- V- - 0 " Always the Best for the Least Money." CAROLINA NEWS. " .The Davis-Crews knotting miafll at Kernersville has organized. The com pany "will put in 'asiachineryf' for dally capacity of 100 dozen pairs of half hose. - Professor J. C Leonard, .-who" has been, to Pennsylvania and Ohio solicit ing funds to build an addition to ; the fiimMiNwtwiHNWHiHiinfflimifmwiiHtmHimii 1 BIO BALTIMORE 10 and 12 Patton Avenue , - ' The Bargain Centre of Asheville. Fairekt prices for best goods has irtadet.his store the Shopping Centre of Asheville. i This fact, wa3 stroDgly emphasized by' unprecedented sal?s during the month of Oc"i'bpr. The inoreas? in the November business, ehouli be even greater, for thi good people of Asheville and surrounding country are giving renewed evidence of their blbf thaL absolute assurance of quality, when linked with lowest prices, is after all the safest t uar tut re t-atis Hcto' V and economical buying. Whilst our Mammoth Store is full ot Bargaiht for the November business, we will offer for this week extraordinary drives in som oi i he departments. Plush Capes from 48 up to the ffaest, ' Aline of 6 50 Ladies Jackets at.. 4 98 Specialties In Dress Goods Beautiful Cheviots in siveral Sbades, 50 inch ide, cheap at ri 5c, our price tr is week 50c A Handsome Line of Plaids, worth 75c at 48c Venetian and Broadcloths at great reduction. Reversible Plaids, 56 inches wide, usual $1 50 grade at..... 00 Kid Gloves. Kid Gloves. 600 Pair Kid Gloves, the $1 quality (every pair marked in plan figures) at, 75c 300 Pair of the best $1 50 Gloves (every pair warranted and marked in plain figures) at 00 pr. Extra Heavy Hose For Ladies, the 15c quality at 10c Ladies Wool Hose, the 25c quali ty at .. 18c Ladies Wool Hose, the 50c quali ty at...x. 25c We will save you $1 on each pair of pure wool blankets. Almost 15Q0 yards of the 7c Bleaching left for this week 5c. ' Clothing, Clothing. Look at our $5, $8 and $9.95 Suits. They are dandies arid cannot be touched by any competitor, KEEP YOUR HANDS WARM. Our Tiew line of Gloves will accomplish ih. We have them in all styles from the 25c Wool Gloves to the finest Kid Gloves, in silk and fleece lined. Ask to see them, SHOES, SHOES. We did not say much about Shoes lately as oiirsales in our -Shoe Department are growing daily and we take it for granted that the public is aware of the tact' that we' are selling the Be3t rSaoes for the Least Money in Asheville. Our $2.33 Mens9 Shoe Is the Talk of the Town. THE LT 10 and 12 Patton Avenue HBDrf tit 'college alt Newjtfoiv'h'as raised $5,000 for, that purpose. ; ' f The Raleigh papers state that the colored state fair at Raleight last week was a very creditable exhi'biitkm . of the industrial ""and educational progrees of the negroes. Sales of gold mining property in the. John's river god fields, in Burke and Caldwell counties- within the past two weeks aggregate' about $15,000. Be sides the sales aliready completed a number of tracts are held under . op tion. The Commonwealth states a fact that is not generally known, and that is thaJL Scotland Neck is the largest pea nut market in the world. That is toi say, more Spanish peanuts are handled on that market than on any dther mar ket in the world. The Commonwealth says that Mr. W. E. Smith, an energetic and prosperous young farmer of Halifax counlty, ha realized a very large yield, from . his peanuit crop. He (raised 630 bushels of Spanish peanuts on eight acres. The land has been -cultivated in cotton 55 years' consecutively before this year's peanut crop. ; 'A cotton mill, controlled by colored people and bo be operated by coiwed labor, has about . been; complelted at Concord, and will be in operation, it is expected:, by the first of the year. There wiLl be 7,000 spindles and 15Q looms. Warren Coleman, ' colored, the presi dent, says 350 operatives will" be em ployed with two white bosses and one colored boss . r No doubt, could she .have had her choice, Aunt Lucy Varast'ory, colored, would have preferred to meet-her Mak er just as she did. She went to the Methodist church last night in Jones boro, where she has worshipped for many years, and during prayer knelt down. When the minister had finish ed it was noticed ehe did not rise, and after waiting a moment or two, some one, knowing she was old and feeble, went to her assistance, bu't her spirit had taken its flight she was dead. Hef age was over eighty, and she was a good old s'oul, revered and respected by the white people who knew her and Jioved by her own race. 