. THE ASHEVILLE tiAZETTC frHLVs 1899 aIa! a! vl l.l.l.i.i.i.i.i. J- 8. S. ?( Dress Goods.: MM ycSir $ attention:' all colors, 52-Inch," .$ ;,..', ? ;. H "H . , j V ' WE LEAD few items worth Venetian cloth, Oc. yard. tv Tmtonied Cloth. && colors, 52 x u- inches, $1.50 yard. . . 54 -inch elegant Cdotti Snii tings, six colore; 85c. yard. - , " : . "... 40-inch "Home Spun," 48c, -yard. Good assortment Plaids, 50c. y&rd. Imported double-faced Plaids for short skirts and capes, $1-15, $2.00 and $2.50 yard. . All-wool Serges, black and .colors, 38 inches wide, 33c; 45 inches, 50c.,; 50 inches, 50c. and 75c. yard; S4 inches Imported Serge, $1.00. . . . - . Black Crepons One special lot' at 69c, regular value $1.25. , Nice line 'at $1.39 and $1.48; elegant goods at $1.88, $1.98 and $2.50 yard. Plain and changeable Taffeta. Silks, 75c. yard; elegant line Corded Waist Silks, 95c. yard Black Taffetas, $ ' LEADING DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, MILLINERY. 40 and 42 Patton Avenue. New York Office, 636 Broadway. - Grand Collection, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Style, Assortment and Qualities are here, everything but high prices. Bargains that you -can appreciate at a glance. Our way oi doing business gains favor each day. We buy for cash. '' We sell to all alike lor cash only. If goods are not satisfactory your money refunded. What more can you want. The only house m Western North Carolina to keep a buyer in New York all the year round, constantly hunting for. the bestrand for bargains. Our business almost double what Sumner & Co. did a year ago. Clean goods arriving twice a week, prices oftentimes 25 to 40 per cent, kss than charged other places. Polite and courteouf attention. To appreciate the many reasons tor our increased business you should visit our store. No trouble to show goods. Goods as advertised or money refunded. Bis: Line Fine Jackets Just Received, $5 to $10 Each. some special values, - 4 ? M ii if, t (it . 4' (, f t, M i-':: '' $ ait 59c. and 79c; dthexs at 8fc, $1.15 and 1.30 yard. Black Satin, 75c, $1.00, $1.25 and 1.75 yard; black "Peau de Soie," $1.10 and $1.59 yard. OUR BLACK GOODS STOCK IS full of desirable goods a,t any price from 25c. to $2.50 yard. Cape Goods. CAPE GOODS, ROUGH, PLAIN AND FANCY PLAIDS. Children's Wool Plaids, 15c, 25c. and 38c . yard. Good school dress materials. Silk Velvets, -big assortment of col ors, 85c. and $2.50 yard. ji?SII4IlliSllSl8lSlIeISIl. Wool Blankets and , Quilts - - w Half carload opened ' thia -week. Good goods at small prices, quality considered. 12-4 pant wtool blankets at $2.00 per pair. 10- 4 all-wool fleecy blankets at $3.98 per pair. 11- 4 all-wool fleecy blankets at $4.50 per pair. li-4 finest, all w;ool "Lamb fleece" blankets at $750 per pair. Good quilts for $1.00 and $1.50 each ; double-lined, nice cotton, at $2.35 each; fine satine, nice cotton, at $3.50 and $4.50 each; silk "down" quilts,- light and new goods, $7.50 each. Bed spreads, some special values one at 79c, worth $1.00; one at 96c, worth $1.48. Others at $1.25, $1.50 and up to $3.50 eadx ? . $ . s ' $ 5 Lace Curtains and Haw Silk Draperies. Elegant nine just received. Lace curtains, 98c, $1.48, $1.98 and up- to $6.00 pair. Haw silk curtains, $2.50 (to $7, pair. .ISMSISI1I111$ Towels, Table Linen y Pll low Cases Sheetings, Dress Linings, Etc. This department gets special atten tion We do not hesitate to say yom oan't get such an assortment anywhere eflse in the cily and for buying it cheaper