BLOWING UP AS A FINE 1ST. How Gun-cotton and Other Modern Explosives are Utilized by Military imgineers. Tkere is probably no branch of modern warfare of which less is known than that which devolves upon the military engi neer, and, of that service, the art of handling explosives is one of the most mysterious to the mind of the civilian. To the contemplative mind the fact that a few slabs of gun-cotton can, if properly applied, simply , annihilate the work of years, is a satire upon the supposed im mutability of he who builds his house upon a rock. The military engineer is one of the most important individuals connected with an army, for it is his duty to build lip and tear down, to create and to des troy. As the army proceeds upon its march his creative faculty is often called into play. There are bridges of all kinds that must be built, means of communica tiou must be established, aud in count less other ways does the army depend for its comrort as wen as its success upon the engineering corps that accompanies it. The structures that they erect may be lor temporary use only, but they must be firmly constructed for all that, and in the same way when they are called upon to wreck the result of the labor of ages the destruction must be effectual. To the military engineer this question of destruction is one of the most simple problems that he is called upon to face. He knows, almost to a fraction, the amount of damage a slab of wet or dry gun-cotton is capable of doing. He fully realizes that the explosive force of the wet is slightly greater than the dry, but that it is incapable of performing its ter ble work when in that condition unless THIS IS THE Wr TO DESTROY A It AIL W 4. y LINE. fulminate of mercury or some other pow erful detonating substance is brought into contact with it. It is for this reason that the bulk of the explosive is carried wet while a small portion is kept dry 10 be used in preparing the larger pieces for business. ABOt:T THE "COTTON." Gun-cotton is one of the most interest ing of the many strange substances tha now play such an important part in war fare. It is one of the oldest of the mod era explosives and is often mentioned in stories from the front, but in spite o.t that there are many persons who havo only the vaguest idea regarding its com position and are puzzled to understand why such a terrifically destructive com pound should be existing under such a name as "cotton." For the information of such persons a brief description of the compound may not be uninteresting. Gun-cotton was discovered by Schon bein in IS-W. The inventor gave it the name of pyroxylin, a word derived from two Greek words meaning "fire" and '"wood." It is formed by immersing cotton, tow. luien, sawdust, or any other form of cellulose, in a mixture of equal measure of oil of vitrol and nitric acid. When the process of manufacture has been carried to this extent no change of form has occurred, but there has been a very marked chemical alteration. A cer tain number of equivalents of hydrogen are then abstracted and their place is supplied by an equal number of equiva lents of peroxide of nitrogen. In under going this change the fibre is increased in weight 8- per cent, aud acquires new Properties. , .The e:plosibility of pyroxylin has canned it to be used in all kinds of de structive work, and, its use becoming so general, it was found necessary to pro vide it with a more common name. Py roxylin was a T;ood word for scientists to use but it was too learned and too flwkwnrd for common people to strussrU with therefore the more familiar appela tion was chosen. Gun-cotton has many peculiarities, but one of the strangest things about it is that one can light a small piece of the dry substance with a match without danger. There will be a puff of flame and nothing more. If the same amount of the explosive should be placed on an anvil, however, and should then be struck with a hammer it is extremely doubtful if one ever found any remains of either hammer, anvil or experimenter. At the eame time it is perfectly safe for a per son who knows how to handle gun-cotton to cut it with a knife or saw and this is done, not, only in the factories but often by the engineers Jn the field. The1 process of exploding the gun-cotton is very simple as it only requires a small, quantity of detonating substance to explode the dry substance and this HEN YOU are feeling tired and out of sorts you will find Hood's Sarsapanlla -will do you wonderful good. Be sure to GET HOOD'S. When you experience that deligntful feeling which makes you want to sit down and watch other people work, it's a. sure sign that gentle spring is again -OB deck. Married Ubriisn yV . '. . jjkui ficpaica mc oouy iot inc buiuii uju 11, the symmetry of form. Mother's Friend Shapely au me uanger 01 cniia-Dircn, anu carries ine expectant , . .mother safely through this critical period without pain. It is woman's freatest blessing, and thousands grateftuly tell of the great good it ' as done them. Sold by all druggists at $1.00 per bottle. - 1 ' 1 Our little book, telling all about this great remedy, Will be sent free to, any address by The Bradfield Regulator Company, Atlanta, Georgia. ..' ': .