- ' - - " ; il V v- V--, - " ... - V i- V THE ASHEVXE oAZETTE, MARCH 15, igpou fff .4 - Female Diseases are the result of gen eral bodily weakness. You cannot over rule them by local treatment alone. yQU cannot core the branches unless you gjgt cure the roots. A sick woman nearly always has Kidney Trouble. There e the roots of her suffering. The pain jg bar feack can be traced there. So can gr headache and nervousness. The vastus drain come from the same cause. Obi tne Kidneys and you also cure the fcloga, an then the whole system will be fcpflt up and stremgthened. Br Davifd Kennedy' o Favorite Remedy ft an absolute specific for Female Weak ness and Diseases. It is a hundred fnld better than compounds" and " pre scriptions " sold as women's remedies. One bottle often accomplishes more real, lasting good than a dozen bottles of anything else. Favorite Remedy is alao the best known laxative, and cures that other bane of womankind .constipation. llrs. D. Ackerly, of Varick Street, Jersey City, N. J., lay for eight months dose to death with cancer of the womb, kidney and heart disease, aai physicians gave her no hope. She took Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Rraedy. And the headaches, backaches, pains and drains of years were ban isfeed. She was completely cured. A large bottls f Favorite Remedy Is Mid by druggist for $1, or stx bottles for S3. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. a-nA tout name and address to the DR . DAVID ,rSSHY CORPORATION, Rondout, N. Y., 'gftf-f tM paper You will receive by ie 'm it", absolutely free, a trial bottle of Fa S3t 2fnadT, and a pamphlet containing val JjRa judical advice, such, as everybody needs. TRY THIS TEST. Pat some wine in a glass tumbler and let It stand 24 hours. A sediment at the bottom or a milky, cloudy appearance indicates that the kid neys are in a dangerous condition, and that Favorite Remedy is badly needed. Healthy urine is clear and does not stain linen. DR. Wim MAN FILE pmTMKSSF. lug and. Itching files It absorbs the tumors, allays the itching at once, gives instant relief, livery box is warranted. Sold by druggists. Sent by mail oa receipt of prise. 80 vents and $1.00 per box. WTT.T.T AJUS XCFQ-. CO., TtOBsj,. Clvslftd. Ohio. FOR SALB BT DR. T, C, SMITH. U Hi 3 J Laj milt u TRUMPETER OP THE BRIGADE SOTJNDING THE RALLY. ATYPICAL SOLDIER. OF THE ADVANCE GUAJ4L WHICH. RE LIEVED KIMBERLEY. An Advocate of Popular Bights as x Distinguished from Ring Rule in North Caroina. THE ASHEVELUB DAILY GAZETTE WILL. BE GREATLY IMPROVED IN THE PRESENT YEAR AS A NEW SPAPER TO WHICH THE PEOPLE OP NORTH CAROLINA CAN LOOK FOR THE NEWS OP THE WORLD AND THE NEWS OF THEIR STATE THAT MAKES THE HISTORY OF EACH DAY. ELIJAH AND THE RAVENS. CHESTNUT I APPLY TO Hflanii Ilftecs' Sonn Asheviiie, N. C. raorrs PENNYROYAL PILLS SgS . t - or and banish "pains of menstruation. They are "LIFE SAVERS' to girls at womanhood, aiding1 development of organs and body. No known remedy for .women equals them. Cannot do harm life becomes a pleasure. $1.00 PEK BOX BY MAIL. Sold by druggists. DR. MOTT'S CHEMICAL. CO., Cleveland, Ohio. 'AS YOU SOW, SO SHALL YOU REAP." Wholesale Only. L DEALERS IN PURE FBEflJ SEEIS AND ONION SETS. Clover, Timothy, Orchard Grass, Kentucky Bjuegrass, Red Top, Millet, Also Manufacturers' Agents for "c, txc FARM IMPLEMENTS. LOUISVILLE, KY. Nos. T36 end 138 Second St, V. One reason why travelers to Texas go via Memphis and the Cotton Belt is, that the Cotton Belt is from 25 to 100 miles shorter than other routes. This saving ia distance makes a corresponding saving in time. These trains ccrrr Pnllrnsn Sleepers at night, Pmrlor Cafe Cars during the day, and Through Coaches and Free Reclining Chair Cars toth day