f - T? it' i c it. 1 r .. -1 -J i i v v. V.' f -rts ASHEVlLLie. -tiXLi:.! IE, MARCH; 17 1900: 4 V ' Copper Colored Splotches l Ik There is only one cure for Contagion! Blood Poison the disease which hai completely baffled tke doctors. They are totally unable to cure it, and direct their efforts toward bottling the poison op in the blodd and concealing it from iew. S. S. S. cures the disease posi tively and permanently by forcing out every trace of the taint. ' I Was afflicted with a terrible blood disease, Which was in spots at first, bu afterward spread an oyer iuj wuji. These soon broke out in to sores, and it is easy to imagine the suffering I endured. Before I be came convinced that th doctors could do no good. I had spent a hundred dollars, which was reallj thrown away. I then tried yarions patent medicines, but they did not reach the disease. When I had finished my first bottle of S. 8. S. 1 was greatly improved and was delighted with the result. The large red splotches on my ehest began to grow paler and smaller, and tefore long disappeared entirely. I regained my lost weight, became stronger, and my ap petite greatly improved. I was soon entirely well, and my skin as dear as a piece of glass. H. L. Mtebs, 100 Mulberry St., Newark, N.J. Don't destroy all possible chance of a cure by taking the doctor's treatment of mercury ana potash. These minerals cause the hair to fall out, and will wreck the entire system. for DIaa is purely vegetable , and is the only blood remedy guaranteed to contain no potash, mercury, or other mineral. Books on the disease and its treat ment mailed free by Swift Specific Com pany, Atlanta, Georgia. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. The following- Teal estate trtansfers were filed yesterday in Register of Deeds Mackey's office: Fannie A. Smith to Archibald Nich es lot om south site of Starnee avenue, AsheviHe, $1,085. W. P. Francis to Mrs. Lon J. Webb lot an south eide of College street, Asheville, $850. The itramsfer from Mrs. ioii J. "Webb - to Mrs. H. S. Fanning1, of the lot at the corner of Short and Cheery streets for $750, was filed yesterday 'in Register of Deeds Mackey's office. THE MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH TESTERDAY'S QUOTATIONS ON NEW YORK EJCCHANGjES AND CHICAGO GRAIN BOARD. Little Business Transacted Stock Market. Highest, Lowest aod Closing tions for Active Stocks by in the Quota-Special Telegi ph Changes. from the various Ex- Reported by Murphy & Co., brokers, 11 Church street, sheville. New York, March 16. The stoock mar ket opened with the dealings in, rather slight volume and with a somewhat un tnna rvm.s'iflprfl'Me rvressuTe aD- Cl'WUU LU11V.1 peared la the Cirly aealings ia TMrcV Avemue, Sugar and Kapia 'iTansit, ui subsequently all of the stocks recovered to about their final figures of yeterday. The granger group, with St. Paul (and C. B. & Q. the conspicuous featuree, continued strdng. There was little doing otherwise in the railway list and the transactions s wowed slight price changes. Aside from Sugar the dealings in the industrials were unusually limited. Tennessee Coal and Iran was th.e only active feature in that group. The London market showed irregular changes land am uncer tain itome was reported in the dealings there. The common expectations that by reason of the losses the banks have suffered on one account or ianother, to morrow's bank statement may show the surplus reserves wiped out, did mot ap pear to figure as a factor of any weight in the 'trading. There was very little news of any financial importance over night bearing upon the market or par ticular stocks. Mil STOCKS. High. 33 1-2 34 1-2 ... 46 1-2 .... 56 3-8 . ..102 3-8 106 .... 