THE ASHEVILLK GAZETTE, DECEMBHR 16,189). 4 c, nuMANITX DEMANDS it. K 7 . fMHJ' "Mil mini If JPk : Sf-' . ' $tffitffif hoe Civilization ? a 1 , humanity travel nad In ! . Present-day humanity , -a comfort ahead of 3tyle in fL , . of dress especially as 1 r.'s foot-wear ; "Hu-man-ic" Shoe is 'viilt i n.iloinical principles.- It is- -8 i hygienic, abtlntlv S ma i-!,ib'!n is kept abetst oi ;i son's styles. arc sole agents. None gen uuloss stamped. vr RICE $4 CI- Al J - -nd Oxfords. Withers. 2 N. Court Square. j -x-' r i n cat ion of Mr. Pipp, series ,! lot at $4.00 each if bought 1-. The swellest gift book. 1 hundred novels fairy stories, d girl's bocks good bindings ; el Wedgewood bindings 50c. mi white bound Kiplings 35c. line of pretty .bindings 35c. novels at reduced prices, and Croesus, elegant inexpen t book, $1.50. leather bound Portu'gTiese r.ncts by Mrs. Browning, 75c. if colored picture books, lc. to at -uv. Beau: Blue Lars-. Laie- rupi' sive g: Dam Love S Lots Rav's Book Store of Ladies' $3.00 Shots 6 Store iv en on ?'.".:0DIGAL TICKETS ! Vi Chirstmas presents : .r.ii-me published can be se- j r.sin;r them. Send us your d address and we will send cirpt Rook or call at our office one . ire free. Using Journal Co. ; avr Pntzon Ave? lie. . T.- 1 . Railroad or express company in Chicago. We j-Jjgg capital of ojer S700,XH.Ol, occupy we of the largest' buplneea blocks to Chicago h - f tSv iJ'iand Uzblnz 5-Jiie. i'-aoibs tli tutors. 9iAai t t .m$ hv'di"s& hr.t bv n-. d r. r 'P. c t price. CO cer.ts r.ndf! 00 ....,.. " . . TV .... . .i trH.ili'a: r- ff:...t1--:.;: . - .,.. i-.-A r ;.-.c J i3J-" ?J IH1'K( l I vt. ::; tti r.u fmiu tv. l.v freight C. O. D. . subject to ezacm a- .f. --- . 5 - W i vr-r t - you Una it a.,.,- .MtA the ereatesi-TOlne'Toa erer 63 w -.4.-iirsrarj w.7Av,5X3rTSE M'fcKS and ra, l,eti,.p ..,, organs mlw'rtlwd by others t more money, Ml AT A V-C-"-1 ljfcf I AM) Mv 1 1 1 il' '.)f.i i .siruiaentd tter made. .ttOBtte . -; 'WM x i.p11j(.-,.Ii;,Vo-,H;raana; a ocufe couplers, ift8ji, A MvT: -r. -f jrfJ .Vlr l.rwd orsr:.-! fiMI, 4 Se't, of Orchestral Toned Jlwonatorj Pipe 4 if .AZi:X.7$&ZtiJ - - --C- fM,d- THE PARLOr? OEM! action consists of tli CtVft lih- jA.V?v'i?rr til SWf V-, - r X Tx Hump..-,-, a,-ow'ES DolfTOlotfs, leathera, etrf., be"0'" lll???2 KWil A ' Ai- SJ-'t V J ?f t'ipbr ri; rr:oih, rV-pli'fcpUows ftock and finest . W eathev1u?,vU. THE PARLOR OEM ?STO I ?4C ' - "SSVN Pcdl nd PTPrv u-.odern infprovement. e ' VTN W1 ANTEE3 2BYEARS. oTT' lpil 11 'tjjft Palr it free of ehare. Try lone month and we will v-j- JHt, v'if t V-'n?'PI C - Jtrr 71 AtlTC refund your money it you are not perfectly satisfied. 600 lUAHI.,- X'M'i 11 5 14 hiolM'-' - " - fJ-C LWCE. 0'T DELAY.. ' vn"JW PrTO National Bank, or Comsat. Bank, of Chicago j f.tggA I pr--f f- , ijl i.!''"f-SS rGermn-n iVnh.Bn Maw York: or any ' sa!! ...JpT?aS'J- 5"-. W.'dis PnlS- WE BKli OBGASS AT 23.Hr mad op 5 - - " ' t t , est wholesale prices. IVrite '.free' ?UN08, $115.09 r.d nv. al30 everything in musical inrtramenysasiu a Co. are thoroughly reliableEditor.) "San, piano and muwcalinstnimenttcataiogue. ' m-vm9m c, CHICAGO. ILL. SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (mc. Fulton.JJesplalneS and WaynSts., CHICAGO, ILL. DO YOU GET UP WnT A T A md'r rr Willi A LAME BACK t Etoey trouble Makes . You Miserable. -Almost everybodVwhp reads the news- pcrsis.sute-to know of, the wonderful cures made W rv L Kilmer's Swamp-Root j the great kldriev. livftr and bladder remedy. -e It is the i Dr. Kilmer, the emi- - i. I 1 . iicui Kianey and- blad- der 'SDecialist wonderfully successful in promptly curing Kwe9S- kT"6?:- bladder acid trou- form "S lktoubWbWOrat Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec ommended for everything but if you have kid- ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. It has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work, in private practice among the helpless too poor to pur- chase relief and has proved so successful in hlt7TZ?,V? aJranSf?ent has Deen made by which all