-- s & . ; THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE; FEBRUAR - iooo. ; , f : , , . i " V t v -T i r. 1 i . j t,1 ' , 'J- fi I 4 - ili: ',r . ' i I . J 4f - . i. i''- -Vr ppiea Rheumatism. Those who have Rheumatism find thfems6lves growing stead Oj worse all the while. One reason of this is that th remedies prescribed by the doctors contain mercury and potash, which ul timately intensify the disease by caus ing the joints to swell and stiffen, producing a severe aching of the bones. oS. S. has been curing Rheumatism for twenty years even the worst cases which seemed almost incurable. , Capt. O. B. Hughes, the popular railroad inductor, of Columbia, S. C, had an experi ence with Rheumatism which coffvinei him tQat there is only one cute for that pa Inful dis ease. He says: "I was a gxfeat sufferer from mus cular Rheumatism for two years. I could get n4 permanent relief from any medicine pre scribed by my physician. I took about a dozen bot tles of your 8. 8. S., and now I am as well as I ever was lnmy life. Iam ure that your medicine cured me, and I wenild recommend it to anv one raftering from any blood disease." Everybody knows that Rheumatisrr is a diseased state of the blood, and only a blood remedy is the only proper treatment, but a remedy containing potash and mercury only aggravates the trouble. For Dlniil .TheLPlUUU leing Purely Vegetable, goes direct to the very cause of the disease and a per manent cure always results. It is the only blood remedy guaranteed to con tain no potash, mercury or other dan gerous minerals. . Books mailed free by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia. HAND OUT YOUR MONEY. But before you let go of it be sure you get ite full value. There is a sat isfaction in parting with money well spent that 'accompanies every itransac tian you have with the I X L Grocery tore. You know and feel that you could not have done Delter with it and that is satisfaction enough No linger ing, regretful pangs, but a keea ambi tion to turn over the proceeds quickly end repeat the operation over 'and over again. It is this never-failing satisfac tion ite patrons experiences. That has built up this wonderful business 'to its presemt proportions. In tea and spices, as in everything else, which you may see on page 8, they are talking about goods and the goods talking about them. A novel and effective way of leading children ito better lines of reading is in operation at the public library in Cleve land, says an exchange. An intervals paper bookmarks are issued for the use of the children and an outline of the various subjects to te read during the different months is made on the bookmarks. It -s suggested, for in-ctta.Tir'.p- 'that the child read at least one book of history during one month, a book of biography the next, another on sci ence, and so on through the months. .In this same connection a small leaflet is given the children, and the library as sistants keep a record 'in it of Ihe books read during 'the year. This induces the children to Tead a good line of books so that the record will show up well when they campare it with that of their friends. The assistants' who work among the children endeavor to cater to the likes of their patrons, but at the same time endeavor to break them from read ing nothing but one line of fiction. To this end boys' books are frequently eufe' gested to the girls and if tney are foun--to be interested in that line ney are en couraged to read more. The same meth od holds good in choosing books fo- the boys. W. S. Philpot, Albany, Ga., says, "De Witt's Little early Razers did me more good than any pills I ever took. "The fa mous little pills for constipation, bilious news and liver and bowel troubles. Dr. T. C. Smith. The Philadelphia Recora says: The eteamship Highfield, which recently sail ed from this port for Havana, took out a part of a brewing plant which is to be erected in the Cuban capital by an enterprising American firm. Cubans axe said to foe very fond of beer, pre ferring it even to champagne, whiskey and other higher priced liquors because of its soporific effect on them. In the warm climate of their island a little beer makes the drinker drowsy 'and he drops off to sleep and forgetfulness of the time which too often hangs heavily on his hands. The beer now sold in Ha vana is a German product, but Ameri cans think that they are beitter entitled to the trade. The foaming liquor will fie. brewed in the same fashion as in .,3 country, and the promoters of the K&c&eme say they know of no reason why sy should beeatirely successful." mil The Cotton Belt Route, via f trains to Texas : One leaves at ine . trains irom ail principal sand evening in. plenty of time to fiflarathe The Cotton-Belt offers yon the quickest and shortest route to Texas, without change ot cars or ferry transfer. Both day and night trains are equipped with comfortable Coaches and Free Reclining Chair Cars; also Parlor Cafe Oars by day and Pullman Sleepers at night. "Wrtta and tell us where vou are iroinir and when vou will leave. unihra wHl tell you what your ticket will cost .time and connections. We-will also r ICR. WYATT. T. A., Cincinnati, Ohio. 4 H. H. SUTTON, Tf P. jt.