The;SinvofthrB(ioK !$lSIW!SilSll4-I$ISIl!f$Jl4 PERMANENT ADVEtfnSIHQ f Southern Pictures and Pencillings, oooo 8 $ & A Monthly Magazine devoted to the Agitation for The National S 4 Southern Park. Copiously Illustrated. A Large Local and Gen eral Circulation, coco 20 South Main Street. Asheville, N. C. S $ ' 1I$IIS3!!I!1IIIS11 $teIWI$l$l$JWI$lfclllIlllI , ; The Asnevllle Hardware Company The Blue RMfee? Rifles have returned - 1 till i.L 7 rrjom1 Atlanta. . - Ttaait S: O. weaver haia aeciaea to ais- cxmtinue uus cutothing business at No. rf4 South Maiim street amd would leave Ashe ville. Mr. Weaver hais decided to locate bar Gaistoniia."&nd Will dispose of as much Vuf Vvi& atvlr aht nlmsLcsliKlA ah vnr with, 'the "object of leaving1 by tlhe middle bf nexi mmtn. A s'i.mft of football wlill Ibe Olkved alt the river ground this afternoon between ftne teams or tiragmam scnoou ana or rue dear and dumb school ati jviarganton. Th teams taire' well trained bv exDerts. are Dradtioallv of even1 weiglht. antii a tepiemiattd' exrdbition (of tlhe giame may be expedted. An aldmlission of 50 cents will be charged. . . v ' .... ATfl.nifl.s'Ptr P.lnmmipjr is - anrannsrSnsr .with th e Olympia Opera company for a weV or opera at popular prices.. He expects to list the town in oirlder to aspetftaSn, what support the altlnrtactlion will be given. K. C. Riveins, manager of the Academy of Music. Raleigh. N. C. iim Tvritiing to the New York Clipper, said : "The Olymtpia. i i. 1- -3 1 -t t ! to 21, ait Tegul'ar (house prices, to 'the larg est receipts and attendance in the' his tory of the hioutee; the S. R. O. fsligia was ln,5yidence nightly." v J. H. Weaver (has just returned from Oharrdtlte amid i ill at his home. The j CharKotte Observer sayis': Charloltte had a vfteit Tuesday from a number of tele phone men managers of exdhanges froni a number of cities in fthg. Carolines. They were enlbertadnled by Mesisrs. M. B.-Sp4er, supeiHteri'denlt, and James Northy, mana gre of the ChiarTtotte exchange? After a breiak triide in the afternoon, they were given a lunch at naghft at the Manufact urers Olub. . The repa'st was handsiomely serves by Mr. Alien. Those around the board (rOt the switch board, Ihowever,) were: M-es?r'S!. J. H. Weaver, Ashevi'lle: Henry Smith, Raleigh; F L. Woodruf, Wilmiitilgt'in : E. VT. WHsjn. TVinFton: Jnb. M". Fb'gle. Charleoton'. S. C; L. D. Lucias, Celumbin, S. C: C. RSgsby, jr., Greenville, S. C. : Rr D. "Blowers. Spar- itianburg, S. C. ; Geforge W. Dawsapm, At-1 Janta; M. R. Spier. James, Northey, and S. H. Hawkins, Charl'Otlte. f Celebrated '3-DERBY Has no superior. Quality and workmanship the best. Styles late and exclu sive. For sale in Asheville only at 6tt0l6?Pi6TlGN POPULAR PRICES. .' W have' just received! la Jarge lot of fftandard works bourucl to paper intended to retail at 25 cents. Including! Alexander. . Black, Braem.'Besaiit, Corelli, Cooper, Cain, Duchess, Hugo, Hardy, Kipling, Lyall, Weyman, MarEit, and others. OUR PRIOCB 10 CENTS. y Rogers' Book Store, ' 120 SOUTH MAIN STREET Phone No- 254 FOOT BALL GO "E are agents for Spauld- ing s line, ana will be pleased to get you anything in their line that you may want. Foot Ball, Golf, Bicycle and Gymnasium Goods. All grades, give us a call. Asheville Cycle Company ' EUGENE C. SAWYER, Prop. Phone 228. Nos. 18 and 20 Church Sf 1 I F VI! It Beats the World how.Tfe can put uch perfect -oirk- mjansoiip on a shirt, front, collar or cuff is what evervone mvi our faultless laundry work. No pot or fray to mar the beauty of th irre proachable color and finish put upon It that defies competition by any laun dry to this town. On iw has reached the top notch f Derfoctian that ha yet been obtained. Asheville Steam Laundry 43 WEST COLLEGE ST. Flour Market. - BILTMORE PATENT, u sk CA BILORE PATENT, H sk. 120 t LATENT, 1 Bk 240 BILTMORT7! T A rrreXTr . . . ' DDI. 4 7? 2 ROLLINS' WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR, 1-4 sk. "We prefer the ."5. -x, wiiie wneat flour to 4 &ny that we have ever had upon J our table and we have never used I any but tlhe best brands of flour - $ ' THOS. LAWRENCE $ Pres. Normal & Collegiate Inst FOtt THE REGULARS.' U OlS, 1 CLUB 18 Patton Avenue. l$I$3IIi4ISII$li5IW COLDMBIA-SHAMROGK. 