.j THE GAZETTE. 4 A8HBVX&LB. N. C fflblishod Every morning Except Mondays TBJH ABBEVILLE GAZETTE PUB- IilSJtlJiiNU- jKfMr-Aix. JAM&g Jffi. yOBTOW.Prcalcfiifr TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Daily Gazette, one year $ 4 00 Dally Gazette, twelve weeks 1 GO Daily Gazette , one month 40 Sunday Gazette, one year 1 00 Weekly Gazette, one year 1 00 Weekly Gazette, six months 0 GAZETTE TELEPHONES. Business office, 202. two ring's. Editorial rooms, 202, three ring. (( 1 )) A Strange Hallucination. When the winds blow? cold and the mercury begins its downward journey the provident man or woman at! one commences to provide against the rigors of the autumm amd win er. Some people have an erroneous idea that blankets and quilts are all that is siecessisary in addition to fuel, do. toes an. food to make up the ideal Daome. Now Blair respectfully begs that you will pu off such a strange halucfinatlon and giv. heed to what he is going- to say. Listen: He has during the past few weeks been sending orders for his late fall arid win ter stock, and has made a large importa tion of everything in tlhe furniture line which he wants to 6how you. One o the greatest attractions of Ms presen etock is that the majority of (his design are exclusive with htm. He has forgotten miothing dn his pur chases. Realizing that this is the wed dirag 'season, !he has included substantia and attractive bridal suits. His furniture is in the homes of Tmm dreds of the best people in anidl around AsheviLle, and in no instance h'aa any viiipmhih luera maae. what he has doa m others he can da for you. No. 45 Patton Avenue. Save You r Money. One box of Tutt s Pills will save many "dollars t in doctors bills They willsurelyureall diseases of the; stomach, liver or bowels. No Reckless Assertion For sick headache, dyspepsia, malaria, constipation and bilio usness, a million people endorse TUTTS Liver PILLS racing is a mighty uncertain Yacht poit. Is the American public as fickle as the French? The way Dewey, the hero of yesterday is criticised today would seem to indicate that it is. To those possessed of leisure and a grood horse these haVe been ideal days. The drives around Asheville never were more 'beautiful nor the roads in better order. Tfhe bright tints and ha zy atmosphere of October delight the eye, and the Good Road association have done much to put these delights in easy reach. Nothing can be pret tier than .the White Fawn drive, for instance. The woods are briKiant with the scarlet of sumac and sourwood, the yeHows of maple and the purples -of oak, mingled with a hundred shades of green, from the deepest gloom of the pines to he bright yellow greens f the jhrubs. Wild asters, Michael mas daisies and golden rod still deck the wayside, and through the gaps in the foliage the blue of distant moun tains gleam until, when one has wound Ms way up the gentle ascent to the turn, a panorama, of open country on each side bursts into view. Asheville flies at his feet on one side, with its background of rolling hills and lofty mountains, Kenilwonth's picturesqxie pile rises at the right and Biltmore gleams like a fairy paflace is. the dis tance, while on the other side is spread a beautiful, sheltered valley of farms and nestling farm houses. Rounding the turn, the descent is made through an enchanting landscape, glorified by autumn foliage. On a crisp, sunny morning, such a drive is one to be re membered and to bring joy and appe tite to any one. It, too, is only one of many drives of equal beauty that Asheville offers to her denizens or the sojourner witthin her gates, and no one who has not 'taken these drives ctn claim to know Asheville's charms. houses of the "diviners," or prophets, all buiflt on 'tall pyramids or on high stone terraces. They found a people different from the Aztecs, whose ac quaintance they had. made in Mexieo, and In many respects evidences cf higher culture.