CAROLINA NEWS. mflimmmnimmmmmmmmmni Er pDl2) ME 1 At and Below SS? In order to make room for our large stock of fall Shoes which will begin to arrive in a few days, we have selected from our stock all shoes of less than six pairs of a kind which we offer For the Next Ten days. 313 E imuiAiiiiiuiiuiiiitiiiiiUiiittuiiituuiiiiiutiiuiiuuiiiiuiuiuiuiiiiiiuiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiauiiaiitr Carolina & North western R. R. Schedule Effective April 1, 1900. Northbound Passenger. Mixed. Mixed: No. 10. No. 60 o. 62. Lv Chester... 8:10am 7:50am Lv Y'kville... 9:15am 9:52am Liv Gastonia..l0:13:jn 12:35pm Lv L'colnton. 11 :03am 2:15pm Lv Newton... 11 :52am 3:32pm Lv Hickory. .12:15pm 5:50pmLv 9:00am At Lenoir 1:16pm 7:50pm 11:25am Southbound Passenger. Mixeo. Mixed. No. 9. No. 61. No 63. Lv Lenoir.... 4:30pm l:30p . Lv Hickory.. 5:35pmLv 5;30am 4:topm Lv Newton... 6:05pm 8:30am Lv L'colnton 7:00pm 9:18am Lv Gastonia... 8:15pm 11:10am Lv Y'kville. 9:2Tpm 1:12pm. Ar Chester 1C :31pm 5:15pm 20 minutes for d pper at G itonia. No. 10, northbound, connects at Chea ter with Southern railway, S board Air Li Lancaster & Ch tcr railway from all points south; at Yor li e with the South . Carolina & Georgia railway E.; at Gastonia with Southern' railway; at Lincolnton with Seaboard ir Line; at Newtcn and Hickory with Southern railway. No. southbound, makes close connection at all Junction points. Address: E. F. REID, L. T. N.CHOX-S, ' Auditor, Gen. Mai. Chester. S. C. NASHVILLE, CHATTANOOGA AND ' St. L. AND WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILWAYS. The gTeat ithrough line to Arkansas, Texas and the Nortb west. Three daily train between, Chattanooga, Atlaata a? . Nashville, Double daily trains to Memphis and 4 Chicago. Through. Pull man sleepers and elegant day coaches "without change L 'tween. Chattanoo- g- and St. Louis, Vad bet Veen' Chat " tanooga r and - Jacksonville, ; Florida. - If you aire caitemlairln a, f rin. tt A uay point, you will find if . o your interest to write or call on. W. Danley, Q. P. X, Nashville, ,( Tenia. t . - ' J. H. Laflaaer, S. V; AM Cor. 9th and Krk t street, Chattanooga, Tean, : W. T. Rogers, T. ,P.rA Kx-yxville. ; .xean .' v , ,- ... . - " '- " H. F. Smith, Trafflo Manager, Nash- ALT 10 and 12 Patton Avenue. 3 Y7 Li PIP r yi THE HALT DIM! The Bargain Centre of Asheville. QUEEN OF SEA-ROUTES" -...TO Boston, Providence sTD New England Resorts IS VIA THE Merchants' and Miners' Trans. Co. Steamship Lines ' TROM NORFOLK, VA. Steumers leave or Boston every Mon lay, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday it p, nx. Leave for Providence .very Pusday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 m . STEAMERS NEW, FAST AND ELE GANT. Accommodation- and Cuieiae Unaur vXusad. Send for illustrated folder. R. H. WRIGHT, Agen- Norfolk, ya. J. C. WHITNEY, Trance Manager. W. P. TURNER, General Passenger Agent. General Offices, Batimare Md. DOES IT PAT TO BUT CHEA , ? A cheap remedy for cou-rha and colds Is all right out you want something hat will relieve and cure the more severe and dangerous results of throat and lung troubles. What shall ou do? Go to a warmer and more regular; climate? Yes, U possible; if not possible for you, then in either case take -the ONLYs remedy that, has been introduced in all civilized countries with success in severe throat and lung troubles, "Boschee's German Syrup."--It not only -heals -and stimu lates the tissues to destroy 'the germ disease, but allays Inflammation, causes easy; expectoration, gives a good night's rest, and cures the 'patient. Try ONE bottle. Recommended: many years by all -druggists in the world. For sale by w. X2. Carxnlehael." - , 4 ' -:; - . 3 o. Cost. "- Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine. Rotary Motion and Ball3earings. 