THE GAZETTE. ASHEVILLE, N. C. Fablished Eyery morning Except Mondays - THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE 1 TB LISHING COMPANY , U ' . v . TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. . tv i-r navatte, n vear $ w Daily Gazette, twelve weeks- l W riiv Gazette, one month 43 'Weekly Gazette, oe year 1 00 mriritr nntt six: months 60 .Club rates made known on applic -Jion. GAZETTE TELEPHONES. , Business office, 202, two rings. Editorial rooms, 202 t"jree rings. Put not your5 trust in kings, or in men who break their pledges. No man wtio is" opposed to trusts can lend his" support to -the Simmons combination suffrage monopoly. Flayed Admiral The supreme court pays Dewey a, number of compliments, de claring the battle of Mani'a bay was one of the century's bravest feats of arms, and cuts down his bill for prize money from $20,000 to $10,000. Now that a campaign is again aojut to open in Kentucky a "warrant" is issued against W. S. Taylor for the part he failed to take in the killing of Goebel. The Kentucky Goebelites will not let their reputations cool off. The Infamous j-.iar (official title) is evidently also lacking in nerve. He may recover after thirty-six hours, but he failed to rise to the emergency yes terday. The time to return a compli ment is right away or not at all. ' The ballot must be kept intact, un- mutilated, uncorrupt," says 'the pious Wilmington Messenger of red shirt fame. How many intact, unmutilatea and uncorrupt ballots were cast for Waddell for mayor in 1898? When a government is stolen by force it is bul lets and not ballots that count. SPRUCE UP A LITTLE. After housecleanlng don't put back all the old furniture in the same old -places. That makes life too monot onous. If you can't afford a lot of new furniture, get a little. It will be a. great comfort and relief. But we're Belling it so cheaply nowadays that we think you can afford to get a lot if you want to. W. A. BLAIR, 45 PATTON AVE. THIS MORNING'S NEWS. This morning, at 8 o'clock the federa census enumerators will begin taking the census all over the United States The mighty army of enumerator wh'1! has been named begins wor un a census supervisor in ever congressional district in the union. Four New South Wales lepers have been treated by the leprosy-serum method devised by Dr. Juan de Dios Cirrasquilla of Bogota and declared by him 'to have been successful in 100 cases. The Austrailian doctors, how ever, declare that after a careful test they were unable to detect any im provement and that the disease contin ued its progress in the patients. It is said that a naphtha pipe line 160 mfles long has been laid by the Trans Caucasus Railway company. The American forestry building has been sent from Chicago in- sections to Paris. It is probably the first time that an American building for exhibi tion purposes has been snipped across the Atlantic, Lord Rosebery, who was for so a lime regarded as the "boy" of long the political world, has now completed his 53d year. When a boy at Eton, it is said, he declared he would marry the richest heiress of the year, win the Derby and become prime minister, all three of which ambitions he has achieved. His wife, who died in 1S90, was the daughter of Baron Meyer de Rothschild. AT HIS OLD TRICKS. James H. Pou, Who preceded F. M. Simmons" as chairman of the democrat ic state committee, and who, in Octo ber, 1898, made affidavit before a no tary public that if the democrats got into power it was not their purpose to disfranchise any illiterate voter, negro or white man, is now canvassing the state in the interest of the disfranchis ing amendment. In one of his speeches this week he made the follow ing statement: 'Our amendment has not in it the word negro it does not mention him. It discriminates against the negro's characteristics without calling his name, rnat amendment is suDmitrea to the peoDle for ratification. It is the issue of this campaign. Here in a nutshell is the whole ar gument for the constitutionality of he amendment. But how much easier it would have been to have declared that no man of Kinky nair ana nat, wide nose should vote at any election in this state. This would not have named the negro, but would have de scribed some of his "characteristics." But the constitution of the United States also does not mention the word "negro," but does say: "The right of the citizens of the United State to vote shall not be de nied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color or previous condition ot "servi tude." There is no getting around this by any trick that will deceive the United States supreme court. Pou in his speech declares that the purpose of the proposed amendment is to disfranchise negroes and not disfranchise a single white man the very thing that the constitution says shall not be done. This eminent member of the Organiza tion tried to fool both negroes and white voters in 1898. He has thrown off a part of his mask and is confining his efforts now to fooling