'Greensboro Record. Our Taylorsville corr-; -:pondent l.ien tioned in the last issne of the Land mark that two daugMers of Mir. Sion Watts, who were employed in the M!dore cotton mill, near Taylorsville, Wad become demented and had to be taken home. The Landmark learns that these "young girls became insane on the subject of religion. They had been attending a meeting conducted by a sanetification' preacher and had be come o wrought up oni! the subject that they decided that they could pass through Are without damage even as Shadrach,Meshach and Abednego, in days of old.' They therefore divested themselves of their clothing and satu rated their bodies, the room and the furniture with kerosene and were -about to apply the match and try the actual experiment when they were discovered and prevented from endangering their lives. At last accounts one of the girls was -slightly improved, but appli cation has 'been made to send the other to the state (hospital . Dt is a pitiable case. States villi e Landmark. She II a il " One ComTort. ' Flathouse life rms its peculiar draw backs, one of which is the habit some women have of carrying on conversations with their neighbors through the airshaft regardless of the fact that sound ascends so readily that persons living above the'nu though out of sight, must hear what, is said. The following conversation came floating into the "writer's flat last week: "Is that you, Mrs. Jones? I heard you had" "Oh, yes, Mrs. Smith, such a fright 1 never got in all my" "Dear me! I know I should have died if burglars had broken in through my" "And the loss, Mrs. Smith! All my sil ver teaspoons, and" "Not your. silver backed hairbrush?" "Yes, justthat. But I have one com fort." "What is that, dear Mrs. Jones?," ; "1 heard that they broke into that stuck up Mrs. Brown's flat in the next street and left her. positively nothing ' New York Tribune. . AIL Summer Lacs and Gentlemen's Shoes at cost. G. A. Meats. " "I hare been troubled a great deal witn a torpid liver, which produces coustipa ., tion. - I found CASCARETS to be alt you claim . (or them, and. secured such'Yelief the first trial. , " that I purchased another supply and waa com , , pletely curecL.' I shall only be too glad to rec- ommend Cascareta whenever the opportunity . Vb presented. "i J. A. Skith. .n. , 2920 Susquehanna Ave.. Philadelphia, Pa. 1 -. Pleasant,lPalatable. Potent.; Taste Good. Dc Good, Never Siclten. w eaicen, or tiripe. 10c 2oc,5oc ... rCURE CONSTIPATION. f terling Itcmidr Conpar, Chicago, Montreal, Kw York.: 0 Sold and pnoTanted by 8,11 drug v v jis i 'A ooacco uaDiu causes Loss of lair Dr. Sabouraud, the eminent French Dermatologist, says that 98 per cent of hair losses are the results of microbes and .the neglect of dan druff. The antiseptic action of A FRIGHTFTJIi BLUNDER Will often cause a horribla Burn Scald, Cut or Bruise. Bucklen's Arnical Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain amid! promptly heal It. Cures old Sores, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Bolls, Felons Corns, all Skin Eruptions. Best Pil cure on earth. Only 25 ess. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by all druggists. All Summer . Laces Shoes at costt. G. A. and , Gentlemen's" Mears. SEVEN SUTHERLAND-SISTERS preparations kills microbes and removes dandruff. Their-constant use for 'a period will, by acting directly on the hair bulbs, fttrnishT; nourishment, vitality and growing power to Kheimpoverished roots ' and hair shafts, resulting in com plete restoration. s SOLD BY DRUGGISTS.' " iJeauty la Blood Deep. Glean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it.