THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 28, 1899. Eruptions and skin diseases are a blot upon These blots are actually blood blots. To cure them lotions and outward appli cations are useless. The blood must be cured, before the skin becomes clean. That great medicine for the stomach and blood, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, is most effective in cleansing the complexion and healing diseases which defile and deface the skin. It acts directly upon the stomach and the organs of digestion and nutrition. It increases the action of the blood-making glands, and expels from the system the lurking poisons which defile the blood and through it deface the skin. No alcohol or other intoxicant, no opi"tn or other narcotic is contained in "Golden Medical Discovery." It may pay a dealer better to sell you a substitute which is less popular but more profitable than the "Discovery." It ron't pay you to buy it, if you want a reliable remedy. " For about one year and a half my face was very badly broken out," writes Miss Carrie Adams, of 116 West Main St., Battlecreek, Mich. " I spent a great deal of money with doctors and for different kinds of medicine, but received no benefit. At last I read one of your advertise ments in a paper, and obtained a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Before I had taken one bottle of this medicine I noticed a change, and after taking three bottles I was entirely cured. I can well recommend Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery to any one similarly afflicted." The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, 1008 pages, is sent free by the author, Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., on receipt of stamps to cover expense of mailing only. Send 21 one-cent stamps for the' paper-bound, or 31 stamps for the coth-bound edition. AN ENTICING PERSON. THE SMOOTH TONGUED ENGLISH RE- CRUITING SERGEANT. How He Obtains the Raw Material For tbe British Army and What His Persuasive Manner Adds to Ei Purse Military Nicknames. According to the British system of en listment, a "queen's shilling" is paid over to every man who enters the service. Th "queen's shilling" is so termed be cause its acceptance from a recruiting sergeant makes the receiver a "queen's man," body and soul. The British recruiting sergeant the man who gives the shilling is generally tall, erect, broad of shoulders, deep of chest, supple of limb, with the bearing of a conqueror, tempered by geniality, and an ideally persuasive tongue. Al ways iu uniform and white gloves, with cap a-tilt on his head and baton continu ally in evidence, he plays a most impor tant part in the army system of his country. He generally hunts in couples, and bis chosen walks are either in the Ticinity of some great barracks or in the poorer quarters of the town where he is stationed. The favorite stamping grounds of the London recruiting sergeants are in the neighborhood of the Horse guards and in Trafalgar square, on the sides fronted by the National gallery and St. Martin's church. Those who take the shilling there are initiated into the service of her majesty at the recruiting depot of St. George's barracks, just behind the National gal lery. This is the largest in Great Brit ain, and probably one-quarter of all the British recruits are there enrolled. Oth er 4arge depots are found at Woolwich, Hounslow and elsewhere. In fact, there is a recruiting depot in every town of note in all Great Britain. The recruiting sergeants who work in the square and near the Horse guards, have a far easier task to perfom gener ally than those who do duty elsewhere. Under the splendid stimulus furnished by the crack cavalry s appearance the re cruits rarely have to be subjected to much persuasion and often offer them selves unsolicited. Recruits are easily obtained also in many places on occa sions of great parades. But in ordinary circumstances securing recruits for her majesty's service is not a task to be lightly undertaken. Fortunately crimping and the press gang are no longer necessary in order to keep the army ranks fairly well filled, ' uut it is true tnat tne recruiting ser geants for the militia and the ordinary foot regiments are sometimes obliged to resort to rather devious expedients. It is also true that a very large percentage of the recruits are picked up in the city slums, where a glass or two of ale and a good jollying from a splendid fellow like a recruiting sergeant are far more likely than, anything else to produce the desired results. Recruits obtained in slum neigh borhoods are mainly youngsters out of work, often