readers of this raDer who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book- telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble, wnen writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and send your address to i-. iiuiici est oo.,Ding- namton, IN. Y. 1 he i-fiii;g reguiar ritty cent and Homo of Swamp-Boot dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. Will Sail in a Reel Wood Tree. Firmin Moindrou. a California sea captafn is making his plan to attend the Paris Exposition, and is going to sail in the trunk of a redwood tree. "T. will build a schooner from one of the largest trees in ITumbolt county," he savs. ino nun win ne one soim piece simply the trunk of the tree hollowed out and hewn into shape. I will take a tree from 22 to 24 feet in diameter for mv boat. She will ba 4S feet long. i? S beam and 10 tnt deep, and will be rigsred as a schooner. I will sail from here, go around Capo Horn or through the , straights of Magellan, cross the Atlantic and down the Seine to Taris. I want to be ready to start in time to reach Cape Horn about the last of December of this year, so that, I will arrive in Paris by May of 1900' The physiciana engaged at hospitals in German dues - -; - take noo i vear. wun - - ir with reruusBiuii . ,4. otiPTits as long as that does ot interfere with their hospital duties. As a cure for Rheumatism Chamber lain's Pain Balm is gaining a wide rep utation. D. B. Johnston, of Richmond, Ind., has been troubled with that ail ment since 1862. In speaking of it he says: "I never found anything that would relieve me until I used Cham berlain's Pain Balm. It acts like magic with me. My foot was swollen and paining me vefy much, but one good application of Pain- Balm relieved me. For sale by ,C. A. Raysor. "I was nearly dead with dyspepsia, tried doctors, visited mineral springs, I and grew worse. I used Kcdol Dys pepsia Cure. That cured me. "It di gests what you eat. Cures indigestioa, sour stomach, heartburn and all forms of dyspepsia. Dr. T. C. Smith. NOTTCK FOR TAX SALES. By virtue of an Act of the General Assembly pat-d at Us s-ec'sion of IS m and extended by an actof 1S99, confer ring upon the undersigned autn-nrity to collect delinquent state and rounty tax es for the years of 18a0, 1301, and 1'- -2, j I will sell at the court house door m tn.i city or sheville for casn, on December t 12 m., to pay the taxes due by the following persons, to-wit: 1st. A tract of lanu containing TOO acres more or less, belonging to the estate of Natt Atkinson and known as the MeGrue place, anout three and one-half miles west of Asheviile on the Haywood road. The -amount of taxes due by the estate of Natt Atkinson for the years 1S00, ISO! and 1802. for v. hi this land is sold, is a balance of three hundred seventeen, and 68-100 ($317.68) dollars . 2nd. Being a storehouse and lot on North Court Square, now occupied bv C. F. Ray as bookstore and photograph gallery and belonging to the estate oC Mrs. Maria Cocke, Jr., for the taxes due by her, on the farm sold to G. W. Vanderbilt, for the year 1892. Amount still clue' C$219.00) two hundred and nineteen dollars. This December 1, 1899. m. ; ;h;d. Tax joiiecLur. 1 For sale by Dr. T. C. Smith T. C. SMITH. 5 d jo tb. Ni 7 01 hR I'll If I T t WT-L Mi L LACK AESTHETlCrTASTi: F1IiP'"os Imitatethe EuropSSsWith u,dicrou, Rui& Of all the rates peoplijig this mun dane sphere not one has such an ex traordinary spirit of imitation as that which inhabits the Philippine islands. or people ., or- Malay ongn, "hicb occupies all the archipelago of the' Celebas sea, lacks the esthetic tine taste necessary for the proper' ii.u! u1B nine- ability, uniformity in architectural de X"? Snfd good taste which is re scientific rftr ; -quired for-the culture and advanee- ment of PP. They have no ideas 1,5 .1 XT ; t j 11 14118 vj. uueir uwii, auu iu an matters of tn.ste do nnthi'ns' mnrp than hat they see in races of the west. Anyone who has observed the Fili- pinOS h'aTe noticed that the have " ideaS at aU in regard to the ProPer combination of colors