v ? f1 THE ASHETILLE GAZExii TUJE 7 igoo. X 1 .-'."-V ! . -:. -- ' mi 3 An Advocate of Popular Rights as Distinguished from King Rule in North Carolina. THE ASHEVLL.L DAILY GAZBT ;IN THB PRESENT YEAR AS A NEW OF NORTH CAROLINA CAN LOOK ND THE NBWS OF THEIR STATE EACH DAY. Full Telegraphic Service of General News from the Laffan News Bureau N. Y. Sun). THB DAILY GAZETTE HAS A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT AT -WASHINGTON FROM WHOM IT OBTAINS IN ADDITION TO ITS REGU LAR PRESS DESPATCHES ALL THB NEWS RELATING ESPECIALLY TO SiORTH CAROLINA INTERESTS AS DEVELOPED AT THB NATIONAL -CAPITAL. THE BTATB NBWS SERVIOB OF THE DAILY GAZETTE DURING THB XSAR WILL BE ENLARGED AND RENDERED SO COMPLETE THAT ITS REAPERS CAN KEEP FULLY INFORMED OF TKS sND OJ cHVENTS IN NORTH CAROLINA. IN TH POLITICAL CAMPAIGN OF THB YEAR IN NORTH CARO LINA THAN WHICH NONB MORE VITAL TO THE INTERESTS OF THE &TATE HAS CONFRONTED ITS PEOPLE, THE GAZETTE WILL ACTTVB liY ESPOUSE THB MAINTENANCE OF A REPUBLICAN FORM OF GOV ERNMENT AND OPPOSE AND EXPOSE THB EFFORTS OF THOSE WHO -ATM TO DESTROY THE SUFFRAGE RIGHTS OF CITIZENS IN VIOLA TION OF THB CONSTITUTION AND TO ESTABLISH A POLITICAL OLI GARCHY BY MEANS OF LEGALIZED FRAUD AT ELECTIONS. IN THE DISCUSSIONS OF THE VITAL POLITICAL ISSUES OF THE CAMPAIGN THE GAZETT3 WILL DEAL IN FACTS. ASSUMING NO POSITION THAT IT CANNOT SUSTAIN BY EVIDENCE THAT WILL AP PEAR IN ITS COLUMNS. THE WEEKLY GAZETTE, Now in its Fourth year is an Eight Pagre Newspaper, published on Thursday? IT CONTAINS THB CREAM OF frULL DISCUSSION OF CURRENT AN AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT, WTTH INFORMATION ESPEC IALLY ADAPTED TO FARMERS IN NORTH CAROLINA, WILL BE AN PADDED FEATURE OF THB WEEKLY GAZETTE FOR 1800. Bi Daily Gazette, one year, Daily Gazette, six months, , - - 2.00 1 ' 1 Wee v fra7pup one vear. - ! - I.OO J -www w j J AVetkly Gazette with New York Weekly Tribune, one year for THE DAILY GAZBTTEj IS DBXJVB RED IN - NBARLIY HVERY TOWN IN HB STATE THAT IS ON A RADLR OAD ON THE DAY OF PUBLICA ON. ITS REGULAR ; ElTIONwHICH ISt SERVED TO ALL MAIL 6XIBSCRIBBRS GOES TO PRESS AT 4 A. mI, ENLDXQ'TT TO PUBLISH tN ITS REGULAR ttTtoGK W TE WILL BEJ GREATLY IMPROVHD SPAPER TO WHICH THE PEOPLE FOR THB NEWS OF: THB WORLD THAT MAKES THB HISTORY OF THE NEWS OF THB WEEK AND A ISSUES AND ETVTBNTS. - - - $4.00 both papers. ....$1.50 IIOZLEY'S LE2X02T ELIXIR. Rwrtilates the Liver, Stomach, Bowels and Kidneys; - For biliouanesB, cons pation and jna laria. " - h For lndigsuon, sik nd nervoun headache. For eleepleesnesa, nervousness, heart failure and nervous prostration. . For lever, chills, depilfty and , kldnejr diseases, take Lemon Elixir t Ladies, for natural and 'norougin -organic regulation, Lake Len an Elixir. 50c and ;i a bottle, at druggriats. Prepared only by Di I: Mozly, At lanta, Ga. Gratituda. Dr. H. Mozly Dear i Since usinjf your Lemon Elixir I have never had an other attack of those fearful sick head aches, and thank God that I have at last found a medicine that will cure those awlui' spells. MRS. ETTA W. JONlS, Parker sburg, W. Va. Mozley's Lemon Elixir. I suffered with indige tkm and dysen tery for two long years. I (heard of Lemon Elixir; got it; taken seven bot ties and am now wel? men. HARRY ADAVS, No. 1734 First ave., Birmingham, Ala. Mozley's Lemon Elixir. Cured my husband, who was afflicted with large ulcerson his leg, and was cured alter using two bottles: and cured , a friend whom the doctors had given up to die; who had suffered lor years with indigestion and nervous prostra tion. MRS. E. A. BEVILLE, Woodstock Ala. MDZ,EY'S LESLOII HOT DROPS. Cures all Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Hemorrhage, nd lung diseases. Elegant, reliable. 