I t y -7 :v r" isr.,-v HE ASHEVXLLK:GAZETTE QCi. 28 1899. 1 ''ill 'T . . I 1 v HI'" - Mi,'-'- 1 it. j i 1 .u -.1 - a r V NATCHEZ AND LEE. JL Famous Steamboat Race Wbiefc Took Place In 1870. It was ia July, 1870, that the Lee backed away from her moorings at the New Orleans levee and shoved her noe against the muddy current of the great river. While the. housers were still busy swinging the gangplank into its proper place the steamer Natchez rounded to' and headed up stream also. Every man aboard the twosteamers, from master to roustabout, knew what the simultaneous . departure from the New Orleans levee meant. It meant the beginning of a race of over 1,000 miles and one which would establish a true record for steamboats between New Orleans and St. Louis. The boats were the largest and fastest on the western waters in those "days, and when they started up stream together the news . was flashed along the wires from New Orleans to St. Louis, and soon every way landing on the river was a seat of discussion as to which boat wasj the better and as to which would win. People who lived near the river estimat ed the time necessary for the boats to . reach their towns, and they were on the laanks to see them. It can almost be said -that the two racers passed between two Hies of sightseers during the entire trip. In Memphis interest was at fever" heat, for both boats had admirers here, and the levee rarely saw such a crowd as was there that summer evening when the two steamers passed. Huge bonfires had been prepared to celebrate the coming. The boats passed here about 8 o'clock, and just before the Lee showed below the city a laughable incident occurred. The steam er Thompson Dean was coming up the river ahead of the racers, and when she hove in sight the crowd thought she was the Robert E. Lee, and admirers of the Lee set off the bonfires. The Lee, how ever, did not pass for nearly an hour. She was leading the Natchez by 56 min utes when she passed this city, and the crowd yelled itself hoarse as she went by with her machinery thumping and the flames leaping from her stacks. . The crowd waited to cheer the flying Natchez when she passed, hanging in the wake of her fleeter sister, but making as game a race as one would wish to see. St. Louis turned out en masse to re ceive the victorious Lee, which reached that point three hours ahead, of Captain Leathers' craft. The time made has never beSn equaled, and the race will live in the history of steamboating on the Father of Waters. Both Captain Cannon and Captain Leathers are now dead. They were typi cal steamboat captains, and anecdotes of them are often told on decks and in cab ins nowadays. Memphis Scimitar. Copper Colored! moody oh the amendment. XfX .Continued Prom Fifth. Page. : r Splotches There is onlyvone cure for Contagious Blood Poison the disease which has completely baffled the doctors. They are totally, unable to cure it, and direct their efforts toward bottling the poison up in the blood and concealing it from view. S. S. S. cures the disease posi tively .nd permanently by forcing out every trace of the taint. I was afflicted with a terrible blood disease. Which was in spots at first, but afterwards spreaa an over my Doay. These soon broke out into sores, and it is easy to imagine the suffering I endured. Before I be came convinced that the doctors could do no good, I had sprfnt a hundred j dollars, which was really thrown away. Y then inea various paiem medicines, but they did not reach the disease. When I had finished my first bottle of S. S. S. 1 was greatly improved and was delighted with The laree red splotches on my chest began to grow paler and smaller, and before long disappeared entirely. I regained my lost weight, became stronger, and my ap petite greatly improved. I was soon entirely well, and my skin as clear as a piece of glass. H. L. Myees, 100 Mulberry St., Newark, N. J. Don't destroy all possible chance of a dure by taking the doctor's treatment of mercury and potash . These mineral 3 cause the hair to fall out, and will wreck the entire system. z w m - f im-ffs protected by -some :er . section or GRANIGIFT DISTRIBUTION. clause ithe amdment. for there IsgreouaLce ithat no exception Or saving- cOause in ttea&z&t!tt? 1 "u Section Five of