7 - - "i V, - THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE;"; TUNE fci; iqooT PYJ;"- X; -49 SOME OFJHIHGSy LOCltE CRfilG SAID .. ' . . - 5oth Demagogical and llonsensical Flights of Oratoiy-Talked of "Winchester Bines" in Asheville. Editor of the Gazette: . . I listened to the speaking at the, op era house in this city Thursday night. It started off with the astonishing and contemptible insult offered In . the speech of A. S., Barnard and the reso lutions which you have published, and Vas continued in a vein of the same character. It is of Locke Craig's speech I wish to say a word. During the course of his remarks he sooke of a man who "had whipped a radical and a.sked me to defend hihv'i The word "radical" means "original" natural," but Webster says that in politics it is used to designate those yrho advocate radical cmanges in gov ernment. Passing by the senselessness of this use of the term, he leaves one to infer that his man engaged in a brutal brawl with some one with whom he did nnt airree in political matters, which or after all are only a mere difference of opinion that ought to be granted in the ed that the democratic utmost charity. Does any broad-mind ed man think any less of ex-Presidents Cleveland and Harrison because they represent different parties? Both are unimpeachable in their integrity and bear the stamp of honest intent in all their published utterances. What would be the proper verdict against either of them if he were to go and en gage in a street brawl over his polit ical opinions? Every sensible person would heartily condemn him. But Mr. Craig uttered those disgusting words "whipped a radical" as though he en joyed the thought, and expected his audience to be equally sodden and de graded. His memory of that man was so strong within him that he prom ised not to forget him when he went down to Raleigh. He also said he knew many of the best citizens of Asheville "who had Winchesters laid away .two years ago," and "they in tended to use them if they thought necessary." He failed to state what contingencies would justify their use,' but one's natural inference is that it had something to do with the election. The guns were 'not used. The election went democratic. Ergo: If there had been indications that the election was going against them, would the guns have been brought from their hiding places by these "best citizens?" If they had, would anybody have been shot in the back as they were in Wil mington? Were any of these "best citizens" Christians? Were they mind ful of the command "Thou shalt not kill?" If not then, were they cogn izant of a state law against killing? Here is a public orator wno poses as an enlightener of the people. How many times have we all heard our country entitled the "land of the free and the home of the brave." And yet here is one of the authorized mouth pieces of a party justifying the slug ging of a neighbor apdithe us of dead ly weapons in elections! How dare this man stand up in this land of churches, of free schools, of boasted justice, pro gression and freedom, and be an apol ogist for these relics of the lark ages? Of what use are preachers, or teachers churches, laws or codes of ethics if men .1 are to go about voicing sentiments that I are subversive pX all law, all order, and ." all else thaVmakes for peace; quiet, and I gooa citizensmp, among, men? Of what w eignx or vaiue are puonc omces wnen placed over against fcuman life, and the reign of kindness in the world? Mr. Craig, if you continue to talk tills kind of unethical rubbish, you will educate 'your own party to such lengths that upon ..the least" provocation they may turn upon you and rend you, as you are already teaching them to do unto others. If you continue in ad-' vocacy of these sentiments - that are subversive of-all that tends- to make life tolerable in this fair land of ours, then It will be said of you, "Mene, mene tekel upharsin!" If a republican speaker had said, as Mr. Ciaig dld.that Ms party represented "about all the womanhood" of the state ell the democratic ( newspapers and all their speakers