11 -1 a 1 " -t r t, H, i f 7 - - ' THE ASHEVTIXB GAZETTE OCT-28i893 THE GAZETTE. . ASHHVILLB. N. C " Published Every morningExcept Mondays HB ASHEVILLE GAZETTE PUB LISHING COMPANY. JAMES E. OKTONVPretdent TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. pally Gazette, one year J 0 Iwdly Gazette, twelve weeks 1 CO Daily Gazette , one month 0 Bundav Gazette, one year 1 w Weekly Gazette, one year 1 00 .Weekly Gazette, six months 0 GAZETTE TELEPHONES. Business office, 202. two rings. Editorial rooms, 202. three ring. Periodic RUMORS. (( 1 )) NEARLY HERE Is -winter, and those who are wise -will make their purchases before 'the disa greeable weather sets in. This week, .therefore, Blair makes his announcement of winter offerings under the most auspicious conditions. For sev eral weeks past 'he has been perfecting his arrangements with the view of giv ing his customers and the public the opportunity ito supply themselves during the ideal weather peculiar to our au tumnal season, amd without vanity feel gratified alt the result. Blair's Emporium will certainly be an attractive rendezvous this week. A splendid array of the latest styles from representative manufacturers, all ove this country will be on sale. It will be a grand sight, indeed, an artistic display. never before seen here, and an active pur chasing of great bargains will unques tionably result. "Extra specials of unique designs fill all departments and the most capricious amd hypercritical tastes can be satisfied by Blair. New departments have been added and old ones restocked, amd the Big Em porium is now in a better condition t eerve you than ait amy time since it foundation. No.45 Patton Avenue. THIS MORNING'S NEWS. The first club parade of automobile in New York will 'take place November 4th, alt 2 p. m.. There will be seventy five motor vehicles in the parade steam, electric, gasoline and petroleum. " Certain rumors ihiarve a' tendency to appear1 periodically. Every town has these recurring- rUmors of approaching wed dings, deaths, bankruptcies or what not started toe times by wanton gossip, some times by the malicious 'tongues of business or social rivals. The larger world, too, has these periodical dis turbances from rumors a French rev olution about to "break out, Queen Vic toria or the pope in a fatal decline, tio czar or the queen about to abdicate -are among the familiar sujects for pe riodical rumors. Perhaps the most per sastenlt rumor of this start in late years has attached to the emnity of conti nental Europe for England and what was to happen to England in '.onse quence of fit. This rumor has made its appearance again in connection, with the Transvaal, and according to n England is to be "held up" and i re vented' from "holding up" thef i'o:h African countries. If she won't rtand and deliver then she will be disciplined by certain continental countries of whom Russia is not ithe least. No doubt there is some fire where tip.re is so much smoke, as gossips commonly say when once they have started a story, and the "fire" in this case js thalt Russia, as well as some other con tinental! countries, woul'd doubtless le glad to down England if she could. If Russia ever feels strong enough to "put England in her place" and pie vent the extension of her dominion, es pecially in the east, then Russia will find some pretext for so doing. 1 The contest of the future is likely to be between Briton amd Slav, and to be a momentous, one for civilization. Such a contest will nkt be confined to Bri ton and Slav, but will no doubt draw others. It is almost bound to be a in world-Wide conflict; but the very im portance and the tremendous conse quences of it make seem improbable thalt either nation will deliberately provoke the other to the issue. It is therefore, hardly probable that Russia will interfere, directly or indirectly, in the BrUtish-Boer contest. No nation will, with its eyes open, precipitate trouble between these great powers. When it does come it will come from the growing irritation of conflicting interests in which are small importation of the self tinted bnlettin their deadly J have lUSt TCCeiVed SL tions. It is doubtful whether the- Boer has ever heard of the convention of The Hague, or that he would "heed its cove nants if he had. He adheres to the old fashioned notion that the business of war is to kifl or disable your enemy. If he believes 'the soft-pointed bullet wIHU do his enemy more harm than the hard, why that is the one he -will use; no matter if all the peace conventions in Christendom pronounced against it. CONFIDENCE IN KiMBERLEY. (Continued from first page.) Hindu Brahmanistic