Bendersoimlle's New THE .WJHZIEIEIILIER. (OPEN ALL THE YEAR AROUND.) x One hundred and twenty-flvw bd rooms.. Altitude, 2,252 FeeL Electric lights. KtMim Heat.. Elevator. Ban Room. Bath Rooms. Ten Fin Alleys. Eleven Acres Beautiful Ground. Fine Reason. All Mod-em Conveniences.' Good Trout Fishing. Mineral Spring. Golf links. Horseback Riding. Beautiful Grounds. Everything Ne. First Class Service. . For rates and information apply to B ARDIN & WHELEft. i ' Hendersonvllle, N. C. BONNY CREST INN. SKYLJtlSDl N. C This Attractive rsort has been 4mp roved, and is now under new manage- . ment. The Inn is eight miles south of Asheviille, on) the Spartanburg and Asheville railroad, one-third of a mile from the station,- siituated an a. beautiful elevation, 2,250 feet above the sea. Driving parties acoo nxrriodated alt amy time. Telephone connections with AshevdUe and Henderscmville. Address, J. L..ALEXANtER, Bonnycrest Inn, Pkyland, N,.C. or miss c VAUuniy, Aeneviue, i. u - - . WAYNESVILLE INN Vilaynesville, N.C. Wayncsvllle, Altitude 2,860, Opened June New House, Newly Furnished. Special Bates to Families. V Hot and Cold Water. 0 Mineral Waters. Most Beautiful Scenes in J. E. WYOK0FF HALL 74 NORTH MAIN. RATES $8.00 TO $14.00 PER WEEK. HOTEL FLEMING Marion, N.C GKUBER CONCERT CO., Proprietors. ESMERALDA I . w , i HlCKOry 11 lit JQP ' rwK T-flv Patch Gao. Train leaves THOMAS SKYUKA SKYUKA, M TCIPvntinTi. 3.200 feetiv The grandest scenery ia Western North Carolina. All modern improvements. Dpu't fail to visit this beau tiful resort before returning home. , Special rates lor toeptemDer. Telegraph office and railroad station Tryon, N. C, and s con nected with tne notei Dy xeiepuuu. D. E. STEARNS THE HORTiTcAROLlKA COLLEGE OF ...Agrioulturend fl ,fTinmiieT1rvra.ctical education iafall . branches of Agricul 1 rtn rntZn : MaSSfacturing, in Civil, Mechanical and' Elec Si?al kCg?ne?rin ure and to thSustrlal ScienceC Ohemistry, -Biology and Physics. . "fKMM1 Regular courses, special courses, short courses. Total annual expenses, including board, fuel, lights, etc.. $118.50. One hundred and twenty scnoiarsmpw u" lodling are open to needy, boys ApSntmenp made hjr any me ELEVENTH :: SESSION :: OPEHS Candidates for admission may be house at 10 a. m., August l9tl ent, or at the College in Raleigh, For cataloguel address, , . . PRESIDENT Roy oliigi h! ' r 110 Baird Street Sunset .Drive, -Ashe- FINEST VIEW IN ASHIErVILtiE Will acnomTrirflflit ni limited - ouniber f gueBts; no children no .consumptives 1 en. Terms, 'only $5.00 ' anl ? 6.00 per i ' ' v '- -. ' . , ; ; iJMMBsssMiBWBssssssss1 Hotel, First Sew Baud of Musicians Employed for the - ' f Asheville. Altitude Z,45U. 1st, 1899, Fishing Trout, Bass, Etc. isatns on uvery r ioor. Free Sample RoomsA . Electric Bells. Western North Carolina. MONTAGUE, Proprietor! Large Shade Trees and Beautf ful Lawns. Exclusively First Class Board. , In the land of cascades and water falls. Bathing and fishing. Until Hickory Nut Gap road is made passable take cars to .nit -r - i. THu -iirtm .tlanaersonvnie. uromi mere alda is a pleasant tilrive of three hours Aslhevllle 8.20 a., rn. TURNER, Proprietor. HOTEL, N. C. . : & SON, Proprietors. Mechanic ' , . , .. " mber of the Legislature. :: SEPTEMBER :: 6, :: 1899, examined 'eac LJSSS - ' 1899, by the Counffy Supermtend September 5th, 1899. 7 , - '-.v-. GEO. T. WINSTON West rausigh, jj. c. - i V i PRrVATE " BQARp : o Houstf ' id siibuxbe , jn Urge bady otr nod table ; wttM: abuklahcs of fresh pillsi butter, egga, tc. 'MBe tram. court bouse pn electric, car Ene. lew. 9&r: T?jtttaa How: r inforxaaitlan at Mrs. J.' MVBayVon ljookoutMourj t tain ear fSmvr atBay book fMffi Arts PEOPLE'S J COLUMN. MISCEliLANfEOTJS. -T 4c 4c ' : fc WANTED To' rent furnished hotel in growing town. .Address "S, care News and Observer, italelgh 169-lw tK if I cam. furnteh you a cook or nurse on short notice. All servants furnished by me are required to ihave peoommendatio&s. John Smith, 15 N. Main. - - . RANTED Immediately, a Neatly.? fur nishekS blouse or flat for small family. The house must be completely equrr ped. Rent must ibe -modeza1:. Ad "dregs, stating rent, ts "Permiatfent' Gazette. 