' t - r 1 T&lE ASHEVILEE GAZETTE;, MARCH ijr, 900. 1. ir ; aimnnnninntnnnnimfniniin CAROLINA MEWS. ODD g ODD 4 - I'm. 1 f O and 2 Patton Avenue. The Bargain Centre of Asheville. This Store is Greater Now Than Ever Before. I We are daily receiving shipments of Clothing and Shoes, purchased by our New York buyer. You cannot afford to ignore this store in planning your shopping. We have shown our ability to undersell all others and just as we did better for you in the past, we will do better in the future. Clcrthiia g. The Spring Clothing is calling for your attention now. Come and see our well selected stock and our low prices cannot failto attract you. Several styles Men's spring suits in the latest patterns, in stripes and checks, strictly all wool and well made, worth from $15 to $18, to give them a start, $12.00 We shall offer for one week 200 Boys' 3 piece suits made of wear-resisting cloths, regular prices heretofore $3.00, $198. Shoes. We Should Get Your Shoe Trade. We can save you less than one-third of what other stores ask. For this weeK we offer a complete line of Men's, Wom en's and Children's shoes, which were bought at a sacrifice, worth from $1.50 to $2.00, all styles, good shoes, at 89c & DDD ran o) Eddd p 10 and 12 Patton Avenue. 3 liiiiuiiiuitiiiuuiuiuuuiuiiiauuiuaiiiiuiiuiaiiiiiiuuiiuiiiuaiiiiuiiiuuiuiuiiuiiuuiuil NASHVILLE, CHATTANOOGA AND ST. L. AND WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILWAYS. The great through line to Arkansas, Texas and the North-west. Three daily trains bet-ween Chattanoog-a, Atiantta an I Nashville, Double dally trains to Memphis and Chicago. Through Pull mam, sleepers and elegant day- coaches without change b tween Chattanoo ga, and St. Louis, and between Chat tanooga and Jacksonville, Florida. If you are contem.plart.iTig a trip, tb any point, you will find It o your interest to write or call on. W. L. Danley, G. P. A., Nashville, Temo. J. H. Lattimer, S. P. A., Cor. 9th and Mark t street, Charttan'ooga, Tenn. W. T. Rogers, T. P. A., Kaacxvillo. Tenn . H. F. Smith, Traffic Manager, Nash ville, Tenn. Unsuraa 6 FREE OF CHARGE. Any adult suflerln from a cold set tled on the breast, bronchitis, throat or lung troubles of any nature, who will call at W. C. Garmlchael's, will be pre sented with a sample bottla of Bosclhee'fl wrmaa tsyrup, iree or cnarge. only one bottle eriven to one Mrann. anA MIA tft children without order from parents. no cnroat or lung remedy ever had such a sale as Bocfliee's German Syrup In all DartS Of the oiviUr.eA wnrlrf. Twenty years ago millions of bottles were given away, and your druggist will tell you Its success was marvelous. It Is really the only Throat and Lung Remedy generally endorsed by physi cians. One 75c. bottle will cure or prove its value. Sold by dealers in all civil ized countries. Commonplace Heroes. "In every family there are two kinds of heroes." "Who are they?" "Those who go to a doctor when they get sick and those who won't." Indian apolis Journal. The elephant does not smell through his trunk. His olfactory nerves are in a single nostril in the -roof of his mouth. j VTTTTTTTmn 11 hi mr r with Dure 6PANM UCORICE cd fer cure CSUGHSfrCSLDS wo IO$ Packages An Awkward Cigrar Holder. "Probably no one but a German would ever have invented the thing, and now that he has invented it not even a Ger man could tell to what use it could be put." So commented the buyer for a big de partment store in search of. novelties. The thing commented on appeared to be an umbrella, tight rolled and looking like other umbrellas with natural wood han dles except that there was no ferrule at the tip. It turned out to be a cigar hold er, for a silver cap on the handle end un screwed, and there was a place for the butt of the cigar. Through the rod of the umbrella was a tube, and the thing was smoked by pulling at what turned out to be a mouthpiece at the tip. A more ungainly thing for the purposes of a cigar holder could hardly, be devised, and it was useless as an umbrella,, for that part of it was a "fake." Yet some body in Germany manufactures them, and a Chambers street dealer has had a lot shipped to him for sale. Why any one should buy one is a mystery, and what he would do with it after the pur chase is an even greater one. New York Times. iiqhly recommended Jby edical Profession. 