( - ' i-y-''- xi'r ry;7- . it LIFE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. This Magnificent DcconATEO Dinner Set Fhec with Every $10.00 Grocery Outfit. But di.-eet from the manufacturers and save money. This Magnificent Cottage Dinner Set, decorate! in pink, blue, brown, green, lavender (your choice), and worth fully $10.HO, driven absolutely free with every outfit of groceries, f 13.10 worth of groceries for only 110.00. This is what we will send you: 1 4 qnarts bt table fyrup $ 65 20 lhs fine granulated sugar.. 1.30 2 lbs. best Japan tea 1.40 21aree bar? best washing soap equal to 12 oars of ordinary pojiD . - - - - 2 lbs best Ja va and Mocca cofEee .60 1 ten lb. pail family white fish selected - - 1-00 2 lbs. three crown raisins 1 fan (Trmiml ill ustard (dry)... .83 -i an Hnnariion. sason grade.. .;-8 -i ntrp etIoss starch .10 1 nackae corn starch. 10 1 box paper and envelopes . .25 1 lb. best baking powder 40 1 bag salt, thBee lbs .05 1 large bottle ammonia .15 1 large bottle blueing . .15 1 box herring, 40 fish . .40 5 lbs. best mixed candy i 1.00 1 lb. currants, selected .13 2 lbs. rolled oats .08 1 doz. nutmegs: .25 H lb- pepper, ground and sifted .80 1 clothes line, 70 feet.'. . . .25 1 bottle lemon extract. . .20 4 cakes perfumed toilet soap. in box .40 1 can Webb's cocoa - .20 1 package borax .16 1 doz. papers pins .60 1 can prime roast beef, 2 lbs.. .40 1 bbl. tacks (toy) .08 1 cut-glass sifter, filled with celery salfcT. 15 "1 package pearl tapioca 15 1 package fine shredded cocoa- nut .80 .$13.10 H lb. cream tartar 80 1 bottle vanilla extract! 20 Total retail value "We will send you this mammoth grocery outfit and the beautiful decorated China Dinner Set consisting of 56 pifs. as follows: 13 Plates. 6Jnch: 12 Handled Tea Onus! 12 Saucers: 12 Fruit Saucers: o fabf Plates ! 1 Tea Pot: 1 Sufirar 1 Cream 1 SI on Ttnwl. nil for O.OO. or If vou Drefer to oramine the srooris before buying, send us $1.00. and we will send this outfit as described above and this beautiful dinner set. You can examine the goods at your nearest freight depot and if found exactly as represented ana tne grandest, oargam you ever saw, ana you are convincea tnat you nave saveu. 3.j.u, uesiuea the $10.00 Dinner Set. pay the Agent $9.00 and charges. "We are manufacturers and knowing what our goods are made of you need not hesitate to send us your order, for if we receive it, we promise io return not only such value as was never before shipped, from my house, but a care in selecting the goods as To quality that will insure a satisfaction you do not get from the average retail store." The freight on the goods will amount to next to nothing compared with what you will saVe in price. Order at once. Send for circulars and lowest prices on groceries. References: Second National Bank, Akron, O., Akron Savings Balk. Akron, O., Central Savings Bank, Akron, O. Address all orders to JOHN G. INGALLS & COMPANY, Manufacturers, Akron, Ohio. John G. Ingalls & Company are thoroughly reliable. Editor. WOMEN WHO WORK. St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 12. Though only 19 years old, I Buffered from- pains and female troubles two years. Last spring I got bo bad I had to quit work. I had to support myself, and could not afford a high priced doctor. I got one bottle of "Wine of Cardui and that made me feel better. Have now used several bottles and am well. My mother used the Win for Change of Life and was greatly relieved. MISS MARGABET WALSH. , 1 ' LI J I ! H 1 7k D UI m i II fialr- 1 g3 ji Some of- Their Customs and Habit "Were Revolting. -This is a realistic age, averse to con vention and loving to be told the plain truth about everything. As an appro priate corrective or supplement to the romantic view of mediaeval life, which leaves out of account everything that is not picturesque, we know of nothing better" than Mr. Hopkins' essays. Cer tainly no one would learn from Scott or Hugo that a city , in the middle ages had diffused that pungent odor which could be smelled leagues away and which was capable of turning a king, the brave Philippe-Auguste, sick when he put bis head one day out of a win dow. The conditions