'.'IT ' - 1 : v.' if ASHEVILLE, N.lC., FEIDAf ENINO, OCTOBER 6, 1899, VOL. IV: NO.,205. PEICE 5 CENTS. -' 1 1 : : '-it ' . 1 Nut and Fruit - BROMOSE. . YACHT RACE A FIZZLE E21 A PredlgeKted Food, FREtlCH STEAMER FINED; FOR CONCEALING SMALLPOX Another Failure oi Account of the Fickleness of the Wind. Shamrock Said to Have Beei the Better Handled. It is especially intended for persons who need an increase of fat and blood and those who are nna- ble to digest starch, oi4 who become bilions from eatins: milk or cream. Contest Revealed Nothing of Merits of the Yachts. It Was a Drifting Raea Broken by Occasional Spurts- CANTON WELCOMES THE PRESIDENT COMMISSIONER DOUTHIT REFUSES TO VACATE. Captain Protests Cuban Tobacao Planters Alarmed, r ; 'Havana, Oct. 5 The French steanv- er Navarre, which arrivec Tuesday from Spain with 1,600 immigrants, has been fined $250 for failing1 to rep6rt' three cases of smallpox. The .capteafn has protested to the French eonsul and demands indemnity. Tobacco planters in Vuela, Abajo district of Ptoar del Rio, which pro duces th.e finest leaf in the world; are alarmed at Jtihe appearance of a de structive insect. The agiricultuxiai de partment will seek means to extermi nate the pest. WAS GREETED BY A CROWD OF HIS FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS. 50c Per Box. YOU'LL FINP IT AT 1 THE MANAGERS OF THE TWO -YACHTS AGREED TO DISCON TINUE THE USELESS STRUGGLE BEFORE TIME LIMIT WAS REACHED. ROGET AS A CONSPIRATOR. London. Oct. 5. The Paris spondent of the Daily Mail' says rumored there that General Roget, for mer sub-c'hief of the fourth bureau of the general staff; M. Godfrey de Cav- aignac, former minister of war, and M. Quesnay de Beaurepaire, former president of the civil- section of the court of cassation, will be arrested on the charge of conspiring against t he republic. South Carolina Dispensary Will Not Badge Until Courts Bule on His Case. Columbia, S. C, Oct. 5. State Li quor Commissioner Douthit, removed on a charge of fraud, today notified the a Brief Stop of the Special hoard of control that ne would refuse to give up the office till the courts passed on the case. ' Douthit wishes vindication' from criminal intent. Tie board contemplate referring the case to the attorney gen eral for prosecution. At the meeiting of the board otf con' trod last mioiiiith Ccimmiiteicauer Dtouth.it asked tilue board ftk chiainge the amount of mrdpr of a certain brand! j ORANGE STATE ARMY READY Ill Train at the Station. 1 ' ;t4ga-mi "hisfcl'es at the Factories Make o Noisy Saiute Conitinuing 'the Jour i&y Westward. Burghers AN Mobilized Different Farts of the Republic- To Act on the Defensive as Transvaal Allies. DEWfY HOME COMMITTEE WILL MEET THE ADMIRAL New York, Oct. 5. Today's contest between the Colunfbia and the Sham rock was even a greater fizzle than. the preceding one. There was ilititle or To Discuss With Him Today the Ques tion of a Suitable House. Washington, Oct. 5. Admiral Dewey is taking things easy and enjoying the Cpnton, O., Oct. 5. The presidential pacty arrived at Canton ait 11:30 today coirre- 1 " & '- f IS . it is tyjjwas entirelj'' tormal on tne part or nefehbors and friends. A committee o citizens melt the president at the sta tical. Members of the committee groi- edlthe president and a general rush fol looted on the part of the crowd present tOrihake the president's hand. He was surrounded by a crowd on th4 platform station and ' the hand sfhAkin-er was kept up until the ;rain T 7 w& signalled to start. While the greetings were in progress a continuous screech of steam wiiist-fs was kept up by the shops in the vicm- itV of the depot. Miss Bartr-r, niee ofkhe president, joined tbe party here Mrs. McKinley appeared in health than when here bei.or3 no wind, and for the most part iit wasAfil.st leisure since his arrival at Sandy 53 Patton Aye 50oooqcxox xxxxxxxxxxx . X NO DRUGS. NO KNIFE C. iW CASE and W. E. SWAN. OSTEOPATHS Graduates American School at Kirksville. Mo. merely a drifting contest, 'line course was a fifteen mile