y's- ' - r - s i- VI' JjLU U i State Library. ; 7;; (v J r T J I "VOL. IV: NO. 207. ASHEVILLE, N. C, WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 11, 1899. PEICE 5 CENTS. ' V ' 7Vit ancf Fruit BROM0SE. 4 Predigexted Food, It is especially intended '" IK t ' for persons who need an increase of fat and blood -m .-m 1 and those wno are una- ble to digest starch, or who become bilious from eating milk or cream. 50c Per Box. YOU'LL FIND IT AT 1 53 I Patton Ave xxxxxxxxx 50000COOOCXX n nRiiRS. NO KNIFE C. JW CASE and W. E. SWAN. OSTEOPATHS Graduates American School at Kirksville, Mo. Telephone 525, 18 Church Street Massags anal Pack Treatment for: NERVOUS, KHEU MATIGa AND OTHER DISEASES. CU1. rnTJTTWW BRANDT MAS SAGE for Female Diseases; also Face Massage. PROF. EDW. GRUNER, (Graduate of Chemnitz College, Germany. Formerly vriitli Oak Unrt TTprfHhifji ganitariuai.) fcTsoUTJH: MAIN ST. PHONI 206. Eome or office treatmenu Grant's No. 24 To Cure a Cold Quick Take Grant's No. 24 Price 25c. ft j V fl "X ft ft It ft ft f 3 Grant's Pharrnac , I 24 S Main Street, Asneville NorthT Carolina THE BOERS CALL A HALT Demand Instant Withdrawal of English Armv From the Frontier. Great Britain Must Comply Within 48 Hours. Failure Will be Construed as Declaration of War. Bold Declaration That Throws Onus of ar on England. THIS MOVE: OF THE BOER 3 HAS GREATLY FEEUNGr STIRRED PUBLIC IN LONDON KRU- GER'S DIFFICULTY IN KEEPING BURGHERS IN HAND ON FRON TIER. London, Oct. 10. The BoeTs have as tonished Eng-land by behaving just as if they were a great power, equal to the British empire. They have de manded the instant withdrawal of the hostile force massing on the frontier, and announced they wrould construe a failure to comply within forty-eight hours as a declaration of war. This action impresses England as a great effrontery. It is almost regard ed as a decisive move which destroys the last possibility of a peaceful solu tion of the crisis, and yet this is not its nevitable meaning. The terms of the Boer' despatch is by no means unre'as- onable from the view of point of di plomacy and precedent. The ultimat um, is bellicose onily in its peremtory tone . The Boers have been waiting weeks for the demands Great Britain said would' be forthcoming, and saw it would be suicidal to let England com plete its hostile preDarta'tione . Hence x - today's bold declaration, which throws the onus of war upon Great Britain. BRITISH DEMANDS. As a matter of fact the Boers mis judged Great Britain in thinking the delay was merely to hasten prepara tion prior to sending heavy demands. Tour correspondent has the authority of a member of the cabmet tor saying that the British demands -would have been ipresented within a week, and would have been "extremely mna. Whether their presentation will be hastened bv today's ultimatum or the Hatter denied or ignored it is impossible to say. There is little doubt Kruger is rind ing it increasingly difficult to keep the "Rirrshers in hand on the frontier, ine belief in well informed political circles is that if the British government re flpmands which have been withheld. demands wihch have been withheld. PUBLIC OPINION EXCITED. ThP -Roer move has greatly inflamed public opinion, and it is impossible to believe that a. -Tirniatlory poncy win v.o vfnira.ted. The chances fafor an outbreak of (hostilities ait the beginning of next wreek. THE DEMAND. T-y iintimatum received from, the Transvaal demands that the points of difference be submitted to arDitrauon, all troops bewithdrawn, air reimwroc- ments arrived since June 1 to ue ic moved, troops now to the 'high seas not to be landed. Answer is demanded by Wednesday, October 11, not later The ultimatum rinles with! "in the unexpected. 