I ; t - -v' - ' . ' -y '.V; - ' THE ASHEVILLE GA2ETTE OCT. 8 1899 IdHEROKEE INDIANS " l- , HAVE All ELECTION nn 9 . 1 SAMPSON OWL, A DEMOCRAT. WAS ELECTED CHIEF BY A MISCELJ4ANEOU8. SMALL MAJORITY. COLUMN "W'SIElIEIIl.IE (OPEN ALL, THE YEAR AROUND.) One hundred end twenty-flv bd roonw. Altitude, 2,252 FeeL Electalo ttgbtt, ,-m Heat.. Elevaitoor.' BaJl Room. Barth Rooms. Ten Pin Alley. Elevn Acres Beautiful OToundfl. Floe SamA of Mua4ciaai Enrpkyd ftxr tie llto. Horseback Ridin. Beautlful Grounds. Every tfciiitf New. Flrat 3a Vr m m " & WHEEL.ER. , WAYNESVILLE INN Viaynesville, JV- C ; 1 ii ntrr rat pa dufmsthe months 6f beenreouced 15 to 20 yei cent. mr.Bt nJant ot the year in the best place 10 stop. Most deisghttul soenes in Western North Carolina at Waynes ville. HOTEL FLEMING Marion N- c GKDBER CONCERT CO., Proprietors. tSNiERALDA INN hickory Nut Gap. alda feouch Ry atcl1 Ga- 118111 tovemAxheiYme 8.2ft - m. THOMAS Quisisana Nature A-sheviUe, N. C 167 French Broad Ivenue, LATEST GERMAN METHOD No Medicine! No Operations! Host Buccessful cures effected by Movements, etc au unstjaetw uwwu. CONSUMPTIVES TAKEN. i Asheville Telephone Co. INDEPENDENT) Endorsed by Asheville Board of Trade. Long distance service to Hendersonville, Brevard and Sapphire and Intermediate Stations. toes for business 'phones Bates for residence 'phones Over 600 City Connections, W. S. PROCTOR, Supt. Offce, Over! Patton Avenue, Catering for Parlies, Receptions, , retrod We have of ten n. ajked but have neretoior in annnouncmg xuai c yourself to entertaining L. Ml THEOBOLD. .. .- r..VT I xLaurel Vallev Saloon. 50 SOUTH MAM STREET. .. . Wines and Whiskies we carry a select biock ui-..'"vvU, 1 411 mflr urJ jlP that is kepti P' ml.- ; flnmir'fi Laurel Valley 01 iiwtja m aaaitv ana priw-: nye and Corn a speaaltyjor.fainily.u . 5V HeBdersoaTlKe; K. O. September and October have Vittitioxe Mill find these months the mountains, and the Inn J. E. MONTAGUE, Proprietor. Id the iamd of ca&cadea and water falls. Bathing ead fishing. Until Hickory Nut Gap road te raiade paaable take cars to Henderson vllle. From there to Bamer- is a pleaswuntt tfWsre of three hours TURhER, Proprietor Cure Sanitarium Massage, Baths, Diet, 'Sweedisli m $24.t)0 per year $16.00 per year Wedding Breakfasts, Etc., Etc. to cater Uo parties of different kinds, ,to JeF We new take pleasure - . to furnish estimates for any .,. . -r,,, q.. church your &uBt. A&HEVILLE CANDY KITCHEN - WANTED A ffooidl second hiaiid fitieel ramf a. Si v ves. Must be ill nrst r-lssM orniditltnii. Address Box TOT But Asheville. N. C. 206-3t ANTED A FARM A madi who has had experience as a farmer would HKe An ihalcp (Vharsns of & small or large farm. If there is a crop on it, gathered or not gathered he may buy ix. AQarese, w armer, caire jraznc umtc RTT'P'R'FLTr'TiTTOtT S HAIR destroyed ffor- w hv itlie Electric Needle without nailTi rr scar. The Eledtroiosi uo., Box 563, Asheaite, N. C. 1 TWT5S TJOTtA WARE-Piaailst and teach- pr in strineed instruments, corner 01 SDruce audi Wood fin street ROOMS AND BOARD. c 3 ? BOARD-rln jvrivate family. Reasons hie rates. Un JBaltmorje .car iape. --u- dress Mrs. M. C. A. KenilWoDth FarK mes. rdard Iii a mlvate iamlily : house aiu furniture mew. ajnd all modem conven. imfl. Fve minutes- want, iiwix onnoriPi- rn, flifrepi car line. Rate, TnrloraV. Address "H." Gazette 192?26t PRIVATE BOARD Five minute walk good .table. Mrs. Mary J. Starnes, No. Q TTinwflASPA Place. FOR RENT. v!S' t