Hans An dersen has a story of a buf falo that scorned the snow flakes. "Pouf," he snorted, "I can blow you away with a breath, what trie?" But the flakes kept falling, fal ling, until the buffalo was almost buried, and the hunter slipped along the snow crust and made him an easy prey. There's another hunter who hunts to kill, who makes many a man his victim because of a folly like that of the buffalo in Andersen's fable. It's a little thing to have that uneasy feeling in the stom ach after eating. Sour risings and belch ing are also reckoned little things. Yet these little things are among the minor marks of a disordered condition of the stomach and organs of nutrition and digestion. Of themselves they may not kill, but if despised they may open a pathway to some deadly disease. Don't neglect the first symptoms of indigestion or "stomach trouble." The timelv use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medi calyDiscovery may avert a more serious danger. It will surely cure any disease of the stomach and organs of digestion and nutrition, excepting cancer. Mr. Ned Nelson, the celebrated Irish comedian and mimic, of 577 Royden Street, Camden, N. J., writes : " We fulfilled an engagement of twelve weeks and the constant traveling gave me a bad touch of that dreaded disease called dyspepsia. I had tried everything possible to cure it, till last week, while playing at B. F. Keith's Bijou Theater, Philadelphia, in the Nelson Trio, a professional friend of mine advised me to try Ir. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. I tried it, and, thank God. with good results." Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are a specific for biliousness. AVallack on the Ballet. The late Lester Wallack once told a story of his still more famous father, James W.. that as either an actor or a manager he could never tolerate the bal Jet, even vv-here it was seemingly neces sary according to custom as part of an entertainment or in the opera. One day there came to him a friend, a man about town, who said, "My dear Wallack, it is very curious that you do not see the beauties of imagination shown by the poses of the ballet." Going on in this strain the visitor at last wore out the patience of the actor-manager, who replied: "Look here, it is bad enough to stand these absurdities in an opera: but, though I can comprehend people singing their joys. I am hanged if I can their dancing their griefs." San Francisco Argonaut. FARMERS provide yourself with Pain-Killer at this season of the year, when cMic, cholera morbus, dysentery, diarrhoea, &c, may disable your hands use it in every case of the kind, but be sure that you trust to no other rem edy but the old, long tried Perry 1-iavis Pain-Killer which n?ver failed. Avoid substitutes, there is but cue Pain-Killer, Perry Davis'. Price 25c and 50c. If you do a man a favor and then re fuse to do him another it will make him twice as angry as if you refused the firat. A CARD OF THANKS. I wish to say that I feel under last ing obligations for what Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has done for our family We have used it in so manv cases of coughs, lung troubles -nd whooping cough, and it has always given the moat perfect satisf action. We feel greatly indebted to the manufacturers of this remedy and wish them to please accept our hearty thanks. Respect fully, Mrs. S. Doty, Des Moines, la For sale by C. A. Rafysor. A chronic loafer fills a place in so ciety corresponding to that occupied by a weed in the vegetable kingdom. Starvation never yet cured dyspep sia. Persons with Indigestion are al ready half starved. They need plenty f wholesome food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat so the body can be nourished while the worn-ou organs are being reconstructed. It is the only preparation known that Instantly relieve and completely cure All stomach troubles. Try it if vou are Buffering from indigestion. It will cer tainly do you good. Dr. T. C. Smith