would have uttered a pious howl bout an insult to the ladies of North Carolina. They would have Deem as quick and unanimous as though touched by a button" from headquarters,' and probably they would be. But Xocke Craig can say it and provoke a titter from his audience. Let it be said to their everlasting credit that it did not get any sign of approval from the women present. His coarse Intimation that there were those present of Illegal parentage was coldly received and a number of women left the house at once. Craig openly boast- legislature is irtrfihrifffmfbff r mf m "J mM M mM " WWW Www If your liver is out of orders causing j Biliousnesar Sick Headache, Heart- burn, or Constipation, take a dose of ' piann On retiring and tomorrow your di gestive organs will be regulated and you will be bright, active and t ready for anv kind of work. This has been the experience of others; it will be yours. HOOD'S PILLS are sold by all medicine dealers. 25, cts. Sumner, Deal & Co. Sumner, Deal & Co. Sumner, Deal & Co. still in session and going to remain in session indefinitely, to accomplish par tisan designs, iand to thwart the de cisions of the supreme court, which he termed partisan. By this remark he would have us believe .that if that tri bunal were democratic it would not then be partisan. It is not necessary to point out to him what would be the deplorable social condition if this policy were to obtain in all the American States. If every commonwealth made a specialty of discrediting its supreme judiciary chaos and anarchy would not be far off. Why does he want a demo cratic coterie of judges? Any child of ten would answer at once "to sit in sol emn approval of whatever acts the democratic assembly may enact.". Without saying more does this not con demn him? As to his fusilade against the editor of the Gazette, it is only an other instance of the one-sidedness of his tactics. He-hints at some great danger that is about to befall one who exercising the rights of free speech, which free speech is always free from the heated terms and doubtful epithets .that Mr. Craig so-readily calls to his assistance. His utmost malevolence can not possibly harm the person or character of one whose sole insistance is upon fair play and a full and tree the new schedule went into . effect. Passengers who desire to go to Beau fort will be until nearly midnight reaching that city, whereas before they arrived about eight o'clock. There are three cases of small pox in the pest house, three miles from the city, one dying from the effects. The weather here for the past three days has been something out of the usual June weather as thick clothes had to be donned while Sunday the thermometer was standing at 97. The Carolina Canning company of this city has sold its entire output for ! this season to a large grocery house of Philadelphia. Fruit seems to be plentiful around here now, while last year it was very i seldom you could see a peach at all. In speaking about the registration of mail matter by carriers, which went into effect on the 20th instant, the New Bern Journal (democrat) pays the fol lowing deserved compliment to our most efficient postmaster: "Irt the interest of public convenience the Hon. Eawin C. Wadden, third as sistant postmaster general, has author ized our efficient and enterprising post master, Mr. Seymour W. Hancock, to provide for the registration of valua ble letters, or first class matter, by letter carriers on their routes in this city. "Since the appointment of Mr. Han cock as postmaster the service in our city has been greatly improved; he has successfully impressed upon the de partment the necessity of giving our citizens all the benefits of the modern postal service. THREE BIG EVENTS FOR MONDAY AND TUESDAY, I The greatest slaughter our zbuyer has ever run across. &SHS LADIES' PULLEY BELTS, new up to date goods, in Morocco, Kid and undressed It Suede, regular value 75c, $1.00 and $1.25, to be sold Monday in our Special , sale at All the new shades, black, tan, brown, gray and mode. unn VEBY FINE LADIES' SHIET. WAISTS, made of a