1 -f y v r ; - - v; 5 : jIE" ASHE VTLLE GAZE1TE 10C1 i si ?' is I Rheumatism. Those who have Rheumatism find themselves growing steadUj worse all the while. One reason of this is thai the remedies prescribed by the doctors contain mercury and potash, which ul timately intensify the disease by caus ing the joints to swell and stiffen, groducing a severe aching of the bones. . S. S. has been curing Rheumatism for twenty years even the worst cases which seemed almost incurable. Capt. O. E. Hughes, the popular railroad ence -with Rheumatism which convinced Mid (lilt l tllCiC X3 V11LJ VliO cure for that painful dis ease. He says: "I was a great sufferer from mus cular Rheumatism for two years. I could get no permanent relief from any medicine pre scribed by my physician. 1 took about a dozen bot tles of your 8. S. S and now I am as well as I ever was inmy life. Iam euro that, vnnr Tried i oA nft cured me, and I would suffering from any blood disease." - Everybody knows that Rheumatism is a diseased state of the blood, and only a blood remedy is the only proper treatment, but a remedy containing potash and mercury only aggravates tne trouoie. for a SS &&50 lilt being Purely Vegetable, goes direct to the very cause of the disease and a per manent cure always results. It is the only blood remedy guaranteed to con tain no potash, mercury or other dan gerous minerals. Books mailed free by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia. TAKING THE REINS. Rubic, 2:30, is another new standard trotter to the credit of Pamlico, 2:10. Armada Prince, 2:1014, pacing, is one of the fastest of the hobbled brigade. Billy Andrews, 4, 2:07, by Bow Bells, tops the list of new pacing performers. The name of Prince Wilkes, by Cap tain Cook, who took a 3-year-old pacing record last season of 2:15, has been changed to Stacker Taylor. Frank Harrington drove Hon. Frank ITowler's young green horse Paclarice, "by Patronage, 2:12, a mile in 2:17 recently at Davenport, la. Marion G, 2:10, by Rockdale, who be gan the season with a record of 2:25M, has paced 11 races so far this season, and has won seven of them. Much Ado, 2:13, the New England trotter, comes through the home stretch like a free-for-aller, and wins most of Ms heats and races that way. Lakeside Prince, a . young horse by Patchen Wilkes, 2:294, recently won a race at Berlin, Germany, trotting nearly two miles at the rate of 2.28- The Riverside farm's (of Berlin, Wis ) black colt, Black Robert, who won with ridiculous ease in 2:13 at Davenport recently, is one of the fastest 4-year-olds of the year. Betonica, 3, 2:10, now, 5, will not race this year. Tom Marsh has sent him home to Maplewood farm, Ports mouth, N. H. He has sensational speed, "but is a cripple. Split Silk won two heats in the 2:10 pace at Kigby park, Chicago, the other day, lowering her record to 2:08, but was not up to concert pitch and lost the race. She is in foal to Joe Patchen. Senator A, 2:10, recently won a race at Milan, Italy, beating Bismarck, Au train and Miss Bowerman at mile and a furlong heats. Bismarck took the first at the rate of 2:20, and Senator A the next two, rate of 2:18, 2:18 2-5 Horse HeTiew. A Wasted Period. ""Ses, sir, I have always felt that my legislative career was a dead iailure." "Why so?" "Just because the party I represented was so overwhelmingly i?trong in the leg islature that a single vote was worth .little or nothing." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Brute! Mrs. PluSp (trying in vain to squeeze a No. 5 foot into a No. 3 shoe) This seems a trifle tight, but I'm afraid a No. 4 is too large. Mr. Plump. You are too easily fright oned, my dear. Ohio State Journal. Chester H. Brown, Kalamazoo, Mich, eays: "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cured m of a severe case of indigestion; oai strongly recommend It to all dyspeptics "Digests whalt you eat without aid fron the sltomadh," and cures dyspepsia." Fo sale by the Paragon PiLarmacy. And She Probably "Woaia. A good story is going the rounds at the expense of a well known newspaper woman. She is married and blessed with two golden haired little daughters, who promise to possess all their mother's in telligence. Recently Marion, the younger (that is not her name, but it will do for the story). Went to the study and said: "Oh mamma, Sissie and I have such a lovely secret about our dolls. 1 would like 2to tell you, only" Mamma looked up from her -work and anquired : - "Only what, dearie?" "Only I'm afraid you would wriU it 3ears the : Signature ; . of l ne Kind You Have Always Bougjit . J . The Coming Snltor. 1 Stranger I have come, sir, to marrj your daughter. Millionaire Eh? Wha" . Stranger A million or two will be nee essary.to make us comfortable, and of ' course you will give it. Shall I leave my , satchel here while I go to present my . eeif to your daughter? j y Millionaire (bewildered) Havo y0Q credentials in your satchel? j Strahger-No t; nothing but dynamite "- -, New York Weekly. - .? . -i t. '.-- . . :.-'1 ;'.-" V"- - -4 . ' " To Care Constipation Forerer. I ke Cascare.ts Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25a C C. C fall to cure, druggists refund money. DeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure. Qolckly cares Dysentery end Pltrrhra. , Crippled by j HE WAS' SEASICK. But Knew Better Than to Take'Hl Own Medicine largely a matter of imagination,' said the captain of a steamship in the Cen tral American trade. "Strong minded, determined people are very rarely At-; I tected, out tnose wno Deneye m aayance that they are going to be. ill are never disappointed. "Years ago, before I got my present berth, I had a billet on the ocean steam ship line going out of Savannah, and our steward enjoyed a great reputation for his wonderful cures of seasickness. His scheme, which he. confided to me, was to mix up a little salt and water in a vial and direct the patient to take a teaspoon ful every 15 minutes. " 'This is a very powerful drug,' he would say impressively, 'and directly after taking the fourth dose all traces of nausea will disappear.' "In nine cases out of ten the treatment worked to a charm, and he raked in lumerous fat tips. Last season one of our passengers for Port Cortes was a gentleman who had sprained his ankle and who went directly to his cabin with out my seeing him. The first day out he got deathly seasick, and I concluded to try the efficacy of the salt and water treatment. I mixed up the dose and found my patient lying in his berth groaning, with his face to the wall. " 'I have a certain cure for your trou ble,' said I, giving him the usual pre liminary talk. 'It's a very powerful drug, and after you take four teaspoonfuls you may rest assure! that your nausea will instantly vanish.' "He turned as if he had been shot and glared at me like a maniac. "'Good Lord!' he groaned. 'It's the same old gag!' and with that he grabbed the bottle and threw it through the dead light. "The matf had a heavy black beard, but the moment I heard his voice I recognized him as our old steward on the Savannah line. He couldn't be cured. He knew too much." New Orleans Times-Democrat. Conventional Confusion. "It is curious," remarked the Lay Fig ure, "that people think the dum dum bullet poisonous." . "Not at all!" rejoined the Unconscious Imbecile. "You see, immediately the dum dum bullet enters a body it is mush rooms. Now, most people don't know the difference between a mushroom and a toadstool, and a toadstool is poisonous. Curious? Why, it's the most natural thing in the world for people to think that." Of the others, not one forgot that he was a gentleman. Detroit Journal. Needless Alarm. "Wat yer skeered of? Can't yer see de pup's as gentle as er lamb?" New York Journal. Appreciated Talent. "Speaking of