.v. ?v I- . r ' j. V . -A 7 : vw; . - r tE ASHEViU-E GAZETTfi TUNE 7. iqoo. 1 V. t s 'V : V 7 V i. ' ft. I v' VA-: 4i r r- Mty .. t' ; ,1. ' f'Hk i 14 - ' , ,. , , , . - - . . ' ' JOKE ON THE RAILROAD. Cxverlence off a Swede Who Had Ticket to South .Dakota. Thp'.Auties of the claim agent's depart-? mentvwould be reduced to a minimum if il oaR0ft wpre lik one recently related ; ... - - " fDy a rauway uipiujee, uue ecuiug.:a short 'time ago the, engineer of one of the trains running west from Chicago, which was clipping along at good speed over the prairie, became suddenly conscious, of the presence of a man on the track immediately in front of him. He had hardly time to take in thisimpression T)e- L fore he felt a siignt bqock ana a oars i " mass vaguely outlined by the beadlightJ described a large semicircle in the air 'to the right and disappeared in the dark ness. Shocked and sickened by the event, but conscious of blamelessness on his own part, the engineer pulled the train up at the next station and wired to division headquarters: "Struck a man mile back from Cedar Grove. Shall we go back and pick up? Waiting instructions." ( -There was some delay over the wiring, and a little group gathered around the engineer listening to his story and con versing in low tones over his bad luck. 'I only got a glimpse of him." he said, "before we struck him. He went into the air so high that I saw him by the light jof the headlight, add he must have struck some ways from the track. , I suppose hia clothes must have held him together. Then after a pause: "That's the worst I ever had. 1 hope it's the last." This calkul up some reminiscences, of the experience of others of the gronp. They were interrupted by a panting voice coming out of the darkness behind the group: "Des train go to Dakota?" The speaker being informed that that was the Dakota train, breathed 'a sigh of reliefr "Tail." he crntinued, "Ay tank Ay run bout fas' 's relrode train. ' Ay bot teeket to Sout' Dakota, en teeket. man hay tak ma six tollar feefty cents en tole may Ay 'skal go tran tonight, Ay meet tran back here haleways en ben run lak yack rabbit." Just then the reply came from head quarters. "You're to go on. Jim," said the beaner of the order, "and we're to get out a freight engine and send back from here for the man you struck." The Swede became interested. "Vat fur dees enyine go back?" he asked, and then some of those standing near looked at him for the first time. His hat was gone, his clothing was in strings, and what there was of it, as well as the exposed portions of his husky person, was covered with thick mud. Some one explained in a few words. The "train was just moving. "Ay tank Ay get gude yoke on relrode tran." he chuckled as he climbed th" steps of the smoking car. And then as he mov ed away into the darkness he yelled back to the little group: "Ay got yoke on relrode tran! Ay bane that fallar masalf!" St. Paul Picneer Press. A LIFE AND DEATH FIGHT. Mr. W. A. Hines of Manchester, la. writing' of his almost miraculous es- cape from death, says: "Exposure after measles induced serious lung trouble, which ended in consumption. I hat frequent hemorrhages and coughed night and day. All my doctors said I must soon die. Then I began to use Dr. King's New Discovery which wholly cured me. Hundreds have used it on my advice and all say it never fails to cure throat, chest and lung troubles." Regular size 50c. and Ji.O. Trial bottle free at all druggists. Wandering In Dreamland. The young woman's mind was probably away off in the land of cut on the bias and yokes and flarings and plaitings and applique and ruffles and things like that, whatever they may mean. Anyhow, when she got on an up town Ninth street car the other afternoon, she dreamily opened her pocketbook when the conductor came around fqr her fare, 'stuck a gloved finger and thumb into one of the compartments of the same, ex tracted a couple of foulard samples, and, with that faraway expression still in her "eyes, handed them to the conductor. The conductor was a middle aged man. He smiled and waited for the young woman to come out of her trance. But she held the foulard samples out to him, with eyes on vacancy, until the conductor, still grin ning, had to fetch her back to earth. "Yes, they're pretty, miss,'' he said,' "and rd like to get my wife a dress off that piece on top, but she's" The young woman blushed like a red hot stove lid. dug into another compart ment of her pocketbook for a car ticket, and she looked real embarrassed when v the brutal male persons across the car aisle grinned, so she did. Washington Post A WEALTH Ofr BEAUTY. Is often hidden by unsightly pimples eczema, tetter, erysipelas, salt rheum, etc. Bucklen's Arnica Salve will glor- ify the face by curing all skin