v " V - - V ... '. . . '. - - - " . . - f .. -"v. i';' " . . ' . ... , ' i ' ; f ; : - - VOL. IV: NO. 17L DESTRtlCHEMOO 51 Patton Avenue. In order t to close out quick we have made another large price reduction on all our Jackets, Golf Capes, Cloth Gapes, Fur Capes, Fur Boas and Collarettes. In addition we offer a large variety of spec ial Holiday Goods at very close prices. Our line of silk Mufflers and Hand kerchiefs for ladies and men is unsur passed. Umbrellas for holi day gifts range from 50c to $12 each. All our goods are priced close. OESTREIGHER & GO 51 Patton Avenue. MASSAGE.. AND PACKS. Tree.tm.enft for: NERVOUS, RHEUMATIC ad OTHER DISEASES. Special: 3UURE BRANDT MASSAGE FOR FEMALE DISEASES; ALSO FACE MASSAGE. PROF. EDWIN GRUNER, jTGraduate Ch.eminitz College, Germany. Formerly with Oakland Heights. Sanitarium.) 55 S. MAIN ST. TELEPHONE 206. Home or Office Treatment. Office hours, 11 a. m. to 1 p. m., 2 to 4. p. m. SPECIAL SALE .L Penniman Bros. & Co. Xmas Week, Beginning Tuesday, 19th. we "will offer for sale the finest line of carving sets ever1 shown in. Asheville, at a reduction of from. 25 to 33 per cent, less tham they have ever been sold. Also a line of pocket cutle-ry. worth 50 cents for 25 cents. Our 50c. Razor will cost you $1.00 anywhere. We carry in sittdck a fimie line of Electric Riazora aaid Pocket Cut lery, every one fully guaranteed. Oall and examine our etock be fore, buying. BRYAN IN CONFERENCE WITH HOGG Austin, Tex., Dec. 20. The presence of Bryan has caused! this city to be the mecca for state democratic poli ticians and many visitors today. None fcave been successful in, seeing him. Ex-Governor Hogg is the only favored one. Bryan also refused all , requeste to deliver speeches during 'his stav. in the state. The single exception to'thlsv rule is an address which, he promised to deliver before the Jefferson club f Sa.n Antonio next month. "WFTFTT? "P, TTV ftTHT FLOWER'S. Stran fw Christmas! can have them, cut fresh t the Idlewild Company's greennouses. ees, carnations and other favorites in bountiful supply, a Fine display. Take the Oh the Bau&re fend trici nriiaA if ViDU CtSJL IX at, send in your orders early. " , .-1 Grippe. Quickly controls -chills, fever and pain. - 25c. at ' Grant's. - . t i tNVv. - ., .. 1 - 'mmmmmmmm?m?mmFmmmmmmmmm Hfi TO SENATE The President Submits a Copy of the Universal Peace Convention. Immediate Action Asked for on the Treaty. Adjournment of Congress Until Aftei the Holidays. Eesolution of Hoar on Policy in Ac quired Territory. BROOKE'S CUBAN ' PROCLAMA TION READ IN THE SENATE A SMALL REVOLT AGAINST LEAD ER PAYNE5 IN THE HOUSE. Washington, Dec. 20. President Mc Kinley submitted to the senate today a copy of the convention for a paciflc settlement of International disputes, and a copy of the declaration to prohib it for . term f five years the launch ing- of projectiles and explosives from balloons, or Ty other new me'thods of a 1 It A m ,m simuar nature, ootn signed at The Hague in July last by the plenipoten tiaries of the United States amdl other countries. The president invites the attention of the senate to the import ance of immediate action on the arbi tration treaty. In an accompanying letter Secretary Hay says that the treaty is signed by the representatives of over a score of nations and adds that the American representatives, in signing, the treaty, made a declaration that nothlag con tained therein should be construed as a departure by the United! States from its traditional policy of non-interference In European affairs, tmot the relin quishment of its traditional attitude towards purely American questions. The- session of the senate todaywas Bomewhat lengthier than on several preceding days. The chief features were the re'ading of Brooke's procla mation, which was issued a't Havana yesterday, by the clerk at the request of Senator Hale, and a resolution pre sented by Hoar declaratory of the pol icy of the United! States, toward recent acquisitions of territory.. Hale at the conclusion of the reading of Brooke's proclamation said Brooke was to be congratulated on accom plishing so vast a work. Hoar's reso lution, after referring to the custom followed by the United States In times past at Important periods of their his tory, and briefly referring to the re sults of the war, declared the most