literatoor," said Mrs. Cumrox, "I don't see what some o' the magazines would have done without us folks." "I didn't know you contributed to the pages of any publication." "Oh, I don't. But Silas does. He tells 'em what he wants and then lets 'em fix it up. He doesn't write pomes and sto ries, though. He jes' writes checks and never takes no chances on getting any thing returned with thanks." Washing ton Star. An Immune. Proprietor Did Owens ever pay that little bill he owed us? Bookkeeper No, sir. Proprietor What's he doing now? Bookkeeper I understand he is the manager of a concern for the collection of bad debts. Proprietor Oh, well, if that's the case just charge the account to profit and loss. Chicago News. A Fntnre "Possibility. "What's the servant girl question com ing to, anyway?" "That's easily answered. If wp.ges keep going up, it's only a question of time when the titled foreigners instead of coming in the front way will be knock ing at our kitchen doors." Chicago Times-Herald. The Word Won Him. Sprockett Wheeler seems to be stuck on that new doctor of his. Scorcha Yes; he likes his up to date ness. When Wheeler was sick in bed, the first thing the doctor said was, "Oh, we'll have you on the pedals again in a few days." Catholic Standard and Times. Keeping Thing: MoTingr. "Bobby has malaria, and we had to pay him a dime to take quinine." "That's all right." "But he spent the dime for a water melon, and that gave him another chili." Chicago Record. Similar, bnt Different. Van Nesse Congratulations, old man. I understand you married an English countess while abroad. De Jones Yes; she was cashier in a London restaurant. Chicago News. The Proper Term. "Whenever I ride now I feel queer be cause I haven't any lines to slap on the horse's back." "That's an automobile on you." Chi cago Record. His Sad Case. "When I had lots of money at my com mand," said Howser,- "I inclined to. em .bonpoint, but since I became poor I have grown real fat." Philadelphia North American. . ' i v Oh, Shades of Shakespeare! Iloscius de Mamme-r-What is your rep ertory this season, old man? r, . ' Barnes Tormer Hamlet ? and Uncle rom,Indianapolis Journal. -. . - , Want Ads-On cent a word. is to see to it that her children begin early in life to shampoo their heads regularly once a week. In. each in-. BtonnA o faf flu hoi is thoroughly dry, some mild, health-giving tonic-should be applied to the scalp to aid nature in creating the best possible growth of uniformly colored, lustrous, healthyhair the most important feature in the'make-up of beautiful women and handsome men. For more than fifteen years, the . . v. Sutherland Sisters' Sca!p Cleaner ?fc has stood a t the apex of all shampoo washes, while the " Hair Grower" has been equal ly successful in its efforts to return the injured scalp and almost lifeless hair to their original healthfulness. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. Tiiitefro Cijanue- the Subject. "It is the strangest thing in the world." said one of a group of gentlemen a few da.vs ago, "that those migratory swin dlers we are continually reading about ever manage to hnd victims in the busi ness community. I enn't understand how an intelligent man of affairs will allow himseif to be taken in by one of the ras cals. It is due every time to an amusing lack of ordinary precaution." "But one can't go on the theory that every body is a scoundrel," protested a broker who happens to have been bitten lately for a small amount. "Well. I come pretty near going on that theory in regard to strangers," replied the first speaker. "I simply take no chances That's the only way to d business nowadays. Always be on your guard. Why, I'll tell you what it is," iie added, warming to the subject, "I would not cash a foreign check for my own brother!" "Very likely you ai'e correct," said tht other dryly. "You know your brother bet ter than I