without family ties and sometimes quite willing, if well persuad ed, to get away from their present sur roundings even if the prospects be fairly favorable for service .against half sav age native rebels in India, the still more savage blacks of Africa or the Boerg, who are more dangerous because of their superior marksmanship than either Hin doos or other blacks. A guarantee of the recruit's good moral character is re quired ostensibly, but the regulations upon this point are not administered with great rigidity in many instances, and the contingency of rejection upon the moral record of the recruit is remote indeed. Very many of the men recruited in the more crowded sections of the cities go Into the militia, which is about as unliks the national guard here as can easily be imagined and whose members are re garded with less favor by the middle class population of Great Britain than those of any other branch of the service. It has been commonly supposed both in ,nd out of England that the .militia could not be ordered to do foreign serv ice, but this is an error. The militia may be sent out of the country if occa sion arise, and, furthermore, if its ranks be not filled by "volunteer enlistment," limited conscription may be enforced. This has not becu resorted to in 30 years, but the law authorizing it is still on the statute books and would be -effective any year in which the customary militia bal lot suspension act was not passed by par liament. Recruiting sergeants ar paid 60 cents for every ordinary recruit. For a recruit suitable to enter the Scots guards, the cavalry, the engineers or the artillery, whose qualifications" must be of a higher order than those of a recruit for most regiments of foot soldiers, the pay is $1.25. Much more is often allowed for a man fit to be a Life guardsman. The equivalent of $15 is not unprecedented, and there are some other regiments re cruits for which bring fancy pay to the sergeant securing them. The nickname "Tommy Atkins," which it nf thp Rritish emmre is eenerallv ! supposed to apply to all British soldiers. in reality applies only to the infantry 01 the line. To call an artilleryman any thing but "gunner" would be to insult him. The enlisted cavalryman would not recognize any title save "trooper," and the engineer is a "sapper." Should the raw recruit repent he may bp honsrht off within a certain definite period, and British mothers, who hate re cruiting sergeants intensely, frequently secure their sons' release in this way. The duties of a British soldier 4n time of neace are far more arduous than those of tbe American soldier, a much greater degree of attention being bestow ed uDon the condition of arms and ac- couterments, trimness of uniform, etc., than here. On the whole, the cavalryman has more work in peaceful times than the foot soldier, for the cavalryman has his horse as well as himself to keep in condi tion. The normal pay is a shilling a day, or 24 rents, while the normal daily ration. varied sometimes to suit conditions, is a pound of bread and three-quarters of a pound of mectt. Of course, the actual fare of the British soldier has more va riety than this would indicate, but he has to pay for the additions out of his scanty stipend. His clothes cost him nothing, but he has to pay for his wash ing. It Is claimed by the authorities that his "net" is larger than the average artisan class in England. More than one British regiment has mutinied because of poor maintenance, but complaints of insufficient and bad food have been rare of late years. The pay of soldiers serv ing in India and the colonies is generally supplemented, sometimes doubled. New York Evening Sun. Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. All the blood in your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. The kidneys are your blood purifiers, they f II-. ter out the waste or impurities in the blood. If they are sick or out of order, they fail to do their work. Pains, aches and rheu matism come from ex cess of uric acid in the blood, due to necrlected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel as though they had heart trouble, because the heart is over-working in pumping thick, kidney poisoned blood through veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning in kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr., Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases and is sold on its merits by all druggists in fifty cent and one-dollar siz es. You may have a 1 L .ill. 1 sampie Dome Dy man . Home, of Swamp-Root, free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out if you havB kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. The nerve that never relaxes, the eyf that never blenches, the thought that never wantlors these are the masters of victory. bells. Baltha on each floor for free use of guests. Rates reasonable. Mrs. J Jj. Morgan proprietress, 'Phone 29 233-261. 