-.., . U. vBcAUAlc LP. I THE BY TELEGRAPH YESTERDAY'S QUOTATIONS ON NEW YORK EXCHANGES AND CHICAGO GRAIN BOARD. Yesterday Was a Weak Day in the Market. Highest, Lowest and Closing Quota tions for Active Stocks by Special Despatch from Haven & Stout, 1 Nassau Street. New Tork. New Tork, Feb. 17. The market was weak today and closed 'bad. The banK statement was poor. MARKETS STOCKS Higrh Low Close Am. Tobacco 109 108 108 Con. Tobacco 32 32' 32 Con. Tobacco, pfd. 81 84 U Am. Sugar 113 112 112 Brooklyn R.T. 72 72 72 C. B. & Q. 124 124 124 L. & N. 81 80 81 St. Paul 122 122 122 Southern pfd 56 56 Federal Steel f5 54 64 Am. Steel & Wire 58 57 57 TJ. 8 Leather, pfd 7o 75 75 Manhattan 98 97 98 ooathern Pacific 39 38 38 Missouri Pacific 46 45 46 WHEAT High Low !losr May 69 69 69 Jaly 69 68 68 COTTON. Hih Low Close March 8S6 862 866 May 859 854 858 New York, Feb. 17. Ae a whole the market has been quiet during the past week. It would seem that for thj mo ment the stree and the public are waiting for new developments on which to base 'a further upward movement. But dn spite of the irregularity in quo tations, tnere have boen no decisions of any consequence, except in the case of Third avenue, which sold dowtn for reas ons peculiar to themselves and without reference to he tendency of tne general market. The average value of the more active portion of the share l'ist is ac cordingly about the eame, as if not a little higher, than a week ago, and there is a great deal of latent bullish senti ment. The street at large is certainly impressed with a belief that the 'advances will be resumed in due time, and while the inactivity has led to some tentative short selling by traders there has been little evidence of any really effective or ganization of the bear forces. All the developments of the week which relate to general business conditions or to the earnings of railroads and indus trial corporations continue to be of a de cidedly favorable character. The aver age increase in railroad gross revenues for January ie about 20 per cent, over the same month last year. Making al lowance for the fact that this has been an open winter so fiar, while January, 1899, was marked by severe weather, the above figures point to a continuance of heavy traffic. In fadt, while the rail roads are undoubtedly spending a great deal of money on improvements, the enormous earnings would imply that their net returns are at present sur passing the magnificent record of a year ago. In the same way industrial companies-, so far as their figures have been published, are demonstrating that the sanguine anticipations entertained about the new steel, iron and other com binations when they were formed a year ago were if anything under the mark. The report of the operations of the Fed eral Steel company for 1899, showing net profits of $9,500,000 and a surplus over dividends on the preferred and the 2 1-2 per cent which was declared on the common last Tuesday, of more than $4, 500,000, is a case in point. In fact, there is every assurance not only that various industrials of the same class will verify the claims of their supporters as :to the remarkable character of their earnings, but 'that with iron prices steady and the entire producing capacity of the country in such lines engaged for months ahead, there is assurance thait the industrials as a class will have the benefit of tangi ble prosperity and unprecedented earn ings as a support for the value of their securities. At the same time it must be admitted ithat the stock market, temporarily at least, has acted as df these favorable features in the indus trial situation had been discounted, and realizing sales by interests which bought such stocks prior to 'their re cent advance have caused a halt in their movement, although there is a general belief that in cases where further dem onstrations of greait earning power are to be expected 'there is room for many further upward movements. The mar ket, however, takes a conservative at titude in this connection, and while AMERICA'S Greatest Medicine is Hood's Sarsapavilla,because it pos sesses unequalled curative powers and its record of cures is GREATEST. Memphis, offers vou two dailv 9.10 a. m., the other at 8.00 p. m. points' arrive in Memphis morninsr make this connection. and what train to take to make the best send you an interesting little booklet. W. 0. ADAMS, T. P. A., Nashville, Tenn. A., Chattanooga, Te&n. and T, St. Louis, Mo. c3 to die several times, yet I am spared to tell how I was saved," writes Mrs. A. A. Stowe, 237 N. 4th Si, San Jose, Cal. "I had valvular heart trouble so severe that I was pro nounced 'gone' two different timesl The valves of my heart failed to work properly, and circulation was so sluggish that the slightest exertion produced fainting. 