168-lm. w AiN vtJiJ i5oara ana room, near Orange street school. Lady, two chil dren, 8 add! 12 years. Must be reason able. State price. AJd&resB. MRS. G. M. P., ' Care Gazette Office. 168 3t TO EXCHANGE A cottage or lot for :somethm'g in the south Charleston preferred. Jf you have 'anything you "wusdi to trade for a beautiful location near Asheville come amd see me at No. 37 S. Main street. " Otis A. Miller. 166-12t STRAYED One large red mdlch cow. Reward paid if returned to A. D. hooper. . 165-6t. WANTED Young English woman of refinement and some experience in teaching . (including kindergarten methods) desires position as compan ion or teacher. A. B. C, P. O. Boxl 147, Asheville. r 1 SUPERFLUOUS HAIR Destroyed tor- ever by the Electric Needle without pain or scar. Ladies annoyed , wltih super fluous hair, moles, etc.. cam be relieved Those interested will receive' a prompt reply by addressing The Electrolosis .Co., Box 263, Asheville, N. C. MISS NORA WARE-Pianlst and teach er in stringed instrument. Corner of Snruce and Wood fin Jptreet. HELP WANTED. SALESMEN WANTED Our - lioie of advertising thermometer and calendar novelties for the season of '99 and) 1900 is now ready. Send us ten cents tn sltamp for sample catalogue and terms. Taylor Bros. Co., Rochester N. Y. 16 4- 16t ' ROOMS AND BOARD. ' PRFVATEI BOARD No. 9 Hiwalssee Place, five minutes walk from postor fice, Targe pleasanlt rtoms; good table. 169- Iw. ' ' WANTED Boarders wanltea for two large double roonna just vacated in pleasantly located suburban' residence. Modeml improvements. Apply (to P O. Box298. . 166-6t PRIVATE BOARD. Five miles from Asheville, along ithe Swan nainoa drive. Plenty of fishing; large- piazza and shaidy larn. Table supplied with fresh country produce. Only "a few boarders will be taken. Address, H, Gazette. 138-tf FOR RENT. FOR RENT For Ithe wimter, a large house furnished. Has Itlhdrty-one boarders at present. Possession given October 1, 1899. Furniture for sale or jrent. Address, "M," care Gazette 168-6it. FOR RENT Newly furnished rooms. .Cen'trally located. 36 Spruce Street. 167 6t FOR RENT A forniished cottage of - rooms. Hot and cVld waiter "and elec tric lights; O. D. Revell, 31 Temple Court FOR RENT Oma or two nicely furnish ed rooms. 37 N. French Broad avenue i 112-ltf FOR RENT. Rooms (nicely furnHshed, for light housekeepioig. Call at 139 Bailey street. 126-26 TO LET. House with 18 rooms, on Pearson.' avenue, near trolley line. Sewer and water connection. Good lo cation: grand view; low rental. Ap- ' ply to A. J. Lyman, real Estate brok er, office Paragon BuHding. FOR SALE. FOR SALE A Mgh grade upright Tvianm. huirvl walnut case, .lso a tine parlor organ. Apply 104 Bailey Street 166-6t. " THE SILVAN PARK PRIVATE BOARDING -HOUSE, No. 5 Staroea Avenue. Large rooms, newly papered and fur nished. Reasonable rates..' . ",, I MISSB HAYWARD, KEH1LW0RTH PARKtOTTAGE. A deiUghtiful - summer borne, jiway from the noise and - duslt of the city. One mile from the court house, on the BQtmore car line. New house," with ex tensive "grounds; every comfotrt pro vided. First class board .from 6 per week ana up. Address,' - m MRS. A. L BARON p. O. fio;x,S68. BUtmore, N. CL Ladies agonized ; by Female Disorders should avoid unpleasan ; examinations and -aJt once cure theniselyd?" J11- mons Squaw VineWine or Tablets. ,V THE SULTAN OF THE STJLTJS. 