Scrofula to Consumption. Any one predisposed to Scrofula can never be healthy and vigorous. This taint in tbe blood naturally drifts into Consumption. Being such a deep-seated blood disease, Swift's Specific is the only known cure for Scrofula, because it is the only remedy which can reach the disease. , Scrofula appeared on the head of my little after breaking out it spread rapidly all over off on the slightest touch, and the odor that would arise maae me at mosphere of the room sickening and unbearable. The disease next attacked . the eyes, and we feared she would lose her sight. Em inent physicians from the surrounding country were consulted, but could do .Ahn -. valiaiTA lit. tie innocent, and gave it mm .. f il A. AT i as ineir opinion x-nai tut? possible to save the child's eyesight. It wal then that -we decided to try Swift's Specific That medicine at once made a speedy and com plete cure. She is now a young lady, and has never had a sign of the disease to return. Mbs. Ruth Berkeley, Salina, Kan. Scrofula is an obstinate blood disease, and is beyond the reach of the average blood medicine. Swift's Specific for D1saj1 .TheJJIUUU is the only remedy equal to such deep seated diseases; it goes down to the very foundation and forces out every taint. It is purely vegetable, and is the only blood remedy guaranteed to contain no mercury, potash or other mineral substance whatever. Books mailed free by Swift Specific, Company, Atlanta, Georgia. SOME RASH VOWS. IBfforta to Keep Them Have Led ts Insanity and Death. If there is no limit to human folly, there is equally no limit to human per Terseness, and many of the vows that rash people make are as foolish as they are perverse. The most recent of these foolish mak ers of vows is a native of Brussels who has sworn that he will make a tour of the world walking backward. It is to be hoped that his fate will be happier than that of the man who swore that he would never rest until he could walk on the ceiling like a fly, and who lost his reason without gaining his wish. There was "method in the madness" of the great French painter, Ziem, who vowed that he would never leave his stud,o until a certain important picture was finished. He gave instructions that he should be locked in his studio and that the door should not be opened under any conditions, his meals to be handed to him through a hole in the door. Thus he worked for Months during the crisis that ended in Napoleon's famous coup d'etat and his accession to the throne, of which Ziem knew nothing until hi.s picture was completed and his door un locked. Another French artist, Gericauld, was equally determined to allow no distrac tionto interfere with the painting, of hij. great picture, "The . Wreck of the Me dusa." He had his head shaved and vowed that he would never allow his hair to grow until his work was done. This vow he religiously kept in spite of strong temptation to break it, and the reward of his heroism was the most perfect painting of his life. A story is told of a great chess enthu siast who was so annoyed at his failure to solve an apparently simple problem that he vowed he would neither sleep nor eat until the solution was found. He chut himself up in a disused room and was found four days later by his relatives terribly emaciated and out of his mind. He spent a year in a lunatic asylum as the result of his rash vow, and the prob lem remains unsolved Woman appears to be at the root of many of these eccentric vows; for it was a hatred of the sex that impelled a once well known lawyer to swear that he would never speak to a woman again as long as he lived. Nothing would induce him to see a lady client, and he would never conduct a case in which a woman appeared as a witness. He never em ployed a female servant and deliberately "cut" all his lady acquaintances. The inevitable result was that the men de serted him, his