V 1 Weaker Fore cagfrl-Tt A nq- . yOL Y:JS07 ASHEVULE, N. C, FEIDAY MORNING, MAECH 23, 1900. PEICE 5 CMTS. QESTREIC1IEH... Ladies9 Walking in light Greys, Oxfords and Browns. Prices $12 to Rainy Day Skirts in Black, Grey, Oxfords and Browns prices $5 to $9.50, We call particular attention to the $5.00 Skirt which is worth fully $6.50, and priced at $5.00 as a leader. Skirts made to order in from one to two days time. 1ESTREICHER&G0 51 Patton Avenue MASSAGE.. AND PACKS. Treatment for NERVOUS, RHEUMATIC and OTHER DISEASES. Special: THDRH BRANDT MASSAGB FOR FEMALE DISEASES; ALSO FACE MASSAGE. PROP. EDWIN CRUNER, KGraduate Chemnitz College, GermaJiy. Formeriy with Oakland Helgkts. Saul taxi um.) I. MAIN ST. TELEPHONH 206. Home or Office Treatment. Office hours, 11 a. m. to 1. p. m., 2 to A p. m. Uneeda Rest t OAK HALL, TRYON, N. C. One of the best equipped hotels in the South. Forty miles south of Ashevme. Joseph Hellen & Son, Proprietors, Call for booklet at City Ticket Office, Patton "Avenue. THE PEED STORE, 39 South Main St. Has on hand a large stock of FEED and is receiving more wery day, all bought from first hands. We divide profits with no middlemen, only with onr cus tomers. CaUonns. RespectfuUy, S.Eopper IS GATAORE MPTUREO? Boers Claim to Have Him and His Staff in Their Pos session. His Forces Reported to Have Suffered Disaster. No Official Reports Obtainable Re garding the Battle. Acute Interest in Operations About Mafeking. CONTRADICTORY RUMORS RiJ, GARBING- THE SITUATION THERE STEHTN NOT HAVING AN EAST TIME RALLYING HIS BURGHERS. Kroonstad, March 19. It is reported here that General Gatacre and his staff have 'been isolated and captured by Commandant Olivier's commotio. It is said the prisoners are now ea route to Pretoria. THE MAFEKING CAMPAIGN. London, March 23. Commandant Snyman's sound tactics aiming at the defeat of Plumer's relieving force "be fore it is able to co-operate with the British besieged! at Mafeking have rendered more acute the interest in the operations which center around Baden Powell's gallant defense of the town. The most sanguine British reports leave matters indecisive, while the Boer accounts claim a British defeat. The rumor that Mafeking itself has been relieved -was again abroad last night but. the rwar office at micTnio'lit declared it was tmkible to confirm the report. The Boer report of the capture of Gatacre and his staff excite less uneas iness than they would if they eman ated officially from Pretoria. The Brit ish have learned to respect the Boer official reports; The war office denies knowledge of disaster to the British in amy form. Little is kmown of the strength and plains of the Boer army at Kroonsl3adt, though it is claimed that Steyn has had poor success in rallying the Free Staters since Roberts' pacific Intentions toward! the inhabitants became known. SHARP FIGHTING. Pretoria. March 19. Sharp fighting continues in the -vicinity of Warrenton, The Boers have successfully repulsed attacks by the British. The railroad in the direction of Mafeking has been completely destroyed. TWELVE CANNON TAKEN. Kroonstad, March 21. It Is reported that Commandant Olivier's commando has captured twelve cannon from the British after a hard" fight. According to advices received here the British have made no aCcernpt to aldvance from Bloemfontein. GATACRE IN BATTLE. Kroonstad, Orange Free State, March 21. The Boers led by General Oliver have engaged the British troops under General Gatacre in the vicinity of Bethulie, repulsing the Jtmtisn, wno have lost many men. Burghers are arriving here in great numbers. General Dewet arrived to day. Desultory firing with Colonel Plum- er s corumn nas occurreu ntra.i ones. BOERS ADVANCING. Lobatsi, March 19. The Boers under command of Synman are advancing in force from Mafeking towards Lo batsi. Colonel Bodle made a recon- noissance March 13 and founHl Pietzni . and Polthugo occupied toy Boers. He returned to Goode siding and made a demonstration. He found the Boers in strength, at a sharp curve in the railway. They had mmmte'di a