n D A Good Situation 'Can be Secured Through a thorough course of commercial and abort hind ing at AshevMe Business College. It is not guaranteed, bust in ninety-two cases 7 .st year where pupils completed full courses there was not a stogie failure. We will give you the names of the pupils and the addressee of the business firms for whom they are employed if you will call and get them. By entering now you cam com plete at a time of the year when it Will be easiest for you to get employment. College corner Patton avenue and Haywood, Paragon Block. I H. S. SHOGKLEY, Prin. a a a 8!a!!diio!nini',niiDsiDiin i$ SMOKED FISH. ooo W- handle Smoked Fish all the time, keep it coming fresh every week. W keep a good variety of t too, such as Smoked Halibut, Kippered Herring, Smoked Salmon, Bloaters, Finnan Hlad die. When you want anything in thfis line YOUNG'S FISH MAKKET, TELEPHONE 23. Canvas Back Ducks Butter Ball Ducks, and Mallard Ducks at YOUNG'S FISH MAKKET, TELEPHONE 23. We are getting shipments of Pompans, Spanish Mackerel and Bluefish now at regular intervale. Roe and Buck Shad, Sitriped Bass, etc., etc., at YOUNG'S FISH MARKET, TELEPHONE 23. J Your Task Made Easy. We could have given you a long list of prices, but we didn't want to burden you with so much reading matter. We have, therefore, sifted the chaff from the wheat, and give you here only such goods as we feel sure you will need: Mustard, dry, best quality, per lb 18c Mustard b xes 1-4 lb., net w tight, 10c. size 5c. txx Peppa , whole or ground, best quali ty, per pound ., 16c Pepper boxes, 1 4 lb., net weight. 10c. size, per box 6c Nutmegs, extra large s.ze.... lc. eacu The largest variety in city. Rolled Oats, 2 lb. pkgs, " est grade 7 l-2c. Rice, broken grain, 4c. Rice, good 5c. Rice, best 7 l-2c. Tomato Catsup, bottles, first class 5c. Pepper Sauce, bottle- Ec. Tomatoes, cans new pack 7 l-2o. Corn, cans, well known brands.. 7 l-2c. Apricots, cans, finest Calif orna T8 -2 Apple Butter cans, large size 9c. Mince Meat, cans fine quality 8c. Kerosene Oil, best 14c. THE I. X. L. GROCERY STORE 41 CollegeJSt. Phone 107. Play Golf And remember the place where to buy them My Btas vf Golf Goods' is the largest Pi any season. Re-made balls at $2.50 per dozen. Also a full line of imported balls. Will buy odd balls. Golf cluibs re paired on short notice. Golf Clubs for hire by the day or week at a reason able price. BLOMBBRG'S, The Leading Cigar and Sporting Goods -House in the State. Established lg97 ' 17 Patton Avenue. The Paragon opposite post office. I 0TY.MEWS.- i The Asheville Hardware Company.- rm a -m--vh-i r-ro? nniAn TY1 f last CV" 'lit? KJeLL u tc i. j vu-i ening and initiated four new members. rrtho, hnarfl of directors of the Wo man's exchange meets thia morning at 11 o'clock. cvrmii.ro TV TT. Rpaerata of "WeavervMle. baa let the contract for the erection of a new store in that town. Charles W. Bvrd Junior League meets this afternoon in. the lecture room . of Central church at 4 o'clock. The hot chicken p!ie supper given last pvenlne bv the ladies of the First Bap tist church was well attended. Those who are interested in the base ball movement will meet ini the Y. M. C. A. rooms this evening at 8 o'clock. The Biltmore street car line yesterday ran an open car on the depot line several hours, as a proof of the spring weather. Dr. Wharton) and Miss M. Campbell won the mixed foursome yesterday af ternoon, defeating Mr. MCCloskey and Mrs. Rees 5 up and 4 to play. There will be a wild cat chase at Carrier's track this afternoon at 3:30 if the weather is favorable. There will be several fox chases in the near future. There was a good tobacco