231-4 Rev. W. E. Slitzer, W. Caton, N. Y., writes, "I had dyspepsia for ovor twenty years, and trieti medicines and doctors without benefit. I was persuaded to use Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and it helped me from the start. I believe it to be a pan acea for all forms of Indigestion." It di gests what you eat. Drt T. C. Smith. MARRIAGE LICENSES P. H. Staton and Delia Bassett were granted marriage Mcense yesterday by Register of Deeds Mackey. Secure Your Those who do not secure their seats for the musical carnival will get left, for they are going like hot cakes when made up with the celebrated Rumford Baking Powder, which only codts the consumer 30 cents per pound. Why pay more? The best cooks are mow using Rum ord, whdch is guaranteed to be pure. Grand Opsra House TUESDAY, MARCH 20. ..ONE UNENDING LAUGH.. Am. Cot. Oil1. , Am. Hoop. . . . Anaconda .... Am. St. & W. Am. Sug. Ref. Am. Tob. ... A. T. & S. P. . A. T. & S. F. pfd 67 7-8 B. & O 63 1-2 B. & O. pfd 76 1-8 Bkyn R. T 68 Ches. & OMo.. .. 281-8 C. B. & Q 127 Colo. F. & 1 43 Con. Gias i71-2 Ccm. Tob 28 7-8 Fed. Steel 50 Del. & L. W 177 Rep. Steel 21 34 L. & N 811-2 Manhattan L. .93 Met. St. Ry 163 -l-4 Mo. Pac 45 1-8 Nat. St 45 1-4 N. Y. Cen. 134 3-8 N. & W 32 3-8 Nor. Pac 53 Ont. & W 23 Pac. Mail 37 Pennsylvania.. ..135 People's Gas 97 3-4 Read. 1st. pfd. ... 57 Read. 2nd pfd. ... 28 1-2 Rock Island 108 o-8 St. Paul 123 1-2 South. Pac 38 . . 'Southern 13 J.-8 Souehtrn, pfd 58 Tenn. C. & 1 93M-2 I Third Ave 691-2 I Union Pac 49 1-4 ' Union Pac, pfd. . 74 3-4 U. S. Leath 12 Wheel & L. E. ... 10 i-4 W. U. Tel 831-2 Low. 33 3-8 33 7-8 45 3-4 55 -8 100 3-4 105 23 1-8 67 5-8 63 1-4 75 5-8 66 3-8 28 1-8 126 3-8 43 lr6 1-2 28 7-8 49 176 1-2 21 3-4 81 1-4 i 160 1-2 44 3-4 44 1-4 134 32 1-4 52 3-4 22 7-8 35 1-2 134 3-4 96 3-8 56 1-2 28 1-2 108 3-8 122 7-8 37 3-4 (13 58 921-4 64 1-4 49 74 1-2 11 7-8 10 1-4 82 7-8 Close 33 3-8 34 1-2 46 1-2 56 3-8 101 5-8 105 5-8 23 1-4 67 7-8 6b 1-2 76 1-8 67 1-4 28 1-8 126 3-4 43 177 -2 28 7-8 50 .i 21 3-4 81 1-2 92 3-4 161 7-8 45 45 1-4 134 3-8 32 1-4 53 22 7-6 36 135 97 1-2 56 1-2 28 1-2 108 1-2 123 3-8 37 3-4 13 1-8 58 93 1-2 68 49 1-4 74 3-4 12 aoi-4 83 1-2 In speaking about Scott's Emulsion for children you should not forget that it con tains lima and soda, just t what the child must have to form strong bones and good teeth. It's- this forming time you want to look after. Growing bodies must have an easily digested Cat Just think how much of it there is in milk, as cream. SCOITS EntHlSlOD is even more easily digested than cream. Jf s surprising how chil dren thrive when given it Don't keep the children living on the edge of sickness all the time. Make them strong and rugged, plump and hearty. Scott's Emul sion of Cod-liver Oil and the Hypo phosphites of Lime and Soda will do this for them. At all drugrgrists ; SCOTT & .1JOVVJNJS, and $i.oo. its, new York. W w w m ?Tf f f f f f w w v 5 , . ...... 9 ... $$$S$$8 T W. Ylalentine is home for a short visit. $$ J. H. Reynolds returned from Louis ville, Ky yesterday, where he has been' attending school. S3 Plant Fitzg-era'ld, who ia staying at Mrs. Basler'e, went to Tampa, Fla., yesterday and will return here in a few days. Ex-County Commissioner J. F. Wells was in the city yeeterd&y. R. J. Gaston, chairman of the county commissioners, was in the city yesterday. PEOPLE'S I I COLUMN. MI&CEULANS20TT8. WANTED To rent furnished houee of two or more bed rooms; must be reasonable. Or a large house (fur nished) for its keep by 'responsible party. Address Atlanta, Gazette of fice. ' 32-2t . WANTEDTO purchase lor spot cash a business that will star investigation. Give full porticuiairs. Address B. B., Gazette. 30-3t PRUDENCE S. DRESSER. GRADUATE, wit honor, in Piano, Harmony, and Theory, oi New , Eng land CtoBservatory of Music. Boston. Advanced piano pupils a specialty. Beginners on vtoli received. Terms low. 69 Charlotte St. TYPEWRITERS. The Remington Standard Typewriter is preferred by all classes im the busi ness world because it writes better, writes easier, writes longer than ny other typewriter. Don't buy another make without examining the new models 6 7 and 8 Remingtons. We are agents for Asheville and vicinity. We also buy, sell, rent and exchange sec- - ond hand typewriters of all makes. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 'Phone 661. 23 Patton Ave. TO EXCHA GE Good paying im proved real estate in cei.ter of Ashe ville for stock farm in Tennessee or Kentusky. or a cotton, farm in eastern North Carolina. Address 'H. ( . ' Gazette. MISS NORA WARE-Pianist and teach er in stringed instruments. Corner of Spruce and Woodfln streets. COTTON MARKET. Reported by Murphy & Company, Church street, Asheville. Jl BROWN 'S IN 7. i if v v. : t r S4 TOWN. !1 N t' t High. Low. Close. January 7 86 7 80 7 83 March 9 61 9 55 9 60 April 9 63 9 54 9 62 May 9 60 9 n 9 59 June 9 55 9 44 9 53 July 9 54 9 41 9 51 August. 9 45 9 30 d 42 September. . . 8 44 i 32 8 41 October 8 01 7 94 8 00 November 7 98 7 83 7 88 December . . '. 7 86 7 79 7 83 Bubbling over with Bright Music, M Catchy Songs, Pretty Dances. Prices $1.00, 75o, 50c, and 25o. Ssats mow on sale at the Paragon. flFE ' (IRE PEEDV CUE. LE CLAIR'S FAMOUS FRENCH REMEDY firever Failo. . ENDORSED BY THOUSANDS ; ' Of ladies m a periodical tegnlator without mm equal . ' ; uccssful when Cottoa Root. PeDjyroyal, Ergot, etc . ' V AamDrnca worthless: 89 two-CeJt Btamna farinn tria! -k-" -y- r oacka.ajid convinces the most Skeptical of eir won S?fZ erful properties. Send 4 cents in stamps forpamphlt'. H'llootiiiawibto informatlosi tot, ladie. Address , LbCuus PkU. Co.. U.Sl Afents, Boston, Mass Y'f tTBAAcorrcspottieac confiswntial and Mtarsm ;-v For. rt ttyC A; Steady. Spot 9 7-8. CHICAGO MARKETS. Reported by Murphy & Company Church street, Asheville. Wheat &y July Corn May 37 l- July Oats - May July Ribs-May JuQy Lard May July Pork- May 13 . 67 1-4 66 3 4 67 1-4 . 68 67 1-2 67 7-8 . 37 1-4 36 7-8 Zi S-8 . 37 .-8 37 3-8 37 3-4 . 23 7-8 23 3-4 23 7-8 . 22 7-8 22 S-4 22 8-4 6 07 6 05 6 07 . 6 10 . . OK 6 0 6 07 6 05 6 05 . o 15 6 12 6 15 11 15 11 05 11 15 .' 11 15 11 05 11 0. 'Sheriff Bright of GreemviHe, Tenn., is ia the city, in connectioai with the case against John Parker. 'Mrs. R. Gilliam and child were in the city yesterday on their way home flrom Weaverville, where Mrs. Gilham has 'been, teaching. Mrs. J. A. Nowlin and child, gfid Master Bverett and Elmo Stanley of Mt. Airy, are visiting here. S ). Rev. John C. Collins of Montreat,,Jr in the city. Mr. and Mrs. George Shaw of Pitta burg are in the city. $$ Mise Mary W. Brown, who is teach ing in the Weavervill'e college, catije over yesterday (to hear Bishop Gallo way's lecture. $S John Reynolds is expected to return tomorrow from Louisville, where he has been attending college. 8xS Alva P. Gaut of Morristown. Tensu., returned ihome yesterday, after a sev eral days' visit in the city, y Berkeley arrivals: Thomas A. Rea din, Atlanta; J. W. Hkward, Coloimbia; O. B. Coward, KnoxviQle; Mrs. James Humt and daughter, Boston; J. Blmer Long, Raleigh; John C. Kilkeoey, Parkton, Md.; George T. Chase, Bos ton; F. S. Johnston, Franklin; M. L. Miller, Reading, Pa.; P. J. Bibs, Mor rtetown; E. M. Gross, Chicago; Percy Putnam, Atlanta; T. D. Young, Rochester. LOST. LOST A pair of eye glasses in going from comer of Woodfln and Main street to corner of College and Vance Streets, via Woodfln, Spruce and Col lege. Reward, if left at room 17, Tem ple Court. J. E. Dickesrson. LOST A razor on the streets of Ashe ville, last week. Finder -will return to J. G. Grant at Collector Harkins' otce and be well paid. ROOMS AND BOARD ROOMS nicely furnished for LgM 'housekeeping. Call at 139 Bailey St. 28-26L BE SURE that your blood is rich and pure. The best blood purifier, enricher and vitalizer is Hood's Sarsa parilla. Be sure to GET HOOD'S. The French Broad Press, PRIMING THAR ATTRACTS. A. H. McQUILKIN, Prop. Mrs. Harriet Lvana, Hinsdale, HI., writes, "I never fail to relieve