THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE SEPT. 26. t?5o J - , - v'l ":v ' PEOPLES 11 Ann fiilf?)f?nflHfS mr? nnrin n nmi?RV7 : . ,. . AT THE x.. : MISCELLANEOUS. , . . " ' 'W5 .-Kt4 .j.t vsf .- i , i JrnU ' mm mm m a . m m - J-'r -C gendersoiiYille's New Hotel, First Season IS. a a tn - m ark Ho Hot pr JSP- THIS -WHEELER. (OP157V ALL THE YEAR-ROUND.) On hundred and twenty-flv ymCL rooms. Altitude, 2,252 Feet Electric lights. ptei Eleven Acres. Beautiful Grounds. Fine All Modern Convenience, k Good Trout Fishing. Mineral Spring's. . -Golf links. Horseback Riding. Beautiful Grounds. Eyerytlhing New. First Class Service. . .-v For ratea and information apply 'to.......... BARDXN & WHJSELiEB, ".' - .. Henderson ville, N. C. WAYRESViLLE tWaynesvllle, Oar rates (faring the- months of leeu thmu d 15 to 20 j ex cmt. I i 1 the m ' st pieusiinv oi vue year m 4hf hei-i vltce lostop. Mott delightful sce .es in western-North larolimixt naynesvWe. SKYUKA SKY UK A, Elevation, 3,200 feet. The grandest scenery ia Western North Carolina. All modern improvements. Don t tan to visit this beau tifal resort; before returning home. Special rates for September. Telegraph office and railroad station Tryon, N, C, and s con- Wed with the hotel by telephone. D. E. STEARISS - - BONNY CREST INN,--- SKYLAND, This attractive resort hae been impro ved, ment. . The Inn is eight miles soutin or Asne vine, Jnilroad, one-third of a male irom zne si araon, situated on a wauuiui eievaiwa, 1250 feet above the sea. Driving parties are accommodated at any Telephone connection with Asheville. and Special rates for Septembr and Oct ober. JlddreES, J L. ALEXANDER, Bonnycrest Inn, Skyland, N, C. or MISS UflTCI CI CMIMO U LL S L-.L-IVI 1 1 1 VJi GKUBER CONCERT 1ERALDA hickory Nut Gap. th Reedy Patch Gap, INN Train leavesjAsheville 5.20 a. m. THOMAS uisisana Nature Asheville, N. C, 167 French Broad i venue. LATEST GEKMAN 1METHOD No Medicine! No 'Operations! , successful cures efi-cted by Massage, Baths, Diet,, Sweedisl Movements, etc. All diseases treated. Ko consumptives ; (INDEPENDENT.) horsed by Asheville Board of Trad Long distance service to Henderspnville, Brevard , and Sapphire and Intermediate Stations. 8 for isiubss 'Dhoaes . ' 8 for i deuce 'phones Over 6db CHyJ ConhecthtTs. W - W S. P'ROGTOR, rw.. . pee, over Patton Avenue. Ing and Itching ing and Itching . per box. WILIjIAxiS sals FOR Band $f Musicians BmpJoyskS for the i INN IS. C. September and October hsve Msitois m hi find these months . 1 j 7 j 1 T j,Le mourn ains, ana zne inn J. E. MONTAGUE, Proprietor. HOTEL, IS. C. r & SON, Proprietors. IS. C. aai'd is now under new manage . . .,,. on ttne spartan Durg ana Asnevme time. Hendersonville. , E. VAUGHN, Asheville, N. C, Marion,. N. C CO., Proprietors. In the land of cascades and water falls. Bathing1 and fishing'. Until Hickory' Nut Gap road is mode passable Jtake cars to Hemdersonvllle. From there to Esmer alda is a pleasant firive of three hours TURNER, Proprietor. Cure Sanitarium one . ' v J24.00 per year I $16.00 per year - -'' . y . Is a SURE.CPK1S for Blind, fiiieea- JPlles. - It absorbs the JPUes. - It, absorbs t,, tpmors 5 bh Go itcaing at once, giwjs instant reiiei. ja?ery "T,: 4, m by druggists., Seift by mail oi receipt ol price. 50 cents and c. smith. ..o:; v.; i ELS VO; -fcTrops.v wAvBi.u,vi., yw. SUPERFLUOUS HAIB. destroyed for ' ever by ithe Electric Needle without pain or scar. The ' Eledtrclosis Co.," Box 23, AshavlUe, N. C. EXPERIENCED TUTOR. gTadua'e, of English' University, "coaches" pupils prepares, for 'examinations, ete. "Di gamma' P O. 'Box 147, Asheville. , MISS NORA WARE-Piamlst and ttrach er in stringedinstrumena. Corner of SDruce and VoodfLn stieet. v HELP WANTED. SALESMEN WANTED Our line of advertising thermometer .and calendar novelties for the season of '99 anidi 1900 is now ready. Send us ten cents la stamps for sample catalogue" and terms. Taylor Bros. Co., Rochester N. Y. . 