25c at dTuggis'ts. Prepared onry by Dr. H. Mozly, Atlanta, Ga. The Philippine Language. William R. Walters, who is serjring In the Philippines, tells this story; Some very amusing affairs take plact between our soldiers and the Chinese merchants, owing to the inability of the Americans to "sabee" the Orien tal language. During that part of the fighting which is known in our ranks as "the loot of Tondon," I saw a cor poral of the Twenty-third regulars rake a small safe out of 'some ruins af ter a fire. Finding it to be empty, he started away with it under his arm. Before he had gone very far he met a Chinese merchant, to whom he un dertook to sell the purloined safe. "Lookee here, John, how muchee you give for safee? Bellee nicee. Mucho wano safee?" say the corporal with much gesticulation and contortion "I really don't need a safe," quiet ly replied the benighted Chinaman, but I suppose you boys need some beer-money, so what do you say to $1 for It?" Rochester Democrat. BLOOD PC SON CURED BY B. B. B. Bottle Free to Sufferers. Deep seated, obs.! te oases, the kind that have resisted doctors, hot pringa ..ind patent meaicine treajtmprit. quickly yield to B. B. B. (Boutin Blood Balm), thorough y tested f r 30 years. Have you mucous pa-tches in the mouth? Sore 'throat? Eruption? Eat ing sores? Bone Pains? Itching skin? Swollen gd-Jids? ociff joints? Oopper colored spots? Chancres? Ulceration on the body? Hair and eyebrows fall out? Is tL i skin a mass of boils, pimples and ulcers? Then this wonder ful B. B. B. specific will completely change th- whole bod. Into a cl an, and skin smooth, wit. i the glow of per- ad skin stuooth with the glow of per fect (health. B. B. B. drains the poi son out of the system so the symptoms c .. not return. At the same time B. B. B. builds up vie broken down con stitution and improves the digestion. So sufferers may-.fes' . B. B. a tri 1 bottle will be given away free of charge. 7Z. B. 3. for sale by druggists at tl per large bottle, r 6 large bottles (full treatment) $5. Com .ate directions w-th ea -j bottle. For trial bottle, ad dress Blool Ba n Co., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble an free : Jical. ad vice given. tvy poisoning, poison wounds and all other accidental injuries may be quick ly cured by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is also a certain cure for piles and skin disease. Take no other. Dr. T. C. Smith. When offered oats the hungry horse never says neigh. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. v The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature If it is true that the best noses point heavenward, the girl with a snub nos3 has no cause for complaint. Hie Kidneys, liver and Blood CUBE ALL YOCS PAIRS WITH Paim&iller. A Medicine Chest in itself. SIMPLE, SAFE AND QUICK CURE FOR Cramps, Diarrhoea, Colds, Coughs, Neuralgia, Rheumatism. B3 25 and SO cent Bottles. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. 8 . v BUY ONLY THE GENUINE, f S?3 n PERRY DAVIS ' PR. DAVID JivDB6ttS The one sure cure for A HAPPY ENDING' "Wen, I'm glad that some one has bought Judge Harmon's old place '-rat last," said John Sanders,' hie fi& Ished his cup of teai ;-v ;7 His sister looked ud. "'Hetty mhka of it the other day, bnt tttd not. know 4 lr tne rumor was true. Who is the pnry cnasi : jjo you knowur' "Somebody from the city. , They-gay he's rich, and will spend his summers here. It will make quite a difference in the village when "those shutters -are taken down. It seems the Judge' is going to remain in Bermuda perman ently, the climate agrees so well with .him. Well, I must be off to the store if I wish to get back before dark," and away John went whistling out of the door and down the road. His sister busied herself clearing away the supper table 'anl washing the dishes, and when her ...work was, ended sat down on the chair in the ivy covered