than we sell is se'dom accom plished. We are loaded on good tow els and table linen. We ..ommence to day, and we will keep it qoing as long as the stock lasts, and will give you bargains in towels and table linens that can be appreciated at glance They all say (merdhlants) that this class of goods is going up. ' Just try us we are going down on the prie3 line: 70-inch extra heavy Cream Damask, the 60-cent kind, every da.v now at 39c. yard. t Will refund your money if you can buy it anywhere in the (ity as good at 50c yard. 17x34-inch extra heavy, all pure linen Huck towels, 9c. each or $1.08 dozen. This is a good one for 12 l-2c or $1.50 dozen. 600 yards Satin Damask, 66 inches wide, imported to retail at 90c. yard, 66c. yard. Ready-made sheets, 81x90 inches, 48c. eaoh. Pillow cases, 36x45 inches, 10c. each; made of Pepperill Mills. - t 12 yards Cambric, $1.00; yard-wide Fruit of Loom, 7 l-2c; .yard-wide Un bleached Muslin, 5c. ; White Flannel, 18c, 25c and up to $1.00 yard. ' Eiderdown Fliannels, all colors, 30c. and 33c-. yard. 1I8M81$!SI1SI14IS14I4III1SS Lowest Cash Prices. WE GIVE OUR CUSTOMERS the lowest cash prices on Dress Linings. No special discounts to anyone. Buy your own linings and save about 20 per cent. Good Percaline at 10c, 12 l-2c. up to 25c. yard. Near silk linings (all colors) at 18c. yard. Ili$IlllSIHSS$lIIS 5 and 10c Cdunter. OUR 5 and 10 CENT COUNTER la a winning card, because we keep noth ing butt bargains all the time. Beau tiful lin of new piece received for 5c. and 10c. each. Sale of Pattern Hats. While our Millinery Department is do ing the biggest business in the history of this establishment, we will give you December prices on Pattern Hats in Oc tober. If you have delayed buying a fine halt, waiting, for prices to meet the pocketbook, visit our Millinery Depart ment: Monday morning, October 9th, alll Pattern Hats $10 to $13 eaoh; Mori day, October 9th, at $7.98 each. All Pattern Hats $15, $18 and up to $23 each; Monday, October 9th, $9.98 each. Pattern Hats, $25 to $35 each; Monday, October 9th, $14.98. t L S 1 Our Way. Jewelry Counter. . A'. LOOK AT OUR JEWELRY COUNTER STERLING SILVER PIECES: Shoe Buttoners, Shoe Horns, Shtoe Stretchers, Nail Files, Button Hooks, Tooth Brushes, 39c. eaoh. Nethersole Bracelets, 25c. to $2.00 each. Sterling Silver HaJt Pins, 25c. and 38c. each. j Jetted Belts, 75c. to $1.50 each. Fancy Stick Pins, 10c. each. Collar and Belt Olasps, 25c. to 75c. set. Side Combs, 5c. to 50c. pair. Shell Combs (for back), 10c. to 50c. each. N If out yesterday of staple articles, in today, as goods come allmost daily, and we keep stock up to the top notch, Corsete that have style and finish combined. All the mew, up-to-date shape, 50c. to $1.50 pair. CHILDRENS' KNIT GOODS Hoods, Capes, Sacks, all sizes and prices. Curtain Cords, 15c. to 38c each; Child's Kid and Wool Mittens, 15c to $1.00 pair; Ladies' Cashmere Hose, 20c. to $1.00 pair; Children's Cashmere Hose, ?L 15c. to 50c. oair. It is just our way of doing business. We bought these hats for the styles, &nd . fon our customers 'to admire and duplicate them in less expensive mate rials, and we will try and dispose of them early at 'a sacrifice price Monday, October 9th. Seldom you see such a collection of walking hats, new and at tractive shapes, as we are showing. We are determined to lead the milli- . nery procession with choice goods, and at the same time undersell all competi tors. That line new Tan Crown at $1.50 each is the $3.00 kind; the gray and black