4- r,f an answer not satisiactory being received. ty tne irapva tra tihP interval it will Wltn greaiL re- tion of her majesty's government as a formal declaration of war, and will not hold itself responsible for the dorredt- e ,ot in the event of ness tnei eoi, a.xia 'uiii. - -any further movement of troops oc curring within the above mentioned time in a nearer directtipn to the bor ders this government will be com pelled to regard: that ailso as a formal declaration) of war." WELCOME TO TROOPS. 'It is doubtful (if such a frenzied wel rtn was ever betore witnessed here as that given upon tine arrival of the n ewi n...,n. xnr.oioici Tampers. xxitsie1 oou'uii - , . tocessamt roar of cheers ana song x the Mansion House, the official resa denoe of the Uord Mayor of Lonto, was reached. Traffic is completely blocked reached. Traffic iscompieiy by the urgantiarOTs m r withhe .greatest - - Mayor, m . mu SljnW Alexander in a few tne singing KuiiVA v-.-.- - he addressed the colanaal (troops, wash. ing Ahem Gtod's speed. ENGLISH ENTttUBiA&m, Reports from all military centers show lin'Hnmi orders are reeeivea with thei greatest enthusiasm, since' Wllilll Lira fei , t-,,M President Kruger has crossed the Rubi con, and taken tttue irrevoKaoie vi. -suing an. ultimatum. . . . The wonder is wihy, if President Kru iji ..a fitrViime- waited so aaog. -The explanaltlton' seems to be. MS hand has been forced w-wm? uuv , the Boera got iouit of control. The ex- Dfe,. F. R. Diairby ays: "Camphor paration of the time Jitait of .the ultima- iine is not only (good; for chap!ed.,lhiamMia, tuirr torrianrtxw evening, does- mat leave DUt for burns arid Inflamed surfaces also. Great Britjain much- itSme.to Btrengttlien, ly husbarod -wouM. Lave 'been badly Iher present military, posiiition,-although 1 rburn'ed; ther other-day -haH!' I not .used iftin a W t.moTs alt Durban, namnhioirllaais duickhr amlct 'freely '--- aire ritill a lew trooipsr a)t Durban, Natal, available for despatch, to the Crtxrut, ibut the government will doubt less adopt the suggee'tixm to form refu gees trom Raiwi into volunlteer regi ments. A LETTER FROM JAUBERT. Liondkm, Oct. 10. Former Consul GeneraJl Clark, of the South African re public, has received a letiter from Com mandant . General Jaubert, dated Sep tember 18, expressing the fear that be fore the letter reaches its destination "Chamberlain's war fire will have burst upon our unhappy ckmntry." The writer adds that the whole affair . is not to remedy the aggrievances of " the Uitlonders, .but the grievances of Rhodes, Jameson and ,Cham beriaiii. 4 SCHLEY SOON TO DEPAffT THE CHICAGO TO LEAVE : FOR CAPETOWN TO OBSERVE ' -TRANSVAAL WAR. . Washington, October 10. Admiral Schley's flagship, the Chicago, will start from. New Pork for Capetown' as soon (as possible after Oatober 25, when Schley will raise his pennant. The mis sion of the Chicago will be to observe as mucb as 'possible of . the Transvaal war. The cruiser Montgomery will al so go to Souitu Africa. 11 . necessary, marines will be sent overland to pro tect the United States consulates. ENGLAND'S REPLY. London, Oct. 11. The Times (today. ays there is reason to oeueve jruger will et hlis answer this morning, and that at will aicknowleldge the receipt Df the Boer ultimatum; express regret sat the contents of the document, vancl add that the governmeont of this country ha no funtiher commumacation to make. FAILED TO TERMINATE VENEZUELAN REVOLUTION Decisive Battle With the Rebels Ex pected This Week. Washington, Oct. 10. The attempt to end the Venezuelan revolution through a conference has failed, according to a despatch from Minister Loomis, who says: "Negotiations were suspended today. Venezuelan forces will be ad vanced. Decisive battle is fully ex- TYtwo-ri ,thi3 uwlf. Puerto C'abello is quiet." 