practice dwindled and he died, alone and unattended, in a squalid attic room. Cincinnati Enquirer. Rosebuds Budding . wo manhood ! What glorious possibil ities! ..What half hidden dangers ! What a time for tender sympathy! At puberty nature generally makes some attempt to establish physical regularities. Vni-if when nature fails to assert itself, develop ments result which injure the health and impair the constitution of the maiden. The timely use of Bradfield's Female Regulator, the standard remedy for all weaknesses and irregularities peculiar to women, is what retarded nature needs in all such cases. Sold by druggists fof fx. Books for women free. THE BRADHELD REGULATOR CO, mmm 111 iM1 & g e "There is nothing so good for the in Id a a mam as the outside of a horse' This looks well in print, but the Klon dike explorer began to have hds doubts as he helped himself Ito hial boots for the third time! Brooklyn Life. - RELIEF IN BIX HOURS . Distressing kidney and ladder dis ease relieved in, six hours by "New Great South American Kidney' Cure." It t a great surprise on "account, of its ex ceeding -promptness to relieving pain in bladder, t kidneys and) back, to mal or female. Relieves retention of water al most. Immediately, z If you want quick relief -and cure thU is the remedy. Sold 7 ' c Smith, druggist, Ashevllle, I.?7 llngo" Hewlly.'1by the devil." Jingo is from jenco; the-devil, ia the Basque language. ; Dow Are Tour Sldneyi r r J " ' ; f ' '. . ASHEVUXE FACTORIES. Iron Working and Woodworking Es tablishments on Water Street. A Gazette reporter visited the Ashe vil'le Supply and Foundry? company's works at the corner of Market and Eagle streets. T!hiis company does a general ma-chiine buslnessuand all V:inds of casting., They "own (two buildings, a forging: shop and c&sltingr-rooms th-?, that gives the whale place an air of business and activity which is really stimuI acting to see. This company em ploys regularly three men in the forc ing shop, three in the machine chop, Uhree n the casting room, and an en gineer. They repair everything in machinery and cast everything. They have made one coasting weighing 1,350 pounds. They cast three times a week ordinar ily, but often cast every day. Yester day thiree men were busy engaged in moulding, preparatory ito casting o morrow ;one man was tvoring boxes for electric fans, Jihree were forging and two were fitting packing rings for an engine. . In the shipping department repairs1 were going out for an engine .it Hot Springs, besides many smaller ar ticles. Over this company's room the Mar ket Street Woodworking company pre sent another speatacCe of busy indus try. They have twelve men regularly employed in manufacturing everything to buiild and finish a house. They have ibeen engaged in iurnisnung marenai ior A. Pelzer's house at Swannanoa, and All Souls' parsonage alt Biltmore for two months and aire not through yet. Yesterday while the reporter was go ing tihrough he saw one man making sash, two others sawing flooring, two running a .moulding machine, one run ning a shaper, one makling casings, one glazing sash, one making' ramps for stairways, another making patterns, and two were outside1 rebuilding a street! car. The car was torn down and will be rebuilt entirely. They often em ploy more than twelve men when work is especially heavy. REMARKABLE RESCUE. Mrs. MHchael Curtain, Plalnfleld, 111., makes the statement that she caught cold which settled on her lungs; she was treated for a month by her famiiv physician, but grew worse. He told her she was a hopeless victim of consump tion and that no medicine could cure her. dnio'igist suggested Dr. Klnga New Discovery for Consumption: she bought a bottle and to her delight found herself benefitted from the first dose. She con tinued its use, and after taking six oottles found herself sound and well; now does her own housework and