walking hats with long quills the $2.50 kind, HERE at $1.25 each. Beautiful line walking hats just in 60c, $1.00 and $1.75 each. WE CHANGED THE PRICE on these stylish $2.50 walking hats, "roll brim,", to $1.75 each. A the prices drop in New York we drop it here. Our buyer looks out for Just such things. IF YOUR ORDERS ARE not filled Just as directed give us a chance to cor rect any mistake will gladly do so. WE ARE getting up some nobby hats at $3.50, $4.50 and $6.00. Give us your order. If not up to your expectations we do not expect you to take it. WE WANT YOUR' TRADE. WE will PLEASE you with goods that are the newest and latest out, and trimmed by an expert trimmer, at moderate prices. THE BEST ONE DOLLAR KID GLOVE IN ASHEVILLE FOR ONE ' DOLLAR, all colors, 2 olasp and 6 hook fasteners. Notion Department. .e OUR NOTION STOCK IS IMMENSE full of bright novelties and all the staple goods. Short profits and lots of 'em is our way of sealing notions. 'V $ e 1 s s . . ? ' f ; . . wwfwiriiiiiif Wool Underwear. OUR WOOL UNDERWEAR DE PARTMENT is crowded with new and warm goods. We have a good, heavy ribbed vest, fleeced lined, at 25c. each. Another good heavy, part wool vest, at 50c. A good heavy, cotton ribbed Union Suit for ladies aJt 38c. Fine line of natural wool and white ribbed goods at $1.00 each. Union Suits for ladies up to $3,50 uit. - Infants' fine, all wool, ribbed Vests, 25c, 50c. and up to $1.00 each. Wool knit Skirts for ladies, 39c, 75c, $1.00 and up to $2.00 each. Nkrrrrr!rr Golf Capes. GOLF CAPES AND " JACKETS will all be in by the 10th. Some good bar gains already in. Golf capes at $6, $9 and $10 each. Special lot of sample Tan. Jackets, silk lined, just received value $6.50 at $3.98 each. OUR BUYER SENT US a big bar gain In fine electric seal Capes. One at $2.48, worth $6.00; one at $6,48, worth $10.00; one at $7.48, worth $12.50. This is a special lot and will go in a burry. Handsomely finished and lined with silk and satin. Big line of Fur Collarettes and fan cy Fur Capes and neck pieces received this week. OUR prices so low, nearly all sold in three days Another big line expected this week. They sell be cause they are new goods for less mon ey than Is 'asked for carried over goods. $3- $ $ $$ $$ $ $ $s $, $ $ & $ $$ $ $$ $$ $ $ $$ t t 8 8 ? $ S $; s $$ s ' Al A MAVA'AI -i A !iiij$ii: ?i3 S$ $ 4$' . 4fc SJ'4 $$?'J!JlJ!.k$ JlrfclJlJlJ'$ t $ .l!lll!!Ssllllvlii' ai a aiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiI, k r r . ll ' . ' ' 1 1 ' ' 1 1 1 ' ' i-ii"L''jivVvi-v' VVVVVVVVVVvjvVVVVjVVV THE MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH OPERA HOUSE PRIZES YESTERDAY'S QUOTATIONS ON NEW YORK EXCHANGES AND CHICAGO GRAIN BO'A'RD. The New York Market was Feature less Yfcsterday. Highest, Lowest and Closing Quota tione for Active Stocks by Special De spatch from Haven & Stout, 1 Nas sau Street, New York. New York, Oct. 7 The market was featureless today. The, banks siaJte ment v.ns about what, was .expected and had liule effect. ' ' - STOCKS. .High Low Close Am. Tobacco 124 123 123 Con. Tobarifto ' 43 43 ' cn. Tobacco, pfd. 94 94 142K 1 88 Br A busrar ooklynR.T. ii. & Q. iuois Central ' & N. 86 111 (3.. i'au 8outh Fed ern pfd e"al Steel 94 129 112 80 135 184 ,134 52i 5l . 62, 130 !129 112 H2 80 suit f&M 64ii Ontario fe Western - 24 24V -24W TtherniPac. nfd. 74? UVi 4M Steel & Wire- 50, v 49 ' 50 WHEAT - K0 Am De Ja May !cembei nuary Hiarh Low Close . 72; 72 72 ff 75 75 .