3R Twin Belies of Barbarism" to be Fat Under Oar Fla. Philadelphia" Public Ledger General Bates, who is 'negottiaSing a ttreaty" with the Mohammedan sultan of 'the Suflu archipelago, has not yet made definite terms with that monarch, bufche reports progrees. The sultan is inclined to be friendly,' provided he 4s not unduly Interfered with; and, as far as the negotiations -havie proceeded, he has nothing to complain. t of. The ''treaty' or agrement Wdth our subject, -vassal, ally or grealt t niehd, is said to be based upon the treaty, now inopera tive but formerly suixsiating, between. Spain and his majesty, and lit is re ported that General Bates, on behalf of ithe Unitteia States, guaranteas abso lute nwn-faiterlerence with the internal affairs of the suDtlan's domain, the cus toms of the people or with their relig ion. ' Certain poimlts lare tto be occupied as rmnitary fKjsts and the sulaan is to fly the American flag to toifcen of Am erican sovereignty. The sultan is re ported as objecting ) ithe Hag condi tion, but ee are informed itha't he is Klcelly to yield laiad' acknowledge our nominal sovereignty. Spain jxaid ithe su'ltan a pension of $2,409 per year as a kind of Tbacksheesti it keep himi in gtiod 'humor, and it lis mdersiiod that we shall continue the dola. As ito s5av ery, his majesty has "very graciously deigned to comply with our modest re quest tWat slaves may he ferven the right to buy their freedom, merely sp ulating that when a slave shaftl buy himself free he shall pay (the market price. i The Sulu archipelago is pe opted by Moslems, a-fid with the attempt Of 1876 Spain gave up ttryiing to conquer them. Museetoans also anhabit the huge and almost unknown island of Mindanao, and in the event of Ihositilitesi between this country and the suKtan (it is Qlkely that the Mussulmans of aM the south ern Elands would be arrayed against us in a desperate religious war. Such a conflict would mak--the Luzon enter prise seem insGgnificanltL The Sulus afe said to be . admlirable fighters, and the sultan has a "force of 50,000 at his beck and call." Slavery in the islands is a well-established linsitituitdan. In ad dition to those born slaves or caip itured in war, insolvent creditors are enslaved.- The sultan is absolute mon arch and "lord of (life and death." And the (inclusion of this picturesque barbartam, with bis harem, slaves and depotSc rule, under the "'banner of freedom" rnarks the utmost limit of the incongruous in 'our expansion of the "home of the free;" If the pllea is made thait our reckgni tion of the sul'tani Is a necesiSary or. hTghry expedient step, is is apparent that .imperiaismv which makes such things necessary, lis leadling us far as tray from the path of dulty, ;honor and safety. "- LEPER SENT BACK TO AWAII Commissioner Fdwdriy's Decision in the Case of Mrs L. M. Todd. Washington, Aug. 24. Commissioner of Immigration Powderty has filially decided the case of Mrs. L. M. Todd, a British subject, who is now 'in the San Francisco pest houfee suffering with leprosy. The commissioner directs thalt she be sent back to the Hawaiian lisCands and confined' in the leper colony 'there. Inspectors have recenijiy report ed, it as their belief that a colony of leper exists tin the northern part of Washington. Mrs. Todd contracted ithe disease in 1892 while working as a nurse ia the San Frandisco pedt'- house. After con tracting the disease she went to thk Hawaiian island and remained there until! November 18, 1898, when she left to attempt to reach the United States She took passage at Honolulu oa; the steamship City of Rio de Jan!iro, des tined to some point kin Japan. From Japan she shipped by the Canadian steamship Mne to Victoria, B. C, thence ocming across the border of the United Stn.tAst rAfl rhinp San TiVta.Tici.sioin DprAm- f ber 22, avoiding the manine hospitiall ex amination at 'th'at point Her condition and the Story of her case were discov-. ered by the immigrant inspecitor at San Frandisco- He took the matter up, with the result that a specialist made an examination of the woman, finding that "-- (is badly diseased. Commissioner