K ' - - If. J .viaEVuii gazette: Vjyki2,: ioccC - - '. ' .; -. ' ' v .. .. - -" . - -1 . j , i An Advocate of Popular Rights as Distinguished from Ring Rule in North Carolina ? TBS ABSESVUHM DAILY GAZET IN THB PRESENT TEAK AS A- NEW OF NORTH CAROLINA CAN LOOK XD THS NHWS OF THEIR STATBJ EACH DAT. Full Telegraphic Service of General News from the LafFan News - - k Bureau (N. Y. Sun). THE DAILT QA2BTTB HAS A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT AT WASHINGTON FROM WHOM IT OBTAINS IN ADDITION TO ITS REQU LAX PRESS DESPATCHES ALL THB NEWS RELATING ESPECIALLY TO FORTH CAROLINA INTERESTS AS DEVELOPED AT THB NATIONAL CAPITAL. THE STATE NEWS SERVICE OP, THB DAILY GAZETTE DURING THE fflAR WTLL BB ENLARGED AND RENDERED SO COMPLETE THAT ITS READERS CAN KEEP PTJLLT INFORMED OF THS TRND OI VENTS IN NORTH CAROLINA. ' IN THE POLITICAL CAMPAIGN OF THE TEAR IN NORTH CARO LINA, THAN WHICH NONB MORB VITAL TO THE INTERESTS OF THE fcTATE TTAft CONFRONTED ITS PEOPLB, THB GAZETTE WILL ACrrVB LT ESPOUSE THE MAjNTBNANCB OF A REPUBLICAN FORM OF GOV'. CSNICENT AND OPPOSE AND KXP OSB THE EFFORTS OF THOSE WHO AIM TO DESTROY THE SUFFRAGE RIGHTS OF CITIZENS IN VIOLA TION OF THB CONSTITUnON AND TO ESTABLISH A POLITICAL OLI GARCHY BT MOANS OF LEGALIZ ED FRAUD AT'KLECTIONJ-- ' '- . V IN THB DISCUSSIONS OF THB VITAL POLITICAL ISSUES Of THE CAMPAIGN THB GAZETTE WILL DEAL IN FACTS, ASSUMING NO POSITION THAT TT CANNOT SUSTAIN BT EVIDENCE THAT WHjL AP tlAR IN ITS COLUMNS. ? , r- THE Now in its Fourth Year Newspaper, published on i r,:r IT CONTATNS THB CREAM OF THB NEWS OF THE WESg AND A ULL DISCUSSION OK CURRENT ISSUES AND BTONTa. AN AGRICDIT1JRAL DBPARTMBNT, WTTH' INFORMATION ESPEC tAVLY ADAPTED TO FARMERS IN NORTH CAROLINA, . WILL. B3 AN IDDED FEATURE OF THE WEEKLT GAZETTE FOB Daily Gazette, one year, Dailv Gazette: six months, Weely Gazette, one year, - - Wetkly Gazette with iNew York Weekly Tribune, orie yeai for both papers... . $ i . 50 THK DADLT GAZBTTB IS DELIVERED IN NBARLT avJSttY TOWN IN -uu BTATB THAT IS ON A TLAJJMXfAU n 'xbjujajj. ; -wjva-ON. rrS REGULAR EDITION WHICH IS v JiD TO ALL MATL BSCRTBBRSr adE3 rTp 'PRESS AT' .iA. M., EKAHLING IT TO PUBLISH ITS REGULAR CDITION IATSR: NIGHT THAN HANI TE WILL BB GKEATLT IMPROVBL SPAPER TO WHICH THH PEOPLE FOR THBJ NEWS OR THB WORLD THAT A-gg THE HISTORT OT is an Eight Pasre OP - - $4.00 2.00 1.00 Thursday unlbCrinDtbi AJ. SLEIGHT OF HAND TRICK. A " Performance In Leserdemala Wne landed rneXeetedly. ' a-v r?anrai iwiiere patrons who wisn .to dine quietly away from the rush and bustle on the lower floor go up stairs two gentlemen were lunching a few days ago.1 :- . Both were, talking very animatedly and were apparency oblivious" to their sur roundings, especially to the colored wait er. If they; knew th'at that individual was on earth, much less in their immedi ate presence, their attention to his where abouts gave no clew to their knowledge. One of thfe diners was a young man of powerful build. He was evidently the host When the waiter laid the check down on the white tablecloth and step ped back and watched them carefully, as is the custom of waiters who scent a tip, he carelessly reached in his vest pocket and, without