TeU. Us Your' Troubles... s.We, doxLt ask you to give us your entire trade all at once; Just a little at timea small (trial order will do to beggar rsyrith. That's how our Mgeat customers today Inaugurated their, con.-, axectlon with us. Now nothing could induce them 'to trade elsewhere., etarch, best lump,, per pound.. $ ,05, Oil, keresene, per gallon 14 "Vinegar, best, per gallon. .22 nice, broken, per pound. .05 Hice, good 061-2 Ulce, best Imported ...... .08 iFeakues, pie 12 1-2 Peas, early June, per can...... .06 1 4 Corn, sweet, per can.... .07 1-2 Potted ham, per can..... .04 Pepper sauce, per bottle........ .05 iMuvtard, in large tumbler 06 Catsup, per bottle; 05 -"Wise men know more than they tell; tout, fools always tell more than they know. We have only such goods as are Hi to sell, and only such prices will sell them, -? Toe I. X. L. Grocery Store, 22 Pat ton Ave. 'Phone 107. Artistic Portraiture A customer from a northern city . ys he had never been able to get a good portrait until we made tthem for her. Possibly the others didn't take the in terest in it we did; may be we know how more than they anyway she was pleased and gave us a good order. One of our last customers when hand ed ten proofs liked them all and or dered from six different negatives. We have everything necessary for un usually good photos skill, taste and all necessary apparatus; every part of the work is correct. , We are rapidly gaining customers who adopt our Ideas about fixing up lor pictures, and frequently leave the selection of ones to finish up to us. They always get good portraits'. It's our ouslness to know what will make you look best, and after seeing proof we e ithe best judges of the ones that riH look test and reflect credit upon Ravs Studio Phone 67. The.Uoiversity ol Nor tli Carolina The head of the State's Educa tional System. Three academic courses leading to de crees. Professional courses In law, medicine And pharmacy. Scholarship and ( Loans to Needy. Free Tuition to TUltlOn $0U. Candidates for Ministry, Minis ter's Sons and Teachers. Sun.mer School for teachers. 612 students besides 161 in summer m&ooL 38 teachers in the faculty. For catalogues and information ad dress F. r. VENABLB, President, Chapel Hill, N. C. Seward A. Haven. Wright C. Stout MBMBERS OP THE . New York Stock Exchange. New York Cotton Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade. HAVEN & STOUT, Bankers and Brokers NASSAU STREET, CORNER WALi., NEW YORK. : Deposit accounts received, subject to Cbtck on demand. Interest credited SSKithly on daily balances. Accounts of banks, corporations, firms rrmA lmdivlduaJa received on favorable bnAT Intarest rHvMfnttS. note. vvunwi w , - xaft collected for our correspondents. Orders executed for the purchase oi mmlt on commission, of bonds, stocks, investment or carried on margin. Clients may telegraph orders and in structions at our expense. Copies si -telegraphic code, may be had on appli cation. Information regarding quotations ifecerf ully furnished. VIRGINIA COLLEGE FORYOTJNG LADIES, ROANOKE, -VA. Opens Sept. 18, 1900. One of the lead Jag schools for Young Ladies in the South. Magnificent buildings all mod--ern improvements. Campus ten acres. Grand mountain scenery in Valley of "VaJ famed for health. European and American teachers. Pull course. Su perior advantages in Art, Music and Elocution. Students from thirty states IVr catalogue address MAfTTTIiE P. HARRIS, President, Roanoke, Va. Or.DECKE SHAKE NO MORE SOc. a bottle at druggists or direct tf-om Dr. Decker Medicine Co, Patter son. N. J i -A Mm AT ELK PARK. Messrs -Britt and Bellamy in Joint Discussion Choice Epithets of Mr. Bellamy Left Three Ap pointments. Hk Park, N.