r 1 4 f 4 ..... .-S- - :LJ2rjl' 2 1 v i if ......... : . : , , . , , . The paragon opposite postomce. Springheel Shoes for Ladies. "lave always been a leader with l OH NEW us. Today's new shoes at $1.50. Are as shapely as a $2.00 one. Of course they are solid leather; you may know that because they come from . I Spangenberg's t Like Running water Our stock is always fresh. Scarcely a train Irc-m the coast but that brings us fresh supplies. Our large hotel and shipping trade enables us to keep our stock continu.lly moving:, and our supplies are so arranged that we usually sell out each day. There is halibut, gtripea and black bass, codfish, clams, trout, snapper, etc., etc., at Young's Fish Market, Corner, Cepf.3x' Marke t. Telephonet3 $ t X X X X The best On earth. SMOKE . BLOMBERG'S SELECTOS The Asheville Hardware Company. XJY O XI. VVCttVCI Win ocan. iv iiv I at the Y. (MC. A. this afternoon alt 3:45. rrhp frvllmwinff have contributed to the Araiiice portrait fund: Mrs. Moses and Jas. M. Davis. The First Regiment band gives the ree-ular weeklv concert' at Lookout park this afternoon. Etfwifl Hall, of New York, at the fold) Central Christian church this morning and night. ! t i MVaCannell Brothers sold 100,000 pounds c f nratcpmolrtnc nr tick A choAi'llo mar- ket during the week ending last night. The german at the Battery Park yes terdav momine- was well attend d and ..- J.Lf A 1 ! J 1 i eveiyimuK cuiiiuuieu 10 maKe il an eii- i joyable occasion. lAsheville Encampment No. 2 I. O. A numiber of applications for member ship were receiveu. Train 12. on the Southern from TCnoxville" vesiterrta v was fmir hrmrss Ttp freight engine was used to pull them and the time was lost in. that way. .Tickets for the A. L. I. prize" drill Monday night at the Swannanoa casino will be on sale at Carmichiael's dniz store and Swannanoa. The judges will be S. O. Smith, S. G. Bernard. There will be dancing after the drill. IC. F. Ray is making a series of pictures of the government Indian school at Cherokee, sho-wing rhe build ings, pupns, e:?., covering the workin of the echmol. t -i hp p-irhiivitt. n iVi Pan-American exposition in Buffalo in Clarence Cone, who has been, one of the salesmen for the Cone Expert and vomm'i3.sio& company here for nearly a year ha6 been appointed secretary and tieasurer or tne wucomuga mills at Greensboro a-nd-will leave tomorrow to A t. . 1 ... iaKe cnarge or the mills. The excursion from Carlisle, S. C, was due to leave vesterdav at 9 n'sinsb- .... . - '""i Dut aid not leave until abouit 7. The nranaerer hian ftvprlnntpr? t'no ovo i - m v-waiica and the railway officials refused1 to let them return until he had na.id fnr fh proper numiber of coaches, wft-h not more than sixtv to a car. whinh io th I contract number. gU LDING BUSINESS.... T "We advertise f -what- we have . T we seu ' waux, .we auvwusc. W( sfa.TTted ta linlld our buslneaa here on. the firmest foundation known, RELI ABILITY. We cemented the foundation with GKXD - STATIONERY buHt the walls with IXW tRICES, and proitected the same with a roof of HONEST vaj.TTES. We built a good house, for we.fctVe a tenant called pubic CON- Tr"Tr-PTMrrR. and we shall keen our house In good repair that our tenant shall stay with us airways. - "Your monev back if vou -want it." - ' 20 eSsrar- Rogers' Book Store w nat -tne " People Want Js fr,esh flsh, We have perfected ax rangements by which we are getting dally, shipments of the finest .snotted trout, Spanish mackerel, striped and brack bass, flounders, and? many other kinds of fine fish ;; also chicken halibut; uaesi oi sui naiiouc at tne Asheville Fish Co. Center of Market Phone 289 XKxfA 2 1 Uneeda Drink 1 BLOMBERG'S ..THE LEADING CIGAR STORE. 