and'nicht. This soirice compares favorably irith that of any load in the country. Vrite and tell us where you are going and when you wiU leave, f-:d we will tell you what your ticket will cost and what train to take to mate the best time and connections. Wo will also send you an interesting little book, A Trip to Texas." F. R. WYATT, T. P. A. , Cincinnati, Ohio. W. O. ADAMS, T. P. A., Nashville, Tcnn. H. li. SUTTON, T. P. A., Chattanooga, Tens. E. W. LaBEAUME, 0. P. and T. A., St Loiiis, Mo. In NOTICE. Superior Court. Gaines vs. Delia Gaines. Notice. The m commenced In the Superior Jjjfrt of Buncombe county, North Car for the purpose of obtaining a t!xrce from said plaintiff tfrorr eaid de ait; and the said deCe,nant fur- jake notice ttihat ehe is required to at the next term erf the Superior urt of Buncombe Cbunty to be held We eisMh Monday after the first onday in March, 1900, ft being th? 30th W April at the court bouse of eaid m Ashevillle, North Carolfea, and or demur to the complaint in C1, action, or th nlsLltMtlff win arrly - e court for the relief demandel j1 day of March, 1900. R. Stamps Atttw-noi A Story Whlci VIA ' t - ' This Par . - - -ixttr Minister's Case. -North Carolina probably never pro duced an abler preacher thaijj)r. Francia li. Hawkes, who once was pastor ol Grace Episcopal churchy New York. Short, thickset, swarthy, black eyed and black haired, he was a striking person age. He was not only a great pulpit orator, but considered the best reader in the New York episcopacy. His rather luxurious family deterred him from ac cepting a bishopric, which would haya otherwise been tendered. One day a del egation from a Buffalo church waited upon him and invited him to accept a pastorate in that city. 4iWell, gentlemen, other things being satisfactory, the question of acceptance narrows down to a business matter," said Dr. Hawkes. "What salary do yon offer 7" "Dr. Hawkes," said the spokesman, "we recognize that you have a high reputation and are willing to be liberal. Onr recent pastor received $2,500, bnJ on account of your standing we have decided to offer you $3,500." "My good man," cried the doctor, "do you know what salary 1 am receiving here?" "No, sir." "I get $15,000 and this parsonage, and as I have an expensive family I do not see my way clear to accept your offer." The spokesman looked rather sheepish, but made another essay. "If we had known that, 6ir, we would undoubtedly have looked elsewhere, but you should remember that the work of the Lord must be done, and as for pro viding for your family, you know the story of Hia j ah and the ravens. "Now, my friends," responded the clergyman quizzically, "I have made the Bible my study ever since I was 28. I have read it through carefully and pray erfully over 100 times. I remember the raven incident perfectly, but nowhere can I find any reference to the Lord a providing for young Hawkes." Washing ton Post. BANKER ROUT 3 A robber. J. R. Garrison, cashier of the bank of Thorn ville, Ohio, had been, robbed of health by a serious lung trouble until he tried Zr. Kln b New Diseovery for Consumption;. Then he wrote: "It is the best medicine I ever used for a se vere cold or a bad case of lunj trouble. I always keep a bottle on hand." Don't suffer with coughs, colds, or any throat, chest or lung trouble when you can be cured so easily. Only 50c. and (1.00. Trial bottles free at all druggist. Starnes. Attorney. ' MARCUS EKWIN, C. S. C. Grim Humor. The following is told by the grand daughter of an old lady who lived in on of the southern states and had been known throughout the neighborhood as k i ' , Am A.V. J one wno nan a Keen sense u iu;u Ious: After a long illness her final hour, was supposed to have come, and her chil