of life varied little In different countries, and when Mr. Hop kins raises the curtain a little ever so little upon old fans we may be 6ure that old London and old Vienna were not a whit Jse'tter. We see a great town with out a single drain, roadways heaped with refuse, a river that is an open sewer and slops descending from every win dow. We see princes upset by swine on the street and meet delicate queens who eat with their fingers and observe in an airy manner that their hands have not been washed for eight days and yet look nice.' Every one, in short, lived in a pigsty and behaved "as sich." Nor have things improved much when we come down to the reign of the Grand Monarque. That ruler had an excellent appetite and was observed to eat at one sitting "four platefuls of different soups, a whole pheasant, a partridge, a great plate of salad, two great slices of ham, a plate of mutton seasoned with garlic, pastry and after that fruit and hard boiled eggs." Yet this is the only Sense in which he and his courtiers may be said to have lived well. They drenched themselves with nerfnmes to disguise odors less agreeable, ate off plates without forks and plunged their spoons into the com mon dish. Manuals of good breeding published in the palmy days of French politeness be- tfore the revolution a'dvise their reader to wash his face nearly every day if possi ble and warn him against sitting down to table with his hat on, looking jealous ly at his neighbor's plate and heaping too much on his own, choking himself by gulping wine too fast, pocketing fruit at dessert and using his napkin as a pocket handkerchief., Such were the counsels solemnly urged upon gentlemen who figure in Watteau and who woreky blue and claret colors and sported silk stockings and silver buckles. May - gdod diges tion wait on appetite and health on both." That sentence from Shakespeare is a genuine benediction- of the body. " In this as in so many other things the intuition of nis m igniy mind seems to have fath omed the facts which science has slowly discovered. , Science has shown that disease in any part of the body i s al most always accompanied by weakness and failure of the digestive and assimila tive organs. Under these conditions the stomach, livet and blood- making glands fail in their appoint edwork. Then the symptoms of disease appear, often in organs appar ently remote from the real cause. Vitality is lowered. There is a dull and sluggish v feeling often accompanied by headache. The heart may seem anected. l nere may be lack of ambition and energy with mental irresolution. With such symptoms as these "delay is dangerous." Such a condition affords the favorite starting point for con sumption. It is useless to ' ' doctor " for the Symptoms. The remedy that reaches the case must reach, the cause of disease. The greatest medicine for all diseases, of the stomach and other digestive and nutritive organs is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery. It restores the appetite, re-establishes a sound digestion, imrges out the bilious noisons which infect the blood, car ries off waste and builds up sound and healthy tissues. The "discovery " is not a stimulant. It contains no alcohol orwhisky. No other medicine has so great a record of cures, therefore accept io substitute. Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure constipation. GOES WITH THE HOUSE. At Least One Doorplate Is Kept In Its Place by 'the Will of Its Dead Owner. In the cross streets) in the old village of Greenwich one will still find houses with green painted; doors and brass knobs and doorplates. The brass is generally bright, as it was always kept in the old times when sand was used as a burnisher. The names on the door plates are not always the names of the occupants of the house. A New York Sun reporter in his strolls in Vandam street noticed more than the usual number of doorplates, and asked a po liceman a question, which elicited, the following: "Take the name on that doorplate," pointing to a door close by; "the man whose name is there has been dead nearly 40 years. And after him his family lived there for a long time, and the daughter married and she lived ifl the same house for a long time,, and the name was never changed on the plate Then she moved away. I don't know what became of her. The hoise was vacant awhile, and tne doorplate re mained all the time. Then the house was -rented, and one day for curiosity I asked why the doorplate was not re moved, and I was told that the original owner had it put in his will that as long as the house stood the doorplate was to stay on" the door. And I s'pose it's the same way with all the ofd houses that have doorplates." MOZLEY'S 1EM0S ELIXIR. $ . . Eegnlates the Liver, Stomach, BowjbH . 