" .. .. I;- TOE AhHEVIIiLE GAZETTE, DECEMBER. ? 16 1899. HEALTHY L1j 2MJ -1 rati U 1 I" "OLD , tggr BB mmf MX xjabtte, UHNTOir Co.ABK.,,ATijr4. I, am 49 years old and have been suffering with Change of Life. I had flooding spells so-bad that 'i none thoughtj I could, lie, rMy hnsband got me Wine of Oardui and.lt sated my iife. I am like another person since taking it. ' - MRS. E. B. TOWNSEND. ' :. ' ' ' 'S " - .-. It Is the devout wish of nearly all people to live to a ripe old aee. None of us waiit to die young. This universal desire can be realized if care be taken of the health in early and middle life. A little precaution then will add many years; to our existence. Death can be kept away a Ion? time. Happy, healthy old agejwill be the lot of the woman who promptly corrects the ailments which afflict her sex. In youth, Wine of Cardui will take the female child safely over the dividing line between, girlhood and womanhood. As a wife she needs it to help her through the trials of pregnancy and childbirth with as little discomfort as possible. At the Change of Life it will help her oyer .the -dangerous place that appears in her pathway between 40 and SO. t Then will come many years of truly blissful existences She will grow 0I4 slowly and gracefully. To the last she will preserve that charm and beauty which are always characteristic 01 perfectly healthy grandmothers. It is for women alone to decide whether they will be healthy or sick. The remedy for their sick ness is closest hand. LADIES' ADVISORY DEPARTMENT. For advice in cases requiring special directions, address, giving symptoms. Ladies' AdTisorjr Dep't, The CHATTANOOGA afcumitis to., cnattanooga, Term. LARGE BOTTLES OF WINE O F CARDUI , SOLD FOR $I.OO BY DRUGGISTS. Ins I won't ' have It.' Mrs Moray-Fox was saying, :.! won't have it. He's a detrimental. - Think of your papa." It was Just of Poppa I was think r," Mts3- NancyPower replied in a ' tone that would be a godsend on a July day In the sun.' "Poppa stands the racket for 'my amusement, Mrs. Fox. And if I choose to go walks with Mr. Damer; I go walks .with Mr. Damer. "But think of your reputation, dear," in the sweet voice women use to tfli thenauseous" pill. V And in a sweeter voice came the re tort courteous: "The reputation that can be lost Isn't! worth the keeping." f" And, with ever such a suspicion of a . flush, and ever such a contemptuous cock of the nose, Miss Powell had joined me in the hall, where I was busy studying the simple - truths, of Brad shaw. "Have I kept you waiting?" said she. "Just long enough," said I, "to, let me discover how-good waiting can be." I wascthinkihg ;of 'iwhat, I had heard. As we came; down, the steps a few- drops of rain began to patter on the pavement. "I don't know where we are going, said I, "but unless you wish your wings drabbled, I should suggest the respectable refuge of a" growler." "Oh, no," she cried, "a hansom! a hansom!" "Hansoms - are wicked," said I. "Think of your reputation." "You heard?" and she flashed me a glance of inquisition. "1 may be old," said I ' S C The brilliant complexions of women in the more exclusive circles of Ner Vork society are not explained by the theory that associates beauty and idle sess. In fact, many leaders of the world of 'fashion are hard workers. Yefc vlicy keep their good looks even when they are old. How do they manage THE MISSES BELL, of 7S Fifth Avenue, New York, themselves con nected with some of the most noted and honored families in the metropolis, ave answered the question. They have prepared for the use of women is -.serai, five preparations lor improving the complexion aad, the Liair. Of is an external application, te presence? iof which on the face cannot by detected. J i It Is perfectly harraltss even to the most 5 delicate skin. Ic 3 a sure end quick tcurc for all roughness and eruptions. 