my cnu dren from croup at i nee y using One Minute Cough Cure. I would not feel safe without it." Quickly cures coughs, colds, grippe and all throat and lung diseas' Dr T. C. Smith. Entirely Too Far. Bacon Some people carry a joke too far. Egbert Yes, Penman, the humorist, carried one 1 to 14 different newspaper offices, I understand, and didn't sell it even thon.Yonkers Statesman. M. B. Smiith, Butternut, Mi h., says, '"DeWltfs Little Early Risers are the very best pills I ever ued for coetive ness, liver arid Jbowel troubles. Dr. T. C. Smith. Didn't Doubt Him. "He says he would gladly lay the world at my feet," said the sentimental young woman. That's what he'll do." said Miss Cay enne. "Aft,er you're married he'll lay the world at your feet and compel you to walk on it because you can't afford a cab' Washington Star. Unusual facilities for producing su perior work in all the finer grades of so ciety and commercial printing. "Come in and talk it over." 33 and 34 Patton Avenue, Asheville, N. C. Ball & Sbeppard 6 Patton Atg. Any one wishing to put steam he in their building could not do bite than use & i Harrisburg Boiler But you must have experienced work men to do the work, and w are confi dent that we can please you. BALL & SHEPPARD TELEPHONE 88.. I mporteel anE Cigars Sold by tKe Box at Factpry Prices at ' v-;vr. tit. Bobbs Bpanuros Puis eoreaH kioiiey Uls. Bva BOARDER? DESIRED Persons desir lng a quiet, homelike boarding place, where tubercular patients are not ta ken, can find the same at 08 Orang street. Halls, as well as rooms, com. fortably heated. Good fare nd pleas ant service guaranteed. Call ana ex amine rooms and ascertain terms. 6-tf BOARDERS WANTED At ounny Side Cottage on Srnset Drive. Among the pines, 90 feet above Battery Park. Hack at frequent int rvals to and from the city. Terms reasonable. 316-tf PRIVATE BOARD Rock Ledge, Haywood str eit. central. Well warmed high elevation. Ome front room, one single room vacant. MRS. L. V. COLE. FOR RENT. FOR RENT Two rooms and kitchen, with range; on first floor; very reas onable. 39 Penland street. 32-6t FOR RENT. Number 3 Gray Gables. 9 -room brick, . 11 modern improve ments. Walnut street between Hay wood and Penland. A D. Cooper 32 South Main street. 30-itf FOR RENT. One completely furnished apartment, containing three rooms, kitchen, dining, and parlor; lovely sunny place, all mouern improve ments. Also one ten-room house, $25 per month, one seven -room cottage $16 per month; one unfurnished flat and a few furnished rooms. O. D. Revell, 31 Temple Court, 3rd floor. FOR SALE. 1 FOR SAL. A gentleman returning to Brooklyn, N. Y., to dive, has left his saddle horse vi'th me for sale. Price $100. He is six years old, eingle footer but trotte in harness. Address, Gazette Office. 28-6t Season THIS "WhIe (OPEN ALL THE 1EAR AROUND.) One hundred and twenty-five bed rooms. Altitude 2.252 Feet. Electro t Steam Heat. Elevator. Ball Room Bath Rooms. Ten Fin Alley.. Eleven Acres Beautiful Grounds. Fine Band of Musicians Employed f- .v Season. J IW i All Modeirn Ormvnlpfnosi nWl TV u' -r . . -www wul iniiniK. uii ill ifra. I TTmn m - "Ron fill rirrvTi o Ttr-..v, t vnH Links. Horseback Riding. Class Service. For rates and information apply to.,.. BARDIN & WHEEL FR NO CONSUMPTIVES TAKEN. Hendersonvill Hit N. C The Beautiful Sapphire Country, SAPPHIRE, N. C. Sixty miles from Asheville, N. C. Mountains, Lakes and Forests A deJightfuaiy dry winter climate. Beautiful roads for rldJmg &ad driving. Fine Livery, Good Golf Grounds. HOTELS. FAIRFIELD INN, on Lake Fairdeld. SAPPHIRE INN, on Lake Sappthire. THE LODGE, on Mi Toxaway. Elevation of Hotels and Lakes, flrom 3,300 to 5,000 feet For booklets, Rates and other information, address. I . I. 