- The ruins that ?prca i over ancient Mayapan, or modern Yu catan, reveal a civilization that causes wonder today, as it did three cen turies ago. But the Spaniards, on ac quaintance with the people in ih3se strange white cities, discovered that the nation was' already far advanced in its decline. The Aztec custom of human sacrifice at 'the altars on f'.e; summit of the great pyramids had re placed the milder and humane wor ship of the sun and the birds and the god of the harvests. The vestal virgins no longer lighted the eternal fires in the temples, but were among the vic tims that cast themselves a voluntary sacrifice in the pool at Chitzen-Itza. The people hiaid become savage, out they were a conquered people. Their leaders, priests and scholars were gone. They had lost even their traditions, and none was found to decipher t.e hieroglyphics on the sacred buildings. The Spaniards completed the vanda ism the Aztec conquerors had begun by de stroying the idols and many or ue temples and every book or fragment or writing that they could lay their hands on. With the arrival of '.he Spaniards the lost vestages of the great empire of the Mayas disappeared. The cities were deserted and the land fell into a condition of savagery, and the rank growth of the tropics, as the cen turies crept by, buried cities and roads and wayside shrines. Tall pyramids in all parts of the land from the north ern extreme of the peninsula down into Guatemala rise above the jungle, si lent sentinels over the graves of buried cities The native population is igno rant and in some parts of the peninsu la completely untamed, acknowledging no sovereignty except that of their era chiefs. They loot the sugar planta tions and haciendas of the Spaniards when, they get on a tear, and they, along with the fevers and the malaria and the insects, make most parts of Yucatan an unpleasant place for srang ers. Mexico is proceeding now to dlear out 'the eavages and) subjugate them. The Mayas wilQi fight for their -freedom," ?nd if they can keep it, Yuca tan will continue to be a useless part -iri with no eovernment worth mentioning and no population that nas the ambition, to develop its resources or even to make it a habitable part of the world. A certain amount of our sympathies are with the degenerate de scendents of the once magnificent Mayas, but they . arfc onlx a CUIe to themselves and all who attempt to live in their vicinity, and not many senti mental tears will be shed if Mexico, be-rvo- ii.nfl.-hie to tame 'them, sends a few . . U0TV hundred of their warriors io vug py hunting grounds. Twrfrtat Haiddey, of Yale university,. e-iiTflited. on October 18. On this occasion, there will be a great gath ering at New Haven- or university college presidenits from all parts of the country. a iniimaM'A in declaring that he warn' a thft democrats to wan in the next presi dential and conngressfflonal election has dome the democrats a Wad turn, remains the Philadelphia Record. When the en- mii rf the country take siaes wan ei- !W noWtical oarty tney anve bu inav from it. Of course this is verv thin amd illogical reasoning; but tin ma - t rvf narr.isansh'lo It Is the Celtic mem- fc, ww. . . one Irishman to another as a remarka bly attenuated lady pas-sea Dy. did you ever see so than a woman uc "Thin " aa Mike. "I saw a Wo- L. iX . - " ' ' m TYo.r m rwishocken as thin as two or iiJ,AUI. AAA - her!" people during' the, past jeitghtinontBis.'; Mr; Morley'a biogripher ,ln thej OaaJtti ry thus clharacterizes tflie j piotiical sit- uatiion-int" England: " ;",r. W t- , i'nejna are iwj42BgiauuB, anj; oevr were the two In greater contnaiaL and oonflicib than a;t thiis moment. There is the EnglanJdl pushful, greedy of money, oL power, of all the lusts of tihe ftetslh, the Bagkund of the boiurse, of thei race course, of the gold mine, of the