run before the'wi and a beat back, and it was laid soutn- east by east, but only aboult twelve miles of the first leg had been covered when the time within which the race shouild be sailed under the rules, elaps ed and it was declared no race. When the signal calling the race off sounded the Shamrock had a lead or aboult two hundred yards. Altogether tisfactorv test of the merits of the boats. i The Columbia was first across the starting line, going over ait ii.uu.oj. The Shamrock, lapping (her, followed at 11.01.05, The two yachts crept along and for five minutes or so neither gained. Fr nally 'the Columbia's crew drew her spinnaker a trifle aft and she immedi ately began to draw iaway, but the Shamrock, by shifting sails, soon be gan to catoh up. The wind was very light, the boats making no;t more than six knoits. A MONOTONOUS FAILURE. The Shamrock overhauled the Co lumbia, but the boats remained on even terms only a short time, for the Columbia, getting a slant wind, drew away. At 11:40 the Columbia was two lengths ahead, but it was slow wotk and very monotonous for the specta tors. A few minutes later the wind hauled toward the north. The Columbia caught the change first and rapidly drew" ahead. The Shamrock at this point hauled over to the east, in the hope of getting to the windward of the ! Columbia, but 'as fast as the challenger Hook, last Tuesday. Today he was presented with a gold headed cane by an admirer. Tomorrow Dewey will meet members of the committee that is endeavoring to raise a fund to purchase him a home, and the question whether a house will be built or bought will then be deter mined. The meeting will take place in thp nffiofi of the assistant secretary of the navv. The committee has now $50,000 on hand or pledged. NO TRACE OF ANDREE. t-eUer the order of a certain brand) fixed on, and to order mtorie oil What brand, as that whiskey wia becoming- very popular lairJci lit was hard to keep it an stock. Now, Ithe evidence submitted shows that the wlhifekev the commissticini asked for in lartg.0 quantities, was the low-grakle brand h.e was sending out with high grade labels. The inferecace of the commlittee's statement is that the commissi oner ha)d a idiD'Uble object oaie to collect more money ftrom the local dispensers than lie Tvias accountable for to the state, and. tne other that lhe was imtereisited in heavy sales of a certain lbw-grade wlhiekey. BASEBALL GAMES YESTERDAY. At Boston- Boston I New York batteries: Meekin Seymour and Warner. News From Capetown is Very Contradictory, an 1 R. H. E. . 0 10 1 .. 3 9.1 Fullivan, Great Anxiety to Know if Advanc Has Actually Begun. STOREKEEPERS AT PRETORIA BARRICADING THEIR STORES GENERAL BUDLER SUMMONED TO CONSULT WITH QUEEN VIC TORIA. - Telephone 525. 18 Church Street, would luff .the Columbia )ffl(Sfcl would meet her, 'and ' a prolonged .Huffing contest followed. ' THE WIND FRESHENS. Both yachts were now sailing' several points off the true course, but the American boat continued in the lead. The wind had freshened and both were .TT.fl.ui ne- srood s-oeed. The Columbia was carrying the bone in her teeth and the Shamrock was following in good style. The wind . soon di'd out, 'however, 12:40 the sails of botn, Doais A few. minutes aner ine Columbia struck anotner smut and (began increasing her lead. At firtiv 'half a mile ahead, PROF. EDW. eRtWEJ?, . better wind, to decrease the lead. The Shamrock's wind soon left her, A iKrwth vachts were comparatively New "York. Oct. 5. The Sun bias al ready reported the failure of Profes sor Nathorst's expedition from Norway to find any traces of the lost Arctic aeronaut, Andree, and his two compan ions, on the east coast of Greenland. Since the news came of his ill success, word has been received from Lieutem--ant Andrup of the Danish navy of the explorations he has just made along the east coast just south of the region Tiitprl bv Nathorst. He found no signs that Andre had landed on any part of that coast. The chief importance of the news he sends is that nothing had been