- , The real rough rider is . the man who rides the river With a twisting, squirming log foi a saddle, on which he stands, balanc ing' hiniself to itf every motion. If his coolness fails or his nerve gives way, disaster and death, reach out for him. It's the giving way of trie proves fatal to sc many a man, Per haps he is simpl) crossing the street, as he has done ten thousand times. He hears a shout, stops, hesitates, gets " rattled " and is run over. When a man finds that his memory plays him false often, when he starts off to get something and forgets what he went for, When he knows he has locked the front door and yet an irritating uncertainty compels him to get up and verify his knowledge, then that man is in dan ger at any minute when confronted by a trifling danger. He is unnerved. This condition can be perfectly cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Med 'Vqi Discovery. It strengthens the stom ach, nourishes the nerves, and purifies the blood. It contains no alcohol, whisky or other intoxicant. "The reason I delayed writing was because 1 wanted to wait one year after I had taken the medicine before giving my statement, and now I can send a good, conscientious testimonial," writes Chas, H. Sergeant, Esq., of Plain City, Madison Co., Ohio. "During the summer ad fall of 1896 I became all " run down," nerves were out of order and stomach out of order. 1 wrote to Dr. Pierce for advice. He said I had reneral debility, and advised Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and, thanks to you for youi idvice, I used six bottles ; and since I stopped taking it, about one year ago, I have not taken any medicine of any kird, and have been able it work every day. My appetite is good, I can eat three square meals a day, I do not feel that miserable burning in the stomach after eating, and my blood and nerves are in good shape." Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure biliousness. has a similar effect upon the wet sub- ONE METHOD OF BLOWING UP A BRIDGE. stanceproviding the flash has been con veyed to it through the medium of the dry cotton. Tie detonator, therefore, is nothing more than a brass tube with a small quantity of fulminate of mercury at one end, into which a strand of quick match is passed. THE EXPLOSION. One of the courses of study required in the making of a military engineer is that which specifies the best ways to use explosives. For instance .there are rules for everything and these rules are so specific that the engineer in the field can instantly decide as to the quickest and surest means of wrecking any object that he may be called upon to destroy. If it is a bridge that is to be wrecked a board is fastened to the centre pier and between this board and the masonry of the bridge a layer of gun-cotton is placed. When this is exploded the pier will be split in two parts and the entire bridge will necessarily collapse. If the piers of the bridge are extremely short and thick hoi es are dug through the roadway and the gun-cotton is placed in the crown of the arch. When it is fired the arch is split and the bridge falls. The amount of gun-cotton required to accomplish work of this kind is usually calculated ou the basis of about two thirds of a pound for each two feet of thickness and length to be demolished. Another use to which gun-cotton is ANOTHER METHOD OF DOING THE SAME THING. often put is in the destruction of a rail road system, for a comparatively small quantity of the substance will rip up the best railway lines ever constructed, and do the work so thoroughly that the prob lem of repairing the break is a somewhat serious one. In such cases the charge is placed in the rim of the rail and is (Se cured by a clip. The charge required to destroy a steel rail is one-quarter of a pound; an iron rail two-thirds of a pound.. While gun-cotton is the principal ex plosive agent used in military engineer ing its arrangement requires so much delicate preparation that there are occa sions upon which its use is impractical. In such cases gun powder or some less delicate explosive is used, but among all these substances there are none that have stood such thorough tests and have given srch satisfaction as the ' old gun-cotton which has been in use for so many years. Every woman covets a shapely, pretty figure, and many of them deplore the loss of their girlish forms after marriage . The bearing of children is very destructive to the mother's Shapeliness. This can be avo;ded, however, by the use of Mother's Fiiind he. fore baby comesas this in scientific hm- uuu, preserves : 1 ., 1 also obviates U U U rf3 raid 1 -I j 1 " lla iflteir FOE FROZEN" FRUIT CREAMS; t fmiit- iro pvenms the following nro- will r fnimrl lv.