Tii& iHEVTLE GAZETTE. JULY 24, 1906. imnmmfimmmnintinnimmmnTnTinnimmmmmnimmnimmmmmmninimn CAROLINA NEWS. n(B Wanna g I (0"J i na 10 I At and in order to make room for our large stock of fall Shoes which will begin to arrive in a few days, we have selected from our stock all shoes of less than six pairs of a kind which we offer For the Next Ten days. t iatiuiiuiuuiuiiiittutiiiiuiiiuuuiiiuuuutuuiiuiiuiuiumiuuutttttituitititiuuuiiuiiittil I Carolina & North western R. R. Schedule Effective April 1, 1900. Northbound Passenger. Mixed. Mixed. No. 10. No. 60 o. 62. Lv Chester... 8:10am 7:50am Lv Y'kville... 9:15am 9:52am Lv Gastonla..l0:13 12:35pm Lv L'colnton. 11 :03am 2:15pm Lv Newton... 11 :52am 3:32pm Lv Hickory.. 12 :15pm G:50pmLv 9:0am Ax Lenoir 1:16pm 7:50pm 11:25am Southbound Passenger. Mixeu. Mixed. No. 9. No. 61. No 63. Lv Lenoir.... 4:30pm 1:30pm Lv Hickory.. 5:35pmLv 5:30am 4:2&pm Lv Newton... 6:05pm 8:30am Lv L'colnton.... 7:00pm 9:18am Lv Gastonia... 8:15pm 11:10am Lv Y'kville. 9:21pm 1:12pm Ar Chester 1C :31pm 5:15pm 20 minutes for s pper at G- tonia. No. 10, ncrthbound, connects at Ches ter with Southern railway, S board Air Li Lancaster & Ch tcr railway from all points south; at Yor ll.e with the South Carolina & Georgia railway E.; at Gastonia with Southern' railway et Lincolnton with Seaboard .ir Line' et New ten and Hickory with Southern railway. No. r, southbound, makes close connection at all junction points Address: e. F. REID, L. T. N.CHOIS, Auditor, Gem. Mai. Chester. S. C. NASSyiTLLF1T CHATTANOOGA AND . v ANI WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILWAYS. Jf' ough line to Arkansas, Texas and the North-west. Three "aily trains between Chattanooga, Atlamta Nashville, Double daily trains to Memphis and Chicago. Through Pull man, sleepers and elegant day coachea ttKrat change - L tween Chattanoo-f- Jl St fuIs' ud bet veen Chat tanooga and Jacksonville, Florida. It you are contemplating a triD to my point, you will find it t your interest to -write or call on Te.U 1anley' G" P Nashville, -Ik t street, Chattanooga, Team. TW. T. Roger., T. P. A., Kaoxville, rmm SLmlth' Trafflc Manager, Nh- ' r and 12 Patton Avenue. u n F AND Ml elow THE- 13 ALT The Bargain Centre of Asheville. 'QUEEN OP SEA ROUTES" TO..., Boston, Providence a AND.. New England Resorts IS VIA THE Merchants' and Miners' Trans. Co. Steamship Lines NORFOLK, VA. Steamers leave or Boston every Moja i&y, Wednesday, Friday and Satuaiiy t p. m. Leave for Providence ivery ruesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 P. m. STEAMERS NEW, FAST AND ELE GANT. Accommodation i and Cuisine Unsur o&ed. Send for illustrated folder. R H. WRIGHT, Agen'. Norfolk, Va. J. C. WHITNEY, Traffic Manager. W. P. TURNER, General Passenger Agent. General Offices, Ba-ttauare Md. DOES IT PAT TO BUT CHEA , ? A 'cheap remedy for coufirha and colds to all right but you want something hat will relieve and cure the more severe and dangerous results of throat and lung troubles. What shall ou do? Go to a warmer and more regular climate? Tes, IT possible; if not possible for you, then ?1iher case 1116 ONLT remedy that has been Introduced In all civilized countries with success in severe throat and lung troubles, "Boschee's German Syrup.' It not only heals and stimu lates the tissues to destroy the germ disease, but allays inflammation, causes easy expectoration, gives a good nlghfi rest, and cures the patient. Try ONE wwtle. Recommended many years by all druggists in the world. For ale by W. C. Carmiehae!. DD 3 3 Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine. Rotary Notion and Ball Bearings. Agents wanted in unoccupied terri tory. Send for circulars. Wheeler & Wilson Mfg Co., Atlanta, Ga. EXCURSION TO NIAGARA. One of the mot,,. oyable nd popu lar excursions of the season will be via the C. H. & D. railway to Niagara ' on August 9. Sazue ates as were in effect last year. D-tails can be had from any C. H. & D. acren . The state agricultural department has just issued a special apnle bulletin. The drought is a record breaker -the worst ever known in Julv in this