tlattle fiel'ds; or, ito put it briefly amd concre; e ly, the Emgland of the. Rand and of the Omdurman. And liheret is 'the o.hef England, the England. of the corjvi!nti cle; of nen who clng wi'ih something cf ntarrowanees ami) unwoxldilneis, and now and then to olbscurantiiiin, to tendemies that mad the Roun?lh)ead fie .master, and for a time the ityraut, of England. Even when the voice of the one Eng land lis loudest that of the otlher Eng land Cs not altogether e'lfni:, though there are maoy epoch's when the vo'ce of tfne one rise? thundeious thiit at is diifncu'ifc to believe :'!n ithe exliutence' of the citiher." i . The wri:"'- teMeves that M' r'ey repre sents the Til Puii'nn spkit la EnsrlaTd todoy, '3ind fhiat 'the conflict between trim and Lcrd Roseberry for the leadfr ship of tihip liherail party is the conflict, between the two exi'remea of Engl Bh cHa'raciter. iTHis is jdst a 'plain statement of what I have Vs in stock.: r 1 Crane's Stationery, Hurd's Stationery, Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen, Rare Imported China land Glassware, All the New and Standard Books, Magazines, Paper Novels, Staple Goods for Office or Home, Blank .Books. 47 Patton Avenue. Late of San Antonio, Texas, and 18 S. Mam St., Asheville, N, C. New York will spend $2,000,000 a once on street paving in all the boroughs. A speciiad aestatch to the Baltimore Sun fiom Carlisle, isays that ar- ru-ugemeinti aa now Leiiig tertected lor tne lecepLiom of Capciin Benjamin Lam oei un, of tne bau.ie tdip Oiympia, upon husi iintenidea Vi&it to UairLfile. Oafidsle is Captaim Liamb'ertion'Si natave place. He aiLttnided the 'commom school here and XMckiinson ooliege, and is a. member of the Theoa DoiU Chi frateimicy. H. a mother, ibroilher and two sisters all re side here." 'We cannot be robbed," definitely ye.ls the Hon. Bid Goebel. Puuhc opin ion has located. Bill at ithe other ea cf tne game, ano is quute prepared to lagx-ee wiuh him. Washington, Pcsc. Mulhall, ithe famous statistician, fig uies out that New ork axid Jrhi.adel- phua are losing their tormier propjirtions 01 the siuppung traae, tne lasts being es pecially gueiait in tine case of New iouk, wneue in isas nne itcmniagd ouuii.es were 35. 6 per cent, of the total of lthe union, while in lWi they were 42.3 per cent Philadelphia's proportion declined in, ithe same period from. 9.7 per cent, to 7.6 per cent, anud New CTieaics from 5.5 per cent. to 7.4 per cent, lue glaiins are by one southern ports, and they give great promise for the future of this section. We aio jofoxmed that Senatcr Tillman has been urged, in order iLo save the aio pensary," to resign (the s.enatorship next year, get himself elected .governor, straighten, out the tingled skeim of the grcflJt morial BuS.itution and at tine close of his term return ito the senate in Mc Lauriim'si place. Our informant, fays that he Ihus this plan under coi jsiuera tion. In view, however, of the uncer tainties of politics we don't thinli this program w::ll prove alluring to Benjamin The 0 epensary is his child, but pai irruar self-sacrifice Is not in his line. Cclum- b;a tiAte. SATISFACTORY CARPETS Comprise quality, richness and durability such as ours. Notwithstanding all the good points, our prices are reasonable. If you purpose getting a carpet, it will pay you to look at ours. Our line of Carpet .Rugs, Rugs, etc., is large and of beautiful design, , Williamson $L Co. Furniture, Carpets, &c. 18 PATTON AVENUE. NEW PHONE 113. W SQUELCHING SAVAGE FREEDOM. There are so many wars and rumors of wars that call for ed- i itorial notice that it may not be strange that one should entirely escape attention from the newspapers except in. their news col minus. xex tne war JMexico is now about to wage with the Maya In- . uictiia iu x uwuau, as tne uazette sees it, deserves some notice. Ever since the youthful days when we read Stephens' iraveus in Yucatan and viewed the pictures of the ruined temples' perched on pyramids, we have felt an interest in this land of fevers and sandflies and jungles and Indians that was once cov red with stone cities and paved roads "" wi-ivv tivna, uiiu uvci CL.il CtXlia I U'lJLIlg aM the mystic priesthood, (the ruins of whose temples are inscribed with writ- ins xxicxi. ivu unug iiuaii :a.n reaa. xne mystery that is the greiatest of alii in ' . 