Powderly says ithat the leper colony in the Hawaiian islands is not closely guarded f-nd. that 'the situa tion is somewhCt dangerous. He has no power to send jfmmigmnt inspectors there and. says the' wholle matter will have to be regulated toy cVngress. Therfe is no place 'to keep her in thlis country t Immigrant inspectors sent out by Commissioner " Powderly have recently reported it as their belief that a colony of lepers exists on the border of Can ada "and thlis country in the northern part of Washington. AFI URE PEE FAMOUS FREtlCH REHEDV Never Fails." ENDORSEPCY THOUSANDS, ' Of ladies as periodical regulator, without aa equal tuccessf ul when Cotton Root. Pennyroyal, Ergot, etc have proven worthless; SS5 two-out stamps brings trial package, and convinces the most skeptical of . aeir won derful properties. Send 4 ceotagn stamps tqt pamphlet coDtaining-valaable information for ladie- Addre JLeClaik Pill Co.,.U. S. Agents, Boston, Mas N. B. All correspondence confidential and retora' with trial package. - . x ... tar saiet' or l a. katsm. ninrn iinmnriipiir I i cjrtt aii iu. J. C- Standi of Johnston County Scores the Proposed Amendment. Editor of The Gazette: Through the kindness of a friend I have been permitted ito read a few copies of your valuable paper and am indeed glad to know that there is at least one daily newspaper In , North Carolina thalt htas the "backbone" and "grit" to dtand up for the rights of the peopOe and expose the disgraceful plot of the last legislature and of the dem ocratic party in their attempt to entrap and disfranchise the unsuspectling illiterate white voters of North Caro- Qfirta by heir deceptive proposed "con stitutional amendment." In my opinfion this is the most dan gerous mteasure thaft has ever been ad vocated in xur state by any party, and it is high time that our people awak ened tto a sense of their duty, for the jnendmentiiteB are mow gctirfg around making speeches, shouting theDr glad refrain, "negro domination," and abus ing the republicans, hoping that by so doing they can arouse raC prejudBce among the Mlfflterate white people of our state and thus keep their black and wicked scheme of disfranchising Ridden from them, until they can get ithe amendment passed The democratic court house ring , of this (Johnson) county, or same of iSts merftbers at least, are now canvassing the county in the interest of the amendment and against coilonization of the negroes as advocated by the republicans of this sectSon. .It see me to me ithat coloniza (tion Is the only olutiomrof the race problem. AM honest and ithinklng' people shou'd feel grateful to The Gazette for ithe good work 8t is doing by helping to ex pose this corrupt and fraudulent scheme. I would be glad to know that every voter ftn North Caroliria was readlimg The Asheville Gazette. If we had plenty of such bold and fearfBees papers in North1 Carolina, we would have better government. 1 As yet I have heard only one demo crat in this locality declare in favor of the constitutional amendment, notwith standing the fact that fcMs is their ban ner tounrty. J. C. STANCIL. Benson, N. C, Aug. 22, 1899. "DECOY" ORATORY Hickory Times Mercury (Populist.) The Constitutional Amendment cam paSign was opened at Old 'Ftort last Satur day with a much advertised barbecuort ball game. Ol'i decoy duck, W. A. Gutihrie, was cue of the speakers and made a frantic appeal to the populists ito come tto the aid of the democrats on the amendment. The meeting was not ve-y entthusDatio and Tittle interest rrtaiti festeki, possibly because the few white men of the mountains are mot yet ready to enslave tihemiselves for the special benefit of the eastern) section. A corres pondent tells the Gazette that McDowell is against the amendment by a large majority. "'I hearti! a prominent demo orat say he had studied the matter over fully, and. it is simply a game of the east to 