GAZEX11V- DECEMBER W -- S' 1r '-?' i 4 - ' jl K i. BIGr BA ITI MOKE 0 12 Patton Avenue The Bargain Centre of Ashevllle, (DMiPiMimna (K-ireettn QPaflir (Dan toimneir . anmafl 4 Ve will make you teel merry when y6u visit our Mam moth Store and see the many articles we are offering for Christmas gifts and at prices lower than the lowest, Ladies' HandKerchiefs at c, 2c, 3c, 5c, 10c and up. Glove Department., A mice Cashimere Glove lat 15c. A stall nicer one at 23c, a good $1.00 Kid Glove a' 75c, a fine $1.50 KM Glove (every Jpa'ilr "wtanranted) worth. $r.50 at $1.00. A Fine $L50 Silk Umbrella at 98c. Special sale of Winter Dress Fabrics. A nice dress is something wIMch is highly appreciated as a Christmas Gift, here is a chajntoe to buy one at our reg ular Christmas Reduction price. Ladies' Mackintoshes. A Ma'ckinltJosih for a Christmas Gift means monltihe of protection einldi health. "We wilLselH you a $5.00 Mackintosh, for $3.25. Furs, Furs. Every lady likes to wear a fine Fur Collarette ana mloitihing nicer for a Christmas Gift. Boy's Clothing. $1.50 will buy a mice Suit for your lilttle boy, the same quality aold else where at $2.50. Our $2.50, $3.00 amid $3.50 Reefers are as good as any $5.00 oat bought else where. Christmas Bargains in Shoes. For big and Ifttfle folks. Special low prices on all shoes. 1 Do not forget that we will save you at least 25 per cent, on Men's and Boy's Suits and Overcoats. Our Clothing Department is filled with bargains for the Christmas holiday. The past week has seen hundreds and hundreds of customers who, appreciating the low prices which prevail in every de- apartment, have supplied their needs in time. We have plenty more bargains to offer you, good, genuine bargains. Our Store Will Remain Open Evenings Until Christmas. y l 10 and 12 Patton Avenue - - By tbe end of this month 2,000 ugar maples will have toeen set out on the streets in Raleigh. . . , - 1 A $10,000 'brlclc structure Is being erected-by Drs. Moore and Anderson fojr IJaeir sanitarium in WilsaaT' Twenty-eigrht more sewing machines have beenput in. the penitentiary shirt factory bringing the number up to 57& Tlhe board of agriculture appropriated '$1.50Q to the state, fair, as by law it is allowed to do, to stimulate the. C farmers in special lines of effort. v Two hundred and fifty-eignt gallons ?tf moonstiine was hauled last week by -Deputy Marshal " Griss, captured in the ; dark cOTner.-7-Tryoni Coreisposndentoe. Polk County News. ';. Labor Commissioner Lacy has a pho tograph; of Senator. Vance covered by 3a" -piece of glass from his casket.. The glass was removed in order that a ring might be taken from a finger. v The report that diphtheria and scar let fever are epidemic in "Wilmington is Incorrect. The Iboard of (health, decided that there was no necessity to close the schools. News and Observer. 1 Wilkes county Is almost unrivalled in the production of apples, particularly Mountaim Limbertwigs. This season people have taken much care in assort ing and crating them and thousands of bushels have been placed) on tills mar ket art: fairly good' prices, t is said ttlhat some have been shipped to .England. . The annual session of the state board of. public charities will be held in Ral eigh December 20. The reports will then be maide. The special lime of work just now f si an investigation through the county superintendent of health as to the numlber and condition of the in sane unprovided for; that is, those who are in jails and county homes. v The new railroad eating house to be erected at this place and run by Saun ters & Graham will be the largest an most complete thing of its kind south of Washington. It will be built of pressed brick and Mt. Airy