v - , V 4 i - '"it 4 T IK -flEASHEVlLLfi GAZElyTE OOl. 8 1899. 4 Little Pimples Turn to Cancer, Cancer often results from an fst arity in the blood, inherited from generations back. Few people are en tirely free from some taint in thfe blood, and it is impossible to tell when it will break out in, the form of dreaded Can cer. What has appeared to be a mere pimple or scratch has developed into the most malignant Cancer. " T ViaA a ca-Tro-ra flft-Tioer -orTilftTl WAS ftt first nly a few blotches that I thought -would buuji pa&a awajr. x was treated by several able physicians, but In, spite of their efforts the Can cer spread until my con dition beca me alarming. After many months of treatment and growing steadilv worse. I de- to trv S. S. a. bottle produced an im provement. I continued the medicine, and in four months the last lit tle scab dropped off. Tan ttoq rc Viotra pi n "TiSPf?- -and not a sign of the disease has returned." K. F. Williams, Gillsburg, Miss. It is dangerous to experiment with Cancer. The disease is beyond the skill of physicians. S. S. S. is the only cure, because it is the only remedy which goes deep enough to reach Cancer. For (Swift's Specific) is the only blood remedy guaranteed Purely Vegetable. All others contain potash and mer cury, the most dangerous of minerals. Books on Cancer and blood diseases mailed free by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia. Blood THE CHILD'S ROOM. v. ..taiH'c mivii m,iv h simnle to a de gree, kml as expensive as the narrowest purse could demand, but it should always be pretty and. interesting and never, as is iften the case, a sort of household scrap basket for discarded furniture. Unless the little maid has some favorite- color make the room white a tiny, snowy white bed. the linen for which she is taught to make up and care for:' white dotted muslin or lawn curtains, that she not only makes, but is taught how to launder, and then all the interesting pic tares and photographs of good originals that you can afford and of course a book shelf and a growing fern or palm. Have the floor of bare oak or covered with cheap matting. Consult your daughter about every detail. Diplomatically de Telpp her natural love of beauty and har- mojiy. If she is especially fond of some " . ne'shade, permit her to use it as the col . for scheme of her room, helping her to de- elop a keen color sense, yet teaching her elf reliance in depending upon herself. To Cure Constipation ToreTr. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c If C C. C fail to cure, druggists refund money. GOVERNMENT'S FOREIGN POLICY (Continued from first pag.) question, of enforcing respect for the national authority, of suppressing- a re bellion against it. Opposition 'to our au thority, wherever it has- been extended under universally recognized law, is re bellious, whether it ia in, Illinois or in uhe Philippines. We h!a.ve an irreversi ble and irrevokable coide.of national 'du ty; the flagmust be protected wherever it is lawfully , raiisiflk What American cam demand less? "Until the insurrection ends there is Ibut one duty before the administration and ithat is to conquer it. The suprema cy of the United States must ba ac knowledged. In the felicitous language of the piesidamt, 'There will be no use less parley, no pause, until ithe insurrec tiioin is suppressed aind American au thority acknowledged -and established.' More than 50,000 soldiers at the front and mow upon the iseias emphasize itlhe aggressive purpose thus expressed. When peace is restored then will come the ddscusiiion of our future relations to the Filipinos; then will come the ques tion of granting tihem, through the wis dom of congress, the fullest measure cf eelf-goveroxme'it anil: the am'ples: liberty,! c'o.D:stent with our duties and respon-, sibildtdes and with their needs and their capacities. They are aalot the truest ani w'is&stl . friends Of the Filipiinoa who counsel