'down'' the west." Commenting editorially ithe Gazette says: "There we're some statements made at a political barbecue at Old Fort yesterday thait we 'db not intend to. allow to go unchallenged, but Our space ttod!ay4 does ndt permit our doing them justice. " If we dansnot'show thait some of ftlhe speakers made absoluite mYsstaite inerdts Of fart, we promise to vote for the amendment, anjd? these misstatemernts were on ''the most Essential provisions of the proposed law. Imi view of these w trust the .keynote of the amendment campaign was not sounded yesterday." We are surprised at the Gaze.te for expecting them to 'deal in facts. The .amendment) was continued In lying, born, im lying and, "of course, must be carried by lying. 'It will take a good deal of barbecue, baseball playing and whiskey to gelt. the people" of tihe. -west, the white people, to attenldi such political gatherings to listen to men whose suc cess in polities depends upom the enslav ing of the white men of the' west. And all I'his "nigger" 'and amendment stuff is to. decoy the minds of the people .from the election law, ancf extravagance of the last legislature and the making of so many offices for the pie hunters. Pritchard Of '--the west, the white west. was not allowed to speak in Wilmington but Guthrie anldl others. from Ithe black J east are allowed to speak in -the west. This proves whatv,sedtin Is the most civilized. - i BRADFIELD'8 FEMALE REGULATOR is for women's diseases and irregu larities. It cures everything that is ) It acts directly upon all the distinctly v f - ' i . v xeminine yrgans. 01 generauon, unv- ing out weakness and imparting I strength; stopping unnatural drains, ana regulating the monthly flow in every instance. . It makes sickly and weakly women strong and well again. $1 a bottle at drug stores. ( Send for a, free ; book about it. The Bradfield Regulator Co. , Atlanta, 6a. Hypnotism by Mail Hypnotism and mesmerisrn are kin dred sciences that can be mastered by anybody. It only requires a few hours study of my complete instruction which I mail to any address on receipt jf Jl. Personal instructions hi the city $2. Enterttodnments arranged. - ProtSMyers, :1 P. O. Box 13r Asheville, N. &. A3! lnqurtes coafidentiaL' : - T It is not only beautiful women who hang over the mirror in the morning. Anxious women who are watching the wast ing of their beauty, stand before the mirror ana nuic uic increasing lines etched by pain about the moutn nd eves. Thousands Of such women. wrecked in body and in disposition, haggard, nervous, irri table, cross, have, by the use of Doctor Pierce's fa vorite Pre scription been entirely cured, and watched with delight the progress of the cure; marked by brightening eyes, reddening cheeks, and rounding form. Woman's general health depends largely upon the local health of the organs dis tinctively feminine. Irregular periods ia . maidenhood, followed after marriage by debilitating drains, and the common con sequences of motherhood, inflammation,, ulceration, and displaced organs, ruin the general health. These conditions are en tirely removed by "Favorite Prescription,"' the body blossoms in a new beauty, and the mind is entirely freed from gloom and de spondency. "Favorite Prescription" is not a stimulant, containing no alcohol or whisky. " In October 1889 1 gave birth to a baby and the treatment I received at the hands of the midwife left me wittp female weakness," writes Mrs. Cordelia Henson, of Coalton, Boyd Co., Ky. "I had no Health to speak of for three years. J had another baby which was the third child. My health began to fail and I had three miscarriages so I found myself completely worn out. I had so many pains and aches my life was a burden to me ana also to all the family, for I was nerv ous and cross and I could not sleep. Just after my last miscarriage (in 1896) I wa taken with a severe pain in left side. Had