break at the Farmers' warehouse yesterday, there befog about 4,000 pounds on the floor. Prices 'were good, considering the quality of the offerings. The case tagamet John Parker and Bettie Gise for stealing horses came up before Justice of the Peace Stokeley yesterday and was continued again un til 4 o'clock this afternoon. Professor. Morton's classy in osychoiogy began -Work yesterday. The number was Very gratifying. The class meets every Wednesday, and anyone interest ed in the subject may join the class. ' Walter Swtggettt of Indianapolis, who Is now in the city, has recently pur chased ath oroughbr edracehorse, which chased a tboroughbreu race horse, whici he will bring to this city in a few doiys. The dance Major McKissick gave at the Battery Park hotel lat evening proved to be a thoroughly delightful af fair, there being abouf twenty-five couples present. A truck of the engine o number 20 of the So utt hem, broke Tuesday on the way to Asheville, and the engine rollea down the embankment. The accident occurred near Whittier. Both the en gineer and fireman, were hurt slightly. At the meeting of the Clerks' union Tuesday evening the individual boycott declared against Miller & Kennedy was raised, onthe petition of the firm, who wfll comply with the closing regula tions and were reinstated as honorary members of the union. James L. Houghteling, president of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew, will ad dress a meeting tonight at Trinity chap el. There will be a brief service be ginning at 8 o'clock, immediately fol lowed, (by Mr. Houghteling' s address. All men are cordially invited to be present. The Supreme court affirmed the de cision of the lower court Tuesday in the case of White vs. Murray for the Su perior court clerkship of Madison coun ty. The decision held that it is compe tent for the legislature to authorize a judge to fill by appointment a vacancy in the clerkship of a court in his dis trict, so Murray holds the office. Ed. Hunt left this morning ifor Seat tle, Wash., en route to Oape Nome, Alaska. He was at Dawson ' City a couple of years ago. Yesterday a man stopped him on the street in Asheville, who proved to be a man who had been snowed under with him for several months. James. Buchanan of this city, who was also with Hunt that winter; is now in Daweon City with a stock of merchandise, and is doing well. The Raleigh Post says that Mr. Van derbilt has extended an invitation through George F. Weston for the stu dents of the agricultural department of the Agricultural and Mechanical cod- lege to visit the Biltmore estate this spring. Mr. Vandetibilt has offered $50 in gold as prizes for judging Hive stock. Tents may be provided and a small encampment furnished. The Universi ty of Tennessee students may come at the same time and Mr. Weston, has -sug gested to tne president of the A. & M. college that a ball .game be arranged. Tear by year the sales of Camnhor- line increase. Could this be true of m fake. 25c All druggists. ABOUT TRUSTS. The ?-ga ot,the Boole You hare doubtless heard that all except one of the f large Fine Writing paper mills , hayo joined the Paper Trust. That one was tL Whiting Paper Co., amd we are the only dealers In Ash vHte having am account direct with the mill. We have just received a new lot Including: French Organdv. Imperial Bond (whit and blu ), Organdie Bond (wfcite and blue, Angora (kid fissb),-Wedge wood, Irish Usoam, West Point B'ue. AM in the newest shapes and sizes. Prices ARE NOT advanced by th trust. ROGERS BoOK STORE, Phone 254. 