tlheir f uritiher lesistene ito the sua- , thor.ty of the United States. AN EPOCH MAKING ERA. "The adminisonation has been able well poised, firm, courageous, lavcildlim. lio responsibility, and shunning no duty.. It foes been' an epocih-makiang admimis-i trati'on. It has walked in untried paitcs wiith nlo guide except the national con science. It has observed the whole some 'truth tfh'at in a republic llhe people are the source of tall power, anid it h3s tiakem them into its confidence ian ful lest measure. It's morth star has been the people's will. "The Uniteki States never stood thiglher in. the esteem of the great powers ci. the earth than now. Her justice, her magnanimity, and her power hiave be-J come manifest to all. It Us, indeed, .of 'the utmos t importance that our country j should sustain, relations of amity with: other countries. Our commerce is ex panding anld more tlhanever seeking dis tant markets. Nothing will m'ore d"s tiinct.ly aiidl in its extensioni than tlhe eV- istence of cordial relations with foreJijnj peoples. "The adminitstration has scrupulously observed our international obl gations". It has beeni no less regardful of the rights of other motions than it has been rigMly ksistent upon the recognition of our own. It has cultivated good neigh borhood with all of the great powers, and today, there is no -nation with which the Uniiteld States is mot upon 'terms of cordial relationship. ' "It is a happy augury that we shaill ember the new century under a'n adrblin iotraibion which- has stimulated patriot ism in the hearts of the people, filled the land with the blessings of prosperity, the homes of our countrymen wili'Ih joy and c-cntenifccment, enlarged the zene of human liberty, amd so crowned the cflos rn'g yeJars of the old century (with such tremendous achievements for the wel fare, the honor and the glory of the great repubFic" "They are simply perfect," write Robt. Moore, of La Fayette. Ind., o DeWitt's Llttl Early Risers. th "famous little pills" for constipajtdon anr all liver ailments. Never gripe. Fo sale at the Paragon1 Pharmacy. Gauses: of Loss of flair Dr. Sabouraud, the eminent French Dermatologist, says that 98 per cent of hair losses are the results of microbes and the neglect of dan ' druff. The antiseptic action of - SEVEN SUTHERLAND SISTERS' preparations kills microbes and . removes dandruff. Their constant use for a period will, by acting directly on the hair bulbs, furnish nourishment, vitality and growing power to the impoverished roots and hair shafts, resulting in com plete restoration. SOLD feY DRUGGISTS.' WILL NOT FORSAKE HER PAH t ft Is. "It happens often that the east side girl of New Yrk is the sole support of the family," writes Charles T. Unulhtfad in The Ladies' Htmie Journal. '"She works harder and just as cheerfully! as ever and turns every cent into the house as fast as sln makes it. She assists with the household duties before she leaves in the morning and when she returns at night. The few articles of clothing she manages to get are made over and over again, patched, darned and cleaned many times. In the winter she suffers from lack of proper clothing. She walks to her work every morning it costs too much to ride through sunshine and storm, and back again at uight. So she trudges on. month in and mouth out. and when the quiet young truck driver who lives around the corner asks her to marry him she regards him seriously and says: " 'Honest, Mike, I'd like ter marry yer, because yer knows I like yer, and, ye're on the level, but me ole man and me ole woman ain't in it anny more for workiri, and if I left 'em they'd be in the soup. No, I don't stand for no game like that.' "So he goes aWay, and she grieves, but her conscience is clear she "is doing her duty." STO i The Kind You Have Always BougW o Bean the Signature of . .. B I ' The Country Girl's Piano. A New York physician who has a sum mer home up the state sees