5 lit acts on the skia us a tonic, producing? Vinnturally pure complexion. Cosmetics k . . bide blemishes. The Tonic gets iru. oi tnem.. t it : .eves pirnplcs, frecitles, black i heads, moth patches, liver spots, eczema., lTod:.e. oilines3 "nrl nil cliscolorations (azJ : ::inerfectlcns of the skin, Price, a bottle. Cis r He msses BEZl'S DQiPLEXN SOAP F dfl frnm fhft T'r.' rvl rf lnmha'l i 7qoi. It is healiug and gratifying to the Ji siijii, i-ig ji; us, j, ii umes in a ciean and healthy state. This Soap is daintily) sceEted, and i3 a most velcome aid to, the toilet of fastidious vornen. Theut- most car is taken in selecting materials' and scrupuiaas cleanliness in the labor atory insures the vurity of the product.' Price, 26 cents per cake, large four-ounce ) size.. r Thymuses BELLAS cures dandruff and prevents s ot return . - ... . . ii,...: . . . v -.rs tne scalp ana mae3 ins nau' strene,. isoft and lustrous. It is especial!? help-j ml to persons 'whose hair is tinr, cry Ena( ;.UDie to rail out. The torn:: cleanse ihe 5,k'.n about the roots of i he hair : will , t soon cover bald Fpots with a handsome. Vgrowtn. iJnce. 51 a Dottls. Tho Misses BELL'S ttor restorinj? prematurely gray locks to. itiieir original color. It is not a dye nor a stain. It is a color- (less liquid that is applied to the roots of (the hair and leaves no telltale signs on the scalp or forehead. In either cloc3 it civango the color of the ihair all r.t onca. Omv dyes do that. and thev wfish 02. But Carilla-Renova rill not wash off. Price, $1.50 per bottle. The Misses BELL'S SKZPil FCGD J Is a soft, creamy, exquisitely perfumed ointment, which t ftr.a. in mild cases of romrtmess. redness, pim-plPS, etc., es of the skm of all impurities and feeds it bT' bundi Tor j the flesh beneath it solid aid firm. Price, 75 cents per Jar. helps the action of the Tonic, sa cure in itself. It clears the ng up the texture and making j rti s Wr mr A trial ?iz ecmplo of any one or atio-re pref..firoirr!i a?; our parlors in iTev York City; oi Ly mail t any t.drtrowai q plain wrapper upon re- ceipt ot 25 cents in stamps or silver to cover actual cost of postage and ivackina. Trial size samples can be secured from our New York office only. Our apents will cot anpnly thiiox. Correspondence cordiallyi THE IiELI, TOJIiET CO., ?H Fifth Avenne, IVew York City. Semi ot our n?r book, '-fievrrts of lnnt.; i ee It uny atuirest. The Miases Evil's Complexion To3ii Complexioa 2ep!Ic are for In tills city by W. CX Carmiebel '.fir4-; W mns Soap, Skin Fo- !. mm w r m w . aB sr" m m m m mm m m m ma w&w ia w Th13 Magnihccnt Decorated Dinner Sct Free ' Every $ia.O0 J506" 0ol,I Buy direct from the manufacturers and save money. MWifie?ae fnnerA Sefc decorated in pink, blu,.browp, sjiven ausomteiy iree wiui evrj uuimm jjnoii . T7 mis is what we will sendyoiK 4 quarts best table yruj .'65 1 20 lbs fine granulated sugar.. 1.80 lbs. best Japan tea - 1.40 2 large bars best washing soap equal to 13 bars of ordinary i eoap , . .40 2 lbs.best JavaandMocca coffee- .60 1 ten lb. paU family white fish ' selected . ...i -1-00 2 lbs. three crown riisins.-. 38 l can ground mustard (dry)-- S6 1 Can Cinnamon nonii tniAtt ' Afi 1 DackacA fflnaa ianh r .10 1 box ifeper and envelopes . -25 lib. best baking powder -40 1 bag salt, three lbs.. .05 1 large bottle ammonia . .15 1 large bottfeblneIngI -IB 1 box herring, 40 ash -40 5 lbs. best mixed candy 3-W 1 lb. currants, selected . . a lbs. rolled oata -52 ldozi nutmegs. i... - yt lb. pepper, ground and sifted .ay 1 clothes line, 70 feet.. 1 iz ltr tahtti t&rtsnr . --- i- : W 7 ' : -V - lb 1 bottle lemon extract. . 4 cakes perfumed toilet soap, in box.. 1 can Webb's cocoa 1 package borax 1 doz. papers pins . 