state; rainfall only 1-3 inch. . The July average is 41-2 inches. Rev. T. J. Horner, for fifty years or more a minister of the Baptist church and an educator, died at his home at Henderson Saturday, aged. 77. Raleigh was the hottest weather sta tion to The United States Friday 101 degrees being- the figure. Saturday was almost as bad. At noon the temper ature was 97, which breaks the record for that hour at the Raleigh station. Superintendent Goodwin, of the state deal school at Mowanton, says that while last session there were 204 pupils there will next term, be 250. A new feature is added, a cooking- school. The superintendent of a number of schools say they consider t.e new fea ture admirable. There are three build ing's at the school and there are 320 acres of land. Thai property has cost the state complete $172,000. Near taley a few days aero wheat threshers were at the plantation of James Parks. During- the afternoon his little daughter was around the place,, but was careful to keep away from the machine. She wanted to reach a certain place, and in order to do so had to climb a fence. She had gotten upon top of it, but in some way lost her hold and fell, pulling- "a rail from the top of a structure down on her body, inflicting- such a 'wound that she died very soon thereafter. THE STATE CAMPAIGN. (Continued from first page.) era re white men. This has been de monstrated beyond the shadow of a doubt in the minds of unbiased men. These machine democrats don't want the negro out of politics, and know that the amendment was not designed by them to get him out. They would be ruined as a party without him. He is their pet issue, thir only issue in every campaign. If the negro were re moved from the field of politics the democratic party -would not survive through a single election. They could not raise a howl about negro domina tion and white supremacy. Thev would not even be able to appoint ne gro judges of election over the Drotest of white republicans and populists, as they have done this year in Bertie, Craven, Chowan and other counties of the state. A fine set thev are to bp prating about negro domination. Such a lot of political hypocrites has never before figured in the history of j 'the world since the days of that gener ation of Pharisees who were called in holy writ "white d sepuchres." Pair, they are 'Without and pleas-insr to behold, but within are "filled with dead men's bones and all unclean -ness." Those Pharisees are a true pro totype of the Simmons gang of affidav it breakers, bond sierners. red shirt raiders and ballot stealers. With a united effort all along the line the op ponents of the amendment can defeat it. But they must null altos-ether with determined and united fnmo and uniform movement from the rising j acclivities of the mounains to the ocean's swelling fringe. If this is done victory is ours. We have the votes, the thing necessary to be done is to have these cast and counted. Pasquotank county will give a ma jority of at least two or three hun dred against disfranchisement. Cam den, Perquemons and several other eastern counties may also be counted against it. J. C. O. WAYNESVILLE ITEMS. County Canvass Orderly Amendment TJnpoplar in First District Personals. Waynesville, July 23. One of thp most excited politicians in Haywood today is Mr. S. C. Welch, ex-chairman of the democratic executive committee. He has nreit .the county candidates at each precinct so far, and after the joint discussion is over he rises and savs he desires to make a few statements and proceeds to make a speech. Mr. Welch must be a little uneasy for the regu lars. It is quite uncommon for any one save the candidates to enter into a discussion after an agreement has been made between the diffrent chair men as to division of time. The in surgents and republicans are cour teous and charitable or they would not consent to this. Our county canvass has been much more orderly and quiet "than was at first anticipated. Good feeling- pre vails. Mr Isaac M. Meekins and familv of Elizabeth City, are here for a while The former goes home today on a brief business trip, but will return shortly Mr. Meekins is the republican nominee for congress in the First district, and brl'Sr 2 PPects for election oragnt. He also says the amendment is unpopular in his section Major J. M. Moody returned yester day from a speaking tour in Jackson comhJ' d left immately for Bun combe, where ho win n "sfa of ' She11 the 0ds ln the BunCOmbe'' Messrs. Moody Mr SSy make a stmnS team. Padougthe1"?3 f D"tabW his way?0 ASevfll" " wo toTy yan0dmwmS " Hnpr o t make the welkin Sturnat'han'S Creek tomorrow sis: v5 zrT pr?