granite. The ceiling will be of stamped steel, with heavy drop beams studded with electric lights. It will be painted in ivory white and gold. The end of the house facing the railroad will have one plate glass fourteen feet square. The interior of the rooms will -be of polished oak handsomely panelled and carved. There will be a recreation room, fitted with leather chairs, writing tables and arvopen fire place large enough to hold a log hve reet square. txreensDoro cor responence Raleigh Post. Mrs. R. Churchill, Berlin, Vt.) says: "Our baby was covered with running sores. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cured her." A specific for piles and skin disease. Beware of worthless counterfeits. Dr. T. C. Smith. CELEBRATED IN WAYNESVILLE- How the An niversary of Washing ton's Death Was Observed. Waynesville, Dec. 14, The on hun diredth anniversary of 'the deatlh iof George Washiingtoni was celebrated xlhis after noon by the gnaided scbooQs alt tlhis place. The Waynesvlljie Concert Bamd rendered beautiful musil. eRv. E. M. Dightfoot spoke on "Washington tlhe Soldier and the ChTiisltian." His aoMiress wias exceed ingly interesting and was well received. At the conclusion "he was ap lauded. Hon R. D. Gilmer next spoke, his subject being, "Washington the Stateemiain." Mr. Gilmer, always a smooth talker, faiiiy outdid himself . The great crowd cheered enttlhusSasticlally as he left the platform) . Aicademy Hall, wthiah will seal: about 300 people, was filled' to overflow ing. Cbmpdmy H, eome members of which spent several monrths In Cuba In government servtice, rmarched in fromit of the .procession. The Masonic fratenni ty was alsb reptresented, mamv of them attired in the regalia of the order. The occasion was a p&easainit one, and Prof. Allen and his school are to foe toongrat ulated.on the manner fn which they en tertained the (great mass of Waymcs ville's patriotic population. Mr. A. 1m Herren, of Seattle, Wash., who hate been, visiting Ms old friends and acquaintances, Suae said the National hotel .property, which he owned so long, to Mr. S. L. Hopper, of Lenoir, N. G. Rev. Frank D. Hunt left a few days since for WaJdesbonoi, where he was called to solemnize the mart age of Mr. D. A. Baker, of this place, to Miss Ruth Bennett of Wadesboro. Transyliania Railroad Company Formerly Hendersonville & Brevard Railway.) In Effe; Cctober 22, 1899. P.M. STATIONS. P.M. ".01 Lv. Brevard Ar. B.30 12.16 Davidson River 5.20 12.27 Penrose 5.07 12.37 Blantyre 4.58 12.46 Etowah 4.50 i12.55 Cannon 4.43 1.00 Horse Shoe 4.38 1.10 YaJle 4.29 ; 1.30 Ar. ..HendersoriMlle.. Lv. 4.10 Flag Stations. Passengers only pn Sunday. Connects with the Southern railway at Hendersonvile for all points north and south. J. F. HATS, - T. S. BOSWELL, - General Manager. Superintendnt. I 1 SPECIAL RATES. 02,75 BOX RA! N CO AT ARKGVl,iB SS.OO WATER- l) TC PROOF MACKINTOSH for ilt 1 3 SEHtf NO MONEY. 5 ' ana send so as, Ute your height and weight, ftte Bimbcrof bdm aroma body at breut, takea over VMtander coat, cloMttp uderinu, and fre will send you this coat by express & O. D., antjeet to exaatlnaUoa. Ex amine and try It on at your nearest .ih-ib omce, ua ir ronaa exaeuf aa represented and toe atoet woaderfal ale you Ter law or heard of. aad equal to aay coat y can bay fnf jfcft.An. nav mt uun onuAii uifek rtUKK, 9279a and exvreoa eaararea. - -THIS MACKIN TOSH ts latest 1900 style, easy fitOns;, made from awry waterproof, Ua color, seaaiaa Daria CoreH Oothi roll lensrtn, doable-breasted, Bajrer velvet collar, fancy plaid lining, waterproof sewed seams Bol table for both fcala or Overcoat, sad faaraatoea 6BKATX8T TiXCI mr o8r4 fc j as or aay ; ether hraso. tor froe Ctetk Saatalo ol -' lea's HaeUatoahM as to k.OQ ana Xade-to-Measaro 8ulU aad Ororaoata aft froat Ba.Ofl to C10.0O, write far Hla BAMTba -boom. ao. 90M, Address bo BEARS ROEBUCK & CO. lino.) CHICACOe , (fears, lUebaek A Ca. are UMrHaly rellahle 1 aiterr . , r wj Tickets on; sale between all points in Southeastern Passenger association's territory on December 22-25 inclusive, also December 30 to January' 1, 1900 in clusive, final limit January 4, 1900, at rate of one and one-third (1 1-3) first class fare one way limited for the round trip, On account of the annual meeting of the southern educational association, Memphis, Tenn., tickets wil be on sale December 24-25, final limit January 8, 1900, at rate of one first class fare, plus S2 membership fee, for the rjind trip, Rate from Ashevile, $18.65. 'Special excursion rates offered by th Southern Railway for ten followtag oc casions: ' On acdourit of the Clhlriatmas Holiday?, ticket will be on eale between all ptodnts in Bouith astern Passeneer AssocSaltion's territory on Dec: 22-25 inclusive, also" Dec. 30 fto Jan,. 1 inclusive, final limit Jan. 4, 1900, at rate of one amd oae-third first-claislg fare for the round trip. To students and teach era, oat preseata tlian of cerutifiicale -Biginied bp principal, SuperirfteTfideht or President of school or college, tickets will be sold Dec. 15-21 Inclusflve, final llmi)a Jan. 4,. 1000, at same rates as above. , Qni accounlt Annulal Sefesicm- St'a.te Su perfnteaid emts of Public Schoi61sv Ral eigh, N. C. Tickets on sale Dec. 25-29 inclusive, final limilt Jan. 5. 1900. Raite .from Asheville $11 for fine round trip On laccounft meeting; North Carolina Association of AcaJaemles, Raleigh, N, C. Tickets on: sale Dec. 26-29 inclusive final Mimlt Jan. 5 1900. r Rate from Ashevllle til -for thHouad'trip;. ' ' On Btetetounit Chkriotte Poultry and Pet ock ASBOciation, Chanoxte, iN.uvricK eta an sale Jam. 9-12 inclusive, final limit Jan. 13, 1900 ait rate" of 4omiei first cliacd ?t are , lor s round trto.' " Rate fron Ashevllle via. Stajtesville or; SpartJanburg $4.70, via Saltebury $5.20. rv . FVw full ttnforniattenlfc callonf "ticket' flgeata ot addmees F. R Darby,- C P. & T, A., 'AelievilleN C, or R.I. Ver; nlonv T.t P. A.) Charlotte,' N. C. - Ausnist Flower. "It is a surprising fact," siys Prof. Houton, "that in my travels in all parts of the, world for the last ten years I hav. met more people having used Green's August Flower than any other remedy, for dyspepsia, and for consti pation. I find for tourists and sales men, or for persons filling -office posi tions, where headaches and general bad feelings from irregular habits ex ist, that Green's August Flower is a grand remedy. It dbes not injure the system by frequent use, and is excel lent for sour stomachs and indiges tion." Sample bottles free at W. C. Carmichaers. Sold by dealers in all civilized nations. It rests with yoa whether yoa eonwnue tne. nerruiina; cooacco naDit. a u-ju-d renr.oTes tne oesire zor coDaeco, a oat nerroos distress, expels nioo- une, purines- tne blood, 1 scores tosa mnanni make yon stnooar m health, nerreaT 1 1 J IW Uncases cured. Bay Mid oockaUlrTX J II m'jfO-TO-BAf! from ?fMlV rmiTorit own orugrffist, who wlIlToach for as. Tate itwitn will, patiently, persistently. One f1IK fft puu. aw m mm u vw omn rirTT n av m 1 t an wm mm m i 400.000 arante) , Start Ins Baatody box, ai, asaaUy cures; S poxet $8-6- o to cure, o we reinna money Galeae. Haatraal, Baw Kaax akt. lnlT finaiM. fcr CIIICHESTEB?SENOlJl.lw IvSUCD'aaa. CUlaMtrnme taaogaaM wttk Wo cibkoai Ta4re wa. Beraaa Iteacerwaa StWtua.aas alaalta- tarn liavil. lO.CWO TnllaUU. wdJZ. Tnw alofceaaea Cfceaaloal Ow -1 - - " -J Kolc-.VIIII.l i Ul"S -T cure