white men. Many people object to the use of nuts, but the criticisms really apply to the misuse, not .to the use, of these valuable foods. Nut meat as a food is three or four times as heavy as roast beef or steak, and when nuts are eater with the fruits after a meal already far too complex and heavy they cer- RFD SHIRT ELEMENT REPUDIATED. We, learn from the democratic pa pers of Wilmington that the democrats of Brunswick county at their county convention last week, kicked out the Simmons machine "red shirt" element tanly do act as if they resented being and nominated a ticket satisfactory to in bad company, says Health Culture. i,0 nnniiQt ThPir nominee for the is not 'the fault of the nuts, but , i ,ir,0t v. amendment and in favor of fair and This of the diner. Moreover, nuts must be .hnrrviie'hl v mnutifatorl and v.ic. .ifv. the average human, teeth, is an impos- honest elections. These are the kind Ability. When properly ground and of democrats we like to see. Hickory cooked, however, and eaten with bread Times-Mercury. or fruit, nuts form a most valuable ar- tide of food and a perfect substitute i JUDGE SPENCER B. ADAMS, for nitrogenous animal foods. A com- , ,T . nination of seientifipall - - i'1 v vv iiuio and fresh or cooked vegetables comes Hon. Spencer B. Adams, the repub- not far from being a perfect dietary for lican nominee for governor, is a typi mankind. , cal cultured North Carolinian. Indeei, ' the republican party could not have A wrought-iron gas main. 23,015 feet found a more representative man, one icmg and 3 inches in- diameter, is in use that is in closer touch with the people weuween .rnoemxvnie and Koyersford, Pa. The eras is conveyed linripr nres- -ure of twenty pounds. and who has their interests more at heart. He is truly "one of the peo ple." From childhood he has led a As thp spas rr life of toil and of business. From tne Swiss birds make their pilgrimages farm t the superior court clerkship, eauth and in going and returning cross from the clerkship to the judges bench, .the land of northern Italy and the and from thence on an active practi- Swiss canton of Ticino, and they are tioner of the law. His life and profes- mercilessly pursued by hunters of all lon have especially fitted him for the tS2S2 I,,013?,63' 3n& Iake of Position to which his party has called Maggiore it is estimated that at least 0,000 feathered songsters are trapped 4 , u nd killed every year and in the re- Judge Adams ls ne of the mOSt f grions around Bergamo and Brescia cible speakers in the state and wll many millions are slaughtered to sa:- make a thorough canvass, and will Isfy the demands of tables and of the prove an able leader in this great cam millinery establishments of the world, paign of manhood suffrage. 5ooooocxxxxoooooxxooooocg X ZBO-fcT MAROHE. Calls special attention, xo another invoice of colored Embroidered Summer Fabric called that pretty sheer PINEAPPLE CLOTH, at 25c, 15c. Also 606 yards of very pretty sheer colored Dimity at These are the proper cool dress and waist summer gooda. ' Special Fancy Ribbons for neck end belt wear . that are reg ular 50c. Ribbons for 25c. Exclusive colorings iu Fancy Hosiery. New Pulley Belts. Summer Corsets from 35c. up. BON MARCH E, is soutft Man sr. Said Simmons to the people Not many months ago, No man will be disfranchised "By tha democrats, oh no 1 "The one who so proposes "We'll expectorate upon, "Tis republican bamboozle. ' Av d the band played on. Says Aycock to the people, "The poor man caanot vote, "Nor can the man who has no time "To learniag to devote : "We'll put them with the 'nigger "Whose rights are good as gone, "Red shirts will do the business," And tbe band played on. Poor Aycock ! Simple Simmons I You in dumb as dumb can be. Don't you know the "Tar-heels" always Fought like fiends for liberty? Have your fun, and do your shouting, Till the breaking of the dawn, And in August 'twill be funny If the band plays on. FRED C. MATTIS. : -jf ir -jfr season promises well for a" good crop of BOOKS You will find them on my shelves. Bainbridge's Book Store, "7 Patton Avenue. Late of San Antonio, Tex. mit THE CLUB SALOON, 53 South main Street Ixakes a specialty of al the leading' 1 brands of Whiskies Wines an Brandies The Famous Augusta Beerr California Wines, Beechnut Eye Whiskey; Pat's Old Club Corn Whiskey, Five years' old, and recommended by physicians of the city. PAT. McINTYRE, INJURED BY FALLING TREE. Johnson City, Tenn., May 31. Mur ray Overstret, a young man in the em ploy of the Buck Lumber company of this city, while driving urxra one of the public streets was crushed almost to death yesterday by a tree falling upon him . The wag-on was broken and one leg of Mr. Oversteet was crushed. WALES' VISIT TO PARIS. London, June 1. The prince and princess of Wales Btart tomorrow for the Paris exposition, where thev will spend a fortnight, the prince return ing for the Scot races while the prin cess remains to meet her father, the king of Denmark, who will visit the exposition