appearing to look at the servitor, placed both check and a new bank note side by side without.abreak in the argument. In. a few moments the waiter re-entered, carrying a silver salver, in the center of which lay a 10 cent piece. Then he stepped back again, his glance alternat ing between the salver and the man who paid the bill. The argument came to an abrupt ter mination. The joung man's eyes swept the immovable face, of the waiter with a curiously searching glance not unmixed witn amazement. Then he whispered a .word to his friend whose eyes also scanned the face that impassively return ed their glances. There was an eloouent silence. The voune man hppknnpH tha waiter to his side. "Yon are a slick one," he said quietly, but there was a ring in his tone that did not augur well for one of the party. Just hand it over, please." "Hand over what, sir?" asked the wait er, innocently and with a pronounced ris ing inflection. " "The change." . 'There it is, sir," indicating with a sweep of the hand toward the 10 cent njece. "Part of it. - I want the rest." ; " 'Deed, that's all that is coming to you, sir. You gave me a $1 bill, and your check was 90 cents.'' The young man-'s features broke into a smile that made the lines of his mouth mold in a manner ih which determination and amusement struggled for mastery. "That was a $20 bill I gave you," he said. "Because it was rolled tightly and we appeared to be so absorbed in our conversation you thought I did not no tice you . reduce it after securing the r-hnna-a tn nno T -rill r,? onds to deliver up the balance or I will choke the life out of you and have you arrested for theft. Come, I will count one, two, three, four". "'Deed, boss, you is mistaken. That was a one spot" "Five, sU, seven, eight, nine, ten!" "You is certainly mistaken, boss, that" The youngman wag on his feet as he counted out the waiter. He seized the latter by the throat and with a quick movement. foiled the man to the floor. . "Here it is, boss!" cried the waiter in terrified accents. "For the Lawd-a-mus-sy sakes, boss, don't pinch so hard!" He extracted from his coat pocket $19 in bills, which he eagerly pressed in the left hand of the young man who stood above him. The latter released his hold and, counting the bills, passed out of the room with his companion with not so much as a' second look at the ama teur, prestidigitator kneeling on the floor Tuefully rubbing his neck. The young man is a member of the United States secret service, and - he knows the appearance of government currency better than most bank tellers, rolled or unrolled. Washington Star. Starvation never yet cured dyspep sia. Persons with indigestion are al ready half starved. They need plenty of wholesome food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat so the body can be nourished while the worn-ou organs are being reconstructed. It is the only preparation known that will instantly relieve and completely cure all stomach troubles. Try it if vou are suffering from indigestion. It will cer tainly do you good.. Dr. T. C. Smith Elopements Are Rare In France. Runaway marriages are not contrived easily in France. No one in that coun try ever reaches an age when the