1 - 20 Sou a Madm Street. Is There is some satisfaction in paying for a NAME, but not much in Spaying for re pairs," Therefore "It is better to pay for a Name than it is to pay for Repairs." In a satisfactory wheel the repairs needed must be few. EAGLE BICYCLES ARE SATISFACTORY. 0 III ti y y Prices, $30, $35, 42,50r$50 an t $60. ASHEVILLE CYCLE COMPANY, Phone 228. 18 and 20 Church St. BRIB MALT WHISKEY. Specially Distilled for Medicinal Use (Warranted Strictly Pure. Keystone Malt Whl cey i food for the body and brain, enriches tiLe blood, sol idifies the bones, hardens the muscles, quiets the nerves and perfects digestion. It lis unequalled for CONSUMPTION and WASTING DISEASES. THE "BONANZA" WINE AND LIQUOR 6u. 43 South Main Street. Telephone 72. SPECIAL SALE Of high class Men's Wear for -the next TEN DAYS. We -will sell the balance of our heavy weight MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS, amd Extra Trousers at PRIME COST, in order to make room for the Spring Stock which our buyer now in New York to purchasing. As all woolen goods has advanc ed in price at least 20 per cent, you can save money by Investing In, prime goods at reduced rates. We mean just what we say. all clothing at cost, all other gooda at our regular legitimate prices. Call before they are all sold. The Wiiitlock Clothing House, No. 41 Patton Avenue. - ..GO TO.. : Lexington Livery, Feed Sale Stables For a Complete Line of Up-to-Date Livery. I can furnish you Landaua, V ictoriae, Three-seat Surrey, Two-seat Surreys, Ext nsion Top Carriages, Tandem Carta. Also rtubb'er Tired T. Carts, Traps, Roundabouts ana Bicycle Buggies. I make a specialty of Sacle Horse i and Ridln . Lessons. Horses are p rfectly safe tor ladies. Call n nnH oc.v mt v m'ma ivi oa:vui4 p rrectly safe cor ladies. prices, by month, week or trip. F. 4. MEARS, 3STo. S3 Soa.tlx nEain. Street, BOJH 'PHONES 278. NOTICE TO HOTEL AND BOARD ING HOUSE KEEPERS. The Southern; Railway .-Company is preparing to issue -their 1900 Summer Home folder, wnich gives Information concerning hotela and boarding housjs along its lines. Hotel and boarllng house keepere who desire ifcheir places mentioned in the Solder will kindly oall at the city ticket office, 60 Patton ave nue, Asheville, where tne lnrorma.wi will be received same as Last year. F. R, DARBY, C. P. & T. A., Asheville, N. C. Good night! Use Oamphorllne; bare soft white hands In the morning. 25c All druggists. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIM New Airipfivall nff ILaiine9 SiBIk aimdl j Mannimefl WaM. M re new Une of SILK and FLANNEL Waists we've been looking for ar. S rived this morning. They are the newest designs and elegant in quality. PATTON AVE. 'PHONE 78. ASHEVILLE.ISJ.C THE outfitter; '4 Spring Hats for Men are Now In." iiiiiiriitiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiim THE COLONIAL TEA. Old Library Building Crowded Last Evening About $60 Eealized. The Colonial tea, given by the stu dents of the . city high school yeterday afternoon! and evening at the old Libra ry building, was a splemdid cuccees In every way. The attendance during the afternoon was very good, and the program was commented cm as toeing particularly fine. Im the evening tthe crowd was even greater, in. fact so large that there was scarcely standing room. The minuet was the prettiest feature of the even ing, although tthe (tableaux were all very good. The costumes were all colonial amd very well represented. Refreshments were served throughout, and about $60 were the net proceeds, which will be de voted to .school' decoration. Dancing waa indulged id by the young People after 'the' program was con LANCE'S CONDITION. Although; m& condition of Mark Lance, at MaTBhall, who was wounded by