porch to read the latest maga zine, but its contents did not interest her. and her thoughts were busy with the past. . Cynthia Saunders was an old maid She was tall, somewhat angular and not at all good-looking, but there was something very attractive in her coun-J teuance, "the goodness shining through," as one of her-neighbors ex pressed it, which made her the friend of every one she came in contact with, and the idol of the yillage school, where she had labored faithfully so many years. Cynthia had had herromance, an ex t, ""'Y1 u"?Irf - ?L 1 7 auu as sn sat uimKin8 or the past her mind wandered back to that summer day twelve vears before twelve years that very day, it occurred to her then when Frank Hendrick had parted with her at the gate. She could;! see him now as he strode down the road in anger. It was only a lover's quarrel, a trifle, but both were obstinate, and as a re sult the estrangement had become per manent. A few weeks afterthat event ful evening she had heard the remark from some gossip in the village street that Frank Hendricks was going away. He had disposed of his business and would leave in a few days for the city J At last the day came when she heard of his departure, and after one out burst of grief, Cynthia had made up her mind to banih him from her A thoughts and live her life without him. Years had gone by. She had been too busy with her school and home work to be very unhappy, but she could not forget, and the news of the sale of the Judge's house had opened the wound in her heart afresh. Hovf often had Frank said to her that some day he would buy the old place, the handsomest in BlairsYille some day when he had become rich and how happy they would be then. Often she had thought that she hated him for his desertion, his cruelty to her. but at that moment she acknowl edged the truth, and not to herself alone "I love him still." Inadvertent ly she spoke the words aloud. "Then you will forgive me, Cynthia,' said a voice. She looked up. Frank Hendricks stood before her, older, with hair slightly gray, she could see in the gathering twilight, but unmistakably Frank. One moment she hesitated, then threw herself into her lover's arms. "How could you be so cruel not to let me hear a word from you in all these years?" ".But there must be some mistake. I wrote you many times, twice even be fore I left Blairsville, until your silence forced me to believe that you no long er cared to hear from me." "I never received a letter, Frank. Some one has treated us most cruelly." CYNTHIA LOOKED UP. Then I will have the matter investi gated and that some one shall surfer. But Cynthia, let us not grieve too much about the past. Do you know it veas the old Judge's house that brought me back to you? I saw it advertised for sale and bought it simply to pre vent it from passing into the hands of any one else, after all our day dreams of Ions ago; and as I came up this af ternoon on the train I decided to see you once more. That is how I came to be here, and now let us-forget the past. We have both suffered, but all's well that ends well." Boston Post. All who suffer from piles will be glad to learn that DeWitt's Witch Haze Salve will give them instant and per manent relief. It will cure eczema an all skin diseases. Beware of counter feits. Dr. T. C. Smith. The baker's apprentice is a young loafer. Better a diamond with a flaw- than.'' a pebble without one. Bean the Signature of rTti8 Kind Yoo Hare Always - Last) Thursday an Ohio man ran away to enact the role of Robinson Crusoe but his wife followed him with a broom handle and brought him back Friday. Unless food is digested quickly it will ferment and irriratft th stomach After each meal take a teaspoonful of Kodol Dyspepsia, Cure. It. digests w&ai you eat and will allow . you 'to eat; ail you need of