I A Good Situation, j i nan De securou The Paragon opposite postofflce. P d n O d d D $ P n q d O Through a", thorougV cours.' of commercial and short 'had train ing at Asheville Business College. It la not guaranteed, but in ninety-two cases -st year where pupils completed full courses there was not a single failure. We will give you the names of the pupils and the addresses of the business firms for whom they are employed if you will pall and get them. By entering now you can, com plete at a time of the year when it Will be easiest for you to get employment College comer Patton avenue and Haywood, Paragon Block. H. S. SHOCKLEY, Prin. a D n s ;UIiai!ni!D!IPl:0!n!IDl!D SMOKED FISH. W- handle Smoked Fish all the time keep it eoming fresh evenf week. We keep a gpod variety of t too, such as Smoked Halibut, Kipper I HeTring, Smoked Salmon, Bloaters, 'Finnan Had die. When you want anything in thiis line YOUNG'S FISH MARKET, TELEPHONE 23. Canvas 'ack Ducks Butter Ball Ducks, and Mallard Ducks at YOUNG'S FISH MABKET, TELEPHONE 23. We are getting shipments of PompatLS, Spanish Mackerel and Bluefish now at regular intervals. Roe and Buck Shad, Striped Bass, etc., et-, at YOUNG'S FISH MARKET, TELEPHONE 23. Your Task Made Easy. We could have given you a long list of prices, but we didn't want to burden you with so much reading matter. We have, therefore, sifted the chaff from the wheat, and give you here only such goods as we feel sure you will need: Mustard, dry, best quality, per lb 18c Mustard b xes 1-4 lb., net w Ight, 10c. size .. 5c. bcx Peppo , whole or ground, best quali ty, per pound 16c Pepper boxes, 1 4 lb., net weight, 10c eize, -per box 5c Nutmegs, extra large s.ze.... lc. eaca The largest variety in city. Rolled Oats, 2 lb. pkgs, " est grade 7 l-2v Rice, broken grain. : 4c. Rice, good 5c. Hize, beet 7 l-2c. Tomato Catsup, bottles, first class 5c. Pepper Sauce, bottler 6c. Tomatoes, cans new . pack 7 -l-2o. Corn, cans, well known, brands.. 7 l-2c. Apricots, cans, finest California T8 -2 Apple Butter cans, large size 9c. Mince Meat, cans fine quality 8c. Kerosene Oil, best 14c. THE I. X. L. GROCERY STORE 41 College St. Phone 107. Play Golf And remember the place where to buy them My Ifci . f Golf Goods Is the largest of any season. Re-made balU $2.50 per dozen. Also a fiillline of imported calls. Will buy old balls. Golf cluibe re paired on short notice. Golf Clubs for hire by the day or week at a reason able price. BLOMBERG'S, .The Leading Cigar and Sporting Goods House in the State. Established 97. 17 Patton Avenue. The Asheville BJr'we Company. F. A. Sondley is ill at his home on Cherry street. Judge James H. Merrimon is up af ter several aaye illness. R. G. Hunt, stamp and registered lev ter olerk at the postofflce, is ill. inia -nriiiii-ip na.keiwalk at the Bat tery Park this evening, beginning a9:30 o'clock. rltam of thft Ashe- ville and Weaverville car line will be gin Monday at Baira s u'aiis. Thft nsT)ub!lican Ninih congressional riiatrdct committee will meet in this city next Friday -afternoon. t t "Vm-i.-nc rotnimwl from. Tarion tf -1- VTWUA A " - - . yesterday. He says they had a heavy snow there, the first this winter. The habeas corpus proceeding, in which John Parker ie the peti doner, waa o ntinued yesterday until 3 p. m. to day. Robert Lytle died Thursday, and the remains were shipped to Pittsburg yes terday. His parents and brother ac companied him. S. Kreelowsky, father of Mrs. A. Whitlock, died yesterday morning sud denly ait the home on Haywood street. Relatives are expected to arrive from New York today. Mies Mattie Harris is confined to her home at 101 College street from the o f- ifeeta of an injury she received more than a year ago by being driven over by a team on College street. E. Coffin, auctioneer, has sold the residence and loft on the