ds as well as she ever was. Free trial botles of this great Discovery at the drug stores of T. C. Smith, W. C. CarmJcbael, and Pelham'p Pharmacy. Believed Himself Invisible. The first Lord Lytton was certainly daft. One morning while ,he was enter taining a large company at his country seat the guests were assembled at breat fasfc in the great hall, when their host came in in an old dressing gown, poured out a cup of tea and disappeared without uttering a word to any one. Arthur Rus sell expressed his surprise to his nexi neighbor, who said: "He believes himself to be invisible." And, sure enough, in a little time he appeared in his usual dress and 6aluted bis friends as if he had not seen them since' the previous night. -Argonaut. Installing swings, bilfcee, scratches, woumids land cuts soothed and Ihealed by DeWkt's Witch Hazel Salve a sure and safe application for tortured flesh. Beware of counterfeits. Paragon) Phar macy. The Dangers of a Malarial Atmosphere may be averted by occasionally taking Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine. Do not waste any time over the notion that you are sadly misunderstood. It may be better for you if you are. Gal veston News. If some people were like other peoplo. there would be no people like some peo ple. Boston Courier. To arouse a Dormant Liver and secure permanent regularity of the Bowels, uea Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine. Convulsion!, Cramps, Chronic Female Diseases and Hysterics aTe cured by use of Simmons Squaw Vine "Wane or Tab lets. Somewhat Dtfferent, Lawyer Do I hnderstand that yon wish to bequeath a thousand dollar watch to your son? Dying Man (feebly) No, no! To my toy friend for for a watch upon my son! Jewelers' "Weekly. To cure Depression of Spirits, FaHling of the Womb and "Weakness of Back usual to change of Life, take Simmons Squaw Vdne Wttne or Tablets. NOTICE. By virtue of the power 3fsale contain ed in a certaia deed n trust made by M. L. Taylor to the Undersigned trus tee, dated July 24, 1897, anid registered in the office of tJie register of 1 deeds for Buncombe county, state of North Caro lina, in book 43 of mortgages and deeds of trust, at Daee 261.. eft aea.. to whlnh referenice its hereby maidie, and by reason of default hiaviner heetn mnAt km th rtav. ment of the Indebtedniesa secured by the jsaid deed) in trust, whiereby the uower of sale therein oonitainjed has hen Am Aror. aitlve, I will on Monday, the 28th day of August, 1899, to the court house door to the city of Ashlevllte, N. C, between the hours of 12 m. and 1 p. m., sell at public auctatom, to tlhe ; httghest bidder 'or cash, the following d'escaibed1 ltft lying and being to the city of Ashevlile, county of Buncombe and state of North f Carolina, on Cumberlamd avenue, and more artic ular ly described em follows: Lot No. 22, block No. 9, - feigtn&ing at a jMakie In itiha west margin of Cumber land avtenue aind south miargin of an al iey from Moai'tford avenue -to Cumber land avenue, and running thence with BaBJ west margin of said Cumberland avenue, south 101 4-10 feet to a stake, the njortheafife cornier of lot No. 24 oj block No. 9: itfoence west with the north line of Tot s 24, 294; 30-100 feet to a stake; thence ;ioort!hi 92 feet to a tftake in soilth margin) jdf 3aM alley i thence east with the wroth margto of eald alley 51 7-10 feet ito the beginning. w Por further reflerence Bee Map "Sub division of omnentv nf riAnrM w p.v registered in the office of he regaster of deeds for Buncombe county, ia book 89 pages 60 and 6L T - ; .. j r, .. This 27th Klay of July, 1899. . c B; DICKBRSON. . Truebee. - - iii i ' i tj ? p . One Minute Cough Cure, cures p-Tbet U what it wsi nrd lor. THE NORTH CAROLINA . COLLEGE OF e and in Agricultur Offers a thorough practical educ ation in all branches of Agricul ture, irn Cotton Manufacturing, in Civil, Mechanical and Elec