25 0 per BOX " OOO prvoywiy new 1 rrx lliBil III . I J 1 1 -A I Ml' l J u -Forth treatment of THE LIQUOR; OPIUM, MORPHINE mi . ether D" Addiction The Tobbacco Habit MbtT Exhaustion "BEFORE BABY IS BORN." A Valuable Little Book of Interest to All Women Sent Free. Everv woman looks forward with feel ings ofs. joy indescribable to the one great eyen.t in. her . life, com pajred with which all Others palp into in significance.' ' How prood she will feel when her babe nestles on" her breast how 8WQt the name o VMpther 1" And yet, hei anticipation of this, event ii clpadedwith dread of the pain and dan ger of the ordeal, so that it is imposai ble to avoid the feeling -of foreboding which creeps over' her Theidangei and suffering attendant topon being mother can be entirely prevented, sd that the coming of the little- strange! need not be looked forward to with fear. Every woman who reads this, can obtain frM . vftln.hln litt.lft honk entitled "Be fore Baby is Born by sending her ad dress to the Bradfleld Begnlator Co., Atlanta, Ga. : This book contains price less inidrmation for. all women, ana jm one should fail to send for it. j I fikre been troubled a ereat deal with a torpid lirer. which produces coiisti op tion. I found CASC ARETS to be all you claim tor tnem. sna securea sucn reuer cue nrst trial, that X curchMed another sudply and wai com. pletely cared. I shall only be too glad to rec ommend uascarecs wnenever sne opportunity presentea." J. A. Shtth. zww a8qucnanna Ave., jt nuaaeipnia, Pa. The' Junior Order of United American Mechanics gained 1,200 in North Caro lina during the past twelve, months. The Hendersonville Lumtoer company shipped a car load of lumber to-Balfour the past week', where Captain Troy Is building several cottages for the em ployes of the Balfour Quarry company. Joseph Beck, of High Point, has ob tained a Verdict for $80,000 damages in his suit against John G. Kraft, of Bal timore, for alleged breach Of contract for the purchase of a. two-thirds inter est in the Aldred gold mine in this state. In response to numerous inquiries coming to his office State Superintend ent of Public Instruction Mebane is sending out to all county superintend ents announcements to the effect that the next annual examination for life certificates will be held at each court house 00 the second Thursday in July. 1 t. Mr. A. Savery, of this city, has just sold to H. Abrams, of Knoxville, Tenn., for $90, an old flint and steel double barrel gun, which was made many years ago for General Wade Hampton. The gun is of very fine workmanship and weighs only about six pounds. After it came into his possession, Mr. Savery offered General Hampton the opportunity to secure it, but the gener al said he did not need it as he was out of the shooting business. Winston Republican. There will be a mass meeting of the tobacco growers of Forsyth county at the court house in Winston on Satur day, March 24, at 12 o'clock m. The ab ject of the meeting is to discuss the plans set forth at the State Tobacco Growers' convention, held in Raleigh on January 17. Also to perfect an organ ization in this county, if deemed proper to da so. J. F. Jordan of Greensboro, will be present to explain and! outline the plans of the organization. Three days of beautiful spring weath er this week has made a wonderful change in the improvements now in progress here. A force of twenty-four carpenters at the new hotel have made a great change in its looks since last week. Railroad work has also improv ed and the various squads of hands are making their efforts visible along the entire line. If the pleasant weather continues the road and hotel will both be completed) before the ides of Au gust . Brevard News . A. J. Hamilton, of Delhi, Delaware county, N. Y., has sold the Dudley Shoals property, which is situated near Petra, in Caldwell county, about ten miles from iLickory, to the Dudley Lumber company, of