erup tions, also cute, bruises, burns, boils felons ulcers and worst forma of piles. The promising amateur musician should promise not to play acy more. Small in size and great in results ar DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the fa fJ' -inous ltttle p '-f: J and bowels. Vf-V ;yV T. C Smith. fri f.s rr:. grass wic , succeeded in mous little pills that cleanse the live widow is a woman who- has succeeded in getting unmarried. A MONSTER DEVIL FISH . Destroying its victim 1. a type of tipation. The .power of this mal- felt on organs, nerves, muscles and brain. But Dr. King's New Life 'K''r -iPills are a safe and certain cure Best n the world for stomach, l.er, kid Some people put on so many airs that their associates invariably catch cold. Peantbe Signature 1 The Kind You Have Always Bought , tyfafelZty of : The most enterprising and su cestoful mercha of AahevtJle advertise in the Gazette. mm ki:oEENSBOROii.C.-.; . J- . . x Tut i tni 1 a ft nffMiit innmtiLp. 7 . B" u TUC iKiiinil fiMtiut unonuiMr v. t May good -;dges- Mon wit on appetite rafid fieiaJm; on That sentence from Shakespeare is a genuine benediction of the body- n. tin? as in so many other things the' intuition of his might y mind; seems to have fath- onieathefacis j ? which science i has .slowly discovered. " Sc1fice' ha shown that disease in any parfbf 1 1. " body is at most , alway acconipariitd "by wcakiier and failure of the digestive and assilnila: tive organs. Under these conditions tlit stomach, liver and blood making glands failin their appoiir edwork. Then the symptom? of disease at)pear,..ofteT in organs appar ently remote from the real cause Vitality is lowered. There is a dull and sluggish feeling often accompanied by headache. The heart may seem aflfected.'Chere-may be lack of ambition and energy 'wuth mental irresolution. With such symptoms as thei "delay is dangerous." Such a condition affords the favorite starting point for con sumption. It is useless to " doctor for the symptoms. The remedy that reaches the case must reach the cause of disease.' The greatest medicine for all diseases of the stomach and other digestive and nutritive organs is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery. It restores the appetitef re-estab lishes a sound digestion, purges out the bilious poisons which infect the blood, car ries off waste and builds np .sound and healthy tissues. The " Discovery " is not a stimulant It contains no alcohol or whisky. No other medicine has so great a record of cures, therefore accept no substitute. Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure constipation. Storing the smmi's- Hen-t. One of the optimistic and .general expectations indulged in at the present day is the realization during the com ing century of what is pronounced the greatest and most important of pro spective Inventions, namely, a machine for storing the heat of the sun and transforming it into electricity or some other form suitable for ready employ mentheat Avnich, though permitted to go to waste, will, by means of such In vention, be applied to the running of mills, the warming or houses and every other purpose for which energy is utilized. The field for such an inven tion and its world-wide Importance are at once suggested by the ascertain ed fact that every square yard of the sun's surface emits an amount of heat equal to that of a blast furnace con suming one ton of coal every ten min utes. The heat given out by the solar nlobe, too, in one second would raise 10o.000.000 cubic miles of ice-cold wa ter to the boiling point and of this heat the earth receives only one two-billionth part. O Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought The Education of Mothers. The authoritative tone that the ma jority of young women take with their mothers nowadays is not precisely an Indication of good breeding; but then good breeding seems to be rapidly go ing out of fashion. A few relics of it are still left, just enough to show how delightful a thing it was. A really cour teous man is now described as being of the "old school." A really high bred woman, is called "old-fashioned." So inegale ici-bas is life pour l'homme et pour la femme, to quote Victor Hugo. Nobody would like to see children go back to the stilted stiffness of the days when they called their parents "Sir" and "Madam." But their present de meanor Is the reverse of polite or gen tle, and reflects but little credit on themselves or on those who have brought them up. The mothers seem to get accustomed t this kind of brus (iverie from their daughters, and do not perceive its effect upon people who hear and see it for the first time. Tfev.Tsavirf MonnPrtV iravorite Remedy CURES ALL KIPNE STOMACH 'AND LIVER TRUUBUtS A CARD OF THANKS. I wish to say tha I feel