trical Engineering, in Architecture and in the Industrial Sciences Chemistry, Biology and Physics. ! Regular courses, special course s, short courses. Total annual expenses, incluKling board, fuel, lights,. etc., $118.50 i One hundred and twenty scholarships carrying free tuition and lodging are open to needy boys - ' Appointments made by any member of the Legislature. ELEVENTH " SESSION :: OPENS :: SEPTEMBER :: 6, :: 1899 Candidates for aflmission may be examined in each county court house at 10 a. m., August 19th, 1899, by the County Superrmtend ent, or at the College on Raleigh, September 5th, 1899. Por catalogue, oJddress, PRESIDENT GEO. T. WINSTON, WEST RALEIGH, N. C. ESMERALDA INN Hickory Nut Gap. Arough Reedy Patch Gap. Train leaves THOMAS HOTEL FLEMING r Marion, n. c GKUBER CONCERT CO., Proprietors. FOR SALE BY ma Oompiexion and Hair Specialists. The brilliant complexions of women in the more exclusive circles of New XOtk society are not explained by the theory that associates beauty and idle, -nesi. In fact, many leaders of the world of fashion are hard workers. Yet rfYJtfSS Veir S1 Iooks even they are old. How do they manage it? THE MISSES BELL, of 78 Fifth Avenue, New York, themselves con. nected with some of the most noted and honored families in the metropolis, nave answered the question. They have prepared for the use of women in general, five preparations for improving the complexion and ihohair. The Misses BELL'S OOMPLEXION TONiO 1b an external application, the presence of which on the face cannot be detected. It is perfectly harmless even to the most delicate skin. It is a sure and quick cure for all roughness and eruptions. It acts on the skin as a tonic, producing a naturally pure complexion. Cosmetics merely hide blemishes. The Tonic gets na 01 mem. It removes pimples, freckles, "black heads, moth patches, liver spots, eczema, redness, oiliness and all discolors tions and imperfections of the 6kin. Price, $1 a bottle. The Misses BELL'S UAIR TONIO cures dandruff and prevents any return of it; stops that maddening itching of the scalp and makes the hair strong, soft and lustrous. 1 1 Is especially help ful to persons whose haiz is thin, dry and liabje to fall out. The tonic cleanses phe skin about the roots of the hair : will soon cover bald spots with a handsome growtn. pncft w a Dottle. The Misses BELL'S SK2II POOD tsa soft, creamy, exquisitely perfumed ointment, which helps the action of the Tonic, and, in mild cases of roughness, redness, pimples, etc., is a cure in itself . It clears the pores of the skin of all impurities and feeds it b building up the texture and making wue iuu ueueuui ib hquu ana mm, XTice, 75 THK BEIX toilet benaor our new The Mitisea Bell's Complexion Tonic, depllo are for de In this city by W. C. ! MILLIONS GIVEN AWAY. It la certainly gratifying to (the public to know of one concern m the Hand who are no afraid to he generous to the needy and enfferto. ,. The proprtetora of Dr. Kinge New Discovery or conBump tlon, coughs and colds, have given away over ttea mUln trl bottles of this great medicine, and 'have' the statlsfac-, tknt of knowing it has Absolutely: cured thousands of faoneless cases. . Asthma, bronchitis, hoareeneas and all diseases of the throat, chest, and lungs .are-, surely cured by tt. Call on T. C Smith, W. C. Carmlchael and Ielham. drugglats.and get a trial bottle free; Regular size 50 C and tL Uvery bottle guamnJteed, or prtee (refunded. , - ' DeWitt's Colic j Cholera Cure. Qolckly cares Dyseatenr and Dlarrbrs. ';. mm ) ;. . - ? GobWWeaicfftan&Good - A Appetite. are dependent oh good, aourlshhrg food : Prime, Juicjr meats, tender and vomt to digest; make rich, : pure blood. By buy ing your meats here you get nothing but wlhat-Js first-class tn every respective handle nothing but the best meat, ana claim to be experts in judging th qual ity and a cutting them