law permits him Jo do away with the consent of parents anfj? guardians; If orphan de? sire to marry! they must show the death certificates-of their parents and have the -written consent of tneir grandparents. It there should be no grandparents living, their death certificates must be produced, and -so on among the various relatives of the intending bride and bridegroom, the consent, of the "conseil- de f amille (family council) beings absolutely necessary in all cases. . WOULD NOT SUFFER SO AGAIN FOR FIFTY TIMES ITS PRICE. I awoke last nignt with severe pains in my stomach. I never freit badly in all my life. , When I came down to work this morning I felt so weak l Lcsuld hardly work. Iwent to Miller 4 ' . . . ' Jl & Mcuurays arug wore ana iney reu- omended Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea J emedy. It worked like magic and 6ne dose fixed me all right It certainly is the finest thing I ever used for stomach trounie. x shall not - be wit'- out it in my home hereafter, for I should not care to en dure the sufferings of last night again for fifty times its, price. G. H. Wil son, liveryman, Burgettstown, Wash ington counter, Pa. This remedy la fo sale ly C A. Raysor, urugglst. A toabe in arms with toy pistols. is worth two armed PARKER'S - HAIR AAr.Vte ll.Ti.ri. and KwrifM the halXL Promoter tanirant growth. Sever Tail to BwUre Gry Coze calp diMMM hair tailmg. Good flannels and good soldiers never shrink from duty. BOK All Y0M fAflS WITH Pain-Killer. A Medicine Chest in Itself. SIMPLE. SAFE AND QUICK CURE FOR CramDs. Diarrhoea, Cods, Coughs, Neuralgia, , ; 25 and S&atBfitUes. IbeWare 'of imitations.-, .., J Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat- Itartificially digests the food and aids nature in strengthening and recon itructing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and ton. Soother preparation can approacn it, in efficiency. It In stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion Heartburn, Flatulence, Soar Stomach, ranseaT SickHeadache,6astgia,Cramps,ana all other results of lmperf ect dteestion. Prepared by E. a DeWItt Cbcafl ADDITIONAL AND IMIOVEED, SERVICE. 'Effective June 1. ulbnsn parlor car will be inaugurated between Charleston and Aisheville on day trains 13sandiI4, and, effective June 10, Pullman sleep ing car line will be inaugurated Jbe tween Charleston and Ashevilleori trains 9 and 10. Effective June 10 ifcd dMIonal train will be inaugurated, te twecn Spartanburg, Ashevirie: ancf JJor risto"n in connection wiitu the snain line train at Spartanburg', and will carry this sleeper AsheVilld to Mactfa,6 Ga. These trains, 33 and 34, will 4so carry through Pullman sleeper Ashe vllle to Mobile, Ala., via -Chattanooga and Birmingham. Traiaf2i: -nd jK?, now being operated daily 'except Sun day between Asheville and Bristjoi; Tenn., will be made daily trains, ef fect! ? June 10. Schedule figures will be given later. For full information call on ticket agents or address P. R. Darby, C. P, & T. A., Asheville, N. C, or R. L. Vernon, T. P. A., Charlotte, N. C. An unsigned will is. a deed without a name. Dr. David Kennedys Waonte Remedy cures all kidney, stomach 'AND LIVER TROUBLES BOOK AGENTS WANTED FOR the grandest and fnntnnt wllinr book ever pabliabel.' Pulpit Echoes 8B UTINS TRITTH8 FOB HEXD ASB HEABT: Thrilling Stories, Incident!, Personal Experiences, etc, at told By B. L. Moody htmtdf. With aeomnlete hutorrof htalifebr Rct. CHA.8. F. GOSS, Pastor of Mr. Moody Chic ndT'i Chieaeo Church tor five vean and an Introduction br IIpt. LYMAN ABBOTT, D. D, Brand new, 6QO pp., bnaifi4luiUiistrated. 