- C, July 19. After the speaking at Bakersville on the l&th Messrs. Britt and Bellamy, by arrange merit between the chairmen of the democratic and republican committee, met in joint discussion the following day at Elk Park. An equal "division of time was to be given each one, Prof. Britt to open the discussion. Upon reaching this place Mr. Bellamy de clared he would speak first and speak as long as he desired and then should have a rejoinder". Notwithstanding the fact that two thirds of the crowd were republican and -were averse to listening to the lit tle, shot gun, red shirt, Simmons regu lator, rotten egg talk for one and a half hours (that being twenty minutes over the time allotted to him 0y the two chairmen) they listened to Bel lamy until a prominent republican call ed his attention to the intrusion. Bel lamy refused to stop, but continued for fifteen minutes longer. During the time occupied by this dis tinguished ring democrat he twice re ferred to Mr. Britt as a "red-legged grasshopper," and used other epithets which no man could afford to -use who desired the respect of decent people, andt he referred to Judge Adams, Who will be the next governor of. North Carolina, as being a "former hireling in a livery stable" and "working . along side of a negro." j Bellamy, after hav ing acknowledged that he was in the legislature and assisted in and voted for the passage of the law prohibiting the taking from the state of North Carolina any negro, with a fine of $1,000 and'one year in the state prison upon the offender, said in the conclu sion of his remarks that if the demo crats failed to carry the proposed amendment by votes they would do so at the point of the bayonet. This same King of Negro Howlers said that since the late civil war North Car olina had not produced a single man whom he, would consider a brainy man. After Mr. Bellamy had taken his seat and prepared paper and pencil to take notes James J. Britt addressed the crowd. He had not been speaking over five .minutes when he had com pelled Mr. Bellamy to acknowledge having prevaricated in several in stances. Mr. Bellamy only wrote a very few notes for reply until he be came so nervous he decided to move on in the direction of Boone, where it is cooler for him, having left three adver tised appointments In Mitchell unfill ed. Mr. Britt spoke about two hours to the most attentive crowd I ever saw, making a fine impression upon all present, and to make a long talk short he simply wiped the earth with Mr. Bellamy, blotting out every shadow of a point- on the opposite side, and did nis work in a scholarly and most gen teel manner, in so much that democrats paid him the highest compliments. He left next morning for Plumtree, N. C, and other points In Mitchell, where he will enlighten the voters upon the rot ten schemes of the proposed amend ment. A VOTER. DISCOURAGING TO SOLDIERS. Adjutant General R oyster says there will be no encampment this year. It appears that only about $8 000 was available for encampment. There are forty companies and naval divisions who get a $250 annual allowance, thus making $40,000; the adjutant general's department costs $1,000, as does the in spection of troops, while the quarter master's department costs $1,500 and allowances to regiments and incident als say $500, making a total of $13,000, while the annual appropriation is $16, 000. The soldiers of the Second and Third regiments wanted to go into camp at "Wrightsville; the First to camp at Asheville or else take a prac tice march. The Greenville company has been accepted and mustered in and assigned to the Second regiment as Company B, with Charles T. Lip scomb as Captain L. C. Torrance is commissioned captain of the Queen City Guards, of Charlotte. Raleigh Correspondence of the Charlotte Ob server. When to accompanied b7 mucous patches in the mouth, erup tions on the skin, sore throat, copper colored splotches, Hair Fails swollen glands, aching muscles and bones, the disease is making rapid neaaway, ana tar worse symptoms will follow unless the blood is promptly and effectually cleansed of this violent destructive poison. S. S. S. is the only safe and infallible cure for this disease, the only antidote for this specific poison. It cures the worst cases thoroughly and permanently. Kin Conditloa Could In the fall of 1897 I contracted Blood mm mw nw X lllCU Dave Been No worse. t n e 1 r treatment did me no good ; I was getting worse all the time ; my hair came out, ulcers appeared in my throat and mouth, my body was almost covered with copper colored splotches and. offensive sores. I suffered severely from rheumatic pains in my shoulders and arms. My condition could have been no -worse ; only those afflicted as I was can understand my sufferings., I had about lost all hope of ever being