Deities, Vishnu Krishna, Etc. taken into account by those seeking to forecast the future. Those most inti mate with the high officials of both countries state that the petulant be havior of a section of the German press toward England, while (resented by the foreign office, is derided by the govern ing classes of both countries. Germany and England are acting 'together and hope to carry the moral support of , Late of San AntoniO. Texas. Bainbridges Interesting to lovers of curios. . . . . . Book Store, 47 Patton Avenue; Amlos Luint, the hngrnan of San Quen tim prioni, cf San Francisco, is a menta Trreck from iasomfcnia and hallucimtions. He has not slept for nearly two weeks. Every time, he falls into a dose' he sees the 'spirit of some murderer he has liatnged, especially tihe ghesit of Durrant. "wlho wais iba'nged for the murder of a girl in church and whose c'ase attracted so much attemtian at the itime. Erlom reports .sent in it is shown that the Nebraska corn crop of 1899 ex ceeds that of the best previous year by 14,217,240 bushels. The crop Whiis year Teaches the enormous figure of 244,125,033 bushels. At the Universalislts convention in Boston it was determimied tlo educate more divinity students for service in the "west, Bishop Etoane, before Ithet Episcopal Miissionary Coumcil in St. Louis, com mended the iafdtmiinistration'3 Philippine policy. Secreitairy of war Root has received an appaioatiom' for Capt. O. C. Howard, Another of the officer whb was recently killed to action in the Plhilippines, re questiing that he be asisigmed to dulty Ito replace his deald ibdother. It is under stood Ithia't Secretary Root looks favbra iAy upon, the request amid will probaibly give Capt. Howard the desired detail -within 'the next few days. China and in other lands, destined to fall into the hands ofj the great colonizing nations. That political prophets are on the alert for a great world war, and are ready to predict it upon every occa sion of disturbance, shows only that snrh a thine- is possible; not that inevitable or immediate. A periodic rumor is evidence of something that appeals to the imagination rather than of the existence of facts or of the cem tainty of occurrences. America with them. 'Meanwhile, the chan'nel fleet is bound for Gibraltar, and the remarkable ac tivity at the d'ock .yards points to the mtnabilization of andther flying squad ron wherever it may be needed, and it will not be a demonstration of naval force against Germany this time. Every day 8,000 or 9.000 troops go out to the Cape, but the entire army eclrps will not be afloat this week. FINE PHRASES COVER BRITISH RETREAT. The usual phrases are used by the military writers here ito disguise the real nature of General- Yule's retreat from Glencoe. It Is described as a sci entific change of base, a brilliant strat egic manoeuvre, a reconnoissance in force of the enemy's position ana a pru dent measure of irMlitary concentra tion. It wras, in reality, a we'll con ducted retreat from a position which was occupied for political rather than military reasons, and 'had become un tenable when two British garriso'ns, forty miles apart, were menaced b- -greatly superior force. Similar unsci entific tactics based on political con sidelraltions have Involved the defense of Mafeking, on the western border, when military reasons are valid for a concentration of forces at Kimberley. 'Some compensation for Yu'le's re treat may be found for the English side in the fadt that General Joubert will remain In the field and continue to conduct the warfare on modern meth ods instead of reverting to guerrilla tackles, as might have been done if a second assault upon Gleneoe had beeu repulsed with heavy losses. He will be no match for General Buller when the army corps is ready for an active campaign in December, for Wis 'force will be hampered and embarrassed by the necessity of protecting guns which are not well served and fighting from a base with lines of communication to keep open. The military critics agree in saying that the war may be indefi nitely prolonged by guerrilla tad tics, but that it may also prove a short camDaism if the Boers stick to i-r it is artillery and try to fight in a regular manner and by modern methods. SATISFACTORY CARPETS Comprise quality, richness and durability such as ours. Notwithstanding all the good points, our prices are reasonable, If you purpose getting a carpet, it will pay you to look at ours. Our line of Carpet Rugs, Rugs, etc, is large and of beautiful design, juiw-aiUKE, g New Fixtures and X e I a o ; t o o I o New Goods, but... Old Prices Don't neglect your interest but come to see us at 39 Patton Ave. H. C. Johnson. S : t o o I -MC3 M H09H CK00 Ball & Sbeppard. 