1 can prime roast beef, 2 lbs.. 1 bbl. tacks (toy) ... - 1 cut-glass sifter, filled with celery salt...' i. 1 package pearl tapioca 1 package fine shredded cocoa- .20 .40 .20 .16 .60 .40 "You're not," said she, holding up her parasol to signal" a natty hansorn driv er. "But I'm not deaf," said I, placing my arm so that her skirt should not touch the wheel. - We leaned back with a smirk of laughter playing summer 'lightning about us. The cabby coughed uproariously, and lifted the little trap with a good deal of difficulty. j "To the British Museum," said I. i "Right, sir!"vand he whipped up. j "Why there?" said she. "Only fogies j go there." i "'Oh," said I, "the Assyrian rooms are ! rather quiet, and they give vou tea j brewed in the time of Thothmes III and j ! real Babylonian buns. I assure you it's ip very lively." j "Splenaid!" she cried. "That's one ! j of the charms of Tondcn you can get I j anything you want." I ' "By the b3re," said I, "have you seen j Sir Timothy lately?" - j I "Sir Timothy!" and she arranged i ! some lace affair at her throat with in- i ! finite care. "Let ma see. Oh, yes! that I baronet man. Well, he called twice the day Derore yesterday, three times yes ; terday and twice again to-day. I saw ; him on each occasion." j My face fell. "But he did not see me," she added reflectively. "Oh! Mr. Darner, he has ! the most disreputable bald spot, and I he has no stability of mind. At each ; denial he puffed away to his chambers in Clarges-st., and will you believe 'it? ' changed his necktie. A thing that ; can't make up its mind about its' neck j tie well, it oughtn't to be at large. I ; told Mrs. Moray-Fox so." "And what did that Delphic oracle reply?" j "She said that the poor man is super ! stitious. if things don't turn out right- . ly he blames his necktie and changes- I it, just as some -people turn their chairs at whist. He carries his belief so far as to have three or four ties stowed away in odd pockets to be changed as opportunity offers." The hansom pulled up with a jerk. I think I made one man happy that day. He had a very discriminating mind. He avoided all crowded thor oughfares, and after the first smack re fused to touch his whip. A most excel lent and tender-hearted creature. "You leave your parasol here," said I. "They give you a metal receipt for it, with a number. It is customary to string it about your neck. That's to identify you should you get lost among the other goddesses, or succumb to the fascinations of Babylonian buns. With this you cannot be lost." "What can be lost isn't worth keep ing," said she in reminiscent tones.; "It all depends how the thing was lost,' said I, remembering the episode, of the fan. "Now, for instance" be ginning an exordium. "Oh! what a horror!" she cried, pointing to" an ugly black mask, grin ning with unutterable malignity. "Do not blaspheme," said I. "That is the Egyptian presentment of lOve. Things are not what they seem." "It reminded me of Sir Timothy," said she. , "Jn that case," said I, "you are right. And now on closer examination I find this is the god of deceita partic ularly objectionable and obnoxious dei ty.'' ' . ' "Ah!" said she, "that is better." "In fact," I went on, "if you stand at this angle you will see that a part of the god's habiliment simulates the modern necktie." "You promised me Babylonian buns," she cried vivaciously. "Presently, presently," I temporized. "You have not seen any of the wonder ful Greek things. Down this stair is a quite comfortable seat, whence you may view Lycian tombs, and other cheerful trifles." "Poppa woulo" rave over that," said she. "He never misses a funeral. He often laments the decay of the wake-" "He is a true Irishman," said I. "The Hibernian soul . still revels in a wake. The O'Shaughnessy we have the same club tells me that when his tribes7 men grow mopish they, kill a few tour ists, and have a good time. The O'Shaughnessy's lands are situated ad vantageously near the great tourist track. Since this became known immi gration from the- other parts of the Island has increased enormously. But we neglect the Greeks." We sat down under the shadow of a '.k colossal chariot, . r "This is -very Impressive" said Miss , Nancy