V 1 1 i It is: sometningv Re sides bad air V that makes a woman faint in aclose theatre. A well woman wottldn't faint. The woman, who easily grows faint and dizzy who. has palpitation of the heart a "stuffy" , feelinrhot flushes nervona troubles, better Jopk for the Cause in her digestive eystem jn. ,the distinctly , feminine, rganissm maybe in both . Women who are not quite ;rell and don't know just what is the matter and women who are, really sick, ' and don't know exactly what.1 is the matter should write at once to Dr, R. V. Pierce, at Buffalo, N.Y., etating their eymptoms in de tail. They will toe advised by Dr. Pierce with out charge. Dr. Pierce is, and for ovei thirty years has been, chief consulting physician m the world-renowned Invalids ' Ilotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo. N. Y. He has treated and cured more suffering women than any other physician in the ' world, and more of his " Favorite Prescrip-" tioq' for the correction and ciire of all dis orders and diseases of the feminine organs, except cancer, has been sold thata of all other similar medicines. Write to Dr. Pierce. If bis medicines are what you need he will tell you so, if they are not what you need he will honestly say so and will tell you what to do. Dr. Pierce's position is a sufficient guarantee that his advice will not be biased by the hope of selling you a few bottles of medicine. . If you wish to study up your own case Dr. Pierce will send you, free of all cost, a paper-bound copy of his great iooo-page book, the "Common Sense Medical Ad viser," of which over 750,000 were sold at $1.50 a copy. All that Dr. Pierce asks is that you send 21 one-cent stamps, to pay the cost of mailing only. If you prefer the book in fine French cloth send 31 stamps. Addresr Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. A MOST DEADLY POISON. Terrible Fate of Those Who Partake of Mnshroom Pkallin. "One of the most terrible poisons of which I have any knowledge," said a chemist, "is phallin, of which but few persons have more than the most rudi mentary knowledge, though the vegetable from which the deadly stuff comes is to be found in almost every field and swamp in the country, for phallin is the poison ous element in the deadly mushroom, the 'death cup,' as it has been appropriately called. Not only that. When phallin was first discovered, it was found that it was almost identical with the poison of the rattlesnake, so that death from mushroom poisoning is very similar to death om a serpent's bite. But still more wonderful it is not known that va rious bacteria produce nearly the same poison the bacteria, for instance,- of diphtheria and typhoid fever. It seems odd enough that death from the poison ous mushroom, from a rattlesnake bite and from diphtheria should result from practically the same cause. "It is said that 25 people are killed every year in the United States by eat ing the death cup, mistaking it for the edible mushroom. It requires only a bit of the death cup to kill 'a piece the size of a pea will do it. One case is cited in which a boy ate only a third of a small uncooked cup of the deadly mushroom, but it was enough to cause his dfcath. Indeed, so baneful is the phallin poison that even the handling of the death cup and the breathing of the spores may pro duce serious illness.. "The death cup looks very pretty as it grows in the fields, and when eaten it has not the slightest ill taste, either when raw or when covfked. Nor is there any uneasiness felt from 9 to 14 hours after ward. Then come terrible pains in the libdomen, nausea and vomiting, followed by almost certain death, with many of the symptoms of Asiatic cholera. The effect of phallin is to dissolve the red corpuscles in the blood, permitting them to escape through the alimentary canal. !Bhe greatest care is necessary, therefore, in gathering mushrooms not to pick any of the death cups. They are easily rec ognized from the others, and there never is any need of making mistakes." Chi cago Chronicle. QUESTION ANSWEI D. Yes, August Flower still has the larg est sale of any medicine in the eivi zed World. Tour mothers and grandmoth ers never thought of using anything else for Indigestion or Biliousness Doctors were scarce, and they seldom aeaid of Appendicitis, Nervous