6 Patton Atb. Any one wisfhing to put steam heat in their building coujd not do better than use a 113 Williatuson Furniture, Carpets. Etc. 16 PATTON AVENUE. JSEW PHONE 113. THE CITIZEN'S SLANDER OF THE BIBLI CAL RECORDER. Charity and! Children (organ of Thomas ville Baptist Orphanage.) We were astonished beyond measure t find in the Greemsboro Telegram of Oct KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Asheville Lcd?e Entertains Friends Not Members of the Lodee. Asheville lodge, number 106, Knighta ' of Pythias, gave a reception and smok- Jer .last evening to friends not members of the order. This was the first of an I original and unique and in every way pleasing mode of entertainment which ! the Asheville lodge has inaugurated. 19 a ecurrillous amd vulgar attack upon The first Friday evening of each month will be devoted to work in the first the second Friday evening to it-Vin "Rihl!in.l "Rprnrdpr over n. nfLraeriA nh orrifvH fmm an VhsrMi T-p shpftt TYiihlished uegree, in 'the Western pant of the State. The k in the second degree, and the next day, (however, editor Phillips of the founth Friday evening to entertain Telegram disclaimed the whole matter ment, to which friends of the members ana declared thalt he was in no wise re-! of the order may be invited, as out sponsible for the slanderous screed. We siders will! thus be t given a better aire glad Bto. Phillips has done 'this, for knowledge of the principles and ad he is a clean man and a brave one. j vantages of itlhe order. Such entertain- vv nne we ao mot agree always wiui em- ment would also furnish a diversion tor Bailey it may not be (improper to say that under his brilliant arid courte-: ous management of the .Recorder manyt a galled jade has winced and there will be miany more. j WEAPON USED BY THE BOERS. - The weapon used by the Boers in their present war is the sporting model of the Mannlicher. a German arm, per haps the most powerful VeaPn of ,'ts caliber and weight in the world. The rifle is 'thirty inches in barrel, the car bine twenty-four. It has a pistol grip, sling -Ts,and hair triggers. Its beii is 30. This rifle has an extreme range of 4,500 yards and a killing range of 4,000. At that distance the bullet will go through two inches of solid ash and - -v three of pine, quite enough force to kill if the bullet struck a vi';al part. At twenty yards it will soot through fifty inches of pine. The bul let for war is full-mantled, with a fine outer skin of copper or ni-koT Though the bullet makes but a small orifice where it enters., the expansion causes it to tear a hole as large as a man's finger when it makes its exit. Traveling at the ,rate of 2,000 feet per second, the force of this bullet's blow is tremendous. i Much debate was had at the peace conference of The Hague, just ended, the Philippine policy. On! the other because England and the united btates - Jbmi the administration oraJtors and- insisted on using the dum-dum bullet , 'newspapers otre far from being dispas- in war. It is a self-pointed missile, tonae anld) fair In their arraignment of but by no means so deadly or destruct-the- eminent and honored citizens of the Ive as is this Maenel-Mannlicher bullet "TepulbTic who cannot bring themselves the Boers are using. If it strikes at to believe that Asiatic annexation lis de- close range or 1,000 yards or under l1?18001.63 does not flatten, the Mannlicher ifflotnis to be silg'hted or obscured through th acrimonious exchange of taunts and epfithie&i Le the clon.troversialiisltis aJd-1- dres?. tfhemsieflveis ti the maltter1 of the nation's, territorial policy with dignity and igoolcfl temper. WITH DIGNITY AND GOOD TEMPER. Trom the re)troilt Free Pres. There 'is no (dioubt about it. The anti imperialists crv out against the "clicked and abomimable war" 'and charge the! president with schemeful amd faithless condudt. The! expansionists shout 'trai'tors ! " and "copperheads!" at the otlhtr side or facetiously put them down as "Aguinaldiaiis" and . Tagalonilists." What more is required to establish the i Jfaet'that t!he terriltoriial issue has passed into politics. Beinig in politics the per otntal el'ement is bound Ito be prominent ; to th'tJ disputaitions. There must be more cr lests of personal bitterness in the hearts of the men who lampoon the lie'aid of the nation with merciless fero- iJty for his part in 'tfhe development of for the members from the regular work of the meeting. The invitations sent out for last ev ening were acceplte'd with hardly an exception and the entire