n 1 Mk ffil..iHiHW Mill SAlrtTLY It has been -wittily said of the martyrs that they were people -who were cannon aded while they lived and were: canon jzed when they were dead. The Same thing might be said of many a woman, who has been cannonaded by censures and criticisms while she livejl and can onized as a saint after death u Husbands don't mean to be small and selfish. But they can't .understand the iffprins which come with debilitatine' drains, irregularity, inflammation, or ul ceration of the sensitive female organs. Thousands of happy womenTy trib ute to the wonderful change in their lives effected by the use of Dr. Piercers Favorite Prescription. Jt is not a cure all. It has a specific purpose, in the cur ing of diseases peculiar to women.. It cures these diseases perfectly. Sick women can'consult Dr. Pierce free by letter. Each letter is treated as a sacred confidence, privately read ad promptly answered. AH answers, are in plain envelopes. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. "My health is much better since I have been unna: Dr. Pierce's medicines," writes Mrs. Cora Brooks, of Martin, Franklin Co., Ga. "After having a miscarriage in 1895, I suffered with a pain in my left side and a lingering cough which crew worse and worse. I used Wine of C , but it only grave me temporary relief. Iast sprinsj I troi past doing anything and my hus hand went to the dmg store and called for Wine of C . and" the m.erchant recommended Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription as better, so he bought one bottle. I began to take it as directed in the pamphlet wrapped around the bottle. The book said if the disease was complicated vrith cough to take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and ' Favorite Prescription ' alternately. Mr. Brooks got the 'Golden Medical Discovery' and I took it as directed. The cough left nie at once and I got better so rapidly my husband was astonished at my improvement. I took six bottles of the two medicines. I am, now able to work and qo the wash- r itirr fnr t wn families ' HUSBANDS OF WOMAN WRITERS. Literary women manifest d decided penchant for doctors as husbands. At any rate, there are a great many of them who do not have to send a servant tear ing down the street for a physician every time they have a spell of nervousness. They have simply to call in the services of ' hubby," and all is well. Some one has compiled a list it is only partial, however of the authoresses who have chosen their life partners from the medi cal profession, says the Chicago Chroni cle. Helen Mathers, the clever authoress of "Coming Through the Rye,'N married Dr. II. A. Reeves, a well known surgeon, in 18TG, when the, fame of her first suc cess was fresh on.her. At the same age 24 Mrs. Frances ITodsson Burnett married Dr. Burnett of Washington. She bad begun to write six years before her marriage, when she was a girl of 18, but it was not until she had leen married for four years that fame came to her on the wings 0f "That Lass o' Lcwrie's," published in 1877. - Mme. Sarah Grand was but a "wild young Irish girl," impatient of home con trol and already fired by high ambitions, when she married at 16 a young army doctor called Mr. Fall. She traveled with her husband for some years in the cast and it was only when her restless spirit had tired of new scenes and new faces that she settled down happily with her pen and began to write "Ideala." Miss Annie S. Swan, who began to write children's stories in the paternal farmhouse in Scotland, also met and married a doctor, Dr. Burnett Smith. Mrs. Flora Annie Steel married a Ben gal civil servant more than 30 years ago and spent her married life in India until 1881), when she found fame awaiting her iu England. John Oliver Hobbes waited until she was 30 before she married Reginald Crai gie. John Strange Winter was 28 when she married Arthur Stannard, a civil en gineer, and two years later her charming look, "Bootle's Baby," with its wonder ful knowledge of infant and military life, made her famous. ' . . Miss Olive- Schreiner waited long be fore she was content to part with her freedom to Mr. Cornwright, a South Af