what you like. It. never fails to cure the worst case ofV dyspepsias. It la pleasant to take. Dr. .TV C. Smith. f ilio jSai Ml. tatt-Uil Stove in 5$ii liMSbiils lighter. xt ; fhe'aewttt idea In hot weather cooking. Burns tne'tome eil a iayow lamp. Absolutely safe. No smoke. No smell. art!) "snnn m&STteai i imnmna Sold wherever .stoves are sold. tig 11 a! Co) 1 HEALTHY OLD ACE. 0 XiAXtm, Bbktow Oo. Abk. , Aug. 4. X mm 49 fears old and hare been suffering with Change of Life. I had flooding: pell bo bad that pone thought I could live. My iiusband got me Wine of Cardui and it aared my life. I am lik anether person aince taking it. MR9. B. B. TOWNSEND. i It is the devout wish of nearly all people to live to a ripe old age. None of us want to die young;. This universal desire can be realized if tare be taken of the health in early and middle life. A little precaution then will add many years to our existence. Death can be kept away a long: time. Happy, Healthy old age will be the lot ot the woman who promptly corrects the ailments which afflict her sex. In youth, Wine of Cardui will take the female child safely over the dividing line between girlhood and womanhood. As a wife she needs it to help her through the trials of pregnancy and childbirth with as little discomfort as possible. At the Change of Life it will help her over the dangerous place that appears in her patlfway between 40 and SO. Then will come many years of truly bUssful existence. She will grow old slowly and gracefully. To the last she will preserve that charm and beauty which are always characteristic m rvO LABI For LABIEr AIYISOIY DEFAITHEIT. For advice In rasea ro nirlnir aneclal direction, address, (riving symptoms. uoicua co., cnattanooga, Tenn. LARGE BOTTLES OF WINE OF CARDUI SOLD FOR $I.OO BY .DRUGGISTS. ' ALIENS IN JAPAN How They will Be Affected by the V New Decree. Over L000 citizens of the United States, 2,000 Englishmen and about 1000 Germans and French citizens will be directly affected by the new order of things in Japan, by which extra territoriality disappears and foreign residents are made subject to the laws and business regulations of that em pire. Fully 5,000 of the 10,000 foreign ers now residing in Japan will be thus affected by this feature of the fifteen new treaties which nave abandoned consular courts and extra-territoriality and made the citizens of the fifteen countries in question subject to the laws of Japan when residing in that country. Tt is interesting to observe that the disposition of the Japanese is apparent ly to look almost exclusively to the United States in educational matters, as the totaL number of Japanese stud ents residing abroad, as shown by the census figures, was 2,465, and of this number 2,178 were in the United States, 129 in Germany, 47 in Russia and Russian colonies, 46 in England, auu ji,ngnsn colonies, 'Ji m unina, 14 in Corea and 10 in France. . The commercial relations between Japan and the United States differ mtaerially from those "of many other countries. While our total exports largely exceed our total imports, the conditions are rerersed in our com merce with Japan, as out imports from that country greatly exceed our ex ports to it. This is due to the fact that Japan ishe producer of certain ar ticles absolutely required in the United States, and which cannot, or at present are not. produced lh. this country. Of raw silk for our manufacturers our Imports from Japan in the year Just ended amounted in round numbers to $15,000,000, or nearly as much as our total exports tp that country, white practically one-half of our tea Import ed was also from Japan, the total from that country during the year being over $4,000,000. Of rice the imports range insthe vicinity of a half-million dollars: flax, hemp and jute for manu facfuring in round terms a half -million dollars.. ,while manufacturers of isilk from Jafmri grange between $2,000,000 viand $3,000,Q0tf annually; Japanese of- fictaK figures; show that the exports froqx that country to the United States were in 189S 47,311,154 yen and her Imports from the" Unfited States 40. 