it was an irishman who told his 1 sweetheart that he coudn't sleep for dreaming of her GLORIOUS NEWS. Comes from Dr. Cargile of Washitc, I. T. He writes: Electric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer o' scrof ula, which had caused her great suffer bag for years. Terrible tores woui bretlc out on her head and face. an the best .doctors could give no help; but now her health is excellent." Electric Bitters is the best blood pur ifier known. Its the supreme remedy for eczema. Ulcers KnIW and rnnnlno P ww Mil fc A, A UjUj sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, expels poisons, helps digestion, builda up the strength. Only 50 cts. Sold by all druggists. Guaranteed. The great wall of China is said to be the largest piece of porcelain in the world. STORIA. Bean the Bears the "8 Mna TOU Have AlWaYS rThe Kind Kou Have Always Bought G 5REJE NSBORO. N ;C. fCi the treatment of THE LIQUOR, fl?IUM, MORPHINE ar.-l rOr-iAJd!rtioi)8TbeTobbacco''iab!t.Nerc.h;,lJ8tio). " ordeal with perfect safety and. no pain. No woman who uses 'Mother's Friend" need fear the suffering and danger of horror and insures safety to mother and child. Our book, "Before Baby is Born," is worth its weightii gold to every woman, and will be 'sent free in plain envelope by Bradfield Regulator Company, Atlanta, Ga. f"V - - .. THE MARKETS BfiTELEGBARH TESTEriDAY'G QUOTATIONS ON NEW YORK "EXCHANGE AND ; CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. Minnesota Crop Situation Growing Worse Stocks Weak. Highest, Lowest and Closing Quota tions for Active Stocks by, Special Telegraph From the Various Ex changes. Reported by Murphy &, Co., Brokers, 11 Church Street, Ashevilie. New York, June 16. All grangers with the except. on of the Atchison. which showed little strength, lost heav ily. Missouri Pacific -was very weak and weak bull account in Southern Pa cific unloaded a great deal of -stock. Sn?sr. sifter holdiner fairlv firm, gave way in sympathy With rest of market, and steel stocks were very weak, es pecially T. C. & I. on account of labor troubles. The close was a little better, but very depressed. London must have sold at least 40,000 shares and probably more not easily traced. The bank statement was not considered a good on. New York, June 16. Northern Pacific weak; dividend disappointing. A fur ther $7 cut in structural iron. Iron trade news still pessimistic. Baltimore 'and Ohio directors will not return till late this year. STOCKS. Reported by Murphy & Co., Brokers, 11 Church Street, Ashevilie. High. Low. Close. Am. Hoop 19 1-8 19 19 Am. St. & W. ... 34 33 1-2 . 33 7-8 Am. Sug. Ref ...117 1-4 115 3-4 115 3-4 Am. Tob 90 1-2 89 1-8 89 1-8 A T & S F 25 3-8 24 1-2 24 1-2 A T & S F pfd .. 70 3-4 69 7-8 69 7-8 B. & 0 76 1-2 75 75 B. & O. pfd 80 79 3-4 79 3-4 Bkyn. R. T 68 1-2 67 3-4 67 3-4 Ches. & Ohio ... 26 25 5-8 25 5-8 C. B. & Q 125 7-8 124 3-4 124 3-4 C. C. C. & St. L. . 57 1-2 57 1-2 57 1-2 Colo. F. & 1 31 30 1-2 31 Con. Gas 190 189 3-4 189 3-4 Con. Tob 23 5-8 23 1-2 23 1-2 Con. Tob. pfd .. 78 1-4 78 78 .. Fed. Steel 31 1-2 30 1-2 30 7-8 Rep. Steel 11 10 5-8 10 5-8 L. & N 76 74 74 Manhattan L. ..82 1-2 88 1-4 88 1-4 Met. St. Ry 153 1-8 152 3-4 153 Mo. Pac 51 49 1-2 49 1-2 N. Y. Cen 129 1-2 128 3-4 128 3-4 N. & W 33 1-2 33 33 Nor. Pac 55 51 5-8 51 5-8 Ont. & W 20 19 3-4 19 3-4 Pac. Mail 26 3-8 26 26 Pennsylvania . .128 5-8 128 128 People's Gas 98 3-4 98 98 Read. 1st pfd ... 57 5-8 56 56 Rock Island ....105 1-2 105 105 St. Paul 113 5-8 112 5-8 112 5-8 South Pac 32 5-8 31 1-8 31 1-8 Southern 11 1-2 11 3-8 11 3-8 Southern pfd .... 52 3-8 51 1-2 51 3-4 Tenn. C. & 1 66 1-2 64 65 Third Ave 108 1-2 108 1-2 108 1-2 Union Pac 52 3-8 50 5-8 50 5-8 Union Pac. pfd .. 73 72 7-8 72 7-8 TJ. S. Leath 09 09 09 Wheel. & L. E. . 