beautiful Lawn, with the latest collar and cufT, with fine quality of embroidery and insertion. The waists are good and sell at $2.25, but to give unusual value Monday D)Sr it .llU l uJli4ijr uv yjiu.,, iiiwiu u.. ... All sizes. See them in front window Saturday. SCDdD o" v.. ' , mm 4LS)c LADIES' PERCALE WAISTS, latest style and finish, worth 75c to $1.00, Monday and Tuesday at. The above goods have never been seen in Asheville or elsewhere at double the price. This opportunity to buy nice, stylish goods at such a sacrifice. seldom comes. Special in Domestics for Monday and Tuesday: 44 Fruit Loom 8ic yard. 4-4 Androscoggin 8ic yard. . 4-4 Berkeley Cambric, No. 60, 10c yard. Two Specials in. Towels : Heavy German Damask will wear well. No. 1, 18x38 inches, usually sold fpr $1.53 dozen. Special $1.05 dozen, or 9c each. No. 2, 22x46, usually sold for $150 a dozen, special $1.59 dozen or 14c each. THE BIG STORE JOINT DEBATE. Bates on which Ltisk, Craig and Others Will Speak It is hereby agreed between J. T. URSNER, DEAL & CWY. A AA 4444444444 Murphy, chairman of the democratic executive committee of Buncombe cniintv. and W. E. Logan, chairman of discussion of the issues of the day on J the republican executive committee of .f HiiHncs I Buncombe county, as follows: gate and prejudice. Mr. Craig1 has the gory field all to himself and he seems able to fill it. . A VOTER. A DISGUSTED DEMOCRAT. DR. GEO. THRASH, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, 121 Haywood St. Hours 12 m. to 4 p. m. TELEPHONE 664. Milk and Separated Cream. Pure milk at 5 cents a quat; sepa rated cream at $1.00 per gallon. Deliv ered morning and evening. Telephone or send postal to HILLSIDE DAIRY, EMMA. N C. NEW BAKERY. Try the new College Street Bakery. Best bread, cakes, and pies. Fresh every day. No. 51 College Street. PHONE 359. Ivy Citizen Who Objects to Present Management of His Party. Editor of the Gazette: Barnardsville, N. C, June 20. I desire to say tnrough your paper thatr am a democrat and have always supported the democratic ticket, and I believe in the principles of the party as taught and preached by Thomas Jeffer son, but I do not endorse the ring rule and trickery practiced by the so-called democratic party of North Carolina and of Buncombe county. The delegates are chosen in the primaries by trickery and a majority of the candidates get their nomination in the same way. Dr. J. V. Jay, who is township chair man of the democratic party in Ivy No. 2, aided by Rev. Joe Hyder and others secured a delegation to the dem ocratic convention at Asheville that the majority of the democrats here did not want, by a trick too mean for any one to endorse except by that part of the so-called democratic party who are trying to disfranchise the common peo ple of North Carolina. I. r. Jay, in his reply to Mr. W. R. Maney's article which appeared in the Gazette ""on May 29, says through the columns of the Asheville Citizen that Mr. Maney has left the democratic party and gone to the republicans. I wish in reply to say that Mr. Maney has not left the "democratic party but is opposed to trickery and misrule and there are about one hundred democrats in Ivy township that stand on the same plat form . I am reliably informed that the same state of affairs exists all over the county and state. I therefore expect to see trickery and misrule buried in Bun combe county at the next election with one thousand majority. JOHN GRAGG. First That there shall be a joint can vass of Buncombe county between the various candidates for the legislature and county offices of the democratic and republican, parties in Buncombe county at the following times and Black Mountain, Thursday. July 5. Swannanoa, Friday, July 6. Fairview, Saturday, July 7. Sandy Mush, Tuesday, July 10. Snow Hill, Wednesday, July 11. Leicester, Thursday, July 12. Candler, Friday, July 13. Sand Hill (Lower Hominy), Satur day, July 14. Flat Creek, Tuesday, July 17. Ivy, Wednesday, July 18. Upper Reems Creek, Thursday, July IS. Weaverville, Friday. July 20. Alexanders, Saturday, July 21. Avery's Creek, Fr'dav, July 