the- proposed aim-? ment, which say: is void for being. ,ab,:legaU triple-silve-r-rJlaited TJieMost Remaxbabile ,Ever Mad By a Rejoable Concern. Ifd&Gfezetta. Kfir a w . WiUVgive absolutely , free to evJfy'nMarrid: la4y sending oBJtne. ad dresa ani a two cenlt stamp for postage, Sugar limited in conflict with the Fifteeiiffli' Ajinemd-v : ii?t,tioh''eads 'ell 'dn'lwlrv stoirea ment to the United Staies Cnstituticia, at 75 cents each. This la the most ex does u-odertaket to gW-e an unlet-f peaisdve aavertislng: we have- ever done, tered citizen the right to register and tmt it wilf make us thousands of friends vote provided 'he has paid uhis pML'tax. and: : 'permaneint ' customofs. Tbere Is as required by other sections Of the nothing to pay except a two certt stamp act iaod was. a legal voiter on Janiuairy &b sort of, guaranty" of 'good faith. The 1, 1867, or is the lineal descendant of :Hfe-Ftrn!isher our own monthly pub a citizen who was a legal voter on' that "cation, showing our line of high-grade flato An flMo-Hwiai wih oT,i-'-e silverware' and furniture, will also -be the result. SfLBood is purely vegetable, and is the only blood remedy guaranteed to contain no I Dotash, mercury, or other mineral. Books on the disease, and its treat ment mailed free by Swift Specific Com pany, Atlanta, Georgia. O Bears the Signature of i The Kind You Have Always Boup 5 Not Forgrotten. Arabella You ought to have given tht? waiter girl a tip for taking all that trou ble in scalding the milk and putting ice on your piece of butter. Araminta I did. Didn't you hear me tell her to tear another coupon off the pay check? Chicago Tribune, CURE ALL YOUR PAIRS WITH Pasn-Killer. A Medicine Chest in Itself. SIMPLE, SAFE AND QUICK CURE FOR Cramps, Diarchoea, Colds, Coughs, Neuralgia, Rheumatism. 25 and 50 cent Bottles. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. BUY ONLY THE GENUINE, PERRY DAVIS' A Maddening Color. "Why does the bull so strongly object ta a red rag? While the professional phy siologists do not, as yet, appear to have found any satisfactory explanation of the fact, a French manufacturer of photo graphic materials professes to have dis covered that bulls are by no means the only members of the animal kingdom who are excited by anything red. A large number of hands are employed in the manufactory, both male and fe male, and most of the work has hitherto been performed in rooms to which all the light that was admitted came through panes of red gfass. Hardly a day passed without some terrific disturbance taking place among the work people. Now it was a duel almost to the death between two of the men, now between two of the women: sometimes the melee was gener al. "Workshop regulations" were abso lutely ignored, and no amount of fines or ether punishments seemed to have any permanent deterrent effect. This state of affairs was assumed until recently to be inseparable from work car ried on in uncomfortable conditions. At length it occurred to some bright spirit that the red panes of glass might be at frmlt, and it was decided to try what the effect of green panes would be. The effect was instantaneous. From tha day a sudden peace fell upon the whole workshop that had never been known be fore. Bickering and fighting ended as if by enchantment and voice of man or wo m.'in was . never heard raised above a whisper. New York Press. c- write is certainly knocked- out under this provision, because in taw he is the . liineal deiscend'ant of7 (no 'one; he is nilius Alius. The negro in 1867 was not a vo'iter, and it is at him that this sec- I ti'o'n, together with Section " ur, is 1 aimed as a disfranchising- " measure, ; making it impossible for ihim to ptcove that n 'tlhat date h was a 'legal voter 'because congress had not theins. Con ferred upon the 'negro; the elective fran- chise, and, not being a legal voter on January 1, 1867, he cannolt vote in the year of grace 1900, oeither can a citi zen lineally descended from him, the operation of section five will be to disfranchise one race on account of ig norance land permit the oibher race to vote notwithstanding their ignaironce, wmcn is a ciear viurtLciun oi. liic ru- teenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which says: "The right of citizens of