' ' ' ' j ? r r?' ... i - t - THE :ASHEVILLE GAZETTE: TUNK ijxooa v- 1, - , - it : Li t 5 V - ' 1- J The Paragon opposite postoffice WERNICKE "ELASTIC" BOOK - CASE A living book-case, grows with your library and always fits it. Call or send for handsome booklet. call and see them at , ROGERS' BOOK STORE, 20 South Main St. The Sign of the Book. 1 OWNK We Want You to know us as a dependable place to buy. We sell no trash of any- kind, but get supplies fresh daily. Whatever you get from us you may depend on and you may de pend on getting it at a price that is fair and reasonable always, and generally lowest. There's live lobsters, eels, stur geon, soft crabs, frog's legs, squabs, mackerel, clams, blue- fish, trout, hallibut, etc. etc., at Young's Fish Market, The Busy Corner, Central Market. Telephone 23 The Asheville Hardware Company. r t r.i f Atlanta, will SDak to I men at the Y. M. C. A. this afternoon at 3:45. Mr. un. n;. eners, m mau, Ga., will sing. TVift rooninr meetiner of tne Anti- Amendment club will be held tomorrow evening at o ciock in me quarters uv Patton avenue. Tt,o TTnT-itertn Vimisp nn h enrner of Oak and Woodfin street, occupied by H. Tavlor Roerers. is being repaired and another story added. r "C T?qv Vina finlshPrt (the IMlOtO- v . a- , -1. x Nrranhs of the military companies taken at Waynesville Tuesday. There are three poses of the A. Jj. i. TV.q rvonens "cunrlr in thp ri tv of Ashe- ville has been finished and the reports nf thp PTiiimArajtors sent to jonn A Hendricks, the district supervisor. TV, tioTiT roMlio fnr thp "Rliifx "Ridere v ww -J lodge No. 205, I. O. t. nas arrivea. Tt ic v,c finoct mitfit hplnnariri a: to anv A k. XO Xllb illlt.uv w - CU o Odd Fellows lodge in the state, and is magnificent in every way. Tl-io "MceB Orpasman werfl at home trw frionris Frldflv pvphiner in honor of Miss Lottie Belle Cromwell, or Ala bama, who attended the Normal and Collegiate institute during last term Mrs. M. E. Hart, mother of Actor W. R Harf Is vprv sifk at. her home on Morrimnn Q vonilp TTpT- dn 11 S'htPr TVfrS. Bierck, of Brooklyn, N. Y., is expectea this afternoon. Trust Not Your Neck On u cheap or unreliable bicycle, but purchase one of the TBIED and TEUE kind. The "EAGLE" Bicycle has been tried and has not been found wanting. If your bicycle is giving you trouble come in and see us about getting the kind that gives the least trouble. Asheville Cycle Company, Phone 228. 18 and 20 Church St.. Where do you buy your Cigars, Tobaccos and Smokers 9 Articles? At Blomberg's of course His line Is up-to-date In every respect. Quick and polite attention to all. BLOMBERG'S THE LEADER. 17 Patton Avenue, Established 1887. DR. DARGAN PREACHES To Y- W. C, A. Conference at Asheville College Today. At the Y. W. C. A. conferpnop vpstpr. day morning, -Miss Constance McCorkle, secretary of the. southern association, cpoke on the "Place of the Y. W. 0' A in College Life." The course in Bihlp s-tnfl-o- was intro duced by Miss May N. Bloodgett, of vytruesiey conege, Bible secretary of the Y. W. C. A. of ,Chicago. The missionary institute wae opened by F. P. Turner, general secretary of the student volunteer movement for foreign missions. After special music last evening and a few remarks and prayer by Mies R, F Morse, of New York, one of the world's committee of the Y. "w r a t, t o Duth spoke on "Woman's Work for Woman in the Orient." He spoke of the women in the Sandwich Islands and the transformation that has taken pla.ee in their condition by the work of the gospel. Japan, Korea and China were ioi epoiten or. Today's program is: MEETING ON HOMINY. Chief 3eputy Collector J. G. Grant ESS ,"1 ,S"d ' Homi- Friday -o a. icuge auaience, even thoueh TrlA ram ti- v. naa puunng aown. A large majority of tne hearers were democrats w"? Vlsib,y affected by Mr. Grant s forcible arguments against the constitutional amendment