1 1 1 CUBANS CELEBRATING. Havana, Oct. 10. Today there was great rejoicing 'among the Cubans, the t battle of IiO.ll V VO V- WAV- w the ten-years war at Yara. The big gest meeting was what purported to be a convention Of the Cuban national par tv There was mudh speech making The only business transacted was the appointment of a committee to visit General Brooke and express the hope !v, v. TTniifor? States would fulfill L 11 tX U Lilt ouiiv. its promises. BASEBALL GAMES YESTERDAY R. H. E Philadelphia 0 8 Rrvatnn 6 7 Batteries: Donohue and McFarland; Lewis and Sullivan. A t Baltimore H. E Tn.l)mom . 5 9 1 0)1L1111V1 ...... - - Wasihinsrton & Called at ' end of sixtih inning on nr-nniTiit of darkness. ' Rmtteries: Nops and Smith; McGUl and Kittridge. At Brooklyn R- H. E Rroolflvn 2 5 3 -K.T AT,, -1,- & 8 7 0.x ew iuin. Mc Jamesf and McGuire ; Seymour and Warner. St. Louis-Cineinhati game postponed on account of rain. WHERE THET PLAT TODAY. Philadelphia at Boston.'' Brooklyn at New York. Cincinnati at St. Louis. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. Clubs. -V- L- T3rrtn,lrlvtl 97 46 PC. .678 .628 .621 .590 56b .K41 .510 .507 .497 .400 .345 .133 I J X V-v ill J - - - - - Boston 9 Philadelphia 92 Baltimore 85 St. Louis 84 Cincinnati Pittsburg 75 Chicago 74' Louisville New York 58 Washington 52 55 56 59 66 67 72 72 76 87 96 Cleveland 20 130 BANKER WAREHOUSE LEASED. sheerd Will Have Personal C4. i.A - Charge During the Season. nivin Rhiftniherd amd comiDamy have .loaa R.Tiiner warehouse. The dea for a week, but l ":nftpa..nat signed' uautil yester- - n-. Mr. Shepherd will move weeks, or as soon as ihis crops are gaurureu. iu the meantime a number of repairs wiill nn the warehouse. Mr. Shep- ' . --T - -- - J 1 rs w waxovtse amd. will :be ready to sell itp- - - .. - -Krnv&Tniy&r 1. Tiie , Farmer's warehouse is leased to TT-fnwipv. .Tones & Reeves, and tme seu imw -nf ifrthnco will besriim next week. tviov Vti.v-receaved. some tobacco, a Tew prunSnige for store, thia week.- but there wall be very liUtle tODcco sojia i?exore uie first. of. next momth. Cajnphfcriinte quickly ama 'freely - - ; 1 1 Ik. I' V IL7 PRESIDENT pjiUGEB. PROBABLY FATAL DUEL IN NEW ORLEANS Editor of the Item and a Politician Empty Their Revolvers Into Each Other. New Orleans, Oct. 10. Dominick C. O'Malley, editor and proprietor of the Daily Item, and C. Harrison Parker, one of the leading politicians of the state, met on Cam1" street, directly in front of Newspaper Row, and engaged in a desperate duel. They emptied their revolvers at each! other, and when, the smoke cleared away it was found Parker had been shot twice and O'Malley had a gapping bullet hole in his Seft side. During the duel Fred Rohrbacher, a newsboy, got in; range of O'Malley's pistol and was' shot twice. The wounds of both men may prove fatal. The trouble is said to have origi nated over a cartoon in the Item, rep resenting Parker as a little dog, being led by a string by Governor Foster, and labelled "Me Too." A LIVELY SKIRMISH NORTH OF MANILA An American Officer and EUht Men Wounded in Schwan's Command- Manila, Oct. 10. -Tie insurgenits are numerous north Of Manila. Four moun tain Gattling guns have been stationed at Caloocan and the block house. Re- eonnoissanee by some of Schwan'6 troops located several bands of rebels. A lively skirmish ensued m which an American officer and eight men were wTounded. WARSHIPS READY TO START FOR THE PHILIPPINES Washington, Oclt. 10. More orde-s were issued today for increasing the number of vessels in the Philippines. The gunboat Marietta was ordered tot onml a.t Norfolk and sail thence for tne PVn'Hrminoo Thp Brooklyn will sail from Hampton Roads Saturday and ithe Nashville from San Juan tomor row. I FOR DEPOT BATTALION. Three Hundred and Sixty Men Want ed for Fifth Infantry. Tthe lonal necruitiine: station has re ceived orders ito enliist men for the depot battalion of the FiftOi imfamtry, at Fort Sheridan. 