well again when T -3 : J 1 A A ts C5 O. -1. im "S ' x ucciucu iu 11 y o. o. but must confess I had little faith left in any medicine. After taking the third bottle I noticed a change in my condi tion. This was t ruly en couraging, and I deter mined to give S. S. S. a thorough trial. From that time on the improve ment was rapid : S. S. S. seemed to h ve the dis- M ease completely under control : the sores and ulcers healed and I was? - r c ,1 K auoii irre 1 rum an bius'a or the disorder : I have been strong and healtliv ever since. I,. v. SMiTai lyock Box 611, Noblesville, Ind. is the only purely vege table blood purifier known. $1,000 is offered for. proof .that it contains a particle of mercury, potash or other mineral poison. Send for our free book on Blood Poison ; it contains valuable information about this disease, with full directions for self treatment. We charge nothing for medi cal advice ; cure yourself at home. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, 6 A. Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. , All the blood In your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. Si&pky0hMs Wood purifiers, they fil rSEwSftf ter out be waste or impurities in the blood. If they are sick or out of order, they fail to do their work. Fains, aches andrheu matism come from ex cess of uric acid in the blood, due to Reflected kidney trouble. Kidney, trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel as though they had heart trouble, because the heart is oter-working in pumping thick, kidney poisoned blood throueh veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning in kidney trouble. It you are sick you can make no mistake bv first doctoring vour kidnftvs. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's - - A I . . . 1 owauip-K.uui., me great Kianey remeay is soon realized. I stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases and is sold on its merits by all druggists in fifty cent and one-dollar siz es. You may have a samn ft hmtlfi hv mail n o d. -1 j xi uuitj owiuiijriwvfc free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out u you nave kianey or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. & II I I M . IN I J 11 I ? Ill "N. t .X H. M. Moody is in the city for a few days . ix$ iRev. E. L. Bain we-nt to Skyland yesterday, where he preaches tod'ay. (Mrs. J. D. Miller, of Bailey street, went to "Washington yesterday for a visit. Misses iMona and Nora Devenish re turned yesterday from visiting in Greensboro. 88 Rev. C. M. Pickens, president, of Davenport college. Lenoir was in the city yesterday. Mrs. Isaibel E. Bundy and daughter, Miss Harriet Bundy, of Danville, 111., are in the city visiting friends. $xj J. B. Freeman and Mrs. Spray, wife of the principal of the government Cherokee Indian school, are in the city. iMiss Annie reffron, of Charleston, ar rived last night to visit Dr. H. B. Weaver and family on Chestnut street. Miss Louise Craig has returned from a visit in Wisconsin,, after graduating from the University of Mtehlgan, in June. Sx Miss Con&tance Hall, after spending eoime time with her friend,- Mrs. Cald well, left yesterday morning for her home In Asheville, to the regret of her many friends. Columbia State. 5Xs ' D. B. Hutchison, who is superin tending the work on the Biltmore road, went to Charlotte yesterday and will return Monday with his family, who will spend several weeks here. SXS 'Miss H. S. Read, Asheville's high art modiste, leaves tomorrow for north ern cities to inspect the forthcoming fall styles. Miss Read will return about September 1 with the approved fashionable patterns and- models. Mrs. Milton Dargan and "Miss Dar- gan leave for Asheville next week. Mrs. O. H. Blood worth and' family and Mrs. G-eorge Drummond and daughter, Miss Wilhelmina, left yester day morning for Asheville, where they have rented a cottage for the summer. Misses Florence Jackson, Bessie Draper, Josie Stockdell and Eugenia Oglesby will be among the Atlanta belles at Asheville during the month of August. Atlanta Constitution. . VAUDEVILLE AT 1HE PARK. Muller & Poole's vaudeville at Look out park Friday night drew the largest crowd that has yet attended their per formances. The performance opened with the horizontal bar act by Muller brothers and Poole, Carl Muller doing the clown turn. The next was a fvm song by Sam Weldon. Carl Muller walked the slack wire, Larry Ket trick imitated ' several noted comedians and sang comic songs, and was encored three times. iW. E. Muller opened , in an acrobatic turn- and finished the act with Poole. The entire performance was even ibet ter than before and everyone seemed to be entirely pleased and it will be given again Tuesday evening with an other change of program. 