"-i?- V'.' . 1 ' .1 ' l I 1 v THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE, FEBRUARY 1900. Souvenir ' Photographs of Local Scenery...... Our photaffraphs of the Swanrianoa River and French Broad River are un equaled in size and beauty. No other photographer la. the South makes a 9x22 ot 18x22 photo of scenery. There's a certain blending of sunli&ht and shadow -with pretty reflections that distinguishes our pictures from those ordinarily sold. Mounted or unmount I, in Sepia, Brown, PSatino, Velox and Platlnotype finish, from 25 cents to $2.5u -ach. Nine by twenty-two costs you $1.00 de livered any where in the United States by express . We sell exact duplicates of our 22 pho tos displayed at the Paris exposition. Ray's Book Store 8 North Court Square. Telephone No. 67. FLOWER MISSION I WOOD YARD Wood at market prices. Every cord of wood brought here giyes work to some poor man. Call on or address, Flower Mission Wood Yard. ROR. EAGLE and MARKET ST. 1 The Only One.. The only man. who doesnt rec eommend our coal is the main wfao has some other kind to sell. Our coal is f(ull of the qualities that e flame and brilliancy. coco R. M. Ramsey, Prop. Phone 223. Offlcw 1 W. Owrt Sq. News and Opinions ....OF National Importance THE STTZLsT ALONE CONTAINS BOTH Daily, by mail, - $6 a year Daily and Sunday by mail, $8 a year The Sunday Sun la the greatest Sunday newspaper i the world. Price 5c a copy. By mail $2 a year. Addrer THE SUN. New York. How to Sit For Your Pnotog rapn Select the photographer you have the most confidence in ana talk it over" with him, following hie advic in everything, as it is his business to know the things that are necessary "to making good pho tographs. It's the eape of your fea tures, hat and clothes that affects the picture more than the color. Don't try to have your piotur s look like your neighbor's, as a good photographer makes no two alika. RAY'S BOOK STORE Telephone 67. Howard A. Haven. Wright C. Stout. MEMBERS OF THE New York Stock Exchange, New York Cotton Exchange, . Chlcaigu Board of Trade. HAVEN & STOUT, Bankers and Brokers NASSAU STREET, CORNER WALL, NEW YORK. Deposit accounts received, subject to check on demand. Interest credited monthly on daily balances. Accounts of banks, corporation, firms and individual (received on favorable Coupons, Interest, dividends, notes, drafts collected (for'our-carrespoadentft. Orders executed Cor' the purchase or safe on commission, of bonds,, stocks, investment or carried on margin. ' - lOjlents may telegraph orders and in structions at our expense Copies ofi telegraphic -code, may be had on appli cation, , . . .. - . vr u. ': . i Information regarding , quotations hertully curalSbsd. . .... . MOZIIY'S LEMOU EIIXIB. A Pleasant Lemon Tonic. prepared from the freeh ivAcm of Tmnn combined with other vegetable liver tonics, cathartics. aroma,tc stimulants. Sold byf druggists; 50c and-$1.00 bottles. xxr biliousness and constipation. For indigestion and foul stomach. For sick and nervous headaches. For palpitation and heart failure take Lemon Elixir. For sleerfieaanMs and nervous nrostra- tkxn. Jrm loss of appetite and debility. For levers, malaria and chills take Lemon Elixir. Ladit3, for natural and thorough or ganic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. Lemon Elixir will not fail you in any of the above named diseases, all of which arise from a torpid or diseased liver, Stomach or kidneys. .50c. and $1.0C bottles at all druggists. Prepared only by H. Mozley. Atlan ta, Ga. At the Capitol. I have Just taken the last of two bot tles 'f Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir for nervous headache, indigestion, with dis eased liver and kidneys. The Elixir cured me. I found it the greatest med icine I ever used. J . H. MENNICH, Attorney. 1225 F street, Washington, D. C. Mozley's Lemon Elixir. W. A. Janes, Bell Station, Ala., writes: I have suffered greatly from i digestion or dyspepsia, one . bottle of Lemon Elixir done me m re good than all the medicine I ever have taken. MOZLEY'S LEMON HOT DROPS Cures all Ccughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Hemorrahage. and all throat an' lung diseases. Ele gant reliable. 