i 5-.. 1 1 "i '-; v-f v i v- I t 1 V N , 1 " - , U ,,i in - y -i . ... . i Vn 'i : ., v. . Potato Chip Grape Nuts Qranoia Poetum Cereal Caxmel Cereal Nabab Flour Wheatlet Oalt Flakes Mackjerel Hemrtog Salmon Ijobsters Hams Breakfaat Bacon ' . ;,! Orange "Wafers Butter Tibia Albert Biscuit 5 O'clock Teas Zwieback. Granose Biscuit Granose Flakes Graham Wafers Vanlla "Wafers Ginger "Wafers Lemon "Wafers 4 Chocolate "Wafers Raspberry Wafers Banquet Wafers A. D. Cooper, 32 SOUTH MMN STREET. August Clearance 9 LE 30 Per Cent. Off Mens' and Boys1 1 Ifitf iii: Miss Mason will eterfedfl at rds it,r aVii.inc smf ltonor OX ui -i Miss HalL AMflintifc. Ga-. will sing at ithe evenins service w. olic churcfli today. jer Oft will begiini to sell at auct&an. their enltfire stock at snoee. tji Tii( aiadvs Summers iVLiae ... . . have imvited some ri their mue rraenas from 5 to 8 fComwrrow evening. a mniTYiber nf desks for botokkeeping oatlilonal departtmeni of the T. M. C Alwut !two aumdred people enjoyed the. the dance at Lookout Park last evening. mwiipfnn. sttleirs will be I a mcCTiu6 , , , , . up held Friday af fcennobn alt 4 o'clock in ttne office of Maj. H. C. Munx, to me rvn.Ti vnt,iifwi which will be held to tne cty -within Ithe caext few weeK. rwvfvived ves V 11 oil iiivuiLwwwttAw " - x xr -p -MpTriteisipk. TjfoDTietor 'M, Ttartrv Park Hotel, at Asnevllle to his fourt&enltfh. annual germam, TMs Hin m.niKtiaa h fthift swell anajr Ol uie L - ibViaviiin f njt the state. CharPoltte Observer. wino Vvmkft on the Char tlvm-J " .t-AAit: i!iTi irvf h Asheville street IKJlLC ouitcw '"f-' . . r. I :inir ii.ni' vpsitierd'av evening, xh? lia.l'l waj mu j -a wire flew clear in won't or me car nearly hit the moltorrruan. The car ran ,r 'fn,,a Tirixi .mnifl tn it 5m two. Cars on UVCU UUiv the lime were delayed some time. ttu. sto'tAa fnutrt Clerk Moore, haia received! a letter from Judge Simiotniton saying he would not come to Asaevwe at this time as the lawyers naa a. I .nont imf ifh, rases arranged for v.i.TiTi1? .Tudere Simontom will not De I here before tihe midtile or next mixm.ii. a iwwTi. win va made! (bv the Su- preme Lodge, K. of P., through &a legal j.i. nvn run , t QIT1 TrXk 111 una rr. Martin, for a m -th TTolted States court of .in, -fv-vr Ma mmeGR which hate been MUUC f"" C brou&h't against tlhe lodge ty jvlts. run arrA tia motion will probably be ar gued today by Mr. Martin ' fin, tthe su per Lor couru The Sign of the BooV. , IT IS JUST THE THING Tui are looking tor to send to distaifc) fHends or to take home -wfcn you a Souvenir of this "Grand Country." ROGERS' ASHEVILLE To fho. Kmrik rfrred to. it da in? two sizes, a 12 and 27-page book of Photogravures at 50 cents and 1. Call ana see tneni. Flour Mark . . Phone No 254 20 SOUTH MAIN STREET I The Recollection of Quality Remains Long After the Price rtas Been Forgotten. It Beats the World I hnv wfl inan Dut uch. oerfect WOTk- mansihip om a shirt front, collar or cuff is what everyone says that examines our faultless laundry woxk. xno spot kvr av in may thA HfAHtV of th iTTe- proaclhaMe color and finish put upon it that denes compeuuon oy any laun Arv A-n hi inwin. Our laundrv work