THE ASHEV1LLE tJAZBTTE OC T. 8, iKoq - S I if' 1;'- ; ;: 7" listen of the ttA"':-ttt .iA1., " Dary Foods. Pure Creamery Butter, The kiind'itbait ycmr palate loves ttio linger on, 25c Pound Pare Fresh Country Butter, The Kind thai darries your mind back 'to the old farm. 20c Pound A. p. Cooper, 32 South Main St. Of f NEW ANOTHER LOT OF HANAN'S SHOES JUST RECEIVED. Willow Calf, Black and Brown Glazed Kid, Drill or Kid Lined, Heavy or Medium Soles. Prices, $5 and $6 .The best on earth is a HAN AN SHOE. For sale only at 18 Patton Avenue. THERE IS NO ARTICLE OF DIET to which more judgment should, be given than the selection of Coffee. NUINE IF THjjQI H lli",0,'TED R0ASTE0 BYf I It means more than an habitual riTik. Our climaite necessitates drinking Coffee as an exumnaranit. iut like other oom modiitieB the GOOD and BAD exist and tne painstaking lady of .tflie household must be keen and avoid the flaring piromfises THAT THIS KIND OR THAT' JtiiJNi is ens good as the delicious Mon ogram -Java and Moclhia. , TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE, MONO GRAM HAS A DELIGHTFUL FLA VOR, PERFECTLY HEALTHY, OF FULL STRENGTH AND VERY ECO NOMICAL. Every dan wtarrarjted to give universal satisfaction or money cherfullly refund ed. All firsit clias's grocers Sell and re commend Monogram. CHARLESTON IMPORTING AND EXPORTING COMPANY, Importers, Roasters & Packers ot High Grade Coffee, Charlton, S. C. U. S. a. I 4 Th& AiheyiUe Hardwau: Company. W. Y. Swdcegoodls ill at Ms home in Chunn's Clove. v Justice A. B. Ware was able to be out ye&terdiay afiter beting iM several aaye. The Lardies' auxili'ary of the Y. M. C. X. will meet tomorrow afternoon at 4:30 do Y. M. C. A. hall. Washburn's minstrels have been se cured by Manager Pluminer for October 19 ait ithe lopera Qiouse. ,The Rt. Rev. Bishop Thbmpson of Misslissappi, will preach tlhis afternoon at 4 o'clock at St Matthias' Episcopal church. J. V. Brevard, who at ome time resifed im Asheville, iind whose home is now in Fruitland, is ill. He has had a hemor rb9(9'e and his condit!ioni is considered se- trlou , Swarms of grasshoppers settled in Asheville and Vicinity yesterday. Hun dreds were seen im differemit places dur ing 'the Idiay and the visitation caused aonedderable comment C. E. Youmig ha been, engaged as ca terer for Tiheobol'd's canldy kitchen. He wiill have personal clharge of all cater ing, but it vMl in no way interfere with the management of' Mir. Young's fish stall. , Dr. H. L. B'alird and Dr. D. E. Sevier returned yesterday from the Mississippi Valley Medical association convention ait Chicago. The remaining delegates are expected tp return t'oday. Imviitatiions 'are out for Mrs. Dresser's pupils' recital itiomorrow afterndon. at 4 o'clock. Mr. Howiaird G. Smith, of the Broad street conservatory, Philadelphia and Mrs. Dresser, will each, contribute two numbers. The entertaiinimen of thp- WomltPv Book club wi'U be given next Thursday evening. The entertainment will con sist of mufic, recitattons, readings amd tafbleaux. Am akim'lasi'Dn Of (ten cents wan re cunairgea. The Soutfcem RaSlwav rrvmna.nv'n tfii- tion houiee at Alexander, was bunned Frilday nighit. The ftre is thrtiierh tn nave Deen or aim incendrary origin- The loss is "estimated at abnut $2 nnn TTh&ro was (little freisrht 'in. ithe Ibulildimsr at the time, j 1 , The Candy Kliitcheni, so. successful in all lit (has 'attempted under Mr. Theo- bold's competent management, (has ef- feoted arrangements by which dt is pre pared ito ciatter for parties, receptions, etc., 'an ininovationi that will be well re ceived in towa ' ' ; Thft Sicrn of the Book. May is lesterday's Pupil. Maybe some time in the jpast you've bought un wisely. Inferior paper perb apa, disturbs your peace of mind whenever you write on it." Price paid too much, or you were deceived in its aualitv. Then let today be yesterday's pupil Determine in he future to buy of a1 dealer who stands back of his. paper. v ? ZKogrexs' Booli Store, Phone No- 254 20 SOUTH MAIN STREET ? S THE OYSTEB. Oh, don't you like "the Oyster, The succulent bivalve, Oh, try i!t in a cocktail; - It make3 a soothing salve. Oh, try it dn a fritter, Or try it in a pde, Oh, try it in creamed au gratin, Or (try it in a fry! Oh, try it in a dumpling, Or try it splmdled, panned Or try it any way you like, Of each