08 1-8 08 1-8 08 1-8 BANK STATEMENT. New York, June 16.Following is the back statement for week ending June 16, 1900: Receipts, decrease 875,500 Loans, increase 3,248,300 Speorie, decrease 1,435,000 Legal tenders, increase 965,700 Deposits, increase 2,024,800 Circulation, increase 87,800 COTTON. Reported by Murphy & Co., B.vker?, 11 Church Street, Ashevilie. New York, June 16. Cotton in Liver pool l-32d higher on spots; sales, 54 000 bales. Futures only 1-2 point up on old and about 1-64 on new crops. These advices were not up to expecta tion of locals, consequently this market opened about 2 points down on old and 3 to 5 points on new crops. It weakened will-Tfurther after the opening on local and southern selling. Europe bought. Barely steady; 9 1-16. High. Low. January 7.57 7.52 C13S3. 7.53 7.54 7.57 7.59 7.61 8.60 R.3S 7.84 7.65 7.53 7.51 'February March . 7.60 April 7.58 May July 8-69. 8.60 8.29 7.82 7.br 7.53 7.51 i August 8.39 7.89 7.71 7.58 7.56 September October . November December New York, June 16. Death of Robert Muir, who represented Henry Hentz & Co., on the floor of Cotton Exchange is announced. - ' St. Paul, June 16. Crop situation growing worse daily, as it is discovered that much of the drouth-stricken grain failed to respond and it dead. Rains have fallen during the week, but have ! been of little benefit. Exchange brokers expect not more than $10,000,000 further will be shipped to Euro Trade authorities expect higher wheat prices in view of crop out look and Chinese difficulty. No increase in L. & N. dividends expected. Brad stree'ts report shows lower prices for products with no change in business position. Dunn's report shows good business in the west and south. New York, June 16.The Chronicle's weather report says: "Reports to us this evening from the south are ap parently of a more favorable tenor. From some ponts in Alabama and Mis sissippi there are complaints of too much rain, but as. a, rule reports lndi cate that the conditions have been about And other painful and serious ailments which so many mothers suffer, can be avoided by the use of "Mother's Friend." This remedy is a God-send to women, because it carries them through their, most critical , Tells the story, when your head , aches, and you feel bilious, consti-' ' pa ted, and out of tune, with your 1 'stomach sour and no appetite,' just 1 1 buy a pacsage 01 . - , Komi's Pffls You will be surprised at how easily 1 they will do their work, cure your 1 'headache and biliousness, rouse the'i liver and make you feel happy again. , 4 25 cents Sold by all medicine dealers. as desired, the temperature in particu lar 'having been very satisfactory. cver the greater part of Texas dry weather has prevailed all the week, enabling the wor-x of cultivation to be pushedl Blooms are reported m the vicinity of Montgomery, Ala., and from Bolivar county, Miss." AT THE CHURCHES. First Baptist The delegates to the state convention of the W. C. T. TJ. will attend in a body this morning. A sermon will be preached by Rev. W. M. Vines, pastor of the church. Sub ject tonight, "Negative Heroism." Sun day school at 9:30. J. H. Tucker, su perintendent. West End Baptist Church Preaching at 11 a. m. by the pastor, Rev. J. F. Vines. At 8:30 Rev. Mr. Staley will preach on "Pitching Life's Tent." Sun day school at 9:30 a. m. First Presbyterian Church Preach ing by the pastor, Rev. R. F. Campbell, D. D., ai 11 a. m. and 8:30 p. m.; Christian Endeavor meeting at 7:45 p.m. Central M. CB. Church, South. Sun day school at 9:45 a. m.; preaching by the pastor, Rev. J. H. Weaver, D. p., at 11 a. m. ; Epworth League devotional services at 7:30 p. m. Tonight the an nual address of Mrs. Mary C. Woody, honorary president of the W. C. T. TJ., will be given. It is particularly desired that the public generally -attend. Mrs. Woody is said to be a very able speaker, and the address will be a very interest ing one. North Ashevilie M. E. Church Rev. Edwin L. Bain will preach today at 11 a. m. and 8:15 p. m. Haywood Street M. El Church Sun day school at 9:45 a. m. ; preaching by the pastor, Rev. J. N. Hugging, at 11 a. m. and 8:15 p. rn. ; Epworth League devotional service at 7:45 p. m. Bethel