do." The prudent man chang ed the subject. New Orleans Times Democrat. "They are simply perfect," writes Roblt. Moore, of La Fayette, Ind., o DeWitt's Little Early Risers, th "famous little pills" for constipaMon as all liver ailments. Never gripe. Fo sale at itihe Faa-ag-on Pharmacy. NOTICE OF SEIZURE. Notice is hereby given of seizure of the following property for violation of tlie internal revenue laws of the United States: Aft Castaer, Sept. 12, by A. K, LoftUn, D. C, one package, about 29 g-allons corn whiskey, said to be property of C. W. Cos'tner. At Cherryville, Sept. 15, by A. K. Loftin, D. C, 1 dark roan mare, 1 2-horse wagon and set of harness and 4 empty barrels, said to be property of W. A. Allen. A)t Tilden, Sept 18, by O. F. Shore, D. C, 2 copper stills, 2 cape and 4 pack ages corn whiskey, about 132 gallons, said to be property of I. L. Shores. At Monroe, Sept. 14, by J. W. Hosfcy, D. C, 4 barrels corn whiskey, about" 175 gallons, 1 iron grey mule, 1 2-horse wa gon, 1 set harness, etc.', said to be prop erty of George Sheets. At Co3tner, Sept. 21, by A. K. Loftlm, D. C, 1 20 -horse power boiler, 1 15-horse power engine with distillery premises and fixitures, 16 barrels corn whiskey, about 700 gallons, said to be property of C. W. Oostner. At Fan-mingiton, Seprt. 21, by T. C. McCoy, D. C, 8 barrels, about 350 gallons corn whiskey, said to be property of C. F. McDaniel. At Hiard Bank, Sept. 22, by T. C Mc Coy, D. C, 2 packages, about 53 gallons apple brandy, said to be property of Geo. Lawson. At Jewel, Sept. 25, by T. C. McCoy, D. C, 4 packages, aboutt 50 galloriB apple brarudy, said to be property of W. C. Fagg. At Salisbury, Sept. 25, by D. C. Brad shaw, D. C, 1 keg, about 4 gallons corn whiskey, 1 keg apple brandy, 1 keg peach brandy, saiid to be property of North Wilkesboro Liquor Co. Persons claiming any of the above property are required to file their claims with me as directed by law within 30 days from date hereof or the same will be declared forfeited to the use of the United States. H. S. HARKINS, Collector Fifth Dist. North Carolina. By J. Wiley Shook, D. C. . AshevMle, N. C, Sept. 30, 1899. Sick headache, Wind In the Stomach. BilliouBness. Nausea, are quickly cured by a few doses of Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine. DeWitt's Little E.-r tsrffg The fr.v-- ill It wilLpnly cost you 50 cents extra to ride all day In a Cotton Belt Parlor Caf6 Car (25 cents for a half day). Seated in a large revolving arm chair vith plenty of space around you, you ran enjoy as rr uch freedom and ease as youp'ea?e. If you are a smoker you will enjoy the large smgking room with its arm chairs and couch. The . ladies will delight in. the spfencid ladies' lounging room, with its lounge and inviting arm chairs, and its roomy dressing room adjoining. You can have your meals in .this car at any hour you want them ; order most anything you want, from a porterhouse steak pr a spring chicken down to a sandwich, take as long as you please to eat it, and you will only have to F"7 tcr what you order. The'CoftonBeltisthedirectliiieto Texas Its trains .ran through from Cairo . and Memphis to Texas without change. Direct connections are made at its Junctions for all parts of Texas, Indian Territory, Oklahoma and the 1 at West, t Write and tell ns whereoure going and wtan you xyiKieare, end e will tell vou what vonr tieTcet will cost, which train to taKe to make the hesttfme and ISnillllend yon an interesting little booMety" TRIP TO TEXAS." . fc,UBUUHE,G:!Pass'aBllTtt.AL , , ' - - ST. LOUIS, MO SPECIAL RATES. . Aocoun North Cartolam StateArrfeut- -turkl fair, RaMg!!, N. C, tickets ' on? sale October 14,. 15, 16, 19 and -23, final " limit October 23, at raitevof one first ek es fare for 'the imtndtrCp plus 50" ceatts ad mission ' into the fair grounicte. Ratf from Asheviile $930. $n -October. 