under last ing obligations for what Chamberlain's Pnnrt "Rpmdv has done for our family Wo vmvo nsprt it in so many cases 01 0 M We Sr w tSnhtei and whooping' coughs, lung troubles and wftoopmg , S7 cough, and it tras always given ""iWftr, scr,.ce. and thev seldom heard of most peneci eauoiatuvii. . - We Iccl ereatlv indented xo uie iuauuiuuip ;atiy indented xo xne ""-": of this remedy and wish them to please rrort our hearty tnanKS. iespem. fully, Mrs. S. Doty, ies momes, a For sale by C. A. Kaysor. A Story of M. Gaillanme. An amusing story is told of M. Gull laume. the retiring president of th wdiiaIi Afts.flAmv in Rome. M. Gu.Ii- laume, who is well known and greatly esteemed in -the Italian capital, is m l-v 0-ratir-T,inth irnr TTp i still balft TowpvpT nn v,r,fl. anri heartv. however, and a veryiiand- some old gentleman to boot. A young Raman lady of noble family and artis-f tic tastes has now '.fallen in lore with" him and has actually "proposed." The venerable sculptor appears to Ihave oi, o mnn,t,'. ioV Vtira -ht x 11.- ;j m t.j. v answer, ai ine cnu mj told tne young lady that May and De- cember would not make the best alll- nce, and modestly declined . the of- 'er. The fair signorina haa taken the eft sal so much to heart that she now pre.?r3 in widows weeaHjaira swears. he will not change them until- her I iomeo alters his mind or dies tBft'S .FRIEND thiiJordeal of woman who use': jkiuixiaxv , s,. , child-hirth for it1 robs ' horror and insures safety to motherland Our booV, Before. Baby is Bora," is I its weight in gold t6 every .woman and ;De sent tree in piain enycio yj NOVELTIES IN Ai'CONS. Many Variations of Design are Shown in the Fancy Little Article. ;The fancy .apron from an -article of occasional utility has burst forth into .the . glory of performing constant duty 'functions where its presence is really regarded with fashionable interest. It "predominates at summer charity fairs, ia' the boudoir jtnd in the sewing room. f But its latest appearance is at the after- nooh tea . Tie in miovation- of wearing the fancy apron at the afternoon function is dis guised under the charitable name of fad, but down in the summer' girl's heart she adores the abbreviated little article for the many spots it saves her handsome toilette. i,., J Fancy Api on of C hi Hon. No recommendation for their economy can bo given with a description oi these aprons, however, for the fanciest ones are quite costly. They are made of em broidered and hand-pain fed chiffons and tsilk gauzes and are trimmed in the most artistic manner with ribbons and real laces. In many instances the bib is of real renaissance. HO -Sli.il iO.Sll,'.!. Less I't'ii'ii-'ivo designs are mad?, though, t !;;.-. nv developed in shee; lawns in-.i'rted with v;ilonciennes lace aud tit j fne embroidery. Ileleu Grey-Page. The Chinese ask, "How is your liv er?" instead of. "How do r do?" for when the liver Is active the health 13 good. DeWitt's Little Early Risers ar famous little pills for the liver ant bowels. Dr. T. C. Smith. If speech is silver and silence is golden where does the greenback come in Dr. David Kennedys lEavorite Remedy CURES ALL KIDNEY. STOMACH ' AiD UVFR TROUBLES. Experience is a pretty dear teacher when it comes in the form of a hand some school ma'm. v Starvation never yet cured dyspep sia. Persons with indigestion are al ready half starved. They need plenty of wholesome food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat so the body can be nourished while the worn-out organs are being reconstructed. It is the only preparation known that will instantly relieve and completely cure all stomach troubles. Try it if vou are suffering from indigestion, it will cer tainly do you good. Dr. T. C. Smith It's strange people render homage to a great man when he dies, tut not when he is born. QUESTION ANSWEI D. Yes, August Flower still has the larg est sale of any medicine in the civi zed world. Tour mothers and grandmotn era never thought of using anything else Indie.eatkm m Biliousness Doctors innanlMH. NprvmiS , 11.111. -K.T -r- - vn Prostration or Heart Failure, etc. . T,r,. . ,1C1QJ Anat Fk)wer to clean out tBe ey9tem and Bt0p fermentation of undige ted food, tegu late the action of the liver, stimulate the nervous and organic action otf the system, and that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with headaches and other aches. You only need a few dose of Green's August Flower in liquid form td imake you satisfled there is nothing serious the matter witn you. or-aaie at W. C. Carmichael's. v A TTUiy po A trulv oolite man always listens with interest to the story he has heard dozen times. . PAIN-KILLER as an Internal remedy -nas no equal in cases or summer com- - Plaiats, diarrhoea, dysentery. quickly. Used as a liniment It