111. A depot battalion is a home company which nearly all regi ments serving in foreign countries have. Recrulitfes are drilled there, ana wmen pro ficient are sent to relieve men In their regiments or fill up for HOBes suslliaiineli. Three hundred and sixty men are warn ed tor the depot bai'.italiom) of the Fifth. Recruits will also be received! for the Fourth artillery, and be sent to North Paint, Ind., and for the Forty-first end F3irtv-hird volunteers. Thet colored regiments are not yet full. Why So Many Wear Glasses? Thf advance Of civilization imposes increased labors upon our eyes. , Peddlers and reckless metnoas emnlrtvwl hv reonle in fitting their own eyes cause much of the trouble. Eye 'defects that were once ithmis-ht rk t incurable are mow entirely relieved by the timely use of glasses. Examination tree. Si L. MCKEE, SCIENTIFIC OPTICIAN, 45 Patton Ave. . PRESIDENT M'KIHLEY LEAVES CHICAGO After Reviewing Industrial Parade and Attending Banquet. Chicago, Oct. 10. The city's big festival came to art end this evening, when President McKinley and party left to continue their trip through the west. The departure followed a ban quet of the Commercial club at the Auditorium annex. McKinley was the first speaker of the evening, and Sec retaries Hay and' Gage also spoke. Postmaster General Smith was the guest of honor at another banquelt, at which five hundred! postmasters and. postal officials from all parts of the Country were present. Eartly in the evening the president reviewed the industrial parade, which was somewhat marred by a drizzling rain. McKinley s next stop1 will be at Evansville, Ind. NT LEAN AND BUSHNELL IN SECRET ALLIANCE? Some Indication of It To Break Hanna's Power. Columbus. O.. Oct. 10. John R. Mc Lean, democratic candidate for gov ernor, and Charles L. Kurtz, Ohio ! member of the national republican com mittee, and Leader Busnell, or the Kurtz faction, held a secret conference here today, presumably with, reference to the state campaign, and afterwards Kurtz conferred with Bushnell. The politicians of both parties connect these twr conferences as confirminer the truth Of the charge that Boishnell and Kurtz are in secret alliance with Mc Lean, and are doing all in their power 'to aid his election. The main object of Bushnell and Kurtz is to break tine force of Hanna's power, without re gard to the effect it may have upon the election of 1900. . CAPTAIN GHADWICK PUBLICLY WELCOMED By Citizens of Morgantown Parade and a Speech by Sampson. iParkersbursr. W. Va Oct. 10. Cap tain Ohadwick, of Sampson's flagship, the New York, was honored by citi zens of Morgan town, his native town, today. Governor Atkinson publicly welcomed Chadwick and presented him with a handsome sword ,the gift of the city. There was an imposing pa rade in which two companies or tne Tenth Pennsylvania were the leading feature. Sampson was present at the ceremonies and made a speech, prais t,o- rOia?TOinVr' nnrhit during the war. ' I I RUM BO UGH AND FITZGERALD WIN In the Gentlemen's Golf Tournament Finals Yesterday J. 'B. Poimbouah an'l W. J. Fiitzger aid won the first prize tin the gentle- mam's foursome -whlich was completed yesterday, defeating J. J. McCloskey. labd J. T. Ray by five stooke3 on the thirty-six holes. "Mr TVrrininkev anA Mr. Rav ihad TflO haindi'cao. while Mr. Rumbough anldi Mr Fitzereirald were handicapped twemty- fhnir strokes on the tthir'tiy-'six. The net taeore the first day was 80 for Rum' bough and Fitzgerald and 81 for Mc Oloskey and Ray. Yesterday McClos key and Ray made the first nine holes to 46 strokes, and the second In 42, making the score 88, total for 36 holes, 169. Rum bough and Fitzgerald made the first in 50 and the second iin 46, which without their hamJdicap of 12 strokes on the 18, made tlheir net score 84, total for 'tine 36 holes, 164. There will be a mixed foursome next Wednesday afternoon. To the Public : I desire to inform my patrons and public generally that I have sold to Mr. Clarance Sawyer my 'grocery business at No. 6 Court