-nftS- pOrllOllS (ii uuh " tally correct: Apricot, use one quart of apricots. xnese suumu e "i"iiiu through a sieve and added to the com pound after it is tnKcn on uie n . e aim when it has become cold. The Alee of one lemon should go with it. Banana ice cream needs a half dozen bananas, which should be peeled, ma.-lied a i d beaten until they are a smooth pa-te. Fo- coffee flavor, use a quarter of a pound cf coffee mixed, one-half .lava one-quarter Mocha and one-quartc Maracaibo. Have the coffee ground coarsely and put it into the milk and cream, bringing it to a boiling point in n porcelain lined vessel. Allow it to stand until it is cool and then strain through a piece of tine muslin, after wards adding sugar. All who suffer from piles wia be glad to learn that DeWitfs Writch Hazel Salve will give them instant ana per manent relief. It will cure eczema and all skin diseases. Beware of counter feits. Dr. T. C. Smith. Probably the hardest problems of the average man's existence is getting his own consent to crawl out of bed in the morning. A LIFE AND DEATH FIGHT. Mr. W. A. Hines of Manchester, la., writing of his almost miraculous es cape frpm death, says: "Exposure after measles" induced serious lung trouble, which ended in consumption. I had frequent hemorrhages and coughed night and day. All my doctors said I must soon die. Tnen I began to use Dr. King's New Discovery, which wholly cured me. Hundreds have used it on my advice and a.11 say it never fails to cure throat, chest and lung troubles." Regular size 50c. "fcJJd $i.00. Trial bottle free at all druggists. O A TOHIA. 1 The Kind You Have Always Bought Bear 8 the Signature of With the possible exception of choc olate caramels there is nothing so sweet to a girl as love's young dream. Trie Chinese ask, "How is your liv er?" instead of "How do do?" for when the liver is active the health is good. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are famous little pills for the liver and bowels. Dr. T. C. Smith. Don't imagine that men who have a good idea of matrimony necessarily have a good opinion of it. Ivy poisoning, poison wrounds and all other accidental injuries may be quick ly cured by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is also a certain cure for piles and skin disease. Take no other. Dr. T. C. Smith. The truly great hero is the one who acts and lets the people do the talk ing. SLSV FT? TROUP LXS. His Eyes Open. "Have you considered what matrimony means?" askd old Dar la Mark. "Oh, yes," replied young Spendy. "That's why I want to marry your daugh ter." Philadelphia North American. DOES IT PAY TO BUY CHEA ? A cbeap remedy for coughs and colds is all right but you want something hat will relieve and cure the more severe and dangerous results of throat and lung troubles. What snail - ou do? Go to a warmer and more regular climate? Yes, tf possible; if not possible for you, then in either case take the ONLY remedy that has been introduced in all civilized countries with success in severe throat and lung troubles, "Boschee's German Syrup." It not only heals and stimu lates the tissues to destroy the germ disease, but allays inflammation, causes easy expectoration, gives a good night's rest, and cures the patient. Try ONE bottle. Recommended many years by all druggists in the world. For sale by W. C. Carmichael. A Hard one. Mr. Goodfellow (showing his wife all around his counting house) And these are the day books. Mrs. Goodfellow Yes? Now show me the night books. Mr. Goodfellow (mystified) The night books? Mrs. Goodfellow Ye. Those that you have to work over at night and tuat keep you dowD here until 2 o'clock in the morning. Last fall I sprained my left hip while handling some heavy boxes. The doctor I called on said at first it was a slight strain and would soon be well, but it grew worse and the doctor then said I had rheumatism. It continued to grow worse and I could hardly get around to work. I went to a drug store and the druggist recommended me to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I tried it and one-half of a 50-cent bottle cured me entirely. I now recommend it to all my friends. F. A. Babcock, Erie Pa. It is for sale by C. A. Raysor. If a woman tries to practice what her husband preaches she has no time for gossip. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleanse and beautifies the hsir. Promote! a Ittxariant ffrowth. Never Fails to Hestore Gray iair o its iimuuiu uoior. Cares tcalp diseaaet & hair tailing. 