071,000 mor AGENTS WANTEDMen and Women. OCTSalei immense a harvest time for Agents. Send for terms U A. Ik WOKTUlNttTON Sr. JK, Hartford. Cobk No. 21. No. 37-11. 4.30 pm 6.55 pm 9.20 pm No. 35. 12.05 am 3.50 am 6.22 am No. 33. 10.43 pm 6.10 am 11.15 am 6.07 pm 12.10 am 12.01pm 8.35 pm 1.10 am 2.09 am 5.15 am 9.10 am 2.50 pm 3.50 pm 6.35 pm 9.10 am 10.12 am 10.52 am 11.13 am 12.34 pm 2.12 pm 2.20 pm 2.40 pm 4.02 pm 5.55 pm 7.40 pm 11.35 pm 7.10 pm 7 ,40 pm 8.05 pm 9.01 pm 9.20 pm 10.30 pm 12.03 am 12.10 am 12.15 am 1.29 am 3.00 am 4.25 am 7.40 am 7.10 pm 5.55 am 7.20 am 9.20 am 11.00 am 9.20 am 10.38 am 12.30 pm 2.10 pm 5 . 50 pm 7.40 am 1.05 pm 6.40 am 6.33 pm 7.50 am 7.50 pm 7.30 am 7.30 pm 8.30am. 7.30 am No. 14. 7.00 am ' JD8 am 8 .02 am 9.13 am 11.22 am 3.20 pm No. 10. 2.05 pm 2.12 pm 2.57 pm 4.00 pm 6 .00 pm 9.35 pm No. 34. 8.00 pm 8.10 pm 9.00 pm 10.15 pm 12 15ana - 8.17 pm 7.10am Ar Charleston Lv. 7.00 am 11.00 pm ..... Central Time. ' , 5.15am Ar Savannah Lv. 12.05am ,9.25am ..... Ar Jacksonville Lv T.45 pm :,f.T, ;1 .. . r .. L .. .. . . ' 1 " ." 1 i . ; . 1 : g.OOam Ar Augusta Lv. 9.00pm- 9.30pm ...... .......... . . ' ' -1 ' : . ' . .. . - TT 3.55 pm 5.10 am 5.10 am Ar Atlanta Lv. 7.50 anj- 11.50 pm , U.w pm, ... 7.40am 8.30pm 8.30pm Ar New Orleans ... Lv. 7.45.pnt 7,55 am 7.55 am ......... 7.40 am Ar Memphis Lv. 9.00 pm .. : 7.10pm 8.30am 8.30am Ar Macon Lv. 6.00 am . 7.10 pm 7.10pm MURPHV ;jh; .. . -. - , i No 17 No. 19 Central Time. o? 18. No. 20 " 9 15" am 2.45 pm Lv -. Asheville Ar. 5.50 pm 12.05 pm , , 10 45am 4.1C pm Lv Waynesville .Arc r 410 pm :10.38 un'.1; ; . 1 . . . .i . i 11 00 am 4.30pm Lv Balsam ..Ar. '3.-35 pm. lb.lOem ......... 12 40 nm Lv Bryeon City Lv. ft(-.J-.45tpmi -i MftaJfc!'U.'.. ' "-W4J Ar Murphy 1 Lv. 5.30 am ,. Daily Except Sunday. Trains 37 and U, and 12 and 38, carry Pull man sleepers between New YorkT Washington, Asheville, Hot Springs, Chattanooga and Nashville. Trains 9 and 11, and 10 and 12 between" Jackson - viHe, Savannah, Charleston, Asheville, Hot Springs, Knoxville and CinciimatL Trains 35 and 36 carry Pullman sleep ers between Salisbury, Asheville, Hot Springs, Chattanooga and "Memphis.. Trains 33 and 34 carry Pullman sleep ers between; Asheville, Atlanta, Macon, via Spartanburg; and, Pullman sleep ers between Asheville, vKnoxvllL Chat- 'i ' NOTICE. iy v . -r :v , . v. - vBy-vlttuerOf.the power of sale vested in the undersigned trustee by a certain deed-of trust, bearing date February 1st, 835, executed by W. B. Merritt' and wife, M. J. MerTitt, which deed of tniBt Is rerlatered 11,' tha office of the register of deeds foi; Buncombe county, of trust, on pages 517 et q;, to which reference is hereby made,, and by rea son of default having Ik ri made in the payment of the Indebtedness secured b: said deed