gun on the line and were lying In wait for the construction train. FOR RENT. 1 coco Furnished aa unfurnished houses, ranging In price from $10 to;$?5 a months for attractive five and-eeven room cottages, to $500 and $4,000 a year for. perfectly appointed home. COCO WILKIE & LaBARBE, Real Estate Agents, X' Plkme 661. - I - - j - 23 Patton Aire. -tsrisk firing occurred, a few miles south of LoSatsi yesterday. The Boers' Maxim was freely used. Colon el Bodle came in touch with the Boera just in time to prevent the camp be ing surprised. The Boers attacked the advance party and captured a fer boxes of ammunition and nearly se cured a Maxim. Lieutenant Tyler was killed and Lieutenant Chapman- was captured. Colonel Bodle coming up put the Boers to flight with heavy loss. The Boers yesterday were within a- few miles of here. Yesterday the Boers pressed closely on Colonel Plumer's main Vcamp and kept up a hot fire with their Maxim, killing one white man and one native. They placed the Maxim antii a 12 pounder on a hill on the east side of, the line, 4,000 yards from camp. The British right was protected by Chief Bathien, who has warned the Boers not to enter his territory. Colonel Plumer's present plan Is to insure the safety of the railway north of here and watch well the left flank. It is probable that the before the Boers retire toward Pretoria they will tackle the Rhodesians in force, It is reported thai; the burghers are abandoning the environments, leaving only a sufficient number of artillerists to man the big guns. There are none at Ramathlabama, where they were supposed to have their base. Colonel Plumer's scouts were at Ramathla bama yesterday. The usupj Mafeking despatches are overdue, but no anxiety is felt on that score. Dynamite explosions, wrecking the railway, are proceeding south of Lo batsi. A STIR IN THE HOUSE OF COM MONS. London, March 22. There was con siderable excitement in the house of commons this afternoon, resulting from attempts on the part of Irish members to secure more of the house's time, in which they succeeded' after noisy dis plays of passion on the part of both the Irish and the opposition. Only the tact of Balfour, the government leader, saved the uproar from developing Into a scene of violent disorder. BOTH COMPANIES KOW CONSOLIDATED Carnearie and Frick Come to Term a, $15,000,000 in Stock for Frick. : Pittsburg, March 22. The Carnegie Steel company and the Frick Coke company issued a joint statement this afternoon setting forth that the part ners of the Carnegie company and the stockholders of the Frick Coke com pany had agreed upon a plan of reor ganization, vesting control of said companies in one company incorporated under the laws of Pennsylvania and New Jersey. The statement eaye the ef fect of the reorganization will be to terminate the equity proceedings against the Carnegie and; Frick com panies and that the reorganization on a corporate basis to meet that large and growing business which has been decided upon In preference to a lim ited partnership. All the various in tersts, according to the statement, in cluding the Frick company, will re main as now under the Pennsylvania charters, but as no charter can be ob tained under the laws of Pennsylvania un'dier which all the various interests can be consolidated, it will be neces sary to obtain a charter under the laws of New Jersey. The new company au sorbs the Frick Coke company. Schwab will continue as the executive head of the new company. The agreement for reorganization is signed ty all the stockholders except those in Europe. Frick and those who took part in tne different suits against the company signed papers withdrawing the suits. The capital stock of the new company wijl be $250,000,000. Frick receives $15, 000,000 worth of stock as representing his holdings in the Carnegie ankl: Coke copmnaies. MURDER NEAR RALEIGH. Negress and Five Children Killed and House Burned. Raleigh, March 22. Tom Jones, color ed, went to the home of Ella Jones, a negro -woman living in the suburbs of Garner, six miles from