0 I MM I PRIVATE BOARD Flv minute wlk from poatoffice, large pleasant rooms, good table, Mra. Mary J. Starnas, No. 9 HIawassea Placa. 18S-26L FOR RENT. ' FOR REiNT Furnished irooms suita ble for light housekeeping. Watr on same floor. A sick nurse can be obtained from same address. Call at 104 Bailey street. 251-3t FOR RENT Nice furnished rooms at 11 Montfocd avenue. FOR RENT Six Unfurnished room, all on first floor, with use of range and bath Call at No. 20 Clayton St. 250 -:t WANTED To rent, only to desirable parties, two rooms, furnished or un furnished, with privilege of cooking stove for light housekeeping. Refin ed environment.- Address Box 683, Asheviile. Lavatory privileges in cluding bath rotom. Hot and cold water. 246-6t FOR RENT 8-rtJom furnished cottage in Albemarle Paxk. Only short dis tance from the Manor. Electric lights, furnace heat, city water. Aplly at office of Albemarle Park Co. 246-6t HOUSE TO REiNT SIDE OF THE VILLE ROAD 1 Biltmore Station. ON THE WEST miles from House conltains More than 500.000 sewinc machines are made in this country annually, which is 90 per cent of the production of the world. o Bears the Signature of STOGIE 1 The Kind You Have Always Boagtt 4 Modest Women Modesty in women is no less a charm, than beauty and wit. Is it any wonder that wo men afflicted with physical disorders pecu liar to their sex shrink from per sonal examina tions . by male physicians? The weaknesses and irregularities of women may be recognized by certain unfailing symptoms. Backache, headache, bearing down pains, irritability and extreme nerv ousness indicate derangement of the delicate female organism. Bradfield's Fe male Regulator is the standard remedy for characteristic diseases of women. Sold by druggists at $1.00 per bottle. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, G PRIVATE BOARD. House lu suburb 1m Urge ihady grove, good table with abundance of fresh milk, butter, egg, etc. Mile from court house on electric car Une. Tele phone 295. RatM low. Information at Mra. J. M, Ray's, on Lookout Moun tain ear line or at Ray' book store. eight rooms and bath room, all in ex cellent order. Water is supplied from the Biltmore mains. Garden of 1 1-2 acres gves with 'the house; also good stables. Address, Biltmore Estate. Asheviile, N. C. FOR RENT One large boartiimg house, hea-ted with steam, electric bells to eaen room, electric lights, two complete bath rooms. Also one fur nished and one unfurnished flat, all modem improvements. Electric lights and door openers. O. D. Revell, 31 Temple Court FOR RENT. Rooms nicely furnikhed. for liight housekeeping. Call at 13J Bailey street. 126-2P PEOPLE'S COLUMN MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED: All orders for Delsarte Corsets, Waists, Empress Skirts, and ladies, funaishings will be promptly fined by sending a postal to Mrs. B. D. Bigger, 26 Arlington Place. 250-lit FOR SALE. FOR SALE A good family horse, chestnut sorrel;- eight years old; not afraid of steam or electric car. Also a top buggy in first class order. Al so saddle and bridle. Inquire at Burnett's shop on College street. FOR SALE or to rent furnished, the estate Oakbolm, Atkins St. Contains 4 acres; modern house, 14 rooms, cot tage and stable Fine view. For terms apply to George T. Davis, New field, Mass. 249 -6t FOR SALE One pair large bay car riage horses. Apply to Albemarle Park Co. 246-6 1 A Pleasant Call. "Yes, ma'm, th' mistress is out. Wait. That's her telephonin now. Sit down in the parlor a bit while I talk wid her." (At the telephone) "Yis, ma'am, jt's me. Has anybody called? Yis, ma'am. Two old ladies. Their names? I didn't ax 'em. One has red hair, an her face is smeared over wid paint. The other is fat an doompy, an she's growin a foine doo ble chin. Yes' in, they're here now. What's that? You kuow 'em. Eh! Say that slower, please. I will. Goodby." She turns to the callers. "Mistress has just telephoned me," she said with a vara smile. "She says telephone me just as soon as the old cats have gone, an I'll come home. I'm only around the corner." Cleveland Plain Dealer. WANTED Furnished room heated. North of town, up high, low rent. Address, "V." Gazette. STRAYED On to the Uiltmore farm, a de-horned steer, light red and white, hianded om shoulder, weight Jibout 65 pounds. Apply to Agricultural department, Biltmore estate