Granite Falls. Mr. Hamilton has owned this property for a number of years. The tract con sists of 425 acres of heavy timbered land besides the water power. The lumber company will dlevelop the prop erty and erect a saw mill and a roller flour mill at once .Hickory Press. This rock throwing business must be stopped. The magistrate who fined Luke Lord, Cage and Tom Hampton $4 each for the offense, made a good be ginning The boys are white and) rock ed George Clodfelter, near the South Side baseball park, Sunday night. Clodfelter had taiken a young lady home from church and was going to his home in Waughtown. This rock throwing in fun or earnest must be nip- 1 ped in the bud. A good many persons in Clodfelter's position would have been tempted to use a pistol. The death of William Grubbs, printed x elsewhere, tells its own sad story. Winston Re publican. Just before Christmas Eugene Perkay, a young farmer of Wake county, left his wife and four children and went away with Miss Chamblee, a young lady school teacher of the neighb6r- hood. Before going away Penny sold a part of his land and took the money. ast week the couple returned andi each went to their homes Penny to his wife and children, and Miss Chamblee to her parents. The young woman says1 that she and Penny took a trip through Mexico and California, and she was very much distressed to learn that the gossips had talked about her going away with a married man. She said' Mr. Penny treated her like a lady; that she wanted to see the world and he showed it to her. Penny has given out no statement. States vile Landmark. iSecretary Brown, of the corporation commission, is making good progress in his new railroad map of the state. He has had the old map corrected. county by county. One not informed as to map making has no idea of the difficulty of preparing a map. As to Transylvania county the report is made that work is in progress on the rail road southwestward from Bervard and that it has reached Estatoe, nine and a half miles distant. From that point to the lovely sapphire country the Toxa- way company will build a turnpike, or rather is building ft, and on this when macadamttTed automobiles will be operated). It will thus be a novelty in North Carolina. But it is not expect ed that the automobiles can be put n use this year. A queer thing 'will be noticed in the last map issued that of 1897. There are two Virginias, both on the Atlantic and .Danville railroad Now there can't be two, and which is the right one? From the latter a rail road has been built to the rich copper ore beds in Person county. Ralegh Correspondence Charlotte Observer. VCaS candy - PleaaaaV PWjtaMg. Potent.". Taste Good. Do 3ood. Mer Sicken. Weaken, oc Gripe. 10a. 2ic. aoo! CURE CONSTIPATION. Caspur, mwK, Untml, Kw trk. 0 "I ued Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in. my family with wonderful results. It gives immediate relief, is pleasant to take, and is truly the dyspeptic's best friend. says E. Hartgerink, Overisel, Mich. Di gests what you eat. Cannot fail to cure. Dr. T. C. Smith. SHAtCEJ INTO TOUR SHOES. Allen's Foot-Ea. s, a powder. It cures painfull, smarting, nervous fe t and in growing nails,, amd instantly takes the sting out of conns and bunions. ' It's the greatest comfort dis -very of the cge. Allen's Fopt-tEJase jnakes the tight pr hew' ihoes f eel e&sy. , It Is a certain cure for sweating', callous and: hot, 1ftredr aching feett. Try it today. Sold., by all druggists aawi hoe stores. By mail ed in stamps. Trial package free. Address, Allen S. Olmstead, LeRoy N. T. I i......vWi;.w The Kind You Have Alwavs Bonsrlit. and whinh has hAAn in use ror oyer u years, baa Dome the signature of r and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive von In thio All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex periments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castona Is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of V9 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TNC eCNTAUN COMPANY. TT MURRAY STRCCT. MW TORN CITY. ACID VITALITV , I organs of either sex, such as 2tp ur.potency, wigntly isr ervous Prostration. Falling or Lost Manhood. issioos, x ouwui errors, ueauu w orry, excessive ' 'PVla (ttdq MmfiHv trw nanmna nwwf vf f An flni4 all 'HtDoaaa. i9 -Ha hi n I Mer of Tobacco or Qoium. W"hir3 lead to Coasumzrtion and Insanitv. With a-van 1CTCD flCIUfi $S order we guarantee to cure or refund the money. Sold at al.OO per box. AriCnUdlnO 6 boxes for5-00. D. lUOTXS CIIK2SICJJL. CO., OevelaAOIito. FOR fALl OR. T. C. SMITH. SOUTHERN RAIJLWAY. In Effect Dec. 10, 1899. No. 37-11. No. 15. 