here, and mur dered lier and her five children. then set fire to the house. There were two children that escaped, aged five and seven years, and they say Jones committed the deed. The murder was not committed unitil this morniner. and Jone? was arrested, but will say nothing. There is great feel inig against ,himi Germe cannot live i air impregnated with Dowling's Chfloridee. .This Is why it cures cartarrh. Get circular at Grant's. It takes sound wine, good beef and a little troni to make a good Beef, Wine and Iron. We have it at 50c. a' Grant's. If weak, run down and deblllti-teu take Grant's tonic. It wifl help you. 75c t Grant's. All kinds of headache quickly relieved hv Baldwin's Headache Cure. 25c at Grant's. The best corn doctor is the Peerless Cora Solvents Price 25c. ut Grant's- Ladies wilt find an excellent assort ment ot flower seeds at Grant's Phar macy. Seeds era all n (w f Do you run the garden? We would like 4:o have your seed list , and that ear Iy. We will fill it promptly and get any thing lacking. Grant's Pharmacy. By itbe free use of Columbian Insect! rc vru "can exterminate every roaoh oox- your premtees.- 'S'dxioly at Grant'- AGAIN WARLIKE ! IN KENTUCKY Trial of Prisoners Charged With Being Accessories to Goebel Murder. battling Guns Again Reload ed and Made Ready. Large Force of ' Deputy Sheriffs and SoldierMo Guard Prisoners. .j Preparations Caused by Information That Mountaineers Would Attend. ARMS AND AMMUNITION STORED IN JAIL AND CO.URT HOUSE TO WITHSTAND ATTACK EVERY ONE ENTERING COURT HOUSE WILL BE SEARCHED AND DIS ARMED. Lexington, March 22. Kentucky is excited tonight over Beckham ordering the state guards from here and Win chester to Frankfort, ostensibly to pre vent the rescue of prisoners who are to be arraigned for examination there tomorrow charged with being accessor- es to Goebel's assassination. The rushing of empty passenger coaches to Washington over the Ches apeake and Ohio has given rise to a rumor that President McKinley is go ng to send federal troops to prevent a conflict between the troops of Beckham and those of Taylor. Sergeant Golden, .who has turned state's 'evidence, is in hiding, as it is feared he will Toe killed. Beckham issued a proclamation at Frankfort explaining his.'posi'tion, out lining the situation and saying, (he has ordered troops to Frankfort to uphoM the law and maintain order, and to pro tect the courts and prisoners. He asks all law-abiding citizens to assist bim by moral support. TROOPS ARRIVING AT FRANK FORT. Frankfort, March 22. The first de tachment of soldiers to arrive here was the company from Lexington under Captain Longmfre. They marched from the train to the court house and were viewed by the Taylor soldiers. As the Beckjiam soldiers passed, by the court house the Taylor soldiers sent up a loud oheer, as the men had previously served with the Taylor soldiers here. The soldiers from Winchester joined the Lexington men lalter. They have two Gatling guns. The soldiers are quartered at the court house. Deputy sheriffs and police are watch ing the trains and roads leading lo t!he city. The special train from BarDours- ville bearing mountaineers will not ar rive before morning. A few mountain eers have arrived on regular Trains. Frankfort, Ky., March 22. Political excitement is again running high here and threatens to burst into fury to morrow in the event of an attempt to release any of the prisoners now con fined in the Franklin jail as accessor ies to the assassination of Goebel. In formation that a large body of moun taineers has left Barbourville for Frankfort, to be present at the exam ining trial of iPowers, Davis and Cui- ton tomorrow has resulted in the sher iff summoning a large body of depu ties to prevent an attempt to take the prisoners from custody and to preserve order. In addition to the tdieputies BAKER & CO., Scientific Refracting Opticians, No. 45 Patton Avenue. Examination Free. Special attention give a to repairing. OSTEOPATHY. E. S. VTillard D. O., OsteopatMst. Offices over Dr. T. C. Smith' Drug Btore, Court Square. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 12 nooni, and 2:30 a 5 20 p. m. Racine Hosiery, For ladies, gents. and children Now Je the time to put in your spring order. There Has beetm too advance in prices fltoce last year. I have Just the styles amd sizes yon want. Will be pleased to Call with my samples at any time. Goods ordered fresh every few days. Postal card address. E. L. BROWN, 57 Hillside St. i soldiers under Adjutant General Cas tleman will be on hand in the vicinicy of the jail and courthouse. Guns and ammunition were today ; stored in the court house and every thing maile ready to fortify the jail nd court house in the event of attack. Every man who enters the court house tomorrow will be searched and. relieved of his weapons. In case of trouble the trials; will be postponed in definitely. The Gatling gun in the court house square was reloaded and made ready for action today. WARLIKE PREPARATIONS. Frankfort, Ky., March 22. A large consignment of guns and ammunition was received today and enclosed in the buildings adjacent to the jail where Suspects Powers, Davis, Wheeler and Culton are entombed. This action was ordered yesterday when it was seen that armed bodies' of men from the mountain counties might come here to the preliminary trial to morrow. These rumors were accom panied by hint9 that an attempt might be made to rescue the prisoners. BUILDINGS WRECKED IN PHILADELPHIA Explosion Causes Loss of Life Men Buried in the Ruins. Philadelphia, March 22. An explo sion of chemicals blew out the rear -I in South Eleventh street this after- noon and set fire to the building and several surrounding properties, includ ing the Jefferson Hospital. One man was killed. The patients were hurriedly removed from the Jefferson hospital to the I Pennsylvania hospital. . A few min utes after the rear wall of McCullum's factory fell the fourth floor sank, burying twenty-five people at work on the third floor. They were all rescued. Soon afterward other flodYs fell an'di it is said that two men were buried in the ruins. Two firemen may also be in the ruins. - t . . ii 7 . A L. I. DRILL. Announcements of Prize Drill and of Arrival of Equipment. The Asheville Light Infantry drilled on tne square last evmiuis, mac open air drill since last fall. After re turning to he armory, squad arm wac conttinued some time. At the business meeting, three new members were elected and four applications received Captain Nochols announced that t company would give a prize arm m the armory April 12th, in which every member of the company is to partici pate. In preparation for this squad drill will be held every Monday even ing at 8:30, and regular drill Thursday evening, as usual. The non-commissioned officers school will be held Mon day evening before 8:30. Captain, Nich ols also announced that he "had been in formed that the additional equipments are at the depot and that they would is sued to the members as booth as possi ble. A new line of Baby Carriages and re clining: go carts at Mrs. L. A. Johnson's, 43 Patton avenue. Phone 166. Ladies will ' find Grant's Lavander Shampoo the ideal cleanser for hair and scalp. It leaves the hair perfectly soft amd is absolutely harmless. 25c. at Grant's. To"cure your cold always ttake Grant's iNo. 24. At Grant' For Canaries, "Wood's Songster -oa. 10c. at Grant's. Mange on your dog q ickly cured by Grant's Mange Cure. 50c. at Grant's. M. B. Smith, Butternut, Ml h., says, 'DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the very best pills I ever tded for coetive- nese, liver and ibowel troubles. Lr. ' C. Smith. Agency "R0CKBR00K FARM" CREAMERY BUTTER. ANTISEPTIC BROOM, The Latest Disinfectant. This broom marks a mew er in domestic science and cleanliness. It is tf- simple and bo effective that it is a wonder that no one has thought of it (before. It is a perfect deodorize, and a perfect disinfectant and the price is only 50 cents. Each' broom Is finished with rel vet and stitched with red cord, anil Is other fa a& attractive and serviceable broom. The