pressiner obligation that confronted us was the solving of the race problem on our own soil, by making the negro secure in his home and vote; to bring the Indian to civilization; to make the ballot box pure; ' to secure the wage earner a sufficient remuneration to ensure his support in a life of comfort and leisure in old age; to expand) over the continent and islands of the sea as fast as we can bring equality 'and self- government with an example of free dom, which he maintained they would be glad to follow, but never to force freedom at the bayonet's point or can non mou'th, and to abstain from inter fering with freedom, or the just rights of other nations. The resolution was temporarily tabled. Senator Hawley want id tho resolu tion presented by Senator Pettigrew early in the day.calling cn the secretary of war for a copy of the testimony taken ''by the commission investigating the conduct of the war, referred to the domimittee on military affairs, but Pet tigrew opposed this On motion of Senator Cbckrell it was amended so as to read, "if not incompatible with pub lic interests," and as so amended It was adopted. The senate then went into an exeutive session! and subse quently adjourned. IN THE HOUSE. Washington, Dec. 20. There was a little revolt against Leadter Payne by some of the republicans today and ef forts to demonstrate his leadership de tained the house for an ihour after the time wfaen it would' otherwise have adjourned. Under the impression that the session today would be brief, many republicans ih'ad gone home, Payne having expressed- art pinion that noth AN INVESTMENT In Asheville property now will--mark this prediction prove to be before the end of 1900 money well spent. Call 'and let us interest you. t WILKIE Sr LaBARBE, Real; Estate Agents, 23 Patton Avenue. v -I JJ. ' Gil TREATY SENT ABBEVILLE, N. 0, THURSDAY ing would: be done. To carry out th implied agreement ' with these members Payne, after the reading of the jour nal, moved to adjourn. Ex-Speaker Gnefar desired to reply to some observations that Gaipes madp yesterday in criticism of Grow's speech on the financial bill, and when Payne declined to yield! to hiim, a number of republicans joined with the democrats in voting against adjournment and de feated him. Twice Payne demanded the votes by roll call, occupying an hour or more without result. He then gave up the fight, and permitted! Grow and Mr. Gaines each to speak for five minutes, after which there was a unanimous support of his motion and the house adjourned until January 3. CONGRESS REPRESENTATION ACCORDING TO VOTE.CAST A Bill Directed at States Having Dis- franchi sin g Laws. Washington, Dec. 20. A bill intro duced in the house today by Repre sentative Crunipacker, of Indiana, has for its ultimate object the reduction of the representation of southern states in congress. It directs the director o'f the 'census to compile the registration laws of southern states, so far as they affect the qualification of voters. He is also fdlirected to prepare a tabulated statement, showing the votes cast in 1896, the number of white and colored male citizens of each state over 21 years, together with the number of il literates. The information must be in readiness for submission to congress in 1900. The bill Was referred to the com mittee on census. PRITCHARD'S RESOLUTION ON THE AMENDMENT Seals With a Question That Affects -r the People of the United States. . - Gazette Bureau, Washington, De-.. 20 The demoratic press of North Caro lina seems to be wrought up to a high pitch over the step taken by Sonator Pritchard to secure a little appUcafl f of the constitution of the United States to the locality in wMch" these papers operate. These papers fetr that tn- resolution introduced by the sena tor will not be considered germane to something or somebody andi that sooner thing unprecedented will b-5 don. It may t: of passing inte.v.jt to thcst nervous . journalists that Senators Stewart, Beveridge and other leading men of the senate are of the opinion that the resolution is altogether in or der and they will support it on the floor of the senate. A few days ago vhn the proposed Payne resolution, looking to the restriction of the southern . lep- resentation in national convention was sent to the quiet recesses of a pig eon hole through the .'niluence