001.0$7" yen. Anexamination of the total ; figures for 1803 shows that Japan's trade with the United Stales Is larger' than that ifrith any otlief country, the exports - to the ' United States being 47,311.154 yenagainst3$: 473.895 to i Hong Kong, 29,198.175? tp China, 20,496.406 to France and 7.783, 643Lto tbe'United Kingdom; while the Imports from the United States 'were 40,001,097 yen, against 02,707,572 from the United Kindgom, 40.764.244 from yirjtish East ndfes 30,523,860 from Chmaattd 25,61061 yen from Ger many ' . - Goof: Gool Blue the Jsitchen. l tie the BLUB S3 FLAME iiiiiinniiiiiiiK If your dealer does not have them, write to the Standard Oii, Company. of perfectly healthy grandmothers, it is -for women alone to decida whether they will be healthy or sick. The remedy for their sick ness is close at band. I 13 ojj 3iio..CcyAa QaUJ WOULD NOT SUFFER SO AGAIN FOR FIFTY TIMES ITS RICB. I awoke last nlgnt with severe pains in my stomach. I never felt so badly inall my life. When I came down to work this morning I felt soweak' I could hardly work. I went to Miller & McCurdy's drug store and they rec omended Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy. It worked like magic and one dose fixed me all right. It certainly Is the finest thing I ever used for stomach trouble. I shall not be without it in my home uuiMii iii iui aiiuuiu uuL Laic lit rn v ; . - j dure the sufferings of last night again " j . -Z. . it . a kAj t r for fifty times Its price. G. H. Wil son, liveryman, Burgettstown, Wash ington county, Pa. This remedy is for sale by C. A. Raysor, -ruggist. Dewey on Discipline. "Dewey," said an old friend of his the other day, "Is a man with an ideal, and he has lived up to it nearer than most men. His first ambition is to do the duty before him with all his strength and all his might. Long ago, when he as only a subaltern, one of his shipmates said to him: 'Look here, Dewey, if you don't let up a bit on your all fired discipline you'll have all the crew down on you, sure enough.' 4t shall be very sorry for that,' re sponded the young g officer, 'but it will iwj.i'JJ i doing what I know " I i not deter me from is expected of me.' 'Go on,' replied his companion, 'but you're going to be un popular. "His colleague's prediction did not come true, however. There is no officer in the Navy who is more es teemed and respected by his men; yet he has Invariably kept them up to the highest state of discipline. He has at the same time treated them as men. sympathized with them .looked out for their welfare and stretched a point now and then to let them have a good time:" New York Tribune. Neglect is the short step so many take from a cough or cold to consump' tiop. The early use of One Minute Cough Cure prevents consumption is the only harmless remedy that-ives immediate results. lit cures ail throa and lung troubles. Children all like It and mothers endorse it. Dr. T. C. fjfi"i. smith. " : , DvD6Dsia Cure , , . f Digests what you eat., VltaittficiaUy digests the food and aia itrnctlng the exoausted digestnreior- ":CVi"iv rans. It is the latest discovered digest- ? ;f Tt . c ant and ton?. JSo other preparation sT v ' can approacn it in efficiency. It in- cvi-. ill otherresnltsof imperf ectdigestlon;t-i .7 v l -iJ t f t t I 1 Ml ft w i i ' j 7 T j r . ! V i r iL 1 Mr" Ft i - 'it8 41 i. v ... - ' ' JV: '! i f . A 6 ft 'xi fit,. 5 t. ! H 1 -2 js'r- 3 1 ji X It' .- '1 3 - I ' .1 : r F ITS DAHY CONTEMPORA,BIES. y 2 i.

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