M. E. Church, South, Rev. J. J. Gray, pastor Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. St. Paul's Lutheran Mission There will be no services, in order that mem bers of the mission may attend the various special meetings to be held to morrow. Christian church Services in old li brary building. Sunday school -it 10 a. m.; communion service at 11 a. m. Old Christion Church, Cor. Wood- fin and Spruce Sts. There will be the regular services at 11 a. m. and at 8:30 p. m. First Church of Christ, Scientist, Py thian hall, 35 and 37 South Main street Services at 11 a. m. The public is cordially invited. Seats free. FIRST SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY- St. Lawrence's Catholic church. Fa ther Marion, rector Mass at 8 and 11 a. m. Trinity Church Holy communion at I .ov a. III., Jiioiuiiig pi ay tri at. j.x 111. , Sunday school at 4:45 p. m.; evening JL CLJ CI Ct l V. All Souls' church. Biltmore. Rev. R. R. Swope, D. D., rector Services at 11 a. m. and 5 p. m. All seats in the church are free and the public is cordially invited to attend the ser vices . St. Matthias' Church Morning pray er, litany and sermon at 11 a. m. ; eve ning prayer and sermon at 8:30 p. m. Rev. H. S. McDuffey, priest in charge. ECZEMA. ITCHING HUMORS. PIM PLES CURED BY B. B. B. Bottle Free to Sufferers. treating Eruptions on t&e Skin so you feel ashamed to be seen m company? Do Scabs and Scales form on the Skin, Hair or Scalp? Have you Eczema? Skin Sore and Cr-cked? Raeh form on the Skin? Prickling Pain iu the Skin' Boils? Pimples? Bone Pains? Swol len Joints? Falling Hair? All Run Down? Skin Pale? Old Sores? Eating. Sores? Ulcers? All these are symp toms of 'Eczema - and Impuiriti e und Poisons in the blood. To etay cured take B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) which makes the blood pure and rich. B. B. B. will cause thesores to heal, itching of eczema to stop forever, the skin to become clear and the breath sweet. B. B. B. is Just the remedy you have been looking for. Thoroughly test ed for thirty years. Quit readers are advised to try B. B. B. For sale by all druggists at $1 per large bottle; six large bottles (full treatment) $5. Com plete directions with each bottle. Sj sufferers may test it, a trial bottle givn away. , Write for it. Address BLOOD BALM CO., Alanta, Ga, Describe your trouble and free personal medical ad vice given. There would be a greater demand for "free" things if they did not cost so A LIFE AND DEATH FIGHT. Mr. W. A. Hines of Manchester, la. writing of his almost miraculous es cape from death, says: "-Exposure after measles induced serious lung trouble, which ended in consumption. I hat frequent hemorrhages and coughe night and day. All my doctors said I must soon die. ' Then I began to use Dr. King's New Discovery, which wholly cured me. Hundreds have used it on my advice and all say it never fails to cure throat, chest and lung troubles." . Regular size 50c. and $x.0 Trial bottle free at all druggists. Queer, isn't it, that water always freezes with the slippery side up! Unless food is digested auicklv It ill ferment and irritate the stomach. After each meal take a teaspoonful of Kodol iyspepsra cure, it digests what you eat and will allow you to eat all you need of what you like. It nevw falls to cure the worst case of dvanAiW.. It is pleasant-to take. Dr. T. C; Smith. ! PEOPLE S! ! i MISCELLANEOUS. PARTNER wanted with small capital to invest in paying interprise. Ad dress A. B. C, Gazet e. HELP is in demand. Those wasting , cooks or chambermaids sh uld apply at once, as the season is advancing and the supply of help dec. asing. JOHN SMITH, 15 N. Main, 'phone call 680. 96t. VOUNG MEN WANTED With fair education and good character to learn telegraphy, rail road accounting and typewriting. This is endorsed by all leading railway companies as the only perfect and reliable insti ution of its kind. All our graduates are assisted to positions. Ladies also admitted. Write for free catalogue. (Fall term opens August 15th.) Globe Telegraph College, Lexington, Ky. DOES THIS INTEREST YOU? WE have customer for purchase of nice little (Lome with garden and yaru. la 1 X 1 1.1 1 a x 4. guuu eigiiuui u iu, uu or 11 far Bircei. car line; also customer for large boarding ho.