4hie land of mysteries is the native peo ple nnese Maya "Indians'," against mw "vxa vnv. AfxAiaiio ilcl v C BCI1L O.WU - .w jviimt VW Jill ; vn r a flo -n II o "U z- ,at x. ; cney round many "white cities," built or stone, with palaces and temples, land y i monasteries ana nunneries, and strange Tih newest arid' latest plan or sdhme of tbe postofnee depantment is a aooT' Artr. -o,ostIlirm of man. in otuw IV'UU'l-'l i - i. words, after January 1, accoramg o i - o onnAiiTrpmmt. a mail carrier can take up your registered letter or package at intad of making you go to JUUl v,. Tvwafffif-A A ru!l!,n,er. POme time asu liwcnct fhA rtajrers to ae'iiver reKi'ci a foVo roprinff.i? for tnem. e mew System ooulld, be installed bv Pe oamKr 1 but owlner to cne rusn 01 uui irinff tno no irtavs. 'tne view :rsw uu'ius -w . ?a itaVfl, that the carriers ana genA X -- - public, being unaccustomed to its wnm- tinea tirO WOl in Ot? uu v - . ..w - .1, 4- and confusion. The sywrem win at .i.-u be instituted in all grade or premiiw Olll'au i"io ' . ill "V DnH t-h vtrtnRiion of the service will be made as fast as practicable. For the fiscal year emdimg June 10, 1898, there wre over 15,000,000 pieces of registered mall matter hamdled by the poafofflre fltxmLritmeiDt. 'and the revenue de-ive-i 4QQS1QQ R4. Wlhein) the new system is instlituted it Ha the general ex pectatfon of the omcrais xnat - enues will be doulbled by the end of the first fiscal year of Ms operation. "Some of the newspaper are raving a good deal 'to say about the aroraexattOn, or expansion idea," says th Balelgh cor respondent of tlhe CharloU Observer "If the great puiblic would vote on that mieaHtowi nit it talks, it appears tlhar it would be hard to find many antis. Such A row the experience of your correspond ent, who ha questioned hundreds of Siegfried Wagner has been paid a rare and spec iatl compMmeinit by 'Che manage- merat of the Imperial Opera, V.enna. wihere he h'as (been mvited 'ca conduct k series of representaitioin's of his comic opera, "Der Baranhauter." The German' papers point 'out that not even, his faijher,: Richard. Waginer, was allowoi to r dont, duct "Der Ring des NibeluHgen" at the Imperial Opera Vienna, although he. ap- peiared at the Theatre An Wiem. Ncr has even so popular a Viennese com poser as Carl Goldmark ever yet been iinvMed to conduct one of his' own works at the Imperial Opera. The agitation of the divorce question by the Pan-iPresbyteTian council, at Washington on Thursday, bore fruit in a very strong resolution denouncing the alarming increase in the number of legal separations, which was adopted'. The alliance was inclined to regard the matter as one of the gravest moment. The flimsy pretexts on which marriage ties are sundered and the short iterm of residence required in several of the western s'lates in order to acquire a di vorce were fully detailed in a most ex haustive report. The delegates de clared that divorce had been fostered by legal enactments, carelessly consid ered, when it should have been th-e re sult of the most deliberate action. The council defined the position in which it stood. The Bible furnished them the guide for action and they resolved that the scriptural, ground for divorce was the only one which could be defended. Asheville Foundry and Machine Shop GEO, E. B. WELLES, Prop. Practical Machinist and Mechanical Draughtsman. Having bought the Asheville Foundry and Machine Shop