of trust, said undersigned trustee will sell for cash b. puWllc auction at the court house door In the city of Asheville, county of Buncombe, state of North Carolina, on Thursday, the 5th day of July, 1900, the land con veyed In said deed of trust lying and being In the county of Buncombe and state of North Carolina, and bounded and more particularly described as fol lows: v A certain tract of land adjoining the Jids of James McNair, Q. A. Bart iett and others, beginning- on a stake in the road on the north side of the ford of Flat Creek and runs a north course with James McNair's line to J. A. Dougherty's line; thence a - est course with eaid line to G. A. Bart lett's line; thence a south co :rse vita G, A. Bartlea's line to Fla- Creek; thence up said creek and with the same to the beginning, containing one hun dred acres mo- or lees, and being the same land conveyed by L. L. Dough erty to L, J. Brown and subsequently conveyed by T. K. Brown to L. J. Brown byjdeed recorded in the office of the 'register of deeds of Buncombe county, in book 66, page 577. - This June 4th, 1900. J. H. TUCKER, Trustee. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that applica tion will be made to the general assem bly at its next meeting to have the charter of the city of Asheville, N. C, amended so that the city may own, operate and control or acquire an inter est in a lighting Dlant for the city The Delightfully Cool Summer Resorts Of the North and Northwest are reach ed most quickly and comfortably via the Chicago & North-Western R'y, among the principal resorts being Mil waukee, Waukesha, Madison, Pistakee Lake, Lake Geneva, Fond du Lac, Green Lake, Devil's Lake, Green Bay, Neenah-Menasha, Marquette, c- jg-ebic Lake, Ashland, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Duluth. For tickets, rates and full information, apply to any ticket agent, or for a copy of "Hints to Tourists," giving detailed information, send two cents in postage to N. M. Breeze, 49 North Pryor St.,. Atlanta, Ga., or W. B. Knisken, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, Chicago. SOUTHERN RAILWAY IN EFFECT JUNE 10, 1900. Eastern Time. Lv New York Ar. Lv Philadelphia Ar. Lv Baltimore Ar. Lv Washington Ar. Lv Danville ...v. Ar. Lv Richmond Ar. Lv Norfolk . Lv Selma . . Lv Raleigh . Ar Greensboro . Ar. .Ar. .Ar. .Lv. Central Time. Lv Salisbury Ar. Lv Statesville Ar. Newton Ar. Lv Hickory Ar. Lv Marion Ar. Lv Biltmore Ar. Ar Asheville Lv. Lv Asheville. Ar. Lv Hot Springs Ar. Lv Morrostown Ar. Lv Knoxville Ar. Ar Chattanooga Lv. Ar Memphis Lv. " Ar. Bristol Lv., Ar Nashville .Lv. Ar Louisville Lv Ar Conclnnatl Lv. Ar New Orleans ..Lv. Ar Mobile Lv. A: AND S. BRANCH. Central Time. Lv Asheville Ar. Lv Biltmore Ar. Lv Hendersonville Ar. Lv Tyron Ar. Eastern Time. Ar Spartanburg Lv. Ar Columbus Lv. 0 tanooga. Birmingham an ldgogle, via Morristown. Trains 13 and 14 carry FAUlmaf par- lor cars between iBrQTI burs. Columbia and . Charlesfn. ' Together with our ment and schedules ex fit. all rail through 1W nublic's special rail and water eifV tcf the north arid eastouthera-Rallway'asthe Choa peak line; -JEHi&LSfia day's stopover at Norfolk, lnS an cgntig)( NOTICD OF" Notice1 Is hereby- given" of seizure of. thefollowing property tor' vlolatioa of the internal revenue laws of the Unit A ed. States. - i' . : r At Charlette, May 16, by J-"Id. Al bright, p. C i mule vugon and harnesj I as property of L. . F. .Brady ' and others. At StatesvllW, May It by J. MDavis. D. C- - 1 keg aoout 4 galloaa iorr whis key as property of unknown. x4 r By rame officer;at.afalace, bug gy, 3 kegs cora-wr key': 4- property of unknowBu. .' ' :..; .'