25c at druggists. Prepared only by H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. RELIEF IN BIX HOURS. Distressing kidney nd bladder dis ease relieved in- six hours by "New Great South American Kidney Cure." It Is a great surprise on account of its ex-' ceeding promptness in relieving pain 1b bladder, kidneys and back, in male or female. Relieves retention oi water al most Immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is the remedy. Sold by T. C. Smith, druggist, As'jeville, N. C. It has been demonstrated repeatedly in every state in ihe Union and in many foreign countries that Chamberlain's dough Remedy . is a certain preventive and cure for croup. It has become the universal remedy for that disease. M. V. Fisher, of Liberty, W. va., only re peats what has been said around the globe when he writes: "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in my family for many years and alwa Ts with perfect success. We believe that it is not only the best cough remedy, but that it is a sure cure for croup. It has saved the lives or our children a num ber of times." This remedy is for sale by C. A. Raysor. THERE ARE SOME SIMPLE 'REM EDIES indispensable in any family Among these, the experience of years as suree us, ettaould be rooord)ed Pain-Killer For both internal and external applica tions we have found it of great value especially can we recommend it for colCa rheumatism, or fresh wounds an bruises. Christian Era. Avoid substi tutes, there lis buft one Pain-Killer. Pern Davis'. Price 2fc and 50c. O ats, H ay and Corn are scarce, but we have p'entj. Command ue, please. H C. Johnson? 39 PATTON AVE. ; Ball & eppu a 6 Pattern Ave. Any one wishing to put steam he in their building could not do bettei than use a i Harrisburg Boi e But you must have experienced work men to do the work, and w are coah dent that we can please you. BALL & SHEPPARD TELEPHONE 88 f ULanS T Ik Trade Marks . Designs: COPYRIGHTS &C. r w w v . "ws 0 Anyone sendli-ra sketch and description may, orickly aacertaiiTVmr opinion free whether turn fnVentlon to probably patentable: Comninnica. tlona strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken throuKh Munn. & Co. receive tpecial notice, without ohaygre, ln-the- ; u A liAndaomeW llhistratetl weekly. Tiarjreist olr- cnlation of any-sctentlflo ioornaL ertas, a year ; roar months,. U jBold by ali newsdealers. MUNN- & C(e!roadwew York Branch ofcigm. St- WashiHton,H. C.. M wstkef TO 4tmxonm torn. MrTertniatobawhbtt,0-T-A; tin. bnrlflM tha Jklo manaooo. boxes Si old-400, C eared.. B JW0 khealt Scales 0JTO-BAQ from na. Take It with a win. aatleatlv. Derslstently. Out ftex,J nsaaUy eoreat boxei. CSJ e care, wwvrw ana ramnk tCMaisjajSjsatrsaltStvw scientific Hincrican APT. JOHN B. EAVES ON THE AMENDMENT Addresses a Large Gathering at Sun- Skine. Democrats Divided on the Measure. Special to the Gazette. Rutherfordton, N. C, Feh. 17. Cap tain John B. Eaves, ex-chairman of the republican, executive committee of North Carolina, spoke to a large and attentive body of people at Sunshine, this county, today on the constitution al amendment. Capain Evans expressed' himself pleased that so many were present; it was evidence of interest in the Issues before them. He continued as follows: "What I 'have to say will not be new to you. The proposed constitutional amendment is, I presume, what I am expected to talk about. I have no dis position to withhold my views on this or any other question of public inter est. I regard this proposition to dis franchise a part of the people as un wise, unjust and in violation of the spirit of the constitution of the United States. The pretext for this issue is fear of negro domination.' "What are the facts? The whites number two to one in the state, 90 ner cent, of the property is owned by them, their edu cational and general advantages are superior in every respect then where is the danger? There is none. We all know that the campaign or 1896 Tas made on the money question, the republicans supporting the gold stand ard and the democrats free silver. Mc- Kinley's election fixed the gold stand ard on the country andi results have been so favorable to 'business anl gen eral prosperity that the democratic party saw some issue other than free silver must be made if they would con trol the state, hence the race issue, the only one by which they could hope to hold .together. "Thousands of democratis believe, with republicans, that every dollar should be worth one hundred cents, ana that gold as a standard wrill make and keep that so. "On the constitutional amendment the democrats are also divided, many of them agree with the Georgia demo crats, that the amendment is unnec essary and that it is a crime against the white people to so amend the con stitution that their posterity should be deprived of the right to vote and to exercise the full rights of citizen ship. There are democrats in this state who will not commit themselves to limited suffrage it is not in accord with their long cherished principles of self-government; the discrimination against the poor