and remodeled the machinery with a new stock of tools and fixtures, I am now prepared to do all kinds of light and heavy Machine and Foundry work. Knowing that this establishment has been run in a very unsatisfactory manner for a number of years, therefore all work from henceforth will be guaranteed to be first class in every particular. Believing I can make prices satisfactory I hereby solicit a share of your patronage. Respectfully, GEO. E. B. WELLES. Telephone 488. Residence Telephone 483. HO. 8 BUTTEICK ST EVERYBODY COME TO 39 Patton Ave. THVRSDA Y, October 5, 1899 and oblige H. C. JOHNSON. Ball & Sbeppard. 6 P&tton Ave. Aaocne wishing to put team bet w thir building could aot a betUr Harrisburg Boiler. But you mutt have experlca work to uo me wotk, ana we ar dent that we can please you. Ball & Sheppard. PHONE 88 TiE FRANKLIN Cooking Oil and Health Fiour, ifior sale only at STABNES BEOS. 100 Patton Ave. 'Phone 84. Imported and Domestic Cigars Sold by the Box at Factory Prices at the Berkeley Cigar Stand. JUST RECEIVED! NEW YORK STATE Preserving Pears and Quinces, Chas. U- Monday, Stalls 9 and 10 CENTRAL MARKET. Quality Dr. Emil Holub, tflie eminent African explorer, writing n the Ber.fin Tageblatc on the results to be apprehended from war vn the Tramsvaal, declares that a general insurrection of the blacks in Soutlh Africa is certaimly to be expected. The inevitable carnage, he says, will be frightful. On this account, he thinks, the South African republic is not with out hope of Issuing from the oemflict an Acldlepenmeint state. Dr. HOlulb regards the moment as most favorable for de manding important British concessions to Germany lin South Africta. THE FIRST THING TO BE CONSIDERED WHEN BUY ING BREAD; AFTER THAT COMES THE QUES TION OF PRICE. IF YOU GET IT AT HESTOWS THE FIRST IS GUARANTEED, THE SECOND SPEAKS FOR ITSELF. DROP IN AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. OR RING UP 183 AND HAVE WAGON TO CALL. Large assortment of good) quality wool Blankets. Quilt sf Etc. Best stock of Infants9, Children's. J .. ' I- - X V . .. : Misses9 and Ladies9 Underwear to be found. Fbr novelties and servlcable things in Dress Goods call at then BON MARCHE 15 South Main 8t Five-year-old Harriet Heilbuth, of Ohidago, owes her restoration to sight 4b itlhe X-ray. While playing on the porch of her home two years aigo she fell six teen feet, striking on her head. Tlhe fall left her blimd and her right sidte was par&iyzea. Am A-.my expert maae a piLcture of tttue child's heaidi, which show ed that a tumor the size of a hen's egg h)ad formed in the child's head and was pressing on the brain. The girl's cendition) was due to tlhe cyst, which. pressing on the motor centre, caused paralysis, and an Inlddrect pressure on ithe optic nerves cauised the blindness. The skull wias trepiajDirned1 at a spot di rectly over the cyst amd the tumor re moved. The child has so far recbvered tihat she is table to db'istLniguish her pa rents and other acquaintances,, anldl she can' also walk about unassisted. The St. Louis Globe-Democrat saye: "Twenty car loads of Missouri eggs (have been sold to go to Cuba stnd are now in. colidj storage awaiting shipment. A company which shipped l- sit year twenty fiour carloads of chiokere in one Itot from Missouri and Illinois to Manchester, Emerland. is sow filling an order for for ty carloads to be sent in one shipment tn the Fwrnne dest'nat'on thiis fall. The forty cars will be filled' wiith what are known1 in the rapidly developing indus try as 'broilers and 'roasters.' While thee sample export orders ..are beir fllled -Missouri eggs by the tottare beirasc frozen to fyrnishi the Klonolke with delicacies. Twttco to six 'Tears the pioti ern in rwvultrv and egg" 'inlying and sMpplns- bt3tn9a nave seea,iyaoubTe Jn upon a basis aind is conloluctedwith ao elabonutakwi of uieitfaodis whidh the world cut Hargie lltitlg apryreciatea" A. nigh trm machine for $20.00 at Mto Ij. A. Johnwa's., 27 North Mala street SHRIMPS. Fresh lot justt in. CANADIAN SMELTS, RED SNAPPERS, RED SNAPPER JOWL, STRIPED BASS, GREY TROUT, BLUE FISH, FRESH WATER PERCH. Blue Point Oysters-, DELIVERED ON HALF SHELL. Baltimore Oysters in, quart or gallon Howard A. Have Wright J. tww MEMBERS O' XJtllf New York Stock Exchange, New York Cotton Exchu-nge, Chicago Board of Trcde. HAVEN & STOUT Bankers and Brokers. 