4.30pm 12.05tvxn 6.55pm 1.50&m 9.20pm 6.22am &jrrn Tim. Lv New Yrk Lv PhllAdcdphia Lv Baltlmra Noa. 11-18. Nr. 1. Ar. U.itpm .S5m At. 10.15am 2.Mam At. 8.00asx 11.21pm i 10.43pm 6.10am: 11.15am 6.07pm Lv Waabx loai Ar. Lr Daavfli Ar. 6.42am 0.06pm 11.25pm l.tOpm 12.10am 12.01pm Lv Rickm Ar. 6.40am 6.259m 8.25pm 0.10am 1.10am 2.50pm 2.09am 2.50pm 5.15am 6.25pm Lv Norfolk Ar. Lv Balm Ar. Lv Ralecfe Ar. Ar Grenboro Lv. 8.20am 6.65pm 2.50am 12.25pm 2.45am 11.25am 11.45m 8.50am 9.10am 10.12am 10.52am 11.13am 12.34pm 2.12pm 20pm 40pm 02pm 55pm 40rm 11.35pm 7.10 7.40pm 8.03pm 9.01pm 9.20pm 10.30pm 12.03am 12.10am 12.15am 1.29am 3.00am 4.25am 7.40am 7.10pm Central Tim Lv Salisbury Ar. Lv StatMViU Ar. Lv NnHan a. . Lv Hlckary Ar. Lv lAartoai Ar. Lv BUtmora At. Ar AfthevUle Lv. Lv AsaevlUa Ar. Lv Hat Sprmss Ar. Lv Morriataws Ar. Lv KnoxvlUa Lv. Ar Chattanooga Lv. Ar Mampklj Lv. 6.35pn 5.27pm 5.00pm 4.41pm 8.22pm 1.42pm 1.37pm I. 10pm II. 45am 9.50am 8.25am 4.20am 9.15am 9.40am 8 53am 8.18am 8.01&m 6.52am 5.26am 5.20am 5.15am 4.00am 2.S0am 1.16am 10.00pm 9. 15. am 6.40am 6.22pm Ar. NaskvlUa Lv. ltpm i.ltaia 7.50am 7.16pm Ar. LauSsvUla Lv. 7.4ipm 7.46am 7.30am 7.21pm ' Ar. CMdanaiti Lv. 8.00pm 8.20am Ar. New Ctauui Lv. A. AND S. BRANCH. No. 14. No. 10. Ceatral Tim. N a, IS. Nek t. 7.05am 2.05pm Lv Aaaavllla Ar. 6.00pm Jl7.pm Eastara Tima 8.13am 2.12pm BUtmara Ar. .62pm 2.30pm 9.08am $.6 7pm Lv Hadrwrllla Ar. 6.05pm 1.42pm 10.18am 5.00pm TLiV Tryafll Ar. 5.00pm 12.40am 11.17am 6.00pm Ar SpartaabmTg Lv. 8.40pm 11.40am t.20pm 9.25pm Ar OaramMa L.v 11.40am 8.30 m 8.17pm 7.00am Ar CflMrlaaifcoa Lv. 7.00am ll.OOpm Caatral Tlma .15am Ar Bavammak Lv. 12. 05am 9.25am Ar JaekwAViXUi Lv. 7.45pm t.-tfaaa Ar Amroata Lv. i.f-tpm t.ttpg 2.55pm 5.10am Ar Ailaata Lv. 7.50am ll.SOm 7.40am 8 .ltpm , Ar Naw.Orlaaaa Lv. 7.45pm .65am 7.40am Ar ICampaia Lv. I.tm 710pm 8.30am Ar. Maes Lv. .OOaxr 7.10pm MURPHY BRANCH, No. IT No. 19 Central Time. No. 18 No. 20 9.15am 2.4 pm ,jV Asheville Ar 10.38am 4.10pm L Waynesville Ar 10.58am 4.30pm jjt Balsa , Ar 12.40pm "r Lv Bryson City Lv 9.30 . Ar Murpfj Lv Dally except Suil a - 6.30pm 12.05pm 4.55pm 10.38am 4.30pm lC.lOam 2.00pm 8.40am. 5 30am Dally vxcept Sunai y8. Daily except Sundays. Daily except Sundays. Trains 37 aad 11, and 12 and 38 carry Pullman sleepers between New York, Washington, Asheville, Hot Springs, Ch attanooga, and Nashville. Trains 9 and 11, and. 10 and 12,. between Jacksonville, Savannah, Columbia, AahevlUe, H Spring, Knoxville, and Cincinnati. 4 Trains 9 and 10 carrying Cincinnati and Jacksonville sleeper connects at Columbia with sleeper for Charleston, which gives double daily service In botn directions between Asheville an 1 Charleston. Tmina 35 and 36 carry Pullman sleepers between Salisbury, Ashevlll. Hot Springs, Chattanooga aad Memphis. Together with our excellent equipment and schedules to the north and east, all rail through Washington, the public's special attention is caled to our rat) and water route to the north and east- Sou thera railway and the Chesapeake line. This schedule allows a duty's stop- over at Noifalk, Va., affording aa op portu ity to visit Old Point Comfort (Fort Monroe), Vrginia, Virginia Beach, Newport News, etc , FRANK S. GANNON, Third Vice President" and General Manager, Washington. D. C; J. M. Culp, Traffic Manager Washington, Dr C; S. H. HABD . WICK,, A. G. P. A, Atlanta, Ga.; W.H, TAYLOR, A. G. P. A, Louisville, Ky.; C. , A. BrNSCOTER, A. G.P; At Chattanooga, Tea ; F. TL DAR BY, City Passe, er aad Ticket Agent, Asheville, Ni a; W. TURK, General Passenger AgeatWashlngtoiBl . CS . - t- , s , 4 ., ' - v f