office. FOR INVESTMENT The best chanc to make big money on a real estate in vestment than hae been offered In As ville in ten years ia now open. It will require $4000. We can show you if you will call on us. OTIS A. MIL LER, 37 South Maiin ebreett. IF YOU HAVE any bair or wool Mat tresses tbM you would like repaired, take them to Mclnturff, No. 47 Eagle street. I have an electric hair pick-r. which is far superior to amy hand work I alo have a fine une of Mattr-sses and Springs on hand. 6t Beautllul Pictures ol Local Scenery Nothing would be so acceptable a present to relatives and friends at a distance as our Large, beautiful photo graphs of the Swannanoa and French Broad rivers and Biltmore House. They make good birthday and wed ding presents, and are especially de sirable for Christmas presents, carry ing with them a suggestion of our sun ny south and a glimpse of a limped stream into sections where even now the grounds are covered with snow. IE2aS7-'s StULcLIo, Phone No. 67. Photographic Supplies. TEMPERANCE. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleanse 1 and beaatifiei the htSx. Promote! a luxuriant growth. Never Pails to Bestore Gray Hair to its Youthful Color. Caret scalp diseases b hair falling. Kodacks and Cameras, all sizes and prices for sale and rent. No charge for use of camera when $1,500: one vacant lot. SJ.OOO; one lot Iron Dnke'a Battle Dinner. The Duke of Wellington's cook on on occasion, when the battle was not going well, was urged to make his escape, though at the time he was busy prepar ing his master's dinner. He replied that he intended to go on With his work, foi his experience of 50 battles had taught him that the duke always came home to dinner. He might sometimes be a littl late, but he always came. "I had dyspepsia fifty-seven years and never found permanent relief till I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Now I am well and feel like a new man," writes S. J. Fleming, Murray, Neb. It is the best digestaat known. Cures all forms of in digestion. Physicians everywhere pres cribe it. Dr. T. C. Smith. $600: one lot, $500, and one $200. will tirade one or all for fai:ly levei moun tain land, or a farm near railway. CVb A. Miller, 37 South Main tf , WANTED Trustworthy persons to take orders for "War im Sou'th Africa and 'the Dark Continent from Savagery to Civil izaition,". by William Harding, itlhe famous traveler, cable editor and author. Press eays "wonderfully com plete," "graphic descriptions," "brill ianitly written," "sumptuously illus trated"; demand remarkable; eales un precedented; prices low. We shall distribute $100,000 in gold among our salespeople; be first; don't miss this chance; also highest commissions; books om 30 days' credit; freight and duty paid; Biample case free. Address The Dominion Company, Dept. V, Chi - cago. 234-28t WALKING SKIRTS and MI?aeg skirts made for $1 each. Also dre amaMrag for children. 41 Woodfin street. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR destroyed for ever by tbe Electric Needle without pain or scar. The Eledtrolosis Co., Box 263, Asheviile. N. C. Free instruction where we sell cam eras. Immense stock of supplies, plates, photo papers, developers, toning solu tions, chemicals and everything need ed by professional or amateur. Being practical photographers, we can both judge the quality of what we sell, at same time furnishing instruc tions for their use. Burnt Leather Souvenirs. Purses, card cases, cigar and cigar ette cases, memorandum books, blot ter holders etc., useful and pretty at moderate prices. Picture Frames. THE OAKS A OPEN THROUGHOUT THE SEASC FAMILY HOTEL Under New Management, Newly Furnished, Electric and Gas Light, Steam Heat, Hot and Cold Water Baths ind Toilet Kooms very covenient. Ivo dust, no microbes, lo co -umpiives taken, a, charming location, five minutes walk from business center of the city. Terms very reasonable. Special low rates by the week, month or entire season. Conducted by north ern people who thorougly un erstand the hotel business. Wewil make it to your interest if you will come and see us or write for information and rates to DID YOU KNOW they guarante quality and weight at Phone 130, Caro tuna Coal Cow 23 Pattern avenue. ftffMt wftfc yea whether yon eonttnne tba, ftrY-kttUn tobMOO hbU.MO-TO-BAC2f MtoYtu tn aesira tor kpoco. wttaiff r 1 1 1 ent crron diativM. expeli aicxfl .1 1 f -sf tine, pnrifiM the blood. r-4fil k J"ijSk. tore tort maliooLtfTal 11 1 nJo boza BitkM you ronri T, HI AUaoid. 400 floS to health, nerreT CI I'LcMei curedBwr 1 1 f !Vm T?aJ toT Tke it with A win, patiently, persistently. One tbox. L usually cures: 3 boxer m m. ran teed to cure, or we refund monev 4- 1888 tyl.ShoeB at cost ait G. A. M ears'. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE A 1 t booku jr"" ruaranteew w cure, or we reruna money . JterTtot Biiiitf Ckieace. tUetreal. ItilwYi Babies ULocxs&sIda 30c.; ' to offer 15a Trade Marks Designs rrf 1 Copyrights Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents snt rree. uiaesi agency iur BwuruKimeuw. Patents taken through Mann & Co. receive sent free. Oldest asency for securing patents.. Patents taken through Mann & Co. rec meclal turtles, without charge, to the Scientific Jltnericaiu A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest cir culation of any scientific Journal. Terms, $3 a year .four months, f 1. Sold, by all newsdealers. tlUIIH & Co 6,Badway' Hew York Branch Office, 635 JLBti . Washington, D. C LOST. LOST My certificate No. 836 of 2 shiairea- of sttock issued April 25th, 1894 by Metropolitan Builldii g" and Loan assod'ation of Richmond, Va., togettihe with my pass book stoowiag premiums paid Supposed to have been burned In Batbery Park fire, April i6th, 1896 Chao. Sv Jordan. w-4t ROOMS AND BOARD. SELECT' BOARD Mrs. C. James has taken No. 78 Haywood street, amd will conduct strictly a first class boarding house. 249-12t PRIVATE BOARD By Mrs. W. O. Hudson, 137 Bailey street, on street car Mne. Good table, good aervice. 135-26., ' F. E. P N MAN J Propielor. dendersonville's New Hotel First Season THE WHEELER. (OPEN ALL THE YEAR AROUND.) One hundred and twenty-flv bad roema. Altitude, 2.252 Feet Electric Hhta, Steam Heat.. Elevatr. Ball Room. Bath Room. Ten Pin Alleys. Eleven Acres Beautiful Grounds. Fine Band of Musicians Employed for tie Beason. All Modern Conveniences. Good Trout Fishing. Mineral Springs. Golf Links. Horseback Ridiruc. Beautiful Grounds. Everything New. First Ckit Service. For rates and information apply ts BARDTN & WHEELER. NO CONSUMPTIVES TAKEN. Hendersonville, N. C Quisisana Mature Cure Sanitarium Largest stock of ready to deliver frames in the stated Gold plated, ve neer and those made of latest style moulding. Passepartout framea ready made and made to order.. We have the only professional pic ture framer, gilder amd picture hanger in the city. Artistic framing oasts no more at Ray's Book Store ? Live Lobsters. Live Lobsters just received from New York mlarkets; also boiled Lobsters. For Thanksgiving Dinners. We will have the finest Fish, Oysters and game ever brought here. We will have Halibut, Hoke, Trout, Salmon, Trout, Salmon Steak, Cod Fish, Red Snapper and Red Snapper Jowl, Smelts, Scallops, Blueflsh, etc. Finest Baltimore Oysters, bulk and in the Shell, Wild Turkeys, Pheasants, Ducks-, Quail, Rabfbits, Squirrels, etc. Last Thanksgiving oysters were not to be had by late buyers. Kindly place your orders now and avoid possible dis , appointment. 167 French Broad Avenue. LATEST GERMAM METHOD NO mEDlClNE! NO OPERATIONS! Most Fuccessful cures affected bv Massacre. Baths. T)t wpd- ish Movemei ts, Etc: All diseases treate 1. iJonsuinDt ou success fully treated in the first stages No consumptive take in the house, but they can come lor consultation and treatment m and outside of the Sanitarium. Near Area. SELECT BOARD. ROCK LEDGE. Postoffice, highest elevation, heated throughout with furnace. ar$ opeo Asheviile, N. C. 3X3, JL: T7mm Cole, 62 HAYWOOD STREET. THE WAYNESVIL N Waynesvllle, N. C. ALTITUDE 500 FEET ABOVE ASHEVILLE. The Inn 4s now reiaidy for Wtartr Vleitors. Everything in firat cla3 ghap. The bird season is now open, and the ganne wot never more plentiful arouni Wayneeville than this year. The Inn im always glad to turnieh any infosrm tion desired. J. E. MONTAGUE, Proprietor. HOTEL FLEMING r Marion, N OKI BER CONCERT CO., Proprietors. NN ESMERALDA I hickory ISut Gap. THOMAS TU RISER, Proprietor In the land of cascade and water mil Bathing and fishing. Until Hickory Nut Gap road Is made passable take cr Hendersonville. From there to alda is tleaa.n Wvp rf thre hour trough Reedy Patch Gap. Train Isave Asheviile 8.20 a. m. THE? AL.TIMONT No. 10 Church Street formerly 211 Haywood street. Excel ienit tabUe board by day. or toomfth. , centrally located: Rooms, neatav fur- niahed and healed.' Electric lights uafr Phone 289 ASHEVILLE FISH CO, CITY MARKET. 0. Asheviile Telephone INDEPENDEM ) , Endorsed by Asheviile Board of Tra longdistance service to Hendersonville, Brevard and Sapphire and Intermediate Stations. Rates for business 'phones . . . 24 00 yr ye sX Rates for residence 'phones . , $16 oo per year Over 60O City Connections. ,r- Si Proctor, upt Office, Over ltPatt on Avenue f i