a good dea;. of his neighbors during his vacation and says the more he sees of these people the more impressed he is with the superior I activity aud enterprise of the women of ! the family. They are the ones who in troduce improvements in the house and earn the money to pay for them too. A girl wants a piano. She knows that it would be useless to ask her father or her brother to buy it for her, but she makes butter, raises chickens, picks berries and hauls vegetables to market in summer and in the winter goes to town to work, and the next year she buys the piano. The pluck and grit of the country girl, he declares, has won his lasting admiration. New York Press. SPECIAL RATES. -Account Nloirtli QajtoBnla: StateV;Agricu.i- tural fair, RaMgh, N. C tlckeis- on stale October 14, 15, 16, 19 and -20, final limit' October 23, ait rate of one first cles fare for 'the- nound trip plus 50 cemts ad mission tobo the fair grounidls. Rata fmm Ajsheville $9.30. On October 23 a special tow raite will toe authorized, Rlatf from Asnevauie o.3, 'miu'umiis luito uu- mission to the fair grounds. i Account Kmoxville Street Fair , and Trade Oalrndvial, Knoxville, Tenn,, tick ets on Sale October 10, 11, 12," final limit October 20, iat rate of one fiolst class fane for the round trip. Rate from Ajshe ville $4. On October 11 and 12, and on the mo mliing ofV October 13, with flnai limit October 15, a much cheaper mate will be autlhJbtrized. Rlate from Asihe- ville $2.90. Account Nationlal Convention Christ Ian church, Cttncinnati, O., tickets! on sale October 12, 14, 16 and 17, final limit October 21, at rate of one firat class fare for 'the rounid trip. Fare from Asheville $12.35. Ac counlt ' Worn an 'a State Home Mis sion convention, Raleigh, N. C, tickets an sale October 3, 4, 5, final limit Octo ber 10. Rate from Ash evil' e $11. Accouinit North Carol'mia Conference Sal em, N. C, tickets on sa'e Oc tober 9, 10, 11, final limit October 19. Rate frtm Asheville via Barber JuncL'onlT.SO, via Salisbury an(4 GreensboTo $8. SO. For full informtaitl&n call cmttoe Itiicket agent cr address, F. R.)arlby, C. P. amd T. A., Asheville, N. 'C, F. L. Vernon, T. P. A. Charlotte, N C. j Bears the Signature of SHRIMPS.. Fresh lot just in. CANADIAN SMELTS, .. RED SNAPPERS, RED SNAPPER JOWL, STRIPED BASS, GREY TRQUT, BLUE FISH, ' FRESH WATER PERCH. Blue Point Oysters DELIVERED ON HALF SHELL. BaMmoire Oysters in quart or gallon C. F. RAY. R. Z. SORRELS. i ThB Kind You Have Always Bought De Witt's Colic & Cholera Cure. Oulckly cure Dysenterv and mrrhc. Howard A. Haveat Wright C. Stool MEMBERS OF THB New York Stock Exchange, New York Cotton Efxdhajige, Chicago Board; of Trc.de. HAVEN & STOUT Bankers and Brokers, 1 Nassau St. cor. Wall, New York Deposit accounts received, anbjeot to check on demand. Interest credited monthly on daily balances. Accounts of banks, corporation, firms and lndivfduaki received on favorabU terms. Coupons, interest, dividend, not drafts collected for our correspondents. Orders executed for the purchase at sale on commission, of bonds, stocks, cotton, grain or provision, either for Investment or carried on margin. Client may telegraph orders and In structions at our expenwe. Copies o telegraphic code, may be had on appli cation. Information regarding quotations m m rtn c, & u nil i ra GREENSBORO. N.C. Fortha treatment of THE LIQUOR, OPIUM, MORPHINE and other Drag Addictions. The Tobbacco Habit. Nerve Exhaustion Asheville Fish Co. r TELEPHONE 289. Stalls 14, 15, 16 and 17. TRIED TO HIT DEWEY! t On the 30th, inst. wihile the eyes of a million of people were centered on the Hero of Manila aJs he was riding down Broadway, N. Y., some one toeseid a piece of cake or biscuit at the hero, but it was bo light that itt floated in Ithe air. On examination it was found Hhat the biscuit or cake was maide with the Old Reliable Rumlfbrd Baking Powder the is sold for 30 cents per pound. IF YOU USE PERIODICAL