west &ide of Haywood street, knowta as the Wills property, for $3,300. Miss Rosalie Friedman was the purchaser. Wiley Sprouse, who some days ago was arrested and committed to jail for violation'' of a city ordinance, has sued out a writ of habeas corpus and the case will be heard before Judge Fred Moore today at 10 a. m. J. L. Rich, of J. R. Rich fc Son, leaves about the 25th of this month for Greensboro, where he 'takes charge of the plumbing business which his firm recently purchased from the Odejl Hardware company. H. A. Lulther, a prominent citizen of Hominy, died yesterday morning after a lingering illness. Mr. Luther . was about sixity years of age, and had held several responsible positions in the county. The funeral will be be ld to morrow morning' from Hominy Baptist church at 11 o'clock. General James M. Ray has issued a eall for am encampment . of the sur vivors of the Sixtieth regiment of North Carolina confederate veterans, to be held August 18 and 19, 1900, on the new camp grounds on Haw creek, with the two companies that have been meet ing annually on. the Swaonanoa,. There will he addresses on Saturday and preaching on Sunday. The Young People's Weekly, pub lished by the David C. Cook Publishing comptany, Chicago, in the issue cf March 4 had the first page taken with illus trations of North Carolina. There tre seven views of "The French Broad River, DM Mill Near "Waynesville, Triple Cascades, Street Scene in Ashe ville, Home of George W. Vaniderhilt, The Swannanoa River and Life Among the Lowly." A write up of the Appa lachian park movement is also given. TICKET SELLERS. Will Arrive Here This Morning and Spend Several Hours. The itinerary of the International Ticket Sellers' association was changed somewhiat. They reached Spartanburg from Columbia at 3:1- a. m. this morn ing and will arrive here not earlier than 8 a. m., remaining here unttil 3 p. m. They will take breakfast ana probably luncheon at fhe Battery Park hotel. During their stay Qiere they will be in charge of a committee of the (board of trade, composed of E. P. McKissick. C. T. Rawls, 'F. Rogers Grant, F. a. Hull, L. P. McLoud and F. R. Darby.: . There are 275 of them in mice eare, run as a special itrain . Thev come from Spartanburg in two sections. They leave lat 3 o'clock ifor Hot Springs, where itbey take dinner, amd remain until 11 o'clock. They then leave fjor Knoxville, en route to Cincinnati and Chicago, where they disband. IN MY OLD KENTUCKY HOME. He was shot in. old Kentucky, where they make the moumtain dew, and mothers feed their babies on hot revolv er stew;, where you wake up in the morning shot full of bullet holes, and find your sole companions are disem bodied souls. He .tus hot in old Kentucky, where the aim fls always true, and the principal amusement is shooting people Lrough, where the doc tors use as medicine for all human illsv a dose or two of bullets instead of giv ing pills. He was shot inold Kem tucky, where the "feuds" grow on trees, and the bullets from the rifles buzz through the air like bees; where the 'instruments- they play on when they give a diaince or hop, are their musical re volvers and they "call off" with a pop. urange (Va.) Observer. ABOUT TRUSTS. The of the BOOK,, ' ee dout,tIess heard that all except one of the s mr-so, jt?TOe wnungpaper mills have joined me er Trust. That one wastL-- waiting Paper Co., amd. we ere the. only -ieaJers in Aeh,jviiae having an account direct with, the We have just received a new diet including: Frencli Otrajad . Imperial Bond (whit ' and Mii ), Organdie Borad (wfclte and blue, Angora (kid fioafib). Wedge wood, Irish LiriWest Point B'ue. All in the newest shapes and size. Prices ARB NOT advanced by th trust. ROGERS BOOK STORE, Phone 254. 