white man is espe cially obnoxious to them and con trary to. the proud! boast of their party for thirty years, that the rights of the white mam were sacred and inviolable. The amendment does not disfranchise any white man now, but it does sub ject every white man to a test who ar rives at maturity after 1908. After that date all who cannot read and write the constitution are disfranchised. "This installment plan for disfran chising our people is a novelty and is" confusing to many in their own party. That class of our citizens, as good men as we have, descendants of the heroes of the revolution, soldiers and the sons of soldiers of the civil war wiho cannot read and write, hut who have voted all their lives, are asked to impose a restric tion upon their children that was never imposed upon them. The demand is unreasonable and the vote wouldi be un natural. We owe it to posterity ' and the great principles of self-government to defeat this proposition. If this act of the legislature is ratified, it becomes a part of the constitution of the state, and some of you who are listening to me now will see the day wflen colored men can vote and some white men can not. We must not overlook the fact that the negro who can vote is eligi ble to office; the white man who can not is ineligible; and, consequently, on some negroes is conferred a higher grade of citizenship than on some white men. Talk about the radicals of 1868 and the fusionists of 1898! This proposition of the democrats in 1900 to rob the illiterate man of his vote is a wrong that will 'be talked of long after our poor tongues are silent. "The poll tax clause shows the same spirit of discrimination against the poor man.- The man of means can always pay his poll tax on time and vote, while many a poor man cannot, and conse quently is not allowed to vote, altnough he may be able to read and write. "This amendment, taken as a whole, seems to have been constructed on the plan of the oldi darkey's fish basket open at both ends, so, as the old man said, 'Massa, me kin ketch 'em a-goin' an' a-comin'.' "The sincerity of the democrats in their opposition to trusts and monopo lies appears questionable when we con sider the monopoly on the ballot box growing out of this proposed onange In our constitution. Making the poll tax Teceipt and the ability to read and wrte the constitution conditions on which the right to vote may be ex ercised! is but creating a political mo nopoly by which a minority may rule. Minority rule is unjust and always dangerous. "If the amendment, is ratified, nine democrats will be sent to congress Modest Women Modesty in w; women is no less a inttnn than beauty and wit. Is it any wonder that wo men afflicted with physical disorders pecu liar to their sex shrink from per sonal examina tions by male physicians ? The weaknesses and irregularities of women 5 may be recognized by certain unfailing symptoms' Backache, headache, Bearing down pains, irritability and extreme nerv ousness indicate derangement of the delicate female prgamsm Bradfield's Fe male Regulator is the standard remedy for characteristic diseases of women. ? ; Sold Jby drnggists at'$i.cb per. bottle I THE B8ADF1ELD REGULATOR C0 Atlanta. 6a K ? I fx le You We Lars:e juaJ FOR YOUR INSPECTION Received Designs. I A ALWAYS o At Reason- Lawns, NEW AND STYLISH hams, the Best. Muslin. 1 ilflanif Years Experience. 1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH who will legislate for forty-six other states as well as North Carolina. Interest makes issues. Under such circumstances is it not likely that this will ibecome a national issue? When the franchise was given the negro the representation of our state was increased. "It is to the interest of the state to be fully represented. The rapidly increas ing industries and consequent loca tion of capital within her borders are potent reasons for taking no risks. "Much 'has been said through the press about the constitutionality of the amendment. With this we have noth ing to do. If the necessity arises then the courts will have their duty to per form. Ours is to defeat it at the bal lot box, and I have confidence that if the opposition will present the ques tion fairly and energetically, that when the election returns are counted the son will have lost no rights which the gather enjoyed. The action of the Georgia legislature in repudiating this same proposition to limit the franchise in order to eliminate the negro will be more successful in settling the race question for that state than the ac tion of the democrats in the North Carolina legislature who propose to de grade the illiterate white man