the United States to vote shalll not be denied or abr'dged 'by the United Sitates or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude." This amend ment to ouir federal c'onsltitution was declared by the secretary of etate, rat- ! ified by 'the several states of the union on March 30, 1870, and we have aA reg istered an oath in heaven that "we will not violate its provisions. The suproeme court of the United States, in the case of the United S:ates vs. Reese, "92 U. S. Rep., 563, speaking of the Fifteenth Amendment, gays it does not confer the right of suffrage upon any one, It prevents the sitates, or the United Staltes. however, from giving preference in this particular to one citizen of 'the United States over another on account of race, color or previous condition of servitude. Now df seation five of the proposed amendment ie knocked oult 'by the oouirts as we feeil sure it will be, and sedtion four stiamidjs, as we 'think lit will, (then wftiat will be our condition as ia eitate on sent free,. But one Sugar Sihell to B family. ' ' Quaker valley mfg co. Morgan and Harrison. Streets, Chicago. i' Deafji9ss Cannot be ir9i; by. local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portions of th ear. Tlhere is only one way to cure Deafness, and that is byconetituitio'ial remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflames con dition of -tlhe mucous lining of the Eusta chian Tube. Wheoi this tube gets in flamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, anld) when dt is en tirely closed, deafness is the result, and unless the, inflamajtaon can be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal con dition, hearing will be des royed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by ca tarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of tthe mucous surfaces. We will glveOne Hun'dred Dollars for any case of deafness (caused by ca Oaitarxh Cure. Send for circulars free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c Hall's Family Pills are the best. c THAT THROBBING HEART. Would quickly 'ieave you, if you use Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousand of sufferers have proved their matchles merit fT Sick and Nrvious Head aches. They make pure blood an strong nerves alid build up your health Easy to take. Try them. Only 25 cents Money back if not cured. Sold by sJ. dxugg' ta. I It will only cost 3ou 50 cents extra to ride all day in a Cotton Belt Parlor Cafe" Car (25 cents for a half day). 'Seated in a large revolving arm chair with plenty of space around you, you an enjoy as rruch freedom and ease as you please. If you are a smoker .you will enjoy the large smokingxroom vith its arm chairs and couch. The ladies will delight in the splendid ladies' lounging 'froont, with its lounge and inviting arm chairs, and its roomy dressing room adjoining. You c'an have your meals in this car at 'any hour you want them; order most anything you want, from a porterhouse steak or a spring chicken down to a sandwich, take as long as you please to eat it, and you will oniy Have to pay for what you order. The Cotton Belt is the direct line to Texas . Its trains ran through from Cairo and Memphis' to Texas without change. Direct connections ,ire made at its junctions f or all piirts of Texas, Indian Territory, Oklahon i ;i a nd the Far West. Write and teil us where ou are going and whsn yon will kwe a7d we wili tell you what your tuket will cost, which train to tike to mnko the b:t Time and connections: and will send yu an interesting little booklet, ' A TRIP To TEX AS." E. f . LaBEALME, Gea:; Pass'r aci Tkt. kit, ST. LOUIS, MO" 3. B.SUTTO;'. Tuvs-rAtf.. V r.i Y.'s:"' ?("' i'Hattaivw.j Jtnrn l&H NOTICE. By virtue of an order of the superior court of Buncombe county made at the August term 1895. in t)he case of John O'Byrne vs Violet Commons, adminis tratrix of John Commons, deceased, et al., I will sell to the highest bidder for cash -at public auction at the court house dorr in tbe city of Asheville, coi:n- ty of Buncombe aoid state of North ithe question of who is enitli'tled to vote? Carolina, cn Monday, November the 6th. (Every man in Itho state wMite or black i899f belt ween the hours of 12 o'clock M. who eamnot pay his poll tax, and every and 1 o'clock P. M., the land referred mlan white or black who cannot rea'd any to in said order and more particularly section of ftihe constituititoia .in the English Jee5ribed as follows: Fronting on Hay l'ansruaere will be disfranchised, the few wood road in the western suburbs of the There's always Mope wlhile there's One Minute Cough Cure. "Am attack of pneumonia left my lungs in bad ah ape and I was near the first stages of con sumption. One Minute Cough Cure com pletely cured me," writes Helen Mc Henry, Bismark, N. D. Give inatanlt relief. For sale by T. C. Smith.