'Agents wanted in unoccupied terri tory. Send, for circulars. Wheeler & Wilson Mfg . Co., Atlanta, Gav . EXCURSION TO NIAGARA One of the rrobt oyable nd popu lar excursions of the season will be via theVC. H. & D. railway to Niagara "iEs on Augxist 9. ,. Saiae ates -as Jwere tn effect last year. : D'- tails can ? be had from any, C H. D.' Aeu , . Mr. T. J. Jenkins, of Meow's mill, Says that wheat has . been4 coming in since July 4. Crops are about as large as usual but werfe injured some by sprouting during: the rainy weath er about harvest time. 5astonia News. In East Durham- there is a family that is perhaps one of the largest in the state. The head of the family is Mr. Murphy J. Boyd, and he has 17 children, 47 grandchildren and' 7 great granchildren, making a total of 71 in his family. Durham Herald. A terrible hailstorm (passed through the Pearidge section on Saturday, the 14th, and did a great deal of damage to growing crops, especially to cotton in that section of the county lying be tween the town of Mm Springs and Pearidge, along Green river. Polk Oounty News. E. C. Hackney has recently lost five1 fine hogs from a peculiar cause. The hogs have been fed on slops that were procured at some of the restaurants in thexcity. In the slops were chicken feathers and this caused the death of the porkers which swallowed them. One .of the hogs would have tipped the scales in the neighborhood of 300 pounds. 'Durham Sun. The truth that a man never becomes too old to woo and wed was exemplified this morning when Mr. Zecharaiah Groome, aged 72, and Mrs. Isabella Davis, aged 45 years, were married In this city. The ceremony which made" the twain one, was performed by J. A. Prltchett, Esq. Mr. Groome resides a few miles south of town and is one of the most extensive farmers in this sec tion of the state. Greensboro Tele gram. Shortly after dinner on Friday Mur phy was visited by a pretty severe storm. The wind almost blew a. gale, while vivid lightning and heavy thun der betokened that bad weather was at hand. The rainfall in town amounted to a refreshing shower, cooling off the atmosphere. Lightning shocked little Miss Gracie Woodbury, but no appar ent ill effects followed. Two trees near the residence of C. E. Wood show the- pranks of lightning. Murphy Scout. Captain W. B. Lemly, who was wounded in the fight at Tien Tsin, China, last. Friday, was a son of Mr. W. H. Lemly, of Winston. He is a graduate of the university and was formerly manager of the Winston Re publican. At the outbreak of the Spanish-American war he volunteered for service and was lieutenant of marines. He served during the entire war, and after its close received a commission in the regular service ,as lieutenant of marines ana was sent l. Manila. Since that time he has been promoted to captain and was detail ed as assistant quartermaster. States ville Landmark. EGGS IN DURHAM East Durham, N. C, July 20. Hon A. J. Spears spoke here last night to 600 people. The democratic gang" were very much in evidence trying in ev ery way possible to interrupt the speakers as the evidence of rotten eggs on the walls of the house this morning shows. If this is a sample of the democracy that is trying to rule this state may the good Lord deliver us. Some of the Durham papers try to make it appear that the disturbance iwas caused by children. If it was they are the first "children" I ever saw wearing beards The good people of this county will rise up in August and rebuke such deviltry in a manner that cannot he misunder stood. IN HAYWOOD COUNTY Crabtree, N. C, July 21. The politi cai situation or Haywood cvounty is good. The townships of Fines Creek and Crahtree, the ones I am best ac quainted with, will give a fair majority against the amendment, and from What I can hear, it is about the same throughout the county. The time has come when the poor and illiterate voter are no longer going to be made the tools and the victims of political corruption, of boodlers and ballot box stuffers, of political para sites who are now trying to disfran chise them forever by the proposed constitutional amendment. GUY V. FERGUSON. SAFEST TO VOTE IT DOWN. We do not believe that the country acted wisely in enfranchising the un lettered slaves as soon as they were freed, but it did it in good faith and by their vote the state was readmitted into the union, an3 we can't see any way to disfranchise the colored race without disfranchising white people and be true to the oath that we hold so sacred. The constitutional amend ment will not do it, and as there are grave doubts as to just what ' the amendment will do, and who will be deprived of his vote, it is safest to vote it down. Rutherford Press. 