5 The cup is agiam America's for a year aiad well do the hearts of the people rejoice in that fact. The Shamrock was the best the competitor's had. As the Colum- bia beat the Shamrock, so dos the RELIABLE RUMFORD BAKING POWDRR ntit R,aii Qf ail pomte bnam-powders. Ask your grocer about the fine selling- points of Rumford- LAKE SUPERIOR WHITEFISH AND KING POMPANO. ' .FIRST OF THE SEASON AT. YOUNG'S, We have la nice assoaitment of Fresh and Smoked Fish, Lynmlhavea and! Baltl m-ore Oystters, Clfarris, Shrimps and Birds and would be pleased to serve you. 1 Telephone 23 YOUNG'S FISH MARKET, "In the Corner.'9 Biltmore Dairy. CERTIFIED JERSEY MLK. The only milk on the market produced from cows wlhiose health is guaranteed by the daily inspection of a resident, vet erinarian. This milk contains more nu tritious solids and butter fata than any Other. . NOTICE TO PATRONS. - The market price for bran and. other feed -stuffs has, for several months, been 20 per cent, higher than formerly; oon Bequently we are producing this milk at a less, and are forced to charge an in orease of 1 cemlt per quart for our milk In order to cover this. On end after Novemfber 1st, the pjlice ' to our regular customers will be as fol lows: . , -Milk In 1 qt glass bottles, per quart : Milk In 1 pt. glass bottles, 5c. per pint. ; ' - Respectfully, ' x ' BILTMORE .DAIRY. : A high arm machine for $20.00 at'Mrs jf.L. A. Johhsoa's, .27 'North Mla street' Recruits "Will Now Be Received For Regiments In Philippines. The local recruiting station, u'nder the command of Captain J. A. Perry, has received orders to make enlist ments for the regTilar white cavalry and frnfanitry now in the- Philippines, ail recruits to be forwarded to Fort Slocum, New York, where they will be drilled and assigned to their regi me Vr . I The recruiting station in this city has sent 430 men to the army, volun teer and regruTar, since its open'ing in May. They have sent 368 men to the volunteer regiments, everyone of whom was accepted at thp "'men't. About two rejections ibave been made for every enlistment. Following is the number of men sent to each of the volunteer regiments: Fourteen to the Twentv-sevprith. one to the Twenty-eiglfth, 70 to the Twenty-ninth; one to 'the Thirty -fourth; 19 to the Thirty-fifth; five for general en listment in the volunteer regiments in the Philippines, two to the Forty-first. 43 to the orty-secOnd. 31 to the Forty fourth, 58 to the Forty-seventh, 54 to the Forty-eighth. cO'.ored, and 70 to 'the Forty-ninth, colored. SALOW i I FOR SALEIBY ALL DEALERS SaiiMers' Hardware. Ha vine: decide tn miat. v . Hardware which we have been carrvin I L et,1I5le of Builders' BRONZE and IMITATION SS5SZe.. dlT ded our of offer the following discounts fron T our " regurar prices: Whih We First Division, 25 Per Cent. J Second vision, 33 1-3 Per Cent. Third Division, 50 Per Cent Considering the fact that WP TiaVO Viarl . xuiiujjig- naraware, which took effect on Tni vs J, " , "n the line ln ou. Store is the JLt tJ-YJ??! C,an MJ stae that in Western North Carolina. i,1,UUUIUS raware offered today We will take pleasure in showing these goods at any time, naming pri- Asheville Hardware Co. 53 South Hain Street. I carry a select stock of Brandies, Wines and Whiskies : ever v. thiDg that's kept in an up-to-date saloon. All goods guaranteed in quality and price. Pafc Mclntyre, Proprietor, Phone 218. P. 0. Box 337. ASK - FOR - BEACH - NuT - RYE. Light THE CAMPIGN IN KENTUCKY. (Continued from Fifth Page.) cr!ajts, and many of them will vote the republican iticket. The business men in ttiis city, however they may oe else where, are almost a unit for the republi can tickett Km the groun'd Idhat election of Goebel on a free silver platform will disturb business and check prosperity. IFrom the reports received here from all parts of the state and from what is told i3 by men who have been all over the state there is rot the silignre-sc ucubt of the def jat of Goen-jl by at leaaL 25.000 votes if anything like a fair election can j oe secured. There lal such excitement over this very matter that the republi cans arid Brown democralts think they dan prevent fraud. A ifew years ago two hundred pf the. leading business men. of Louisville met In the Board of Trade rooms and invited the Mayor, police commiissiomierg and election commissioners Itb be present and confer in regard Ibo arm honesit eleotilo.n. In the June democratic primaries