7 Patton Avenue. Established 1S87. Quick and polite attention to all. Drs. CASE and WOOD-HULL OSTEOPATHISTS. There ie no doubt in my mind that Osteopathy will reach and cure many chronic troubles that medicine would have little or no effect on. This is testi fied to by men and women in the high est walks of life, and from aH over the state of Illinois. Gov. John R. Tanner, of Illinois. Booms in Drhumor Bldg. Phone 683. . SMOKE TRAYLOR'S MAGI STRATI 6-CENT CIGAR. LETTEBS OF CONGBAlUXATIOJT. Cotton Mills Appreciate Action Taken by Mr. Beveaish D. G. Devenish, treasurer of the Asheville cotton mills, is daily receiv ing congratulatory letters from the mills of the state for the action taken against Theo. Land for trying to take employes away from the mills. This has been a menace to the state mills for years by various people, as the experienced operators were the ones taken away, leaving the mills to secure new ana, of course, inexperi enced men. They have Irng been trying to pre vent this but, Mr. Devenish is the firS to take legal steps against such people and it will be a lesson to them and also a precedent for the mills of the state Domian & Stevens have completed O. H. Henry's residence on Orange street. The building is a two-etory one v-uniamiug louneen roams with mod ern conveniences and the workmanship is of such character as to reflect credit on the contractors. Mr. Henry and family will return from lendersonvirie today and occupy their new home. NEW SWITCHBO&BD HEBE. Moss Modern Board Built-Will be Installed at Once The new switchboard for the Ashe- viiie xeiepnone company arrived yes terday and will be installed as soon: as possible, which will be about a week or ten days. The board will weigh 8000 pounds and will take some time to put it in operation. It is the most improved switchboard in use today and is the moet expecsive ever brought south. It is the board which the Bell Telephone company has been using only in the larger cities. The frame work is all of steel and the wood work is all verv fine. The board has an immediate capaci ty of 1200 phones, and is wired already for 800, with an' nlMmnto. awo.,-,. 1800. The conductors are wound with one wrapping of cotton and two of silk, the very best made. Every fea ture of the board is thoroughly up to date and the best that can be procured. Each operator has every number in front of her in the space now required for only one section. She can attend her numbers without call-ins' rm orwhor operator, with a consequent saving of time. When a subscriber rings, a key at the top falls on ringing off a differ ent key falls. If a line is busy when called for the operator doesn't have to ask another if they are busy, but is notified by a click in her ear by what wiibq tne "Dusy test" with no delay. The fact of aving the whole , board in so small a space eliminates a great deal of lost current, as the operator uec u'ury one pair of plugs and they are near together. The connections on the board are mechanically perfect, and when the company has it installed there will be fewer complaints of the service and they can put in all the telephones' the public demand requires. No opera tor is obliged to wait for another to give connections; there are no "trunk lines to be . busy, and the perfection of the board will certainly give satisfaction. When you see a Bicycle with a double rear stay like cut you will know it is an t:agle QuadStay. The lightest, strongest and easiest running road bi- ' cycle made. Thev are the best. Asheville Cycle Company, rnone lb' ana unurcn fct. of Waukesha Hweia I Ci in ovr A lo If oi,i-a1 is the best. Made f with Waukesha Hy- 1 geia Mineral Spring I water, loaf sugar, Ja- I maica ginger and ar- i omatics. C. Johnson, 39 PATTON AVfiNUE ASHEVILLE Ice Coal Co. 18S7 RKLIABLK 900 BEST QUALITY HARD AKO SOFT GOAL AND WOOD A PURE ICE OF CRYSTAL clearness; 14x1 THICKS-KEEPS LONGER 'PHONE 40. 