rican gentleman farmer and, like herself, "a child of the velt." Rita has twice tempted Providence at the altar, her second husband being W. Desmond Humphreys, a gentleman of county Cork. Thackeray's gifted daugh ter, the author of so many delightful novels, is known to her friends as Mrs. Richmond Ritchfe. " DRESSING, TO LOOK YOUNG. ' ' r - , T 4 , ' "The pathos of the women who dreswed too youthfully has not been' recognized I aivtays, saia one who was young enough to dress as she wanted to and so indif ferent to the subject that she-never cared how she looked,; j'and persons are likely to look upon her as rather ridfcpilous. But she is alwayslsaddening to me. It is not only the thought of fighting old" age that depresses one. . That is bad enough. But sometimes an added element of sor row, ts to be detected in these attempts tq help stay youthful. The other night at the theater two persons sat in front of me who showed in the most striking. way the saddest phase of the woman's at tempt to -keep young. They were man and wife. She was a few years younger than he, who looked about 50. But the difference ' between them was greater than the few years measured. He was still in the prime of life. She was getting old. A few years more would make her visits to tie theater with, him much less frequent- She was older as it was than most of the women around her. When she took off her hat, a white ribbon bow jauntily tied in her hair was disclosed. It seemed a pathetic struggle against the coming of old age. She knew that the man-siting next to her loved ycmthfulness in women and all that estate implied. He liked to see them smartly dressel, stylish and animated in the way that young wo men can be and old ones can never be. To represent that age was far beyond her power. She could only dress as youthfully as she could, adopt every de vice to make herself seem of the age he admired .gomuch and come as nearly as possible to filling his ideal of what a woman should be like." New York Sun. A FRIGHTFUL, BLUNDER "Will often cause a' horrible Bum Scald, Cut or Bruise. Bucklen's.Aimical Salve, the best in tine world, will kill the pain and! promptly heal It. Cures old Sores, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Bolls, Felons Corns, all Skin Eruptions. Best Pil cure on earth. Only 25 ess. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by all druggists. Put t tie Test. "Count," she said, "you must give me some proof that you do not want me for my money alone." ( He looked at her silently for a moment, and a subtle sort of sadness seemed to spread across his features. Then he spoke slowly, softly, as if he had been hurt: ' ' . ''I will do thees things you ask," he said. "I Tvin prove that I want to marry you for yourself only I will do' thees things on one condition." Tears of happiness rose to her eyes. She threw her arms around him and tissed him, and then she sobbed: "Ah, darling, I knew you would 'do so., I have felt from the first that my noble Bruno was no mere fortune hunter. What s the condition, dearest?" ''Hint you will prove you do not marry fnly for my title," he replied. - "Oh, well," she said, "let's drop the. 8uhject. Can you be ready by a week from Wednesday?" Chicago Times-Herald. " ' ' 9 ALWAYS KEEP ON HAND a There is ho. kind "of. .pain1 or ache, internal or oxter- Wtm - ' - m m nai, that Pain-Killer 'will' not relieve. , i LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS AND SUB-. 1 STlTUTES. THE GENUINE- BOTTLE BEARS THE NAME, J" ' 5 - PERRY DAVIS & SON. 1 WEDDING HOUSES. : in olden times certain towns and- vil lages in England used to possess a wed ding house, where poor couples, after they had been" wedded at churtn, could entertain their friends" at a small cos the only outlay being the purchase of such provisions for their guests as they brought with them, the house for the day being given free of payment. The Duchess of Portland is the tallest woman in England. She married the duke in 1S89. She was then Miss Dallas Yorke. The duke is the lord of 300,000 a year- and owns half a dozen castles, among them being the incomparable Welbeck, Where Lady Peggy Primrose spent her