27. Skyland, Saturday, July 28. Second Said joint cancass shall be between the candidates for members of house of representatives of the general assembly from Buncombe county and the various county offices. Third Hon. Locke Ctaig and Hon. V. S. Lusk shall each be allowed one hour and ten minutes for the opening argu ment, and fifteen minutes reply each; they to alternate at each speaking as to who shall have the opening speech. Hon. J. C. Curtis and Hon. R. I. Wil son shall have twenty-five minutes each for the opening argument and five min utes rerjly. Each of the other candi dates shall be allowed five minutes each. No candidate shall be allowed to surrender his time or any part of it to any other candidate; but if any can didate is unable, from sickness, to be present at .any appointment, then hs can get any other candidate or some friend to represent him. at such ap pointment upon the same terms land conditions as set out in. this agreement. Speaking at each appointment to commence at 11 o'clock or as soon thereafter as possible. Witness our hands this the 20th day of June, 1900. Executed in duplicate. ; i J. D. MURPHY. Chairman of the Democratic Executive Committee of Buncombe County. W. E. LOGAN, Chairman of the Repuiblican (Executive Committee of Buncome County. S. Mrs Mima and child, of Sumter, C, are at Mrs. Smathers, on Patton avenue. Mrs. W. S. Tebo, of Suffolk, Va., ar rived recently and is visiting her moth er "Mrs. J. I. Hearn, 32 Philip street. $x3 Maurice Malone, who nas Deen ou x . visit to his cousin Paul Henry, at Hen- J j : 1 1 ntnrn ar TTYIflflV. ' Max. F. Cater has returned from a week's trip to Bristol and other points. Mr. and Mrs. D. Kohler and Mr. A. S Kohler, of Savannah, Ga., are visit ing B. F. Kohler at 7 Starnes avenue. Arnold Snyder, of Salisbury, is visit ing here for several weeks. tx Mr. W. Boyd Evans and bride of Co lumbia, S. C, are guests at the Bat tery Park. Mr. Evans was secretary to the governor for sometime and has been prominent in South Carolina po litical circles. Mrs. Evans was Miss Haywood, of Charleston and has visited in Asheville often. . Mrs. Harriet Sumner, of Asheville is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Elizabeth N-eal. Marion democrat. $ , Mrs. W. A. Withers, of Raleigh, who hQ hPPn the euest of Miss Gertrude Wood for several days, leaves today for Aviovni Miss Wood will go with her TX Oin- - - j and visit her brother, Mr. J. ii. woou. Sfcatesville Landmark. Alex Webb is ia the city from Ral eigh. Bennett Bostic returned yesterday from a shor triD Shelby. B. F. Stubblefield and daughter who have been visiting W. C. CVrmich ael, returned to their home in Morris town yesterday. sx Judge 'Fred Moore returned from ,kt.. irDotprrtfiv And will be at Vjri cciio mji v jkjw- home nearly two months. $XS Graves, of Burlington, is m 1 I 1 Benjamin Burnette. Dr. Geo. H. Lambert. 'Phone, Office 262. Residence 284. Burnette & Lambert. Manufacturers of Carriages and Wagons Wheelwrights and Iron Workers. "Veterinary, Horseshoeing. Dealers in Wheelwright Supplies. 85, S7 and 89 South Mali Street, Asheville, N. C. Dr. Cone is the president and present professor of pathology at the Woman's Medical college at Baltimore. Sne also does scientific research work at the Johns-Hopkins university. Mrs. C. F. Camp and children, of Asheville, N. C, are visiting at Mr. T. A. Camp's, Kennedy street. Mr. Wm. McGowam went to Asheville, N. C. , yesterday .Spartanburg Herald. SxS Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Abbott, of Charleston, are in the city. Mr. Ab bott represents the southern territory for the Continental Tobacco company. The republican convention for the Eighteenth senatorial district, com posed of Alamance, Caswell, Orange and Durham counties, will meet in Hiilsboro, Orange county, on Saturday, June 30. ANOTHER ANTI-AMENDMENT CLUB. A large anti-amendment club was or ganized at Laurel Hill, Upper Hominy, Friday. Hon Jesse Lowrie asked a division of time with Dr. Brock. Dur ing the debate Dr. Brock asked Mr. Lowrie several questions. Mr. Lowrie confessed- that