of southern republicans it was urged by influential opponents that tne southern elections were a matter for congrei sional attention. Men of natiial rep utation everywhere are glad that the subject is receiving attention from such a high 'and proper source. The resolution deals with a question that affects the people of the United States, and therefore Senator Pritch ard will press the matter to a vote at the earliest possible moment. "If the leaders of the democratic party," said Senator Pritchard to me yesterday. "are sincere in their professions with regard to the colored man I cannot un derstand' why it is they do not pro pose to abrogate the fourteenth and fif teenth amendments of the constitution of the United States. If these amend ments were out of the Way the demo crats could then deorive the colored man of his vote without coming 1n conflict with the constitution, and the fact that they do not propose to abro gate these provisions is clear proof to my mind that they propose to disfran chise the poor illiterate white people as well as the colored people of North Carolina." There is a "nigger in the woodpile' in the fuss and feather being stirred up over this resolution matter. Demo crats know it will mean an exposure (Continued on fifth page.) A PAIR OF GOLD FRAMED GLASSES FOR CHRISTMAS Makes a very approprialte present. The lenee can be exchanged' for new ones properly fitted to the eyes after wards. Bear this in mind if you want to make some one. a present who now has only steel (frames.- We guarantee our work and our, goods. , , Scientific Opticians, V 45 Patton Ave.Biair's Furniture Store. 1 ' - EXAMINATION FREE. HORNING, DECEMBER 31, HAS GERMANY SEIZED SAMOA? If She Has Baised Her Flag at Apia She Has Committed an Affront to the United States and England. Washington, Dec. 20. Considerable astonishment was created in official circles today by the despatch publish ed in the newspapers that the German flag had been raised over the Apia court house December 13, as an offi cial notification of the annexation of the Samoam islands to Germany, and that the Mataafans were driving, the supporters of Malietpa o:it of tht ii- vil lages. As the United State have not surrendered! possession of Upolo, on which Apia Is situated, to Germany, and cannot do so until the partition treaty is ratified by the senate, such proceedings by Germany constitute an affront to the United States and Eng land, whose interest in Samoa s'iill re mains intact. In the absence of official confirmation the officials refuse to discuss the mat ter, but it was learned that if the re port proves true, a protest will be made to Germany. UNITED STATES BIOS FOR CHATHAM ISLAND To Secure One of the Galapasos Group From Ecuador. Washington, Dec. 20. Negotiations for the transfer to the United States of Chatham island, one of the Galapa gos group, have been opened between this government and Ecuador. There is, every reason to believe that the transfer will be effected by a treaty arrangement. The negotiations are the outcome of a story that England was attempting to secure Galapagos. LIEUT. BRUMBY'S FUNERAL. Crowds Viewed the Body at the Cap itol in Atlanta. Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 20. The funeral of Lieutenant Brumby was held this afternoon, the interment being at Oak land cemetery. The body lay in state .,itlie capitol from 10 until 2 o'clock, ivhen It was ttsartsrferred to St Phil- lips cathedral. An immense- con course viewed the remains anidl at tended the services. At the close of the ceremonies the body was conveyed to the cemetery. A salute was fired over the grave of the lieutenant. Among the floral of ferings was a wreath from Mrs. Dew ey. AIDED THE FILIPINO JUNTA.! I Docnments Compromising Certain An- ti-Expaiisionists. Washington, Dec. 20. Despatches from the Philippines intimate that doc uments compromising prominent antL expansionists in this country were cap tured with Aeruinaldo's luggage the other day, but no details are given General Otis has forwarded the docu ments by mail and it will be at least a month before they can arrive here. It is questionable whether the president will allow the facts to be given out then, for the war. department Had long had plenty of evidence that conspicu ous persons in this country had been in communication with the Filipino