ttor TRlENT-r-Cheao if taken a) once, furnished rooms. Loca .ticn Origin and ipleasaint. Two minutes ftrm,thside aveuue ax line Address P. O. Box 360, 'or apply at VVW. w ' FOR RENT Two or three rooms (fur .nrfaKod m.r iLnifiirnished) tor iiaernx mouse keeping, on first floor of pleasaat houe on Sunset drive. Wiu rent ac rea dable xaites for winter. No children taken. Address "F. M. H." Asheville FOR RENT Two or three unfurnished -rooms, with hot and oold water on same floor. With or without board. One block from Orange street echo.!. Re-nt very low. Address, x. u. a- zette. FOR RENT One 1-arge boarding house with steam heait, two bath rooms, ejec tric lights and call beHls from each Wall Irwflifd. AnnlV to O. D. Reveill, No. 31, Temple Court, third floor. -mwT "D TP "NTT" TPIot -i!f iVlTftft OTP fOUT fur uiehed rooms. Also several single reams.' "76, 78 Haywood sure.. wo-oi ! TrrT? tpit'mt' a onrntyletelv furnish vn,ia rf smve-n rmoms. cenxraaiy nueo. w " ' " tied, danven&ent to car line. Moder. conveniences. Apply to u. a. rvum holt, Real Estajta Broker, Tempi I FOR RENT Furnished and unfur nished apartments of two, mree ana five rooms, with moaern canveiuevc Appy at 38 South French roaa av enue. iW- FOR RENT Three large furnlslhed rooms for light housekeeping, ino hick. people taken. Hot and cold water on same floor. Apply at i &uaiuie aw m 14. Tteititnn avenue. a-iu. -rn T?n7!-rrr A nieelv furnished fiv room cottage, with modern conven lences. Price reasonable. Addies A T3 ra.ra Taill V (Gazelle. X)6-V 1.. vuwv - FOR RENT Unfurnished elegant five room flat; bath and all moaern con veniences, steel range, etc; best resi ztoma moip-hHnirhniod: iten minutes walk from poatqffice; one block from car line. Enquire) at 90 Cumberland inttcelv furntohedw for Idght housekeeping. Call at 169 FOR SALE. tti"vT CfAT.tr A rn,Ti!d (hfliTld 1899 Bill J? XV tJAUU WWN- . - Mr-xmlo OnmrS as new. Will seJ at a bargain.- Call at Gazette office 204-t PRIVATE BOARD. House In uburbs to large iliady av-trA wui tiahi with abundance of fresh 'milk, butter, egg, etc. Mile from plwrin. cair tine. Tel0- ohone 295. RaJtes low. Informaution at Mrs. .T. M . Kirg. on UOOtLUWi axviuu- tain car line or at Rare book iaro. THE SILVAN PARK PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE. Nn. F Starnes Avenue. Large rooms, newly papered and fur nlslhed. ReasonaDie rates 'jr- MISSES HAYWARD. , Want advertisements In the Gazette bring sure results, xney reapu iiuo ple, - -. ' ' : - ; : ftAnixite Ynnf Bowels TTitll Casearttft. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation torever. 'WO,.JC. 11 u u u usiBKo v. . - AFE URE PEEDV nnc in m AIR'S I UliiM ton WfcHl" w mm frehch reueiJV never raiiu. : cunnpem BY THOUSANDS Of ladies as periodical tegalator ithont 'mt, equal ..cftl n),.n rntton Root. PeBisToyaL Ergot. etc. hare proven worthless; Je5two-cet stamps brings trial package, and convinces the mostkeptical oi .jieir won derful properties.' Send 4 cents in stamps for pamphlet containing valuable information , for ladies. Addre t.,B.,,rn TT S Avnf a. Boston. Mass N,B All correspondence confidential and retaras? with trial package. Political Considerations Cut Little Figure, It Is Said. Council for the Eastern Band Has Passed Upon a Number of Legisla tive Matters Election May Be Con tested on IrregulHairities. Georsre H. Smathers and his secre tary, Mr. Williams, have returned from a trip through the western counties, in cluding a short stay at