Power. ; 'TV ; . , "Our Cerherus," said I, nodding to ward where .the bemedalled keepe drowsed at guard, "shares youi opin ion. Now I I find it rather frivolous." "Frivolous!"' she cried. "Yes, indeed," said JL "Carter and Hope and Sir Benedict French wanted me to join them at tie bridge. I said I was going to study at the Britteh Mu seum. They advised me to see a' doc tor." . I thought you didn't know where you were going' thrust Miss Nancy. "My forge tfulness," I parried apolo getically." "And to study," she murmured gravely. "It was quite true," said L "The study of man is woman." "Did you see the doctor?" v "I had the blues;" said L'So Ttook the doctor with me. Safest, you know." She rose quickly. "And the Babylon ian bun?" she whispered wistfully. "If you come up those steps," I pleaded, "I will show you a head of Aphrodite' all the world and his wife would come to see if they knew, of it At least all the world would." "Oh! well, I'll come as I'm not "all the world's' wife," she said. "Yet," said I, under my breath, fin ishing the sentence. But I think she heard me, for she ran up the stairs with all the lightness and thoughtless ness of fourteen. There is but one thing makes a woman young and young wo men younger. I followed more slowly as befitted my years, and I saw that Cerberus had opened one eye. j "Aphrodite isn't quite the same," j said I. "There's a change. She has grown qlder." "Impossible," she cried, "love never grows old." "All the same," I contended, "there is a change. The last time I was here the hRlo of eternal youth hung above that glorious head of hair; the gravity of youth for youth has ever the most serious air lay on the lips; and the perfect blindness of the eyes invited abandonment to passion and servi tude." And I sighed, not too regretful- - . Call on me for the Famous Paul Jones 4 Star Rye. Guaranteed 10 yeirs old . NONE PURER, Phone 268. P. CAKR. The Revolving Christmas Tree. Supported on a beautiful Music Box , wMch plays charming music aa the tree revolves, is one of the feeding exhibitions a)t Thetbold!sr Candy Kit chen . . This isn't all, though; there's something here for everybody, and lols jDf things ito amuse and entertain you all. f There's the football pJayer (In miniature), give that to the BinRham bjy foa- Chrisimus; there's the Pony fox the heir apparent; Hungarian and Crermau creMSons in Handsome Candy Boxes fr.r the loved one; the Arab's Head to: bn Brother Mason; Cats, Doge, Monkeys, Poilar bears; all to !be nlled wUth Theo bold's Pure, Fresh Caimdies. You're weicome to look ait them, and we shall be glad to see you a Theofool'd s Candy Kitchen, Telephone 110. 24 Pat ton Avenae. ever r"b D , .... l if I la urei Valley Saloon. 50 SOUTH MAIN STREET. TV a select s-oc'i of Rranlies, Wiuos aaJ .Whiskies riiaf is kept in an up -to date saloon Alli?;-o H i Kv a:ii pric3 Tom 0 .:.. or'j Laurel Yulv OJ 1 v-w. ii a Mpuciuuy lor iamiiy u--. COOPER Jfc 60 ly. "And now?" she queried laughingly, "Do not laugh," said I. "Poor Aphro dite! I am sorry for her. Age has touched her golden hair; Age has laid the rod of resignation to her lips; Age has opened her eyes to see before her something newer and fresher and more beautiful" "You are not English, I vow," said Miss Nancy Power. "You are too im aginative." "You cannot talk with winged things without washing to fly," said I. "Flying is rather risky," said she, looking at the watch that winked on her lapel, "and a hansom is good enough for me." 9o we walked silently to the entrance. "Give me your medal," said I, "ani I give you back" I presented the parasol. "Your reputation." We went down the courtyard with Miss Nancy looking rather serious. I patted myself on the back quite im partially. "I'm going back myself," she apolo gized for barring my entrance wdth the sunshade. I bowed. "There are reasons," she said, "touching that Babylonian bun." "Dreams are better," said I meaning ly, and she