in their wearing aPParel as in sPite of their dusky complexions they select in their cloth- InS the colors which are least suita- ble to them. You will see Indian girls and half breeds as brown as berries using in thoir dresSes and scarfs such t gr6en' 7 ' and 'black- A woman of dusky com- Plexion witb a dress of any of these colors presents an appearance that is hideous in the extreme. It as not un common to see dark-skinned Indian girls dressed in such bright greens that if they should encounter a carabao they are liable to be eaten by that fes tive animal on account of their similar ity to a bunch of hay. The reason why these people cut this ridiculous figure is that they see these bright colors on European wo men, and, without thinking of the of feet which on account of their differ ent complexion such hues are liable to produce, readily adopt them am", consider themselves the most elegant of the elesrant. No sooner rtoes a nevr fashion arrive fr , y , . . . trovers hats shirts or neckwear, no matter how extuavagant, than the in- dian and the half-breoxl immediately adopt it. The American troops had been in Manila only a few davs with their broWn gui bef().0 th; st oj hft . , . , fscolta were besieged by natives and half-breeds buying all the brown cloth obtainable, wool, cotton or silk, and in a few days they were all arrayed in suits of the same color ns tliosw " " ------- -- ---- worn by the army of occupation. They noticed the hats of straw or felt with a blue polka dot band, and in a few days all the Indians and half-breeds i were wearing the same kind of hats ' as the Americans. I believe that the Americans will have but little trouble in introducing here their usages, customs and lan guage, as to that end the spirit of imi- I tat ion which in the na- i tive race a powerful factor.-- 1 Manila Freedom. , $103 Toward The readers of this paper will b-? pleased to learn that -there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrn Cure is the oniv positive cure known to the j medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con- I SUiUUCUlili Li ea,iiiif iil. uau - vjwi. n i Cure is taken internady, acting direct -1 Iv unna the blood and mucous sur face- s of the system, therebv destroying the foundation of the disease, and giv- I ing the pati&r-t strength by bunding ! up the constitution and assisting Uaturp in rn-nar its Work The pro prietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer j One Hundred Dollars for any case l that it f?ils to cure. Send for list cf l testimonials . Addres-s, F. J. CHENEY CO . Toleio, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Mall's Family Pills are the best. Designs gcpyr'.ghtg &c. tions ptrictlveonudentia!. iIadi.ook on Patents S"iit fr"P. O'ldeat aprencv for scouring patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. recolve special notice, without charge, in the A handsomely illustrated weekly- I-nrtrest eir criatiou of any ecientific journal, a erms ,b.i a yenr; four months, $V Sola by all newsdealers. 1ISUNH & Co.36,Brcadway--ll8W York Branch Offico, t25 W St., Washington, D. . $? -4. Our entire stock of " Children Shoes-io per qentei Xpst for.:th&' eekr- 43 A M a 1 G firA trifle 57 A 17, F.XPERSLNCS amaivsss Trade 3V3arks Anvone sendlr. a sketch and description may nnleklv j3fert,;un our opinion free whether an inmni inn ia nrohablv patentable. (.OTnnmni ra SIOZLEY'S XEMOK ELIXIR. A Pleasant lemon Tonic. iPwes indigestion, headache, .malaria, kidney dieeiase, fever, chills loss of ap petite, debility, nervous, prostration, aad heart failure, by regulating the Liver, Stomach, Bowels wad Kidneys. mozleVs uemon elixir Cured me of indigestkxD. 