3 WiJ ana juaneys. For biliousneea. con6ttoatioa and mal ria. " , For indigestion, sick ama nervoa. headache. For .sleeplessness, nervousness arx heart failure. For fever, chills, debility and klonef diseases take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, for natural and thorough or- garde regulation, take Lemon Elixir. 50c. and $1 bottles at druggisxs, Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, AU lejntta, G&. ' A PROMINENT MINISTER WRITES After ten years of great suffering front indigestion, with great nervous prostra tion, bdiiousness, disordered kidneys aasj constipation, I have been cured by Dr, Mozley's Lemon Elixir, and am now well mlam.-Rev. C. C. Davis, Eld. M. E. church, South, No. 28 Tatnall St.. Atlanta, Ga. V PROMINENT MEMPHIAN WRITES Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta: Having; been a great sufferer for three- yearn from indigestion, and! been treated by many physicians, who failed to give me any relief. Conitdnulmg to grow wome my brotiher advised me to try Dr. Mo a ley's Lemon Elixir, which remedy h. had used for several years . I commenc ed fts use, and must say that your Lem on Elixir is the greatest medicine oi earth. I have never suffered a day s&noc I commenced using Lemon Elixir. R L. Rocco, 206 Hernando St., Memphis Tenn. A CARD. This la to certify that I used Dr Mozley's Lemon. Elixir for neuralgia of the head and eves, -with the most marked Chester H. "Brown, Kalamazoo, Mich., benefit to my general health. I would . . T , . -r 1 "I . n-t n I V Mt 1 I J3 - A A JI J. 1 1 ! M li . gavs: IvOdOl uvsueuBaa luxb uuiwi uj gmaiy nave paiu aouu iut xne rcuei. it un of a severe case of indigestion can given me aft tine cost or two or tnree sltronslv recommend it to all dyspeptics, dollars. H. A. Beall, Clerk Superior "nis-psts what vou eat without aia rrom court. Kjamaioipn J., ua. thA stomaA. and cures dyspepsia, J?r sale by T. C. Smith. THE SPANISH WAY. POPULAR RULE. in wiifr-.H' a Heavy New Orleans Shipper Was Mulcted In Havana. It Has Always Proved to Be a Flat Failure Among Back ward Races. The stomach of man 19 Biibject to a dozen su,ch common1 but painful affec tions as cramps, cholera morbus, and. dysentery tha.t by neglect may be made chronic and dangerous. The best, hand iest, surest, and quickest remedy J Pain Killer, a medlctoe which has oeea teried for mtore than a half of a century and never failed to give relief. Avoid substitutes, there is but one Pain Killer, Many girls and women find it necessary to earn their own livfa? in various kinds of employment Their work is often so hard and confin ing that the health breaks down. Their delicate constitutions are unfitted for tiresome tasks. Weakness nearly always makes its appearance in the peculiarly delicate womanly organs. Constant standing on the feet, and coming and going at the beck of a superinendent or foreman, in duces f ailing of the womb, leucorrhoea, headache and backache. The pay of women workers is often so notoriously small that when sickness comes they have no money to engage skillful physicians.' To them Wine nf Prdui is trulv a blessing. It cures them of their ills at a small cost, and they can act as their own physicians. No doctor can do as much for "female troubles" as Wine of Cardui. "They are sdmply perfect," writes Rob't Moore, of Lafayette, Ind., of De "Wifbt's Little Early Risers, the 'famous little pills" for constipation and all liver ailments. Never gripe. For sale by Dr. T. C. Smith. f MODEL PRISONERS. Tbat Is AVnat the Keeper oi Sing Sing; Prison Says of