honeymoon." The duchess de votes most of her time to the furtherance of temperance work. Soap is a useful preventive of blisters on the feet. Before starting for a long tramp protect yourself against blisters by soaping the feet of the stockings on the inside. For a blistered heel a useful ap plication is made of a little yellow soap made ioti a paste .with water aud laid on the place. For broken blistai on hands or feet zinc ointment is very usiiuL .ri - - ifiiiiiiiiiraiRiraiiraiOT ss 3S S8 S S3 3S J8Sr$S- S8$13 l$isieis A,ereaf B lanlieiantl s $$ S3 $ $ $ Tomorrow we commence the sale of Blankets and Com forts, just at a time when you want them, and at sueh low prices that you can't aftord not to see them. The mills are H asking higher prices today than our own retail prices. In the seclusion of an oriental harem a woman invented the weaving of cash mere shfiwls and besides this evidence'of brilliance gave such wise advice to her husband that he changed her name from Nourmahal (light of the harem) to Nour jehan (light of the world). The same woman invented attar of roses. Phila delphia Public Ledger. "Best .on the market for cougfhs and colds amd all bronchial troubles; for croup it has no equal," writes Henry R. Whiitford, South Oanaan, Conn., of One' always the wire springs and a hair mat The Shakers, who are noted for their longevity, make it a rule to go out in the fresh air, breathe deeply and take a little exercise every morning before breakfast. They never sleep on a feather bed, using Minute Cough Cure. F&naigon Pharmacy. For sale by the RAILROAD TltS. There are 12.000 miles of railway f Poland. Central Asian railroad managers try to meet the desires of their public. A harem car with latticed windows has been constructed for the ameer of Bok hara. French railroad companies hve been ordered by the courts to " de their passengers with season ..ets without advertisements. Thi western railroad had increased the number of advertise ments till a season ticket was as thick as a pocketbook, and commuters refused to carry them. The railroad companies of Australia have never discovered that it is possible to take up tickefSTn the train; hence the passengers are locked in the cars to pre vent any of them stealing a ride, and when they arrive at their station are hustled out through a turnstile and held up for their tickets. O Bears the Signature of 1 The Kind You Have Always Bought Trusted Kis Dug; Too Far. It is not always saf; to put too muck trust in a dog. An Ellsworth man had a highly prized dog, and when a neighbor presented a bill for two hens which he claimed had been killed by the brute the dog owner was grieved and positively re fused to believe the charge or pay for the hens. A few days later the Ellsworth man was driving by the farm where the hens had been killed. The dog was with him in the carriage. He drove into the farmer's yard to prove to him that Jiis dog was not guilty. "Let out your hens," he said, "and I'll call the dog out of the carriage to prove that he will not kill hens." It was done. Before the dog could be stopped he had killed four. The owner of the dog, who never dishonors a just bill, pulled out his wallet and settled for six hens. Bangor (Me.) Commercial He Was the First. General T. H. Stanton, while in a reminiscent mood, told this story to an Omaha reporter: "One morning I got around to the Ar my and Navy club in Washington and found none of the distinguished members there. I felt a little lonely, and, touching a bell, I summoned a waiter. " 'Have any of the old drunkards been here this morning?' I asked. " 'No, sah; you'se de fust one,' he replied." 1T Wanted to Or lVian travel and appoint agents, $60 per month salary and all ex penses. Ziegler Co. 240 Locust Street, Philadelphia LADY SENT FEEE to housekeepers Liebil; COMPANY'S "Extract of Beef COOK BOOK- telling how to prepare many del icate and delicious dishes. Address, Liebig Co., P. O. Box;.2718, New York. v tress. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleanset and beantipea the natr. Pt motea a luxuriant growth. Never Falls to Bestore Gray r.4 n ta Youthful Color. Cures icalp disease & hair falling. t0c,and1.00at Dniggirtg HAIR SWITCH ON EASY CONDITIONS. Cat this ad. oat and mail to us. Bend a small sample of 'your hair.cutclose to the roots. SEND SO B05KY; we will make and eend you bymail, postpaid F1KE HUMAN HAIR SWITCH, " "" made 22 inchee long from selected human hair, ounces, short stem. -We will Inclose in package with switch, sufficient postage 1 to return it to us If not perfect!; satibfartorjv but it found exactly as represented and most extraordinary value and you wish send to ns without any moaey, we to send the S switches to them direct by mail, to too paid for 10 days after received if Berfectlysatisfactory.a-ni3rOBeBheb,e the switch we Bend you free for your trouble. We awe Pianos, Organs, sewing aaeunea. Dishes,- Furaltnre, Watches, Bicycles, ' Cameras and ether presaiunui for tsltlna; rder for Our Switches. One lady earned. a Piano la fifteen days, one Sewing Machine Hars . flmfersi Swtteh atoaccor A woman's club in Iceland, known as the Thorvaldsen society, looks after tha, poor, keeps up a sewing school, visits the hospital and carries on various philan thropic enterprises. Philadelphia Public Ledger. eware ! An expectant mother had better 7 not take anything at all than those V positively dangerous mixtures so Widely advertised to relieve her discomfort and nausea. She ought to know that outside external treatment is the only way that can possibly be of any benefit. She ought to know that Rflotnep's Ffienais the only remedy that will help her, and it is an external liniment. It takes her through the entire period in comparative comfort, shortens labor, and childbirth is no longer to be dreaded. More than that, it preserves her girlish shape after the ordeal, and her little one will come into the world perfect in form and health. Get Mother's Friend at the drujr stores for $1 a bottle, or send to THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA, GA. Write for our free cook, Before Baby is Born," finely uiusuaicu. rui umcncu wuiucd only. Woman antl the Jewish Talmud. The Jewish Talmud has these sentences about women: "A good wife is heaven's noblest gift. A housewife never allows herself to be disturbed from her work; even while conversing she is busily spin ning. An old, experienced woman in a household is an ornament to it like ? pearl. He who lives in an unmarried state knows no joys, none of the blessings of home, and is without support. The man who stands at the deathbed of his wife feels like those who saw the temple of Jerusalem reduced to ashes, for the wife is the temple in which each man finds repose and quiet, where he rests after the labors of the day, and where he can give expression to his feelings joy ful and mournful. God has given to wo men more ability of judging correctly than a man." SS $ $ $$ $ $S $ $S COMFORTS The regular $1.50 Sateen covered, good "patterns. Our price for tMs sale $1.00 $ COMFORTS 72x86 inobJ Cretone top colored lining, regular $1.00 goods, for this sale 69 PURCHASE OF SATIN QUILTS. "We bought a manufacturer's samples ati a ridiculously fllow "price, they should sell in the regular way at $10.00. Our price for this sale S5.98 $ $ 3S . COMFORTS jrood quality, figured Sateen, white cotton and. very soft, and full size. $1.50 $ 33 150 pairs 10-4 mixed grey and brown blankets, good value at $1.25, for this Bale only, pair 89 60 pairs 10-4 best North Carolina wool Elkin Blankets, not a store would thiok of selling this grade of goods for less than $3.50 to $4.00. Our price for thrs sale only, pair $ $ $ S8 3 COMFORTS Fine quality, . figured Sateen, full size, exitra quality I. $2.00 COMFORTS Exitra fine quality, fig ured French Sateen, filled with the softest selected! cotton, elegant de signs ani colciring-, they are full size. Our price for this sale $3.00 60 pairs 11 1-4 'best North CarO"---Blankets, a fine full size, full weight woolL Blanket. You bought them last year at a bargain at $4.50, they are worth it. Our price for this sale only, price:. 50 pairs 11 1-4 California Blankets, all wool, fuill size and weigfat, fine grade. 