dren 1 and grandchildren gathered round for a last farewell, when suddenly she opened her eyes and, on seeing the mourn ful, expressions of those about her, re-' marked, with all her old time vigor, "The watched pot never boils! San Francis co Argonaut. From the reports of tne dealers in tihla wa, ilnlc no nffoorietary madicane baa a larger alle than Pain Killer: Its valuable propernae as a epeeuy cu pain catonot fail to bfe gemertdly appre ciated, in case of accident, or Buvsden at tack of dysemitary, fflarilhoeav cholera tnorbua -Monreal Star. Avoid I u stttubea. there la but one Pain Killer, perrr Davis. PrUs 25c ad 60a - Trivial Cause of a Bloody- War, In the year 1654 a Polish nobleman be came obnoxious to the laws of his coun try by reason of his having committed a crime. He fled to Sweden, whereupon John Gasimir, king of Poland, wrote to Charles Gustavus, king of Sweden, de manding' the surrender of the criminal. The king of Sweden on reading the dis patch, noticed that his own name and titles were followed by two "et ceteras," while the name of the king of Poland was followed by three. The missing "et cetera" so enraged the king of Sweden that he at once declare war against Po land. The war was carried on with great bitterness nntil 1660, when a peace was signed at Oliva, -near Dantzig. A con temporary writer (Kochowsky) poured out his lamentations on the war in these terms: "How dear has this 4et cetera been to us! With how many lives , have these twp potentates paid for these missing eight letters! With what streams of blood has the failure of a few drops of ink been a vengedr Collier's Weekly. Ml II III III HIM H Ml' Lrar A QUICK'OTEE FOR COUGHS . f r iiand .COLDS-; The Canadian Remedy for all fbroat and Loog AffactiOBS. Large Bottles, accents. . . DAVIS -ft- IAWKENCB- .Iamied, - Prep's Perry Davis PainVEiDer, " lU-rYork. ' MontreaL tl II MM .. ouiicune-, as they understood it in Greece and Rome, seems a lost art. Young men nat cnested, flabby muscled. slouch along the streets, with scarcely one pnysical attrib ute of manhood. And yet these young, men would like to be well muscled, sup- pie, erect and hardv. But they don't know now to go about it. They try dumb bells, rowing and boxing-. but only in a half hearted way. These sports should be play to them but are real ly work. The main factor in this condi tion is an ill nour ished body. The stomach is not work ing properly. The digestive and nutritive organs are not in active health. The result is that the nu trition for the body is not distributed in proper proportions to make blood, bone and muscle. Weak young men who take a course of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will find a marked change in their phys ical strength and energy. The body will be built up so that gymnastics will not tax and tire them, but be the natural exercise enjoyed by muscles which are nourished into firm health. In a letter received from A. D. Weller, Esq., of Pensacola, Escambia Co.. Fla. (Box 544), he states : "I have, since receiving your diagnosis of my case as stomach trouble and liver com plaint, taken eight bottles of the Golden Med ical Discovery' and must say that I am trans formed from a walking shadow (as my friends called me) to perfect health. I value your rem edies very highly and take pleasure in recom mending them to any and all who suffer as I did. Four months ago I did not think to be in shape to assist our ' Uncle Samuel in case of hostilities, but thanks to yon, I am now ready for the ' Dons. " Dr. Pierce'. Pellets cure biliousness. U -... j? ull Te No Longing. "Don't you often long for the freedom of your former life?" asked the visitor at the prison. f "Not much." replied the convict. "I was sent here