--.ti or t nail hotel for rent for summer; also customers for 5, 6, 7 and 8 room unfurnished houses, well constructed, with modern conven iences and in good neighborhood. Wilkie & LaBarbe, Real Estate Brok ers, 23 Patton(ave., 'phone 661. MISS NORA WARE-Fianist and teach er to stringed instruments. Corner o Spruce and Wood fin streets. HOTELS AND BOARDING HOUSES. KENILWORTH PARK An ideal sum mer home; one mile from center of city, three minutes walk from Bilt more car line; appointments unex celled; rates reasonable. Call or ad dress Mrs. A. Z. Baron, Kenilworth Park, Ashevilie, N. C. 112-tf BOARD Two miles from Ashevilie, five minutes walk fro-r Biltmore street car line; excellent location; 100 feet higher than Ash?,7ille; plenty of shady porches, and a good breeze all the time. TaDle supplied with fresh country butter and pure Jersey milk; vegetables fresh from garden every day. Terms reasonable. Address "B," Gazette. 111-tf SELiECT BOARD In a private family; only two or three boaders taken; cen trally located, and one minute's walk from car line. Rates reasonable. Ad dress "Select," Gazette. tf WANTED A gentleman a. d wWe as boarders in a private family; house and furniture new; oi.ly 10 minutes' walk from the square, and desirable part of the city. Terms very low. Ad dress Permanent, Gazette. ROCK LEDGE, Ashville, N. C, Board ing; new house; all modern conven iences; perfectly sanitary; located on Battery Park Hill near Postofflce; free from dust and noise; excellent table; rates, $1 to $2 per day. Mrs. Lucetta V. Cole 62. Haywood st., 'phone No. 416., Ashevilie, N. C. ROM AND TABLj3 BOARD in pri vate family. Table very best the market affords; centrally looated; on car line; terms very low. Address H, Gazette. 77tf. ROOMS Nicely housekeeping 63-26t furnished for light C 1 at x39 bailey . FOR RENT. FOR RENT A new four-roo , cvttage and two acres pasture; 1 1-2 miles out, on Look ut Mountain street rail way. Apply to C. S. Cooper, 39 S. Main st. 93 tf. FOR RENT One boarding house, 12 rooms, all modern conveniences and electric ligh ; on newly paved street. Also one seven-roonijeottage, one fur nished and one unfurnished fi all modern conveniences. Apply to O. D. Revell, 32-34 Paton ave. FOR SALE. FOR SALE New oak office furniture, book case, desk, tables, chairs, pic tures, clock rugs, etc, etc. Nos. 9 and 10 Drhumor Block, 50 Patton Ave. FOR SALE Or exchange town, lots and land in Florida. Address Z. L, care of Gazette. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE . Lo at Pinebluff, N. C. Address N. S. M care Gazette. t ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of judge of the west ern district criminal court subject to the action of the republican district convention when called. R. S. McCALL. News and Opinions OF National Importance' ALONE CONTAINS BOTH Daily, bYmail, $&ayear Daily and Sunday by mail, $8 a year The Sunday Sun I tkei greatest' Sunday newspaper 1 the world. Price 5c a copy. By mail $2 a year. Addrec "THk 8TJN. New York. The majority of sufferers from diseases ct Kidneys, Liver, Bladder and Blood have tiien medicines that gave temporary relief, fltopner or later. the diseases came back. Ifcese medicines contained stimulants, opi ttea or narcotics in some form. Instead of earing; they simply covered np the pain temporarily. How different it is with Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. Its cures are lasting. It does perma nent good. When it drives out that pain in the small of the back, it will stay out. When it relieves the frequent desire to urinate at night, and when it stops the scalding pain in passing water, you can de pend upon it you are cured for good. It is a vegetable help to the stomach and bowels in performing