23 a! special low raifce will he authorized. Rata fram Asheviile- $6.35,, tt'nciutiiing ome ad mission to the fair 'grounds. Account Knioxvllle Street Fair and Trade Catnndval, Knoxville, Term., tick ets on sa!e October 10, 11, 12, final limit October 20, at rate of one first class fare for the round trip. Rate fromi Ashe viile $4. On October 11 and 12, and on' the mbrnfing of October 13, with . final limit October 15? a much cheaper mate will be " autaioirized. Rate from Ashe viile $2.90. Account Nati'onlal Convention Christ ian church, Oincininati, O., ticketia on sale October 12, 14, 16 and 17, final limit October 21, at rate of one first class fare for the Tounxi trip. Fare from Asheviile $12.35. Account Woman's State Home Mis sion convention, Raleigh, N. C- tickets on sale October 3, 4, 5, final limit Octo ber 10. Rate from Ash evil' e $11. Account North Carolina Conference 9a5em, N. C, tickets on sa'e October 9, 10, 11, final limit October 19. Rate from Asheviile via Barber Ju1ncUon$7.30, vial Salisbury 'and Greensboro $8.80. For full informialtJon call on the Itiicket agent or address, F. R. Darby, C. P. and T. A., Asheviille, N. C, F. L. Vernon, T. P. A. Charlotte, N C. Bears the Signature of 1 The Kind You Have Always Bought o o o Mew York IS VIA THT3 is most attractive and refreshing. Fine ocean steamships leave Norfolk, 'Vo., daily except Sunday, at 7.30 p. m., for New York direct, affording oppor tunity for through passengers from the South, Southwest and West to visit Richmond, Old Point Comfort and Vir ginia Beach enroute. For tickets and general Information apply to railroad ticket agenta, or to M. B. CROWELL, General Agent, Norfolk, V.; J. F MAYER, Agent 1212 Main St, Richmond, Va. H. B. Walker, Traffic Manager; J. J. Brown, General Passenger Agent. Finest Passenger Service . TEXAS "No trouble to answer questions." Direct lime te TEXAS, MEXICO, ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA. Write for new book on Texas, free. L. S. THORNE, V. P. nd Gen'l Mgr. B. T. TURNER, Gen'l Pas. and Tick: Avent. Dallas. Texas. GREENSBORO, N.C. For the treatment of THE LIQUOR, OPIUM, MORPHINE and other Drug Addictions. The Tobbacco Habit. Nerve" Exhaustion A 5.n.S'JTTC7,Ti.Tv.asi'rAjL, . - -' rv ' txi tKZt K::i. CSATTAflMCA, TEfW. i,THE..m SEA -v V,.'' ran nnE mm Complexion and The brilliant complexions of women in the more exclusive circles of York society are not explained by the theory that associates butv aS Sff nes. . In fact, many leaders of the world of fashion are hard workers vft it? THE MISSES, BELL, of 78 Fifth Avenue, New York, themselves con jected with some of the most noted and honored families in the metropoS BSnrM ? estio?- .They have prepared for the use of womS X general, five preparations for improving the complexion and the hair. The Misses BELLAS COMPLEXION TOmO is an external application, the presence! 01 wmcn on tne iace cannot be detected. It is perfectly harmless even to the most, delicate skin. It is a sure and quick cure for all roughness and eruptions.! It acts on the skin as a tonic, producing anaturaiiy pure complexion, cosmetics., merely hide blemishes. The Tonic gets J rid of them. It remoyes pimples, frecsles, black-J neaas, motn patcnes, liver spots, eczema, i redness, oiliness and nil niscolorationsj and imperfections of the skin. Price, $1 a Doiue. Cures dandruff and prevents any return of it ; stops that maddening itching of the scalp and makes the hair strong, soft and lustrous. It is especially help ful to persons -whose hair is thin, dry and liable to all out. The tonic cleanses the8kinabouttherootsofthehair; will soon cover bald spots with a handsome growth. Price, ft. a bottle. The MisstM KFBtJS m n m m m a. a. - w ts a soft, creamy, exquisitely perfumed ointment, which helps the action of th Tonic; and, in mild cases of roughness, redness, pimples, etc., is a cure in itself It clears the pores of the