ithe reservation of'' the eastern band of Cherokee In dians, s The council of the 'band has been in session and taken action on a number of matters. Sometime ago the band sold some timber lands for $2,000, and thf council naseed an act mrectmer the distribution of the amount,' and' pa'.d the chief of the council for his servi-1 Matters are running very smoothly with the Indian school, of which Tofiessor H. W. Spray is the principal. One of the iteachers, a laay, who has tauerht in the Indian Territory, was asked, regarding- tthe aptness of Iher pu pils. She replied that the Indians were about on an equality with the white children in their faculty for learning. "The school has a resident physician, and Dr. Wortsell. until recently with the r-sion' bureau at Wa&hington, now "has 'thisi position. The chief and assistant chief of the eastern band of Cherokees are elected four veaas. At the same time the members of the council are elected for a term of two years. At the re cent election 'Sampson Owl was elected chief and StillwelOi Saunooka, who serv ed as chief from 1891 to 1895, was elect ed assistant chief. While local issues figured very largely in, the ejection, the resullt was something like a democrat ic victory, as the new chief is of that nartv. As proof of the fact th!a)t poli- Hr had no weight, it is pointed " out t.hnt the democratic chief was elected hv nnlv Itihree majority, while the re publican assistant chief worsted nis antagonist oy seventy votes. There is some talk of not sealing Sampson Owl. not because he is not &s wise as an owl. but because of some alleged iiregularfties in the electron, it is said that some of the Swain county judges were not chosen in accordance with the Indian constitution. it xne diarmted tt.ownsihios should be thrown out, the democratic candidate for the office of ;hief, Jesse Reed, would be elected by one vote. If there is no evidence of open fraud, however, no such step will be taken, as .the coun cil will attach no grealt importance to mr technicalities . The timber sale mentioned has oeen under dispute several years, but it is now believed that at least a part of the proceeds of the sale will, through an order of the court, be distributed. The case of the United States against u. r. -Rnvd amd others, involving the status of the Indians, is now pending before the Supreme court, and wiui -nil,! Trahahilitv be argured this winter. F . -i i - TT The case will te arguea uy wbc -ci. Rmathers. legal representative or tne land of Cherokee Indians, and Louis tvt T?miirne for the Dixon & Mason lnTnher icomioanv. who are claiming damages against the government. The i HI V. interests of the government -win ms incited after bv some one attacnea io the department of justice. It will be remembered that the United States circuit court of appeals, Judge Lrort ri covering- the opinion of the court, ren dered a decision during the JNoverwDer tprm nf '97. iholding ithat these Indians rrv not citizens of the United State3 or North Carolina, but were wards of the nation. The principal object of he appeal by the defendants to the United States Supreme court is to se cure a decision settling the status oi the Indians. About fifteen hundred people are now included in the band. All ithe male population over eighteen years of age, may vote. T7i tr Tiirmpr OomptorL Mo., wa cured of piles toy Dr. DeWitt'e Wltc tti qiqWo flfititr suffering seventeei years and trying over twenty remediet Physicians and surgeons