0c, and 11.00 at Dniggiafr When a clock is wound up it goes but it is different with other business. Neglect is the short step so many take from a cough or cold to consump tion. The early use of One Minute Cough Cure prevents consumption. It is the only harmless remedy that gives immediate results. lit cures all throa and lung troubles. Children all like it and mothers endorse it. Dr. T. C. Smith. . HINTS TO TOURISTS. A riew publication, givng fu.. and accurate information about the charm ing simmer resorts of Illinoi wi um sln and Michigan, located akwi the line of the Chicago, & North-Wester. Rail way, ajttraqtively Illustrated, can be ob tained .free by applying to ticket agents or ; will be mailed upon receint 2 centia postage by rw Kn!skern, 22 FiftH avenue, Chicago. fiavorite Remedy Cures all kidney. stomach I people's! 1 r,niiiAAMi I VSUi-UIMUlt $ $ t jKiit $ $ $ $ MISCELLANEOUS. A FINE' COW; gives four gallons milk. Write me or 'phone me, at Mills River, N. C. T. L. Johnson. 3t. GENTLEMAN desires board in pri vate family few miles from Ashe ville for the months of July and Au gust, near river or lake; describe lo cation and give price per week. Ad dress '"'A&hevine Gazette. 97-bt. YOUNG English woman of refine ment and some experience in teach ing children, including Kindergarten methods, seeks engagement. Address M, box 147,.. Asheville. 97-3t, HELP is in demand. Those wanting cooks or chambermaids sh( uild apply at once, as the season is advancing and the supply of Jhelp decreasing. JOHN SMITH, 15 N. Main, 'phone call 680. 96tf. WANTED Two rooms and board for lady and four children, 12, 10 and 3 years old and infant; private family preferred. Address W. N. Shine, room 6, Ely block, Jacksonville, Fla. WANTED ACTIVE MEN OF GOOD ch racter to deli" r ana collect for old established wholesale and export ing house. Bona fide salary of $900 a year guaranteed with expenses Ref erences exchanged. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelop ;o WHOLESALERS AND EXPORT ERS, Third Floor, 33 i De born St., Chicago. 8--30t. ROOM AND TABLiD BOARD in pri vate family. Table very beet the market affords; centrally located; on car line; terms very low. Address H, Gazette. 77tf. DOES THIS INTEREST TOU? WE have customer for purchase of nice little Lome with garden and yar-K in good neighborhood, on or near street car line; also customer for large boarding ho...-.e or small hotel for rent for summer; also customers for 5, 6, 7 and 8 room unfurnished houses, well constructed, with modern conven iences and in good neighborhood. Wilkie & LaBarbe, Real Estate Brok ers, 23 Patton ave., 'phone 661. MISS NORA WARE-Pianist and teach er In stringed instruments. Corner o Spruce and Woodfln etreeta. fou:t. FOUND, between Aeheville and Bilt more, two gold rings, which the own er or owners can cbtain by leaving a description of the same at the office of the Morning Gazette, together with a statement of the time when tin? same were lest. May 6, 1900. 5-6-lmo. ROOMS Nicely housekeeping 63-26t furnished for light C 1 at i.39 Pailey . FOR RENT. , FOR RENT A new four-roo , cottage and two acres pasture; 1 1-2 miles out, on Lookout Mountain street rail way. Apply to C. S. Cooper, 39 S. Main st. 93tf. FOR RENT A COMPLETELY FUR nished s iven-room house, with all moderu conveniences and electric lights; near street car line; only five minutes' walk from Cou 1 square. Apply at No. 8 Giady St., or Wilkie & LaBarbe 82 tf. FOR RENT One boarding house, 12 rooms, all modern conveniences and electric ligh ; on newly paved street. Also one seven-room cottage, one fur nished and one unfurnished fl 1 all modern conveniences . Apply to O. D. Revell, 32-34 Baton ave. FOR SALE. FOR SALE Or exchange town los and land in Florida. Address Z. L.r care of Gazette. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE . Lo t Pinebluff, N. C. Address N. S. M care Gazette. t SPECIAL EXCURSION RATES. Account commencement Converse college, Spartanburg, S. C. Tickets on sale J me 1 to 3 inclusive; final limit June 7. Round trip rate from Asheville, $2.75. National democratic convention, Kansas City, Mo. Tickets on sale July 1-2; final limit July 9. -Round trip rate from Asheville, $26.50. Rate one way for the round trip. For full information call on ticket agents or address F. R. Darly, C. P. & T. A., Asheville, N. C, or R. L. Vernon, T. P. A., Charlotte, N. C. The Gazette adi brin mrrr re turns. News and Opinions or National Importance THE STTrbT ALONE CONTAINS BOTH Daily, by mail, . . $6 a year Daily and Sunday by mai, $8 a year The Sunday Sun la tke greatest Sunday newspaper 1 the world- Price 5c a copy. By mail $2 a year. Adorer- THk SUN. New York. uJcBdOuaBSoiKB The public should understand that many medicines contain ingredients that were never intended by Nature to enjer the hu man system. Such dangerous things as lead, copper, zinc, mercury and arsenic are fre- quently used, to say nothing of stimulants and opiates. Or. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy on the other hand, is an absolutely safe and harmless medicine for all diseases of the Kidneys, Liver, Bladder and Blood. It contains no minerals in any form, no danger ous stimulants, no mercury or poi son. It contains vegetable juices only. Invalids and children can take it with perfect safety. It is a grand medicine for aged people, who are growing weak as the years pass by. I For all dis tressing forms of Kidney Troubles incomparable, it goes deep ana cures. Wm. Brown, of Danbury, Cona, had Kidney Trouble the very worst way. He could not sleep, and had to get up constantly during the night. Urine passed from him involuntarily in the daytime also. Two or three bot tles of Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy restored his Kidneys to per fect action. A Urjje bottl of Favorite Remedy can be bought at dm stores for $1, or six bottles for TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. Send your name and address to the DR. DAVID KENNEDY CORPORATION, Rondout, N. Y mentioning this paper. You will receive by re turn mail, absolutely free, a trial bottle of Fa vorite Remedy and a pamphlet containing val uable medical advice, such as everybody needs. THE WAYNESVILLE IN Waynesville, N. C. Under the personal rn- agome .t T E. Boston. Accommodations for 150 gxiesta. Bui new. All the modern improvements for J. B. HOTEl Fl-EMING r Marion, N. GKDBER COxVCERT CO., Proprietors. New York Weekly Tribune An old, etaunch, tried and true friend1 of the American people from tfee- Atliantic to the Pacific and the pioneer in every movement calculated to ad vance the interests and increase the prosperity of country people in every state in the union. For over half a century farmers have followed its instructions in raising: their crops and in converting them into cash have been guided by its market, reports, which have been national authority. If you are interested in "Science and Mechanics," that department wili please and instruct. "Short Stories" will entertain old and young. "Fash ion Articles" will catch the fancy of the ladies and humorous illustration and items will bring sunshine to your household. THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE is the people's paper for the entire United' States and contains all important news of the nation and world. Regular subscription price $1.00 per year, but we furnish it And The Weekly Gazette One Year for $J 25 NEW YORK TRl-WEEKLY TRIBUNE than once a week. Containing all the striking news features of THE DAILY TRIBUNE up to hour of going to press and is profusely illustrated. Regular subscription price $1.50 per year, but we furnish it And The Weekly bazette One Year for $2 00 Send all orders to The Gazette, Asheville, N. C All through trains, via the Cotton Belt, carry hand some Free Reclining Chair Cars from Memphis to prin cipal points in Texas with out change. These cars are furnished -with chairs which can be made to recline at any angle, thus affording an easy seat dur- , ingtjie day, and a comfort able place to sleep at night. In addition to the Through Free Chair Cars, Cotton Belt trains are equipped with Pullman Sleepers at night, and Parlor Cafe Cars during the day. Th comfort thus provided for everybody, combined with the fastest time, make the Cotton Belt the most desirable route to Texas. Write and tell us where you are going and when you will leave, and we will tell you what your ticket will cost and what train to take to make the best time and connections. We wiU also send you an interesting little booklet. "A. Trip to Texas." FRED. fl. JONES, D. P. A., Memphis, Tifl. W. CPEELfR, T. P. A., Memphis, Ten. f . G. ADAMS, T. P. A., NaskrtIk,TcL F. L WYATT, T. P. A., CiadiBtti, Ohio. aV. LaBEAUME, Q. P. and for stubborn Constipation it hs TRY THIS TEST. Put some urine in a glass tumbler and let it stand 24 hoirs. A sediment at the bottom, or milky, cloudy appearance indicates that the kid neys are in a dangerous condition and that Favorite Remedy is badly needed. Healthy urine is clear and does not stain linen, Montague, formerly a residen of lding new, furniture new, everything: and up-to-date hotel. MONTAGUE, Proprietor. For Nearly Sixty Years the Leading National F amily Newspaper for Progressive Farmers and Villagers. Published Monday, Wednesday audi Friday. A complete, up-to-date daily news paper three times per week for busy people who receive their m'ail oftener TfSs fl. B. SCTTOH, T. P. A., Qattuoote Ten and T. A., St. Louis, Mo. fV-3 .I tf 1 v ; s i r ? 'H s L ' t, ft -t , - ! i It -

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