skm of all impurities and feeds it b" building up the texture and makinsr the flesh beneath it solid and firm. Price, 75 cents per j ar. A trial Bizn namnln in Naw V ryii 1 tv r. CfllTlt of 25 Cftrit.a in packmg. lnal size nnlo o rr n n i aoui. Rnlioitpd. Addrpss THE BELL TCaET new The Misses Bell's Complexion Tonic, depllo are for wde In this city bv w, C. SEMD4JS OWE DOLLAR Cut this ad. oat and Bend to us with $1.00, and we will send you tali HIT IMPROVED ACHE QUEEN PABLO R ORGAN , by freight C. 0. D. , tubjeei In A-rftaalB&ilnn. Yon can pxm i np it. fit vmir n on rr. froi crh t- Honnt nnl I If you And it exactly as represented, equal to organs KJa.uuto niuu.uu, tne greatest value you ever bjw ana far better taan organs advertised by others at more money, pay She freight agent onr fecial 90 day offer prlee, $31. 16, less the SI, or liO.Zb and freight eharfes. 31.75 IS OUR SPECIAL 90 DAYS PRICE, one-half the T- price charg ed by others. Such an offer was never made before. Mil P U C n 1 1 1 IT U s one f the moct durable and wetteettoned !n AumC UULLI1 Btrumentsever made. From the illustration vxown, which is engraved direct from a photograph, some Idea or Its besntirul epperanee. raae fom aOlia Quarter Sawed Oek. antique finish, handsomely decorat ed and ornamented, latest 1899 Style THE ACBJi QL'KKN la u i.twii a iiicuea uigii, lui um lung, mcaes wiub uiu ku pounas ; eoataansA oetarei, 11 stops fts louows : uiapaaoa, 'rriaeipai, iiSaaa, auiodia, Ceieota, Cremenii Bass Coupler, tratto Cc$lar, Wgmm Fori, Pr-Ueipal Forte, and Tox Hnma I i Oetere Cowpiers, 1 Toae Swell, 1 Grand Organ Swell, 4 Sett OreheeiralTeaedEeaonatory Pipe Quality Beedi, 1 Setof 87 Pure Sweet Melodta Reede, 1 8tof M Charmingly BHillant Celeste eda, 1 Bet of 14 Kleh mellow Smooth Diapason Seeds, lfiet of 34 'leasing Soft Eeiodloiia Prlaeipal Seeds. 4 MtlHIaP tllirFM ctin consist of the celebrated HUM I. yULLlT Newel Reeds, which are only used in toe niguuss graae instruments, also ntted with Ham mond Couplers and Tox Homana, also best Dolge felts, leathers si:., ueuuwn oi. ine Dest ruDDer ciom, -piy bellows stock nd finest leather in valves. THE ACME ODEENia Anished wl th a AOxl 1 beveled plate French jnirror, nickel plated pedal frames aid every modern improvement. If It rUBNlSU FRB a handsome organ stool and the best organ Instruction book published. CU&RANTFPnORYPARS with , every seme Qoeen Organ we issue a written binding 25 year guarantee, by the terms and conditions of which if any ticLii, kitci uuu ep;iir it ires oji ciiarge. lryitone moniaaDa we win reiuna your money 11 you are not peneutijr BBiifiueu. aw 01 inese organs will DO sold al f8l.7S. Order ctonee. Don't dels'. OUR RELIABILITY IS ESTABLISHED aot dealt with ns ask jour neighbor about ns, write the publisher Of this DaDer. orMetronolihun Nutinn.i "u mOM()uuuc, or cans or commerce, Chicaco; or German Fxpba- Tnrv- v inr raUroad or eiprens company in Chicago. We hsTea esDltai r or iiFrt i nnaan ;CIla"P& ank, hew Yorti.or Db.If UatlA.ID..I.r.,,l..D V. 1 1 - fecial orgAO, piano and musical . n Ann And mne on ineimimonf CO. (Inc.), Fuitoiu utva uucuw vawwug no t r Q trains every week-day 4 trains on Surday i.'r-;:?f 51 Trains MmmMk i .a-m'iL'! r nr . irv r .V', f 1 I CT.r Yv A. JT2 k-4 nr.jr t INDIANAPOLIS i Vestibuled trains, Standard and Compartment Sleeping Cars, Parlor Cars, and Cafe Dining Cars. SEMP WO MOMEY GRADE DROP CABINET BUSOICK SEWING MACHINE 7fte" c. o. D. subject x ou cut euumne .11 as your nearest ireigns auuuu pen ecu j Mniuaciorj, ezacuy as representea, . qaal to machines ethers Mil as kirfa as $60. OO, aad TRK h BRKATBbT BAJtOilH TOD KTKR HI1RD Of. n rmrV frigat apt our Special Offer Price 15.50 "T " and freizbtbargea. The machine weighs 120 pounds and the freight wi; J p veragre 75 cents for each 600 miles. GIVE IT THREE MONTHS' TRIAL. in your own home, and we will return your $15.50 any day you are not satisfied. We sell dif fereat makes aad grades of Sewing Maehiaes at 98.60, $lO.t0, $ll.O0, $12. 