'There is no hope' said;my physician, so I decided to try Dr. Miles' Heart Cure and the result I consider miraculous. 1 am satisfied it saved my life." 017. RULES' Dfle&rti Guro is sold by all druggists on guarantee first bottle benefits or money back. Book on heart and nerves sent free. Dr. Miles Medical Company, Elkhart. Ind. there ie no dissent from the propositions that are advanced abouit stocks like Tennessee coal (which, dt is said, will be placed upon a dividend basis very soon by the liquidation of the preferred stock holders' claims), the speculation in them fails to assume any exciting form. The same may be said of the movements in tobacco and other manipulated special ties of the industrial group, but, on the other hand, some bearish activity In ru'bber, base'd upon the fact that the mild winter is curtailing that organiza tion's sales and profits, does not enlist much sympathy outside of the ranks of the room traders. The most important development this week has been the passage of the sound money currency bill by the senate. As we have before stated, Wall street until now, has been somewhat unmindful of its effects. R is beginning now to appreciate, how ever, that while putting the United States in a most advantageous position before the financial world, there are di recit benefits 'in sight for the money and stock markets. Besides establish ing our credit for a generation, the bill as adopted by the senate permits na tional 'banks to issue circulation up to the full amount of the bonds, which se cure it, and beyond that in the refund ing clause of the bill there is an oppor tunity for the conversion of the present price premium on existing United States bonds into disponable' capital. Altogether between $50,000,000 and $80, 000,000 may be added to the circulation this wear should the bill be promptly adopted by both houses. "We think it requires little argument to demonstrate that the currency bill is likely to prove a most effective bullisn influence. COTTON. After the remarkable records for both activity and prices which the specula tive cotton market made at the begin ning of the week, there was a natural and healthy reaction. The market, however, was exceedingly feverish, ana the variations in prices either way were of a kind of which the conservative ele ment in the trade cannot entirely ap prove. Toward the close of the week, however, bullish sentiment, in spite of the manifestly heavy liquidation of long holdings, has again obtained'the ascend ancy, and, although variable, the mar ket seems to be in line for some further rise, even if it should not be perma nently held. The fact that New York continues to be relatively the cheapest cotton market does not escape attention, and those who argue that the advance is not running beyond intrinsic condi tions can with justice point to the cir cumstance that the spot markets at southern points are on the whole devoid of reactionary tendencies, and that in this instance at least speculation has to all apearances failed to over discount the actual relations of supply to de mand. At the 6ame time, the market has had ample grounds for experiencing a meas urable reaction. Receipts have been large, and while they do no't justify the assumption indulged in by some inter est that large amounts of cotton are be ing held back at the south, the circum stance has, of course, affected the ac tion of foreign consumers. As we have pointed out for weeks past, it is the alt tirude. of the foreign spinners which is FREE OP CHARGE. Any adult sufferting from a cold set tled on the breast, bronchitis, throat or lung troubles of any nature, who will call at W. C. Oarmachael's, will be pre sented With a Saminle hottl nf Rnnnlhoe'H German Syrup, free of charge. Only one wcure given to one person, and none to children without order from parents. No throat or lung remedy ever had such a sale aa Bochee's German Sytup In all parts of the civilized world. Twenty years ago milltana of bottles were given away, and your druggist will ten you its success was marvelous. It is really the only Throat and Lung Remedy generally endorsed by physi cians. One 75c. bottle will cure or prove Its value. Sold by dealers in all