TICKETS You cave 4 percent, on the mon ey you are spending daily. Tickets furnished free on appli cation at 34 Paiton avenue. MISS CO LSI, Manager. l$lI!lllliSl!I$I$I TjLEASlNG URTRA1TS OF We make omly one grade of photo graphs, amd that tlhe beet we can makl in a fully equipped modem studio using1 the best materM. We use only the highest grade plates the finest permaraent papers anVi law style mounts. Every part of the work is finished by expert workmen, and all parts of eadh phoioo are haxmoniouslv arranged. . y We are liberal in many things pertain tag ito -poTtna&ts, often allowing a selec" tilon of from Ifour to six different poBes" all good, and! generally our customers order from at least two negatives often from ail, paying extra, of course for x 'tffla work finishing others. We cheerful ly give resittitngs when necessary bnit seldom have it to do. We charge io more tihan we think our photographs are Worth, therefore don't give away chro mo, or throw them in when you buv shoes, groceries, dry goods, etc. We think our $4.00 dozen portrait wortih $4.00, if you don't then we don't ask you to take them. Not doing cheap work, we have plen ty of time (to finish up high grade work in first class manner. RAY'S STUDIO. Framing Department. There .'are1 styfles in. frames aa well as dresses. We keep up with the latest styles and our frtamee are atwav. up-to-date. 1 All frameis finished in short time Bargains in made up frames. " 8x10 with glass and easel back, gilt, brasa corner ornaments, 35 cents. Some with mat 45 cents. 11x14, two openings 65 cents. ' Bromide Prints. We have our own negatives and make most of our reproducltione of famous pictures. Making them ourselves, we can undersell any one not handling 'tihose made by us. N Ready framed low im price. RAYS BOOK STORE, 8 North Court Square. If you want To be Supplied with the 5 Best and CheaDest Firewood, Call up 'Phone 68. Call 3- f 4I$l$IISIIIllS$eJI YtkY E E PS 00 aSe Inncireaefl 8 Pen CDcirat. in Aungwitf Indigestion Dys pepsia, Mala ria, Rheii matism. The following list Is taken from 5000 cn file in the proprietor's office. They come, from every point of the compass and rep resent persons in every walk of life: IT SAVES LIFE. E. L. Greer. Washington. Pa.: "It saved mv life tvewimid a. dmiht." RECEIVED SUBSTANTIAL. BENE FIT. A. E. Carr. Oincinntati. O "We have received substarntli'al benefit from Tate Spring water." GREAT BENEFIT TO A GREAT BUS INESS MAN. James Swann (of Inman, Swann & Co.) N. Y. : "I have found Tate water of great benefit." FROM THE COURTS OF JUSTICE. Judge Henry R. Bryan, Newherne, N. C: "It does me more good than any water I nave ever used." CURES CHILLS. J,. M. Elliott, jr., of Kyle Lumber Co., Gadsden, Ala.: "It cured me of 'dyspepsia, chills aind malaria." EFFICIENT TONIC. T. M. Miiller, : VicksburgV Miss.: "The most efficient amd agreeable tonic of which I have any knowledge." ONLY RELIEF FOR CHRONIC MA LARIA. G. D. M. Cantrell, M. D., Little Rock, Ark.: "It was the only a found that gave me relief of chronic malaria." INFALLIBLE CURE FOR DYSPEP SIA. David Kirk, president of McOalmon Oil company, Pittsburg, Pa.: "Ib& Oleve Tate Spring water -is an infallible cure for dyspepsia." TESTIMONY OF MRS. "STONE WALL" JACKSON. Mrs. M. A. Jackson, wido of Gen-" eral Stonewall Jackson, Charlotte, N. fJ.: " I can truly testify as to the effi cacy of your remarkable water." MAY USE HIS NAME. W. S. Pope, Columbia, S. C: "Con tinue the use of my name, and I will cheerfully distribute as many of your catalogues as you wish to send." BETTER THAN CARLSBAD OR kissengen: ...Strasberger' Montgomery, Ala.: Neither Carlsbad or Kissengen bene fitted me as much aa my visit to my El dorado, Tate Spring, in 1897." IMPROVED IMMEDIATELY. W. H. White, Cashier, Richmond, Va. : "I visited Tate Spring and com menced improving almost immediately after I commenced using the water." DRUGGISTS' OPINION. Demoville & Co., druggists, Nashville, Tenn.: "We are pleased with the suc cess of Tate Spring water, and endorse all that can be said in its praise." THE RALEIGH BANKER. Mr. J. F. Pullen, cashier Raledgfh Sav ings bank: "I have found Tate water to be not only an excellent remedy for indigestion, but a fine itonic also." GREAT GASTRONOMIC ELIXIR. Peyton Brown, editor Austin, Texas, Statesman: "I heartily recommend Tate Spring as a most delightful resort, andt2ie water as the greaat gastronomic elixir." EQUAL TO CONGRESS WATER. R. T. Hargrove, Rome, Ga,: "When used before breakfast or upon an empty stomach, two goblebs full act upon the secretions equal to a bottle of the beat congress waiter." EFFECTED A PERMANENT CURE OF LIVER AND KIDNEYS. W. M. Mcintosh, Tallahassee, Fla.: "In 1878 I was a great sufferer from liv er and kidney disease. My family physician failed to relieve. Tate Spring water effected a permanent cure." WEIGHED 141; NOW WEIGHS 210. James Carter, water commissioner, Lockport, N. Y.: "Tate Spring water gave me my first relief. Thenr I was sick and weighed 141 pounds. Now I am a well man and weigh 210 pounds." ENTIRELY RELIEVED OF CONSTI PATION. John Gray Bynum, Greensboro, N. C: "For more than a year before go ing to Tate Spring (in 1883) I had suf fered with eonisitipation and could scarce ly retain anything on my stomach. Be fore leaving I was entirely relieved of t(he constipation." PITTSBURG'S GREAT BANKER. Thomas A. Mellen, (of Mellen Bros., mankers), Pittsburg, Pa.: "I believe that there Is no water in the country equal to Tate's for tlhe cure of neuralgia, as well as dyspepsia and liver, troubles. " IT IS NATURE'S DIURETIC. Dr. Frank M. Murdock, Pittsburg, Pa: "In dyspepsia, torpidity of the liver and constipation, and also as a di uretic, I believe the water of Tate Spring, Tennessee, to be a remedy of very great value." RETAINS ITS VIRTUES FOUR YEARS. W. T. Thompson, Little Rock, Ark.: In Mr. T's. renewal card, dated Febru ary 12, 1884, he states that the water ship ped to him in 1880 was sidll good, and the effect about the same as when first shipped. BEST ON THE CONTINENT FOR IN SOMNIA. ' Judge H. M. Somerville, Tuscaloosa, Ala., says: "In my opinion the Tate Spring water is the best on the conti nent for cases of general indigestion, nervous debility, insomnia and obstinate constipation." MAKES ONE A NEW MAN. Bistoop O. P. Fitzgerald, D. D., Nash vUlle, Tenn.: "As a tonic the virtues of Tate Spring water are extraordinary. Every organ of the body seems to be quickened' into vigorous and healthy ac tion. The stomach, liver and kidneys all share the benefit, digestion im proves, strength returns and you are a new man." CURED AFTER SPENDING THOUS ANDS. George W. Root, Jamestown, N. Y.: "Having spent thousands of dollars and traveled all over Europe and America, visiting the various springs and sanitar iums in order that I might receive re lief for the ailments of the liver and stomach, at your suggestion I used the water after returning home. I am permanently cured." THE? GREATEST SMOKING TOBAC CO MAUFACTURER. J. S. Carr, Durham, N. C: "I am satisfied that Tate Spring water is oite of the finest mineral waters 'in (this coun try for dyspepsia, disordered stomach, impaired idigestion, etc." CURED PAIN IN BACK. H.E. Blakeslee, Olean, N. Y.: "All locomotive engineers 5vho have pain In the back when standing erect, should use Tate water. It permanently cured me oft!hat infirmity." FROM THE CREOLE COUNTRY. J. P. Moore, New Orleans, La: "I take pleasure in authorizing you to use my name, and also that of my eon, in recommending Tate Spring. We hope to see you next summer." CURES SCLA.TIC RHEUMATISM. T. E. Johnson, of T. E. Johnson & Co., (one of the largest wholesale fruit and produce concerns in tlhis country, St. Louis, Mo.: "Have been suffering several years with catarrhal indigestion and sciatic rheumatism, affected o that I could1 not walk for weeks at a time. After visiting the most noted springs of this country without relief, I have re ceived great benefit at Tate Spring. I feel that a permanent cure is assured to everyone suffering as I was." THE NEWSPAPER MEN DRINK TATE. R. A. Hemphill, Atlanta Constitu tion, Atlanta, Ga.: "I greatly appreci ate Tate water and highly recommend it." Rev. Dr. E. E. Hoss, editor Chris tian Advocate: "It gives me the,gieaie.