Depression of Spirit, Falling Of: th Womb and vWaksM8. of Back usual to change of iUlfe, tak Rlmmons Squww Tin "Wto oc Tablet. al - ej J.M" ' .. Ik. . KM rng nti,7- use vjampnoruae, xot coaupe bao!a;2yJ f aoe, tan, un 4ufW to. S5J SU1 Uftt..., -i Fashionable Hair Dressing. : Mrs. A. ll. Davis has opened a' fash fomable hair dressing parlior at No 102 Patton avenue, New Englamd Home, rooms 15 and 16. Uadies' hair sham pooed, "v rnanjufaeturet' of celebrated Frenicih Acme Hair Touic and Hair'and Scalp Cleanser. Highest testimonials from leading ladies wherever intro duced. Treatment given at' ladies' residences when desired. Office hours, 8 to 9 a. en., 12 m.' to 2 p. m. and 5 to 7 p. m. feFrom the reports of the dealers In hl city, we -aUnki no proprietary medicine has a largert sail than Plain Killer. .-Its valuable properties as a speedy cure for v"aauioHi--.iaii to De gezuer&iiy. appre P'-inmM'te'xMen at- WAr- - of; ; aystary-. r Blarrailoea, r chotem t??JtrMnreal: Star, J Avoid sub. atttces, Then to but -'we Pain Killer, TT w. ww. Z5c and' ZVO 'j. - Gooa -nlitt ' ttka iof 1 1 w9ilte Aands in "tUs v morning; 25c J. B. Clark, Peoria, 111., says, "Sur geons wanted to operate on me for piles but I cured them with DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve." It Is Infallible for -pile? and skin diseases. Beware of counter feits. Dr. T. C. Smith. - AT ESMERALDA INN. Ekmiexialda Del. 14. The latest arriv als at Esmeralda Inn, Hickory Nut Gap were: George Clingstone, Julius Waer ner, eGorge C. Lucro, Charles Schneider Fred J. Mayer, all of Baffitimoro, Mid.; Mies Jennie R. Rutherford, Burlington N. Y.; Miss Carrie L. Jenks, Norwich, N. T.: Frank M. Zellie, New York; C. Chester Burdirae, Washington; Mr. aind Mrs. Et W. Ctrpentcr, San Fraricieioo. Cal.: Mirte. C. P. Ambler, Asneville; H. Neill Wfflsoin, Plititsfield, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kenlt Porter, Pittsneld, Mass. Everythimg lis green; over here yet "aaid Clhrjanthiemums bloom in frcwit of the Inmi fiearathe 8ipnatnie of Th8 Kind Yoa Have Always Boogjl baa "been nalner CABCABETI avnd sts a mild and effective' laxative they are simply won derfol. - "My dauRhter and T were-bothered with stck stomach and oar breath was rery bad. After taking a few doses of Cascarets we bare improved wonderfully. They are a great help in the family." - WlLHKLMIKA NaGKL. - , U3T Rittenhouse St.. CiqcinnatL Ohio. ffrShX ' CANDY ( fl mlf CATHARTIC - IBM" . 'V -. - PleasanU- PalataWe- Potent. -Taste" Good. Do Good, NeTeB&cken. WeakeM.or :Gftp. We. 3se0e. CURE.CONSTIPATIOK: . ' StstMay aaiy Cataaay. Ckkac. Kaatrval, w Tar. Sli f fTfl P J f Sold and rnaraud. by all drnr Ly" I Ij'LAU xisu to xTviatJI'obaoeo Habit.; .aaaf Tbe Kind You Hve Alrvavs Bonrrht arirl wriir. i,..i in use fbf ove-- 30 drears, lias borne the signature of -ana has been made under his per. sonai supervision since its infancy. AllOW no One to dpftiv vnn In 1,1,. -. . . w &u uius. All CounterfeitSs Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex v periments that trine with and endanger the health of Infants and GhUdren--Experience against Experiment What is CASTOR I A Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops . and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant, it contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach ad Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA.ALWAYS Bears the Signature of S7 The Kind You Have Always Bought j In Use For Over 30 Yfears. THC OCNTAUR COMPANY. TT MURRAY STBIW, NEW YORK CfTY. laBflllTlffl AMD VITALITY AFTER USING. HJEL. MOTT'S JTER.VE XIXjTjS The great remedy for nervous prostration and all diseases of the generative organs ot either sex. such as Nervous Prostration. Failing or Lost Manhnnd Iir.potency, Nightly Emissions, Youthful Errors, Mental Worry, excessive use of Tobacco or Opium, whir!; lead to Consumption and Insanity. With ever $5 order we guarantee to cure or refund the money. Sold at $1.00 per box. 6 boxes for $5.00. DR. BIOTT'S GHEIOICAL CO., Cleveland, Ohl, FOR SAIiB 3Y DR. C. SMITH. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. In Effect Dec. 10, 1899. No. 37-11. No. 35. 4.30pm 12.05m 6.55pm 3.50am 9.20pm 6.22am Eastern Tim. Lv New York Lv Philadelphia Lv Baltimoir Nos. 12-38. No. 36 Ar. 12.43pm 6.85am Ar. 10.15am 2.56.m Ar. 8.00am 11.25pm 10.43pm 6.10am 11.15am 6.07pm Lv Washington Ar. Lv IAHvlll Ar. 6.42am 9.05pm 11.25pm l.SOpm 12.10am 12.01pm Lv Rlchmoad Ar. 6.40am 6.2Spm 8.35pm l.lOan 2.09am 5.15am 9.10am 2.50pm 8.50pm 6.35pm Lv Norfolk Ar. 8.20am 5.55pm Lv Slma Ar. 3.50am 12.35pm Lv Raielgta Ar. 2.45am 11.85am Ar Gireensboro Lv. 11.45pm 8.50am 9.10am 10.12am 10.52am 11.13am 12.34pmi 2.12pm 2.20pm 2.40pm 4.02 pm 5.55pm 7.401)111 11.35pm 7.10pm 7.40pm 8.03pngl 10.30pm 12.03 am 12.10am 12.15am 1.29aim 3.00am 4.25am 7.40am 7.10pm Central Tim Lv SaUburT Ar. 6.35pn 9.40am Lv Staevlllo Ar. 5.27pm 8.53am Lv Nwtn Ar. 5.00 pm 8.18am Lv Hickory , at. 4.41pm 8.01am Lv Marlon Air. 3.22pm 6.52am Lv. Blltmor Ar. 1.42pm' 5.26am A Aiherllle Lv. 1.37 pm 5.20am Lv; AevUle Ar. 1.10pm 5.15am Lv Hot Sprmgfj Ar. 11.45am 4.00am Lv. MoraifftaWB Ar 9.50am 2.30am Lv Knbxvfll Lv. 8.25am 1.15am Ar Chattanooga Lv. 4.20airri 10. 00pm Ar Momphla Lv. 9.15am 9. 15. am 6.40am ft.tlpmi Ar. Naahvilto - Lv. 10pm t.lOam 7.50am 7.50pm Ar.' LouflaTville Lv. 7.46pm 7.40am 7.30am 7.30pm Ar. Ciaeinnatl Lv. 8.00pm 8.30am Ar. New Orle&im Lv. A. AND S. BRANCH. No. 14. No. 10. Oeatral Tlmo. No. 13. No. f. 7.05am 2.05pm Lv AshvUl Ar. 6.00pm 137. pra Eastccm Tlma 8.13am 3.12pm Lv Blltmoro Ar.. 6.52pm 2.30pm 9.08am 3.57pm Lv HadrpoBvUo Ar. 6.05pm 1.42pm 10.18am 5.00pm Lv Try Ar. 5.00pm 12.40am 11.17am 6.00pm Ar Spartanburg Lv. 3.40pm 11.40am 3.20pm 9.35pm . Ar Columbia L.v 11.40am 3.30am 8.17pm 7.00am Ar Cftarlntoa Lv. 7.00am ll.OOpm Central Tims 5.15arri Ar Savanaak Lv. 12.05am 9.25iam Ar Jacksonville Lv, 7.45pm t 8.00am Ar August Lv. f.OOprn t.tOpm 3.55pm 5.10am Ar Atlaata Lv. 1 7.50am ll.KOpm 7.40am 8.10pm ' Ar Now Orloano Lv. 7.45pm 7.15am 7.40am Ar Mompmo Lv. f.OOprn 710pm 8.30ara . Ar. Macon Lv. 3.00am 7.10pm MURPHY BRANCH. No. 17- No. 19 Central Timo. 9.15am 1. 45pm Lv Ashevllle 10.38am 4.10pm Lv WaTBoovillo 10.68am e.Stpm Lv Balsam 12.40pm t.SSpm Lv Bryaoa Cfty t.tdpm Ar llurpky No. 18. No. 20. Ar. 6.30pm 12.05pm At. 4.55pm 10.28am Ar. . 4.30pm 10.10am Lv. 2.00pm 8.40am Lv. 1.80am haOj except Bundari. Dily except Sunaari. Tralno S7 an)i 1L and If nS t carry Pullma sleepers between New Ti Waehlogton, Ashevllle, Hot Sitae, Oiattaaooga, and Nashville. TralM f lL and .ia ana 12; betwro JaeksoavClo, Savannah,, Columbia. Askevm Bprsnge, ttjioxyim, ami umeosumn. - Tralno 9 and 10 carrying. Cincionati taiad Jacteoirville Columbia with deeper ror Charleston wWch filvee dotsble daily uirwuuuH ueiweeu .ftgnevTii; imtw!. . Traimia 35 sad ttt etmr Tn11va mim L a.laK Askevme, Springo, CTiattaimg and Memphis. . . , . Together witth our excelleal oqulpmont an4 ochedules to t2ie oorta aa Z all rail through T7ahiaffte3, tho prxbttj! special ''mMatftm called to our r wA-;tibe-.tmtia to the aoxth and V-SOTtJieim raJlway and the ChP -Ene. This ecbeOulo aJtowo i dv ? tt.Bvw t Nnrfnv: Vs.. affording tunity to ylsft Old Poiat Oimrfm (Ton Uoaro Virginia eleepe connects eervice iu Newport News, ofia- FRANKS GANNON. Third Vta Prldr WICK. A, O. P. A., Attta, f7 'i H. TATliOR; A. O. 5 x:' Aeesi AxaeriS; N. C; W. A. TU t-' '.4, V -