civil ized countries. SENIJ 50 CENTS we will sendvon orn i,nn,,v . flB0??. OSeOOD MaT t"8 I? A KKGILAk 10.00 MANDOLIN, made of 13 ribs of genuine Pfko&any. with handsome colored strips iS? bl!w-6en'a8 rosewood finished cap. celluloid bound edges, rosewood fingerboard. Inlaid pearl p umi, Deaurail r" trr , "v" twa sieeve pro tecting tailpiece, extra set of strings, 1 2fS?ie11 P?k. -nd book of Guct ert's Chords, which teaches anyone how xprea onte, and If fooad nmeQj at repre, ffl '? the zsreMageat S4.65. o t v "it mm sQiiri, SPECIAL PREMIUM OPFFR With VITTLrT . --Ma in ruu, we win furnish a totted fingerboard chart, with the aid of whtehanr one can easilv lnmu tv.. IU 1. V r MV.n ftin te.thateMt.r-Wc wiUaUowttmwoo: Sit? returned afterfi days' trial It not found ei- represented. - Satisfaction eiiannteHA S-y-lrlIle ln ' Address, , ' - en. MR f I V yspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Itartdficially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon itmcting the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tomo. . "5To other preparation can anproacn it in eflaciency. It in 3tan tiy relieves and permanently cures JDvspepeia Indigestion, Heartburn, flatulence. Sour Stomach, Kausea, Siok Head ache,Gastralgia, Cramps, and all other results of imperfect digestion. Prepared by E. C. DeWItt A Co.. Chicago- bound to determine the course ot cottort prtces and the ultimate level of quota tions for ithe present year's crop. So far as can be. learned, there is, however, no reason to doubt the fact thait English and continental epdnners have overstay ed their market, are under-supplied, and will, therefore, have to pay the prices for raw material tk fill their engage ments at the figures which such a con dition will render legitimate. Under existing conditions there will naturally be considerable manipulation and a correspondingly wide range of fluctuations. The national view of the posit'ion, however, seems to be that pri ces for contracts in the cotton of the present crop year are purchases when ever the market has any reasonably large reaction. HAVEN AND STOUT. Geo. Barbe, Mendota, Va., says "No thing did me so much good as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Ono dose relieved me, a few bottles cured me." It digests what you eat and always cures uysp psia. Dr. T. C. Smith. There is no better medicine for the babies than Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy. Its pleasant taste and prompt and effectual cures make lit a favorite with mothers and children. It quickly cures their coughs and colds, preventing pneu monia or other eerious consequence It also cures croup and has been used In tens of thousands of cases without a stogie failure so fiar as we have been able to learn. It not only cures croup, but when given as soon as the croupy cough appears, will prevent the attack. In case of whooping cough it liquifies the tough mucus, making it easier to expectorate, and lessons the severity and frequency of the paroxysms of coughing, thus de priving that disease of all dangerous consequences. For sale at Raysor's Drug Store. Transylvania Railroad Company (Formerly Hendersonville & Brevard Railway.) In Effe-u October 22, 1899. P.M. STATIONS. P.M. 2.01 Lv Brevard Ar. 5.30 12.16 . Davidson River 5.20 12.27 Penrose 6.07 12.37 Blantyre 4.58 12.46 Etowah 4.50 12.55 Cannon 4.43 1.00 Horse Shoe 4.SS 1.10 Tale 4.29 1.30 Ar. ..Hendersonville.. Lv. 4it0 Flag Stations. Passengers only on Sunday. Connects with the Southern railway at Henderson vile for all points north and south. J. F. HATS, T. S. BOS WELL, General Manager. Superintendent J THE BURLINGTON EOUTE BEST ROUTE. WEST: St Louis or Chicago to Kan sas City, St. Joseph, Omaha, Nebraska Denver, Utah, Pacific Coast cwo trains daily; ail so from Kansas Ci'.y to the west. Weekly California Ex3 irsions. .NORTHWEST: to Black Hills, Mon tana, Washington, Puget Sound via the ho Billings Route 50 to 500 miles saved from S Louis or Kansas City. Tourist sleepers Tuesdays and Thurs days, Kansas Cit to Seattle. NORTH AND NORTHWEST: via St. Paul and Mi .neapolis three trains dally from St. Louis; two trains daily from Chicago. OMESEEKE1 ' EXC -SI NS to the West and Northwest. 