Sauare. I also want to extend my most grateful thanks to the kind and generous citlizens of Ashieville for their liberal patronage which for the pact 18 years has made my business a success. Mr. Sawyer was born and raised in, tM'3 community, and I can safe ly say has the confidence of all, I am sure his greatest endeavor will be to maintain the business at Its present high standard. He will have many advantages that should tfommenid him to the thoughtful buyer, his own busi ness experience, experienced help,, buying in large quamtities, buy-; tog for dash, and ill many in stances direct from the manufac turer. I tnist my friends will fvor Mm wfth their "patronage. Again thanking you most cor dially for all past favors, ! . gratefully, W. P. SNIDER. 8 COULDN'T EVEN MAKE A START Yachts Waited in a Fog for the Wind That Didn't Come. Race Declared Off When the Time Arrived to Begin. Next Attempt Will be Made Tomorrow. The Fourth Failure a Great Disap pointment. DAILY RACES WILL BE ATTEMPT ED UNTIL CONTEST IS ENDED AMERICANS EAGER FOR THE! TEST OF THE RESPECTIVE MER ITS OF THE YACHTS AND THEIR SAILORS. New York, Oct. 10. The fourth at tempt of the Columbia and Shamrock 'to race was a complete failure today, from a double cause. The sea was en veloped in ia fog, through which the eyes could penetrate but a few hundred feet at the mtoet. The two big yacttrts, followed by the usual fleet of tugs, tor pedo boats, revenue cutters and excur sion steamers, arrived off Sandy Hook soon after nine O'clock. There was no wind; the sea was without a ripple, and the fog hung over the water and ooaslt . A little after 11 o'clock, the condi tions not improving, the race was de clared off, and the signal "R" sent up. There was much disappointment at the Continued failure of the weather to afford an opportunity to test the ca pabilities Of the rival sloops. The claims that have been made so loudlv and repeatedly in the last few days of the Shamrock and her crew have put the Americans on their mettle, and they are eajger for a contest, with conditions that will fully test the merits of botn the yachts and their sailors. An agreement was arrived at where by the Columbia and Shamrock wilT try for a race again on Thursday and daily thereafter until' the contest Be tween them for the America's cup is settled. i frightened birds Sought Refusre in Houses on the Biltmore Estate- , Duniing the past week there has been am importanit move on the part of the bird world hereabouts, it being the sea son for migrating south. All through the .might the chirp of the little feathery pilgrims may be (heard fis they pass southward over the city. One wouiq. naturally thtok that the birds would give the electric light towers a wide berth. bmf. not so. Tlhev are attracted! oy ame light and m!amy come to grief as a conse quence. Their hteiess Dories are pick ed up on the streets by the dozens. Tt will be remembered that it iralined ttn ithis sectian all day recently and that it grew remarkably dark for a short time during the 'aftereon- The 'darkness seemed to terrify hundreds of birds on ithe Biltmore estate, and they flew for refuige to the mansion and other build togs which were lighted. Dozens of the dazeld birds were caught. A number were very ibeautiful and have been left with N. W. Fain, taxidermist, to be stuffed. -Gobd might! Use CanTpborline ; have spf tWiter hands in the morning. 25c. , Al druggSsts. ' After shaving close, use. Camphorline, Heals and softens rough skin. Delight ful and fragrant. 25c. Mdney Saved ...IS. Money Made. 8 If there is anything: you can use $ in the lot of NOVELTIES we are CLOSING OUT I It will certainly save you money j to buy them : 4 ARTHUR M. FIELD, Corner Church street fend Patton Avenue, . - NT ' i! r i t ? tin ;"1 I 1 4ll if I- h ? I TV I -..V;l 4 -1 -A 1 -1 - -Ft V 7 4 '

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