enuui.s il. ware of dangerous counterfeits. Fo by .the" Paragon Pharmacy. BAD DRINKING WATER. greatlv from the different kinds of water he is compelled Itxx drink, and mo'tlring is bo likely to bring on an attack of diarrhoea. Perry Davis' Pain-aier is the onuyv&are, quics. and sure ure for t, cramps ana cnoiera a-wiWyIi enhsatltute. there is but one Pain-Killer, Perry Davis'. Price 25c If you have reached the point where you think nothiDsr can streng then your stomach trv Hostet- ter's Stomach Bit t e r s. It cures all Stomach,. Liver and Kidney Ailments. STOMACr-i 4 This is a fact, not an expe riment. SEND ONE DOLUR ; WHITE PLAINLY USTTKKISCI ; WASTED, and we will send ! you by freight, FREIGHT 1 Pllli. r!. O. D.. 8'.ibi(Ht to I examination, this haadsoaM Roral Klae Mro! birmTe- iloae. - gjiars.E teeing safe delivery. Kx.-unlne it t I J I found perfectly iurctir. MaCliy. u repnnnin, od eqeal to staes tltat retail at $20.00 to CSU.OO. w th frelrht I airent Our Specie) Utter trtee, , iaoa Mia ai.UU Sent i . .tu. : - ri.. Mmmt, Grain irM. la aaadcatnetlbto. aad kaa a nea fclcaly poncbad, ssfadbr !-. Craiaataai ia0 taekaa fch. Address, StAKS. KUtKUUi. W., gniWAUu, r3 1 From the i st to 15th of October we ofter our entire stock of Bedroom Suits, Sideboards, Lounges, Book Cases, Wardrobes, Ghiffonnieres, Chairs, Trunks, Art Squares, Rugs, Pillows, Mattresses, Comforts, Blan kets, Pictures, Springs, Cots and -a large stock ot best stoves in town at a discount of 10 per cent. This is a time when cash money will surely buy bargains. We do not want to move the furniture twice, so we prefer mov ing "what we have on hand to your house now and deliver other goods from our new place on Patton Ave nue. Come see what we can do for 5r you Don't fail to ste our Twenty Dol lar Sewing Machine. WWW TTTTTVTTtttt I Mrs. L. h. Johnson, H 27 North Main Street, 3 Telephone liiiiiuiitiiiuuuuiitimiaiiiimiiiituimmiiuiniuimuiii DR. AMBLER RETURNS FROM WESTERN TRIP. Thinks Western North Carolina Biv- als Yellowstone Park in Beauty. Dr. C. P. Ambler returned yester day from' a six weeks' hunting trip in Wyoming, Idaho and Yellowstone National Park. He traveled over 400 miles on horseback, and while he .as gone secured many valuable pointers on the national park which will be of service in the movement which has just been inaugurated here toward get ting a souitiherni national park. Dr. Ambler says that although the Yel lowstone park has some advantages, in the gysers and hot springs and higher mountains, in point of real beauty the countrv does ncit compare with Wes tern North Carolina. The forest pre serves are not preserves in the sense we use the term', as their timber is mostly pine, and of no commercial value, while we have a great deal of. fine lumber and pretty streams:, which should be preserved. He is convinced ho smith is mrvre entitled 'to a UIWV L 1 I v. .-. - ! national park than he ever was .be- fore. Dr. Ambler has been one or me aeaders in the movement since it was started here, andr has learned consid erablen regard to continuing the work successfully. Dr. Ambler killed two elks, tnree bears, a lynx, a deer, two coyotes, an antelope, a badger, a martin, a wolver ine and geese, ducks, grouse, sage hens and prairie chickens innumerable. They also caught a large number of trout. He will have the elks' heads mounted by a taxidermist in Living r.A Vppt h hides of the fS-LVlL -l a. w w X" ' others . Dir. Amblef biadJ ttetters from ex Secretary