Murderers. LADIES' ADVISORY DEPARTMENT. For advice In casea requiring special directions, address, ngfSgJJSS? iAdiM Adrisory Dp't, The CHATTASOOSA KEDICIBS CO Chattanooga, Tenn. Druggists sell Large Bottles for $1.00." I jj ( j or Consumption ililfl Sold by Druggists everywhere The Best Coueh Syrup, Tastes Good. Use in tune. Sold by Druggists. The Piso Company. Warren, Pa, I began using Piso's Cure 13 years ago, and believe it saved ;me from consumption. My child is subject to Croup. Pisa's Cure always relieves him. Mrs. B. CRANDELL, Mannsville, Ky., July 9th, i8gg. 9 flfliiil jixw .""sTW TSrCV 1. Williams' nous Fits BnBn&'sSKS ?V.r wilrHin Piles. It absorbs tne tumors, -J c oy aruggibi.t- gcui. pma.. Cileveland. Omo per box. w iojijJLh.iu.o ju..- - FOR SALS BY DR. T. C. SMITH. "What is the most dangerous class o criminals you have to deal with?" I asked Head Keeper Connaughton at Sing Sing prison recently. If there is anything Mr. Connaughton has become thoroughly master of during his long term of service at the state prison it is I the study of the characteristics of the i various classes of criminals who have i beeu placed in his charge. In fact, Mr. 1 Comiaup-hton's friends assert that as a I criminologist the head keeper at Sing- 1 Sing can give cards and spades to any expert, says a JNew York exchange. 'As a rule," answered the head keep er, "people are under the impression that murderers are the most dangerous boarders' we have, but the rule is di rectly the contrary. Almost without exception the murderers are the moaei prisoners of any jail. The average murderer previous to havingpommn ted his awful crime has seldom,. if ever. been in trouble or in jail. The number of murderers who have been" 'crooks' is comparatively small. You'll find.it the case that most murderers, even while waiting trial, are on their good behavior, hoping that by acting so they may draw sympathy to their de fense." Mr. Connaughton said that the pris oners who require constant and close watching are the burglars, highway men and confidence men. "As a mailer of fact," added the head keeper, "those three classes are the enly really dangerous prisoners in a prison." Mr. Connaughton said that 500 mur- derersjwere easier to look after than 1P0 time-hardened "crooks." .vi?." Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a scientific compound, having the endorsement of Ctnpn nhvsicians and the medical press It "digests what you eat" and positively cures dyspepsia. M. A. Ketron, Bloom ingdale, Team., says it cured him of in digestion of ten year' standing. For sale by T. C. Smith. Anent the proposition to make our newly-acquired dependencies self-governing, it is interesting to note that par liamentary erovernment has invariably proved a fiat failure in semicivilized countries. ' The negro republics of Liberia ar.d Ilayli form the most glaring vX.v.r.p.o but it would hardly be 'cot rvt u.-..-all, to describe their govt vi.a.c.. i a parliamentary. With the exception of Chili, which, thanks to a very large ad mixture of English and Scotch blood in its best families, stands far ahead of the rest, nearly all the Central and South American republics are pitiable paro dies on popular government. The grossest corruption and incapacity are thinlv veiled by paper constitutions U mr . . and clouds of high-sounding verbiage, In nearly eveTy case they are ruled by political adventurers, who govern really by force, and will rather plunge the country into the horrors of a revolution than forego the spoils of office.. The re suit of this deplorable state of things is to be found, first, in almost con stant turmoils, which are merely fac tion fights on a huge scale; and, second ly, in the backward condition of the countries, in spite of their very great natural advantages; and in the further fact that, where these advantages are developed, it usually by foreign brains and foreign capital. "Speaking about the way the Span iards are running the Havana custom house," remarked one ot the represenx- atives of a large firm of New Orleans shippers, according to the Times-Dem ocrat, "I'll just mention a little inci dent of our own experience there a couDle of