cures nts action - is Jike maeric. when aonlied to baa burn scalds and sprains. For & headache and toothache don't ffaJ1 it In ghort it is a Paln. Killer Avoid , sul statutes ; there is but pain-" .ller, Perry Davis', Price 25c' and 50c Gaette want adds. reach Asheville I And other painful and serious ailments which so many mothers suffer, can be avoided by the v-use of Mother's Friend." This remedy .is a God-send to women, because it carries them . throilirh 'their most . critical ordeal with pejrfect safety and no uain. No. " need fear the suffering and dangerof, its " - 6 . . child. l r7nmnrnjfl fll P worth, LuJiLU II InllC-lfti K)J ttv01 1 Avy7s .:f,r.z.s I f Tf I Vf f VV' WWW w WW W WW w V m PEOPLE'S ! T T I i " VWT WWWW WrWWrZw MI&CELLANEOU8. HELP is in demand. Those wanting cooks or chambermaids sh( uld.t apply at once, as the season Is advancing ' and the supply of help deci rasing. JOHN SMITH, 15 N. Main, 'phone call 680. 96 tf. WANTED ACTIVE MEN OF GOOD ch racter to deli" r ana collect for old established wholesale and export ing house. Bona fide salary of $900 a year guaranteed with expenses. Ref- - erences exchanged. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelo i . WHOLESALERS AND EXPORT ERS, Third Floor, 33 x De "born St., Chlcajo. 8--30t. DOES THIS INTEREST YOU? WE have customer for purchase of nice little Lome with garden and yaru. ia good neighborhood, on or near street car line; also customer for laTge boarding ho -..--cor small hotel for rent for summer; also customers for 5, 6, 7 and 8 room unfurnished houses, well constructed, with, modern conven iences and in good neighborhood. Wilkie & LaBarbe, Real Estate Brok ers, 23 Patton ave., 'phone 661. MISS NORA WARB-Pianist and teach, er in stringed instruments. Corner o Spruce an Woodfln streets. HOTELS AND BOARDING HOUSES. WANTED A gentleman and wife as boarders in a private family; house and furniture new; only 10 minutes' walk from the square, and desirable part of 'the city. Terms very low. Ad dress Permanent, Gazette. GENTLEMAN deeir.s board in pri vate famiiy few miles frtun Ashe ville for the months of July and Au gust, near river or lake; describe lo cat on and give price per week. Ad dress Ashe vine Gazette. 97-bt. ROCK LEDGE, Ashville, N. C, Board ing; new house; all modern conven iences; perfectly sanitary; located on Battery Park Hill near Postoffice; free from dust and noise; excellent table; rates, $1 to $2 per day. 'Mrs. Lucetta V. Cole 62 Haywood et., 'phone No. 416., Asheville, N. C. ROM AND TABLi3 BOARD in pri vate family. Table very beet the market affords; centrally located; on . car line; terms very lowi Address H, Gazette. 77tf. ROOMS Nicely housekeeping 63-26t furnished for light C 1 at i.39 alJey . FOR RENT. FOR RENT Two connecting furnished rooms for housekeeping for $10 a month ito the right party. 38 S. FRENCH BROAD AVE. FOR RENT A new four-roo . cottage and two acres pasture; 1 1-2 miles out, on Lookout Mountain street rail way. Apply to C. S. Cooper, 39 S. Main st. 93tf. FOR RENT A COUPLET. ELY FUR- nished sven-room house, with all moderu conveniences and electric lights; near street car line; only five minutes' walk from Cou square. Apply at No. 6 Giady St., or Wilkie & LaBarbe 82 tf. FOR RENT One boardinsr house. 12 rooms, all modern conveniences and electric ligh ; on newly paved street. Also one seven-room cottage, one fur nished and one unfurnished fl all modern conveniences. Apply to O. D. Revell, 32-34 Paton ave. FOR SALE. FOR SALE CHEAP One five-gallon ice cream freezer in good condition at No. 3 East Court square; also an Al bicycle; cost $50; wheel which can be bought very reasonable. Call on J. S. Mosseller. Phone 628. FOR SALE Or exchange town los and land in Florida. Address Z. L., eare of Gazette. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Lo at Pinebluff, N. C. Address N. S. M care Gazette. t Last fall I sprained my left hip while handling some heavy boxes. The doctor I called on said at first it was a slight strain and would soon be well, but It grew worse and the doctor then said I had rheumatism. It continued to grow Worse, and .1 could hardly get around to work. I went to a drug store and the druggist recommended me to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm- I tried It n.r, rl V 1 - f A X. 1 Lll . 