of State William, R. Day, c.w nf War Root andi Assistant Secrfeary of War Meiklejohn. He left the railroad alt Rawlins and went across Red Desert, Wyoming. He crossed the Shoshone Valley and reser Vftrt Waskakee. Then up Wind river and over the Tocootee Pass, which is 12,000 feet high, to Buffalo creek. His hunting was done on the .Tniokfin'n, Hoar basin, at the junction of -D,.oiiirt fiwJt andi Snak river. He came oit through Yellowstone pa5B, by i Lr TTMriTiiQ'hnir. Montana. A. gov- o,j w . TS 1 itn-t n 1 TW1 VT TTM.l II W V III. VV1L1A frr -week over the Shoshone reserva- a. : rte-ritiTi! "Rrown. of Yellowstone Dark, senlt a -detachment to meet him y,L ouanc x 1 - through the park. , T. ATYTES CAN WEAR SHOES I One size smaller after using Allen's Foot ! Ease, a ppwder to be1 shaken Into the I Tit makes tlsdht or new shoes ieei j it nnmfl SUdl . m .M acMng i feet. Trial package FRE I Sold W K&r& shoe and general woreaewpw By nuaH f or 25 ots. to tftampft. Address AllnvM. Olmartjed; lieKoy; N. x.-.' ' w- . TuttM ' arfnrlc ; inf ' 1898 cMldxeH I oes at cotfL G. A. Meara' Shoe Store 166." HI Translation. A good chairman story comes from the Antipodes. A dignified elder of a church was presiding at a charitable concert. A Miss Brown was to sing "Qra Pro No bis,'' but at the last moment she changed her mind, and a note was passed to the chairman intimating that she would give "The Song That Reached My Heart." He therefore made the. following an nouncement, "Miss Brown will now sing 'Ora Pro Nobis,' which, being translated, means 'The Song That Reached My Heart.' "London Chronicle. HOW'S THIS! We offer One Hundred D611ars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Tole do, O. We the underslgnedl, have known F. J. Cheney for tine last 15 years, and (believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any oblaga'tlon made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale- Druggist, Toledo, O. W aiding, Kinnan & Marvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, X Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internal! v, exiting directly upon the blood and mu cous surface of the system. Price, 75c. t per bottle. Sold' by all Druggists. Tea i timondala free. Hall'a Family Pills are t!he best. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a aclentifl compound having the endorsement t eminent. pihysicIaniB and the medica press. It "digests what you eat" an positively cures dyspepsia. M. A. Ket ron, Bloomdngidale, Tenm., says It cure' him of indigestion of ten years' standing. For sale (by the Paragon Pharmacy. i . , OeWitt's Witch Maze I Salve Cures TMei JVJSs. Bum CASTOR! A For Infants and Children. a Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of t recta with yon wnether yon eonttnne tne removes we aeairv wr winnvi w, ant nervons distress, expels nico-. tine. Dorines the blood, r mikM von I in health, nerve T CI If lwlcasas cured. Buy book. rAMonr own druggist, who will, patiently, persistently. One fcswbox, L araliT cures; S boxes. fz-W StorUwg BaMsdyto., fhleaga, aatraal, lew fats LAC4S eat , arsv awj ?"r Zdimtlationi AtDraoiMs,arfSS4t. 1. turn fat narHaolai. teattnanma ana M Belief for ladies, imu. av letiat If ell.-1,00 Tnoniate. TlfZl lUVAlMi0nKdla' UUAIAAia 9 r T IBIilaJFiniii iflniwn ar. n s If 2 -v-n 11 b a p-r In SBSaw-wf 5Tr. : . i - ,s t i - 1 M 1 - i t :.( . 1 ! i 7 'fl . t v. 1- , 1- t - ' " ... A a? ' i t " .

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