their duties properly, over coming Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Biliousness and Constipation as nothiajr else has ever done, and it makes rich, red, plentiful blood. R. 0. MichaeL of 171 Pain Street, Green Island, N. was cured seven teen years ago by Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy and he has staved cured until this day. His troubles were with his Kidneys. He had terrible pains in his back. People said he was going into consumption. No man is in better health today. A large bottle of Favorite Remedy is sold by druggists for $1, or six bottles fer &&. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. Send your name and address to the DR. DAVID KENNEDY CORPORATION, Rondout, N. Y., neationlnj; this paper. You will receive by re tars mail, absolutely free, a trial bottle of Fa vorite Remedy, and a pamphlet containing val uable medical advice, such as ever? bod v needs THE WAYNESVILLE INN Waynesvllle, IS. C. Under the personal m..- agome .t T B. Boston. Accommodations for 150 guest. Bui new. All the modern improvements fol 'J. E. HOTEl Fl-EMING r Marion, N GKUBER CONCERT New York Weekly Tribune An old, staunch, tried and true friend of the American people from tke Atlantic to the 'Pacific and the pioneer in every movement calculated U ad vance the interests and increase the prosperity of country people in every state in the union. For over half a cemtury farmers have followed its instructions In raising their crops ajid in converting them into cash, have been guided by its market reports, which have been national authority. If you are interested in "Science and Mechanics," that department wilB please and Instruct. "St rt Stories" will entertain old and young. "Fash ion Articles" will catch the fane, of the ladies and humorous illustration and items will bring sunshin- to your household. THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE is the people's paper for the entire United States and contains all important news of the nation and world. Regular subscripon price $1.00 per year, but we furnish it And The Weekly Gazette One Year for $1.25 NEW YORK A complete, up-to-date daUy new- TPI WPFKI V TDIRIIIMP aeT three times per week for busy i ni viL-i-AL I I KIOUHE people whQ receive mail oftener than once a week. Containing all the striking news features of THE DAILY TRIBUNE np to hour of going to press and is profusely illustrated. Regular subscription price $1.50 per year, but we furnish it And The Weekly 6azette One Year for $2.00 Send all orders to The Gazette, Ashevilfe, N. C One of the great advantages of going to Texas via Memphis and the Cotton Belt is, that you avoid the annoyances and dis comforts of changing cars, necessary on other routes. The Cotton 'Belt trains are the only ones that run through from Memphis to Texas without change. thAM.8r5rPlllnn SeSpers night. Parlor Cafe Cars during 72i, yind T11811 Coache nd Free Reclinin Chair Cars both day and e . 8iI71f,8 comPJf favorably with that ot any road In the country- 11 and v Xi 118 whpe y are going and when you will leave, and wa will tell you what your ticket will cost and what train to take to make the "A Tripto Texaf WiU 19 86nd you n latere8tl,1 uttle booklet. ( i. , P. R. WYATT, T. P. A. , Cincinnati Ohte. W. Q. ADAMS, T. P. A. Nashville, Tenn. H. H.SirrTQN.T. P. A., Chattanooga, Tom. E. W. LaBEAUME, L P. and T. A.. St Loafe, JWa, o TRY THIS TEST. Put some urine in a glass tumbler asd let tot stand 24 hours. A sediment at the bottom or a milky, cloudy appearance indicates that the neys are in a dangerous condition, and that Favorite Remedy is badly needed. Health urine is clear and does not stain linen Montague, formerly a resides of lding new, furniture new, everythlE and up-to-date hotel. MONTAGUE, Proprietor. CO., Proprietors. For Nearly Sixy Years the Leading National Family Newspaperfor Progressive Farmers and Villagers. Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday. INIiOfC! MEMPHIS TO TEXAS