heard of Andree at Angmagsalik, in 65 d grppa 50 min. N. Lat., the most north ern Danish post and Eskimo setttle rnnt on the east coast. It was well known that if Andree had landed safe ly in this part of Greenland he would have made every effort to reach that settlement. Where all his needs would have been supplied. Sufficiently careful investigations have been made on both the west and east coasts to justify the conclusion that if the balloon party landed any where in Greenland it would not be able to reach a place where food was ob tainable. There is scarcely any rea son now to hope that any news will ever be 'heard of the fate of these three m -.,icS their bodies are found. In 65 deg. N. Lat., Lieut Andrup found traces of habitation by extinct Eskimo tribes and secured a number of skeletons and ethnographical objects. i REINFORCEMENTS FOR OTIS. Washington, Oct. 5. The Thirty- nifcth ;nfantry, now at ort irooK-e, Sitfh.raska. has been ordered to Van couver and the Forty-sixth infantry, at finuth Framingham, to San i rancisco, kn,,roinrv tn omhiirk at once tor tne picpai--v J - Philippines. YELLOW FEVER PROGRESS. Npw Orleans. Oct. 5. Three new Doa ,n.f veMow fever were reported VCAjkJ V- w - hen-e today. Jacksonville, Oct. '5. Key West, re rwrrs fotrtv-three new cases of yellow feverand two deaths today. YELLOW FEVER AT TAMPIC0 Austin. Tex., Oct. 5. omciai an- noancement'ls made that yellow fever has again made its appearance a. 1 4? n,n o Tampico.. There are a iram'uei ui. lco- es there. Quarantine aJiong me rvio arande border is being enforced with the greatest vigor to prevent the en trance of the disease into lexas. At Baltimore R- H. E. Baltimore - 0 u I Philadelphia 2 9 1 Called ,in ninth inning on account, oi darkness. Batteries: Neps and. SmiLi; Dono- Ihue and McFarland. At Louisville . Louisville Cincinnati Batteries: Waddell Frisk and Mahoe. and R. H.'E. ..481 .. 0 fi 3 Laltimer; At St. Louis R. H. E. St. Louis 6 15 4 Pittsburg 9 13 0 Batteries: Sudhoff and O' Conner; Gray and Schriver. K. H. li. A 1 O "1 Washington - LO Brooklyn y z Batteries: Dineen and MCivxanub, unn and Mcuuire. INDECENT NEGRO MUTILATED. Columbia, S. C, Oct. 5. -A party of white men today oascraieu b' named Jenkins at Anderson, b. ior making indecent proposals and expos ing his person in an indecent maimi & white girl. The negro was given the rvf heinsr lynched or submitting t. snrenca.1 ooemtion. He decided r.r, the latter. After the operation he rarried to his home and told that as soon as he got well he must leave the place. CARTER'S SLIM CHANCE. Garter WHERE THEY PLAY TODAY New York at Boston. Philadelphia at Baltimore Brooklyn at Washington. Cincinnati at Louisville. Pittsburg at St. Louis. OF THE NEWFOUND BRIDGE ACCIDENT. Treatment for: NERVOUS, RHEU MATIC AND OTHER DISEASES. Special: THURE BRANDT MAS SAGE for Female Diseases; also ace Massage. 'and at Ihung limp. -vr T7v,rr-v nHh 4. Obrlin M 1 K . VV L w A IV ' w w - , , o0 ,ave,n fmm Governor's Isla.nd to tne u , ... i.i , United States circuut 'court topay writ of habelas c'orpus in Ms bohallf ob- ibaitaed lafet Mwniday. Capitalin Carter was irepresuiteu uy T?,e md L. L. Kellogg. Mr. Rose opening for hiie client saM there was ;nq tried the charges againsx or&.twl daiesrallv in its nnaamgto. y - 3uestfion d;- sentence, however, it was, claimed, me court laji " piowera, beyond Its jurisdictilon and con trary to law.. - Col. Clouse held tnat me couiltmair.tial cannot be wwed by a civil court, amldl ad4eaiw"p V.oV :ty,c mower to 'H"3 dx- end St the exerdhe of such ,jer tne court xnitu. uj - STANDING Clubs. Brooklyn 30 Boston yz Philadelphia 90 Baltimore St. Louis . Cincinnati Pittsburg Lpuisville Chicago . . New York Washington CLUBS. W. L. I Cleveland. 