'Solid by most dealers at $6.98. Our price for this sale only, per pair ... Goods that will arrive this week: New Jackets and Capes, New Tailor Suits, New' Dressing Sacks, New Novelties in Heavy Plaid Dr;ess Goods, New Millinery. G. $$! ! II8II$ISI!I!1S!$I$I!$I$I 4!!$!5S3!4l!li j$i!$!t SilHs : $ , SS f $ & ,$ $' . ' $$ . S8 3 $llli$$ $2.55 $3.00 $4.00 THE EXCITED MAN. There's always hope wnile there's On Minute Gough Cure. ""An atttack o pmumonla left my lungs In bad shap an'di I was near the first stages of con sumption. One Minute Cough. Cur completely cured me," writes Helen Mi Henry, BismarTc, N. D. Gives instan relief. For sale' by rtlhe Paragon Phar macy. MOZLEY'S LEMON ELIXIE. Regulates the Liver, Stomach, Bowels and Kidneys. coBfitioatiotn and mala sick amdl nervou. nervousness an For 'biliousness. na. For indigestion, headlacne. For 6leeplessnes3, heart failure. For fever, chillis, debility and diseases take Lemon Elixir. . Ladies, for natural and thorough gunic regulaitSoni, take Lemon Elixir. 50c. and $1 bottles at druggists. Prepared! only by Dr. H. Mozley, At lamltia, Ga. kidnej or- A PROMINENT MINISTER WRITES After ten yeans of great suffering from indigestion, with great nervous prostra tion, biliousness, disordered kidneys and constipiaitaon, I have been' cured by Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir, and am now a well mlan. Rev. C. C. Davis, Eld. M E. church, South, No. 28 Tatnall St. Atlanta, Ga. PROMINENT MEMPHIAN WRITES ;Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta: Having been a great sufferer for three years from indigestion, and! been, treated by many physicians, who failed to give me any relief. Conitdnuing' to grow worse my brotlher advised me to try Dr. Moz ley's Lemon Elixir, which iremedy h had used for several years. I commenc ed its use, and must say that your Lem on Elixir is the greatest medicine oi earth. I have never suffered a day sine I commenced using Lemon Elixir. R L. Rocco, 206 Hernando St., Memphis Tenn. 1 . A CARD. This is to, certify that I used Dr Mozley' Lemon Elixir for neuralgia ot the bead and eyes, 'with the most marked Sbenefit to my general health. I would gladly have paid $500 for the relief it has given me at tlhe cost of two or three dollars. H: A. Beall, Clerk Superior Court,- Randblph CO., Ga. Why His Efforts to Calm the Passen gers Were Unappreciated. "Some funny situations occasionally arise from sudden cases of real or ap parent danger," remarked a much trav eled Philadelphian one day recently, "an illustration of which fact came under my observation on a crowded steamboat. The time was night, and some big excursion party was on board. All at once the boat r began to careen from side to side in a way that alarmed even me, accustomed as I was to queer antics of water craft, but because of the many women and children on board I kept my alarm to myself. "It wasn't so with others who noticed the boat's rocking, however, and pretty soon everybody was frantically fastening on life preservers. I mean everybody who could get them, for the boat was equipped with only about half enough to go around. Then there followed a scene of the wildest confusion. Women were crying and shrieking. Some of them were on their knees praying. In the midst of it all the captain appeared. Coming up to a little group of which I was one, and the members of which were outwardly calm, he assured us that there was really no danger and asked us if we would quietly mingle with the people and endeavor to restore quiet. Of course we consented. But that wasn't the funny part. Stand ing near enough tfj overhear our conver sation was an excited individual of mid dle age. When we started on our mis sionary work, he thought it his duty to help, and half a minute later he was hard at work in the cabin telling the women to stop their crying, for the boat was all right. He didn't seem to have much suc cess, however, and 1 wondered at it until I saw him stop in front of a grim visaged, middle aged woman who had been una ble to get hold of a life preserver. " 'Be calm, madam, be calm,' he ex claimed, 'there is no danger whatever, and the boat will get to shore all right.' "The woman looked the fellow rover scornfully. J " 'If you are so sure of that,' she re torted, 'then give