after 1908 "some whites" would be disfranchised on account of an educational qualification. Asked if he thought? the Simmons law a fair, elec tion law, Mr. Lowrie said he tnougni was that "we had made it fop the purpose of carrying our point." Mr. Lowrie should be kept In the field. TJ. M. the city. NEW BERNE NOTES. A CARD OF THANKS. I wish to say that I feel under last tog obligations for what Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has done ror our ramuy Mr. and Mrs. Plainfield, N. J., of Pure Certified Jersey Milk From the BILTMORE FARMS DAIRY. Politics at a Standstill Large snip-jWe nave used it i0 so many cases of manti a TrnnV. I coughs, lung troubles and, whooping cough, and it has always given, Mar Pome . n. June 21. Politics I most perfect satisfaction. We i oo' rMfj thinsr- thM-e is no- I weatly indebted to the manufacturers I thine Ko.ng on In h. .Hne wtever. d 'Ms remedy miia i www - The absolute purity and health- fulness of this milk is guaran- 8 4 nniv thA democrats look a little over the results of the natlnoal con vention in naming a pair that no three of a kind could defeat McKinley and Roosevelt. The ticket gives entire satisfaction to the republicans of this city and that it will be elected is a foregone conclusion. One hundred and fifty car loads of truck was the amount shipped from this vicinity on Saturday, which makes it the record breaker of the season. The streets of this city are well filled nightly by the four reel teams of this city ! practicing for the " Wilmington tourpapient next month, ; Moqehead, ,pitX M Jn rnifc Diast now as accent our hearty thanks fully, Mrst S. Doty; ues . Moines, ia For sale by C. A. Ka. sor. A hardware clerk isn't necessarily a in an argument is in the wrong. Small in size and great to results ar DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the fa mous mtle pills that cleanse tine live and bowels. They, do not gripe. Dr T. C. Smith. F. A. Dunham, are visiting here. TTi atnnnr Vi a a rptumed from a. J. K- IVlli week's stay at Black Mountain. SxS Miss Willie Steele has returned from the the state normal school at Greensboro, I a tc ificittrT -ms i s. tiranw on Charlotte street. in vino TxroHswrtrth. formerly a iXLiBB xiiici, - . resident of Asheville but now of Mont rmrv Ala., is in the city to spend the summer with her aunt, Mrs. Wads worth, 48 Spruce street. Robert Butler and family, of Savan nah .ro in tl citv for- the summer t pveral summers in this city. Hugh Brown, the drum major at Bing ham last year, passed tnrougn yesiei People who have long faces are apt to day on his way to his home in Chatta SPOKE AT SAND HILL. Charles Webb, Robert Ball and Jo seph Jarvis went to Sand Hill, where Mr. Webb spoke in favor of the amend ment Friday niht. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Judge of the west ern district criminal court subject to the action of the republican district convention when called. R. S. McCALL. In driving a nail a woman either drives it crooked or hits her finger. t 1 THE HOT SPRINGS OF ARKANSAS, VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY. The Hot Springs of Arkansas are owned by the U. S. Government and have its endorsement for the cure of rheumatism, malaria, nervous troubles. chronic and functional ailments and a score more of human Ills. The climate of Hot Springs is cool and delightful in Summer, owing to its elevation among the Ozark Mountains, and is the best time for treatment. 100 hotels for all classes. Write Bureau of Infor mation, Hot Springs, for illustrated book giving full information. For reduced excursion tickets and particulars of the trip, see local agent or address W. A. Turk, Gen'l Passr. Agt. Southern Ry., Washington, D. C. have short understandings. nooga. teed by our system of daily vet- .21 th teachers! .assembly . is in session ' h.va Tho .Tfinnpsse Press association ' c -fc . ermary inspection ana sanptry .ntst week there, also the $L control. ?mous" legislators. . 