500 pairs men's light weight Tan Shoes at cost. G. A. Mears. WOULD NOT SUFFER SO AGAIN FOR FIFTY TIMES ITS PRICB. I awoke last night with severe pains in my stomach. I never leit - badly in .all my life. When I came down to work this morning I felt so weak I could hardly work.. I went to Miller & McCurdy's drug store and they rec omended Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea medy . It worked like magic and one aoae fixed me all right It oertalnly is the finest -hing I ever used for stomach trouble. I shall not be , wit' out it in my hem'' hereafter, for I should not care to en dure the sufferings of last night again for fifty times its price. G. ,H. WH son, liveryman, Burgettstown Wash ington county, Pa. This remedy U fo sale y C A.- Raysor, ruggist. QUESTION ANSWEI D. Yes, August Flower still has the larg est sale of any medicine in the clvi zee" world. Your .mother and grandmoth ers never thought of usipg anything else for Indigestion or Biliousness Doctors were scarce, and they seldom heaid cZ Appendicitis, Nervous Prostration or Heart Failure, etc- They' used August Flower to clean out tee system ana stop fermentation ofuadige ted f uod, , regu ilale the action of the liver, stimulate the nervous and orgatic action -of the system, and that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with headaches and -other aches. You only need a few doses of Green's August Flower in liquid form ,to make you satisfied .here is-nothing serious the matter with you. For saleJ at W. C, Carmichael's. AT THE CHURCHES. First Baptist Church Services at 11 tn. and 8:3u n. m. Pre&chinsr hv h pastor, Rev. W. M. Vines. Subject of the sermon, this monung: "Stumbling Blocks." This evening there will be a service of song, at which Dr. Jackson will sing and & brief address by the aior. euiiday school at 9:30 a., m.. ; cordially incited to attend these 'serv- West End. Battlt Oh &t U a. m-. and R-.20 rt m Tra-vVi?n cr this Tnorninp- Vxr TIov tt- i7kn Philadelphia. Preaching1 tonight' by Evw. mr, staiey. IFirst Presbvterian. Church Rrvippa 3-t 11 a. m. and 8:30 n. m.. ormdnntPd by Rev. S. H. Chester, D. D. Subject mis morning, "Japan." Central M. E. Church Sundav school at 9:45 a. m.; preaching by the pas- ior, tev. j. Jti. Weaver. D. r. at 11 a. m. and 8:15 o. m Enwontti Tafiip devotional services at 7:30 p. m. Haywood Street M. 13. ChnmH Sun day school at 9:45 a. m. Preaching by the pastor, Rev. J. N. Huggins, at 11 a. m. and 8:15 p. m. Junior League at 3 p. m. North Asnevllie M. "R. fThnro.h Rev. E. K. McLarty, pastor. Serv ices at 11 a. m. and 8:15 n. m. Strdav school (at 9:30 a. m. Bethel church. Rev. J. J. Grav nastor Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8:30 p. m.; leacnere' meeting 3:30 p. m.: league service 8 p. m. St. Paul's Lutheran Mission Preach ing at 11 a, m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. All are cordially invited. Serv ices in X. M. C. A. hall Rev. C. Brown Cox. pastor. First Church of Christ, Scientist, Py thian hall, 35 and 37 South Main street Services at 11 a. m. The public are cordially invited. Seats free. Old Christian Church iCor. Woodfin and Spruce Streets. Dr, W. E. Hall, of New York, will lecture at both serv ices. Dr. Motley will preach for the Chris tian, church at the old library building this morning. .There will be no service tonight. SIXTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. . St. Lawrence's Catholic Church, Fa ther Marion, rector Mass at 8 and 11 a. m. Trinity Church Rev. McNeely Du Bose, rector. Holy communion at 7:30 a. m.; morning prayer at 11 a. m.; Sunday school at 4:45 p. m.; evening prayer at 6 p. m. All seats free. All Souls' Church, Biltmore, Rev. R. R. Swope, D. D., rector Services at 11 a. m. and 5 p. m. All