7500 Miles of Standard Railroad with three gateways St. Louis, Chicago, Kansas City. Wide-Ves .buled, Pintsch Mgnted, complete trains of chair cars (seats free), Pullman sleepers, dining car service on most through tr s. All Ticket Agents cau. ticket via the Great Burlington Route Write J. N. Merrill, General Southern Agent, No. 5 N. 1 yor St., Atlanta, Ga.; L. W. Wakeley, Gen'l Passenger Agent, St Louis, Mo. Howard Elliott, Gen'l Manager, St. Louis, Mo. NASHVILLE, CHATTANOOGA AND ST. L. AND WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILWAYS. The erreat ithrouerh line to Arkansas, Texas and the North-west. Three mily trains between Chattanooga, Atlanta anl Nashville, Double daily trains to Memphis and Chicago. Through Pull- rruajn sleepers and. elegant day coaches without change b tween Chattanoo ga and St. Louis, and between Chat tanooga and Jacksonville, Florida. If you are contemplating a trip, to amy point, you. will find It o your interest to write or call on. . W. L. Danley, G. P. A., Nashville, Ternm. J..H. Lattimer, S. P. A., Cor. 9th and Market street, ChartJtan'ooga, Tenn. W. T. Rogers, T. P. A., Kmoxville, Teatti . H. F. Smith, Traffic Manager, Nash ville, Tenn. U1E PEEDV UI.1L LE CLAIR'S Nbver Fallot ENDORSED OY THOUSANDS Of ladies as periodical regulator without aa equal toccessfol when Cotton Root, PeDayroyal, Ergot, etc hareproven worthless; SS two-ceat stamps brings tria! oackage, and convinces the most skeptical of Jfceir woo- derfdl properties. Send 4 cents in stamps for pamphk'- FAMOUS LaCxJUK Pi u. Co., U. S. Agents. Boston. Mass M. R All correftponJence confidential and ntomtf arithtrial wckam v - Foa-Sale by C. A-Raysor, enteoWle s Net Hotel; First Season . Bet mfl TECS WHEELER. (OPEN ALL THE YEAR AROUND.) One hundred and twenty-fire bed rooms. Altitude 2,252 Feet. Electric Ltorta. Steam Heat. Elevator. Ball Rooms. ButJh Rooms. Ten Pin Alley. Eleven Acres Beautiful Grounds. Fine Band of Musician Employed for taa Season. All, Modem Comveniemcea. Good. Trout Fishing. Mineral Springe. Goll Links. Horeback Riding. Beautiful Grounds. Everything New. First Class Service. Far rates and information apply to BARDIE & WHJEEIjER. NO CONSUMPTIVES TAKEN. HendersonvUle, N. a The Beautiful Sapphire Country, SAPPHIRE, IS. C. Sixty miles from Asheville, N. C. Mountains, Lakes and Forests, A del'ightfullj dry winter climate. Beautiful roads for riding asd driving. Fine Livery, Good Golf Grounds. HOTELS. FAIRFTELD INN, on Lake Fairfield. SAPPHIRE INN, on Lake Sapphire. THE LODGE, on ML Toxaway. (Elevation of Hotels and Lakes, ifrom 3,300 to 5,000 feet. For booklets. Rates and other information, address, ; I- ZE3I- AIKEIT. MANAGER OF HOTELS, , SAPPHIRE N. G Latest German Methods. ISO MEDICINE, ISO OPERATIONS, We aid Nature to restore health by means of Baths, Massage, proper Diet, Sweedish Movements, eto. Our new Hy g nio Cook Book just issued, pr'oe 60c. Quisisana Nature Cure Sanitarium, 167 French Broad Avenue. THE WAYNESVILLE INN Waynesvllle, N. C. The Ian ki now ready for Winter Vis ltoxs. Everything in first ciaes shape. Tha bird season is now open, and the game wa never more plentiful around. Waynesvir than this yhf. The Inn Is diired. J. E. HOTEL FLEMING Marion, N c. GKDBER CONCERT NEW MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY, PRACTICALLY YORK TRIWEEKLY TRIBUNE A DATLY, AND THE CHEAPEST KNOWN. A new and remarlcahlv fltrnti-u-o nnh. lication, profusely illustrated with por traits and half-tones; contains all the striking news features of The Daily j.TiDune. special war Despatches, Do mestic ana Foreign Correspondence, Short Stories. Humorous II lust rations Industrial Information, Fashion Notes. Agricultural Matters carefully treated, and Comprehensive and Reliable Finan cial and Market Reports. It is mailed at same hour as the daily edition, reach es, a large proportion of subscribers on date of issue, and each edition is a thor. oughly up-to-date dailv famlflv news paper for busy, people. Regular subscription price, $1.50 per year. We furnish it witlv the Weekly Ga zette iter. $2.25 per year. Send all orders to The 6 trains crery week-day 4 trains on Sunday IB tllUlftllArULIu I 3 tina on Sunday oiNUimmruLio : Vestlbnletraina, Standard and Comparttnent , Sleeping vara. JranQr alwie glad to furnish any informatk MONTAGUE, Proprietor. CO.f Proprietors. J Till PUBLISHED ON THURSDAY. YORK For over fifty-efcht years a National WEEKLY Family Paper for far mers and villagers, whose readers have represented the very TRIBUNE best element of our country population It gives ail the important news of the Nation and World, the most reliable Market Reports. Fascinating Short S tor Stories, an unexcelled Agricultural De partment, Scientific and Mechanical In formation, Fashion Articles for the Women, Humorous Illustrations for itf and young. It is "The People's Paper. Regular subscription price, $1.00 per year. We furnish ft with the Weekly Ga zette fo $1.50 per yean 1. Gazette, Asheville, N C Four Fast Trains TO ... Toledo, Detroit AND - MICHIGAN AND CANADA POINTS 4 trains every week-day, 3 trains on Sunday. Pullman and "Wagner Sleepers on night trains. , Vestiboled Parlor Cars on day trains. To CHICAGO cars, ana caie jjmmg oirs. 'V- ' 1 J. T" J. ? 1 r1" if.: