Tom, Tom, the Piper's Son, 0tole a pig and away he run. Tom probably yielded to an uncontrollable de sire for a taste of fine pork.., For lover of choice pork products we have a tooth eome and tempting array at all times, that includes delicious young roasters, flue chops and loins, fresh hams and fine ly flavored sausages, besides, spare ribs, home -cured hams and bacon at bed rock prices. Zimmerman & Whitehead, CITY MARKET AgeaAa Swift & Go's Western resaeu Meats. PHONE 4. Wild Turkey and Quail. Regular engagements enable us to n ,-arly always hi -e Wild Turkeys and Quail on handy In fact we get the pick f the game co ning her . Years f experience in buying and selling game enable us to buy only the best and fr ihest. Prompt elivcvy. Asheville Fish Co. Telephone 289. 7UST RECEIVED... Bananas and Grape Fruit.. v Chas. U. Monday, Stalls J anl 10. CENTRAL. MARKET. News and Opinions . OF National Importance THE STJIsr ALONE CONTAINS BOTH Daily, by mail, $6 a year Daily and Sunday by mail, $8 a year The Sunday Sun la the greatest Sunday newspaper i the world. Price 5c a copy. By mail $2 a year. Addrer THE BUN. New York. Howard A. Haven. Wright C. Stout MEMBERS OF THE New York Stock Exchange, New York Cotton Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade. HAVEN & Bankers and Brokers Nassau street, corneIi waul, NEW YORK. Deposit accounts received, tttbject to check on demand. Interest credited monthly on daily balances. Accounts of banks, corporation, firms nd individuals received on favorable terms. Coupons, interest, dividends, notes, drafts collected for our corespondents. Orders executed for the purchase or sale on commission,, of bonds, stocks, investment or carried on inargto. Clients may telegrapib, orders and ln- tractions at our expense. Copies, of telegraphic code, may, be had on appli cation. Information regarding quotations ebeerfully furnished. PRIVATE BOAJRD. House in suburbs in lair shady ood table with abundance of treeb milk hatter, eggs, etc. Mile from court bouse on electric car line. Telephone 295.Kaip low. Information at M ... li M. Bay's. o& Lookout Mountain car line, of Bay's bookstore. ' Tn . TvnVnt-TJ''Air and SCUf8 STOUT SmanTr X. M. A, imnon Lr Medleine. WEOE WELL BECEIVED. ., tritchara and Linng Visit to tynn-- . The Mockery fllaiay Case- r Gazette Bureau, The "rartftapew of BostoiL: ,vnn an ! nthor ottloo fciv. - Wast night, werefourid to onain elab- smwsi compiimencary reports of the 'eibUieajir.3ield'at Oiholast named city. The Boston Hbally Globe, for instance, publishes a several 'col umn illustrated account of the meeting. Two photographs of Senator Pritchard appear, one showing him while ad dressing the, great gathering. The Globe says that President McKinley and his administration were endorsed In no uncertain manner at the annual ban quet of the West Lynn republican club in Odd Fellows' hall that night. "Senator Pritchard, of North Carolina, and Congressman Linney, of tie same state,, with Congressman Roberts, of the Seventh Massachusetts district, were the principal speakers, and to each was accorded an enthusiastic re ception, when introduced by the toast master, Senator Howard K. Hender son: "More than four hundred persons were present, the gallery toeing occupied-by women and their escorts. The hall was profusely decorated, and the banquet was one of the most suecessfuf ever held in the city. "The visiting statesmen held a recep tion ; at the mayor's office, city hall, early in the evening and were there met by several hundred prominent men. Afterward) they were taken di rectly to the hall. "Mayor Shepherd was the first speak er. He welcomed the visitors to the city and paid them a high compliment for the port they are taking in national legislation." It is thought the elections committee which has under consideration the Dockery-Bellamy case, will submit a report next week. Chairman Weaver will .be absent from the city for a few days, thus delaying prompt action. Representative Aldrich, the Alabama contestant, who was seated 'a few -days ago, has introduced! a bill to require all congressmen, whose seats are being contested, to give a heavy bond to se cure the government for all money paid to them while 'their seats are being contested, all amounts paid them be ing refunded in the event the house holds that the contestant is entitled to the seat. The hill also provides a heavy fine to be imposed on persons convicted! of dishonesty in elections1, such as interferring with men who de sire to vote. W. A. H. BROWN'S IN TOWN - "One unending laugh," is the way the management describes the mew farce, "Brown's in Town," which will be seen, at the Grand next Tuesday night . The latest farcial effus'ion, which has a theme entirely different (from any thing yet seen here on that order, was written Vcar the sole purpose of amusing the theatre-going public. and the amusement is creiaited in a logical and. reasonable manner. The duty of the farce writer is much easier and lees ex acting thai! that of the dramatist, who writes serious plays. He does not find rit necessary to shun the theatric ef fects, to keep melodrama out of his. drama, or exclude farce or comedy, but a deliir;ous lumDie or inccxQgxunij whose entire function is to be funny. If the author of a farce excites plenty of laughter, without recource to vul garity, all eUse is forgiven. "Brown's in Town," however, is built on infinitely more original lines than the farces of recent production. It contains many. consistent .complications-, a good story that is quaintly told, and from the rise to the fall Of the curtain it is full of in terest. There 'are some pretty, musical numbers, an entirely new departure in this style of comedy. When 'Brown" makes hJis bow to an audience St will be without a flaw. The company is composed of some capable fun-makers, among whom lare Mark Swam, Jessie Mae Hall, Maud Kaowlton, Monica Lee, Lee C. Horn, W. Cullison, Fannie Midgeley, F. IEb-ner and others. Seats now on sale at the Paragon pharmacy. O Bears the Signature of i The Kind You Have Always Bought So Was She. "Do you know." he said, "that every time I look at you I have thoughts of re venge?" "Why?" she gasped. -"Because," be answered, "revenge is sweet." Then she told him she thought tomorrow would be a good time to see papa. Chicago Times-Herald. A FIENDISH ATTACK. An attack was lately made on C. F. Collier of Cherokee, Iowa, that nearly proved fatal. It came through his vio ney. ' Hi- back got so lame he could not stoop without great pain, nor sit in a chair except propped by cushions. No remedy helped him until he tried Elec tric Bitters which effected such a won derful change that he writes he feelg like a new man. This marvelous medi cine cures backache and kidney trouble, purifies the blood and builds up your health. Only 50c. at all druggists. She Had to Interrupt. "We might just as well come to an un-J derstanding right now," said the angry husband. "It's hard for you to hear the truth, especially from me, but" "Indeed it is," interrupted the patient wife. "I hear it sb seldom." Chicago News. YiinPicts what vou eat. ;,Itartificially digests thefcodan& aids Nature in strengthening and reoon itracting the exhadjgtiveoP- ant and ton. otJr; preparattpn mn oTrttrnaAn' it. in efficiency It iDf aiahtoy relieves andrrm Uiatuience, : oour BwuMy DvsnGnsia Cure r s,-v Over-tyoric Weakens Your Kidneys. Unnealtny Kidneys Make Impure Blood, All the blood in your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. The kidneys are your, blood purifiers, they fil ter out the waste or impurities in the blood. If they are sick or but of order, they fail, to do their work. Pains, aches and rheu matism come from ex cess of uric acid in the blood, due to neglected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel as though they had heart trouble, because the heart is o-vter-working in pumping thick, kidney poisoned blood through veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modem science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning in kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases and is sold on its merits by. all druggists in fifty cent and one-dollar siz es. You may have a i t. 1 1 sample ooxue Dy mail Home of Swamp-Root. free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney, or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer fie Co., Binghamton, N. Y. N BOARD OF ALDERMEN. Lighting Contract Laid Over Until Next Iriday. At the meeting of the board of al dermen last night Dr. John rfey Will iams asked to have an estimate made of the probable cost of bringing the yard of the Orange street graded school and the street in front on a line. The matter was referred to the street com mittee. Chief of Police Lyerly reported com plaint of several negro restaurants on North and South Main street and in Cripple Creek. No action was taken, it being left to the city attorney, who will look into the legality of revoking the licenses. J The rigB? of way for a small sewer through porepity on Bailey street was continued. Mr. Rawls reported! on the Chestnut street paving and moved to have the assessments published for ten, days, the amounts then to become a lien on the properties. The board decided to go in a body today at 11 o'clock and inspect the work just completed. E. D. Keeling complained of the burn ed telegraph poles in front of his place of business and was referred to the street committee. Alderman Sherrill reported that Hans Rees Sons will put an a water meter. , Six new wrenches were ordered pur chased for the fire department. James Mackewitz was granted a per mit to erect a small frame house. The city of Victoria asked for twenty-five feet of hose for sprinkling purposes. The-department reported! no extra hose on hand. J: W. Plummer was present to rep resent Central Labor union as protest ing against closing the contract for city lighting. On motion of Mr. Rawls the matter was carried over until next Friday night. The city indebtedness to the Mer cantile Trust and Deposit company was mentioned and $1,000 of the amount was ordered paid. The city clerk was instructed! to ask a continuance of the remaining $5,000. The following bills were ordered paid: LOrick and Smith, $2.92; W. H. West- all, $ .20; Stradley Brothers, $1.03; S. E. Holt and Company, $63.51; J. M. Stoner, $18.99; A. J. Morse, $4.00; Aehe viltte Dray Company, $1 . 53 ; Chapman Manufacturing company, $8.00; Ashe ville Wood and Ooail company, $8.25; the KathariO company, $17.50; water payroll, $26.05; sanitary payroll, $91.60; crusher payroll, $99.88; street payroll, $102.47; Chestnut street payroll, $46.25; Gazette Publishing company, $10.00; J. M. Barrett, $1.10; Cuyler and Mohleir, $127.16; Biltmore Waste company, $13.52; Standard Oil company, $3.23; M. V. Moore, $5.00. Weekly financial statement: Cash on hand March 9. 100. .. $17,135 80 1,529 81 370 J.3 30 0. Collected by J. A. Campbell.. Collected by W. E. Rankin.. Collected by J. A. Lyerly Collected by W. H. Bird 10 00 i '55 Collected by J. B. Erwin (scales) Collected by M. W. Robertson 77 02 Total $19,170 31 DISBURSED. Street -department $ 102 41 Water department v 463 31 Fire department 72 29 Sanitary department 14-32 Police department 8 70 Street fund 258 15 City hall 18 Sinking fund 77 Insurance 10 29 Cash on hand 18,035 64 Total $19,170 31 Mrs. Calvin Zimmerman, Milesburg, Pa., says, "As a speedy cure for coughs, colds, croup and sore throat One Minute Cough Cure is unequalled. Tt is pleas ant for children: to take. I heartily re commend it to mothers." It is the only harmlessremedy that produces immedi ate results. It cures bronchitis, pneu monl -, grippe and throat and lung dis eases, it will prevent consumption, ur. T. t Smith. A Healfliy Stomacb makes pure blood, vigorous nerves a strong body. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters- strengthens weak stomachs. An oc casional dose will keep the bowels adtiive. Taken regularly, l will cure indigestion, constipation, dyspepsia, biliousness, in active liver, or kidneys, malaria, fever and ague. J will cuije you. See that a Private Revenue Stamp covers the neck of tie, bottle. - HOSTETTER'S It has no STOMACH I Superior BITTERS IHjj jpjp lOUpeim OH VGH J V - 4 - - r H 2IUSIC FESTIVAL BOTES. Schubert's wifijiiihed Symphony in B a . Minor Whica Will be Given. The more one studies the magnitude Of vne approaching, music festival and hthe highly artistic character of those taking part in it the more . evident it becomes that the citizens of Asheville have in store a rare treat. Other cities many times larger than Asheville feel that they have accomplished a exeat feat in having Theodore Thomas and his orchestra alone while the plucky little city of Western North Carolina will offer not only three superb concerts by one of the greatest musical organiz ations in America, but has also engag ed some of the finest vocal talent in Boston and New York, and in addition has organized and trained a large chorus of 125 voices to assist in these concerts. Taking it all and! all the like has never been attempted before in Ashe ville no, not in the south. Imagine a chorus of 125 voices with several eminent soloists accompanied by a perfectly trained orchestra of sixty different instruments how grand It must be! Let it never be said again either by visitor or by citizen that nothing good in the way of entertainments ever comes to Asheville. The best the coun try affords will be here the 21st -and ?2d of March . Now let us proye our appreciation for best by crowding the opera house to the utmost. May it never be said that our fair little s'ister, Spartanburg, can have these festivals, 'but that Ashe ville, cultured Asheville, the city that is set upon a hill and because of her beauty and culture Is Inviting all peo ple to come and behold and linger among us, cannot attain to anything so hi-h. Come, let us give the enterprise a right royal support, and make it the greatest financial as well as artistic success that Asheville has ever under taken . The orchestra will render Schubert's Symphony, B minor (unfinished)." One of the most lamentable misfor tunes in all music is 'the incomplete state in which the composer left this beautiful symphony. Why he should have abandoned it or dteferred its com pletion It is not easy to comprehend, as he is known to have aferwards com posed one more (the great C Major Symphony), and since it is further be lieved that he wrote still another, the manuscript of which, unhappily, has disappeared. The score of the B Minor Symphony published in 1867 and brought to this country and first per formed by Mr. Thomas, who chanced to hear it while in Vienna comprises the opening Allegro and the Andante movements, and nine measures of wnat was to have been its third movement cfjScherzo. The first movement opens, Without preamble, with a dreatay, rfiysterious unison passage given out, pianissimo, by the 'cellos and basses in Octaves. The violins enter at the ninth measure with a trembling, restless fig ure, which forms the background for the plaintive, wailing melody which the oboe and clarinet bring in four meas ures further on. Like the indistinct vi sions of" a dream this wavering-, wan- f eiring figure continues until, after a long sustained! tone In the bassoon's and horns, the sleeper seems to heave deep sigh of relief as the dream pic tures shift to a pleasanter and more restful vision. The development (drawn almost entirely from1 the open ing theme) is very extended and ornate, and a short coda concludes the move ment. The second and), regrettedly, tje last movement is of vast length and teems with beautiful melody. It opens with a theme in the strings, punctuated at intervals by entrances of the wind instruments. The second theme is announce, by the clarinet against a syncopated string accompan iment. The movement' closes with a brief coda, constructed largely from fragments of its principal themes.; MOZLEY'S LEMON ELIXIR. A Pleasant Lemon Tonic. For biliousness, constipation and ap pendicitis. For indigestion, slick and nervous head ache. For le plessness, nerv .ismess and heart failure. For fever. ciJiMs, debility and kidney diseases, take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, for natural and thorough reg ulation, take Lemon. Elixir. Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir is prepared from the fresh juice of Lemo com Din ed with other vegett L.e liver tonics, and will mot fail you in any of the aoo named diseases. 50c and $1.00 bo ties at all druggists. Prepared only y Dr. H. Mozley, At lanta, Ga. At the Capitol I am in my seventy-third year, and for. fiftv vears I have been a great sui ferer from Indigestion, constipation and biliousneea. I have tried all the reme dies advertised for these diseases and g . no permanent rel'ef. About one . ear ago, the disease assuming a more serious and dangerous f rm, I became very weak and lost flesh rapidly. I com menced using: Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elix ir. I gained twelve pounds in three months. My strength and health, my appetite and mv digestion were perrec ly restored, and now If 1 as young ana vigorous as I ever did in my life. L. J. ALLDRED, Door-keeper Ga. State Senate, State Capitol, Atlanta, Ga. Mozley's Lemon Elixir. is the very best medici I ever '-sed for the 'diseases you recommend it for, aiu I have used many kinds for women s troubles. MRS. S. A. Gresham, Salex, N. C. MOZLEY'S LIM0N EOT LB CPS, Cures all Coughs. Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat. Bronchitis, H morr age and all throat and Luner diseases. Ele gant, reliable. ' . 25c. at Druggists. Prepare only by Dr. H. Mozley. Atlanta, Ga. HE FOOLED THE SURGEONS. All doctors told Renlck Hamilton of West Jefferson. . -after suffering 1 18 months from Re ial Fistula, he would die unless a costHV operation was per formed; but he cured ModmseSf with Bucklen'a Arnica Salve, the best in the world. Surest pile euro on -ftarth. 25c - a box at all druggists. J : V- What Mother's Love and Tender Care Failed to Accomnliah Hood's Sarsaparilla Promptly Effected. " I would cry every time I washed my baby ! n This plaintive sentence tells a volume of mother's agony. In such a dreadful condition from eruptions and sores, Mrs. Guerinot's child received the tenderest care that mother's love could give, and the most skillful medical attendance that father's means could provide. Yet all failed until they turned to Hood's Sarsaparilla, which in this as in thousands of 6ther cases has seemed to be the last resort, yet it has not failed. The result was inevitable just as certain to cure as that day follows night. Evening's weeping turned to morning's rejoicing. That is what Hood's Sarsaparilla will do for you if, you will only let ic. just reaa Mrs. liuerinots Hood's Sarsaparilla testimonial : " My baby was three months old when festers broke out on his neck. The openings ap peared like boils, spread down his back and along the spinal column until it appeared as one mass of sores. Our doctor prescribed for the case, but the disease spread and the little one's suffer ings increased and he became a mere shadow. His p?tiful wailing was heart-rending. It nearly crazed me, weary and worn-out as I was from constant watching and nursing. The dis charge of matter was so profuse that it was necessary to dress his back three times a day. Every time the bandages were removed blood would flow and for a time even powders and different salves did not check the trouble. It be came necessary to wrap the little body in silk. When the trouble appeared at its height our anxiety was increased by the ap pearance of a boil just outside the lid alongside one of his eyes. We feared lest the scrofulous mat ter get into the eye, and even if his life was spared to us, that his sight would become affected " I had about given up hope of saving my baby, when I was asked why I did not try Hood's Sarsaparilla. Eager for anything that held out hope, I procured a bottle of Hood's. I also got a cake of Hood's Medicated Soap and a box. of Hood's Olive Oint ment. I immediately laid aside all the doctor's N medicines and INSPECTING ONE OP THE BIG GUNS BEFORE SOUTH AFRICA. THIS BIG GUN HAS BEEN DRAGGED FROM LADTSMITH TO THE HILLS THAT GUARD THE TUGELA Squirrels and Turkey Calls. Did it ever occur to you to use a turkey call in squirrel hunting? I once had three gray squirrels op a large gum tree and had tried to slip up to them, but they saw me and hid. I went up as close to the tree as I wanted and sat down to wait for them to come out. 1 sat there 20 or 30 minutes, and they did not move that I could see. I was in a fairly good turkey country and so got out my turkey call and made a few calls, and in less than two minutes all three squirrels were in sight, and in a good deal less time they were all mine on the ground. I take it that they thought that if it was safe for a turkey to be calling they wre in no danger. I would like to know if any one else ever had a like experience, and. if I ever get in a like situation I will make experiments until I am satisfied. Forest and Stream. For Infants And C&ildreiL $i$MA Tor Have AteajrBoagM Bears .the VWitf1 ' - ' " " ' letter. It is a characteristic gave the infant the smallest dose of the Sarsaparilla pre scribed, and then took off the bandages and washed the mass of sores with the Medicated Soap'. Next I applied the Olive Ointment and adjusted a fresh wrapping of silk. A change was notice able the next Sun day, giving assur ance that we had at last hit upon the treatment to success fully battle the poisonous blood. 44 Slowly but with a perceptible gain, the discharge grew less, the inflammation disappeared, the sur rounding skin took on a more healthy color, and what a short time before had been a mass of raw flesh began to scale over and gradually a thin skin formed and the scales dropped off. Not a scar or blemish around the eye, neck or back or anywhere on his body is to be found, and now at eight months old he is as bright, healthy, and full grown as any child of that age. Less than two bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla, aided by Hood's Medicated Soap and Hood's Olive Ointment, accomplished this wonderful cure. " I cannot begin to express my gratitude towards Hood's Sarsapa rilla and your other medicines for the good they accomplished in my baby's case." Mrs. N. Guerinot, 37 Myrtle St., Rochester, N. Y. For the cure of all blood diseases and Spring Humors, Hood's Sar saparilla is unequalled. Trit. IT IS SHIPPED TO State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of"F. J. Cheney & Co., doing lousiness in tne . city of Toledo, county and state aforcr said and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of catarrh that cannot be cured by the use by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, tthis 6th day of December, , A. D. 1886. A. W. GLEASON, (SEAL.) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J; CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family POlto ar the best. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH I EflHYROYflL PILL An. Alwrtrelibt. Licw. k DremdH tot JUlVUJSSwriEM? JHCjrL,l&U ia. K0 uul Ovid aMtelUe tens. andeA - vttkl blM ribbon. Taka mm atker, BcAua V'v - DnntMi BatotltntitKM mmi laMlta.w " ttwM.yB7f ymmr DraggiM. or acad 4e. tai ' walMaU. 10.0MTatiiBoaiaU. SuUv ''. -: " """-rT aWB- ? fH :;;';.'. - x x ' ,. - - Tlv 1 i ', ' c r , ft J 7 i i ', t ' b ,-?!f- 'if .' .' V , ..: . ' l", , 1i