seats in the church are free and the public is cor dially invited n the attend the serv ices. Rev. Dr. A. Toomer Porter of Charleston, will officiate this morning. Church of the Redeemer Rev. ntz James Hindry will conduct the services for the summer beginning this morning at 11. St. Matthias' Church Holy commun ion at 7:30 a. m.; morning prayer and sermon at 8:30, Rev. H. S. MicDuffey, priest in charge. -Tor burns, injuries, piles and skin diseases use DeWTt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is the original. C uirterfeits may be offered. Dr. T. C. Smith. Entire stock of Children's Shoes at cost. G. A. Mears. ANIMAL ODDITIES. The mosquitoes in the Roman Cam- pagna bite only from an hour before sun set to an hour after sunrise. By removing the eggs from the nest as fast as laid the turkey hen will lay a much larger number of eggs than if left alone. Birds are blessed with fine appetites The robin can easily devour two-thirds of its weight in earthworms in a day, and the ordinary pigeon can get away with his own weight in grain between sunrise and sunset and then go to sleep hungry. To keep a horse in a dark stable is cruel to the auimal and dangerous to its owner. The retina becomes deadened and more or less useless, and after a time the sight is seriously impaired. The horse starts and shies at objects t sees imperfectly. LEMONS AS MEDICINE, They regulate the Liver, Stomach, Bowels, Kidneys and Blood as pre pared by Dr. H. Mozley, in his Lemon Elixir, a pleasant lemon drink. It curs biliousness, constipation, indigestion, headache, malaria, kidney disease, fe vers, chills, heart failure, nervous pros tration, and all other diseases caused by a torpid or diseased liver and kidneys. It is an- established fact that lemons, when combined properly with other liv er tonics, produce the most desirable re sults Upon the stomach, liver, bowels, kidneys and 'blood. Sold by druggists. 50c and $1 bottles. Mozley's Lemon Elixir Cured me of eick and nervous head ache, I had been subject to all my life. T . Mozley's Lemon Elixir. Cured .me of indigestion and nervous prostration. I got more relief, and at once, from "Lemon Elixir than all other medicines. J. C. Speights, Indian Snrings, Ga. Mozley's Lemon Elixir Cured me of a long-standing case of chills and fever, by using two bottles. J. C. Stanley, Engineer E. T. Va. & Ga. R. R. Mozley's Lemon Elixir Cured m nf n. oaae of heart disease and indigestion of four years standing. I tried a dozen different medicines. Tone but Lemon Ulixir done me any good. Tules Diehl, Cor. Habersham and St. Thomas sts.. Savannah, Ga. Mozley's Lemon Elixir. I fullv indorse it ror nervous nrostra- tion, headache, indigestion and consti tution, having used it with most satis factory results after all other remedies had failed. ' J. W. R0U0, West -End, Atlanta, Ga. POLITICS HI HcpOWELL Long A'dytrtiitd Barbecue a Failure Democratic Leaden Uneaty. Marion, N. C, July 20. The speak ing and grand barbecue which has been so-long advertised for the Hon. W. T. Crawford, at Wood lawn,, in this county, yesterday proved a great fail ure. There were (according to dem ocratic reports) not over thirty per sons there, part of whom were repub licans. The excuse democrats have been urging for their not being able to get crowds in McDowell county hereto fore has been that the -people were busy with their crops. But" they have little to say of this failure except to own that the people are ick and tired of their talk. It is undestood now that they are growing very uneasy as to how the masses of the people who say nothing but still refuse to come to their rallies and their speakings are going to vote in this struggle between the strong and the weak. Some of the county democratic can didates after a few days meeting with the people have lost faith in the merits of the party they represented and are wild in their desperation, resorting to personal attacks which they are unable to maintain against thedr opponents, who are well known to the people ol the county to be among her cleanest and very best citizens. Democratic leaders here are growing more uneasy every day. W. T. M. CHEISTIA11 WORKERS. Annual Assembly at Montreal Now in Session On Sunday, July 15, there opened at