- 'Edncate Tour Bowels With Cascarets. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation fbrever. 10c. 25c If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. Quisisana Nature Cure Sanitarium Ashevillft, N C, 167 French Broad Avenue will govern ithe many, the classes will g'overn the masses. But ome of 'the advocates of thli 'amemdmieicit say that if section five is declaired uncontabitutioin'a!! thait the whole thing will fall (together. In 'tMs T think they are mistaken. The law as 'it is writ ten in tltte bookls is ag'atesit them. The bigfhesft courts of the iltaindi have often spoken on this question). The suprema couTt. of the United States ira the case Bank of Hamilton vs Duidfley, 2nd Pelt. 492, siys: "If any part of the adt be unconstltulticcoal tha:t part may bfe disregarded, while full effect will be g'ivcm to such pamts as are valid." A slitatute may be p'arlt const'itutional and paT!t u.nconst-'i'utitoTial, Johnson, vs Wrlsrra, 63'rldi Ncinth Carolina, 552. In Garmble vs McCarty, 75 North Carolina. 509, ithe courft uses thits language: "While the general pro-ls,:ns of an aet mav be unconsltiituticinal, erne ct mors cl'ausies may be good, provideid they can be separated tflrom the cithers so as not !to depejid upon) the existence of :'t!he oth ers for their own existence." , The framews of this rjroposeg,; amfmd city of Asheville, beginning at a stake in the northern edge of said road Sigel koe's comer, and running 'thence north 12 -2 deg. west 36 roles to a stake ;thenc south 88 degrees east 7 1-2 poles to 8 sfiake; -thence south 20 degrees east 33 poiles to the Haywood rceld; thence with said roaid south 73 degrees west 11 poles more or less to the beginning, contain ing two acres more or less. This October 4th, 1899. J. McD WHITSON, Commissioner. Four Fast Trains TO ... AS m liniWA."UU5 j;0 NCI N NAT I Toledo, Detroit AND MICHIGAN AND CANADA POINTS 4 trains every week-day, 3 trains on Sunday. Pullman and Wagner Sleepers on night trains. Vestibuled Paf lor Cars on day trains. : ,6 trains every week-day 4 trains on Sunday to INDIANAPOLIS ; 4 trains every week-day 3 trains on Sunday to CHICAGO j AT EST G Ell MAN METHOD . Ho Vcdicine! No Operations! Most successful cures ufidcted by Massage, BathB, Diet, -Sweedish M07 eraents. etc. AH diseases treated. - NO CONSUMPTIVES TAKEN. men't nave actually isllready eeparitied the, doneitiltutitarial parts iof 3t from those tha't re u-TucoWsfiltutiional. and toave pliac eli the c-cme'titutdlonal pirovifeitons Jn ec titetn' foulr of tlhe tacit and the unconst'tu t'iional proviisilong iml pecWicn five. so. in reiaidimg it, just Itake it with secJtiicnn .five out amid you will have what it wii'l be wlhen the dourltts tof the land have passed upon it. Should this jamemdment b adopted at the polls, we) undTtike to say, that when lit is comslt'rued bv the court it w'll have a coflstaituti'om whfdh. disfranchises evey citizein of the state who cannot read an-d wrSte laWd htas nlotpaid his poll tax for fhie previous yetaT ot ibefare Mairch Isit 1n the ve"a!r in wWch he nno- pcises to vote. Our sWe pvivemmpiit k will 'then be absolutely in tlhe hand's of the rich edutwited classes, and the greait maisses of 'the common rvetrde will be without voire rir Vote in th af fairs of the s'baitie. Their voices will be isilemcetdi for eveT, thefiir rintwtr 'to redress their grieyaraicets 'airud risrht their wrongs , will be rame: in faoit tlbev 'will have no rierht that tlhe iruling- cltaissfB wi'll be .bounid to respect rv pir-tedt. Many of the men who in the piaist have fnugtht the 1 bt'l'ltles of our eioHrl oJd -wtat1 and made 3iipr nt3me immoir'tal will (have to onit vHtin? iso will thteV because