'i fraid suffered for ten years. I had tried almost every medicine, .but all failed. Since taking Lemon Elixir I can eat anything I like. W. A. riffcJth, ReevesVille, S. C. ' c - MOZBET'S LEMON ELIXJR Cured me of indigetioor and heant df' Bease, afiter years ofufferinig when ali other remk3aes amd doctors failed. N. D. Coleman, Beulah, S. C. MOZLET'S, LEMON ELIXIR. I have been a great sufferer, from dys pepsia for about fifteen years, my troub le being my liver, stomach and bowels, witih terrfMe headiaches. Lemon Elixir cured me. My appetite is good and I am well. I have taken a barrel o'- th medicine that done me no good. Charles Gibbarkli, No, 1515 Jefferson street, Louis ville, Ky. MOZLET'S LEMON ELIXIR Cured me of enlarged liver, nervous indigestion and heart disease. I vras unable to walk up stairs or ito do any kind of work. I was treated by many physicians, buit got no better until 1 used L enroll Elixir. I am now healthy and vigorous. C. H. Baldwin, No. SS Alexander street, Atlanta, Ga. MOZLET'S LEMON HOT DROPS. Cures all Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness Sore Throat, Broncritis, Hemorrhage and all throat and lung diseases. Ele gant, reliable 25c. at druggists. Pre pared only by I". H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. Miss Annie E. Gunning, Tyre, Mich., says, "I suffered a long time Croin Dyspepsia, lost flesh and become very -weak. Kodal Dyspepsia Cure com pletely cured me.' It digests what i ou eat and cures all lorrns u stdmach trouble. It never fails to give imme diate relief in the worst cases. Dr. T. C. Smith. A Gigantic Enterprise. During the last three months what is pronounced by experts the most re markable piece of electrical engineer ina" in the country has been accom plished, after three years of labor and six hundred thousand dollars expended in the enterprise; that is, the Santa Ana River, which comes out of the San Bernardino Mountains, has been bridled, and its power is now transmit ted to Los Angeles, some eicrhty-two miles distant. In a word, 9,000 horse power is marie to prapel machinery. moAre street cars and illuminate and. even heat buildings in Los Angeles, besides furnishing: illumination and power for several villages as Red lands. Riverside, CoHtoii and Ontario boween the mountains, and the engin eers seem to agree that the most re markable feature m this development of the power on th Santa Ana River is the transmission of electricity of a high voltage over eighty miles of wire with so little loss of energy, the corn par, v findinc:, in fact, that it can sencT electricity of 30,000 volts, having a working efficiency of 4.000 horse power a distance of eight-three miles with a loss of but ten per eent.. After doincr its work -in the production of electrical energy, the mountain stream is gath ered into a conduit and led down the mountain side to irrigate the orchards and groves in San Bernardino valley. It takes but a nu-mle to a cough It takes about a minute to overcome tickling in the throat ad fa stop a cough by the use of -One Min ute Cough Cure. This remedy quickly cures all forms of throat and lu-rg troubles. .Harmless and pleasant to take. It prevents consumption. "A fa mous specific for grippe and its after effects. Dr. T. C. S- fMo?t successful man that when ever he has a job on hand he always has it carried out!' "indeed, what is he?" 'An undertaker !" Judy. 0 13011 Sigaatuxa o" .r ' ' - - - X .-! Tal-p. Oaseavcts (.Jnndv (Jutauvtie. 10c or Co. Tf C. i C. liiii to cure, arugiusts refund money. Diaests what yon Itartificially digests the food and aids "Nature in sirer.gtnening and recon-, jtructing'the evbaust'ed digestive or gans. It is tbe latest discovered digest ant and torv. "No other preparation can azproacn it in efficiency. It' in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dysnepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Prepared by E. C. DeWitfc &Co Chicago. If you. want To be. Supplied with ths It 3 Best and Cbeaoest I Firewood, I Call lip J 1 ' 1 l.fHPhoiie'8;Call 3-f s'-.TrrVa 1 . . . . . t'Ai fiiiA.iAf eat. T33ACC0. III Effects of the Weed Produce Some Mollifying Circumstances. Whatever the III effects of tobacco when used to excess, in moderation it acts on an adult as a mild, sedative, says the New York Herald. It is claimed that after the thirtieth year its use prolongs life and preserves the mind by lessening the bodily-functions of waste and