16 4- 16 . ROOMS AND BOARD. (c BOARD In a private fam'ily ; house an. furniture new, aind all modern conven ieinces. five miQUtes' walk fron square;-; ah- street car line. Rate, moderate. Ad"dre.s "H," Gazet.e. 192-26t PRIVATE BOARD Five minutes walk from postofBce, large pleasant rooms, good! itable. Mrs. Mary J. Starces, No.' 9 Hiawassee Place. 186-26t i FOR RENT. FOR RENT. Nice 3-rom house, 250 N. Man. All mocLern improvements, sta bble and wood' house, large yrd. Pos session Oat 1. Apply quick to C. A. Raysor, drug store. FOR RENT. Nice rooms in a desirable pai!t of the city, on sicreet oar line, only three minutes walk frcm squaie. Ad dress "M." Gazet.e. 196-6t FOR RENT1 A seven room cotiage, rurnishect; modern- conveniences: on car line; gooldl location. Address B B., Gazette office. 195 -2t FOR RENT Three large furnished rooms for light housekeeping. No side people taken. Hot and cold water on same floor. Apply at 18 Starnes ave nue or 14 Pat'Lon avenue. 1993-tf TO RENT A nicely furnished fiv room cottage, with modern conven iences. Price reasonable. Addies "A. B.," care Daily Gazeite. 192-6 FOR RENT Unfurnished elegant five room flat; bath and all modern con veniences, steel range, etc; best resi dence neighborhood; 'tea minutes' walk from pcstofflce; ore block from car line. Enquire at 90 Cumberland avenue. 194-12 1 TO RENT Unfurnished apartments o tthree, five of eight rooms with rang and modern conveniences. Apply a 36 South French Broad. 191-6t FOR RENT A six rcora house partly furn'shed: Will rent reasonable f o the winter to right party. House and furniture new. All modern improve ments. Address, P. O. Box 688. TO RENT At 17 Hill street, two laTg airy, adjoining1 front rooms for lign' housekeeping-. Also one large fron room on same floor; furniture new half block from Montfor'dl strtet ca line, and eight minutes' walk fror postofnee. The two adjoining- room for $8.50. $5.00 for single TQ-om. 185-12t FOR RENT Que or two nicely furnish ed rooms. '37 N. French Broad avenue 112-tf FOR RENT. Rooms nicely furnlished. for light housekeeping. Call at 139 Bailey street. , - 126-26 , FOR SALE. FOR SALE English 'mastiff slut, tw years old. , Full .blooded. Price, $10.00 W. E. IHJTCHISON, 190-3teod. Weaveryille.N. C. PRIVATE BOARD. House in suburbs in large alwidy grove, good table with abundance of fresnmdlk butter, egg, etc. Mile from court house on electric car line. Tele phone 283. Raties low. Information at Mrs. J. M. Ray's, on Lookout Moun tain car line or at Ray's book store. THE SILVAM PARK PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE. No. 5 Starnes Avenue. -Large rooms, newly papered and fur nished. Reasonable rates. MISSES HATWARD. DeWitt's Witch fiazeS Salve Cures Piles. Scalds, burns. ' CASTOR! A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of -4U AF URE PEE0 MIL LE GLOB'S Of Ljdies a periodical tculatcr withbat'aa pqnal cicsul wheD Cotton Jloot.'Peiojrrsr.irBOt.'ew haTeptpvenisijrthless, S5 t'tro-cet stamps briiigs tria uatkage, and convinces the most skeptical of ceiwoa derful properties. Send 4 cents in stampsf or pamrbJ contamingrvaJuableiQonnatlou (or U "LECtATRillTA-C. ILJS.. Agen-5. . ffiT W v-A- KAZ?V?' . . imperial imiiiinery and Ladies7 oner f TUESDAY, SEPT. 26 We cordially invite you to inspect our collection of 'carefully gleaned from the production -of the Milliners, alsb the artistic creations desid modistes. Untrimmed Millinery, Outing Hats, Golf Hats. Also Feathers, Quills, Birds, Wings, Gulls, Aigrettes, Par adise, Fancy and Ostrich Feathers, and a complete line of Ribbons at unrivaled prices. i Hats Trimmed Free of Charge. 