20 Sou Maim Street. - THE "EAGLE" ".QUAD-ST A Y" FRAME. It can be seen, at a glance that this method of construction, built as it is from special drop-forgings, tis far more expensive than the old way; yet we offer these macjtiii.es, of the highest postfbde quality in every respect, embody ing many new features distinctive t0 the "EAGUE" line, at prices well with in the reach of all. ' You are cordially invited to come in and see our line of Bicycles. ASHEVILLE CYCLE COMPANY, j Phone 228. 18. and 20 Church St. 17 MM: Specially Distilled for Medicinal Use ;Warranted Strictly Pure. Keystone Malt Wfci iey i- food for the body and brain, enriches ULe blood, sol idifies the bomies, hardens the muscles, quiets the nerves amd perfects digestion. It is unequalled for CONSUMPTION and WASTING DISEASES. THE " BONANZA" WINE AND LIQUOR CO, 43 South Main Street. Telephone 72. SPECIAL SALE Of high class Men's Wear for -the next TEN DAYS. We will sell the balance of our heavy weight MISN'S AND BOYS' SUITS, and Extra Trousers at' PRIME COST, in order t6 make room for the Spring Stock which our buyer now in, New York ta purchasing. As all woolen goods has advanc ed dn price at least 20 per cent, you can save money by Investing in prime goods at reduced rates. We mean just what we say. all clothing at co6t all other goods at our regular legitimate prices. Call before they are all sold. The Whitlock r Clothing House, No. 41 Patton Avenue. . GO TO. Lexington Livery, Peed Sale Stables For a Complete Line of4Jp-to-Date Livery I can furnish you Landaus, V ictoriae, Three-seat Surreys, Two-seat Surreys, Ext nsion Top Carriages, Tandem Oarts. Also Rubber Tire? T. Carts, Traps, Roiii-dabouta ano Bicycle Buggies. I make a specialty of Sacile Horse i and Ridin. Lessons. Horses are p fectly safe for ladiea Call up and ask for special prices, by month, week or trip.. F. A MEARS, 2XTom 83 Soiitlx Main Street, BOTH 'PHONES 278. NOTICE TO HOTEL AND BOARD ING HOUSE ES&PERS. , -The Southern Railway Company is preparing to issue their 1900 Summer1 Home folder, wmch gives information concerning hotela. and boarding hous along ita lines. . Hbtel and boarding hoUse keepers who desire their places mentioned in the folder will kindly all at the city7 ticket office, 60 Patton. ave nue, Ashpville, where the informant will be received same as last year. '' F. R. DARBY, C. P. & T. A., Asheville, N. C. Gazette want ads. receive the largest local circulation. . yiiK fiiiiiiiiiiiiinni niuiiiu n iiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiii! i iiiiii riff iiiiftiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiieiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiniiii mi iiimirfiiiL Mew Aprival off ILafflne9 : , ' ; Fflanniniell Wafiit. Ml sal -;: The new line of SILK and FLANNEL Waists we've been looking for ar rived this morning, They are the newest designs and elegant in quality: S PATTON AVE. 9PMONE 78. MM f OUTFITTER. , ''NEW BOY'' IN THE VAN '"'The 'new. boy' is of later origin than the 'new woman' " said Mrs. Joseph V. "Witherbee, who lectured recently in Brooklyn. "He can make his own bed, sew buttops on his own clothing, cook his own breakfast and wash the dishes if necessary, and he "is no longer . considered a 'sissy' for so doing. He can carry on eucceesfully a bachelor estab lishment for his father and himself, make out the. menus, hire' the domestics, and even do his part socially without' losing his- pQace among the first six in school ". "The 'new hoy' is the'TesuHt of a growing belief among mothers and ed ucators that domestic itrainlng is jst ae good for boys as for girls. They ar gue tht a domestic (trained boy makes the best kind of a husband, and that the brother who is obliged occasionally ;to ' make his own bed or boil an. egg will. not look down. on, his sfeter for do ing .these same things. , Also, that the girl .who dan use her brother's kit of