repair. Experts say that .for smoking tobac co is one of the least Injurious sub stances known. Compared, with jother well known vegetable substances used for the same purpose, tobacco is mild. Opiunv whhout doubt, is most fearful in its effects, for the drunkenness it produce? ultimately unbalances the mind. Next to opium in power are cer tain kinds of grasses, notable among which is hemp, which causes intoxica tion and anaesthesia. There is evidence to show that the ancient Aztecs made their victims inhale the fumes from smoking grasses, after which the intox icated prisoners went peacefully to the altar to be sacrificed to Quetzacoatl (sun god). Grape leaves, which are smoked in some parts of western Penn sylvania, are in some ways almost as powerful as opium, and legislation has been undertaken against their use. Both cubebs and corn silk inflame the mucous membrane and upset the di gestive function. None of these evils result from the moderate use of tobac co. Hygienieally strong tobacco is bet ter than mild, for in smoke from the mild varieties the tiny particles are far more numerous and tend to dry up the blood by absorbing large quantities of moisture from the mouth and lungs. Connoisseurs of tobacco beiieve that in the near future low prices for good cigars will effect the extinction of do mestic skunk cabbage varieties. With the advent of American colfcnies in the East and West Indies and reduced prices on their products some dealers expect to see fine cigars selling at two and three cents apiece. Already several importing houses have begun to adver tise greatly reduced prices on Porto Ri can tobacco, as a direct result of the war. Several shipments of Manila to bacco and cigars are already on their way from the Philippines, and will be rushed into the market in a few weeks. On account of its high flavor and low price Philippine tobacco is expected to come into popular fa-or the instant it is put on sale in the ordinary retail ci gar store. Before the war otir tobacco importa tions amounted to many millions of dollars annually, and economists proph esy that from a purely financial point of view the national policy of expan sion will be vindicated by the resulting boom in the tobacco trade. Mrs. R. Churchill, Berlin, Vt., says: "Our baby was covered with running sores. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cured her." A specific for piles aad skin disease. Beware of worthless counterfeits? Dr. T. C. Smith. "Yes," said the pale woman, "mj husband keeps grumbling day after day about the way things are going." "Wha mak: s him." "He says it's patriotism. But be tween you and me. I think ifs rheu matisms'Washington Star. 1 Bears the s? Ihe Kind You Have Always Bot . in .y .',70'..7."i: in ('ndius: the zone of French in 5,os2 in America and 15,053 in ilii'.ea u:: Cueuce). ' Oceanica. J. B. Clark, Peoria, 111., says, "Sur geors wanted to operate on me for piles but T cured them with! DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve." It is infallible for pil and skin diseases. Beware cf counter feits. Dr. T. C. Smith. It will not be a surprise to any who are at all familiar with the good quali ties of Chamberlain's Cousrh Itenii-'dy, to know that people everywhere taicp pleasure in relating their experience in the ue of - that splendid medicine and iv. tellinsr of the benefit tihey have receivec from it, of bad coldS it hag cured, nf 'hreatend' attacks of pneumonia, it has averted and of the children it has saved from attacks of croup and whoop in p c-u.'"1j. I" is a grand, frood medicine. Fos sale by C. A. Raysor. RELIEF IN SIX HOURS. Oisi ressing kidnev adu bladder dls at relieved in sx hours by ".Xevv (ireat Fouth American KHr.ey Cure." It is a gTeat surprise on account of its ex feedlng promptness m relieving pain Ie bladder, kidneys and batk. in male or female. Relieves retention o water al most immediately. If yon want (''dor. relief and cure this is -the remedy. Suld bv T. O. Smith, druggist. As he vibe N. C. One Minute Coycrh Cure is the "b'-d. remedy I ever used for cougns and colds. It is unequaled for whooping cough. Children all like it," i . N. , Williams, Gentryviile Ind. Never fails. It is the only harmless remedv that gives immediate results. Cures coughs, colds, hoarseness, croup, pneu monia, bronchitis and ail throat d d lung troubles. Its early use prevents consumption. Dr. T. C. Smitn. Starnes Brothers iave Temoved to No5. 