200 pairs Ladies' Tan. Oxfords, 2 to 5, just one-half price. G. A. Mear3. A Itran iavn Tnere, Mr. Henry Furniss tells an amusing story of Mr. Justice Hawkins. The learned judge had a horror of drafts and used to close up every cranny in his court, to the great discomfort of every body. Meeting a brother judge, the lat ter said: "Oh, Hawkins, 1 had a frightful dream the other night. I dreamed you were dead and taken to Woking to be cre mated. I cost the last train down and bribed an official, to let me peep through one of the loopholes of the crematorium. -All that I saw was a heap of ashes, but I beard a voice cry out: 'Shut the door Keating. . There's a draft here.' "Lon don News. When a minister fails to stick to his text it may be because he believes scattered shot hits the most birds. 1 fThe Gazette is the best medium for advertising hotels and boarding house 1 Only Asheville paper sold- on trains' And do you trnderataiid what tout real troubles are? Most people treat themselves for the wrong disease! If you will stop and think a moment, you can avoid or cor rect mistakes. Did your sickness begin in "the stomach? Did it then spread to the Liver, Kidneys and Blood ? If that is so, then you can readily see that by taking a medicine that is good for the Stomach, Kidneys, Liver, Bladder and Blood, you. are sure to get at the seat of the trouble beyond question. The very best medicine for the purpose is Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Bfomcdy. It is the pre-eminent cure for the Kidneys and Bladder. By making thoat vital organs well, it sifts all acids and ters right in the stomach, promoting gentle, easy; natural movements of the bowels, and permanently removing the W. I. Miller, of Rhinebeck, N. Y., says he has used Dr. David Kennedy's Fsrorite Remedy for a number of years, and finds it the best medicine he srer used for liver and Kidney Troubles. A Urg bottle of Favorite Remedy Is sold TRIAL BOTTLF FREE. Send your name and address to the DR. DAVID KENNEDY CORPORATION. Rondout. N. Y., mentioning this paper. You will receive by re turn mail, absolutely free, a trial bottle of Fa torite Remedy, and a pamphlet containing val uable medical advice, such as everybody needs. The State Normal and Industrial College OP NORTH Offers to young: women thorough llterar ucation and special pedagogical train non-residents, $152. Faculty of 30 mem Has matriculated about 2,000 students, except one. Practice and Observation board in dormitories, all free tuition ap ust 1. Correspondence invited from those For Catalogue and other informatio PRO CHARIiES D. McIVEH, President. THE VERDICT. The Oregon was built under too lucky a star to become a permanent ornament to a Chinese reef. Pittsburg Dispatch. Advices from Indiana are to the effect that the Wabash got tired of hearing about its banks and left them. New York Mail and Express. Property valued at $150,000,000 in the United States was destroyed by fire in 1S99, and during the present year, if the proportion keeps up, the sum will reach $175,000,000. Detroit Tribune. Facilities to escape fire on board ship should be as accessible and practicable as the iron ladders and stairways on tene ment houses. The laws of all nations should make sea doors compulsory. New York Journal. The system of hiring out convicts has been abandoned by Texas, Mississippi and Georgia, and the experiment has been made of employing them on farms owned by the state and devoted exclusively to cotton culture. San Francisco Chron icle. French generals have begun to resign. What is the world coming to? General Jamont has quit merely because the sec retary of war interfered with his staff. Let Minister Andre keep it up. By doing this he may prove himself a friend of France. Galveston News. As usual, the American marines were among the first of the "white devils"- to be slain when the fighting began near Tien-tsin. The reckless bravery with which the American marine goes forward to be killed is only paralleled by the ef fectiveness of the work he does and the amount of