24 PATTON AVTff. I ASHEVILLE Ice & Coal Co. THE GREAT? TttTlfTnTW i . . va. va uay ig I unquestlonablv Pain.Triu. f 9 iivi VUC XIX- stant relief of all burns, scaTda, bruises, "" ycuus in tne stem- h and DOWels ias WpI! a a In - jchoiera morbus. No family should pre tend to keep house without it always by them. Avoid substitutes; there is but one Paln-Trini. r i'rice, 25c. and 60c. I RECEIVE DAILY Georgia and South Carolina Peaches and Tryon Plums, Charles U. Monday CENTRAL, TIKET, Stalls 9 -and 10. uy your Suit Now ! tr We are selling Clothing at Manufacturers Prices and a few odd Suits at Half Price, A NT X 18 Patton Avenue. I Phone 261. luiiiiijiiiuiiiiiiin 1 SEASON GOODS... 1 Hot Weather Necessity WICKLHSSi Ftf HFf rr am, OIL STOVE. Every housewife should have on? ,vf stoves instead of mfw I! l afe,. summer cooking easy to operate, odorless.0 .Z' Ordinary coal oil (kerosene) la the fuel As the season is advancing wre have grea'tly reduced prices Call and see them whether you Intend to buy or not. McPherson & Moore, 43-45 COLLEGE STREET. if i " " ' 3 Refrigerators and Gbests China and Japan Mattings Lawn and Porch Goods, Hammocks, Etc Etc. Cooling Summer Drinks produce a breezy freshness when made of Pure ingredients. To smile wfc-n the mercury sizzles, one Las only to be for tified with healthful beverages pr -pared from the fine whiskies, brandies gins, Jamaica and Santa Cruz rum clarets, sherries, etc. No doubt ever attehes to the quality and value of anvthinxr nr chased here. Our name stands r Al. . vuaeeu nere. our name stands or A I w- B;11.A2NJ. co' I THE "mm" o ADD' uton 00 ailllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllilllllliiilH 43 South Main Sheet. Telephone 72. A A A AAA Ai X - a in uiuci iu ciuc uul dn summer riece Lxoods in our laiiunni; icudi uiiciii we ner 1 - j i 1 LOST $100 REWARD. Between Chestnut street andi water works, paper box containing watch and rirgs, etc. H. W. HOWE, 138 Chest nut street. . ! Ladiesr', Misses and Children's Sum mer Shoes at cost. G. A. Mears. Want advertisements in the Gazette' bring 6ure returns. $25.00 Suits for $20.00 X 27.50 '" 22.50 30.00 ; 25.00 32 50 27.50 35.00 " 3000 40 00 " 35.00 we guaranree a perrect tit ana tne Dest ot workman Z ship. itlock Clothing I No. 41 Patton Ayenne. ! The Wh X SE, Gazette Want Ads9 1 cent a Word, ""ll!!li:il!lll!llll!!lllllllllll( lllllllll!llll!IIIIIIIUlll!linil!lIl!!)il!ll!i alAL SALE. , MEN'S DAPARTMENT. AH Straw Hats at One-Half Former Price. LADIES' DEPARTMENT. All Washable Waista Reduced from I J51.25 Waists 98c g2.50 Waists $1.75 1 $1.50 " $1.15 $3.00 44 $2.00 S $1.75 " $1.25 $3.50 ." $2,50 S $2.00 $1.50 $5.00 " $3.50 Phojie 78. 11 PattonAve. I iiuuimHuumumiiRuiuqimiiiiii iiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiioiiiHiy LET ME DYE FOR YOU! an be arefui who clanS your clatnes. iiare it done only Dy a prac. tical dyer and cleaner, who has leaned his trade aajd Twho has had thirty years' experience. Carl Schultz, PRACTICAI DYER ' ANI - CHEMI CAIj eXiffiANEST. , 55 South Mala, sttect, 'Phone 206? ' Tts cnlj finMan place la town! 0 a a a JAJI P. BAWTJEtt, TrmtiAn. J. B. RANKN, CxahlAr. BATTERY PARK BANK CAPITAL STOCK $100 000. superior TAcnjTr-a tor do: a 6rNJatAt amwa BtJsnnsga. OOERESPONDBNOE SOLICITED. apb Dsposn Boxm for kbnt. 9 Q a - 1MB . WITmT u The Finest Line of French Berkeley Briar and Meerschaum Pin Ao - i " w w South of New York at th UgaF Stftlld; i 5 Clearing Out Bargains And lots of them, the season beingr late arid autumn eoods beginning to arrive H. Redwood & Co. iV.. Goods. Clothing, Shoes! - '!):mir.xii:u-. !4ii's Hats, and-Butterick: Patterns!' ' 1 ' .- 5 , - , " v - - ' ' ,