10 South Main Street., where they sincerely invite all of heir former customers and all lovers of good Groceries and fair prices. tnm Cft ftCHITC to up with this adnd ALl jU OU ULfi I O we will send you OCR V - - , MgH t, laK UStiuy 1L4SDOL1N br express . O. D. subject to ex- - aminatlon. rfFiriS IS A'UEGULAK 10.0. MAN 1M)T,TN. made of 13 ribs of genuine mahogany, with handsome colored strips laid between, has rosewood finished cap. celluloid bound edges, rosewood fingerboard, inlaid Dearl nosition dots. American patent head, beautiful inlaying- around sound hole. Latest 'patent-nicJtel piateasieeve pro tecting tailpiece, extra set of strings, 1 tortoise sheU pick, and a bool(-of Guck ert's Chords; which teaches anyone how to play. Examine tfcis SaadoHa at Jfur express ofBee, and If found exactly as repre sented and the greatest bargsia yon rrtr saw or heard ef. -par the expretis treat S4.65. less the 50c deposit, or $4. 15 aad expreu charges, aad. the eolflt Is yoars. CPmi&l PRFMHIM flPFPR. With order accompanied by -cash in full, we will f urnlgh a lettered fingerboard chart, with the. aid of which any one can easily jocaio ue notes, tunarscan De aausrea on the fingerboard of any mandolin without changing;, the Instrument in the least. We will alty w the mando Jis. to be returned after 6 days' trial if not found ex actly as represented.? Satisfaction., Baraiiteed pr, tnoner refunded in fuIlT Address, ' SEARS. ROEBUCK & CO,flnc.)CHlCAG0. (SKABS fiOEBGGK CO, are thorwgBJy"relIabla.--JdiXer.J VIRTUES hi fit r VMM Mr. P. W. Hebebrand, Pres. Ohio Pipe Covering Co., Cleveland, Ohio, says: "I am satisfied Dr. Miles' Nerv ine saved my life. I was a nervous wreck and unable to attend to my business. Doctors failed to benefit me and I decided to try Dr. Miles' Nervine. It gave me prompt relief and finally effected a complete cure. ' 1 am in good health now and have gained several' pounds in flesh." is sold oy all drusjsists on guarantee, first Lottie benefits or mioney back. Book on heart and nerves sent free. Dr. Miles Medical Company, EHchart, Ina. . - CHICAGO, ILL., The World' s Largest Tailors Capital invsted $500,000. It has many compeutors but no compe titiom. In price, quality of mate rial elegance of finish, etc., etc. we have mo rivals. AH w'ork guaranteed. J. G. MOORE, Agent, 11 CENTER ST., ASHEVILiLE. Beautiful Pictures oi Local Scenery Nothing wonld be so acceptable a, present to relatives and friends at a distance as our large, beautiful photo graphs of the Swannanoa and French Broad rivers and Biltmore House. They make good birthday and wed ding presents, and are especially de sirable for Christmas presents, carry ing with them a suggestion of our sun ny south and a glimpse of a limped stream into sections where even now the grounds are covered with snow. Phone No. 67. TOURISTS AND COMMIE R CI AL, TRAVELERS WILL FIND at Knoxville, Tenn., conveniently locat ed with elevator, eledtnc light and etean heat and all modern conveniences prompt service. Porters mei.t all trains Rates $1.25 to $2.00 pe- day. J. R. NORTTIINGTCN. Prop. r THE OLD RELIABLE, T. W. Norvill has opened a shoe shop in an upstairs room Over Spangcnherg's Shoe Store where he will be-glad to we com all custorrrers who apprecdate promptness and low prices 3t 3jC 3C 3fC 3C 3 3fC 3(C 3(t Z( 3fc 3fC 3jc 3fC 3fc -f Southern Pictures ana. Peaclilmgs - Official Organ ef the Appala chian National Frk Association OUT TODAY. L ontains full report ot the proceedings oi the ( onsen-. tioii, oi the Appalachian -J-Park Association . r- . ORDER COPIES A T OSCE SUFPL T LIMITED nn Krriy French Broad press. PRINTING . ; 'THAT J, v "ATTRACTS. '.4 . v f - ft- -41 5- ."s... 114