-75 COTTON". T V " High Low X,Close -.7X4 689, 7 712'.": -71S ' ''.727 ' 728 Presented at Conclusion of Performance Last Evening. The Williams Comedy comparfy end ed its' two weeks' engagement in this city last evening with 'The Precious Babe," Avhicih was well received. M. S. Welton won the first prize of $5, offered to 'holders of -lucky seat numbers, J. R. Pressley won the sec ond prize,- $3, and Walter Giles, color ed, won third prize,' $2; The company expects to return to Ashevi'lle next season. While here Miss Fanny Williams was presented with a.gofcd ring, Miss Ora William with a gold bracelet and Miss Marie Williams with a gold chain. iN. P. Robinson, the advance agent, will remain here this week. The com pany wild go to Knoxville for a two weeks' stay. Several new, 'men. will join the company in Knoxville. FOR FORCIBLE TRESPASS. ANOTHER FOURSOME. .1." ' fr . .. : r Walter and Louis Barber Bound Over to Criminal Court. Tne.case ag;ainst Walter Barber and Louis Barber for forcible trespass was tried before Justice Stokely yesterday afternoon, and the Barbers were 'bound over to the Criminal court. ' The Barbers live -adjoining a man of the name of" Li title on Bent creek, and there have been.' disturbances be tween them for the past eighteen months. Recently Little forbid the Barbers passing over his lot, and they went over anyway while he was for bidding them. He swore , out a war rant .against them and they swore out a peace warranto against him, which was dismissed by Justice Stokeley. Judge Shuford appeared; for Little, tue' prosecutor, and Carter & .Curtiss appeared for the Barbers'. Hiaicks amid arrays aflwaysvlikdhea up iieady - Hop use at a.; moment' nlotice. Pfokme 356. ; City Hkck aiod Dray .'Yard, office 10, Court Sqmam ' ' ?l lw. 'v Mlases "shoes at coat, at .Q. A. . Meant Shoe Star. -"- "i';'" ' '"' V" Gentlemen's Handicap Golf Tourna ment on Swannanoa Links. Another tournament will be held on the links of the Swannanoa Country club tomorrow afternoon, begining at 2:30 o'clock. This will be a foursome for gentlemen match play, an .eighteen or thirty-six holes, whicth has not yet definitely been decided upon. The entries are Tench Coxe and Dr. C. S. Jordan, handicap, 10 on 18 boaes; J. J. McCloskey and J. T. Ray, no handicap; Dr. T . P. Cheeseborough and D. C. Waddell, handicap, 14; J. E. Rumbough and W. J: Fitzgerald, han dicap, 14; Dr. G. H Lambert is also entered, but no one else has entered yet for him to pflay with, and. so de termine his handicap. ANOTHER REGIMENT FULL. LECTURE AT HIGH SCHOOL. The analytical and dramatic lecture on "The Beauties of Shakespeare," to be given at" the Orange street high school Monday afternoon at 3:30, should prove a treat, ,as reports "speak gold enly"v of the speaker! The Nashville American says: "Pro fessor Duggan is a lecturer of unusual force and held his audience in wrapt attention for over an hour and a half." The Denver Post says: "Very- few interpreters of 'Shakespeare have caus ed the force, the fervor and the tender charm of the great bard as has Profes sor P. J. Duggan, of Australia. His dramatic conception were supei'b, admirably presented and the audience stopped him with applause 4 ' ' Ed win! Twitmyer, principal high school, Seattle, says:. "Professor Dug gan . possesses a knowledge of Shakes peare's plays seldom found in any one. I -would recommend him hear tily to schools and Ubetfary 7clubs de siring he services of such a man." XadiNn-d G:eaxtleinen?,s narrow t Bhoes eS. talf regular selling price. G A. Mt?cv 5ho Store. . A home arict .brdad. -i hundreds, mow use .OampW3rliflvTlle:,' famuaidhapped: hand and rougio sMn lotroa; zbc This One is the Forty-seventh, Cap - tain Smith' s Regiment. - James E. Bryson and Robert E. Welch, ofIronduff, Haywood county, were the only enlistments here yester day.. They went to the Forty-second, at Fort Niagara, New York. Captain Perry, of the , recruiting sta tion, received orders yesterday not to enlist any more men for "the Forty seventh, at Camp Meade, Pa., as it is full. This is the regimen to which Captain S. O. Smith belongs. There are also about fifty men from Western North' Carolina in this regiment. It will be several weeks before it will leave for the Philippines. In the mean time, the men will be dirilled and equipped, and then just before they leave a final medical examination win be given, throwing out every man with the slightest blemish on him. Sixteen colored men came in last night from Charlotte, and will proba bly be sent on today to the Forty ninth, ait Jefferson Barracks, Mo. BASEBALL GAMES YESTERDAY At Brooklyn R. H. E. A telephone line will be built between Rome and Milan. GOLD MINING. , Mir. PulJen of the Bell-Hanscom Com pany Gone to Detroit. H. J. Pullen of the Bell Hanscom Gold Mines company,, of Henderson county, was here yesterday, en route toJDetroit, on business. The tunnel is now two hundred and fifty feet long, and, another force is sinking a shaft. . The tunnel will have to 'be extended four hundred and fifty feet" before the ; main! veia will be reached. As the tunnel has an upward tendency, the dirt and stone is hauled out in cars jscihjieecl -,,,jk ...extra pro pelling power. - Machinery was recently received for driving the tunnels When completed .the tunnel will go into the mountain a distance of two thousand feet. ... , .t Yean by year Jth sales of Camphorline increase. Could tMS-ba , true of a fake? 25c j ali diruggietBv Brooklyn 13 11 3 New York 2 7 2 Called at the end of sixth inning on account of darkness. Batteries: Hughes and Farrel: Do- ' heny and Wilson, At PhikudelDhia R. H. E Philadelphia 6 12 1 Boston 1 3 2 Ba'rteries: Frazier and McFarland; Willis and Sullivan. At Pittsburg R. H. E. Pittsburg 16 16 2 Cleveland 3 8 5 Batteries: Hoffer and Schriver; Har per and Duncan. At Baltimore R. H. E. Baltimore 2 7 2 Washington 1 8 2 N Called at the end of the eighth in ning on account of darkness. Batteries: Fifield and McManus; MoGinnity and Smith. At Cincinnati 'R. H. E. Cincinnati 4 8 2 Louisville 2 7 3 Batteries: Breitenstein and Kahoe; Cunningham and Zimmer. WHERE THEY PLAY TODAY. . Cleveland - Chicago. Cincinnati at Sit. Louis. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. Clubs. W. L. Brooklyn 97 Boston 92 Philadelphia ..: 91 Baltimore 84 St. Louis ...... 82 Cincinnati - 79 Pittsburg , 75 45 54 55 58 Pc. .684 .629 .624 .592 6 .554 65 .548 Chicago Louisville .. New York . Washington Cleveland .. 72 73 57 51 72 72 75 87 95 20 129 .510 .500 .494 .394 .347 .134 "The Dewey reception,"1 say the Wasaungtoa PosL "has developed the fact tlhat the pneasenlt governor of North Carolina does' not : -drink. iaDtoxffcMing beverages.:? How about the 'governor ct South Carolina, . , ) Brains ! Brains ! ! (RULE THE WORLD, DON'T THEY?) $ I It is our Business to furnish! Brain Building Food I ...TO. s Brain Workers 0- Grocera sell amd Postunn Cereal 5 t 4 & $ ' Ca at tJESalle , Creek; rf . . 4 Mich.; maker V 'S THAT 1FOOD IS GRAPE' NUTS 3r I;: 1- J- V i'i, ; v if

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