the oalioe un'dier rrninira.nnp n,f ith iwl-j todk. forcible 'ptotssessdon of irthe primaries anld thwarthed the will elf the democrat ic voters. Warning was given vestemdiav bv tha' judges, 'lawyers' and business men that noitihing of the kind will bp nrmimti,i at the November election. Judge Hum phreys made a speech warning he offi cials as did other prominent men. The -officials made fair promise3, but yesterday Goebel came to town and had a secret conference wittfh the same offi cials. This S)s regarded a a bad sign. A 'SPECTMEMN GOEBEL TICKET. The eledtion commissioners1 can ap pftirlt or remove at wlill tall of the election officers. Howi the ommlissi oners are using their power in some places c'an be Muelbrated by4 whiajt took , place at GeorgetOwtni. Some time ago the commissioner there appotated he elecfilcm) officers, naming Goebel men ajnd givinsr ,tfhe republicans some representation. The officials jaerv ed " thirouehiout the regstratori and all d'angT of trouble seemed to be over. On M'Oinday the twlo democraitc commission ers notified the republli can commissioner that another meeting would be held! Whom aissemlbled the demOcralts produleed an entirely new HSft of elerttion offinens. removing the republicans ana slorne dem ocnalta of , high stankiTng' atrd adopted the new Mist without giving tihe republicftm -commdsteloner a chance to isJav a Tord in and las a reisrullt the shOotijinig liiomisi are -all OPln g out im' order. But tin at ls the. kiwd of.wo-k tblalt pleases Goebel. In Richmotia . cOuatty itihe idemocraittc dnmamlssioniem put . throu srhl their list without ,aIlOwIn'g.tthe republican comrais- Lr offiPir. .In f'cniwty SOO merfc jretbtor- ea aim cwnreli w eiectfio- - commiis p'onert 'foi rmiuivef disrer7tta.bleicharac- Weight Overcoats.. A Mr -----' C. B. MciNTYRE, Carolina Wine and Liquor House 19 N-Mam Street. Telephone 152. Choice Wines Whiskies, Ales, Porters and Beers, Domes tic and Imported Cigars and Tobaccos. Old Cabinet Rye Whiskey, and Silver Creek and Laurel Valley Corn Whis key. Telephone orders promptly answered. Goods Delivered Free to any part of the City Just right for this cool weather in Tans, Blues, Grays and Blacks, from 10.00 up. See them at The Whitlock Clothing House No. 41 Patton Avenue. :rPy ttnrk-1 tprwflf f oiri tt.; n TOpe nf 't ft Wornb a"n d wakn s.,-vr 'Tc$r ttntial 'th- nnanW f TJe! take Simmons Squaw Ylne Wine or Tablets. V 5XXKXXX)OOOC0000000XXXXXX7 Universal Food Chopper. r t This does the work of chopping bowl and knife in one-tenth part of the time Each machine furnished witn tnree Knives. Please call for Universal Cook Book. X Brown, Northup & Co., 33 Patton Avenne. X :xxxxxxxppoxxxxxooooo iperial Millinery "ST&fflOaffitter." Are offering: to the ladies of Asheville a large and weU selected line of Milli nery, goods at VERT LOW PRICES in TRIMMED and UNTRIMMED H AT5 Golf hats and all the latest styles in -walkine- bta An.A ..x. 1 TAILOR MADE SUITS, SKIRTS, CLOAK", CAPES CKll WATS ana Ladies Furnishing' Goods. Hats Trimmed Free of Charge- IMPERIAL MILLINERY AND LADIES' OUTFITTER, : 22 South Main Street. For Indoor Exercise. Are you aware of the fact that you can set the. fnl- ldwing goods at home at New York prices : V. S. Dumb Hells. Indian i:iiiho wh tfdv'o ei-M.j. . .. THE BONANZA" WINE AND LIQUOR CO. Archarena Boards for 1899, 16 -20-26 games, Crokinole Boards. Camp, and nh- t-A ev , v - 4 oixiw mcui iuyou. a. utvyuviiv 1 a. uuuiu mam uuecu Running Up a Big Bill for doctor's fees wouldn't be necessary, I when you are attacked with colds at this season of the year, if you would keep a batitle of our pure and high grade Rye or Corn whiskey in the house, and take it in the form of hot toddy, or as your taste dictates, at bed time or any other old time. There is nothing1 like it fof colds, La Grippe or kindred ailments. JAS. P. .SAWYER, President. J. E. RANKIN, Cashier. BLOmBERG'S, THE LEADER, Established 1887. 17 Patton Ainn. SUPERIOR FACILITIES P OR DOINQ A GHNHRAL BANKING BOSINMS. CORRESPONDENCE- SOLICITED. BA&E DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. The Fin est Line of French Briar and Meerschaum Pipes South of NewYork at ihk , : . t V - EiiiapStatnl Underwear y Ladles Suits and Skirts, Golf Capes antiJacJctisfrtj Correct Styles, Prime Value. WREDWOOD & CO., ' 7 and 9 Pinn A Tr.n..A . -