'EC. -A. X MANAGER OF HOTELS SAPPHIRE N. C. Latest German Methods No Medieifie, No Operations. We aid nature to re st are health by means f -Baths, Massage, proper Diet, Swedish Move ments, etc. Single bath tickets sold. School chil dren tickets at reduced prices. Our new Hy gienic Cook Book just issued, price &0c. Ouisisara Nature Cure S?nitarium, 167 French Broad Ave THE WAYNES VI LLE INN WaynesvHle, N. C. The Inm ia now ready for Winter Visitors. Everything ia first class shaps. TJw bird season is now open, and the game wis never more plentiful arena Waynesvll' than this yer. The Inn ia always glad fo furnish any informatfc deored. J. E. MONTAGUE, Proprietor. HOTEL FLEMING r Marion, n c GKDBER CONCERT" CO., Proprietors. NEW YORK MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY, PRACTICALLY NEW YORK PUBLISHED ON THURSDAY. TRI WEEKLY A iaily, WEEKLY AND THE TRIBUNE CHEAPEST KNOWN. TRIBUNE FOR SALE 1 p. ir good young mules, 1 good road wagon, 1 2-horse delivery wagon, 1 good double set harness. Ap ply to A. D. Cooper, 32 South Main street. 27-6t FOR SALE-Two horses (not matches) two seite single harness and whips. A. M. Field, corner Church street and Patton avenue . 20- tf FOR SALE Or exetoange town lota and land in Florida. Address Z. L., care of Gazette. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Lo at Pinebluff, N. C. Address N. S. M care Gazette. t Remove causes of Menstrual Suppres sions, Exaggerations and Irregularities by taking Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Table ta. To Cure Constipation Fore tr Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c. if C. CO. fail to cure, drucsists refund money. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE -4 4 k Trade Marks Oesigns Copyrights Ac Anrone sendtL a sketch and description may quickly ascertain oar opinion free whether an Invention 1a probably patentable. Commnnlca- tlons strictly confldentiaL Handbook on Patents icy tpeeUU notice, without charge, in the sent free, oldest amneV for ecminir patents. ratent taken throneh Mann at Co. receive The IJiiily !C Stand, i Ahandmrty muBtrated wietJy; t Iwfettjcfiw eotatlon of any sclentniff JoarnaL -Tennsyt3 ar Ier't?5' month, 4k Solabrall newd eaters., A new and remarkably attractive nub. lication, profusely illustrated with por traits and naUf -tones : ' contains all th striking news features of The Dally Tribune. Special War Despatches, Do mestic and Foreign Correspondence, Short Stories, Humorous Illustrations, Industrial Information, Fashion Notes. Agricultural Matters carefully treated, and Comprehensive and Reliable Finan cial and Market Reports. It is mailed at same hour as the daily edition, reach es a large proportion of subscribers on date of Issue, and each edition Is a thor oughly up-to-date daily family news paper for busy people. Regular subscription price, $1.50 ptr year. We furnish Jt with the Weekly Ga zette for. For over fifty-eight year a National Family Paper for far mers and villagers, whose readers bava represented the v7 est element of our country populatfcnu It gives all the important news cf the Nation and World, the most reliable Market Reports. Fascinating Short Star Stories, an unexcelled Agricultural De partment, Scientific and Mechanical In formation, Fashion Articles for thr Women, Humorous Illustrations for oi and young. It is "The People's Paper. Regular subscription price, $ . 00 per year. We furnish t with the Weekly Go zette fo $1.50 per year. $2.25 per year. Send all orders to The Gazette, Asheville, N C t SbHsS&h C I NCI NNATljS Four Fast Trains TO ... E Toledo, Detroit AND MICHIGAN AND CANADA POINTS 4 trains every weekday, 3 trains on Sunday- Pullman and "WAgner Sleeper on night trains. Vestibuled Parlor Cara on day trains. 6 ttaba araty waafcday 4 tnlna oo Sunday To IIIDIATIAPOUS 4taafaarcTwdKKlay S 8 taaina o Sunday Vestibuled train, Standard . and Compartment Seeping Cars, Parlor Cara, and Caf IMaing Cara. to CH1CA60 on,IX U if. , urn - - " r? 4 k - 1 , . 5 1 'j J PS 3 UnlTlgt

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