2 1 we heard a. subscriber to the News and As cheap as any in the marlcet, . that the cartoons" that of 2 1 are beins" published to that paper are Sirloin? morefor the defeat of the demo cratic party than any other source in Apply to'any of our wagons, or SI existence. V - . - 21 nkn.A ia a nWnHniirmsi Vlr-k bv the DU- siness'men of this city against the new schedule toangurated by he A. N. C. rt Tt. The train; is due here 7:30 p owing to its high per cent, nutrient solids and fats. ' 'Phone 68. I 4 Shake Into Your Shoes Allen's Foot-Ease e. lowdei . It cures painful, smarting, swollen teex ancu in growing nails and jstantly ! 'es the sting out of corns and bunions. It's the greatest comiort aiscwverv vl me age. Allen's Foot-J se makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure for sweating, callous and hot. tired, achin leet. xry n touay, ssona by all druggists an ; shoe stores. By ! mail for 25c. in stamps. Trial package fn Address Alien uuneiea.v jue Roy, N. T. Jake Weaver has returned from Pitts burg for a vacation, lie was nun sev eral weeks on the rennsyivama. -road and is at home now getting over the effect of the injury. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Jarvis went to Marshall yesterday for a few days. and hWnever Been" onetime since Gazette Mr. Peck and party left yesterday for ClnclnnaU in. their Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul private car. v :-'Y "J Mrs. Herman Cone and daughter, Dr. Claribel Cone, of Baltimore, are visit ing their daughter and sister, Mrs. M. Ti Tncrnn "Bark, avenue for two weeks. rh mort aterrtelxiMd n'cesftiiThey wUlthen go to .Blowing Rock for Viorf Mrs. fTone s son. Ju.. i . nf r&urnw u.u v 3i Lime in uwiiuc Cu""" -r , - . oi r-' t interest. vjvUC, uaa uKiauic sctuw - Dame Fashion decrees that the pro nounced .puffiness in hair dressing is to become a mode of the past with this fall, and that the locks of the fashion butterfly will be arranged in a new and wonderful way to suit the winter s mil linery. OIL AND GOLD MINES Visitors Speak of the Food Used. Major Desborough, writing from Fresno, Calif., says: I round rape- Nuts food 45 miles in tne mountains in an old oil camp, where the whole crowd, 10 men, eat it for breakfast every day and every Sunday have it in a pudding for dinner." General B. C. Machen, an old Con federate soldier, has just returned from an extended trip through the Southwest and along the Mexican bor der, investigating mining properties. He says: "No matter where I traveled, I always found it possible to get Grape Nuts and Pcstum Food Coffee, of which I am very i fond." Thte Grane-Nuts breakfast rood w es pecially valued by campers and fron tier rjeoDle. as it is already cooked ana ready for instant service, and being concentrated furnishes unusukl strength anrT nourishment, in a small quantity. Tt is believed that a man can travel farther and exercise more continuously on a rew teaspoons of Grape-Nuts than nn like Quantity of any other food known. The reason for this is that there are selected element in Grape-Nuts that furnish direct to, the brain and nerve centers, the necessary particles to re build the delicate gray matter contained in these parts, therefore a' man con-fin- uouslv fed on GraneNuts is absolutely certain of a good condition of the ner vous. system," which is really. the con troller of" the entire body, FARMERS provide yourself with Pain-Killer at this season of the year, when: colic, cholera morbus, dyseoteryj diarrhoea, &c, may disable your hands use it in every case of thi kind, but be sure that you trust to no other rem edy but the old, Jong tried Perry Davis Pain-Killer which never ranee, avoiu gubstitutes, there is but one Pain-Killer, Berry Davis'. Price 25c and 50c. Private Wire. Continuous Quotations. MURPHY & COMPANY, BROKERS STOCKS, COTTON, GRAIN AND PROVISIONS- i New Tork Office, 61 Broadway. Telephone 649. CHURCH STREET, . ASHHVILLE, N. C. REFER TO Blue Hidge Natlona Back, AshevUle, N. d . . . . Charlotte Katxaoal Bank, Charlotte, N.C Sealoard National Bank, New York. ; iMtmr BankiLcr Ok, Atlanta, Ga, : Capitol Clr Bank, Atlanta, Ga. . Bmdytreet O, inerclal Agency

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