flushed. "Besides, said I, "really the buns are rather stodgy." ' "Goodby," said she, "I hope I haven't lost anything" her eyes showing she thought of Mrs. Moray-Pox and her speech. "What Is lost," saicl I, "is worth keeping sometimes." thinking of some thing else. She was gone in a summer of smiles. Black and White. WITH YCl'R 0RDO?,cuttb!5 .or! nut n'lil nr' f.n IN BnH P-K . wo will send you filiS HITiH tti noantr ntiflP P. fi BIN FT RURMCK SEWING RSACKSKE by froieht.C.O.O.snbiectto examlna- '111 Vnn nn enr m in i t. n.T. v AnT- r en rpst f rpi vh t. riprnr. a n ii if fnnnd ?ses perfectlj satisfactory, exactl v as represented, equal to msrhines othsrs sel1 ES'tev U Jia w MUghat SCO. 00, and THE C.EKATEST BARGAIN VOU 8S35TS.SsS.1?Snis EVER HKAED OF, pay Cnnr.;3 Offer Prir.fl Sin F.O Tniw fmitrht Jiwnt mil V ' r- - . ana avera TOU satisfied, glO Mac the greatest vHlue ever otlered by any I?Kie. BEWARE QF IMgTATiONS fcKS tisemen.t3,otierin.g uuknoira machiaus under various names, with variousla daceinent. Write soma friend in C hieago and learn who are reliable nnd who r.rp not. sBiOP" 159 B I E3 3 9 1& has every HOIIKRN I.MI'HOMOIKNT, B feSSt SS?!jrlilac5!'iW KVKUY (i0F POINT OF tVKFY HIGM GRADE DKI'l 8 Rilffitferfewra'FS 1 iliaferSTwa 17 treignt cuarges. aac uue ragns izu l? anatnerrpi?nt win K4Wfof:1 Ti -age 7o cents tor eacii wiu nines, qive it lHiiE rr.DMTHS TRIAL in &WK5S'fi3ffa r own. home, and we will retum your 4Jy.5o : i iy day you are not IS.fe-ftStoi'-W. 'i -vti'AYjIiVif . We sell different makes aad grades of Sewinir JIathices at f8.50, r.i"n!r f.i . .VW MirlTTr , rj-f lf-j .00, 11.00, $12.00 and up, all tally decnbed in our Free Sewing vR-Af la3 UV iLa bine Catalogue, but $15. SO for this DF.OP DESK CABINET BlilUUCK U X-:--1 SL M W r f ( 'IPi my 1 pfpi ;? vv j....u. .1, "n m ---. g.i from the best material money can Diiy. SOLID QUARTER SAWED OAK psOP.D.PSK CA8SHETtvinopo.tei closed (head droppirifr ti'om Bifht) to be Ufed as a coaler table, stand or desi, tile otner open with full lentrth table and head in place for sewine. 4 fancy drawers, laiosl ls;H ekeleion fr.-ime. co.rved. vaneled. em bossed and-iecorateu cabinet fimtih) finest nickel drawer pulls, rests on four casters, adjustable treadle, genuine Smyth iron stand. Finest large Illph Arm head, positive four motion feed, self threading vibrating1 Fhnttkvautomatie bobbin winder, adjustable bearinprs, patent tension liberator. improved loos wheel, adjustable pressure foot, improved shutU.' currier, paten t needle bar, patent dress guard, head is handsomely decorated and oruas'.enCed and nenntifnlly nickel trimmed. GUARANTEED the lichtest rnnnins. raost durable an(Vnearefc noiseless machine made. ETery known attachment is ftimishnd and our TpreQ In struction Book' tells just how anyone can run it and do either plain or any kind or fancy work. A 20-Years' Binding Guarantee is gent with every machine. IT fkflCTC VOU fj OTll I V fi tosee and examine ihis maeliine. compare itwitll It lUblb TUU WUIMlNla th storekeeDe sells at S40.OO to f60.00, and then if convinced that you are saving 82o.OO to wo.oo, pay your weight agent ine aio.au. WE TO BETCRN TOCB $15.50 if at any time within three months you say you are not satisfied. ORbES TO-DAX. IONT DEXiAY. (Sears, Roebuck & Co. are thorouphly reliable. Editor.) Address, . SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) Chicago, III. A SUiiK (JUKE FOK CKOUP. Twenty-five Tears' Contant Use With out a Failure. The first indication of croup is hoarse ness, and ir. a child subject to that di sease it may be taken as a true sign of the approach of an attack. Follow ing this hoarseness is. a peculiar rough cough.' If Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy is given as soon as the child be comes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears, it will prevent the at tack. It is used in many thousands of homes in this broad land and never dis appoints the anxious mothers. tVe have yet to learn of a single instance in which it has not proved errectuai. No other preparation can show such a record twenty-five years of constant use without a failure. For sale by C. A. Raysor. " if v y(CJ i 1' o -:'. . i ' v ' j jj' ; N VV ' MIX I .V VV. ' r-y.