22 CF H. Swartzberg, "COON" SONGS. An Old Kentucky Mammy Tells How the Heal Onei Are Made. It is indeed hard to account for the strange misconceptions which prevail as to vnat really constitutes genuine Afri can music. The "coon songs" which are so generally sung are base imitations. The white man does not live who can write a genuine negro song. At home there used to be a rare old singer, an old Kentucky mammy, whom everybody lov ed. She once said: "Us ole heads -use ter make 'em up on de spurn of de moment, arter we wrassle wid de sperit an come thoo. But the tunes was brung, from Africa by our granddaddies. Dey'wasjjis' 'miliar songs. Dese days dey calls 'em ballots, but in de ole days dey call 'em spirituals, 'kase de Holy Spirit done revealed 'em to 'em. Some say Moss Jesus taught 'em, an I'ze seed 'em start in rneetin. We'd all be at the 'prayer house' de Lord's day, an de white preacher he'd 'splain de word an read whar Ezekiel done say: 'Dry bones gwine ter lib ergin.' An. honev. de Lord would come a-sliinin thoo dem pages an revive dis ole nigger's heart, an I'd jump up dar an den an hol ler an shout an sing an pat, an dejr would all cotch de words, an I'd sin ole shout song I'd heard 'em g it to some em sing trom Africa, an dey'd all take it up an keep at it an keep a-addin to it, an den it would be a spiritual. "Dese spirituals am de best moanin music in de world, 'kase dey is de whole Bible sung out an out. Notes is igood enough fer you pe6ple, but us likes a mistery. Dese young heads ain't wuth killin, fer dey don't keer 'bout de Bible ner de ole hymns. Dey's completely spiled wid too much white blood in 'em, an de big organ an de eddica'tion has done took all de Holy Spirit outen 'em till dey ain't no better wid der dances an cuttin ip dan de white folks." "The Survival of African Music In America," by Jeaii nette R. Murphy, in Popular Science Monthly. - THAT THROBBING HEART- "Would quickly leave you, If you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their maJtchlea merit for ick and! Nervious Head aches. They make pure' blood and strong nerves and build up your health. :Easy to take. Try them. Only 25 eehits Money (back if not cured. Sold by all diruggSitB. ,: Our entire stock shoes at cost G. A. of 1898 children' M ears' Shoe Store HAIR SWITCH ON EASY CONDITIONS. Cat this ad. out and mail to tJ Send a small sample of vour hair,cu t'close to the roots. SEii'D NO EOSEY; we will make and send you by mail, postpaid, a FIHE HUMAN HAiR SWITCH, cxaet match, made 22 irfches long from selected- human hair, ounces, short stem. Jve will inclose in package with' switch sufficient postage to return it to, us if not perfectly satisfactory, but if f oisnd exactly as represented and most extraordinary value and you wish to keep it. fHher send nir$UOby.nH within lOdaysorVAKS CKHEKS FOR 3 SWITCHES AT Jt.SO C.ACll anion? your friends e.nd gend to us niilioKt any tacar-f, we to Fend tSie 3 swicclioi to them dir&ct by miil, to be paid for V) days p.fior received i perfectly satisfactory.a-nu i -.rao tbeo baTe wae swum ive S3-' jaa M c mr jr ircnuiv. We rite Pftnn--. l"r--ir!. Spwiirg Ssfbfns, Casseras rjJ c'.krr . WKa'.o.V.s far luting omen tor -d It earned K rirjMi la Sf;yn fa t! r-v-. ' vising f ifi"? a or write toiuy tor j?ti En slt iLJrV; --y-- K;J 22 SOUTH MAIN; STREET. WEDNESDAY. SEPT. 27 ffMFMTI&III) MATS JBQPJNIETS South Main fleet. - Tom Was There. toaian or tne puuiic iiurary ot an up me i 1 n j 1 11' 1 ' 1 . . j. 1 river town. It seems that a young lady patron was very anxious to read F. Hop kinson Smith's "Tom Grogan," but was unfortunate in always finding it "out."' The librarian finally promised to notify her by telephone next time the book was returned. It came one day, and the li brarian promptly rang-up the young lady. " 'Tom Grogan' is here and you must come down right away, just as soon as you can." It happened that the young lady's father answered the telephone, and, not being "up" in fiction, indignant ly replied: "Tom Grogan! Who's Tom Grogan? And what has he to do. with . my daughter? If any young man wants : to see her, lot him come up to the house." The librarian snt a hearty laugh over j the wire and rang off. Detroit Free I Press. 1 Her Bitter rate. "Katharine Jinks never gets half a chance." ' "What do you meaJ" : "When she goes away in the summer, her three yunger sisters always gti too." Chicago Record. He Did. "Uncle Rufe, I m told you made a pretty fat thing of it by holding on to your corn." "Well. yes. I did. I raised a hog that weighed mighty near 'leven hundred." Chicago Tribune. His Latest Boo'.