. " : By same officer at same placei 3ugr 2 gallons cortt whiskeyi. as- ptopeety of " H. Clark &v Bona, ' By same officer Ut same -place, May 23, 5 barrels about 140 gallons corn wLlsky, as property of C. A. Norris. By J. W- Hasty, D. C, at WadeSboro, May 23, 1 barrel about 2 gallons" corn whisky, as property of W. T.. Mill A ' Co. By D. A. Kanlpe, D. C, at Costner, May 25, 1 jug about 2 gallons corr Whis ky, as property of C. L, Pasour. v By same officer at ciouse, May 29, 1 jug about 4 galldns . corn whi ky, as property of M P. Strong. " . r Persons claiming the above property will file their claims with me in may office within 30 days from this date or the same will be declared forfeltedtO the use of the United States. H. S. HARKINS, Collector Fifth District. Asheville, N. C, June 6, 1900, by J. Wiley Shook, D. C. Transylvania Railroad Company, General Offices Brevard, N. C. SUMMER SCHEDULE. In Effect June 14, 1900. a tn 1 0 (0 -2 a STATIONS. Central Time. eo a 6 7 60 T am 6.20 P m m p m 1.15 Lv Brevard Aril 9.50 6.S5 1.30 ... Davidson River. Penrose .... Blantyre . . . . Etowah . . .". Cannon Horse Shoe ... Yale 9.33 8.23 9.13 9.03 8.55 3.50 6 35 1.42 1.52 2.01 2.10 2.15 6.15 2.25 2.45 8 40).. 7.40 Ar. Hendersonville Lv8.20L5.20- Flag Stations. Connects with Hendersonville. Southern Railway at J. F. HAYS, General Manager. T. S. BOSWELL, -Superlntedent. Brevard, June 14, 1900. No. ,12-38. No. 36. 12.43 pm 6.35 am 10.15am 2.56am 8.00am 11.25pm No, 34. No. 22. 6.42 am 9.05 pm 11.25pm . 1.30pm 6.40 am 6.25 pm 8.20 am 3.50 am 2.45 am 11.45 pm 5.55 pm 12.35 pm J4..35 am 8.50 am 6.35 pm 9. '40 am 5.27 pm 8.53 am 5.00 pm 8.18 am 4.41pm 8.01am 3.22pm 6.52am 1.40 pm 5.26 am 1.30 pm 5.20 am 1.10pm 5.15am 11.45 am 4.00 am 9.50 am 2.30 am 8.25 am 1.15 am 4.00 am 10.00 pm 9.15 am 9.15 am 6.00 pm 4.28 pm 2.40 pm 1.20 pm 9.55 am 8.15 pm 9.25pm 7.53 pm 6.00 pm 4.25 pm 2.35 pm ,b 7M1 10.00 pm 9.10 am 7.45 pm 7.40 am : r-M 8.00 pm 8.30 am 7.30 pm 7.00 pm No. 13. No. 9. ' No. 33. " 6.15pm 12.10pm 9.05am- 6.07 pm 12.03 pm ' 8.55 am 5.11pm 11.13 am 8.02 am 4.00 pm 9.58 am 7.00 anv. - - L 3.40 pm 9.55 am 1 7i0'anT li 40 am 6.10am. ......... sm m a . . , -' A i e 'A ?Daily' Except ,Si?nay; h a f Comfort (F art r Monrpe Wi? Virglna Beaeh, -Newporc News vetr. 9 -T t r . J Mil p J .Prank S, jGTairTUtfl'oYice Resi dent and General Manager, Washing- equip44on, D. C. ; J. M. Culp. Traffic Manager, IWashingtOTr;- D:" C . t "WT A7"TWK; " Gen- aerai passenger rigwji, , aoumg wu-,-; x. U.: . Jti. iarawicKAijs4iwi- fa, Ga.;, C. A.nstey,A.JP.1'A.. S Chattanon&..TennWTOyloaA. P. A., Louisville, 'Ky,; F. TL Darby, vV"' - 'l Is; 4 -v. n 1 1- . A3- . f s I. . MTV'. V -I r I 1 .n 3 0 its dailt oONTiaiPoiLAim:3, rr a4 r.s vsr jf .'vf 7h , -.1 I S