20128 HANDLE FACtORY Chairman Gaston Notified Yesterday That Damages Will b9 Asked For. ton Ford, who was injured several days under thi secoind charge to e?cei (Graduate of Chemnitz College Germany. Formerly with OaJs land Height Sanitarium.) ' 65 SOUTH MAIN &8 PHONE 206, Home or office treatment. ae-o in the New Found bridge accident, has served notice on Chairman (aston, of the board of county Commissioners, that they will appear before the board at the meeting- next Monday and ask tin iTnorisotnimeinit: under tine iuhiu to dismiss him flfoaa tb army, am un IdSer the foiirth charge to limpose a en- sinniment or batn. tttiiUC laic vi ir . To- Coundil BUbmitltefl briefs. Ju'dgo La w wr iviis. flpisiom on Ithe writ, anli ordered iCapiiaSn Carter oack to the Soon to be Located on Montreat Asso ciation Property The outlook continues b -vr..v,.f,.-u..a istcnf iutinn. The topmeat of interest is th fact that Air. Hazettine, one of the lt owners at the Retreat, has decided to move his haaffie manufacturing business iron Ohao . to ,w;i-n rurrvrve-rtV- The eStaDllSn- ILLS DiaiVJUiK.va J-.Li f - - merit will be located directly in the "business sectfomi of the association prop erty All the iaxe an'd ether Handles that Ire'mamufactured by Mr. Hazeltme are Mr. HJazeltfln wta 5ml Ashevalle thaa week ipilacing aridiers. for damages. The attorneys wtii taKe becalmed for a time. The Shamrock this step in connection with the $5,000 custody of Captain Robents of Govem rrrr! .uttie breeze and while damage suit which has been tfrought TRlflI1v, agaiheit the board Chairmtan Gaston was here yesterday yj-i advertisements in the and made some inquiries regarding the yyrins sure results pie. I Grant's No. 24 To Cure a Cold Quick Take io oneOit a little breeze and the Columbia lay becalmed, she stead ily cut down. the lead. SHAMROCK DRAWS UP- At 2 o'clock they practically were on even terms. They lay within a hun dred yards of each other for about twenty minutes. Then the wind; oame from the southeast -and the Shamrock, -oYwHmr cm starboard tack, farced the 5 Columbia to gybe, the challenger there- by succeeding in geiwe ? bia's weather Quarter. A duel between the yacms Gazette They reach the peo- accident. He says he was never noti fied of the unsafe condition of the bridge, a fact, which it is understood, the prosecution will attempt to estab lish. THE GAZETTE AT WAKE FOREST. Editor The Gazette: Your piapeiris a most welcome guest at my boarding olace. We read its columns and find iKnt the Shamrock not only maintained themr be growing more and more ibuit; increased' her aavituwsc. was undoubtedly better handled. . ri.t- only one nour o. ILtautes Wht -bioh ta fini the race, Bhe had a slignx ie now on opposite wind stffl light, and whence u.- JS'naphonedked - rack people it tney wcx - CJW1r , .Li ir- TTtafrtv wias glad S frT nfrt W; shaped - i wneeirn n a Ln.i.rap for tne S were Grant's No, Ml Price 25c. newsy, xou nave many irieiKiS' m- iu; part of ithe Old North State, who agree with you on your amendment policy. I met, while in Raleigh, a few -weeks ago, many men who praise the mianly stand The Gazette has taken. Tours sincerely, w- C. Wake Forest;. N.-.C., Oct. 4. at then their Sandy SAMPSON'S SWORD . TT-pritiorV ; N. J.. Oct- 5. Governor Voorhees recefVed -a letter" today from Captain Chadwick of he flagship New York stating the officers of Ad- mimil iRam-DSon's fleet Intended to turn. out" Ini full numbers at the presentation xf the diamond-stu'ddedf sword1 to the K J i Hook, taking in t"6 J 1 admiral '6H . October 25, and they will ;rant q Hnarmac5ke. They. over .ex . . . a tih staKe oat w ..v.. , --i ' . i 24 S. Main Street aittend in full-dress. ie suggests nox- ink the - presentation ceremonies later in the Jay -instead of -at" noon, and Governor Voorhees ;will 1 .accordingly - J A ii- 'S ,200'pai boye' eoeT,f' Wi:- O A takevplace In Ahe. assembly chamber In ma s To the Public:! Tour choice of our entire atock of Ox ford Ties at $1.75, for this weeK. u-. a Mears. Why So Many Wear Glasses. The advance of civuizaxiu imposes increased labors upon our eyes. . - Peddlers and reckless methods employed- by people in- fitting their own eyes cause much of tne trouble. Eye affects that were raw ithoughtxto be incurable are now entirely relieved Dy lue uiuwj of glaesesr Exaanination jiree. '" SGIKNTIPIC OPTICIAN, , " 4ft Patton Ave.