months ago. We had taken D. C, one package, about 29 gallons com over a small cargo and were being bled wmsKey, saau L w v. . . in a fashion that would have aisgraceo At C3lrryvillei Sept. 15, by A. K. a. Malav Dirate. when I happer.ed to be T,nftin d. n 1 dark roan mare, 1 thf bill for extra chareres 2-horfee wasron and set of harness NOTICE OP SEIZURE. Notice is hereby given of seizure of the following property for violation or the internal revenue laws of the united States: At Costlier. Sept 12, by A. K. Loftln, supplementary 'war tanll, they called it and detected an error m ad dition of about six dollars. It was a small matter, but as long as we were dealing with robbers I concluded to de mand all I could and called the matter to the attention of the chief inspector. He took the bill and returned a correct ed copy next morning. It contained two new items, one of nine dollars for revision of the list, as 'per request,' and one of $6.50 clerk's feesi, for making a new copy; total, $15.50. That repre sented a net loss of $9.50. I was so mad that I couldn't see straight, but all the satisfaction I got was to pay the bill. This is no fairy story, but a cold fact. 73. c., 4 packages, about 50 gallon apple and 4 empty barrels, said to be property of W. A. Alien. At Tilden, Sept. 18, by O. F. bnore, D. C, 2 copper stills, 2 caps ana 4 pacK ajres corn whiskey, about 132 gallons. said to be property of I. L. Shores. At. Monroe. Sent. 14. by J. w. Jbiowiy. D. C, 4 barrels corn whiskey, about 175 gallons, 1 iron grey mule, 1 2-norse wa gon, 1 set harness, etc., saia xo db prop erty of George Sheets. At Farmineton. Sepit. 21, Dy ,0.. McCoy, D. C, 8 barrel, about 350 gallons corn whiskey, saiid to De property 01 v F. McDaniel. At Hard Bank, Sept. 22, by T. C. Mc Coy, D. C, 2 packages, about 53 gallon apple brandy, said to be property of Geo. Laws on. At Jewel. Sent. 25. by T. C. McCoy, and the- documents to prove it are in the safe right now." "Best on the market for cough and colds and all bronchial troubles: , fOT croup lit has no equal," writes Henry R. Wihitford, South Canaan. Conn., of One Minute Cough Cure. For sale by Dr. rvmriertv are required to file their claims brandy, aid to be property or vv. Fa gg. At Salisbury, Sept. 25, by D. C. Brad shmw, D. C, 1 keg, about 4 gallons corn whiskey, 1 keg apple brandy, 1 kegr peach brandy, eaiid to be property of North Wdlkesbcro Liquor Co. PAi-sona claimmis any of the above T. C. Smith. ;ago; or German Exchange Bank,- HewTbtr, or. I TWO LIVE5. TJoon the E? A. ' strength and condition of an expectant moth er depend not only her own life bnt the life and perfection of her child. MOTEL'S FRIEND will overcome all t ills peculiar to the period preceding childbirth, and will pre pare the delicate organism directly in volved for the final ordeal. Mother's, Friend is not an internal cure-all, but a scientific liniment approved by medical authority and established by years oi successful use. Rn1d hv drusrsrists for l. Valuable book, "Before Baby is Born." sent free cn application. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., AtLanta. G2. Tbe Kind Man. "Ynn are deceivinir me," she said bit1 tpvlv. . . 1 . "No." said Mr. Easylad. "lou mustn t say that. I may invent a few innocent fictions about directors' meetings and that sort of thing, but when you married me you regarded, me as a model of excel lence in all respects, didn't you?" "Yes." "Well, I'm no iconoclast. I am simply trying to keep from undeceiving you." Washington Star. O Bears the . Signature of STORIA. . . The Kind You Have Always Bougnt Si Cut t his ad. out aud Bend to ua . r ft. i? lu,c ItS. to .mlB.Uoa. ToaKMW't tartaan , o. 00 to 100. 