and the elec? Hon of law. He spoke an hour and a half on trt Wf 8 ?0t a slgn of restlessness Bhoww, d. !ny of the audience, showing their intense interest in the subject of their liberties also.Wm JneS made a few remarks aitSt ISht 1ir- Grant spoke at Saluda Y- M. C. A. STUDENT CONFERENCE Addresses at Yesterday's Meetings- Today's Program. Thp T.lfp Work conference was held yesterday in the Bingham school audi torium with the entire delegation pres ent. Mr. F. M. Gilbert, secretarv of i the student volunteer movement, ad dressed the Life Work conference. This was followed by a students' conference. presided over by Mr. H. P. Anderson, and a city and town conference In charge of Mr. C. L. Gates. At the student conference Mr. An derson made a forcible talk on Bible study in colleges. At the city and town conference: Mr. J. V. Read, state secretarv of Georeia. read an excellent Daoer on the religious work in city associations. The services today will be as follows: Bible Study, 9 a. m. t Platform Meeting, 11 a. m. Open Air Meeting, 3:30 p. m. Reerular meetin.es at nierht. Delegates are still arriving: and a grood attendance is assured. PATRONIZE UNION STORES."0 Request Made by Retail Clerks' Union to ruDlic at Large. The Retail Clerks' union has issued circulars with ' the names of the firms of the city who observe union tours, closing at 7 p. m. during the week and at 10 p. m. on Saturday ev ening, and those who do not close. Last week an agreement was conclud ed to close at 10:30 and was signed by several, but later all went back to the union hours in preference to having the unions take action against them. Miller & Kennedy, proprietors of the Boston shoe store, alone preferring to remain open in defiance of union hours. The clerks do not declare a boycott on the Boston shoe store by the circular. but simply ask people to patronize the union stores, although this action prac tically amounts to a boycott, as all the labor organizations of the city, in cluding the railroad clerks will stand by the clerks. This is the second time the clerks have had trouble with M!i!ler & Ken nedy over the closing. The first time they went back to union hours shortly after a boycott was declared. AT LOOKOUT PARK. The following; urogram will be ren dered at Lookout park this afternoon by the First regiment band: March Kansas City Star Liberati Overture Amazon Kiesler Waltz Andalusia Thiere March Humoresaue WhppW Characteristic Piece Huston Plantation Echoes Coutes Intermission. March National Pride Scnuton Robin Hood Selection Wiegond waltz Oriental Roses Ivonuvini March Descriptive Anthony Characteristic Dance Missud March Brooks ..SPRING SUIT SALE... f Closing out a large line of Worsted and Cassimer I SUITS. Stripes, Checks and Plaids, Single and Double Breasted. SEE the 16.50 grades we offer during this salefor $111.00 L.No trouble to show them. II 18 I Patton Ave. 'Phone 261. Delivering Fish When Promised We are constantly improving our de livery service. It was never so grood as at present. If you have any trouble in getting fieh delivered when you want it, try us. We are1 getting no com plaints now. We deliver fresh fish Just received in the morning Jn time for breakfast. Our quick reliable delivery service is increasing our fish trade. Asheville Fish Co. Center of Market. Phone 289. i Cummin' an' Gwine Or, in other words, barely stop- i ping in our store, expresses the I ' condition of our goods. 4 We don't keep goods, but we t do sell them. f t Latest Arrivals: T t Olives 30c bottle : ; Georgia Cane Sjrap. 30c I In 1-2 gallon cans. See Windows. Resoectfullv. H. C. Johnson, J 89 PATTON AVE. I - - - - - . . . . . . II ASHEVILLE Ice Coal Co. 1887 BELIABLK 1900 BEST QUALITY HARD AND SOFT COAL AND WOOD ccoo A PURE ICE OF CRYSTAL CLEARNESS 14x14 THICK KEEPS LONGER PHONE 40. 