- T deisine to ahform my patrons atod public generally that Ivhave boIkJ to Mr. Clarance Sawyer my business at xno. o I also want ito extend my . kind Si London, Oct. 5. A despatch to the Daily News from Bloemfontein ays thalt all Burghers of the Orange Free State have been commanded and mobil ized in different parts of the republic. They have been ordered to act on the defensive and will probably be kept six miles from the border to avoid collie ions with the Brilcish. General Buller, who will command, thp "RHtish. has erone to Balmoral in response to a summons from the queen. ARp BOERS ADVANCING? London, Oct. 5. The Daily Tele graph published in its second edition this morning a despaJtch from New Casitle, Natal, dated yesterday, an nouncing that the Boers' advance be gan yesterday with a double movement of artillery. News is contradictory. Side by side wilth the announcement that the Boers occupied Laings 2eck is printed a despatch from Pretoria saying the Transvaal government is sued a strict injunction to command- ' ants that British territory must not De invaded, and General Joubert issued a proclamation threatening to snoot any man who crossed the border. While it is not neceeary to accept an sensational Statements regarding the advance of the Boers, there is not a jot of evidence to show that the Burgners contemplate receding. CONTRADICTORY NEWS. f Up to 9 o'clock this afternoon noth ing arrived ltd confirm the despatch from New Castle to the Daily Tele graph announcing that a general ad vance of the Boer forces began yester day. The war office and the colonial office profess enJtire ignorance. - Another New Castle special, forward ed later to the Telegraph, contradicts the first and declares all is quiet on the border and no sign of a Boer advance. tv,q. -nan-a T-ocmirr? i n er the allesed in- " vasion of theNatal is awaited with anx ious interest. It id a distinctly serious and ugly look in the statement in items from New Cafe tie to 'the effect that armed Kaffirs accompany Boer com manrs. This would be absolutely a bright for tflbreaclh af conditions supposed to gov e latest devel-j p fliTruIlir civilized nations, and if true presages scenes worse than- even the gloomiest forecasts. An .un- confirmed report eay martial law has been proclaimed in the Transvaal. Intelligence from Capetown includes an official denial of the rumor nhalt the British have crossed the Transvaal frontier near Kimberly. REASSURING. Maf eking, Oct. 5. It is asserted here ..- , ' i.i v,ot thP Bnrsrhers on renaoie auiuui i not to cross the western frontier or interfere with civilians, but ito resist the passage or armea Johannesburg, Oct. - cirah. lawlessness the regular distribution of letters has ceased. - The governmeiiL iko t..- Fierreira mine to the directors on con- (Contlnued cm Fifth Page-) 83 82 77 74 !73 72 57 51 45 53 55 58 66 65 72 73 72 86 94 PC .681 .634 .621 .589 .554 .541 .507 .500 .500 .398 .352 .135 igrooery S Sauare. i "u. ..1 j-IViIotiVci rt thft most eraitri-ui. uu" and generous ci!Szens of AsheviHe for itheir liberal patronage wuiu for the past ' 18 years has nade . mv business a success. Mr. Sawyer was born and raised $ fn tMs communiity, anid I cam slafe- tv siv has the confidence of all, $ I am sure hia greatest endeavor will b to maintain the business ait fits present high standard will have many advantages that .should domimjenid him to the thouelhtful buyer, his own busi- neea experience, experienced help.. ? hnvingr" in large duamtitie3, buy- V ins toe cah, and ihl many in- stances direct from the manufac- turer. 'I trust my Mends will favor'lhlm with ielr pajfcraoase. .K srnlL-n thknldnfir ' VKM mOSt COT- 8 ft liallyfor all gratefully, , - - Money Saved is Money Made If there is anything you can ue to the lot of NoveltlM w are Closing Out It will certainly save you money to part ravore, x a.: - W'- f. snider; buy them. . Arthur .Qi Field. Corner' curcfi Btti'toS Pfcttoa 'Ave 51 y. -. i:- T. ft ! I Ji' - 1 N l ft J j Asueville 1