Montreat the annual assembly of Christian workers, which for some months past has been eagerly looked forward to by many Christians through out this and other states north and south, east and west. For weeks prep arations have been going on for the accommodation of many guests who iiajd declared their intnetion to visit Montreat at ithis time and Mr. Gales and his assistant, Mr. Maguire, may well congratulate themselves upon the success of their efforts in this line. The opening services were held on Sunday last, the platform being occu pied by Dr. J. A. Quarles, of the Washington and Lee University of Vir ginia. Dr. Quarles is one of the few men who possess a logical and analyti cal mind and a graceful and earnest delivery coupled with spiritual depths and power, presenting his clear-cut thoughts in such a manner as to carry conviction with them. His series of lectures are upon the evidences of (Christianity, and will continue through the week. So far the music has been a strong force in the meetings, having been conducted by Mrs. Gales, until the arrival Tuesday of Mr. E. O. Sel lers, known so well and favorably to many in Asheville. The evangelistic service Sunday after noon was conducted by Evangelist Gales. There were present besides the new arrivals at Montreat many people from the surrounding country. People to attend the assembly ' are arriving daily. Dr. E. O. Guerrant came on the 20th instant to participate in the platform work. It is a widespread hope that the one fare round trip to Montreat, grant ed by the Southern last summer, will be also continued this year. ' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS The following real estate transfers were filed yesterday in the register of deeds office: Henry B. Stevens to Katie Stevens, lot on Cumberland avenue, $90 (J. S. Adams to John A.' Campbell, lot on Cumberland avenue, $550. Mitchell Buckner, trustee, to G. M. Sluder, land on Newfound road, $300. IT. P. Brookshire to L.- L. Brook shire, 31 acres on Lee's creek, $500. Entire stock of G. A. Mear's'summer shoe's and Oxfords at first cost. ECZEMA, ITCHING HUMORS. PIM PLES CURED BY B. B. B. Bottle Free to Suffer-rs. tressing Erupt: ons on tne Skin k yo'J feel ashamed to be seen tn company t Do Scabs and Scales torm on the Skin, Hair or Scalp? Have you Eczema? Skin Sore and Ci eked? Rueh form on the okin? Prickling Pain l-n the Skin? Boils? Pimples? Bone Pains? Swol len Joints? Falling Hair? All Run Down? Skin Pale? Old Sores? Eating. Sores? Ulcers? All these are symp toms of Eczema and Impuriti and Poisons in the blood. To stay cured take B. B. B. ('Bo tonic Blood Balm) which makes the blood pure and rldh. B. B. B. will cause the sores to heal, itching of eczema to stop forever, -the skin to become clear and the oreatn sweet, B. B. B. is just the remedy you have been looking for. Thoroughly test ed for thirty years. Our readers are advised to try B. B. B. For sale by all druergiets at $1 per large bottle: six large bottles (full treatment) $5. Com plete directions with each bottle. Sa sufferers may teat it, a trial bottle glvrn away. Write for it. Address BLOOD BALM' CO., Atlanta, Ga. Describe your trouble and free personal medical ad vice given. NOTICE. By virtue of the power contained in a deed of trust executed to me by R. R. Porter and wife on the 13th day of May, A. D. 1890, and registered in' book 20 on page 185 et seq, of the records of deeds of trust in the register's office of Buncombe county, N. C to secure, payment of a certain note de scribed therein, and default having been made in' the payment of said note, I vsill on Wednesday, the 22d day of Au gust, A. D. 1900, at 12 o'clock m., t the courthouse idoor in the city of Asheville, BuncomJbe county, N. C, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, to satis fy said note and interest, the follow ing described lot or parcel of land sit uate, lying ad being in the city of Asheville, county and state aforesaid, on the east side of Flint 6treet; in said city and bounded and described as fol lows:- Beginning on- a stake in Rankin's southwest corner on the east margin of Flint street and runs south 34 E. 79 feet to a stake, thence Nv 64 1-4 east 154 feet and three inches with Shope's line to a stake, thence