''I, . r THE ASHEVU-LE UftZETTE, MARCH i, 1900. ." -- The public should understand that many medicines contain ingredients that were never intended by Nature to enter the hu man system. Such dangerous things as lead, copper, zinc, mercury and arsenic are fre quently used, to say nothing of stimulants 1 1 and opiates. Dr David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy on the other hand, is an absolutely safe and harmless medicine for all diseases of the Kidneys, Liver, Bladder and Blood. It contains no minerals in any form, no danger ous stimulants, no mercury or poi- son. it contains vegetable juices only. Invalids and children can take it with perfect safety. It is a grand medicine for aged people, who are ' growing weak as the years pass by. 'For all dis tressing forms of Kidney Troubles and for stubborn Constipation it is incomparable. It goes deep and cures. Wm. Brown, of Danbury, Conn., had Kidney Trouble the very worst way. He could not sleep, and had to get up constantly during the night. Urine passed from him involuntarily in the daytime also. Two or three bot tles of Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy restored his Kidneys to per fect action. A Urge bottle of Favorite Remedy can be bought at drag stores for $1, or six bottles for $5. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. Send your name and address to the DR. DAVID KENNEDY CORPORATION, Rondout, N. Y., mentioning: this paper. You will receive by re turn mail, absolutely free, a trial bottle of Fa vorite Remedy and a pamphlet containing val oable medical advice, such as everybody needs. TRY THIS TEST. Put some urine in a glass tumbler and let it stand 24 honrs. A sediment at the bottom, or a milky, cloudy appearance indicates that the kid neys are in a dangerous condition and thatJ Favorite Remedy is badly needed. Healthy urine is clear and does not stain linen. DL WHIMS' INDIAN FILE OHTUR Is a SURE CURE fi-vr RllnH. IIloa1 - Ing ana Itching Piles. It absorbs the tumors, allays the itching at once, gives instant relief. Every box is warranted. Sold by druggists. Sent by mail oj receipt of price, 50 cents and $1.00 per uui. w xjl. ui jjij? Lr- uu., Tops., Cleveland., Ohio. FOR SALS BT DR. T. C. SMITH. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH EBHYROVAL FILLS unginai ana vmy uenalne. kSAFE. Always reliable Ladles, ask Drureist 'SskVviX 1L Ktll an l t,oll metallic boxes, sealed f J with blue ribbon. Take no other. Refuse vl Cancerous Substitutions and Imita tion. Kuy of your Druggist, or send 4c. in mt uiiii()3 iur x uriicuiun. leotimoniaia 5 p3f ah i "Relief for Ladles," in Utter, by re- y turn nail. j.vm 1 estimoniais. Sold oy ' all Oruseists. Chichester Chemical Co.. Mention this paper. Madison Square, I II I LA., PA GREENSBORO, N.C. forthd treatment of THE LIQUOR, OPIUM, MORPHINE ar.-l ctfipr Dr"? Addictions- The Tobbacco Habit. Nerv xhaustia Golf Goods at Blomberg's. FREE OF CHARGE. Any adult suffering from a cold set tled on the breast, bronchitis, throat or lung- troubles of any nature, who will call at W. C. Cai-michael's, will be pre sented with a sample bottle of Boschee's German Syrup, free of charge. Only one bottle given to one person, and none to children without order from parents. No throat or lung remedy ever had such a sale as Boehee's German Syrup in all parts of the civilized world. Twenty years ago millions of bottles were given away, and your druggist will tell you its success was marvelous. It is really the only Throat and Lung Remedy gene'rally endorsed by physi cians. One 75c. bottle will cure or prove Its value. Sold by dealers in all civil ized countries. Sick headache, Wind in the Stomach, Billiousness, Nausea, are quickly cured by a few doses of Dt. M. A. Simmon Liver Medicine. MORPHINE BEAT THE GAME. It Made a Yonng Gambler Quit Willi" He Was a Winner. "I see gambling is running wide open in Colorado again." said a cattleman of Topeka. "I don't suppose, though, it is as wide open now as it was in the late eighties. I was in Manitou every sum mer at that time, and the high games that used to run at some of tbe clubs would be an eye opener to the gamblers of the present day. Cattlemen were mak ing money then, as