-. Bigsby What are you writing flow? Higsby A book on the art jot boxing. Bigsby Why don't you call it acrap book? Detroit Free Press. Chester H. Brown, Kalamazoo, Mich, says: "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cured m of a severe case of indigestion: cai strongly recommend it ito all dyspeptics Digests wheit you eat without aid fron the stomach, and cures dyspepsia." Fo sale by the Paragon Pharmacy. Merely Cautions, "He seeme to hean unnatural father. He never goes near the baby'." "That's only because he is afraid he might learn how to take care of it." Brooklyn Life. Only 1 per cent of the telegrams over seas are corcernedk.with-fanifly or private matters. The rest are commercial, jour nalistic or official. Pittsburg Dispatch. t Husbands are good, bad and indiffer ent, and tti indifferent ones are said to be thv worst of all. Galveston News. Ifyou have indiges t i on cure it by using Hoi ot ter's Stomach Bitters. Irean not resist the powejt of this remedy, nei ther can cn stipation tfys TTiTsia or npr- I j vousness. See that aprivate reyenuestamp eoyera the! neck bottie.-- J '--I mmw . Si . .v. n v KW' WLFO. lti" THURSDAY. SEPT. 28 best Foreign by our own Proprietor. TRACING A COUNTERFEIT. i Cnrlons and Exciting Chase by One of Uncle Sam's Detectives. "The tracing of counterfeits back to the 'shover' is curious and exciting work,"-said an ex-government employee. "One day back in the seventies, a bank clerk in Cincinnati detected a 'queer' $20 bill in the deposit of a small retail grocer. He found that the grocer had received the bill from a shoe dealer, who had, it from a dentist, who had it from some- I body else, and so on, until I finally traced it to an invalid woman who had used it to pay her physician. When questioned, she said the money had been sent to her by her brother, who lived in New Or leans. "I "looked up her brother's pedigree and was Certain I had my man. He had a bad record, was the proprietor of a dive and was just the sort of person likely to be a ennfederate of counterfeiters. I came here with the handcuffs in my j pocket, but as things turned out I was a I little premature. The man proved to my ! complete satisfaction that he had rceeiv j ed the money as rent for a small house j he owned in Pittsburg. I . "That was discouraging, but I couldn't give up after going so far, and took the next train for Pittsburg. The tenant of , the house turned out to be a traveling oculist, who spent most .of his :time on , the road. He was then away in the j west, but I saw him on his return, and J he at once recognized the bill. It had , been given him by a patient in Cincin nati, the very point from which I started. ; The patient was a boss carpenter. I got I his axldress from the oculist and made a ; bee line for the city. ; "I had a premonition that something j very strange was going to happen, and I wasn't disappointed. The carpenter was an honest old fellow, and told me without hesitation that he had received the bill j from .Mr. for repairing his barn. Mr. was the small grocer in whose bank deposit the counterfeit had turned up. I flew for his store as fast as a cab could carry me and found it closed. He had skipped.- Afterward it was shown be yond question that he was the regular agent of a gang. His sb was a mere blind. That the bill whic: gave the. carpenter sho ;ld get bj again into his own till after traveling all around the continent was one of those miracles chance for which there is no explana tion!" New Orleans Times-Democrat. ASHEVILLE Information 'Bureau, TELEPHONE 391. 23 Patton Ave. P. O. Box 11. A boon to visitors. A local necessity. We hire your servants. Rea4Tyour rooiius. jseuu yau Doaraers. OfXkSi! coal. Have ypur clothe cle& a -3 & t - i"-:u. viucr yuur jvj priming ga-. your aaverusements. write yours vertisements. Send you hacks, gr ery. Send you messengers. GiveSfju. WE SECURE YOU BT&ST PCi SOMERVILLE & iEADJsIAB- Geral Advertising: Age2tjV Street arand program; ad vermin ' , 'THE HOTEL. J OURNALi-' si 4' in t " c I 'v