ii Iff.'. .. . THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE, , DECEMBER' i J, 1895 CAROLINA s J. - ' n -A Charlotte lS-yearoTdl eaten over 100 chickens. . .,.,..... .j. '. . - r 1 . v i .- ; v"" v v, nr- - , , "' """" .t '"" - ' y 1 . rr U InJlSnnon EIGr B ALTIMORE I 10 and 12 natton The Bargain Centre of Ashevllle A venue A (Kireatt aranffl Mn (DD5irntfinma My "Safle M (KcxoaIl Will start at our Mammoth Store Monday, December nth. Thousands and thousands ot articles for December Gift Giving, and, at prices we'll guarantee to be the lowest. ,3' Christmas Dress Goods. What's nicer few Christmas gift giving than a nice Dress Pattern? There's nothing more to be appreciated, nothing more appro- priate. Nice Worsteds, Flannels and Broad cloth from Wcto $2.00 a Yard. Big Linen Bargains. A- nice Table Cloth and Napkins, such as we offer at this sale will be' highly appreciat ed as a Christmas present. Corsets. 48c. Will buy oneof these elegant 75c Corsets, many styles to select from. Giove Bargains. Such quick sel lers were never seen in Asheville, 75c for a fine $1.00 Glove, in black, tan, brown and n oxblooki. $ 1. 00 for a fine $1.50 quality. v EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED, in Foster 1 Patent Lace or 2 clasps, latest style. : CHILDREN'S MITTENS at 10 and 15c y a pair. . v I A Beautiful Line of Underwar ? in Wool, Cotton and Muslin Underwear, r specially adapted for Christmas gifts. Christmas Umbrellas 95c. Women's 26 inoh' Gloria tJmbrellas, with natural and 6ilver trimmed handles, worth $1.25, for a grand lot of Men's 28 inch Gloria Umbrellas, with case and tassel, fully worth $1.75. Children's Sets. A heavy plated Knife, Fork, Spoon, Cup and Napkin Ring at 75c, fully worth $1.25. Belts. Leather and Velvet Belts at 15c. Rubber and Jet Belts, worth $1.50 at 98c. ir Handkerchiefs. Nothing more appropriate for a Christmas present. We have them from ic to $1.00 a piece in Gotton Linen and Silk. Muffler? An elegant Worsted Muffler, beautifully embroidered in silk, worth $1.25 at 73c. A handsome Silk Muffler at $1.00 and $1.25, worth double the amount. Clothing Department. A fine Mackintosh, a fine pair of Trousers, a fine Suit of Clothes, a fine Vestee Suit, or a fine little Reefer for the little boy's are some of the specialties. we offer for the Christmas holiday. f Shoe Department: In this Department we offer hundreds of bargains' for big and little folks. Just receiv ed a large line of 'the world's celebrated Brown Shoe Co.'s Ladies' and Men's Shoes, EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED. Our Handkerchief Fair Continues Monday, Dec. 18 r 3i 13 MMJLTIWIOME 10 and 12 Patton Avenue Transyliania Railroad Company (Formerly Hendersoaville & Brevard Railway) In Effetv October 22, 1899. P.M. STATIONS. P.M. "2.01 Lv .Brevard...... Ar. 6.80 12.16 ..... Davidson River 5.20 12.27 Penrose 6.07 12.S7 Blantyre 4.58 12.46 Etowah 4.50 12.55 Cannon 4.43 1.00 Horse Shoe . 4.SS " L10 Talle 4.29 1.30 Ar. ..HendenRmvllle.. Lv. 4.10 Flag Station. Passengera only 0n Sunday. Oonnecits with the Southern railway at HendersonvUe for all points north xnd smtfth. AT. F. HATS, T. S. BOSWELIi, t General Manager r t Superintendent. 02.75 BOX RAIN COAT m a , -- K I J - Vi-A ' I J ABIMELAB S5.00 WATEK. A PROOF MACKINTOSH far AZ. 1 3 SEW0N0M0NEYu teiamr aairht aa4 wcteat. mUta ilwraf mm imm My at sraast, takea mr van rasar aoai, !