j w'i'h them the battle of liife his been i such that tfbrir poverttv !Hb 'Pl'dsetd the 'schiclofl,h!ons'! doior'-'in their faces aratf thev have not been able to leatrn tor ead and write anv setriom 'oJ'tlhe consltitution in tJbi Etotsrl'sh lansruaere. Thi'3 effort trv thus 'disfranchi-e, humil fii"ite arid de'iroy the dommtin people of the pttialte lb bieen brou'Erht". upon us bv -tfhie demiocrt'ltic rarltv "who mrade -'m the A CLEVER TRICK. It certainly looks like it. but there ia really no trick about it Anybody can try it who has lame back and weak kid mean he can cure uim&elf right away Dy ; taking Electric Bitters. This medicine tones up the whole system, acta as a ; stimulant to liver and kidney, is a blood ; purifier and erve tonic. It cures consti pation, headache, fainting spells, sleep lessness and melancholy. It ia purely ' vegetable, a mild laxative, and restores the system to its natural vigor. Try ! Electric Bit era and be convinced that j they are a miracle worker. Everyebot i tie guaranteed. Only 50 cent a bottle Vestibuled trains, Standard and Compartment Sleeping Cars, Parlor Cars, and Caf6 DimnjCars. at T. C, Smith's, W. C. and sPerham'8 pharmacy. Carmlchaers THE .... o & H tj A o o wusiacwiy, exaciiy as represented. "Mti"" oUr will mm high aa $60. OO. od t"V BABfllUI TOD BTXB IUaBB OfI p towT MrUitMtOur Snanlal nfc d.i. -.1 ud IreiKht ciiargea. The machine weighs ' O.OV pounds and the freight will rveraee 75 VE-1T THREE MONTHS' TRIA1 TTlEiriP IS VIA THE LEI ON is most attractive and refreshing. . Pine ocean steamships leave Norfolk,! Va., daily excepts Sunday, at 7.30 p. m.J for New York direct, affording oppor-j tunity for through passesgers from the South. Southwest acd West to visit Richmond. Old Point Comfort and Vlr glnia Beach enroute. nn m 1MJ M Complexion and Hair Specialists The brilliant complexions of women in the more exclusive circles of Nev York society are not explained by the theory that associates beauty and idle, ness. In fact, many leaders of the world of fashion are "Hard workers. Yet they keep their good looks even when they are old. How do they manage it? THE MISSES BELL, of 78 Fifth Avenue, New York, themselves con nected with some of the most noted and honored families in the metropolis, have answered the question. They have prepared for the use of women ia general, five preparations for improving the complexion and the hair. TTrw HnlrAts and nMiArnl Infrvrmatlom last campaign the" Tnoet. ssritemn pleflspeV apply to railroad ticket agentj. or to M. ithkit men .aire rtarjabTd of making that if a'cROWELL, Gcneral;'Agent, Norfolk, (they cainried itlbe .pnecti'nn thev woulid rfsu; J. F. MATER, Ageot ' 212 Main 3za PAntl ff aoiVk fWVt Mflna MONTHS TRIA1in your -owa home, and aaea aaa Kraae.r Bewlac HaehlnM at aa.Kn. cm nn a i a 00, RFWARP OF IIITiTintUC by nakaawB eoneerna vertiaments, offering uakaowa maehinei under various names wUh jarloos inducement. Write aoae Mead la CLiealvo aid le.rtrho atr . KKLUBLR aHD WHO AKI HOT. vuieapi aaa leara wh arr TH E B U RD ICBC irXyfHm?j?j, " """" rwui vw B.TJS.KI U.IHH fiRinB MiriflKF wins nrrmn WCT3 Ot JOSE. MA1E BY THE M8TMAKERIM r'AMERICA! j&uju -Alii; BEST MATERIAL, 1 can buy5 SOLID QUARTER SAWED OAK SIS? rilVt rm SSSft stration shows machine cloBed7(headirop: tern ba.ll hpartnff .Tr.'C.lV" wc. V? s oa dlor notth'ing 'tlo a-brSdiene the rlelhlts of the humblest citizm of the tend Ito. oaisit hts one ballot lhlonetly lamli falrlv'wumted. Thlit was a isOlemn plde"e tbythe flem--'rtsrpitHo rfrlty to ptrotertt all tbie petole in theiiir riprht'itio vipte tamd tlheiy have, lwkeu the Tled?ie rud now fth phigioqnt lantdl And I donit believe h& pelaple rf ,-ur state can under any Pretext be led to reY tet,rte sin treat a r-rimip m nm!a.n rights aw th ladiTotion f tsrjosert nrier-in-stltutlopal ameiffidrrhPTit our staV Con gtiitution. . Most STWrttl'v."' JASv M. MOODY. WaynetsviU'e, N. ?., Oc. 26. 189". For wounds, scalds, sores 'ktn di seases and all trrltating eruptlo4iis, noth ing so soothing aoid' h-ealing' aa DeWl .fs 1 Witch Hazel Salve. Mrs.' Emma B1m, Matron Englewood Nursery, Ch casro. , says "of it: "When, all Qlae falls in heal ing our babies, . it wll cure. . For sale by T. C. Smith. .- I ; i - St. Richmond, Va. H. B. Walker, Traffic Manager; 31 J. Brown, General Passenger Agent. Finest - Passenger Service xisr 1 TEXAS Finest lam Hieh . ing shuttle, automatic J?1 treadle "WulsiVth'iron ilSn irhKfJ?2rJrour39otion 'eed, self thi4adii 1- :,: stand. threading Ttbrat. B. oatent tens loo rr rS0' head ,9 handsomely elaborated GUARANTEED the nuSMiVS?t&i&i MMBniii 5tllUABiL?EB with ererymaehiM. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING Ofendexamto this machine, compare it cn An .TiA " "ja those your storekeeper sells at $40.00 liberator, improTed loose wheel, ad jtw table 1 " 101 , ucoumj uar, patent areas ruan I (arable and aearea vuias xu uAi. . sorr m-ears; roebuck & W(incXchlcaio, III. BIUT.' (Seara. RoehnrtAnA . ZZ,Z,-Z-T::T1 7 wmmrm CASTOR 5 A ' For Infanta and Children. Tba Kind You flare Always Bought y Bears the , Signature of " . ' "No trouble to answer quewxion. Dlf ct 11m tm Texas, - - - y','i .MEXICO.- :f t"'..'. ARIZONA, . V : CALIFORNIA' . : I wnt&Tor:new ixwfc on Texas, rre. . 7-V,V la. S..THORNE.V. P. nd Oen'l Mgrr.. 1 s The Misst-3 BEILSS COMPLEXION TONSO is an external application, the presence of which on the face cannot be detected. It is perfectly harmless even to the most delicate skin. It is a sure and quick cure for. all roughness and eruptions. It acts on the skin as a tonic, producing a naturally pure complexion. Cosmetics merely hide blemishes. The Tonic gets rid of them. It removes pimples, freckles, black heads, moth patches, liver spots, eczema, redness, oiliness and all discolorations and i mperfections of the ski. Price, $1 a bottle. Site Misses BELL'S GOMPLEXION SOAP is made from the -pure oil of lamhaf . wool. It is healing and erratifvine to the skin, keeping it at all times ia a cleaa ana nealthy state. This SoaD is daintirv scented, and is a most welcome aid to the toilet oi fastidious women. Thette-'V : most car is taken in selecting materials and scrupulous cleanliness In the labor atory insures the purity of the product , mete, ceuis per c&ice, large iour-ounc :size. HAIR TO NIG cures dandruff and prevents s 07 return of it; stops that maddening itcting of the scalp and makes the hair strong, soft and lustrous. It is especially help ful to persons Those hair is thinrmy and liable to All out. The tonic cleanses the skin about the roots ot the hair ; will soon cover bald spots wi tb. a handsome growth. Price, $1 a bottle. ' The Misses BELL'S for restoring prematurely gray locks to their original color. It is not a dye nor a stain. It Is a color less liquid that is applied to the roots of the hair and leave? no telltale signs 00 the scalp or fcrehead. Neither does, it change the color of the hair all at once. Only dyes do that, and they wash off. But Capilla-Renova will nowash off. Price, 81.50 per bottle. v - The Misses BELL'S SI&N FOOD la a wft, creamy, exquisittfy trfumed ointmenVwhich helpsthe action of the Tonfc, and. in .mild cases of roughness, redness, pimples, etc., is a cure in itself It clears the Kes of the skm of all impurities and feeds xt b" building up the texture and making e flesh beneath it solid ard firm. Price, 75 cents ner iar. fir MM A trial size sample of any one of above preparations at our carlo: in i.ev iork tity; oiLy mail to any address in plain wrapper upon re ceipt o? 25 cents in stampe or silver to cover actual cost of postage and packing. Trial size eamDl as can hn oniy. Oar agents wili uoz supply them. Correspondence cordially THE BEH, T!LEl'CO., T Firth Avenue, IVewVork ixn-ijor our new book, " SxreU of .Bnitif' Free lo any addrett, Th MlMtes Bell's Complexion Tonic, Complexlaa Soap, Skin Fo-L afid lpilc are for wd In thU city bv W. CX C?.rmlehel. 1 forth treatment of THE LIQUOR, OPIUM. MORPHINE and uther Drug Addiction! Thf Tobbacco Habit Kerve Exhaustion , ': iLadiei agonized by i ifemale ' Disordiers should avoid : "' impleasaini ' ramlnations aftd at ones cure themselves s with & Sim mons. Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets, v WE PAY $23 cash for a sinele stanji Sto cutl We pay 6 to for manypostage Btamp between 1847 and lm JUjA TO you old letters and 01 v oui -tiZZU OI aouaro. ow" E . Bemove causes of Menstrual Su slons Exaggerationa and Irregnlarntle by taking Simmons Squaw ,Yln win Tablets. . ' : s - - 1 , 7