tools will no longer consider ,him a su perior being because- the' tools. are his property rather, than. hers. . Again, the advocates of domestic graining forJbbye say that, while there will always be a division of occupations in the family as in-nsociety, there dsJthis difference in the familythat in those occupations which relate to the common life there ought to be a common performance, else the division of labor wQl result lm a divis ion of feeling and of thought.' Slll!l!ll , . , , '" Spring Hats for ' Men sire Now In." i ; WORK AT MONTREAL -The Rev. John C. Collins, who in' Asheville .yesterday, jaays tfiat work of bulldang up Morttreait : gressesatea dily: The frame work of a church building 'is completed land p flmf SS f hotel is soon to be - built, fading the site of the proposed lake; SeventyfiveDer- was the PTO- In His Steps 5c. The Wrestler of PAWippI 5c. Titus a Comrade of the Cross.. 6c. : Out of th? Wangle.. M.r 5v A Devc DctrMng ..Cg.i& $6. Ist Isibfjlpolmed ....J5c Choiii , ....... . 5c. Ruby aat of ;Gold.. 5c. A Star.ipaoo! . "... i ....... 5c. Intra MurnX. .. .4 5c. A Double Storyt. 5c. Ten Nigtala Bar Room 5c Paula 9V-V 5c. In league with the Powerful 5c. Beside :pMe Brier Bush., ... 5c. The Awakening of Khobath oan 5c The Throine. of David 5C. Marti.. "-i.;; .. ..v.... 5C The .Pillar of F5re: '. '- 5c. The Lamp Lighter 5C. The Prince of the House of David 5c. Any' of the above titles in handsome doth-binding 25c at Ray?s Book Store A Lenten Dish em that may be enjoyed twice a day is Wheat-hearts, o It is quSckly prepared for your tafcu because tbimiughly roasted befor reaches you., It ia both appetizing healthful. s m "irS WHEAT HEARTS WE WANT." m&w (broods fin Tablets, f We have a very full line tablets, in Bond Paner- I best goods we have ever had for the money. Plenty of them in smooth goods, rnled or plain. Prices i from ten cents to thirty cents eadi. Envelopes from live cents to twenty cents package. Call and sre for. ! vourself. 'pw ii I Morgan's Book Store. Morsels of Melting Sweetness. IN BUTING YOUR CA i)T AT TH'EOBOLD'S, YOU ARB SURi. 01 THESE THINGS: THEY ARE MADE FRESH DAILT. .THEY ARB 'ALB FROM PUR MATERIALS. ' THEY ARE MADE IN CLEANLY SURROUNDINGS . THESE TRUTHS SHOULD HAVE SOME WEIGHT WITH YOU YOUR HEALTH IS OF THE U AT T IMPORTANCE, THELEFORE IT IS lo YOUR INTEREST TO BUY THE PUREST CANDIES YOU CAN FIND. . "BUY CANDIES WHERE aHEY ARE MADE FRESH D Y,' AT : Theobold's Candy Kitchen, Telephone 110. 24 Patton Avcnut. Dpa!oO!ifi&iiQ!nar!Diaiiatioi!aiia!!g!ia!!iii D a a u JAS P. SAWYER, President. J. E. RANKIN, Cashier. BATTERY PARK BANK CAPITAL STOCK $100,000. SUPERIOR FACILITIES FOR DOT-t A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. SAFE DEPOSIL BOXES FOR RENT. D D I D 0 a '4 D SainiioiniiPiiniainiiiiDiniiniiniiniioinifflB The Finest Line of Frerioh Briar apd Meerschaum Pipes South of New York at the Berkeley Cigar Stand. mm mm AMD HOT MIIIERAL WATER BATHS. HOT SPRINGS, N. C. TIN Ideal Resort, open throughout the year. Situated f 38 miles from Asheville in the French Broad Valley, and the most picturesque spot in Western North Garolina. Favored with a mild and dry efimate. V- ABSOLUTELY NO FOGS. .. ' . - . - -' , Finest Goll Links in the state. A well equipped livery. The Thermal Wa ters a mecca for all nervous troubles. For rates r d more complete informa tion address, ' J . C. RTJMBOUGH, Proprietor. ; B. A. NEWLAND, Manager. HOT SPRINGS, N. C. Softie Unusual Values IN SHEET.', PILLOW CASES TOW ELS, CRASHES, NAPKINS, TABLE DAMASKS AND CLOTHS, COVER LETS, COMFRTABLES. ' BLANK ETS, ETC. i 1 v ' i xNT OF THESE WILL BE FOUND WELL UNDER COMPETITORS' ' PRfCES 'S m: redwood & cp., DRY GOODS. CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS AND BUT TERICK'S PATTERNS. aone are -now at Montreal . - c. t- ."- hi. V - . 4 - s