properly. Our prices cant be beat. ZIMKRHAH & WHITEHEAD Telephone 4. City Marfcet. A gents for Swift & Co 's West era Meats. Mechanic Arts... In the land of cascades and water falls. Bathing and fishing. Until Hickory Nut r- Gap road is made passable take cars to Hendersonville. From there to Esmer alda is a pleasant drive of three hours A&hevllle 8.20 a. m. TURNER, Proprietor. Is a SURE CURE for Blind. Bleed ing and Itching Piles. It absorbs the tumors, allays the itching at once, eives instant relief. Every box is warranted. Sold by druggists. Sent by mail oa receipt of price, 50 cents and $1.00 per box. WILLIAMS TEFQ. CO., Props., Cleveland, Ohio. DR. T. C. SMITH. The Misses BELL'S COMPLEXION SOAP is made from the pure oil of lambs' wool. It is healing and gratifying to the skin, keeping it at all times in a clean and healthy state. This Soap is daintily scented, and is a most welcome aid to the toilet of fastidious women. The ut most car is taken in selecting materials and scrupulous cleanliness in the labor atory insures the purity of the product. Price, 25 cents per cake, large four-ounce size. The Misses BELL'S GAPILLA-RENO VA for restoring prematurely gray locks to their original color. It is not a dye nor a stain. It Is a color less liquid that is applied to the roots of the hair and leaves no telltale signs on the scalp or forehead. : Neither does it change the color of the hair all at once. Only dyes do that, and they wash oft. But Capilla-Renova will not wash off. Price, $1.50 per bottle. Cents per lax. v-.n t Bze wwnple o' y one of above preparations at our parlor in New York Gity; or by mail to any address in plain wrapper upon re ceipt of 23 cents in stamps or silver to cover actual cost of postage and packing. Trial size samples can be secured from our New York office only. Out agents will cot supply tbem. Correspondence cordially solicited. Address A . CO., T Tilth Avenue, New York City. book, V Secret of Rt-tuti. " Free to any addret. Complexion Soap, Oarmlchael Skin Foot, and HAIR SWITCH ON EASY CONDITIONS. Cat this ad. ont and maU tons. Send a small sample of your telose to the roots. 8BSD SO BOSKT; we wUl make and send yon by mail, postpaid, a FINE HUMAN HAIR SWITCH, Jrt "Tft,? Inches lone from selected human hair, fiv nnnmi. iihnrt stem. We will inclose In package with switch sufficient postage to return it to ns ir noi pencm; j. but if found exactly as represented and wnnat. Ttruirdiun ultie and TOU WlSb to keep It, eitbr Kad mn $1 .SO by 1'H'J lVeayserTAKB okdiks AT S1.60 KACH among your friends and send, to as witkrat my we to send tbe S switches to them direct by maiL to bo paid for 10 days after received if perfectly satisfactory ,and 70a eaa thea fce I tae switck w aead jam ire ler joar imwi we gtre flaaea, Org an 1, Hewing aeanea, VfahM. Varaltara. ' Watckcs. BIcrelM, CaawM u4 ether praalana fbr takias rden far Oar BwMekes, . Oac laayearaea a Plan la Uleem eara, ae Sewing aaekiae WTltete-dayfbrPKEJEPREMICM OFFER. Addrasa, Ladles' Hair Emporium, Chicago. v It will only cost you .50 cents extra to ride all day in a Cnttn Belt Parlor .Cafe Car (25 cents for a half day) .Seated in I large revolving arm chair with plenty of space around you, vou can enjoy as much freedom and ease as you please. If you are a smoker you will enjoy the large smoking room with its arm chairs ani couch. -TC6 lSdies-will Relight in the splendid ladies' lounging room, with its lounge and inviting arm chairs, and its roomy dressing room adjoining. You can have vour meals in this car at any hour youjvant them; order most anything you want, from a porterhouse steak or a spring chicken down to a sandwich, take as long as vou please to eat it, and you will only have to pay for what you order. The Cotton Belt is the direct line to Texas. Its trains ran through from Caim and Memphis to Texas without change. Direct connections are made at