N. 31 1-4 west 90 feet to Rankin's corner (S. E . cor ner), thence south 60 west I06 feet with Rankin's line to the beginning containing 1-3 of an acre, more or less. It being the lot deeded to R. R. Porter by T. C Starnes, T. F. Starnes Geo. H. Starnes in December 31, 1888. This 20th day of July, 1900. J. E. RANKIN, . Trustee. Gazett e want add react AsJvme t Pie.. Ill CATAWBA COUNTY. apeech. by Hon. Clandins Dockery , Prospects Good in the Conn ty.' Newton, N. C, July 20. iA. crowd" of . about 200 of Catawba county's best eft- ' izens gathered at Cat Fish, ten miles . from Newton, yesterday to hear Lieu tenant Governor Charles Reynolds, and Hon. Claudius Dockerv address the voters on the issues of the day. Governor Reynolds was called away and could not be present but Mr. Dockery, after being introduced toy M. A. Newland, Esq., in a few appro- priate remarks, delivered one of the most masterful and eloquent antl- aunruuiucut s pet; i; ues m&i. nas Deea heard in Catawba county in a long: thne. Many old soldiers were present who served under Mr. Dockery's fath er in the war between the states, ant -after listening to Mr. Dockery for nearly two hours came forward and assured him that they would vote against the amendment. Tour correspondent also saw at Cat Fish a gentleman who was at Taylors ville Wednesday and he reports that the court house was literallly packed during Mr. Dockery's speech. iMr. Newland brought Mr. Dockery to Newton, where he took the train for Connelly's, to speak today, and where he hopes Governor Reynolds will be able to join him. Unless the most unmitigated frauds are practiced in the election Catawba county can safely be put down for 500 majority against the amendment. The republicans and populists are a unit In favor of manhood suffraere a fair eleo.- rtion and a fair count. They laujrh at Simmons' open letter to President Mc Kinley and also his puerile threat to arrest every citizen who swears out a warrant for the violation of the law by dishonest election officers. The ap pointment of negro poll holders in the eastern counties by the white suprem acy gang Is also making many votes against the amendment In this county as it convinces them that the white su- ' premacy cry is a fraud. IT SAVED HIS LEG. P. A. Danforth, of La Grange, Ga., suffered for six months with a fright ful running sore on his leg but writes that Bucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured it in five days. For Ulcers, Wound , Piles, Its the best salve In the wo-'l. Cure guaranteed. Only 25c. Sold by all druggists.. Ball&Sheppard, 6 Pattern Ave. Any one wishing t put rtm heat tn their building could not do bttaf than use a Harris burg Boiler. But you must have experience work mn to do the work, and w ar oafl dent that we can please you. BALL & SHEPPARD 1 TELEPHONE 88 Tate's Annex. Mountain spring one and one-halt miles from Tate Spring. Fine llthla and chalyoeate springs flowing" from side and base of Clinch Mountain. Beau tiful scenery among the hills; hotel, cot tages and grounds greatly improved and now open to visitors at these low rates: $1 to $1.50 per day, $7 to $8 per week, $25 to $30 per month. Hack line from Tate at moderate prices. Privi leges of Tate to guests, and Tate water kept on draught for those desiring it. For further information address Tbos. Tomlinson, Owner. TATF SPRi" S, TSNN. News and Opinions or National Importance THE STJ35T ALONE CONTAINS BOTH Daily, by mail, - $8 a year Daily and Sunday by mai', $8 a year The Sunday Sun la the greatest Sunday newspaper I the world. Price 5c a copy. By mail $2 a year Addrar trH3k SUN. New Tort 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks wtA sT wf m COPYFI5GWT3 &.G. Anyone oendli s nketeh and description xaf qr .ckly ascertain oar opinion free whether ea -fnrention is profoaMjr patentable. Coromntilca. tions strictly conBderitlaX Handbook on Patent sent free. OldesJ fcgecy for securing Patent. Patents-taken irouch Muan A Co. receive tpeeiol notice, with jni gba-ge, in. the Self ntific If stierlcan A handsomely Illustrated w.ftek!r.f I-artreat clr snlation of any peientjflc JonmaU Terms. 3 a year; focr months. lr Sold t nil neirsd2cJom. Mill & eo,?eiBroa Hew York Branch Office. 62 F Et Washington. D. C n