00 and np, all faUy described la Oar Free Sewima- Baehiae CaUlorae. bat SI5.50) for this DROP DESK CABINET BTJRDICK ts the greatest value ever offered by any house. BEWARE OF HABITATIONS lllZ3. Tertianaents, offering 'unknowa aachines under various names, with Tarioos inducements. Write soae friend ia Chieago aad learn who arr KEbiauiifi UV WI1U flUT. THE BURP1CK has every M0DER9 I5PR0TEME5T, BTXBT GOOD FOIST OV ETKRY HIGH GRADK BACUINX DSFSCTS OF HOHC HAVE BY THE BEST MAKER .---sy. -ii t I a) ft in rati fsiSL, . . 4mnmnmTsSmt " ' : mm iii?l60.OQt then if eonvinced yes are saving $85.00 te . pay k 15.60, Wl TO JUTIIRH T0CB S1S..0 If at any tiaie withia three sseeths yea sayya TO-CAT. DOHT DELAY. Seers. Rnehnnlr . On t thnmnchlw MliahlA1Uitoi.l yew freight acent the etaaUansd. OKfiXB Addresi, GEARS. ROEBUCK ee CO. (Inc.) Chicago. 111. rsunn Hass SaecSatis. TheMisseg BEEJ.'& QQSWPLEKEGN SOAP is made from thA LWOOl. It IS hf.lll ntr nml 1 , . , 7 : o ""ufittiui lug'iuuje relrm Wiincr it: n oil t. j ? f and healthy state. This Soap is daintily tscented, ana is a most wpimmo tnetOliCC CI fasriniona rrnmon TKa,, C j . . , jl iic Ulr tuiuso t-iw-; is taKen in selecting materials auu ai.iuijuiuuf ueamjness in tne labor fatory insures the t.urity of the product ( Price, 25 cents per cake, lareefour-nnn fsize, ' w The Misses SELL'S for restoring prematurely gray locks to tuoir original color. It is not n. dm nrr n ctaln Tt le o mi. less liquid that is applied to the roots of "u" ouu ieues wj wjiitaie signs on the scalp or forehead. Neither does it change the color of the hair all at onco. Onlv dves do thnt and they wash oS. But" Capilla-Renova will not wash off. Price, 81.50 per bottle fSEfUPJ ETTra nf am, nnA rf nlnra j. i ui mail auuressm pmm wrapper aeon r- otnmno . .... I i x . . . k m ;l . ,t .1 . 1 samples can be secured from our New York office i i 1 n snnnM 1 . . . . Duyp.jr Lut-ui. k. orresponQenco corai&Jlv a CO., 78 Fifth Avenue, Xew York Ctty. uvuk, - - oecreis or iiHiui . j i ee to any addrest. Complexion Soap, 0?-rmlchaeL Skin Feci, mad that retail . you can form ougm - A-'i itci. i lbt t'rite to fr AUUreSS, De$BlainesandWaymanSts.. CHICAGO. lUL- cfroit 4 trains every week-day, 3 trains on Sunday. Pullman nffcji Vaarner Sleepers on night tiains. Vestibuled Parlor Cars on day trains. : r. 4 trains everv -week-day 3 trains on Sunday To CHICAGO WITH YOUR ORDER. eut this a - aa. our ana scna u we will send you 1 aepos sua u Bf i. i ' tiari KADK, WITH TE8 T"V AMF.HIf! A. g v - - I mmiii I I i ' '"i" 1 inn M M 1 i 1 mmsm ?. . e"-"I3 zt& E SOLID QUARTER SAWED OAK gJgSSST FIAKO POLISHXD. one illustration shows machine closed, (head drop ping: from Bight) to be nsed as a center table, stand er desk, the taer open with lull length table and head in place for sewing, 4 isaey drawers, latest 1899 skeleton frame, carved, paneled, embossed and decorated cabinet finish, finest nickel drawer polls, rests on cas ters, ball bearlne adjustable treadle, nennine Rm vth iron stand. Finest large High Arm head, positive four motion feed, self threading vibrat ing shnttle, automatic bobbin winder, adjustable bearings, patent tension liberator, improved loose wheel, adjustable presser foot, improved shuttle carrier, patent needle bar, patent dress guard, head Is handsomely decorated a lVrl TRIMiviED. .... GUARANTEED the lightest nmning, most dorabra and nearest nelaeiess msrWrsa asade. ery knewa aUaehmeat te famished aad ear Free Instruction Book teP just now anyone can ran it and do either plain or aos' kind of fancy work. A CO-YE AltS- BINDING OX7ASANTSB Is sent with every mirhtna IT COSTS YOU NOTHING 2&'&ffmi:a? 12!SZ.Y2'IF7t Vf A U DUVSV UtU DIlVXVaVVOJAil WAJaVemv yrw Si v.,

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