00, the greaTeet vmuo jr k- " i,--ht. oar crsansadjertisodbv otters ac . S"'o? aad IWtehtSh-nr. less tban leeiM in oays oner price, nnmi" S n frSPERIAL HI) uATo rniUC. onau the ( - r price cnaxK- f.l by others. Such an offer was never mad oelore. mown, whicH llengraved direct tmaphoi- Boae idea or its.beanUfoi 'JTvdMorat- e A and ornamented, latest 1899 Xr Jdeand weighs !eet 5 inches higrh, 4a inches long, 23inches fV"0 THEMMEQWEEH so pounds; contains 6 ?"gBC, aia .W.pll toac 6weIUier.a0rg8welU48U tMhexttalTjisi i aawMtorj Pipe Qaallty 'Amiit CeStS Hsedi, I Bet of St Rleh Bellow Smooth Dlap-MnB", uirrrj actioa consist or we cwowww Sewel Beeds wnicft are oniy uwu 4t. -V,a l.SnV S HOf-nmAntB. C2fY ffl ttOil Wlttl tt"" A ond Co upiers and Tox Humtns, also best Dolpe felts, leatners tc, bellows of the best rubber cloth, 3-py bellows 6 tocK ana nnest leather in veil-res. the umc Vt-'?, nished with a 10x14 beveled plate French mirror, mofcei plated pedal frames aid every modern improvement. f liimbii fuse a. handsome organ stool and the best org an instruction book published. - - , rs x rs MvrrernriRVCf ADfi Wltni VNfrtti a icsfc&i- i c everyp? aem(juB Ort iawe issue a written binding za vearg puiirantefihvthfi turn r A nondition of whicn if any fart Kives cut we repair it free of charge. -fcionthaud we win refund your money u y 4"rtrll- i.-iti-: tied. h00 or tbe otgans w: L-t ftLoam. baatdftll?. 'J'. ' nun r'i ; i rn iTii in rnTuni iltrfl uun ncuADuu.ldvi:diADLidncii'-bei flotr1pir. a i i v. .... Bflb .. MAirithAP Jntim lis. writ tiw paMisner of this paper, or Metropolitan Katioria - Try It oat yott are not ill b aol ma rh.irn.orHrmn Exchanee Bank; Sew Tork. or . DUB;r.cif;3 Clocks iamc s Haosi tt-. , Ts-Pvnrtaincrin musical uuttnunencs av owto wuyiw ... ..w. Ip-": crKiartivand musical instrument cataUpe, Addre ; tt rllOK rVi 'ft ' Wfc&fcS i-giycsa & GQ, Quel FuUpn, DpJainetandVVaymanSts., CHICACD. BLIw His Last Place. The Manager How came you to leave your last place? ' Applicant I was discharged for good behavior, sir. , " The Manager Discharged for good be havior! That's unusual, isn't it? Applicant Well, you see, good conduct took nine months off my sentence. i - imo k a man secuT from at tacks of sucli dlisdrdera of the stomach as cholera jmorbus, cramps and dia? hut tiww rvmDiaiii.L3 vui : tuo. Tiofltfvfi term, when it is dangerous to neglect them. Fain, t;ii- r, FAmv that has never foal ed-and the severest a.ttackf i have been Mired bv it. Avoid sudsi-uia, - but cme Paln-Killer, Perry lmvis . and 50 cemts. ' BAD DRINKING WATER. Every one suffers greatly from the different kinds of weJterhe compelled (to drink, .and nothing Is bo likely to bring on am attack of diarrhoea. Perry Davis Paln-iller is the only safe, quick and sure cure for L cramps and cholera morbus. Avoid substitutes, there is but one Pain-KiUer. Perry. Davis'. FTicozac Tiri-my th summer season cramps ,time urwn us umeeotedly; you should be prepared: for an emergency of. this kind,.as otherwise, you will suffer as?y !h.n,T - Keen a bottle of Padh- xriucf hnndv and eo-by the directions on the wrapper iwlll surprii you i how quickly, relief will come, auw suu tutes, there is'but one Paln-Xnier. Per ry Davis. Price 25c. and 8 , ' The Kins Finger. To the question often asked why ths marriage ring ahould be placed on the left hand many answers are given. Some say because the left hand is much less used than the right, and therefore the ring is less liable to get broken. ' In the British Apollo of 1783 it is stat ed that for the same reason the fourth finger was chosen, which is not only les ; used than either of the rest, but is more capable of preserving a ring from bruises, having this one quality peculiar to itsel. that it cannot be extended but iny com pany with some other linger, whereas tn rest may be singly stretcnea out io xnen full length and straightness.- ' To Cure Constipation Forever. Cathartic. 10c orZ5c. If C. a a Tail to cire, druggists refund money. A Stone For a Throne. The throne of England, splendid in itl trappings of silk, velvet and gold wire, lace and tassels, is simply an old fashion a Viio-h h.ik-pd rhair. it hpon in use for more than 600 years, but its early history and the name nf its maker are unknown. The wood is very hard. The back and sides were for- !t. T-.o?n-orl .in Vfir'lOUS colors. The i JJUIUH v- " de of rouerh sandstone. This stone, which is believed to possess talismanic powers, is 2u inches in length, 17 inches in breadth and lOVj inches in thickness. L-etrends are told in connec tion with it, but the truth probably is that it was originally used in Scotland as a