( ay nMcr arrsa. UUI will endToathlaeoat br express C O. B., nlriett to xaaUaatloH. Ex. amine ana try it on at yonr nearest express office, mm l( fan exactly as .rayra mmm aaa ue aual WMMtial ;aJae Tom ever saw ar heard af. mm manml tm MTMi'Taa mmm hw' r i aa i ad tnreii ekawee. - THIS MAGKLN TOSH Is latest IBM trie, easy fitting, made from kaarr waieraraa f, taa ealor, feaaiae DaTi Cevsrt nut CMht SaererTelretool doable breasted, t - length. liar, nuurr claid lininir. waterproof sewed seams Suitable for : both Bala or Orereaat, sad gaaraataai G RKATESTTlXTS tnr etarad by as or ear othsr hsasa. Far Free Oath Baatplas et aiMk - waaiaraanaa mm- a - skua fVada4e-aiiiaiars BalU aad Oreraaata at r frost Si.eO'te I19.WI, aitttlw nn HlHFLa BOOK Be. 90K - Address ROEBUCK. Jk CO.tlnc.l CHICAGO. . aiears, Ksisaifc m V. are laproagi j raiiaaio asnsr.) SEARS, m" XHICHEStCB'S CrlQUSH' -x VJOJSviATE. Alwart reliable. Ladles sik Drnrrlrt jar sjuit;uxiSXJ!A'9 junujuisii la UED and Child netalUo bozot. sealed with.blaeribboa. Take o other. Befaso Taaeroas Sabotitatioae aad IsoH. tfana. But of Tour Draccut. ot'MBd 4a. ta mum fcr Partlettlnra, Testtiaieniala aad 'Belief for Xidiea, iMerr by re. tnr Mall. Tevtlinooiaie, KoM by all DrncrUu. Chleheater Chesaleal Cow Mention Uus paper. Modlaou Iark SPECIAL RATES. Tickets too sale between all points in Southeastern! Passeneer association's territory on. Deceihlber 22-25 inclusive, also December 50 to January 1, 1900 in clusive, final limit January 4, 1900, at rate of one aid one-third (1 1-3) f nst class rare tone way limited for Oie round trip, On account of the annual meeting of the southern educational, association, Memphis, Tenh., tickets will foe on sale December 24-25, final, limit January 8, 1900, at rate of one first class fare, plus J2 membership fee," for the rjmd trip, Rate from Asherile, 218. 65 . Special excumsioA rates offered by th Southern RaJJrway for Otoe following oc caslons: . For full (tnfoitmlationt call on tlcke agept or address F. R. Darby, G. P. T. A., Asheville, N. C, or R. I Vernon T. P. A.. Charlotte. N. C. To Cnre Conttlpatlati Vorevere Take Cascarets Candy .Cathartic. 10c or 250. If C C. C. fall to cure, druggists refund money. A NIGHT OF TERROR. Awful aaxletr. was felf for tha-wMov of the brav General Burshaxniof Ma chlas. Me., when the doctors said sli could not live Oil morning' writes Mrs S H. Iiincohw who ; attended .her tha fearful night. 44 All thousrht she , mutf soon taie--ftm -pneumonia, tout -sh begged Kr Dr. Klngsi;New vI)icovery saywgii naa more Jthan -ioincef saved he life, andv4iadured-Her of Oonsumptaoa After three small doses, the slept easili all nignrt; ajid Its .further .use TOmplet cure tirSyTbi Tirrefomk medioin is guaranteed to cure -all r Throat.--3he) and Lung Diseases Only 50d and $1.00 Trial bottles free at all drug stores. "In winter's eotd ard summer's parch faig heat," use Camphorline,afor chappe hanGS and face, tan, sun burn,' eta 25c all druggists. ,r"; ,0; , i. . notes From Marshall. Marshall. N. C.f Dec. 12. John A. Hendricks, left this norning for Greensiboro on legal businees. iFYmndation. is being' laid next to Senator Pritdhard's office for a Presby terian church. The church will be completed by the latter part of spring. Mrs. Hawkins, Mrs. P. M. Hudgins and Miss Grace Byers arrived here fromi Hendersotaville yesterdlay. JThe MajTshall lacademy nkw ha 80 scnoiars enrolled1. The editor of the MadSsOni Efntemrise was in town Saturday. M. W. Lance has had some imiprove- ments miade on his store, at the depot. itsjayiioicic who wbs so severely in jured, at the dam at Ivy, died! oni Satur- dfajy. Joseph R. Hess left on the nboni train for AshevHille yesterday. Supervisor of the Census 'Hendricks is, receivtagi mamfy applications for the position of enumerators from all over the district Jl S:1 Afoertoethy, Htm Southern;- rall- way depict agenjt at this, place, 4eft for his home in Burke county yesterday to Ibe aftwent about a week,: It is reported that Hack