junta at Hong Kong and their agents in London and Paris. While Agoncillo was in Washin: ton he was acting under the advice of at least two members of the United States senate, and was in communi cation with several members or tne house of representatives. It Was also discovered that he was receiving con tributions of money from rich Filipino sympathizers, and the merribers of th Cuban iunta reported to the war de partment that Agoncill- had approach ed them wTith a proposition to stir ur states in ya, - - - " zon, and he naa assurcu mem could secure plenty of funds for that mimnsp from oersons in this country wiho were aiding: him. Tt -wins no mvstery where he got his money and not only the officials of the wn,r pmartment. but several newspa per men, also knew who wrote the peti tions to the president and to congress and the communications to the public viaf omrvparprl over his name. But no action was taken by the officials of the eYwern-menh althWigh it was plain treason, and if it had occurred tn any other country there would nave oeei trial in court. The facts, however, are all filed . 5a way-In the du. rpan of military intelligence, . tor tne orpsident thought it best 'hot to make them, public-. It is supposed, uiai vut captured, documents compromise the same oersons, and the . officials of the r . .- . . ! j. XI war department do not believe tney arr any worse than they have on nie. CAPT. CARTER'S SECRETARY. Savannah. Dec. 20. Michael A. Connelly, one of the alleged conspira tors in the famous, uarter-ijaynor ca., arrived) frorhHavana today under ar rest. He was released on, bail. Con nelly was Captain Carter's private sec- i retary and very intimate with him. TELEPHONE COMPANY FILS. Chattanooga, Dec 20. Pursuant to an application by A. G. xorian, nivanavme. Ind United States District Judge Clark . today appointed. L&. :Bjoods.-permanent receiver of the Morrisrown xeiepnwae company, ;Morrtetavm. Tenn, A nice piece or "Furniture is nice for X-mas Present.; Have you been to Mrs L. A : Johnsons ? 43 Patton aye. 1899. CUBA'S HEW GOVERNOR ARRIVES AT HAVANA A Flattering Welcome Extended to General Wood. Havana, Dec. 20. General Wood, Cuba's new governor, took upon him self the duties of office at noon today. The welcome extended to him was flat tering to him personally and gratify ing to friends of the administration at Washington andl the lovers of Cuba. It was sbJowm 'by 'an overwhelming de monstration that he c'omes at lea with the good will of those whom ho must rule.- Several tugs- with delegations met the steamer bringing Wool ir. the hir bor. Wood on landing drove to the hotel Ingleterra. There was no par ade. At the hotel there was a stream of callers representing- every faction of Cubans. At noon Wood called n.t thf palace, where. Brooke introduced him to the cabinet. Tomorrow Wood will take hold of th duties of his office. He had little 10 say in regard to his policy except that he would give the best possible gov ernment. This 'afternoon Generals Wilson and Ludlow and Cap'cain Sigsbee called o: Governor Wood, who subsequently re turned Sigsbee's visit on board the Texas. The cabinet officers will resign, and the impression prevails that the resig nations will be accepted!. The death 1TY-P T.QTrtrt- Ln iin. -J J. 1 Wooa wa8 especially rvei on tarn. ing the news. FRAUDS DISCOVERED IN HAVANA CUSTOM HOUSE Ten Officials, Prominent Cnbans. Ar- rested. Havana, Dec. 20. Ten custom house appraisers were arrested today charg ed with conspiring to defraud bv changing classification' of imports. "It is alleged , that prominent merchants were implicated. The peculations, it is known, extended over a fortnight and the amount involved reaches manv thousands. The arrests caused great excitement by reason of the prominence of the accused . All were prominent officers of the Cuban army. The jail was thronged tonight .with. .parent and- friends of the accused endeajfOTing lo see thrn.,Secial permits had to b? obtained frot'GewwAl Jbudlow, which caused great Indignation. " FOSTER WILL SUCCEED SENATOR CAFFERY His Man, Anditor Heard, Nominated for Governor. New Orleans, La., Dec. 20. The Louisiana state democratic convention at Baton Rouge tonight nominated the present auditor, Hea.rO., for governor. The nomination is a victory for Gov ernor Foster and means the election of