for having four wives." Philadelphia North American. The wives of Siamese noblemen cut their hair so that it sticks straight up from their heads. The average length of it is about 1 inches. Remove causes of Menstrual Suppres sions, Exaggerations and Irregularities by taking Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablet. It Is veryMiard to etaad idly by and see our dear ones suffer w bile "awaiting the rrival of the doctor. An Albany (N. Y.) dairyman called at a drug store there for a doctor to come and see his child, then very sick with croun. Not finding the doctor in, he left word for him to come at once on his return. He also bought a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. which he hoped would give some relief until the doctor ehould arrive. In a few nouns he returned, saying the doctor need not come, as the child was much beJttter. The druggist, Mr. Otto Scholz, says the family has since recommended Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to their neighbors and friends until he has a con stant demand for it from that part of the country. For sale by C. A. Raysor, Druggist. STC The Kind You Paw Always Baagt Beaxstha A A Biblical Reason. Jeweler Why do you refer to watci cases without movements as faith? Pious Clerk Well, yon see. they don't amount to very much without good works. Jewelers' Weekly. PARKEira HAIR BALSAM ft ula.wfc Eiuvfll- Hever Tails to Btare Gsy Kafir to its yoBttiu Cbm teslp diMSSM c hairfalliJS. 0e,satli)0sl Drwfasi Sick headache. Wind In th Stomach, BUliousnesv Nausea, are quickly cured bv a few ooses or ur. u. A. Simmons Lrtw Msdlesae. - -. 1 legraph ic Service of General News from the Laffan News Bureau (N. Y. Sun). THE DAILY GAZETTE HAS X PECIAIi CORRESPONDENT AT WASHINGTON FROM WHOM IT OB TAINS IN ADDITION TO ITS REGU LAR PRESS DESPATCHES ALL THE NEWS RELATING ESPECIALLY TO NORTH CAROLINA INTERESTS AS DEVELOPED AT THE NATIONAL CAPITAL, THE STATES NEWS SERVICE OF THE DAILY GAZETTE DURING THB YEAR WILL BE ENLARGED AND RENDERED SO COMPLETE THAT ITS READERS CAN KEEP FULLY INFORMED OF THB TREND OF EVENTS IN NORTH CAROLINA. IN THE POLITICAL CAMPAIGN OF THE YEAR IN NORTH CARO LINA, THAN WHICH NONE MORE VITAL TO THE INTERESTS OF THE STATE HAS CONFRONTED ITS PEOPLE, THE GAZETTE WILL ACTIVE LY ESPOUSE THE MAINTENANCE OF A REPUBLICAN FORM OF GOV ERNMENT AND OPPOSE AND EXPOSE THE EFFORTS OF THOSE WHO AIM TO DESTROY THE SUFFRAGE RIGHTS OF CITIZENS IN VIOLA TION OF THB CONSTITUTION AND TO ESTABLISH A POLITICAL OLI GARCHY BY MEANS OF LEGALIZED FRAUD AT ELECTIONS. IN THE DISCUSSIONS OF THB VITAL POLITICAL ISSUES OF THE CAMPAIGN THE GAZETTE WILL DEAL IN FACTS, ASSUMING NO POSITION THAT IT CANNOT SUST AIN BY EVIDENCE THAT WILL AP PEAR LN ITS COLUMT3. THE WEEKLY BflZETT 1 Now in its Third Year is an Eight Page Newspaper, published on Thursday? IT CONTAINS THE CREAM OF THB NEWS OF THB WEEK AND A FULL DISCUSSION OF CURRENT ISSUES AND EVENTS. AN AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT. WITH INFORMATION ESPEC IALLY ADAPTED TO FARMERS IN NORTH CAROLINA, WILL BE AN ADDED FEATURE OF THE WEEKLY GAZETTE FOR 1900. TeirimD oif ralbcirnpitnfli)iui. Daily Gazette, one year, - - $4.00 Paily Gazette, six months, - - 2.00 Weely Gazette, one year, - - 1.00 Weekly Gazette with New York Weekly Tribune, one year for both papers... ,.$1.50 THE DAILY GAZETTE IS DELIVERED IN N3ASBZ CVBSY TOWN IN THE STATE THAT IS ON A, RAILROAD ON THB DAT 09 PUBLICA TION, rra regular trorrioNWHiCH rs served to all mail- SUBSCRIBERS GOES TO PRESS AT I A. EL GNABLLNG FT TO PUBLISH IN ITS REGULAR EDITION 1UATER IXSBAXCBESI CHAN MANY 1 OF ITS DAILY CONTEMPORARLES. 1 S i'l- w 14 - . .1 1 i: 'V f 1 I - i i It 7 Hi r 7 . f 'A I'l 1 I ' ! 1 ' ! 1 1 r 'h r t '(' " 1