coronation stone upon which the Scot tish kings were seated wane unuei-gum the ceremonies connected with being king of Scotland. nnu 1T Wanted to I 111 If OT iViaii travel and LHU f appoint agents, $60 per month salary and all ex penses. Ziegler Co. 240 Locust Street, Philadelphia Unappreciated Visits. When the prime minister of the Chi nese emperor has a grudge against one of the nobles, he advises his royal master to pay him a long visit. This visit generally means ruin, for the emperor travels Vith a retinue of 10,000 persons. Bears the Signature of . The Kind Yon Have Always Bmgji -VP Sent Free to HonselBspsrs Leibig Company's Extract of Beef (CCD Hi !&!; with me as directed by law within 30 days from date hereof or the eame will be declared forfeited to itfce use of the United States. H. S. HARKINS, Collector Fifth Dlst North Carolina. By J. Wiley Shook, D. C. Ashevllle, N. C, Sept. 30, 1899. In the District Court the Unitea States of America for the Western District of North Carolina, at Char lotte: United States of America vs. Wll Ham M. Jacobs, dotog business as wii liam M. Jacobs & Co., and J. K Link. Proceedings in Attachment. In this case, it appearing to the sat isfaction of the Court, that the defend ant, William M. Jacobs, is . indebted to the plaintiff in the sum of $136,811.36 for Internal Revenue taxes duly assessed against the said Jacobs & Co. by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, and that summons has issued in thiscause for the recovery of said sum and returned that the defendant Jacobs is not to b found in this District, and thait service of summons cannot be made on him per sonally; and it further appearing that the said defendant Jacobs has property In this district in the form of a debt of $71.00 due from the defendant J. K. Dink and that the same has been duly attained in this case for the siatisiac tion of said debt and1 is now In the of fice of the Clerk of this Court. An the Court having ordered tha publication be made for six successiv weeks in the Gazette, a newspaper nub ltehed in the city of Ashevllle I. C. requiring the said defendant to - r at the United Stat Distr'-'i. ro fh Western District of rortv --ollna, at Charlotte, December T' 1899. be 'n- the second Monday rn December l: :t, to answer the complaint and the -attachment proceedings in the above entitled "cause, or judgment will be rendered therein In accordance with the rigtsof the parties thereto according to f i complaint. These are therefore t o-nmand the said William M. Jacob o appear- and answer as required as ' ove get forth. Witness, the Hon. H G. Ewart, Judge of the District Cour off the United States, at Charlotte, in - id District, the second Monday in 'une, 1899, and in tho one hundred and twtnty-fourth year of the independenc the United States. This 18th September, 1899. H. C. COWLES, Clerk. Telling how to prepare many delicate arid: delicious dishes. DirtreSfig Tldtod Urfte, H A4arasa IiEIB1G COMPANY. P. O. Box ZiX5, BW J.wo BELIEF IN jSIX HOUB&. SEND ONE DOLLAR WRITKPLAISLYIiKTTKBl&e WASTED,, and we vill send yon by freight, FRKI8HT PAID, C. O. l., subject o examination. thl handsome Rojsl Blue Brti urare- ease relieved in six Sours -cy , an,vfh XmAHnan KMaeir Cure. w It i o c-oNf an rrH& on accounit of its ex ceedine promptnesa in relievtn-g pain in bladder,: kidneys and back, in male or I female. Relieves retenciaa ox water mos-t. immediately, xi yvu v"v jr, relief and cure' this ia the. remedy. Said by T,lC. Smiitn, drugffi9tj , Aa'ievlile. N. C. , " :J - MAST? BALSAM found perfectly tifaetory. exactly e represeoiea, retail' at 2.0 to feif: $80.00, pay the frel?bt mrent Our e!ftl Offer Pr'ee, S9.93. less tbe l.0U sent with order. We Dresay the freirbt aaj point east of the stone, guarnnseems J7i-i delivery. Kiamlno it at 1--3 El F our freleht depot, and if k J-:, .-A-s.-i-?'l - v c -5T tejIdiW-aV ' Blue Ctoae Grata liable, i Btmeatnietlble, a fcuarleii -fcia-bly nolUhM, safadlaa; eoler. raTcatene la SO laekea 1?. v IS Inrhea widest bate. Write forprieeaea other atylaBllr, ? - Address. SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO., CHICAGO, c, . I 1 i ' , 'I ' ft 1 A I - V'