Rec tor. Is some(whaty Improved, the doctors say it ds too early to tell whether he will 'get weM or not. He ia gaining strength, however, and hopes are entertained Jot his.recovery. Rector is la jail in Abbeville, fcavtog been removed here the Monday nigSt fomowiog ithe shooting, as th'ie jail im f county jaffl. .Gazette want ads. receive the largest tiocal circulation.; r3.QTiftA want Afa Kodak Finishing. The best work to be had in the quick est time at reasonable prices. Work finished iiu twenty-four hours, quicker tf you pay slight extra charge. All work finished promptly, regard less of the we- ither. Nothing but per manent black and white effects V" Ko daks loaned free where we cdo the finishing. RAY'S BOOK STORE Kodak Supplies. Everything needed by Amateur or Professional Photographers. Ray's Book Store "ITS-WHEAT HEARTS WE WANT." Hear what the people say: AJUanrta, Ga, 2-27-1 onn ... "We all eat Wheat iZL at our house and to an ert that is almost laughablP Lik ? much better than anything J have ever tried and We ha tried everything. Hardly real,? how much better it i6 un h" attempt to go back to ot Tours very trul. , C. S. CAMPBELL." and th dealer: T. J. WILLS & Co Wholesale and Retail Grocer Charlottesville, Va., 2-29-iqnn" "Dear Sir: - Send me quick two or three cj, Wheat Hetuts. It is going? and we have run out. Everyoni seem, i to lik it yone Reep'y yours, T. J. WILLS & CO "ITS-WHEAT HEARTS WE WANT." Hew Goods in Tablets. We have a very full line tablet?, in Bond Patep-! uesi guuus we nave ever naa ior tae money. Plenty of them in smooth goods, rnled or plain. Prices ? from ten cents to thirtv cents each. EtivpI five cents to twenty cents package. Call and see fori j v--.. x iiuiit; xi I. Morgan's Book Store. Morsels of Melting Sweetness. IN BUYING TOUR CA DT AT THEOBOLD'S, YOU ARE SURi,or THEY ARE MADE FRESH DAILT. THEY ARB 'ALB FROM PURE MATERIALS. THEY ARE MADE IN CLKANLY SURROTT'NTVT'WYlfl THUSE TRUTHS SHOULD HAVE SOME WEIGHT WITH YOU. T0UB JiiJJAi.TH IS OF THE Gr jAT T IMPORTANCE, THEREFORE IT IS 10 XUUR INTEREST TO BUY THE PUREST CANDIES YOU CAN FIND. "BUY CANDIES WHERE THEY ARE MADE FRESH D T,' AT Theobold s Candy Kitchen, Telephone 110. 24 Patton 4 venae, iDioooiiaiDoiaaiiBiiiDiDiiaiiaiiai!D::iii d u a JAS P. SAWYER, President. J. B. RANKIN, Cashier. BflTT&Ry PARK BANK I CAPITAL STOCK $100,000. SUPERIOR FACILITIES FOR DOI Q A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. n CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. j SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. j ftDiiniioiiopiioDiiniaiaDiiniiainiiniiniiii!i The Finest Line of French Briar and Meerschaum Pipes South of New York at the Berkeley Cigar Stand, km PARK HOTEL AHD HOT MINERAL WATER BATHS. HOT SPRINGS, N. C. n N Ideal Resort, open throughout the year. Situated II 38 miles from Asheville in the French Broad Valley, and the most picturesque spot in Western North Carolina. Favored with a mild and dry climate. ABSOLUTELY NO FOGS. Flriest Golf Links ia the state. A weU equipped livery. The Thermal tera a mecca for all nervous trouble. For rates e d more complete informa tion address, J . C. RUMBOUGH, Proprietor. B. A. NBWLAND, Manager- HOT SPRINGS, N. C. Some Unusual Values IN SHEETS, PILLOW CASES TOW ELS, CRASHES, NAPKINS, TABLE DAMASKS AND CLOTHS, COVER LETS, COMFRTABLES, BLANK ETS, ETC. ljuNT OP THESE WILL BIB FOUND WELL UNDER COMPETITORS' 9 H. REDWOOD CO., DRY -GOODS, CLOTHING SHOES, HATS AND BUT TERICK'S PATTERNS. nl lllllfillllllllllllllllllllllllllWIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lin local clrculataon. ' .

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