permitted to enter, and too poor, will be ereidlted w&th tuition and .room-rent, 'until they have earned the money, which will not be long, as any graduate of the A. and M. College quickly finds profitable employment. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures dyspepsia because its ingredients are -such that 4t can't help doing so. "The public can re ly upon Jit as a master remedy for all disH orders arising from imperfect digestion. James M. Thomas, M. D.t In Ameri can Journal of Health, N. T. Paragon Pharmacy. JUST RECEIVED SHIPMENT OF PURE, FRESH, DELICIOUS BON BOISS AND CHOCOLATES In S aled Packages ALWAYS AN ACCEPTABLE PBESERT, SESTON'S 26 S. Main. A Produce AIsD Fruit Depot 39 South Main Street, Having buyers, some directly Interest ed in our business, located in several of the largest shipping towns and points Contiguous to Ashevillie we are able to furnish the best, freshest and healthiest goods in these lines at lowest prices. We are also agents for the. celebrated X Bay Egg Tester,, and use it in testing every egg we sell, Respectfully, C. S. COOPEB. IRUMFORD. Baking Powder dotes mot contain alum or ammonia; it la the old reliable Hereford's BreWi Prepar- ti on, except at lis ready mixed dm canst. HalC-pound cans 15c. j onsAiimd cas 30c.; fiveirPOlpid dam L25.- V c 4r . J0IH ! JOIN! JOIN! Why? Because -we will clean, press send for and deliver all your clothing for only one dollar per momtih 8k mem-' hers. - , . " . , ; ' 1 . , Special attention and quiok service to the traveling public, all and- see us Or ring tts up .when In need' of work ' .JENKINS & MITCHEUO,! MGRS.: V Office, l 2, 3,i Gazette Bulldlns. nTflE6COLUMr3M GMPH0PH0 FOR SALE AT BAiNBRIDGE'S PRICE $5.00. AGENT FOR WATERMAN'S IDEAL F0UNTAN PENS. 47 PATTON AVENUE. a a at a d a iiitMitiM ye old: 1ICK0RIE CHAIES ( Just the thing' for your piazza. Very com fortable, durable and neat. We have the goos in Chairs, Rockers Set tees, Tables, Etc. v ' - W. B. Williamson & Co. Furniture, Carpets, &c. 16 PATTON AVENUE. NEW PHONE 113. aana a an 1 No Test Like a Trial Our Ice Qream is th9 best in town. We are particular about making it; use the purest cream, insist upon clean liness, quick service and politeness.' These points make our Ice Cream Famous. Oor L. M. tHEOBOLD. 28PA.TTON A.VS Telephone 110. AsheviUe Telephone Co. (INDEPENDENT) Endorsed by Asheville Board of Trad. Lon distance service to Hendersonville, Brevard -'k and Sapphire and Intermediate Stations. Rates for business 'phones Bates for residence 'phones Over 600 City Connections. W.4S. PROCTOR; Supt Office, Over 11 Patton Avenue Quisisana Nature Asheville, N. C, 167 LATEST GERMAN METHOD ' No Medicine! No Operations! Most successful cures! effected by Movements, etc. All diseases treated. NO CONSUMPTIVES TAKEN. DiMnunnn SCHOOL l UUHUUli Dllvunnl Offers beautiful and healthful count ry home in Middle Carolina on the Southern railway. No barroom. Non- denominational Faculty of seven spec iallatU, graduates. Bible, physical culture and penmanship, specialties. Very reasonable terms. Scholarships, prizes, and medals. Gymnasium. Healthful outdoor sports. Wholesome and abundant food. For handsomely Illustrated catalogue addiresa Preston Lewi Gray, B. L., Principal, ; j Bingham School, Mebane, N. C. Doi You Desire a Good Boarding Place for the Summer? 7 One witJ,all Modern Improvemente electric ani gas: lights, call bells, etc? If .am 'l erms v rnoderate, excllerifc.. XWo ; oar llnes. No conaum ms NqoiFrenchr Broads Arinue - U TSIiBPHONB iO.;; .'.V' X BOOK STORE, Candles are made fresh every day. ASMEVILLE CANDY KITCHEN 124.00 per year $16.00 per year Cure Sanitarium French Broad Avenue. "a Massage, Baths, Diet, Sweedish ORANGE COUNTT, NBAR MEBANE, niiu Tir in a 13 rT txt a ESTABLISHED 1793. soy v try 1 s'j .' iare, entraj. . location, on pttves; takeo. I "Writs.'. . 1- i -AT A- Reduced Price -AT- Geo.'W. Jenkins, 45 South Main St 'Phone 125. Saved to every hundred your cows by feedSag Cotton Seed Hulls and Qotton Seed Meal We have plenty all the year. Sped Prices on ton or half ton lots. H. C. JOHNSON' 86 and 38 H. Main. Aheville. S. c Fresh Tryon Grapes RECEIVED DAILY AT CHARLES D. MONDAY'S, Stalls 10 and 12 CENTRAL MARKET. Ball & Sbeppard. 6 Patton Are. Anyone wishing to put steam beat U their building could not a better tVii Harrisburg Boiler. But you must nave experienced work men to do the work, and we are cemfl dent that we can please you. Ball & Shepherd. PHONE 85 Carl Shultz, Dyer, Chemical Cleaner and Furrier, 55 South Main St. I dye and clean ladies' and gsatlsaMSa clothes; also fine fur rugs and carpets, lace curtains, etc I alter and repair also all kinds of gmr menits and fur. All work guarantsei. Special attention paid to 'but of town ordesrs, end express paid one way. Is city all goods will be called for or deliv ered free of charge. Carl Schultz 55 S. Main St. Phone 206. Howard A. Haven Wright C. Stow MEMBERS OP THH New York Stock Exchange, New York Cotton Exchiuige, Chicago Board of Tnuie. HAVEN & STOUT Bankers and Brokers, 1 Nassau St. cor. Wall, New York Deposit accounts received, subject to check on demand. Interest credited monthly on dally balances. AocoumltB of banks, corporations, firms and individuals received on favorabl terms. .ffl Coupons, interest, dividends, ndtst drafts collected for our correspondents. Orders executed for the purchase se sale on commission, of bonds, stocks, cotton, grain or provisions, either fotf investment or carried on margin. Clients may telegraph orders and In structions at our expenwe. Copies telegraphic code, may be had on appU cartlon. Information. regarding quotation, corporations and aecurrtiee, chsrrfuliy tarnishes!- FoundatLast More of my famous coffee has ar rived promtly audi will continue to come as the demand requires. We also have the flour that is taking , the lead. No on has failed to make good bread wits ltuslntce I have been servinsr it Try it , fqjroufself tkyou, wflj caU ft iraln:" FOSTER'S PURE TOOD STORE, $25.00 wykertimbh Avenue -J i.

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