evening was an event to oe rememoerea oy every one present. Chancellor Commander Dr. J. W. Pelham de'livered the address 'of we1- come to tne outsiaers, wnicn mue them all feel that they were t;ulv- welcome. J. Robert Jordan, the state lecturer, followed with am address on the prin ciples of the order. The first tables of the banquet were then announced, and seventy-four n-.v-eon sat down to enjoy the product of the skill of the caterers, L. M. Theo- fbold and C. E. Young. Then twenly- elx persoms more took their places nt the talbles. Toasts were made by Mark Erwin, J. M. Gudger, jr., J. P. Kerr and J. H. Drakeford. Music was furnished during the evening by Porte's orchestra, and the hall was tastefully decorateM. Asheville Foundry and Machine Shop GET). E. B. WELLES, Prop. Practical Machinist and Mtchanhal Draughtsman. Having bought the Asheville Eoundry and Machine Shop and remodeled the machinery with a new stock of tools and fixtures, I am now prepared to do all kinds of light and heavy Machine and Foundry work. Knowing that this establishment has been run in a very unsatisfactory manner for a number of years, therefore all work from henceforth will be guaranteed to be first class in every particular. Believing I can make prices satisfactory I hereby solicit a share of your patronage. Respectfully, GEO. E. B. WELLES. Teleuhone 488. Residence Telephone 483. KO. 8 BUTTE1CK ST Imported and Domestic Cigars Sold by the Box at Factory Prices at the erkeiey Cigar Harrisburg Boiler. But you must have experienced work men to do the work, and we are confi dent that we can please you. BALL & SHEPPARD1 TELEPHONE 88. THE FRANKLIN Cooking Oil and Health Flour, for sale only at STAENEfe BROS. 100 Patton Ave. 'Phone 84. JUST RECEIVED Pears and Grapes Chas. U. Monday Stalls 9 and 10 CENTRAL MARKET. Photographic Supplies. Stand. i BS" I 22 1L IB SOME PEOPLE THINK THAT A GOOD CIGAR CAN NOT BE .FOUND OUTSIDE OF EXCLUSIVE CIGAR STORES. THIS IS A GREAT MISTAKE. IF YOU WOULD SMOKE OUR INVINCIBLE CI GARS YOU WOULD THEN KNOW THAT YOU HAD AT LAST FOUND A CIGAR FAR BETTER THAN ANY YOfJ HAD EVER BOUGHT IN ANY EXCLUSIVE CIGAR STORE. IF THIS BRAND SHOULD NOT SUIT YOU WE HAVE OTHERS THAT HAVE GOOD STOCK IN THEM AND AM SURE WOULD SUIT YOU. TRY US ONCE. HESION'S THE BOERS KILL GIRAFFES. Chicago News. The Bfoera are credited' with being Lynnhaven Bay Oysters. Extremely large and delicious flavor. Blue Points on the shell,. double shell or single shell as desired, delivered' in paJtemt oyster carriers. Our oysters come in daily, often twice a day. New line of fine smoked fish received every week. Eight years experience catering to best trade of the cilty, has given us un usual advamtiagee, both in buying and in serving our customers. C. F. RAY. R. Z. SORRELS. Asheville Fish Co. TELEPHONE 289. Stalls 14, 15, 16 and 17. Sit:.' i 'til " Buckeye Cameras, for daylight loading cartridge films, are the most compact, up-to-Tla)te, well made, easy working cameras ito be had for the price. '99 Model, $8.00. '98 Model. $6.00. '98 Model, second hand, $4.00. Tourist Fo Idling Buckeye, $9.00. Daylight Loading Films They were pot-hunted, shot down bullet bores a hole right through a bone without comiminution or splinter ing. But when it upsets the shock is terrible. . The bullet literally mashes the fesh and bone into fragments. It is charged thalt the Boers are fusing a: Woolen and Cashrfiere Hoie for La4ies r. V - great hunters, and chief of them, in his ,' droves and destroyed in the greatest younger day, was' President Kruger, number possible in every direction whose daring in -attacking a lion sin- The extinction of the animai in oum gle-handed, with a hunting knife, has Africa is now threatened, and its pres- rraany times 'been told. ervation by legislation comes when it When the Boers migrated from Cape 1a alTT,st. too late. In this respeci, Colony to the Transvaal tney were the tief history of tne crea-tuic forced! to clear the. wtay by killing gemble the story of our buffalo. 