-t pleasure tosay that I regard Tate Spring water as the best remedy for all disor-. dens of the stomach, bowels, liver and kidneys of which I have any knowledge. As a summer resort the Spring is in comparable." POPULAR WITH THE GOVERNORS. R. L. Taylor, ex-governor of Tennes see, Ntshville: "I regard Tate Spring as the best on the continent." Ex-Governor W. C. dates, Montgom ery, Ala.: "I viislted Tate Spring in 1883 witlh my family, and I do know from actual experience and observation, then and since then, that the water is the beiSt mfoneral water I ever -saw for dyspepsia, indigestion and! torpid liver and kindred diseases. It loses less of its value." A FEW OF THE RAILROAD MEN WHO BELIEVE IN TATE WATER. . W. B. "VvVenn, traffic passenger agent. Plant system : Fully endorses ail that is claimed for Tate. J. W. Thomas, president and general manager Naslhville, Chattanooga &-St. Louis railway: "I take pleasure an re commending it 'to any one who wishes to enjoy continuous good) health. " Colonel C. H. Hudson, chief engineer, 'and Major F. K. Huger, superintendent Southern railway, both say: "As a re-, sort equal to the best," and "as a per sonal knowledge of Tate Spring justi fies me in commending botjn its waters and adavantiages as an unusually at tractive summer resort." THE GREATEST WAGON BUILDER IN THE WORLD TRAVELED ALL OVER EUROPE, BUT, FOUND NO RELIEF UN TIL HE VISITED TATE SPRING. J. M. Studebaker, South Bend, Ind.: "I note that your shipments have ia creassd 100 per cent, the past year. Th s is ho surpise to me. My first visit to Tate Spring was am 1872, when there was nothing but two lumber cabins, and th ir occupants were the three Tate sis'ers. I had travelled all over Europe seeking my health and found no relief until I visited Tate Spring. Two weeks restor ed me to health, and for these many years I owe my life and health to the waters of Taite Spring, and I take plea sure in making the above statement to all humanity who are troubled with gen eral nervous debility, X)r diseases origin ating from complaints of the liver, kid eys or stomach." . CURES RHEUMATISM. Col. Theo. Yates, Col. U. S. A., Mil waukee, Wis.: "Consideration for the afflicted will ever prompt me to advise the use of Tate water in the many ms s of blood poisoning, the result of indigps- j 'Lion, parent or most ot tne ill we suffer. I think the water will cure any case of I rheumatism, as it will remove the cause. It cleases the system and gives nature a chance to repair damages caused by ignorance or snegiecit. . THEY TESTIFY FROM NORTH - SOUTH, EAST. AND WEST. F. S. Wolf, Seattle, Wash.: "I have many reasons for perferring Tate Spring to any place in America or elsewhere " Dr. R. W.-Evfans, Portland, Me.: "I was cured and believe Tate wafer to be the best in the world for stomach and liver trouble." Hugh T. Inman, Atlanta. Ga.: I am sure that there is none better to be found.' , K' Sea& New Orleans, La. Tate Spring water is simply wonderful and my only regret is that I did rot lon ago- discover there was such a fountain of healtlh so near at home." Acts on the Liver as well as Calomel -Without the Grip ing, and leaves no iBad After Effects It Beats Lithia for the Kid neys,. Cures. Stomach, Bowels, Bladder. T SPmlth, Sanatoria At iPIaarmacy, TTIaeoteoM's andy MMehem, .IPat Mclntyrej IS Mclntyre. ramBsliiffliiDBWariMacy teysoCity, 'ffl'Sipillik co., '.:Aliisoii tfSs Waymeviil, Mcfliitosllii Capacity; of Hotel 5Q0. 40 Pa W8 a:-: ,, ah vomTrts and Improvements

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