me one of those two life preservers you are hanging on to so tight.' "Sure enough, although I hadn't no ticed it before, the man had been carry ing a life preserver in each hand in addi tion to the one he wore around his waist all the time he was energetically assur ing the weeping women that there was no danger. The thing was so absurd that I and two or three others who took it all in burst out laughing, which had as much to do with restoring quiet as anything else. Half an hour later the boat landed right Bide Up with care, and we saw no more of the man with the three life pre servers." Philadelphia Inquirer. The" best furniture-for the money at Mrs. M. H. Johnson 27 N. Main St. Ladies agonizedv-by- Females Disorders should tavold unpleasant examinations and at once cure themselves1 with Sim mons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets, j ri - Mf epwn sm. 9i ?tf -! t?0JL RELIEF IN SIX'HOIIRS. Distressing' kidney and bladder dis ease relieved in six: hours by "New Great South American Kidney Cure." It Is a great surprise on account of Its ex ceeding promptness la relieving pain in bladder, kidneys audi back, la male or female. Relieves retention! of water el most irmdediiately. If you want quick relief and cure this is (the remedy. Sold by T. C. Smith, druggist, AsevUle, N. C. . Our entire istock of 1893 shoes at actual cost. These shoes are not the latest styles of toes. Mi reason we offer at cost. Q. A MearsrxShoe Stare, about 800 pairs of 3 HEALTHY OLD AGE. Labub, Bentobt Co. Aek., Aug. 4. I am 49 years old and have been suffering with Change of Life. I had flooding spells so bad that none thought I could live. My husband got me Wine of Cardui and it saved my life. I am like another person since taking it. MBS. B. B. TOWNSENDv It is the devout wish of nearly all people to live to a ripe old age. None of us want to die young. This universal desire can be realized if care be taken of the health in early and middle life. A little precaution then will add many years to our existence. Death can be kept away a long time. Happy, healthy old age will be the lot of the woman who promptly corrects the ailments which afflict her sex. In youth, Wine of Cardui will take the female child safely over the dividing line between girlhood and womanhood. As a wife she needs it to help her through the trials of -pregnancy and childbirth with as little discomfort as possible. At the Change of Life it will help her over the dangerous place that appears in her pathway between 40 and SO. Then will come many years of truly blissful existence. She will grow old slowly and gracefully. To the last she will preserve that charm and beauty which are always characteristic ot perfectly healthy grandmothers. LADIES' ADVISORY DEPARTMENT. For advice In cases requiring special directions, address, giving symptoms, ladles' AdrUory Dep't, The CHATi ARUOUA jusuiuuijf vu., unattanooga, Tenn. It is for women alone to decide whether they will be healthy or sick. The remedy for their sick ness is close at hand. LARGE BOTTLES ORWINE O F CARDUI SOLD FOR $I.OO BY DROCCISTS. tt-to3igyb(cyMoxuj The Finest Line of French Briar and Meerschaum Pipes Berkeley South of New York at the Cigar Stand Our Customers Leave Well Satisfied at all times when leaving their order at our discrete oai that we will cut, trim and send ihome ready for the fire the primest, choicest tenderest aid Juciest beef, lamb, mutton, pork or veal. We keep at all times selected poultry, game in season, choice meats, and we cut them in an expert manor, ankS sell at the lowest prices. - ZIMMERMAN & WHITEHEAD, Phone 4 City Marker. fin ffif f f 1 1 f hi fvm i it mf n mrnmnvm : Uftr WiUlAKd .flUlAff ilktt miMSli for Blind,. Bleed Ins and Itching Piles; - It absorbs the tumors, allays the Itching at once, gives instant relief. Every box is warranted. Sold by druggists- Sent by mail on receipt of price. SO cents and f LOO per boat. WXLXIA2IS HFGt. GX, Frops. CleTeland, Ohio. write toUay for FUEK PKKJUEM OFER, Address, Lad lea Hair Emoorl u m, Chicago. men's shoe. " , . , r - i FOR SAIA $Y DE. T. C.-SMjpH. . Sf . - - A

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