-- --j-: . ; ?-. t : -: ."-.-7 ; ' " "s '" STP 11 K A " '"' V X' &- V r-waip 1 nt- SrSvr r?n lhnttlfl vanilla extract" -Total retaU Talnei-,i-. 'jJL . we will send yon this mamtni pieces, as follows r 12 Plates, 2 Cake Plates 1 1 Tea Pott 1 gamine the irooda before bnrltir. e Ji XMiMnvvj-z "eaumul dinner set. Yoa exa,I1 t Vi; rJi are r "inifitedhat you have saved 13.10. Desiaes Pnted and the grandest lslIw?rf5W and knowta what on eflO.OO Dinner Bet, pay the Agent fe.00 and clurS iwtreS ttTwe promlss to retorn not Soods are mads of you need not heritate to send M your iv inflecting the goods as to qnaiity that n 7 such value as was never before shipped, from ""'.Sf! TtoFtrrt. tte 'Llr6ods vffl insure a satisfaction you do notpt f rom ttoaveragwau srore pjjead for prCniara anj mount to next to nothing cwpared wtth :.wbat9 I "g Maik? AlirmoAta Tin(cf Mr. J. Sheer, Sedaila, Mo. , saved hia chid's life by One Minute Cough Cure. 5 Doctors had given her up to die . with : croup.It's'an infallible cure for coughs, 0 ' colds. Erriope. Vneusrjooinia, broncMtis and throat and lung, troubles Jlelieves Blood DeeBt cleuti skis. No beaubr without itrCascarets, Candy Cathar- tic clean "your Diood ana Keep it Clean, Dy itirriDi up the lasy Urer and driving aij inv surites irora? the tKKly. r isegin to-aay xc . a -m,, ... r Mep's $4.50 Shoes at $3.50 tins week. Tari and Black, heavy soles. x G. A- Mcars' Shoe XL - CEITS, sny hu- s.t ioai 65c S3.2, te equal rltckes that retail M S-.0 1 9. . rii3 - ccj. Cas this, atl out and send "uri to us, inclose a good sii.ed sanipio oi the exact sbus wantt-d, and cutit oat as. near It roots a3 jxssibic, iaeloee oar epeeisl prico tjaotc-d aad S cents extra to pay postage, &ndirj will nake the snitch t h&is cxapt. and send to yoH by TnnU nnRtnaid.ond if vou arc not perfectly batisned, return it and wc tvill immediately Oor SpUl Offer Friee as tXoni 2-ox.Bwltch 20ia. Ion?, Jong stem, 65c short stem, SOc; 5N."?3-ia. Jons, short stem, Sf.2Sr 24-ta.long.short stem, $2,25? SM-oz.O-ln. ct,Y, ' 9R :- VI fiCASASTU sa OCR WOKK the highest grade on the market. PrSeratecaaagM me ... - ... It will cniy cost you 50 cents extra to 32!i Parlor Cafe Car (25 cents for a jarge revolving arm chair with plenty cT space cniu' as nrucii freedom end eass as youp':-.v;c: vou 'vili enjoy the large smoking roo::r- -: cov-ci. The ladies "iU delight in ti-.o -c-roor.i, with its lounge ana inviting arm ch ,.'r.. -i-7x?. &dicin,n2. You can have yorrr ir vctt "want them; order most anything Y:' ' '' fcreak or a spring chicken do-.vn to c. : 'please to eat it, and you will, omy ha'-e o ;;uv Th Cotton Belt is the direct line tTeSar, lir !r-.i nnl Memphis to Texas without char.gr. I':'".'. jiijctions for all parts of Texas, InuianTfrr.cr,'- Write and tell us where yon are going arui v, ctCm tell yon what your ticket will cost, which tr;n to-i1,: : ' connections, and will send you an iutoresi iiipr lih'o (.; L W. laSEAUMC, Cea'l Pass'r ani Tkt . n ""r .TV : : ' ET. LOUIS, MO r. rv ;v i 1 1 . r Four Fast Trains TO ... I'M Toledo, Detroit; AND . "f MICHIGAN AND CANADA JOINTS; 4 trains every week-day, 3 trains oh Sunday. Pullman and "Wagner Sleepers 't' nnnio-M fiiiina. : Vestibuled Parlor Cars on day trains. ' 6 tntai nuy wwk thy , 4 trains on SuDdsy . folIIDIAIIAPOUS; i 4 trains every wtkrdy 8 tesins oa Suulr To CHICAGO l rLiiwli4lt.:.r.eJMl rvrn Mil mwi t VDUUUKU H tJ J ' KWriincr Can. Parlor Cars, and Cafe XuinK Cars. -K -i 1 r ""1 r ' pnee orrtBcr!p.-e--'itereiTusc. "r" , m aaat mil oraera jo ; ,i i in o. . JOHN , gr?'"t v. vrsrzrjiTwri -r- .

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