were the miners, and they used to meet in Manitou and try for each other's pocketbooks, with the result that the professional gamblers got the money. "I remember how one young fellow was made to quit a winner against h's will. His name was Rich. He was a nephew of one of the big reaper men. and his folks kept him supplied with money, a regular allowance. He had been gam bling every cent of it, letting bills pile up for hotel and livery and everything else. His people sent word that they wouldn't send any more money and said if he got into trouble he'd have to get out himself. His creditors were just about ready to jump ou to him, when one nigbt he made a big winning. He was playing faro in the club that's torn down now. It used to stand over from the depot and was the place for high play. "I suppose he had $4,000 or $5,000 in front of him when his friends began try ing to persuade him to quit. He was just like all the rest of them, going to break the bank and all that sort of thing, and he wouldn't quit. "It was a red hot night for Manitou and with the excitement and all Rich had pulled off his coat and rolled up his sleeves. There was a doctor among his friends, and though he hadn't said any thing to Rich, i suppose he felt a respon sibility, because the young fellow had come out here for his health and had been referred to the Manitou doctor by the doctor he had at home. "1 was watching the play, though I didn't know any of the people. I sawr the doctor turn his back to the crowd for a minute and fiddle with something he had taken out of his pocket. Then he walked over to Rich and put his hand on his bare arm. 'You need a sedative,' he said. Quick as a flash he took the hypodermic syringe he had in his hand and hred a charge into Rich's arm. "Rich said ouch' and grabbed at the place where he had been pricked, but the deal was going on. and he turned to that again. Before half the cards were out, his head settled on the table, he corn- It is very hard to etaad idly by and see our dear ones suffer -svhfle awaiting (the arrival of the doctor. An Albany (N. Y.) dairyman called at a drug store there for a doctor to come and see his child, then very sick with croup. Not finding the doctor in, he left word for him to come at once on his return. He also bought a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, which he hoped would give some relief until the doctor should arrive. In a few hours he returned, saying the doctor need not come, as the child was much better. The druggist, Mr. Otto Scholz, sajys the family has since recommended Chamberlain's Cough Remedv to their neighbors and friends uVitil he has a con stant dem-and for it from that part of the country. For sale by C. A. Rayeor, Druggist. i . V4iLAST WILL '- "f l TESTIEST j! g I t A -t . .... in 1 maa e1 the other He diec 1 hltln,dsummeI0f lifeand he left 1 $i,juu,ooa. The doctor's certifi cate showed that death resulted from Srphoid fever. The octor himself said to a friend : "That man was a swioirlp He had a splendid constitution. I could have pulled him through if his stomach had been sound. But he ruined his stomach by hasty meals, snatched in inter- 1 r v ; . K i i , vaiaut uusmess ana Dy neglect of symptoms which have been warning him a year past, that his stomach was failing m its duties." The symptoms of a disordered condition ot the stomach and the organs of digestion and nutrition are, among others, variable appetite, soir risings, heartburn, undue fullness after eating, dull headache, dingy complexion, discolored eye, fluctuations in physical strength, nervousness, sleepless ness, despondency. No one person will nave all these symptoms at once, but any one of them calls for prompt aid for the suffering stomach. The restoration of the stomach, digestive and nutritive organs to a condition of sound health, begins with the first dose of Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. The cure progresses from that dose until the functions of the stomach and its related organs are in healthy operation. Then the nerves are quiet, the appetite healthful, the sleep restful, the eye bright, the complex ion clear. In one word the body is in a condition of perfect health. "I was troubled