6,000 lions, many of which were killed . -rrm rro.r- siavq thA Spipntific Ameri- - y -j- ------- ---. twTn the- sontn Amcan xt. v, rsornii tm. KumcomDe v,uuuvj will caiL vxyr yea-rs Boers have beetn hunters and their skill with the rifle is due to this daily practice in the fields and wood. But wfith, them the killing of gaime has been L eitHer a matter of dollars and cents or self -protections Their crelitable work of freeing South Afrida of the dreaded lions, which North Carolina, the Superior Court. J. J. Miller vs. Erneo- C. Miller No- tint. f The defendant above nemed will take notice that an action entitled! as anove rommenced to the Superior UWW w w court of Buncombe county for a di- roamed in such numbers that life was irpnderedi unsafe anywhere in the coun try, is offedt by their ruthless destruc- 1 appear at the next term of the Superior vorce, ana tne saau Beicuuui. .i 1,-. nAtioA that 'she is reauired to Lll'Cti aavw.ww - 't.: Woolen ahd Cashmere Hosiery for Ladies, Misses 'JBdyf 4Ztkeaota is-, the it best and htFoomplete of any lin.e, .ranging An price frofU'ax lifefasnt Wool HioaetoSfceqita for very fine Cashmere Hose for XadHes., Our specialty is '. ;ur line at 25 cents, -wlhen we give extra : value amd the artment 4s''larg. Just : s fh' verv latert things In JACKETS,- GOLF CAPES. , Double .. and ' Single V Plajda for SWrrtta, Bomespuns and Chyots, . , V ' f BOW; tion of the giraffe from Cape Colony to the Bbtletli; river. If they kil ed 6,000 lions in the1 Transyaal before ex istence was made safe, they (have killed 60,000 of tie inmocent; graceful giraffes, rhlh the eairly -days of outb ; AfricaA history the giraffewaa.the&ii6st'4buTi- rdant gaine inf 'the' Transvaal, Mata- -beleland and Oarange Free Sltate, bu? the creature has ibeen killed off ' lik bur American buffa-lkx and the few re maining represen tativee of a noble race driven north. -t Par years past he rJi. ... 4a"C' Keen- A. WofltioWa -.-m .-... H-jr sick, headache. Wind 1n the Stomach f3TiT "u;Billioun Nausea, arequlckly cured hides were artrcler ' commercial use.: if am.rt countv. to be held on the tenth Monday after, the. first Monday of Septenber. it Deung tne istn uay ui. vember, 1899, and answer the complaint which will be deposited in the office of the Superior court of said county, with in the, first three days of said term, and let thet said defendant answer- or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff Will apply to the court for the relief demanded, in said complaint. .... This 23d day of September, 1899. - '.MARCUS ERWIN. ClerfcLSuperlor. Court. oy. a Tew. aoses ci jjt -ja.j Ai , eimmons ' JLlvtr Medicine. Howard A Haven. Wright C. Stout. MEMBERS OF THH New York Stock Exchange, New York Cotton Exchange, Chicago Board of Tn.de. HAVEN & STOUT, Bankers and Broker 1 NASSAU STREET, CORNER WALL, NEW YORK. Deposit tccounta received, subjeot to check on -demand. Laterest crdlte4 nonthly on dally balances. Accoumts of banks, corporatiOM, firxna and individual received on favorable terms. Ooupoas, interest, dividends, notei drafts collected for our co-respondents.- Orders executed for .the purchase or sale on commission, of bonds, stocks, cotton, grain or provisions, either fof Investment or carried on margin. Clients may telegraph orders and 1b- tractions at our expense; Copies of telegraphic code, may be had on appli cation. Information regarding quotations cheerfully furnished, fmmmmmmmmmnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm The American film is the best film be cause lit has no joints. They cost no more thkn lather braijdis, amd besides fit ting all of above cameras they fit Bull's Eye, Bullets, a.id all other kodaks. The only film 'thai has roils of 6 in the 3 1-2x3 1-2 size f or 30 c. In general (supplies, our immense stock offers everything needed by amateurs or professional photographer ' Numerous brands of Dry Plates, all sizes up to 18x22. Prinlting papers, chemicals, card mounts, etc., low in price.' Stationery Department Full line of note par-er nnd envelopes, tablets, pens, ink, paste and blank books at reasonable prices. Cut-Kate Prices on Books All late (novels 10 per cent, from pub lisher's prices.. Paper covers 20 per cent from publisher's prices. Hundreds of ?nod rowels by popular authors alt 5c amd 10c each. Ray's Book Store 8 p you want To be Supplied with the SPREADS LIKE WILD FIKE, Tou can't keep a eood tWng down. News of dit travels fast. When JEhinga are .the best" they-becomo Vthe, best 4 sealing.' Abraham Hare.' "a leading druggist of Belleville, OMo, 4 writes: 'Eaecteic Bitters are the beat ' eelHne hsr Mtiters I !have everdiandlied ta my 20 years ; experience." Teu Uaiow. ; why? Most dieeasea begin. 4n;ddsordeTS ofthe stomach, liver, bowels, blood naii 3 nervea. Electric Bitters tones .-upltta stomach, regulates liver;! kidneys snd bowels, purifies the bilorU, strengthens the .nerves, hence cures "mtilititudes of maladies. It builds uj! ihe: entire sys tem. Puts new life, anf vigor Into 'any weak, sickly, run-down- Jnan; or i woman: Only 50 centC Sold by Tt-CSmlthi W.. C. CSairmlchsjel, and Pelham' s pharmary. guaranteed. . 4.-.. - Best znd Cheaoest Firewood Call up f Phone 68; Call 3-1 4 f

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