rather j than tolerate the negro. There the negro now feels secure in his rights; he is relieved of that uneasy interest which naturally attaches to uncer tainty concerning them and we may ex pect to find him voting on either side of politics in that state. Here the ten sion is increased and if the amendment is ratified the end is not in sight. "This is a question of so much impor tance to the people of the state that it becomes the duty of the republic ans to stand solidly against it and de feat it. Nothing would give more force against it than a loyal endorse ment of the gold standard and Mc Kinley's administration. The nation al republican party has the confidence of the people, and Justly so. It has always been true to liberty. This is a proud record, one of the greatest and grandest by which to measure po litical organizations, and I say here to day that, measured by the standard of liberty, equal, universal, impartial liberty, liberty to all classes and all colors and all nationalities, the repub lican party stands before the country preeminently the party of universal liberty." "Captain Eaves is prominently men tioned as Rutherfordton' s candidate for governor. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one wav t cuTe deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con diition of the mucoue lining of the Eusta cl ian Tulbe. When this tube gets in flamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect (hearing, and when it fa en tirely closed deafness is the resuQit, and unless the Inflamation can be tiaken out and this tube restored to its normal con dition hearing wtill be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by cat arrh, which Is nothing butt an inflamed condition of the mucous surf -ee. We will give One H mdred Dollars for an 1 case of deafness (caused by catarrh) tLat cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for Circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's family pills are the best. Prof. Albert A. ccanley, of the de partment of music of the university of Michigan, has been appointed represent ative for the United States of the Inter national Society of Musicians, recently founded in Germany. The object of thie organization is to unite musicians and writers on subjects relating to music, and to further scientific investigation. Professor Stanley will organize the American-section of the society. "After, doctors failed to cure me of pneumonia I used n Minute Cough Cure and three Ibottfe&bf it cured me. It Is alsdthe. best rerasdy on earth tor whooping teongh. v ttf cored my grand children of the worst bases," writes Jno BeTry lioganton; Paw It, ie the only harmless remedy that gives .imanediate results. Cures coughs, colds, croup and throat ; and lung troubles- It, prevents consumption. Children always tike It. Mothers endorse tLDr. T. C. Smith. ingO 33 S. Alain, is The Place WAYNESVILLE NOTES. Even the Simmonsites Can't do With out the Gazette. Waynes ville, Feb. 17. We enjoyed a nice little snow this 'morning the most that has fallen this season. Mr. S. C. Caldwell, Jr., representing the Asheville Hardware company, has been in the city several days. Mr. Conoon was here recently repre senting the Raleigh Post. The Post must 'have some sort of a trust" at its back as they send! out hundreds of copies daily "without money and with out price." Hodgin, of the Odell Hardware com pany, of Greensboro, was here today doing our hardware merchants. Mr. J. B. Franklin, of Knoxville, was in town yesterday. Mr. Charles E. Grove, prescription clerk in Mcintosh & Co.'s drug store, is visiting ihis mother, who lives at Charlottesville, Va. While . there he will be present at the marriage of one of his sisters. It is amusing to hear some of our lo cal Simmonsites, who vilify and refuse to take or read the Gazette, talking of things that paper publishes. The sup position is they sneak around arid read their neighbor's paper while they themselves read' the Citizen, of black and tan reputation, or the News ana Observer, which rarely ever even at tempts to tell the truth. Meantime the Gazette goes on preaching sound doc trine and political liberty. It is a little remarkable also to note that the News and Observer and Char lotte Observer are about the only white papers in this state that publish, com munications from "niggers." The News and Observer a day or two ago published a letter from a negro compli menting Mr. Bryan's Raleigh speech. This was no reproach to the colored man, however, as he could not have found a paper nearer 'his own level. WORKING NIGHT AND DAY. The busiest and mightieei Little thing that