and every brand. We have the Virginia Stewinsr OvsrfAr. at 35 cents quart, Baltimore Sttewing Oysters at 40 cents quart,, and Baaitimo.e Elects at 50 cents (a quart. New York Coucmqs 60 cents quart. Also Oysters in Sealed Cans, and Oysters on the half JOUNfi'S FISH MARKET, "fette Corner." lelephone 2,3 CITY MARKET. Some of the up-bown merdhamts have Mt upoai am' effective, if not altogether original plan of ridding their place of business of rats. Diminutive bells have been placed: abouit the necks of some of the Cattle pests, after which they were released. It suggests spooks and all sorts of unearthly ttlhings, as the little bells are spirited about between the walls. The parks and fores! try committee of the beard of trade, aula the committee of the Buncombe county medical socie ty, were enalbleidl to issue only a few of he petition formsi yesterday, but such as were issued are being mo'-t eatifa torily signed up, indicating itlhe 'interest in thf mrvvpmPTit for tTiA narliomn.! nnrTi- em plark on the part 'of the citizens of Ashe vi lie. It Is learned that Deputy CdLletftor S. F. 'Shore, of Yadkin county, who was re- cerntlv called uthojii (bv nollforr TTiarkirw to explaia some charges maJde agaiTst him for beinie too limient en tillers, has beem reinstated. The collector says he is one of "the most competent deputies to the service. Mr. Shore seized the dis tillery of J. M. Oampbe1!, near Mocks- vdTle, tlbis week, for some irregularity. Winston dor. Raleigh Pest. P. A. Frerckis. owjipt and tfmr fonrtipin vears miamae'eT of 'tfhe Mt. Vprmnn hmtpl has leased the propenty Mr. J. W. Crow- eu, of AsheviUe. who itakes charere on tlhe 15th of thiel preseht month. Mr. Crowell was for twelve yelars sheriff of Wilson county, and before and since hi3 term of office hps beenl a commercial traveler. He will doulbtless sustain the repurtJitdoini of the hotel with the travel ing public Salisbury; Cor. Charlotte Observer. A negro of the name of Williams, stoe a number of articles of value, including a ttiamomd ring, from a bureau drawer at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. How att, yestertday. The negro was caught before he had an opportunity itk leave tlhe house, -amd admitted the theft. When1 aisked albout itlba rinig he replied philosophically that he "guessed it was in his pocket." Later Hh nol asked him if he would pleaidi guilty, and j. uon i Know." was the answer. In de fault of bomd he was sent tio jail. $ It 8 New Bicycles at Cost To v close out those on hand. 20 to select from. if Asheville Cycle 1 Company EUG. C. SAWYER, Prop. 'Phone 228. 18 and 20 Church Street iiiiillllllIIl$llll 8 t4 Flour flflarketl It Beats the World how we can put uch perfect work manship on a shirt front, collar or cuff ia what everyone aayi that examine our faultless laundry work. No pot or fray to mar the beauty of th irre proachable color and finish put upon it that defies competition by any laun dry in this town. Our laundry work has reached the top aotch of perf action that ha yet been obtained. Asheville Steam Laundry Phone 95. 43 WEST COLLEGE ST. BILTMORE PATENT J BILTMORE PATENT, BILTMORE PATENT BILTMORE PATENT COLLINS' WHOLE ? "We prefer 1 6k ,3 FLOUli, 1-4 sk . si .75 SI Pres. thft v from your whole Wh,."' &nv v,Qt - "our ..St our table and we have n Upf anybutflhe best bnands ofli Normal & Colie, 8xj FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS? nllders' Mardware. BRONZE and IMITATION RROlyp . 6. hlve dlvllJei stwk offer the foUow.ns dlsnS iMSi m First DivUInn 05 TJ . u, a. ci oenu. Second Division, 33 1-3 Per Cent " Third Division, 50 Per Cent. Considering the fW thQ prices, and such prices rnot Including any of marked at ck Building Hardware, which toSk effect w ?f,it wi C6Jlt- a3vee o the line in our Store is the cheapest lot i 7.i2i K can safeI" state thS in Western North Carolina. f BuiIdlQ Hardware offered tod ces. We will take pleasure in showing these eoods at any time, na Asheville Hardware Co. THE LUB SALOON 53 South Main Street. C. B. MclNTYRE, Carolina Wine and Liquor House : I narrv fl, splflt stonV of RrnnHiPs. Winoa nnri WViitatioa ototit thing that's kept in an up-to-date saloon. All goods guaranteed Pat Mclntyre, Proprietor, Phone 218 P. O. Box 337. ASK - FOR - BEACH - N U T - RYE. 19 N. Main Street. Telephone 152. n Choice Wines