Nortonk sent from thdsv county, to the Buncombe chain igataig, has escfapedl Hi C1CEEN5DORO. N.C. for Um treatment of THE U0U0R. OPIUM. K3BPHB1E and The Postal Telegraph comipanyi has completed Its lines to Charlotte and will have am iOfflce. opened there" in a. few days. : The "Winston Elk ' Jtodlge jbias' been. chosen to Institute a new lodge at Wll mington. December5 27. The lodge will go down in a private car. . The Haimibley and! Stone mounitain granite properties, about five miles from Salisbury, on the Yadkin railroad, have been united under one ownership and are to be worked on a large scale. Internal revenue sales at the States ville office during the month of- No-, vemJberj amount to $34,660.82. ' This does not incliude the stamps sold 3or Novemlber 17 to Novemlber 24, inclusive. when do deputy was in charge. Private J. J. "Wiatts, a son of Mr. Joel "Watts, of Mecklenburg county, has been arrested for desertioii. He belonged' to the Fourth artillery station ed at "Washington. Mr. .Watts had! two years and ten mtantJhs' service ahetad of- him. "When he gets back he will have five years' attid a dishonorable discharge.- The directors of the Pledtatonit Park association have decided' to increase the capital stock to ten thousand dol lars and to give a big Piedmont expo sition next year. A big building will be erected for the industrial exhibit and a mam will be employed to devote his entire time to improving the grounds. A school of seventy-five bottle-nosed whales was driven on! the Shetland shoals one day last week, vnd the last one of them was bottled, so to speak. As it was the first time in forty-four years that whales were seten in those waters, the "presumption is. that these were strangers that didn't kntow how to steer. "Wilmington, Star. !A few days ago B. W. Cews, of Ad vance, caught a carp that measured twenty-seven Inches and weighed! thir teen pounds -Joe EUlis, colored, who lives on the farm of Mrs. W. R. Ellis, raised two puimipkins one weighing 82 pounds and is 63 inches incircumfer ence and 32 inches long and another weighing. 53 pounds. Davie Record. Mr. Ttravls makes the statement that about 300 convicts will be availa ble next month for railroad work. There are now 77 at. work om the Ash pole branch of the Atlantic Coast Line. 'That branch wants more. Other appli cations for convicts are made by the Raleigh & Eastern the Tarboro branch amd John Blue's road in Moore county. Raleigh Post. , The board of aldermen of Greensboro has granted an unlimited franchise to the Ajmericam Telegraph and Telephone company (a branch of the Bell Tele phone company). The franchise was .dbtained! only after this company had made a (hard fight with the local tele phone company, which sbrenously op posed! the gTantto'g' of the franchise. Greensboro wdll have a long distance telephone in the near future. Tjhe Greensboro . dispensary again appears ira icourt. ohn Kennett, the manager has been indicted for seWlng whiskey to a minor, David C. Reece. Mr. Kennett says he knew Reece and that he cautioned the latter against purchasing the whiskey if he was un , der age. By the same token Mr. Ken nett, will have the young man indicted for falsely representing himself to be 21 years oldi, which is punishable as a misdemeanor under the disvensary act. Colonel W. XH. Osiborn and others have purchased 305 acres of land lying along the Southern railway in the di rection of Pomona and' within two miles or a little over of the city. It is said that the object Is to organize a county fair associatiota and build a race track. It is also said that quite another object is in view, not men- tionablie yet, but the site ds a splendid one for a fair, easily reached