ever was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills. These pills change weakness into strength, listlessnese into energy, brain-fag into mental power. They're wonderful in building up the health. Only 25c per box. Sold by all druggists. Colonel E. N. O. Clough, who has just died in Kansas City, was a veteran of the Mexican war and colonel of a Mis souri regiment on the Union side during the civil war. He took an active part in securing the admission of Kansas into the union as a free state. "In July, 1825," says the Kansas City Star, "when Mr. Clough was only a year old, his parents, who lived !in Aldrich, Va., took nim to Boston and while en route they passed through New York city at the -time o Gen. Lafayette's visit. The illustrious Frenchman took young dough in his Jap at the Bunker hotel, and, placing his hands on his head, Messed him, say ing: 'An old man's blessing will do ho harm.' Mr. Ciough often referred to this 'incident, aying that the French man's blessing must have followed him and filled his life with happiness." QTORIA. The Kind Yob Hare Always Bought SPECIAL EXCURSION RATES Account Mtardl Gras Carnivals New Or leans, La., and Mobile, Ala., February 21-27, the Southern Railway Company will sell special round trip tickets to New Orleans and Mobile at rate of one first class fare for the round trip, tickets on sale February 20-25 toolusive, final limit March 15, 1900. Round trip rate, Asheville to New Orleans, for this oc casion, $22.10; Asheville to Mobile, $18-85. Those persons residing alt non-coupon stations and who are desirous of attend ing these carnivals can notify agent at such. points two or three days in advance and thus secure through tickets from resident station. Account meeting State Council, Jr. O. U. A. M., Durham, N. C, special round trip tickets on sale to Durham, Febru ary 17-20 Inclusive final limit February 25 1900. Rate from Asheville $9.80. For full information call on ticket agent or address F. R. Darby, C. P. & T. AAsheville, N. C. R. 'ti. Vernoo, T. P. A., Charlotte, N. a . . ,: Gilears, OA. Becnt&e ) Signature i"' iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii A RELIABLE. Wisdom. When the cock crows in the morning you know he is awake. If it rains very hard, you know the grou d Is wet If the sun sets you know it rose before it set. Hens never cackle after the are de a. Women who pay half a dollar for an article, when she siiould only pay 30c are out of pocket. Baking powder made L - the trust costs you 50c. lb. Rumford, not in trust, 30c. lb. See? Alum is injurious to health. Baking Powder costing 10 . lb. contains alum. When Its time to (buy a watch, go to the jeweler, but go to your grocer's to buy Rumford. SOLOMON No. 2. Don't Be Led Away By thinking that because our prices are so much lower than our com petitors', our qualities must be inferior; nothing of the sort. We handle only first glass goods, and woudn't have any thing to do with any other kina. Our regular customers know all this; so they needn't be reminded of the fact. We simply make this anouncement to those whose patronage we do not already en joy. Judge us toy what we do as well as what we say. We cut the prices, but not the qualities. Mustard, dry, best quality, per lb 18c Mustard boxes 1-4 lb., net weight, 10c. size 5c. box Pepper, whole or ground, best quali ty, per pound 16c Pepper boxes, 1-4 lb., net weight, 10c. size, per box 5c Nutmegs, extra large size 1c. eacn Tea, largest variety tfn city. Rolled Oats, 2 lb. pkgs, Lesc rade 7 l-2c. Rice, broken grain 4c. Rice, good 5. Rice, best 7 l-2cl Tomato Catsup, bottles, first class 5c. Pepper Sauce, bottles 6c. Tomatoes, cans new pack 7 1-Cc. Corn, cans, well known br nds.. 7 1-49. Corn, cans, well known brands.. 7 l-2c. Apricots, cans, finest Californ-a 18 1-2 Apple Butter cans, large size 9o. Mince Meat, cans fine quality 8o. Kerosene Oil, best 14c. THE I. X. L. GROCERY STORE, 41 College St. Phone 107. Grand Opera House FRIDAY, FEB. 23 ..THE.. YOUNG CHARACTER COMEDIAN J. C- LEWIS, and his strong and Efficient Comedy Company In an Entirely New Re-Written Version of the Up-to-D&te Rural Farce Comedy, Si Plunkard A truthful and realistic picture of Country Life down east. A ROARING ROUSING RALLY ..OF.. ZFTTisri From Start to Finish New in Every Feature. WATCH FOR THE BURLESQUE 'FARMER PARADE AT 3:30 P. M. Admission 25, 35, 50 and 75 cents. Reserved seats on sale at the Paragon Pharmacy Monday next. ? . Knoxville Tribune, Ciafc'moiati Com mercial Tribune, Cinclnati Post, Chat tanooga Times and New York jpepers t Blomber's. - 4 f - ' i ; i ' ' 4 1 -t .sr. . -I 4 . ' v w i ---Mr. X il It i