Whiskies. Ales. Pnrtprc: -r tic and. Imported Cigars and Tobacco Old Cabinet O Whiskey, and Silver Creek and Lairel Valley Corn mil ' key. Telephone orders promptly answered. I 6INDER WEAR. Yes, we have the kind you want in medium light! weight wool for fall wear in White and Grey, in all sizes. We also have the biggest stock of heavy weight Under wear ever shown in Asheville. Come in and see them at The Whitlock Clothing House I A Patton tU Avenue n Goods Delivered Free to any part of the City ! aaaamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaae IXXXXX)OOO0XXXOO0OOOO00X Universal Food Chopper. X This does the work of choppiDg bowl and knifo in 0 one-tenth Dart of the time. Km with three knives. Please call for Universal Cook Book. Brown, Northup & Co., 33 Patton Avenue. iXXXXXXXXXXXJOCXXXXXXXXXXXN Imperial Millinery anOliadiesrOui tter FOR YOUR WINE CELLAR the : PICTURE FRAMING AN ART vSitY'lL POTS have a mechanic , to make flrametr and -ali artist to frame m pictures baughJt to from new xnwuldliDjga of latest tdesigitu- ' In one of 'the whiskey cases tria'dl thus morning the euphonious name of J,. Wiley Shook was called as a witne3. There was ia dead silence in the count. Some thought of Alex-amider and Ceasar larad krithr miamies that are great also but Wiiley did not dome. With a sigh Judgre .ordereid1 that a judgment nasi ifor the payment of a $100 fine be entered against the Shkok that shook his court; and the crier monotonously yelled feir a Smii'h. a Jones, and for some other chap with an everyday name. Greensboro Oor. Charlotte Observer. Alex. McCall, charg-ed with arson, and three tiimes before count Ctwiioe for itrial) was acquitted last Friday by B. jury at the sesaliora of the criminal count in Burke county. Bath the defence 'and pmsiecutioni had able attorneys and Judge Stevens, of Asheville, presided. Miss lEmmanuel, of Asheville, acteJfll as stenioigrapher for the count. The sreech s by tlhe attonneyis covereid a peniod of ptoeOTi ihlours. The speeches, of attor neys Orallg- amd Morgan were espeeialliv brillfiant, amd' ithat of Atitormey Justice In his usual style. Judg-e Stevens' charg-e to the jury w'aa a masterpiece. Exchange. In winter's crld and pummer's parch ing heat," use CamphOTiine, for chapped hanHb amd face, tan, sun burn, etc. 25c j all druggists. WATER RENT TIME. Water Tenits are now due for the com ing quarter. My business ia tbo cblletf ithem. All rents not paid by fafe 22d the uy cut off without further notic. , Don't wait for ttlhe last day. but come in early, eave trouble end expense. we are ready to supply you with choicest whiskies, wines, gins, brandies or liquors by the cask, case, demijohn or bottle, that we have stored long enough to guarantee age, purity and wholesome nesB. Our stock of fine wines, liquors, cordials and beers cannot be excelled) in the state for flavor, quality or purity. Try our Nonpareil Cincinnati Export beer. $1.00 per dozen. We will continue our cut-rate safle of what remains of the Frank O'Donnell bankrupt stock of wines and liquors. Are offering to the ladies of Asheville a large and well seflected line of MiEi- Z7f Stfand ZffZ tZ CES MMEf3 and UNTRJI !I E 1 HATS. Golf hats and all the latest styles in walking hats. Also a romolM,. iinP of TAILOR MADE SUITS, SKIRTS, CLOAKS. CAB3 and H E? COATS and Ladies Furnishing Goods. ? ,s CHILDKENa Hats Trimmed Free of Charge- IMPERIAL MILLINERY AND LADIES' OUTFITTEB.O 22 South Main Street. THE "BONANZA" WINE AND LIQUI Telephone 72. 43 South Main Street. IR GO. For Indoor Exercise. Are you aware of the fact that vou ran t h fol lowing goods at home at New York Drices v s Dumb Bells, Indian Clubs, Whitley's Exercisers, Striking Bags, new style Archarena Boards for 1899, 16-20-26 games, Crokinole Boards.' Come and ask to show them to you. BLO BERG'S, Imported and Domestic Cigars Sold by the Box at Factory Prices at the THE LEADER, Established 1887, 17 nattnn Avenue- erkeley Cigar Stand JAS. P. SAWYER, Presldeat Dres k J. B. RANKIN. Gutter. Capital Stools - - - - 100,000: SUPERIOR FACTILiITlES F OR DOENQ A GBNOfRAI BANKING BUSINESS. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. , , BAFE DEPOSIT B0XE3 FOR RENT, REDWOOD (S CO. 7 AftD 9 PATTON AVENUE. S W. E. RANKIN, Supt. ' JT f. 't- H rr

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