disinfecting' material ts contained In. fe pom bag, fend held in place r the stitching of the broom. It destroys all germs, mlcrdbes . and baeilt In carpets, d'.crtroys. moths, length m the life of the carpet, disinfects everything with which It cornea 'in contact, and disinfects itself. For sale o ly by CLARENCE SAWYER Successor to W. F. Snider, 8 NORTH COURT SQUARE. i mmmmmT THE FESTIVAL A SUCCESS Crowded Houses at Both of Yesterdays Great Concerts. Beceipts More Than Cover the Expenditures. Thomas Pleased With the Apprecia tive Audiences, Festival Ended With Singing of "The Star Spangled Banner " TESTIMONIALS FROM THE CHO- RyS TO DUNKLBY AND FLORIO SUCCESS OF FESTIVAL WILT. REVIVE INTEREST IN AN AUDI TORIUM. The Asheville Music Festival of 1900 In every way the festival has been a success. As a musical event it was one of the most noteworthy in the history of this state. In a financial wav the results realized the highest expecta tion of its promoters. With expenses approximating $3,000 the managers realized from the beginning that they could hope from the proceeds to do lit- tie if anything more than pay the costs of the festival. It was stated last night' that the receipts have exceeued the expenditures by a few dollars. This result, it is believed, will insure the life of the festival association and a repe tition annually of the splendid con certs. With a spacious auditorium such as Ashevifle needs, and through the festival association, it may scne time be able to obtain, the Asheville music festival would be placed within the reach of many who did not attend its first series of concerts because of the high price of aJdcnittance. Dast night the full capacity )f;j&en.tfjpra nouse was testecr, stanoing room. rDeilfg sold in the upper gallery.- Among lu'os who attended the concluding conceit, were Mr. and Mrs. George W.Vander bilt, Colonel afid Mrs. A. B. Andrews; Miss Andrews and Mr. Thomas An drews and Miss Otis, daughter of Mai jor General Otis. Especial Credit Is due to Mr. Charles McNamee, president; of the Festival association, and Mr. Ferdinand Dunkley, musical director; and Mr. John A. Nichols, chairman of the committee on hall and tickets, f 3f the success that attended the festival throughout. The grand concert last night closeld! with an addition to tlae program in the singing of the "Star Spangled Banner," accompanied by the orchestra. The audience rose from their seats during the singing of th anthem. The enthusiasm was ex treme during the entire evening, when Mr. Dunkley was forced to announce from the stage in reply to the repeat ed applause that it was necessary on account of its length to proceed witfc. the program. Many floral tributes were sent to the stage during the af ternoon and evening performances. Mr. Dunkley was present.! with a pair of silver "military" hair brushes, and Mr. Florio with a director s baton cov ered with white ro3?s as a testimonial from the chorus. The house was even better 31W at the matinee than at the first evening performance, andi with an equally en thusiastic and considerably more vo ciferous audience. The parq let seats were occupied by those holding season tickets, and there was a goodly contin gent of the Bingham boys in the gal leries and the matinee girl was in ev idence in the dress circle. Applauro was frequent and prolonged an 3' evok ed encore performances several tl.Mfs. Mr. Thomas appeared in an especially' genial mood and the orchestra, ployed (Continued f fifth page.) I Private Wire. Continuous Quotations. MURPHY & COMPANY, BROKERS STOCKS, COTTON, GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. New York Office, 6L Broad-way. 1 Tele, 'ooa 641. CffURCH STREET, ASKEVTLLIO, N. C BSFES TO Blue Ridge NatJona Bank, AiuevQ N. C. ' ' Charlo' ' National ButiK , Chart Hfc XX. s Seaboard National Bank; Nw ToKk.,,, Uowry BanklLg Ox, Atlanta; 'Ga. ; CapTfoa City "Bank,' Atlanta, Ga. T ;?V; Bradstreet'Ooc- lerdaX Age . . r Y'i ; ''HJ - s i C Si f f t ' ' ft I '0 ' - f .Jill . f -.1;,'K',V'i'"f,

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