Foster to succeed Senator Caffrey and the re-election of Senator McEnery. SAYS MORGAN JVIUST RETRACT. Montgomery, Ala., Dec. 20. Govern or Johnston, candidate ior senator Morgan's seat, in a candl published to day demands that Morgan retract the statement that he made in a speech in the senate that be (Johnston) had a large amount of stock in a monopoly that he had to leave Alab-inia to find a home in New Jersey. The governor denies the charge. REPUBLICAN CONVENTION CALL Washington, Dec. 20. Chairman Hanna, of the republican national com mittee, has issued a call for the na tional convention to be held! at Phila delphia June 19. AAlAlAllT1111III "ON THE SQUARE" DO YOU KNOW THAT.... PILLSBURY FLOUR, 0 OBELISK FLOUR, MALT BREAKFAST FOOD, 4 I PURE GRAPE WINE VINEGAR ....AND.. 10 "R0GKBR00K FARM" CREAMERY BUTTER is for sale only by CLARENCE SAWYER Successor to W. F. Snider, , 6 NORTH COURT SQUARE. PRICE 5 CENTS. A VERY CLOSE CENSORSHIP News of Military Operations in South Africa Contin ues Scarce. Czar Gives Private Audience to British Ambassador. And This Followed a "Busy Exchange of Telegrams. English Complaints of Open Door at Delaoa Bay. ONE NEWSPAPER UI1GFS THAT ENGLAND SHOULD ASSUME CONTROL OF THE HARBOR. KRUPP'S WORKS IN BERLIN MANUFACTURING BRITISH AM MUNITION. London, Dec. 20. The silence con cerning military operations in South Africa has not yet been broken. Gen-X eral Buller has sent a corrected list of the deaths of non-commissioned of ficers and privates at Colenso, placing the total at 137. Nothing has been heard from Methuen since December 17, and reports of the excellence of the Boer position and the skillful man ner in which they are further strengh ening it tend to increase apprehension regarding the British at MOdder River. The probability of Me'thuen's communi cations being cut grows, but nothing is certainly known. Walker reported on the 19th. Nothing has been heard from Gatacre. Press reports indicate an la crease in the Boer strength and activ ity in his neighborhood. It is many days since any news was received from Ladysmith, Kimberley or Maf eking. The reports that the Boers were una ble to capture the guns that the British abanaweaat eejettso vdo hot Tjome-; from a. source,- encouraging fa- 'thIf truth". One correspondent at Chieyeiey says, definitely the guns were eaptUrtfd.' - DELAGOA BAT. - London, r3ec. 20. There ere cations of considerable agitation in thV: press and on the part of the puMta against the attitude of the Portuguese government in allowing Delagoa vp to be an open door whereby the Boftfs are receiving ammunition and rec "Uits. The Globe urges that England ought to assume direct control of De'.agoa bay during the war. CONFERRING WITH RUSSIA. London, Dec. 21. A despatch to the Daily News from Berlin says It is re ported that a diplomatic sensation has been caused at St. Petersburg, by the czar giving a private audience to the British ambassador. It is believed the audience referred to South Africa, There was a busy exchange of telw g&ji) prior to the auiience. SHELLS FOR ENGLAND. Berlin, Dec. 29. According to an. Es sen newspaper Krupp's is wo.-klu day andi night on a British order for 25,000 shrapnel shells. CANADIAN ARTILLERY . Ottowa, Dec. 20. The caVnet today decided that the second Canadian con tingent for South Africa shall coj'ust of artillery and mounted artilierv. Londoni, Dec. 20. News rom Mate king dated December G lust received, says a desultory bombardment is con tinuing and sharp shooters are engaged in a smart duel mornings and evenings. The dispatch described a novel method of sending messages adopted by some of the Boers December 4 th. A five poumder shell was fired into the town, did not explode and was opered -and found to contain a letter as follows: "Dear Powell, Colonel Baden-Powell.) (Excuse iron messenger. No other means of communicating. Please tell Mrs. , mother and family all well. Don't drink ail the whiskey. Leave for 11s wfhen we eret in." The send er's signature was torn off. Diamond Brooches and Rings. OQ99 We have a few choice Diamond Brooches and Rings at 40 per cent, less than their present y value. Artiur M. Field Co., LEADING JEWELERS. .Cbuch Street and Patton Avenue, ' Asheville, N. C. 4 i .3 1 t r a t i - i - r . t 4 V ! . " - ! - 'V

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