1 auu j Lic-utx.il. ui to, ou-cent uotue curea i me entirely. I now recommend it toi all my friends. F. A. Babcock, Erie Pa. It is for sale by C. A. Raysor. Gazette want ad bring quick return News and Opinions OT" s National Importance THE ALONE ' CONTAINS BOTH Daily, by mail,.. $6 a year Daily and Snnday by mail, $8 a year The Sunday Sun I '' , -t-;-. to tke greatest Sunday newspaper L the world. Price 5c a copy. By mail $2 a year. r ' r . SL'ri XVII People in trie early stages of Kidney Diseases had better hare a care. If you don't stop that pain in the back, some of these days you will have Bright's Disease, Catarrh of the Bladder, , or Gravel and Stone in the Bladder. This is startling, but it is true. You are just as much in peril if you have frequent aesire to urinate at night, and if there is a scalding pain in passing water. If you suffer from any or all these symptoms, you had better begin at once to take Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy Tina vocrotahlft mftrlip.inA will malcA vnn feel better in a day or two. Your urine j will clear un. the uric acid will be sena- Jf U rated from it, and the desire to pass water will be subdued to natural condi tions. That pain in the back will cease. The bowels will move regularly anj ; naturally, and all signs of Dyspepsia and Biliousness will disappear. Yo; will feel at least ten years younger, and look younger, too. Letter Carrier A. T. Cook, of 417 Third Avenue, West Troy, N. Y., says: " For years I suffered from Constipation, with Pains through mj Liver and Kid neys, which were very acute. I tried many medicines, but nothing did me any good until I got a bottle of Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. It helped me wonderfully, and now I am a well man." A large bottle is sold by druggists for $1, or six bottles for $5. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. Send your name and address to the DR. D A VTD KENNEDY CORPORATION, Rondout, N. Y., mentioning this paper. You 'will receive by re turn mail, absolutely free, a trial bottle of Fa vorite Remedv, and a pamphlet containing val uable medical advice, ouch as everybody needs. THE WAYNESVILLE IN Wiynesvllle, IS. C. Under the personal nwageme .t T E. Boston. Accommodations for 150 guests. Bui new. All the modern improvements fol J. E. HOTEL FLEMING r Marion, n. GKDBER CONCERT New York Weekly Tribune An old, staunch, tried and true friend of the American people from tbe Atlantic to the Pacific and the pioneer in every movement calculated to ad vance the interests and increase the prosperity of country people in every state in the union. For over half a century farmers have followed its, instructions in raising their crops and4n converting them into cas'h have been guided by ita markefc reports, which have been national authority. If you are interested in "Science and Mechanics," that department will please and instruct. "Short Stories" will entertain old and young. "Fash ion Articles" will catch the fancy of the ladies and humorous illustration and items will bring sunshine to your household. THE "yVEEKLY TRIBUNE is the people's paper for the entire United States an J contains all important news of the nation and world. Regular subscription price $1.00 per year, but we furnish it And The Weekly Gazette One Year for $1.25 NEW YORK THl-WEEKLY TRIBUNE than once a week. Containing all the striking news features of THE DAILY TRIBUNE up to hour of going to press andis profusely illustrated. Regular subscription price $1.50 per year, but we furnish- it And the Weekly 6azette One Year for $2 CO Send all ciders to The Gzettei Ashevil'e, & One o the great advantages o going to Texas via Memphis and the Cotton :jB?lt is, that you avoid the annoyances and dis comforts of changing cars, necessary on other routes. ' The Cotton Pelt, trains are the only ones that run through from Memphis to Texas without change. " iee trains canry Pnllman Sleepers at night. Parlor Cafe Cars during the day .and Through Coaches and Free Reclining Chair Cars both day and , - night. The Service compares favorably with that of any road in the country -. Write and tell us where you are going and when yon will leave, and we wUl tell yon. what your ticket win cost and what tsaln to take to make th beat time and connections. We will also sendyou an Interesting little booklet. , Any w xoxas. P. ft. WYATtrT. P. A., Cincinnati, Ohio. H. If. SUTTON, T. : EvW. LaBEAUME, (L TRY THIS TEST, Put some urine in a glass tumbler and let It stand 24 hours. A sediment at the bottom or . milky, cloudy appearance indicates that the kid neys are in dangerous condition, and that Favorite Remedy is badly needed. HealUiy urine is clear, and does not stain linen. Montague, formerly a resident of Iding new, furniture new, everything and up-to-date hotel. MONTAGUE, Proprietor. (JO., Proprietors. For Nearly Sixty Years the Leading National Family Newspaperfor Progressive Farmers and VHIaaers. Published Monday, Wednesday and1 Friday. A complete, up-to-date daily ne" paper three times .per week for bo people who receive their mail oftenef MEMPHIS TO W. O. ADAMS, ,TP. P. A. NasbviUe, Te"1- P. A., Chattanooga, Tenn. P. and T. A., St Louis, i -l New York.. A.

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