with indigestion about two years," writes Wm. Bowker, Esq., of Juliaetta Latah Co., Idaho. " 1 tried different doctors and rftnedies but to no avail, until I wrote to you and you told ine what to do. I suffered with a pain in my stomach and left side and thought that it would kill me. Now I am glad to write this and let you know that I am all right. I can do my work now without pain and I don't have that tired feeling that I used to have. Five bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery and two vials of his 'Pleasant Pellets' cured me:' Don't let the dealer sell you a substitute, if you want a cure. Insist on having Golden Medical Discovery." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets surpass all complexion powders. They make the skin healthy and the complexion clear. PLATONIC FLIRTATION. menced to uiaw good loug breaths and" was asleep. "The doctor took the chips, cashed them in, then took and wrote a receipt for the money and gave it to another friend of Rich's to keep. Then he took i Rich, loaded him into a carriage, took him up to his office and watched over him until he came around the next day. Rich paid his bills, but he did no more gam bling in Manitou. They wouldn't let him play again." Denver Republican. GOOD NEWS comes from those who take Hood's ISarsaparilla for scrofula, dyspepsia and rheumatism. Reports agree that HOOD'S CURES According to a despatch from Seoul, English miners have seized and ran sacked the best of the Korean gold mines, and troops have been despatched to pursue the industrial freebooters. Wm. Orr, Newark, O., eays, "We l never feel safe without On? Minute i Cough Cure in the house. It saved my i little boy's life when he had the pneu monia. We think it is the best medicine j made." It cures coughs and all lung uie- eases. Pleasan't to take, harmless, and r gives immediate results. Dr. T. C. I Smith. Philosophical View of the Advan tagres of American Lovemaklng. Since the emancipation of women, es pecially in the United States, the rela tions of the sexes have gained new in tellectual aspects. The better educated youth of both sexes now use the word "friendship" to cover investigations in love. It allows ampler experiments. What was once compromising is now but introductory. In some lauds, to invite a girl to a solitary walk is equivalent to a proposal. With us. a hundred strolls, full of discussion, may end in a negative conclusion that will be without bitter ness. In other days marriage was an estate that had to be purchased on a dis tant view. Now many of its pleasantest groves and avenues may be visited at leisure. "He who sees a woman's heart may take it," said one of the older school. Not only that, he was morally bound to take it. Today she may read specimen pages to a score of men before she chooses the final listener. The advantages of the new system are mainly for the intelligent. Many girls will fail to comprehend the higher flirta tion and proceed in the same old way, and men will ignorantly marry the piquant face and vivacious manner. But to the marriage of true minds impedi ments have been removed. The freedom of our education develops platonic flirta tion to its noblest uses. If American men make the best husbands, the reason is related to the training they have in meeting, on terms of equality, with many women. It is stupid in men or women to lack the instinct for flirtation, but this instinct, like so many others, can be turned to the deepest or the emptiest uses. To make yourself attractive, com prehending and sympathetic is the way to draw out another nature and obtain full knowledge, and to condemn all coquetry is like recommending swimming and for bidding water Sfii'r Omental people fear A FIENDISH ATTACK. An attack was lately made on C. F. Collier of Cherokee, Iowa, that nearly proved fatal. It came through hie Kid neys. His back got so lame he could not stoop without great pain, nor sit in ia chair except propped by cushions. No remedy helped him until he tried Elec tric Bitters which effected such a won derful change that he writes he feels like a new man. This marvelous medi cine cures backache and kidney trouble, purifies the blood and builds up your health. Only 50c. at all druggists. M. B. Sm'ith, Butternut, Mich., says, '"DeWiitt's Little Early Risers are the very best pills I ever used for costive ness, liver and bowel troubles. Dr. T. C. Smith. CASTOR! A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of To Cure Constipation Forever. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c. It C. C C. fail to cure, drucgists refund money. The Eminent Kidney and Bladder Specialist The Discoverer of Swamp-Root at Work ia His Laboratory. There is a disease prevailing in this country most dangerous because so decep tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by It heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure) or apoplexy are often the resuk of kidney disease. If kidney trouble is allowed to ad vance the kidney-poisoned blood will attack the vital organs, or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. Then the richness of the blood the albumen leaks out and the sufferer has Bright's Disease, the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root the new dis covery is the true specific for kidney, bladder and urinary troubles. It has cured thousands of apparently hopeless cases, after all other efforts have failed. At druggists in fifty-cent and dollar sizes. A sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling about Swamp Root and its wonderful cures. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. and mention this paper. intimacies "which do not end seriously but the increase of knowledge and se-' curity is worth some hearts broken be fore marriage instead of after. Few ob jects are more readily mended, and few improve so much through injury and re pair. Platonic flirtation is one of the safe guards of the human race. As one after another my friends have passed through, this gate to the altar I have been tempt ed to declare that most platonic friend-i ships end in matrimony, but a calmer, memory recalls numberless escapes through this probation, from impending wedlock. Norman Hapgood in Atlantic Monthly. 3 Bears tie Sgnatura ASTOHIA. The Kind You Have Always Bougjit The street car cenductore in Boston are notoriously polite, but passengers are not always grateful for the courtesies extended to them. The other day a man asked a conductor to "help him on with his coat," and while 'the obliging" official was holding the garment his pockets were rifled by the passenger. Fortunately the pickpocket was detected and jailed. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleansei and beautifies the hate. Promote! a luxuriant growth. Never Pails to Eestore . Gray Jalr to its xoutnitu uoior. Cures sea In diseases & hair tailing, t0c,andai.00at DruggisU TATE WAT a!e EMCreaefl 8 IT TPeir (Demito in Oime Mosatfli. Indi gestion Dyspepsia, Mala ria, Rheumatism. Th following list is taken from 5000 on I file in the proprietor's office. They come from every point of the compass and rep resent persons in every walk of life: IT SAVES LIFE. E. L. Greer, Washington, Pa.: "It saved my life beyond a doubt." RECEIVED SUBSTANTIAL. BENE FIT. A. E. Carr, Cincinnati, O.: "We have received substantial benefit from Tate Spring water." GREAT BENEFIT TO A GREAT BUS INESS MAN. Jame3 Swann (of Inman, Swann & Co.) N. Y.: "I have found Tate water of great benefit." FROM THE COURTS OF JUSTICE. Judge Henry R. Bryan, Newbeme, N. C: "It does me more good than any water I have ever used." CURES CHILES. J. M. Elliott, jr., of Kyle Lumber Co., Gadsden, Ala.: "It cured me of dyspepsia, chills and malaria." EFFICIENT TONIC. T. M. Miller, Vicksburg, Miss.: "The most efficient amd agreeable tonic of which I have any knowledge." ONLY RELIEF FOR CHRONIC MA LARIA. G. D. M. Cantrell, M. D., Little Rock, Ark.: "It was the only as found that gave me relief of chronic malaria." INFALLIBLE CURE FOR DYSPEP SIA. David Kirk, president of McOalmont Oil company, Pittsburg, Pa.: "I be lieve Taite Spring water ds an. infallible cure for dyspepsia. " TESTIMONY OF MRS. "STONE WALL" JACKSON. Mrs. M. A. Jackson, widow Of Gen eral Stonewall Jackson, Charlotte, N. C: "I can truly testify as tO(the em-, cacy of your remarkable Water. ' MAY USE HIS NAME. W. S. Pope, Columbia, S. C.: "Co?" tinue the use of my name, amd I mu