24 PATTON AVE. ASHEVILLE Ice & Coal Co. H. T. COLLINS, Pres. . Cooling Summer Drinks Asheville Hardware I RECEIVE DAILY Strawberries and Fresh Vegetables. Charles U. Monday CENTRA MARKET, Stalls and 10. the cheapest in the end. .Buy the GENUINE PHILADELPHIA LAWN MOWER. For Sale by the Company, Southeast Corner Court Square. Phone 87. produce a breezy freshness when made of pure ingredients. To smile when' the mecury sizzles, one has only to ' e for tified with healthful beverages prepared from the fine whiskies, brandies, gins, Jamaica and Santa Cruz rum clarets, sherries, etc. No doubt ever attches to the quality and valu.- of iiing purchased here. Our r -me stands f AL 3!DiQm$iai$!El!$a D r JAB P. SAWYER, PrMtdeat. J. M. RANKIN, Caklr. THE "BONANZA" WINE AND LIQUOR GO, 43 South Main Street. Telephone 72.' GOOD HOSE. q d BATTERY PARK BANK CAPITAL STOCK SI 00 000. SUPERIOR FACILITIES rOR DOI 9 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS, D B 5 a CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED, 1AFS DEPOSP. BOZH FOR RUNT. aioiaiiaiiatiQiiaoiiQoioiooiiQiiDioiQia1! That's the kind we sell at 8 and oc per foot. It's worth to and ion KnV Wa The Finest Line of French bought it low and you get the benefit JLawn Mowers $3.50 and up. Brown, North up Co., 33 Patton Ave. 'Phone 142. Briar and Meerschaum Pipes South of New York at the Berkeley Cigar Stand. iaiiniaiiHiairatP'ooDioaioiDoDDiia FURNITURE SALE. On Wednesday, the 20th. and Thurs day, the 21st of June, 1900, between the hours of 10 o Clock a. m. and 4 r. m.. at No. 161 North Main street. ttwre will be offered for private sale, at a sacrifice, valuable household furniture bed room. sets, Chairs, tables, carpets, etc.; also one Jewel 6-hole range all in first-class condition. Terms cash. MRS. A. T. BASLER. sun-tues-wed-thurs The most enter prising: and su ceseful mereha of AJhevi'ie advertise in the (Gazette Shirts. Shirts. The greatest variety ever shown in Asheville from 50c to $1.50. Sizes 12 to 18. The latest Blue Negligee Shirt with inserted white pleats at $1.25, a great novelty. The Whitlock Clothing House, No. 41 Patton Avenue. Gazette Want Ad vs. 1 Cent a Word. '""""'"""IlillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllN Women's Silk Waist Sale for Monday Only. $3.98 " ' J ha too many of those handsome Silk Waists on hand that formerly sold for g J6.00 and J&SO v IT dh (In newest shades and styles.) Your choice MONDAY ONLY. .tpWto'Q SUMMER WEIGHTS. " "Wash Waists and Skirts in large variety." . I Phone 78. ASHEVILLE. NLCC " SlllfltltlnfififtiiifiiiiftiifiitiKn.. .......... ' -I 1 - . ' aiiuuiuuumumuuiiuuuuMlwlllllluuUillllununill 11 Patton Ave. ! ISIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIiHUIiilllig LET ME D YE FOR YOU! an be careful -who cleans your clothes. Have It done only by a prac tical dyer and cleaner, who has learned his trade and who has had thirty years' experience. Carl Schultz, PRACTICAL DYER AND CHEMI CAL CCEANER. 55 South Main Street, 'Phone 206. T ooJar. flflrtctauw place In toirn. IV THE ENTIRE STOCK AT AND BELOW COST TO CLOSE BUSINESS. The large and seasonable stock of Millinery and Furnishing Goods of the late C. H. Swartzberg, 22 South Main St., has been bought from the Administrator. The entire stock is to be sold REGARDLESS of COST or VALUE. If you want bargains come early be fore the stock is picked over. The stock consists of Trimmed and Untrimmed Millinery, Flowers, Chiffons and Millinery Supplies, a s $ D Q Ribbon at Your Own Price. Hats Trimmed free of charge, at THE IMPERIAL MILLINERY 22 SO. MAIN STREET. P "oJ$HDI$ "s 8 n $ Now that hot weather is at hand a change in Clothing and Under- ciotnmg is imperative; ' We haye both a generous supply of the kinds THAT FIT-and all clothing and underclothing does not fit as so many know to their sorrow. , H. REDWOOD & CO. Dry Goods, Clothing, Shots, firs, and Bcttcrick Patterns. 5 t 7 "V ''j - 4 ' - - '