it, . junctions for all parts of Texas, Indian Territory, Oklahoma and the Far West Write and tell us where you are going and when you will leave and wa will ' tell you what yourjeket will cost, which train to take to make the Ct time Sd connections, ana will send you an interesting little booklet, "A TRIP TO TEXAS." E. W. LaBEATBE. Gal Pm'r ui Tkt kL, ST. LOUIS, MO. 6 trains every week-day film 1011 4 trains on Sunday Vestibuled trains, Standard and Conirmrtment Sleeping Cars, Parlor Cars, and Cafo Umnj; Cars. "OUEEH OF SEA ROUTES' TO- Providence Boston, ANT ' New England Resorts is VIA THE Merchants' and Miners' Trans Go. Steamship Lines, FROM Norfolk, Va Sitdamema leafte Coir Botatom evwry MKm day, "Wednesday and Friday at 6 p. m. Leaves for Providence every Tuesday Thursday And Saturday at 6 p. m. STEAMERS NEW, FAST AND ELB QANT. Accommodation and Cuisine Uiteur passed. Semd for illustrated folder. R. II. WRIGHT, lagt.. Nonflolk, V. T. C. WHITNEY, Traffic W. P. TURNER, Qn. Paes. Agnt. General Offioes. Baltimore. Md. Hj o o o 6 IS VIA THH dDILHD ILUMIE is most attractive and! refrewMng. Pin ocean stsamshlps leave Norfolk, Va., - dally rcept- Subday, at 7.30 p. m., for New- York dlpeot,- affortlag oppor tunSty: for through passengera from the South, Southwest and West to visit Richmond, Old Po&mt Comfort and Vlr glnia Beach, enroute. For tickets and general Information appny, to rasiinoaa ticket agenibs, or to M. B. CROWELL, General Agent, Norfolk, VSi., J. F.- MAYER, Ageot, 1212 Main Jracnmonc, va. H. B. Walker, Traffic Manager; J. J. isrown, ueneral pattsenigrer Agent. VkUAuMtt EnmUA DUmi4 BimI EfJEJY ROYAL SKILLS vnginml rad Only OencfaM. ;I lirnsRin for ViMluuert EngiUh Via .mond Brand in Red Gold metmllia MXM,aelnritit b)iiibban. Tak thn Seftae danaerott ettktitm- tsoiu mnd imitation. At nnili.afMl M. lix ttmp tar jrt lea term, tertbnenHto nd - "Keller fo tallemH " Utter, ir vetavm .A A... m , .... Mmm Paper. SEA miem w . B. B. SUTTON, Trw. Pass'r AjL, BeadBoose Block, CHATTANOOGA, TEIW. (45) Four Fast Trains M TO ... 0.1 T-J'fcU oledo, Detroit AND MICHIGAN AND CANADA f-O.'iSTS 4 trains every vcck-doy, ? f;-hs on Su:f Pi:ll'uan ar.'i V.a; Wtfic; on r.ight ti.diis. Vsii;.-.i!--i Parlor Cars on day trains. - 10 -1 trains evcrv wpplrJv fl 1 d 3 trains on Sunday jO ufiSlli ... Atlanta and New Orleans Sbort Line. Atlanta & West Point Railroad Company AND The Western Rry o Aa. THE SHORT LINE BETWEEH ATLANTA AND NEW ORLbAHS, Operate magnifloent vestibuled trctn between Atlanta and Montgomery, M bile and New Orlwam, at which lat Iter point close and direct conncktone are made for A 1 Texts, Mexico And Cali fornia Points, In Addition to this Excellen Through Train and Car Servisei These railroads offer most favorable ao commode tions and inducements to ttheiir patrons and residents along their line. Any one contemplating a changw of home can find no location mors si tractive mor more conducive to pros' pertty than is to be found on the lias of these roads. "THE HEART OF THB SOUTH." A beautiful illustrated book giving ds tailed informaton as to the lndustrls and attractions along these lines, cam be had upon application to the cader signed, who will take pleasure in ing all desired IMonnattlon. B. F. WYLY, Jr., Gen. Pass, and Ticket Agent. Atlanta, Ga. It. SB. LUTZ, Montgomery, Ala. GEORGE C. SMITH, Pres. and Manager, Atlanta, Ga. Finest Passenger Service iasr TEXAS "No trouble to answer questions." Direct lias ts TEXAS, MEXICO, ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA. - Write for new book on Texas, free. Ii. S. THORNE. V. P. and Gen'l Mgr. B. T. TURNER, Genl Pass, sad Tick Agent. Dallas, Texas. VE PAY $200 cask for a single tXxtcv cntl We paygs to 3i06 ef for many postage araP"v np yotur out letters tma of your neighbors; yo 7 find stamps worth tfionw? . TREE Uloetrated 'Asia. STA5PAJU STAIU1 CO- St. hemf 1 A- i 1