cheerfully distribute as many of your catalogues as you wish to send. BETTER THAN CARLSBAD OR KISSENGEN. " A. Strasberger, Montgomery, AIa-: "Neither Carlsbad or Kissengen bene fitted me as much, &m my visit to my El dorado, Tate Spring, in 1897." IMPROVED IMMEDIATELY. W. H. White, Cashier, Richmond, Va. : "I visited Tate Sprang and com menced improving almost immediately after I commenced "using the water." DRUGGISTS' OPINION. Demoville & Co., druggists, Nashville, Tenn. : "We are pleased with the suc cess of Tate Spring water, and endorse all that can be said in its praise." THE RALEIGH BANKER. Mr. J. F. Pullen, cashier Raleigh Sav ings bank: "I have found Tate water to be not only an excellent remedy for indigestion, but a fine tonic also." GREAT, GASTRONOMIC ELIXIR. Peyton Brown, editor Auatin, Texas, Statesman: "I heartily recommend Tate Spring as a most delightful resort, and ithe water as the greast gastronomic elixir." EQUAL TO CONGRESS WATER. R. T. Hargrove, Rome, Ga.: "When used before breakfast or upon an empty stomach, two goblets full act upon the secretions equal to a bottle of the best congress water." EFFECTED A PERMANENT CURE OF LIVER AND KIDNEYS. W. M. Mcintosh, Tallahassee, Fla,: "In 1878 I was a great sufferer from liv er and kidney disease. My family physician failed to relieve. Tate Spring water effected a permanent cure." WEIGHED 141; NOW WEIGHS 210. James Carter, water commissioner, Lockpont, N. Y.: "Tate Spring Water giave me my firslt relief. Then I was sick and weighed 141 pounds. Now I am a well man and weigh 210 pounds." ENTIRELY RELIEVED OF CONSTI PATION. John Gray Byaum, Greensboro, N. C. : "For more than & year before go ing to Tate Spring (in 1883) I had suf fered with constipation and could scarce ly retain anything on my stomach. Be fore leaving I waa entirely relieved of tlhe constipation." PITTSBURG'S GREAT BANKER'. Thomas A. Meilen, (of Mellen Bros., mankers), Pittsburg, Pa.: "I believe that there is no water in the country equal to Tate's for the cure of neuralgia, as well as dyspepsia and liver troubles." IT IS NATURE'S DIURETIC. Dr. Frank M. Murdock, Pittsburg, Pa.: "In dyspepsia, torpiidity of the liver and constipation, and also as a di ureiic, I believe the waier of Tate; Spring, Tennessee, to be a remedy of very great value." RETAINS ITS VIRTUES FOUR YEARS. W. T. Thompson, Little Rock, Ark.: In Mr. T's. renewal card, dated Febru ary 12, 1884, he states that the water ship ped to him in 1SS0 Was still good, and the effect about the same as when first shipped. BEST ON THE CONTINENT FOR IN SOMNIA. Judge H. M. Somerville, Tuscaloosa, Ala., says: "In my opinion the Tate Spring water is the best on the conti nent for cases of general indigestion, nervous debility, insomnia and obstinate constipation." MAKES ONE A NEW MAN. Bishop O. P. Fitzgerald, D. LV, Nash ville, Tenn.: "As a tonic the virtues of Tate Spring water are extraordinary. Every organ of the body seems to be quickened into vigorous and healthy ac tion. The stomach, liver and . kidneys all share the benefit, digestion im proves, strength returns and you are a new man." CURED AFTER SPENDING THOUS ANDS. George W. Root, Jamestown, N. Y.: "Having spent thousands of dollars and traveled all over Europe and America, visitiing the various springs and sanitar iums in order that I might receive re lief for the ailments of the liver and stomach, at your suggestion I used the water after returning home. I am permanently cured." THE GREATEST SMOKING TOBAC CO MAUFACTURER. J. S. Carr, Durham, N. C: "1 am satisfied that Tate Spring waiter is one of the finest mineral waters in this coun try for dyspepsia, disordered stomach, impaired digestion, etc." CURED PAIN IN BACK. H.E. Blakeslee, Olean, N. Y.: "All locomotive engineers who have pain in the back when standing erect, should use Tate water. It permanently cured me of that infirmity." FROM THE CREOLE COUNTRY. J. P. Moore, New Orleans, La.: "I take pleasure in authorizing you to use my name, and also that of my eon, in recommending Tate Spring. We hope to see you next summer." CURES SCLVTIC RHEUMATISM. T. E. Johnson, of T. E. Johnson & Co., (one of the largest wholesale fruit and produce concerns in this