- Cascarets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im- Eurit'es from the body. Begin to-day to anish pimples, boils, blotches, blacKheads, and thai 6ickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug jists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c. 5Gc. LADY or Man Wanted to ; REMARKABLE RESCtJB. ' Mrs. Michael 'Curtain, Plalmfield, 111-. makes the statement that he caught cold which settled: on ner Sunga: she was treated for a moch by her family physician, but grew woirse. . He told her she vu: a hopeless victim of consump tion aoid that no s niediclaxe could cure her." druggist suggeated- Dri-. King's New Dtecovery for Consumption; she bought a botJtle and to lier delight found herself ljeneflitlted from the -first dose. Slie con tinued Its use, and' after taking six bottles found herself sound and well: now does her own housework and ds as well as she ever was. Free trial botlea of this great Discovery ait the drug stores of T; C. Smith, W. C. Carrol chael, and Pelham' ' J. Howard, Surveyor, Person Co.. Ro&evllle, ON- C, writes: ..I-'lhave used Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver -Medicine in my family many years. . Its timely use prevents many . mseases. it. does an claimed for it., -I prefer St -to Black Draught and Renin's. - ' .: "- "V , 500 palj " jCtenltlemen's Over' Gaiters, .worth 75c;' amd $1-. cms week- 25c. 'All v colors. ' G. A.JMearfl. : -V i. j sv travel appoint agents, $60 per month salary and all ex penses. Ziegler Co. 240 Locust Street, Philadelphia Sent Free to Honseleepers- Leibig Company's Extract ofBeef .;.. ' - i !- : ' , ? ' ... .. Telling how- to prepare many delicate ; ankl delicious dishes. Address EiEIBIQ COMPANY , P.r O. Box ' " " 2718, New Tocck. ' X-V PARKR'S r s HAIR BALSAM r CltBnaf and beaiitif:, the bgS& Never . Ttiasto Itcsiore Qrsj ;. .... v---. xui-ufi it has 'beeini discovered 'that there is a plot to burn the locality Known as Smoky HoGftow, a disreptuable suburb of Durham-:- A few mights aex a house in tha.t locality occupied by a white woman named Pearl Smith was fired and burned to the ground. The wo man barely escaped with her life. Sat urday a note was sent to Mamie House, amiotheir woman of that community. warning her that her house would be burned if Pearl Smith was allowed to tay there. The writer said that ev ery nouse m tpait section was to be burned. Sunday nighfc this house was fired and would have burned but for some hard work, it 'being the third at tempt tk desftroy the property. The po lice have this note, and other evidence and are .working on .the case During the past year four houses. In Smoky Hollow, have been burned, aKl the fires of incendiary origin. . . 1 Do Anlmalx Reason t A little girl fell off tho dock at Hig Bridge. Her mother screamed for help. A stray Newfoundland dog responded to the call," rushed down t he,, dock and, see- ing the situation, jumped into the water, caught the girl and swam with her to the dock. Then a policeman iau down, swung himself over the dock and lifted first the child and then the. dog to! land. Not long since an alleged philosopher proved to his own satisfaction, in a mag azine article, that "animals do not rea son." If this dog, now adopted by the police of the , High Bridge precinct, did not reason, .did -the policeman who took him and the gfrl from Ithe water reason." -'-Brooklyn Citizen. Gad. Nolaaid, Rocklania, O., says, "My wife had piles forty years. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salye cured her. .Ht Is the best i salve" In: America.' .1 ; heals everything amd 'cures all sklndasseases. Dr. T. C. SmMjh. v . - Jteg e tablcPreparationfor As slimlating thFoodandlieula ting theStnnrhs nnd Bcmeis ot : tiess andEesLContainsneitliar OpnimMorplmi0 nor Kfflefal. Not Narc otic. AbcSatnm Peppermiztt StCartanakSaim fnmSeed' A norforf Itemedv for(Vwwfina- tion. Sour StomacbuDiarxhoca, worms onvyisions.rcvBri5ii qess and Loss OF Sleee Tac Simile Signature of NWYOBK. EXACT COPT WSAEFEB. I I For Infants and Childjen The 'Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of AM S$ Use For Over Thirty Years P m thc asnmwci eapawv, mwm vwv pt, .IJIJI-JIIHU MM Ml t lHMLMIMIWJ AND ViTALmS AFTER USING. ptehveripstii: pills The great remedy for nervous prostration and all diseases of the generatW organs of either sex, such as Nervous Prostration, Failing or Lost Manhaid, lir.potency. Nightly Emissions, Youthful Errors, Mental Worry, excessive nm of Tobacco or Opium, which lead to Consumption and Insanity. With eyerj $5 order we guarantee to cure or refund the money. Sold at $1.00 per bot 6 boxes for $5.00. Dll. MOTl'S CHEMICALi CO., Cleveland, Ohl FOR SALB 3T DR. T. C. SMITH. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. v1n Effect July 16, 1899. No. 37-11. No. 35. ' . Eastern Time. Nos. 12-38. No. 36 f- J. 30pm 12.05am Lv New York Ar. 12.43pm 6.35am 6f55pm 3.50am Lv PhiladelpMa Ar. 10.15am 2.56am 9.20pm 6.22am Lv Baltimore Ar. 8.00am 11.25pm 10.43pm 11.15am Lv Washington Ar. 6.42am 9.05pm 6.10am . 6.07pm Lv Danville Ar. 11.25pm 1.30pm 12.10am 12.01pm Lv Richmond Ar. .40am 6.25pm 8.35pm 9.10am Lv Norfolk - Ar. 8.20am 5.55pm 1.10am 2.50pm Lv Selma Ar. 3,50am 12.35pm 2.09iam 3.50pm Lv Raleigh- Ar 2.45am 11.35am 5.15am 6.35pm Ar Greensboro Lv. 11.45pm 8.50am Central Time ' 9.05am 7.50pm Lv Salisbury " Ar. 6.aoym 9.30am 9.55am 8.S0pm Lv Statesvllle Ar. 5.44pm 8.43am 10.35am 7.07pm Lv Newton Ar. 5.03pm 8.09am 10.52am 9.25pm Lv Hickory ' Ar. 4.45pm 7.52am 12.12pm 10.34pm Lv Marlon Ar. 3.28pm 6.45am 2.15pm 12.03am Lv Blltmore Ar. - 1.30pm 5.21am 2.25pm 12.10am Ar Asheville Lv. 1.20pm 5.15am 2.35pm 12.15 am Lv Asheville Ar. 1.10pm F.lOam 3.52pm 1.33am - Lv Hot Springs Ar. 11.40am 4.00am 2.55pm 3.00am .- Lv Morristown Ar. 9.50am 2.3Qam 7.40pm 4.25am Lv Knoxvllle Lv. 8.25am 1.15am 11.35pm 7.40am Ar Chattanooga Lv, 4.20am 10.00pm ' 7 s 10pm 7.10pm Ar Memphis Lv. 1.15am 6.40am 6.S3pm Ar. Nashville Lv. 10pm 9.10am 7.50am 7.50pm . Ar. Louisville Lv. 7.45pm 7.40am 7.30am 7.30pm Ar. Cincinnati Lv. S.OOph 1.20am ! Hi.,. - i - Arv New Orleane Lv. A. AND S. BRANCH. No. 14. 7.05am 8.13am 10.18am 9.08am 11.22am 3.20pm CHAMBERLAIN'S; PAIN - BALM , CURES OTHERS. WHY NOT YOU? 4 My wife has been using CJhamberlaln's Pato Balm;' witlh.good results. for a lame shoutdier that Mas palmed" "her'oontiaa'ually for nine yearn. (We have tried all 'Kinds oCmeqiiowueB.and dodtors wiithout. receiv ing any toemiefit from Any them Oma .-&3,y "we vsawan' advertisement 'W,frhT5 t medicine and 'Chouight -of tryLng lit, which we aid with the edt of satsf action:4: She, mas 'useia only-one boatle and her shoul uer a nnost well.-Adolph : L. Millett. Jvia'n?neBter4 N. H. : For sale by aM drug No. 1. 2.05pm 3.15pm 5.pm 3.57 pm 6.15pm Central Time. Lv Asheville . Ar. Eattera Time Lv Blltmore Ar. Lv Hemdereonvllle ' Ar. Lv Tryon Ar. Ar Spartanburg Lv. Ar Columbia Lv. No. 13. 6.oopm 6.52 pm 6.03pm 5.00pm 8.10pm ILiOam No. 9. 1.40pm 2.30pm I. 45 pm 12.42pm II. 25am 8.804m . 8.17pm 11,00am " Ar Cbarleetoai Lv. 7.00am 7.20pm , Ceatral Time , 5.201am Ax Savannali - 12.24am 0 9.15am Ar JacksenvUle v Lv. 1.00pm s "8.00am , Ar Auguetai" Lv. ' 9.00pm 9.30pm , 9.55pm 5,10am ' Ar Atlaata , Lv. 7.50am 11.50pm , 7. 40am 8.10pm Ar New Orleana . Lv. 7.45pm 7.55am , 7.40am Ar Memphis Lv. 9.00pm Ar. Macon Lv. MURPHY ' BRANCH. No. .17. No. 19. Central Time. No. 18. - 9.15am 2.45pm Lv , Asheville Ar. 7.15pm 10.38am 4.10pm Lv Wayneevllle Ar. 6.53pm 10.58am -4.10pm Lv Balaam Ar. S.SOpm 12.40pm 6.23pm Lv Bryeon Cfty Lv. .50pm f .tOpm A Murphy Lr. No, 20. 12.05pm 10.38am 10.10am 8.40am 5.30am Daily except Sunday. Dadly except Sundays. ' Trains 37 and 11, and 12 and 28 carry Pollmaa sleepers between New x". Springs, KnoxvUle, an4 Cmcljaall. : . Sfi , . Trains 35 and 28 carry Pullmaa sleeers betireen . Salisbury, Asheville, re , - a m.m ;.j . oynng naitanooga, ana iuempms. . l -W I all rail through Washlnsrton? the nubUc's soeclal attentlaca Is called kuutv vv - - .... T -t"iir I TTI I j? vub iiunuvci : , nfiuuai o Newport News, eto . . i ' - " 1 w4.t FRANK"S GANNON, Third 'Vibe President and: General Msnsger, WasWr tTJSMi CULP; Traffic Maasger, Washlngtoo, D. C; S. H. WTCK. A. G. P. A.. Atlanta, Ga.; . W. H TAYLOR, A. G. P. A., vllleKy.; C. ABENSCOTBR, A.. G. P. A. Chattanooga, 'renn,. DARBY, City; Passenger and Ticket Agenit, Asheville, N. C; W. A. u treseral Passenger Ageat, Washtagtim, D. C :.,. .

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