four doctors come to see me but at last I found I was slowly dying. The doctors said I had liver, lung and uterine trouble. I was in bed for months and when I did get up I looked like a corpse walking about, I commenced to take Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery. ' Favorite Prescription,' and ' Pel lets,' and ever since then I have been' a well woman. At my monthly period now, I have no pain. My cheeks are red and my faee is white, but before it was as yellow as saffron." . FIERCE FIGHT WITH YAQUIS, Austin, Tex., Aug. 22.. A despatch from Chihuahua, Mex., say the mili tary authorities there have received telegraphic advices of an attack on the towm of Cumuripai by a band of about 300 Yaqui Indians. The place was with out military protection, but the Mexi can citizens barricaded themselves in their adobe houses and resisted the at tack for ten hours, when the Indians withdrew. It Ds thought that a number of Indians were kittled and wounded, but, as they were carried off, the num ber of casualties cannot be definitely known., As soon as the Indians with drew a courier was sent to Torin for military protection, and two compa nies of cavalry have been ordered- to Cumuripa. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure thoroughly dll geste food without add from the stomach, -and 'at the same time heals and restores the diseased digestive organs, rt is the only remedy that does both of these things and can be relied upon to prma mem'tly cure dyspepsia. Paragon Phar macy. Sour stomach is one of the first symp toms of a coming BMious attack. Cure it with a few doses of Dr. M. A. Sim mons Liver Medicine. Checked. "Do you know," he asked as he fum bled around .in His coat pocket, "that cig arette smoke will drive away mosqui toes?'1 '"Perhaps it will," she replied, "but I prefer the mosquitoes." Chicago Times Herald. J. H. Howard, Surveyor, Person Co., Roseville, N. C. writes: I have used Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine in my family many years, its timely use prevents many diseases. It dees all claimed for it I prefer It to Black Draught and Zeilin's. The natives of Guinea love to devour clay and are pale, listless and ambition less. It is supposed the clay contains arsenic, and hence the delight in eating it. "Our baby was sick for a month with severe cough and catarrhal fever. Al though we tried many remedies she kept getting worse until we usedi One Minute Cough Cure, Jfit relieved at once and cur ed her in a few days." B. L. Nance, Prln. High School, Buffalo, Texas. Pax agon Pharmacy. Remove causes of Menstrual Suppres sions, Exaggerations and Irregularities by taking Simmons Squaw Vine Wine of Tablets. v Lives Alone Witb One She Love. "The woman," said the corn fed philos opher, "who comes nearest to marrying her ideal is the woman who does not marry at all." Indianapolis Journal. OASTORIA. Bean the 1 M Kind Kqd Ha9 Always Botgf To Cure Constipation Torervx. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 250. If C. C- C fail to cure, druggists refund money. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury. as mercury will surely destroy the senis of smell and completely derange thq whole system when entering lit through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be use J ..except on pre scriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is rten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Cataarh Cure, manufac tured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0. contains no mercury, and Is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buy ing JEEU 'a iCataarh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken tnfterhally.and tsmade in. Toledo, Q.,; by F. J.Cheoej; & Oo. Testimonials free. Sold by druggists, price 75a. per bottle Halls .Family Pilia pre th'bt. .. 14 Frai rWLvl a

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