1 Nassau St. cor. Wall, New York Deposit account received, ubjeot to check on demand. Interest credited monthly on dally balance. Accounits of banks, corporation, firm and individual received on favorabU terms. Coupons, interest, dividenda, note drafts collected for our correspondent. Order executed for the purchase 01 gale on commission, of bonds, stock, cotton, grain or provisions, either for Investment or carried on margin. Clients may telegraph orders and In structions at our expenxne. Copie of telegraphic code, may be had en appli cation. Information regarding quotation C. F. RAY. R. Z. SORRELS. Asheville Fish Co. TELEPHONE 289. Stalls 14, IS, 16 and 17. THE VENEZUELAN BOUNDARY. Rdclhmond Times. By the decision of the Ang'.o-Venezu-eign Boundary Arbitration Commission composed im part of American judges, Great Britain gets practically every thing that she contended for. Yet Pres ident Cleveland! came near involving the UnMed .States im a war witlh Great SritaM, alleging that her flaiimi3 were unreasonable. v --' It 'is well enough to recall the fact t-LJZ ttoatowlieni we went to war with Spain enemies, whille Great Bnitaln sibaolai by us like a friend and brother and un doubtedly saveS us from trouble with several of the European powers who were disposed to take Spain's piart. - TRIED TO HIT DEWEY! On the 30th, inst. wthile the eyes of a million of people were centered on the Hero of Manila as he was riding down Broadway, N. Y.f some one tojssed piece of oakevOr biscuit at the hero, but it was so light that it floated in the air On examination it was found that the biscuit or cake was made with the Old Reliable Rumiford Baking Powder tha is sold for 30 cents per pound. RELIEF IN SIX HOURS. Distressing kidney and; bladder dis ease : relieved; in six,- hours by "New Great South American KMmey Cure." It is a grfeat surprise on account of its ex ceedincr fiyrb'mieW ia'reiivinK pain In bladder, kidney and back. In male or femalak'Relieveti retention of water el most immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this Is ithe remedy. Said by T. C. Smith, druggist, AsfteYttle N. C. : ' u - , . Sterling Silver Novelties. New lot of silver handled; manicure sets, 25c each piece. Very handsome de sign. Shoe butitoner, blotter holders, glove stretcher, shoe horns, darners, 25c. each. Pretty colored! glass cream pitehers, sugar bowls, salt cellars, fruitt bowls, and powder boxes with prated tops, 25c each. White metal spoons plated; with white meltal, warranted wo years. 25c. for se of 3. Tea spoons. 6 for 25c. Any persoia buyinjg 3 sets, g&ts extra eet free. Gold Plated Portrait Frames. GOLD PLATED PORTRAIT FRAMES New designs in circles aind ovals, plat ed on brass, warranted 10 yeans arcri to tarnish, 50 centts each. Large black oval frames in metal, cab inet size, 75c. eacih. Passe par tout frames, all sizes at pop ular prices. Made up frames Imi gilt, green and ebony finish. Low in prace, Souvenir Views. Pretty pthotographa of the beautiful Swaninanoa river from 25c. upwards. Views of Btltmore, local scemery, char acteristic negro sketches, quaint mooo tialnl cabins, queer teams, etc., the best to be had anywhere but cost no morff Bit RAYS BOOK STORE, 8 Norfth Court Square. ll8$$SJIlilf If you want To be Supplied with the Best and Cheapest Firewood, Call up 'Phone 68. Call 3. - A- V.,

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