damage he inflicts upon the enemy. Chicago News. It is announced that the American silk exhibit at the Paris exposition is to be awarded the gold medal, even over the French dis'play. This is a triumph indeed for American manufacturers and will prove an eye opener to the French, who ridiculed the idea of Americans com ing into competition with them, especial ly in silk. St. Louis Star. WHITE MAN TURNED YELLOW. Great consternation was felt by the friends of M. A. Hogarty of Lexing ton, Ky, when they saw he was- turn lng yellow. His skin slowly changed color, also his eyes, and he suffered terribly. His malady was Yellow Jaun dice. He was treated by the best doc tors but without benefit. Then he was advised to try Electric Bitters, the wonderful Stomach and Liver remedy, and he writes: "After taking two bot tles I was wholly cured." A trial proves its matchless merit for all Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles. Only 50c. Sold by all druggists. FACE Is Your Fortune.' Throw away cbsmeties. American: women spend 5,t)WM)w annually for lotions, etc., most of which are made of woi- . sonous BUbst a and destroy e kin. TO rrn secure Nat Rosy, Healthy OompHexlatt, get a VIRGIN RUBBER MASK. , Restores original oontour, permanent-KL1?niove;- imle ' freicktea, black heads, and , m complexibnal iinperfec- l Absolutely Harml Results Gtr&r-. -rit,f0r Partietilara.' -Price $3.00 by mail., GHttves ; $2.00 And $2.50. ' GINtJBBm CO.; tto; 2 W. Utt street, Jew York. v C AvRAYSOR, SOLD aosntp - . v. - - n Jatt? ATB'"AcasrCs W. . f ' I 1 U Ml I I I ft ZV T Nil 1111 poisons from the blood. It sets mat cause of Indigestion and Dyspepsia. He recommends it highly. by druggists for $1, or six bottles fer M. TRY THIS TEST. Put some urine in a glass tumbler and let 11 stand 24 hours. A sediment at the bottom or a milky, cloudy appcarapce indicates that the kid neys are in a dangerous eondition, and thai Favorite Remedy is badl needed. Healthy urine is clear and does not stain linen. CAROLINA y,. classical, scientific and Industrial ed ing. Annual expenses $92 to $132; for bers. More than 400 regular students, representing every county in the State School of about 250 pupils. To secure plications should le made before Aug- desiring competent trained teachers. n address until August 15th F. J. Y. JOTNER, Dean of College, There's JNoibiug to be Afraid Of in purchasing meats of all kinds here. Whether your choice is beef, mutton, lamb or veal freshness, tenderness, juiciness and wholesomeness are as sured quantities every day in the week and every week in the, year. Careful ness In selection ana proper handling and "cutting up" are the main elements in our business and we don't neglect them. Zimmerman & Whitehead, CITY MARKET. NATIVE AND WESTERN MEATS. Telephone 4. The C. H.&D. Trains between CINCINNATI, TOLEDO & DETROIT mm through the mous an- -r"1 tlle .Miami valley and numerous prosperous villages and cities ot western Ohio and southern Mich igan. There are four tirong trains each way. Pullman sleep era on night trains. THE MICHIGAN FLYER, vtuM carries pari and cafe arc, wit elegant through day coachef . Leaves- Cincinnati 1 p. m.; ar rives Toledo 6:50 p. m.; arrive Ietroit 8:20 p. m. One f t nest trains in the central slate THE G. H.& is the direct e fro: l CIhcIum and the south to the ppul summer resorts of Michigan Canada. Comne-.ts at Toledo wlt steamers on Lake Brie and witk rail lines ifor interior points; Detroit with rail and steamer lines for inl. d 'and lak resorts. MEALS are served in the C. 3. D cafe cars a la carte, one thus ing able to order at C sired, moderate prices. P UR FAST TRAINS r wre Cincinnati, Indianapolis A C - cago. Agents of connecting rtf ' ' will sell tou ticket routini r C. H. & D. Ry. D. Q. EDWARDS, Passeng-er Traffic Manager, Ctndnsatl. O The' Jtfisses Coffin's dancing class i1 children meets .every Thursday after noon from 6 to, 7:30 at C. Xi. TJ. ball, (over H.-C. Johnson' store) on Pattoo avenue. . THE LATEST DANCES AND GER MAN FIGURES TAUGHT. Private lessons given! j Children maf I enter the class at any time. Partico- CJ the hall on .Thursdays or at ..44 Phil f ctoekMl 7- I tWm ibiada I Dancing