by rail, while the expense of building a track and arranging for it would be as light as any spot in the county, for it is all level and nlce.r-keensboro Record.. A Durham special says? A fewi days ago the remains of a woman Mrs. Martha Kirklanld, were moved from Chapel Hill and interred in the Dur ham cemetery by mistake. The error occurred ta this way: Mr. J. L. Kirkland, of this city, decided to have the ' remain of his father moved to Durham and reinterred here. The minister who officiated1 at the funeral alnd several relatives and friends point ed out whfeut was supposed to be the grave of the late Thomas Kirkland to On that information the body was ex humed, brought here and retot erred, those who went after -the remains. The error was subsequently discovered and yesterday the remains of the wo man were taken: back to Chapel! Hill and reinterred and the remains of Mr. Kirkland's father were brought to Durham!. The affair gave rise to a great deal of talk by some wblo had interest In the matter, out nas oeen settled now. Ivy creek ta reported as running ' over the damn of the UJbrth Carolina Electri cal. Power company and has torn, away (two or three derricks and that the com)any,hks suspended wOrk today Work will, howeyer,' he stopped on th aam .wiTjnm a. week and-wilflj be started an the tunnel which, wiB ckmvey "the- water from the dami to .the. powar house. , s k - J. E. H. Bean tie lha Kind Yon Hava Mways Boigl ZriiiTrZ: other Druj; Addictions. The Tobbacco Habit Nerve Exhaustion w - -The" steell toll taridlere snla-nnlr. tft Yadkin- between -Rowata, and Davldson counties has just .been- opened to traf- f-. A-ne principal, tolls are 25 cents- ror a double team1, for, the round.- trip and, 20: cents: for. a-single- one: :-The "gm oi the -bridge is -650 ,feetr, its wiatn is v twelve feet. - v MjTIywlfe bad pimples on her fatee, but has been takine CASCATS sna uier red. I had , oeen . trouoiea she hunt all dissmieai with r.nnxtM.tion for aome time, .but after tak Ing the first Cascarefe I' have had nojtrouble with thla ailraent,Wefeaqnot pe-too high ly of Cascarets. !Cf,ajtD Wartm aw. : 6708jQrmantotmAve.. Philadelphia, Pa. Vy CATrlARTIC r Pinunt Pala.ta.bla.- Potent. .Taste Good, vo pood, Never Sicken.- WeaJteo. ar Gripe; 10c. 2be. S0c; " ... ' CURE COMSTIPATIOH. Sterliac Beandj CMspaay,, CMearo Maatrrab Kew Tork. . ft ft "Tli nip Sold and anaranteed by all drup U"i UUA W cUt to -CUI&K Tobacco Habit. Tbe Kind Xou Hv Always Bought, and which has been ui use iur uvtsar ow years nas Dome ine sieiafn ana nas Deen made under his per. sonai supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in thi All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex , periments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against experiment. What is GASTORIA Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil. Paregoric, Drops and Soothing1 Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant, it contains neither Opium. Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind, Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cores Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's PanaceaThe Mother's Friend. GENUINE GASTORIA i ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Tie Kind You Eta Always Boughti Jn Use For Over 30 Years. THE OBNTAUW eOMNHV, TT aiURRAY aTRKKT. HCWfOM Cmf. 1 vT x I organs 01 euner sex, sucn as rervous rrosirawoa, r auingor ixst Manhood. L N?Hrt A Impptency, Nightly Emissions, Youthful Errors, Mental Worry, excessive nS 111 X.JVOtSJJ3 IL VUlUlUi Tf AAA J 1COU W WAU WIMV WVU alUU aUOSUliy, TV1LU rui AND VITALITY 3SaXOrXnZ"S The great remedy for nervous prostration and all diseases of the genera tin AFTER USING. $5 order we guarantee to cure or ref und-the money. Sold at $ 1 .00 per box. 6 boxes for $5.00. DB. MOTX'S CBMHS1CAI CO., Cleveland, Ohka TOR SAJJB 3T DR. T. C. SMITH. . ft SOUTHERN RAILWAY. No. 37-11. NO. 35. Eastern Tims. Nos. 12-S8. No- 36. 