country), St. Louis, Mo.: "Have been suffering several years with catarrhal indigestion, and sciatic rheumatism, affected 40 that I could not walk for' weeks at a time. After visiting the most noted springs of this country without relief, I have re ceived great benefit at Tate Spring. I feel that a permanent cure is assured to everyone suffering as I was." THE NEWSPAPER MEN DRINK TATE. R. A. Hemphill, Atlanta Constitu tion, Atlanta, Ga.: "I greatly appreci ate Tate water and highly recommend it." Rev. Dr. E. E. Hose, editor Chris tian Advocate: "It gives me th greatest pleasure tosay that I regard Tate Spring water as the best remedy for all disor ders of the stomach, bowels, liver and kidneys of which I have any knowledge. As a summer resort the Spring is in comparable." POPULAR WITH THE GOVERNORS. R. L. Taylor, ex-governor of Tennes see, Nashville:-" "I regard Tate Spring as the best on the continent." Ex-Governor W. C. Oates, Montgom ery Ala.: "I visited TaJte Spring in 1883 with my family, and I do know from actual experience and observation, then and since then, that the water is the best mineral water I ever saw for dyspepsia, indigestion snxl torpid liver and kindred diseases. It loses less of its value." A FEW OF THE RAILROAD MEN WHO BELIEVE IN TATE WATER. W. B. Wrend, traffic passenger agent, Plant system: Fully endorses all that is claimed for Tate. J. W. Thomas, president and general manager Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis railway: "I take pleasure in re commending it to any one whs wishes to enjoy continuous good health." Colonel C. H. Hudson, chief engineer, and Major F. K. Huger, superintendent Southern railway, both say: "As a re sort equal to the best," and "as a per sonal knowledge of Tate Spring justi fies me in commending both its waters and adavantages as an unusually at traative summer resort." THE GREATEST WAGON BUILDER IN THE WORLD TRAVELED ALL OVER EUROPE, BUT FOUND NO RELIEF UN TIL HE VISITED TATE SPRING. J. M. Studebaker, South Bend, Ind.: "I note that your shipments have In creased 100 per cent, the past year. This is no surpise to me. My first , visit to Tate Spring was in 1872, when there waa nothing but two lumber cabins, and th- tr occupants were the three Tate sisters. I had travelled all over Europe seeking my health and found no relief until I visited Tete Spring. Two weeks restor ed me to health, and for these many years I owe my life and health to the waters of Tate Spring, and I take plea sure in making the above statements to all humanity who are troubled with gen eral nervous debility, or diseases origin ating from complaints of the liver, kid eys or stomach." CURES RHEUMATISM. Col. Theo. Yates, Col. U. S. A., Mil waukee, Wis.: "Consideration for the afflicted will ever prompt me to advise the use of Tate water in the many cases of blood poisoning, the result of indiges tion, parent of most of the 111 we suffer. I think the waiter will cure any case of rheumatism, as it will remove the cause. It cleases the system and gives nature a chance to repair damages caused by ignorance or neglect." THEY TESTIFY FROM NORTH SOUTH, EAST AND WEST. F. S. Wolf, Seattle, Wash.: "I have many reasons for perferring Tate Spring to any place in America or elsewhere." Dr. R. W. Evans, Portland, Me.: "I was cured and believe Tate waiter to be the best in the world for stomach and liver trouble." Hugh T. Inman, Atlanta, Ga. : "I am sure that there is none better to be found.' W. K. Seago, New Orleans, La.: "Tate Spring water is simply wonderful, and my only regret is that I did not long ago discover there was such a fountain of health so near at home." Acts on the Liver as well as Calomel Without the Grip ing, and leaves no Bad After Effect. It Beats Lithia for the Kid neys, Cures Stomach, . Bowels, Bladder. - - rmho niB.artfDiB. . TE MInimfrmod. D A USaysor, W (Darmiclaael. UDr TT D V'9m m&9 iremdleFsomviaie, W JET ETusttis, IBrevard. $ IS Clayton, Franklin, G, , Shirmacy, EBryaB (Dity, JT IE mitM A IB Allison s& Wanesmpiile, McTJjatsMsIa t'XMZ'. THOS.TOMLINSOS, Prop., Tate ..V'' i i s - t '-' I ill 4 i. 3, i" 3 t j IS Is i t ll 1 "t t 11- 5 S .11 .r- 1 t .- - - ! - ' -

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