has reached the top notch of perfection that has yet been obtained!. Asheville Steam Laundry i-none no. 43 WEST COLLEGE ST. w Patent Uks. Biltmore " 1-2 sk. Biltmo " sk Biltmore " W Collins' Whole Peat Flour 1-4 si i.Sj 2.40 Mi .78 "W prefw th breai mad. frm m, whole wheat flour t any that w ver had upen .ur table md ver nud any but th bwt bnun, n flour. THOS. LAWRENC1. Pr- of Normal & Collegiate hut For Sale by all Dealers The above applies to any ma chinery, especially applicable when spoken of in connection with a bicycle. So when: yon buy a bicycle be sure you have - quality ASHEVILLE CYCLE CO., EUGENE C. SAWYEE, Prop. Phone 228. No. 18 and 20 cnurcn ot . Tie Sapplire Country Hotels and Lakes -ltit-aa.e 3,300 eet: I truly the land of the sky and ithe mott beautiful munltain sfoone on. scenery the sun ever Address for Booklets and rates FAIRFIELD INN, -ON- LU 53 South Main Street. Fairfield Lake. . . H. Aiken, Mgr. Sapphire Inn s Cottages i ON Sapphire Lake, AND The Lodge. Ed. C. Wilson, Mgr. Omi the summit of Mount Toxawav m tude 5,000 feet. ' s. w N. w 1 r . 1 - - t acionf anir rvf RroTirHaa. Winfts fl.nd Whiskies : everv- ( I m I I I rV I f The case again sit Kev. J. w. uee ire- x uctxij o bwdvu ouvn. , I I I I H I ll I mi-ns in statu puo. Two -of the officers thing that's kept in an up-to-date saloon. All goods guaranteed II I I I I I II Ml 1 hv Kiirtvh. who were on the dommit- . VyV-V 1 I HI 1VI tee appointed to invesUgate the charges in qualify tliiu pric. nf immrH-alitv against him, aTe kick.. Han&n's Shoes at Cost. Straw Hats Half Price. 18 Patton Avenue. THE TASTE TELL'S. Pat. Mclntyre, Proprietor, Phone 218. P. 0. Box 337. Fishing unexcelled, boating, horse back riding, and driving, just what yon amt for health and pleasure. Special rates to families and laree nartiA Trains leave AsQievllle 8.05 a. m., 3.05 p. m.; arrive wt Brevard 11.30 W- iUlUiviw 'CT 7 ' , Tt,pA examination into tne master has been delayea. in tne mean time Mr. Lee is in Washiington, ana. riiinnp-h fh.is firfenidls bere Wave had no commumication wiith him, they suppose ne is sun Liying w vwi-waai: -w-r men.t schapladn in the unitea ces QT7" T?nT? - K H . A I 1 H - IN I I 1 - K I Jjj. army. Greensboro oorresponaeat nvi-1 jL-m-kJLJ. v- " -- ' a, m. .4 loitte Observer. COLLECTOR H AUXINS- Has Sued Electric Company for Dam ages Done His Hominy Home- H. S. Harkins and others have brought suit in the Superior court for iin.ono damaeres againat ttlhe Ateheytlle Electric compainy. The atation was (tak en because of alleged damage done I TrvinAir XTm,Tvio ' "VTr Wfl rlcin 8 country for richness ana delicacy of navwr. jso home pl,ace Hominy, by the dam other kftnd compares with) U. Utmost f Rominv creek by the coni- OCK S 41 Ptton Ave. care observed in its packing ONCE TRIED ALWAYS USED U P$iP0"TK ROASTED & PACKEogl M 0 EMAHLESTON1'! PORTI NO K J - .A I - t naTiv Tn the comiPiainx is " loo-oH tiHat so acres of valuable land IVvu wauvw have "heen submerged by 'the com pany's dam; 'Chat (the damage done, the mini on the olace will amount to i,ouu, that a weW of good, pure water has uon i-w-Kiineri rjind Itthat the body of Uli rublic nuisance. The plaintiff is represented by Moore & Moore, Judge Shuford ana otners. CENTURY RUN. . BEERS BEERS BEERS BEERS BEERS BEERS LIQUORS LIQUORS LIQUORS LIQUORS . LIQUORS LIQUORS LIQUORS LIQUORS LIQUORS LIQUORS LIQUORS iu KHwe wuiu ure 1Jr r.-- LIQUORS roer miita and trou& w& reduced LIQUORS prices from $2 to $3 on trouserti and $5 LIQUORS . "ma LIQUORS ito $10 on BUdbc LIQUORS TTTT'llT,?ir 1TTTT r We maKe nine .dbc nwaug bui ojjiu WINES trouera in th dty. Our work fa 'all done WINES WINES WINES BEERS BEERS BEERS BEERS BEERS BEERS BEERS BEERS BEERS BEERS BEERS BEERS C. B McINTYRE, Carolina Wine & Liquor Stores, Central Entrepot for Choice Win3s, Whiskies,! Beers,Cigars and Tobaccos. Laurel Valley Corn Whiskey, Purest and Best. TELEPHONE 152. .19 M. Main Street, ASHEVILLE, N. C. family Trade a Specialty. Prompt Free Delivery to all Parts of the city, WINES WINES WINES WINES WINES WINES WINES WINES WINES WINES WINES WINES BEERS BEERS BEERS BEERS BEERS BEERS FAMILY USE FAMILY USB 'FAMILY USB FAMILY USE FAMILY USB FAMILY US FAMILY USE FAMILY USE FAMILY USE FAMILY USB FAMILY USB FAMILY USB FAMILY USE FAMILY USfl FAMILY USB FAMILY U8H FAMILY mm FAMILY TJSR FAMILY USB WINES WINES WINES WINES WINES WINES oni the premises, goods. Call and price our JAS. P. SAWYER, PreeldeIL J. B. RANKIN, Cask!. Made by Two Asheville Bovs Sunday' in Abont Seven Honrs. pecials narrv Miller and Vance Guest made Y,i.. s.nnlteM'nrkljlltWL CftTlitUrV TUU last suniiv Several otther boys had in anAor em "hut ciianered their minds nrhv naff Aeihevllle at 6:30 a. m. and " : . rrrri r Rrevard first. Miners cnain irlP-lnvins- them two hours. e t i-i t iv,Qtr tironit- Hirv' S:a.nTnire. 1 r 'IXJUll DIC V UL jL ILXXjr " i. . - mvuvgioiiu uava auu mwviiai ""'-"i Wtiere Xney 'Spcul o-ii umjul . - Decked only in one, tiwo and tlhree pound RrAvard and then to Header nelt w4ghit sealed cans, thereby retail3 L,onvime where itihey Itook dinner and lag Its natural, delicious flavor. Takecol o. , mi They ,went to BUbatltute. . . mu,a rfve and merh returned to Ashe- ,rtr,o- iiAr fl.t 10 o'clock. Mill- IX"- ex's chain gave out two more times on ALL FIRST-CLASS GROCERS SELL! 35, rtAiiav,irie- them an hour i each IT itime. The boys were boteh worn out X Swith ithplr Hong rade, which measurws CHARLESTON IMPORTING AND m nfr m S ' Tan ideal spot EXPORTING COMPANY, Importers, Roasters & Packers of High Grade Coffee, Chiarl'Wton, S. C.f U. S. A. NOTICE. The Eureka Cleaning and! Pressdn Company lis prepared to clean,; press and keep your clothes am good order for $1 per monlth. Please give us a trial. La dies wearing apparel given special at tentton In oleiatoling and mending; LEWIS & FORD, Proprietors. N. B. We also make a specialty of deanilng CarpeU, Rug3, Poiritleres, Drap eries, Jackeits, RibbOnB, Scarfs, etc. Hotel wtork given prompt attention. General Manager? mxt. a. w. LEWIS, Manager LaJddes' Department. 102 PaJKton .avenue. 143-lm 102 miles. IF YOU USE PERIODICAMKETS 1 . Jou eave 4 percent, on the mon ey jou. are apemsSoy dally. tTUckets furnished free ton appll- cattett at H Faftom avenue. ?r m . ? T.rrsa com ,v COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY. To Make a Bid for a Big Medical Con vention: At tlhe meeting of 'the county medical dodiety lat evening, a committee, Dr. Paquam, cihalrrniatni, Dr Ambler, Dr.D. E. Sevier, Dr. Meriwether, Dr. Cheesbor oughs, Dr. McBrayer and Dr. Rey miol'dis, was appointed to go to Chicago in October to invite the Misblsslppl Val ley Medlteal sociieity to toold Its next coox venttiiaa in this city. ' ' - There is no speci'al reaon ror oeuev- iing that the aissocia'tlton could be 4n- duce3 to come to 'tails pomt, out sua ttthxxnct Ha nn irpiasicin. to presume xnai Asheville cannot successfully compete With any other city. DEATH OF MRS. FL0Y0 A tAtAS-nam, . hwkM viar! n.t Ithft Ullldlertak- ing eetaWlatunent of Ji V. Brown & Son brought toformaUoni of tthe oeaitn ; w T?!fr.,hminmri Vn.. imf Mm. Belle Everett Fiovfl knwwti tt m'anr Asheville people as Miss Belle Henry. Mrs. Floyd wtae a daueMer of the Jate juage j. j-t. . nw , arA woa ; naHvn Af- Asheville. ne was married 1 tm RlclimoiDd aboutl aix years ago tto Tjoomiae B. loya. - Thft remia fla twrp. tMrOlIf niC TX ,A.u- irtn trwmr fViA fnnAml siervices were conducted ait Trtolty church . yesterday afternoon by Rev. A. H. StubbSw The In'terment wtee cut Riverside. . i - r REV R. COURTNEY J j ; Rel BL Courtneyi of Inolr? el M. E. Church S outh. , mWe vacant by tlhe reslgnan-oo. of wev. J. y Courtney a-a reiauve raw -- 2- mMiiv, nf . TaMmore. Mr. -Courtney preached, hlf first- aermoni : ax the taew. charge, sunaay ycy. . . riAvifM Colic Cholera Cure To Spend the Summer in Rest, Recreation and Pleasure. I ASHEVILLE COLLEGE BUILDING Has peen thorouglily renovated and is now open for the accommo dation of summer visitors. Excellent service, electric lights and baths on every floor. THE 7-ACRE CAMPUS GROUNDS are well snaded and afford dfilie-htf ul walks and beautiful mountain scenery. Terms $7.00 to ?10 00 per week. Address ARCHIBALD A. JONES, Asheville, AT. C i t M M0 ! Capital Stoc3s - - - - $100,000. SUPERIOR FACILITIES F OR DOING A GBNTHRAL BANKING BUSINESS. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. Imported and Domestic Cigars Sold by the Box at Factory Trices at the ! Berkeley Cigar Stand TO SMOKERS: Roll the Fairest Wheel for the following brands Cigars ; Blomberg'a Selectoa, Blomberga Pan- can, Mericanma, Havana Midgets, oAr Al- Mnraan Vase. Cuban Twist, Sp fonsoi AMomeo Cprecliaa, Trayolr' Ha- Crest, General Knox, Sanita le, vtanas, TrayoOar'a Malstiwte, Girl From Twister, Figaro, Old Reliable, Pr4d yi iuut3 yvav;,, view, ,vi.vww, ajjl buu ,v . o , " Special, Blue Label, Royal Blue, El Clay. Stogies, several brands, w Mere to, Tampa Smokers, Saborogo, Key West clear Havana cigars. Jackson Square, Florida Smoker, Mext- Or 3J U3 per cent, off all MEN'S and BOrS' Summer Clothing tor cash for TEN DAYS. A rare opportunity. "The Men's Outfitter." Phone 78 11 Patton Avenue. BBBG-, artie H-sader-17 Patton Avenoo. Branch Cigar Stand, 14 Patton Avenue. Telephone No. 456 V Dress Goods and Butterick PatternsJor early autumn. SCo, g ' f" Phone 78 11 Patton Avenue. Q u r 8:e--.- , Z mRedwood O -V --"h :i: s. - -X i-0 : - - .v; -r- , t 7 flT1(i q Patton Avenue. . .. puic!UIycsrciCyenterjrndplrrhrfc 4 -!