Prostration or Heart Failure, etc- They used August Flower to cleaniout the system and stop fermentation cf undige ted food, regu late the actioi of the liver, stimulate the nervous and organic action of the system, and that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with headaches and other aches. , You only need a few doses of Green's August Flower in liquid form to miake you satisfied .here is nothing serious the matter with you. For sale at W. C. Carmlchael's. The remedy of tomorrow is too late for the evil of today. Dr. David Kenneoys Iravonte Remedy CURES ALL KIDNEY, STOMACH 'AND LIVER TROUBLES. NOTICE. By virtue of the power of sale con tained in ascertain -note and emen.t, executed by John M. Campbell to the undersigned H. A. Ogden, on the 2nd day of May, 1891, assigning to the un- ' dersigned as collateral security for two thousand dollars, the shares of stock hereinafter described, I will, on Mon- v day 'the 2nd day of July, 19C0. sell 1:.. public " auction for cash, at the court-. 1 &Ov:se door, in Ashevill-? N. C, eight shares the capital stock of the Ashe Tille Loatn Construction & Improve ment Cofnpany of the par value of one hundred dollars each, and being certifi cates Nos. 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57 and 58. This the 14th day of June, 1900. V H. A. OGDEN, By V. S. Luck and Geo. A. Shufora, , , Attys. Jorrictl omon w rru)ra ihp twlv fetr Ml strain lirxin it nnrl a symmetry, of form. .Mother's". Friend alter 1 the danger 01 cmld-Dirtn, ana carries theeypectant . v mother safely through this critical period without pain. It jswoman's . r--j r?-t& j '-i V if 1 ereatest blessing-, and thousands gratefully tell of the treat srood it I I saauone inem tbwu uy ku urugguns m 1 .w , r - -,.oar little boolc tellinz all about this ereat , Tree to apy address oy .utus URf dfibli Itf AN'AFftXAN HOME.- Native Will Wot; Worlc When nltey Get a. Clianee to Play. , . The' Rev. David A. Car&on, a graduate of the UnHm Missionary "Trailing insti tute, Brooklyn, gives . an interesting pic ture of his African home: ; K "My room- in a neat little hut of mud and thatch is. 12; by 14 feet. The bed i3 constructed with branches, holes being augef ed in , posts for the sids -and ends to be inserted. The snp" for the grn.?s mattress is of leather; thongs laced across both ways, thus holding all secure. "My chair is the same. The table and "washsthlfa'are of branches with reed oat tops. "tTitere are no boards. The desk is the same, with the inside case cf my steamer trunk for a top; very good. "The windows are of white cloth, tack: ed to a frame" which can be opened right back and fastened to the wall. Hinges, for doors and windows are of skin. Fo mats or rugs are used cn the floor, as they harbor insects." Mr. Carson is a member of the indus trial mission of the Phil-African Libera tors' league, located at Lincoln, on the west coast. And the following will illus trate the difiiculties of teaching the Afri can to work: "There is practically no routine her''. The uaexpected most always happens. Her is one day ut of many varieties: .We rise with the sun, 5:35 a. m., hare private devotions from G to 6:30t then breakfast, atter which the ram's horn is blown for native roll call. "Our superintendent seats himself out side his house: the associate workers, six of us, stand beside him while he rattles off the names, to which the people shout 'ame' the personal pronoun I. "He then asks us how many helpers we need in our various departments. VTe begin to calculate, and he calls those qual ified for certain kinds of work, whn there is a terrible barking down in the valley and a shrieking like that of a child. "Every man with a black or white skin (black always first) runs to investi gate, and there is a fine deer at bay with three wild dogs barking at it. They see the rush of people, and, jealous of their prey, pounce' on him and tear him limb from limb in a twinkling, so strong are their mouths and shoulders. "The rush of natives on the poor dead beast is more terrific, it would seem, than that of the dogs. They cut him up, indifferent as to whether they have a rib or a steak or the tail or an ear, then march up the hill, ' blow up the log fires and feast till all is finished. "The consequence is, no work that day; a day's pay is gladly forfeited for such a treat." Presbyterian Banner. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature oifr Tbe Quaker and the Duke. In 1790 the Duke of Clarence, after ward William IV, was a sublieutenant in the English navy, and the ship on which he served touched at Queenstown, then known as Cove. While there, his royal highness staid for some days with a family named Penrose, the head of which was an esteemed gentleman and Quaker. He did his best to entertain the duke in a manner befitting his rank and station, and among other assiduities the old Quaker always sat up to receive him on his return home from the convivial parties which the neighboring squires were only too glad to offer him. The Duke of Clarence, as was the fash ion at that time, had a liking for old port and was not squeamish at the quantity consumed. As a result he several times returned to his host's house in a state which bordered on elation. It is recorded that his host used the gentlest reproof to ward him in these words: "Friend William, thou art late again tonight, and I fear me thou art not too sober. If thou dost not amend I shall have to write to thy father, friend George, at Windsor." GLORIOUS NEWS. Comes from Dr. j. B. Oargile Washita, I. T. He writes: Electric Bitte-s has cured Mrs. Brewer o : scrof ula, which Jiad caused her great suffer ing for years. Terrible eores worn bfe out on her head and face., anr the best doctors could give no help but now her health is excellent." Electric Bitters is the best blood pur ifier known. Its the supreme remedy Cor eczema, ulcers, boils and running sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, expels poisons, helps digestion builds up the strength. Only 50 cts. Sold by all druggists. Guaranteed. Small in size and great in results ar DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the fa mous little pills that cleanse the live and bowels. They do not gripe. Dr T. C. Smith. THE HOT SPRINGS OF ARKANSAS, VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY. The Hot Springs of Arkansas are owned by the U. S. Government and have its endorsement for the cure of rheumatism, malaria, nervous troubles chronic and functional ailments and a score more of human ills. The climate of Hot (Springs is cool and delightful in Summer, owing to its elevation among the Ozark Mountains, and is the best time for treatment. 100 hotels for all classes. Write Bureau of Infor mation, Hot Springs, for illustrated book giving full Information. For reduced excursion tickets atd particulars of the trip, see local agent or address W. A. Turk, Gen'l Passr. Agt. Southern Ry. Washington, D. C. Early Intelligence. Sunday School Teacher (finishing the narration) And that is the story of Jo nah and the whale. ; ' Johnny Isn't it strange they knew what a Jonah was that long ago? Har lem Life. , and otms mamaee. The beefrintr of chlldreir risryetrx destructive to the mother's shapeliness. This can be avoided, however, by the use of Moths&'S rHIEND De- fore babv n comes, as this nrMin., also obviates' LiUJ ' mom per ootiie. ' remedv. will be se keovlator Compart Every woman covets a shapely .pretty figure. manv of them denlore tht loss of their cnrlish.1 Thousands Hare . THdiiey Tremble and Don't Enow it, t How To Find Out. .. . v ' ; Fill a bottlft or common . glass with your water and let' jit stand twenty-four hourspa sediment or' set "rtling indicates an unhealthy condi tion of the kid neys; if it stains your linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble; too frequent desire to f-Oj-Jv pass it or pain in me uai;!i is auavs 1 convincing proof that the kidneys and blad der are out of order., . What to Do. ' There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the" back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in pacing it, or bad effects following use of .iquor, wine cr beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and$l. sizes. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful discovery and a book that tells more about it, both sent absolutely free by mail, aaoress ur. ruimer 6t Home. of Swamp-Root Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing men tion Veading this generous offer in this paper. HAYMAKING BY WIRE. How Peasants Harvest Inaccessible Meadovrs in Western Norway. Far above the narrow, sea filled val leys which stretch their arms 100 miles into the country, high above the farms that stud the banks of the western fiords of Norway, among the rocky slopes of the mountains, up under the very edge of the glittering glaciers and the eternal snow that covers the great plateaus of Folgefonden, Hardangervidda and the Jostedaisbrae, there are patches of ver dure almost invisible from the decks of the passing tourist steamers or only ap pearing like specks on the rugged slopes of the mountains which tower thousands of feet above them. On the most accessible of these moun tain pastures the peasants have erected small huts as places of refuge for the wo men that herd the cattle in the moun tains durifce the summer months. In these huts, which are called "saeters" in Norwegian, the milk is made into cheese and butter. Some of these grassy patches among the bowlders are, however, inaccessible to the cattle, but it would never do to let that excellent mountain grass, which pro duces such rich milk and gives such de licious flavor to the butter and the cheese, go to waste. The sturdy peas ant lads and lassies climb into the most inaccessible places and cut the grass, thus increasing their winter stores by many tons of excellent hay. A very ingenious means of transport has been devised for getting the grass from these meadows among the clouds down into the valleys below, consisting of a wire rope along which the bundles of grass are sent sliding down to the farms of the fiord. The "lauparstreng," as this contrivance is -called, very often crosses a fiord, and, besides bundles of grass, it may carry the produce of the "saeters," consisting of big bundles of white and brown cheese, tubs of butter and barrels of buttermilk. Pearson's Magazine. BAD DRINKING WATEPw. Every one suffers greatly from the different kinds of water he is compelled to drink, and nothing is so likely to bring on an attack of diarrhoea. Perry Da vis' Paim-Killer Is the only safe, quick ana sure cure for it, cramps and chol era morbus. Avoid substitutes: there is but one Pain-Killer, Perry Davis' . Price 25c. am 50c. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of judge of the west ern district criminal court subject to the action of the republican district convention when called. R. S. McCALL. Howard A. Haven. Wright C. Stout MBMBERS OF THE New York Stock Exch ge, New York Cotton Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade. HAVEN & STOUT, Bankers and Brokers NASSAU STREET, CORNER WALL, NEW YORK. Deposit accounts received, subject to check on demand. Interest credited msmtikly on daily balances. Accounts of banks, corporations, firms vaA individual received 00 favorable terms. y Coupons, laterest, dividends, notes, drafts collected for our correspondents. Order executed Cor the purchase or ale on commission, of bonds, stocks, Investment or carried on margin. Clients may telegraph order and la ftruettona at our expense. Copies of telegraphic code, may be had on appli cation. - Information regarding quotations heertully furnished. News and Opinions OP e National Importance TZE3E-HS STJZN" ALONE CONTAINS BOTH pily,byixaail,-- $6 a year Daily arid Sunday by maU, $8 a year The Sunday Sun Is the rreatest Sunday newspaper 1 : i -.-i ' ' VJ 'tbe -world. Price 5c. a copy. By mall $2 a year rv' "'.. nr V - PEOPLES COLUMN.! MI8CIII4LANSOU8. "m " ANY KIND OP HELP furnished' either in or out of Asheville; cooks or cham bermaids furnished on short notice. All Servants are required co have rec ommendations, and we guarantee any we-send to be the best. All letters answered promptly. JOHN SMITH, 15 N. Main. Phone 680. REMINGTON TYPEWRITERS The ' Remington will do. better work and for a longer time than any other writ ing machine. We will be pleased to place a -Remington on trials for ten days with any reliable intending pur-, chaser. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 23 Patton avenue. DOES THIS INTEREST YOU? WE have customer for purchase of nice little (Lome with garden and yaru. in good neighborhood, on or near street car line; also customer for; large boarding hoie or t nail hotel jfor rent fori summer; also customers for 5, 6, 7 aii-d 8 room unfurnished houses, well constructed, with modern conven iences and in good neighborhood. Wilkie & LaBarbe, Real Estate Brok ers, 23 Patton ave., 'phone 661. MISS NORA W ARB-Pianist and teach er in stringed Instruments. Corner o Spruce and Woodfln treeta. HOTELS AND BOARDING HOUSES. WANTED Permanent and transient, also table boarders; children under 12 years not taken. THE MISSES LEE, 56 Spruce St. 115-6t WANTED A gentleman and wife as boarders in a private family; house and furnituiv new; only 10 minutes' walk from the square, and desirable part of the city. Terms very low. Address Regular, Gazette. KENILWORTH PARK An ideal sum mer home; one mile from center of city, three minutes walk from Bilt more car line; appointments unex celled; rates reasonable. Call or ad dress Mrs. A. Z. Baron, Kenilworth Park, Asheville, N. C. 112-tf BOARD Two miles from Asheville, five minutes walk iron, Eiltmore street car line; excellent location; 100 f&et higher than Aehf.ville; plenty of shady porches, and a good breez - all the time. Table supplied with fresh country butter and pure Jersey milk; vegetables fresh from garden -every day. Terms reasonable. Address "B," Gt-zette. 111-tf SELECT BOARD In a private family ; only two or three boaders taken; cen trally located, and one minute's walk from car line. Rates reasonable. Ad dress "Select," Gazette. tf ROCK LEDGE, Ashville, N. C, Board ing; new house; all modern conven iences; perfectly sanitary; located on Battery Park Hill near Poetoffice; free from dust and noise; excellent table; rates, $1 to $2 per day. Mrs. Lucetta V. Cole 62 Haywood et., 'phone No. 416., Asheville, N. C. FOR RENT. FOR RENT One 8-room cottage on Cumberland ave.; all modern im provements; electric lights, stable and carriage house, and al-o servant house, for $25 per month; also one completely furnished apartment W flat of 5 rooms, and one unfurnished flat of 6 rooms, with electric lights, bath rooms and ranges in the kitch ens. I also have 3 unfurnished rooms with bath at $10 per month. Apply to O. D. Revell, 32-34 Patton ave. FOR RENT A modern 6-room cottage, No. 69 Bailey street, after 10th of July next. A good home. Apply to Samuel H. Reed, at his law office in the Li brary building. Court Square for fur ther particulars. 114-3t FOR RENT A new four-roc i cottage and two acres pasture; 1 1-2 miles out, on Look ut Mountain street rail way. Apply to C. S. Cooper, 39 S. Main st. 93tf. FOR RENT One boarding house, 12 rooms, all modern conveniences and electric ligh ; on newly paved street. Also one seven-room cottage, one fur nished and one unfurnished fl all modern conveniences. Apply to O. D. Revell, 32-34 Paton ave. FOR SALE. FOR SALE New oak office furniture, book case desk, tables, chairs, pic tures, clocks , rugs, etc., etc. . Dr. Fischer, Nos. 9 and 10 Drhumor block, 50 Patton ave. 114-4t FOR SALE A smaii cottage of six rooms, opposite Mountain Park Hotel, Hot Springs, N. C. MRS. H. T. RUM BOUGH. 113-26t FOR SALE Or exchange town 2ots and land In Florida. Address Z. L., care of Gazette. FOR SALS OR EXCHANGE . Lo at Plnebduff, N. C. Address N. S. M care Gazette. 4- Neglect is the short step s- many, take from a cough or .cold to consump tion. The early use of One Minute Cough Cure prevents consumption. , Is the only harmless remedy that gives immediate results. It cures all throa and lung troubles. Children all like It and mothers endorse it. Dr. T. O Smith. - -. '. Beet returns for Gazette want ad i . Gazette want ads bring quick returns For th treatment of THE LIQUOR, OPIUM. MORPHINE n4 1 I &UUU3JUU- :r"i !the resnilar dose of most medi- dn$s is a tablespoonful. A bot tl does not last long. You pay ontf dollar after dollar, and tben are.' not likely to be cured. The regular dose of i Dr David tcnnedy'G Is a teaspoonfuU and a bottle of it lasts four times as long. Quantity is important, but quality is ten times more important. The fact that Favorite Remedy is the surest and beat medicine for the Kidneys, Bladder, Lirer and Blood, is what you ought to keep In mind more than the, small dose. It goes down to the lowest roots of disease, and destroys them. It cures pain in the back ; frequent desire to TirinaU especially at nigfot ; scalding pain in passing water, and discolored urine It saves from Bright's Disease and Stone in the Bladder. It is a positive and deejS-reachmg specific for Constipation, Biliousness and Dyspepsia. is far better and safer than pills or tablets, and makes the bowels mor, naturally, easily and regularly. A single dose works wonders Mrs. N. B. Crwpoll, of Weat Shokan, N. Y., says: "I hare used Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy for Kidney Trouble and Heart Disease, and it cured ' Be. I am ready to recommend it to any one." A kfl bettle ot Pivriti Remedy can be bought at drug stores for $1, er U bott)t tor $5. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. Send your name and address to the DR. DAVID KENNEDY CORPORATION. Rondout. N Y., OientioniaK this paper. You will receive by re turn mail, absolutely free, a trial bottle of Fa vorite Remedy and a pamphlet containing val uable medical ad v ice, sucn as everybody needs. THE WAYNES VI LLE INN W2ynesvlllef IS. C. Under the personal m.-ageme X Boston. Accommodations for 150 gnesU. Bui lding new, furnitur new, eyeryttfaiff new. All the modern improvements for and up-to-date hotel. J. E. HOTEL FuEMING Marion, N. c GKDBER CONCERT CO., Proprietors. NeW York Weekly Tribune An old, etauncb, -tried nd true friend of the American people Irom the Atlantic to the Pacific and the pioneer in every movement calculated ts ad vance the interests und increase the prosperity of country people in every state in the union. For over half a century farmers have followed its instructions in raising their crops and in converting1 them Into casTi have been guided by its market reports, which have been national authority. If you are interested in "Science and Mechanics," hat department will please and Instruct. "St rt Stories" will entertain old and young. "Fash ion Articles" will catch the fane, of the. ladies and humorous illustration and items will bring sunsldni- to your household. THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE is the people's paper tor the entire United States and contains all important news of the nation and worid. Regular subscription price 1.00 per year, but we finish it And The Weekly Gazette One Year for $1.25 NEW YORK TRI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE . than once a week. Containing all the striking nws features of THE DAILY TRIBXTNB op to hour of going to press and is profusely illustrated. Regular subscription price $1.60 per year, but we furnish it And The Weekly Gazette One Year for $2.00 Send all orders to The Gazetter Asheville, W. C l rL.fr " -VJsZT. IV tf.l il TOB. B.MHES, BJX, IepiJi,Ttu. F. L Tim, T. P. iU. CUdnaU, Okie E..W. UBEAIWE, 0. TRY THIS TEST. Put some urine in a glass tumbler and t it stand 24 hours. A sediment at the bottom, or a milky, cloudy appearance indicates that theiid" neys are in a dangerous condition and that Favorite Remedy is budlv needed. Btalth urine xs clear and does not stain linea. B. Montague, formerly a resident" of MONTAGUE, Proprietor. For Nearly Sixty Years the Leading National Family Newspaper for Progressive Farmers and Villagers. Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday. A complete, up-to-date daily new paper three times-per week for bnT people who deceive their mail oftener tto irsxais. . . Passengers to Texas who want sleeping car accommodations for the night's run from Memphis to Texas, can spcure such accommo dations only on the Cotton Belt. Passengers reaching Memphis -in the morning can ride in a parlor cafe car from Memphis to the Texas border, where sleep ! ers for the principal Texas points are attached. SI ; In Addition to sleepers at night and-parlor cafe ears daring the day, both day and night trains on the Cottc Belt carry com fortable coaches and free reclining chair ears through to Texas, without change. The service and equipment compares favorably with that of any road in the country. Write and tell us where you are going and when you will leave, and we will tell yon what your ticket wttl cost and what train to take to make the best time and connections. .We will alio send you an interesting little book. ''A Trip to, Texas." f . t PEELEK.T.PJU, loqikis, Ten. f. 6. ASAIS, T.PjL, KasfeffiM"" - n cirrras r a i nh.. t. and T: A., SkLonis, Met. ABamf BHa. BUN. Neir Trk. - . 8wDw Addictions' The ToUceoHabltRerr(hsisaniJ 1 tf y r 7-i - t VI 1 Si