4.30pm 12.05am TJv New York Ar. 12.43pm .S5am 6.55pm 3.50am f IjT PhlladelpWa Ar. 10.15am 2.56am 9.20pm 6.22am Lv Baltlmora Ar. 8.00am 11.25pm 10.43pm 11.15am Lv Watthtngtoai Ar. 6.42am 9.05pm 6.10am 6.07pm lit Danvlll Ar. 11.25pm 1.10pm - - ' 12.10am 12.01pm Lv Rlcamoad . Ar. 6.40am 6.2Spm, 8.35pm 9.10am Iv Norfolk Ar. 8.20am 5.55pm 1.10am 2.50pm Lv Selnm Ar. 3.50am 12.35pm 2.09am 3.50pm . Lv Raledghi . Ar. 2.45am 11.85am 5.15am 6.35pm Ar Orecmatboro Lv. 11.45pm 8.50am 9.10'm 10.12am 10.52am; 11.13am 12.34pmi 2.12pm 2.2Cpm 2.40pm 4.02tm. 5.55pm 7.4Cprr; ll.?5pm 7.10pm 7.40pra 8.03Em 3.01pm 9.20pm 10.3Cpn. 12.C3am 12 JOtm 12.15am 1.29um 3.00am 4.25am 7.40am 7.10pm Central Tim Lv SlkbUiT Ar. 6.35pm 9.40am Lr Sttrtv.lU Ar. 5.27pm 8.53am Lv Newton Ar.. . 5.00pm 8.18 .m Lv Hickory aiv 4.41pm 8. (torn Lv Marlon Ajt." 3.22pm 6.52am Lv BUtmoraj Ar. 1.4Lpm' 5.26am Ar AsheytXto Lv. 1.37 pm 5.20am Lv Aaheville Ar. 1.10pm 5.15"m Lv Hot eprtnpi . Ar. 11.45am 4. Oram Lv MorrLiloivm Ar 9.50am 2.30am Lv Knoxvllla Lv. 8.2bam 1.15am Ar Cbattanoosa Lv. 4.20ami lO.OOpm Ar Mmphls Lv. 9.15am 9. 15. am aaBBBBBBaaaiBaBBBBBaaBaaaaaaaBaBwaBBBBBaaaaaaaaBBBBBaaaaaaaaa 6.40am 6.33pm Ar. NaahvilXe) Lv. 10pm 9.10am 7.50am 7. (0pm Ar. LoulsvUla Lv. 7.45pm 7.4flam 7.30am 7.36pm Ar. C9mcdanatt .Lv. 8.00pra 8.30am - - " Ar. New Orleans! Lv. A: AND S. BRANCH. No. 14. 7.05am 8.13am 9.08am 10.18am 11.17a m 3.20pm NO. 10. 2.05pm i 3.12pm 3.57pm 5.C0pirj 6.00pm 9.35pm Ceatral Tlma. Nr. 13. No. 9. Lv AsHmUla Ar. 6.00pm 137. pra Entni Ham Ly Bltmara Aor 6.52 pm .30pm Lv Hea4aroiavl23 Ar. 6.C5im 1.42pm Lv Trra Ar. 5.C0pm 12.4Cam Ar Sruanbiixta Lv. 3.4upm 11.40am Ar Columbia L.v 11.40am 3.30am 8 .17pm 7.0Cam Ar Ohairleeatoa Lv. 7.00am ll.OOprd m Ceatral Ttm G.15am Ar gaV'rtT Lv 12. 05am 9.25am - Ar JackscavCla Lv 7.45pm : 3.00am Ar JLngamm Lv. t.OOpm t.Mpn 3.55pm 5.10am Ar AOaait . Lv. 7.K0am ll.Wim - - 7.40am 8.10pm Ar Nw OrlaaiUi , Lr. 7.45pm 7.55am eaBBBBBBBBBaBSfeBBaVSBaalBBaBBaBBjeBaBaSBa aaaaaaaaaaaa " " " 7.40am Ar Uamphlsi Lv. 9. 00pm 7l0pm 8.30am Ar. Uaoon Lv. ' 3.00am 7.10pm llIURPHY BRANCH. Nov 17 Nb. 19 9.15am 1.4Jpm 10.88am 10.68am 12.40pm Ctral Tim. . Lv AMhtnrtOm Ar. 4.10pm Lv WkyseaVVCSa Art 4.Upm Lv Balaam ' . Ar. f.tSpm Lv Brywa GStr Lv. ttpra An lCnrp&7 Lv. -TW.--18. No. 20. 6.30 pm 12.05pm -.4.55pm 10.38 im 4,SCpm! 10.10am - 2.UtTxi 8.4Caim Traina 87 ami 1L and 12 aad 23 u . DaJly arcept Sund7- i Kaw T JCMtUXlWK aaauyiisi wwktfw- - . Aev2 li, ana jo ana iz mimb 4wesmmms, Savamuthv Oolixmhiae V Traiws 9 and 10 carrying Clncltmail x t6T JacksonvlUe eleepen connects Columbia with sleeper ftw ChTleston. which gives ttauhle daily service w . direction between 'Asheville' and Cbarlestoii. . -gA Tralms 35 and-Sl tiaxry PiiUbma em between BaHabury, AaWio. s Spring, Cttafflooga, and XtanpfcSa.-: . Ha Together with ma crceXLex axmlpmant and achedalaiib t&w Brtk taa 9A all rail thnmgh WaahSaffta' Giar ptitaoa apedal aVtieintScn la called to c.irtM and roiitoto amd the CSr- mis scaecrajje auowa a daya atrp-ovex t NortoUc, va, amxroms zs-j. '. vuuu yiu n T ia irWIIllH Itti1im fwl n fcTtTTTHJ j - TairBlIltai t r : FRANK S. GANNON. Third Ytoa PtuslAient and HnMlal Manaffer, aw: WaahlMTtonJ D. C.: S. H; nfz D-C.rXM.crrJIjK Traflla JSmm . WICK, A. O. P. A.. Aabv fJ. , vuie. Ky.j C. A. BEIIBCXXPBR. A. O. P. A.. CJidttaiiaoga, Tennv. DARBY, City Paewsncar and T&Aet Aealt, AalvevlDa N.

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