this month. PARIS' UNDERGROUND RAILWAY. Paris, May 31. All the stations have been completed and it is expected that a good portion of the underground rail way will be pu't into operation tomorrow. TORTURED A WITNESS. Intense suffering was endured by vit ness T. Martin, of L"ie, Ky., before he gave this evidence: "I coughed every night until my throat was nearly raw; then tried Dr. King's New Disco ery, which gave in tant Tchef . I have used it in my family for .our years and re commend i- as the greatest remedy for Coughs, Colds and all Throat, Chest and Lung troubles. It will stop the worst cough, and noit only prevc ts but . bso lutely cures consumption. Price 50c and $1.00. Every bottle guarante d. Trial bottles free at ali drug storea. W. C. T. TJ. CONVENTION. Delegates From Entire Stats Wiil be Held June 14-18 The W. C. T. U. met yesterday af ternoon , at Mrs. Hilliard's and "com pleted arrangements for securing nomes ror rne aeiegates to the state W. C. T. U. convention which meets here from the 14th to the 18th of this month. The sessions will be held in Central M. E. church. About a hundred del egates are expected to attend the con vention. Rev. W. M. Vines will deliver the annual sermon at the First Baptist church Sunday morning, the 17th, at 11 o'clock. Another meeting will be held next Thursday at Mrs. Hilliard's on South Main street at 4 o'clock. Committees will report and other work will be transacted in connection with the convention. Telephone 218. P. O. Box 337. 53 South Main YES EROAY'S LEAGUE GAMES. At New York R H E New York 4 12 5 Pittsburg 6 8 4 Batteries: Doheny and Bowerman; Tannehill and Zimmer. At Philadelphia KHK Philadelphia 3 7 0 Chicago 0 4 1 Batteries: Orth and Douglass; Taylor and Donerhue. At Boston R H E Boston 2 8 3 Cincinnati 1 5 3' Eleven -innings. Batteries: Hahn and Kaser; Pettinger and Clark. Brooklyn-St. Louis game postponed; wet grounds. AMERICAN LEAGUE. At Chicago Kansas cago, 0. NOTICE. Begining June 1, the Southern railway will operate for the accom modation of summer travel through Pullman parlor cars between Asheville and Charleston, S. C, on day trains Nos. 13 and 14. Call on ticket agent3 for full information. F. R. Darby, C. P. & T. A. ggxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxi Mll&lll . ... . . ' THE... CHELTENHAM The Coldest, Daintiest I and Most Attractive I FOUNTAIN in the City. Telephone 110. that's THE CANDY KITCHEN, no idle boast, we've a. merely repeat t what hosts of oi.r pie. ed patr s sa. As there's always been said to j be no Ice Cream like Theobold'a so now its said no soda ke Tbeo- hold's. And the combination f the two good things makes the? best Ice Crem Sod to be had. Nearly a half pint of PURE Ice Cream in our Ice L-ream Soda. Do you wonder that its so much better than a::y elsewhere. There's an awfully cosy Ice jv Cream parlor in the rear, and the ST service is prompt, polite and effi- ;E c.-ent at 51 28 Patton Avtuae.. The most enterprising and su cessful mercha s of Asheville advertl8e in the Gazette. City, 4; Ch'- GLORIOUS NEWS. Comes from Dr. s. B. Cargile of Washita, I. T. He writes: Electric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of scrof ula, which had caused her great suffer ing for years. Terrible eores wou.-i break out on her head and face, and the best doctors could give no help; but now her health is excellent." Electric Bitters is the best blood pur ifier known. Its the supreme remedy for eczema, ulcers, boile- and running sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels,- expels poisons, helps digestion, builds up the strength. Only 50-cts. Sold by all druggists. Guaranteed. The Gazette wax-it ad turae. brin Bwrr re- Milk and Separated Cream. Pure milk at 5 cents a quart; sepa rated cream at $1.00 per gallon. Deliv ered morning and evening. Telephone or send postal to HILLSIDE DAIRY, EMMA. N C. Best ever made is RUMFORD BAKING POWDER, Imported and Domestic Cigars Sold by the Box at Factory Prices at Berkeley Cigar Stand The High ftrade Plate and Film Cameras For Bent, Tbe French Broad Press, A. H. McQUILKIN, Prop. 32-34 PATTON AVENUE, ASHEVILLE, N. C. Commercial and Fine Printings Best facilities in the region for a& grades of work. Booklets and advertising matter our specialty. Vtsiljiff. cards and fine stationery engraved and printed. Cameras and photo supplies in great variety, include g the famour Goir Montauks. Developing and finishin -y the best professional ski 1. Prompt and satisfactory sarvice given in all our departments. at 30c lb. EDUCA TIONAL. Summer Class, Private Tuition, Etc, For particulars apply to F VALENTINE, M. A. (Cambridge.) 97 Church Street. MEET ME AT THE PARAGON Prescription Department. (Entrance on Haywood St.) ALWAYS OPEN. m Prescription Phone 260 Public Phone 471. BETHESDA MINERAL WATER, m The American Table Water, aids digestion, blends with wines and removes uric acid produced by wines. See booklet. w m Prescriptions Our Specialty, g iCC000OCOCO00O0OO0OCfcs Opposite Postofflce.