- are practically Z! Registered P are about 750 er.ed Saturday at thl T ?J retratim Prettoot an Waynesville that he (Alien raupu7 informed ernment. The a or the gxv- Shelton, like th, T I n iS that , nke the Jackson and Swain foils'? And do yon understand what your real troubles are? Most people treat themselves for the wrong disease. If you will stop and think a moment, you can avoid or cor rect mistakes. Did your sickness begin in the stomach? Did it then spread to the Liver, Kidneys and Blood ? If that is so, then you can readily see that by taking a medicine that is good for the Stomach, Kidneys, Liver, Bladder and Blood, you are sure to get at the seat of the trouble beyond question. very best medicine for the purpose Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. It is the pre-eminent cure for the Kidneys and Bladder. By making thosa vital organs well, it sifts all acids and poisons from the blood. It sets mat. ters right in the stomach, promoting gentle, easy, natural movements of tin bowels, and permanently removing the cause of Indigestion and Dyspepsia. W. I. Miller, of Rhinebeck, N. Y., says he has used Dr. David Kennedy's Farorite Remedy for a number of years, and finds it the best medicine ha eyer used for Liver and Kidney Troubles. He recommends it highly. A Imrg bottle f Favorite Remedy la sold by druggists for $1, or six bottles for If. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. Send your name and address to .the DR. DAVID KENNEDY CORPORATION, Rondout, N. Y., mentioning this paper. You will receive by re turn mail, absolutely free, a trial bottle of Fa rorite Remedy, and a pamphlet containing val uable medical ad rice, such a everybody needs. The State Normal and Industrial College OF NORTH CAROLINA Offers to young women thorough literar ucation and special pedagogical train non-residents, $152. Faculty of 30 mem Has matriculated about 2,000 students, except one. Practice and Observation board in dormitories, all free tuition ust l. Correspondence Invited from those For Catalogue and other informatio PRO CHARLES D. McIVER, President. registrars, was acting under "ins-true tions from superiors." Miss Kate N'elson, of Asheville, was visiting relatives here yesterday. Mr. Idg-ar Rhinehardt left for Ashe ville yesterday. Misses Emma Davis and Xora Own bey attended the Methodist conference at Canton yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Henderson, of Washington, D. C, who have been stopping at the Springs, left last week and are spending a short time in Ashe ville. Hon. W. T. Crawford came home yesterday from Rutherford and Mc Dowell, where he has been campaign ing. Hon. R. D. Gilmer arrived yesterday from Brevard where he spoke Satur day. Summer visitors are pouring in con stantly. IN NORTH IREDELL Hon. Claudius Dockery Addresses a Large Gathering. Jennings, N. C, July 20. On the 17th instant Hon. Claudius Dockery, the nominee for lieutenant governor of North Carolina, addressed the citizens of Union Grove in North Iredell on the political issues of the day. Notwithstanding the hot weather and the singing of the thresher on ev ery side, a large and enthusiastic crowd of republicans gathered to hear the issues discussed that threaten our liberty . After being well entertained for about two hours by Hon. Claudius Dockery, Hons. J. C. Pinnlx and Mar tin T. Stikeleather, the candidates for the senate of the Twenty-seventh sen atorial district, made short speeches, after which the crowd dispersed more determined to fight the enemy of good government and fair elections than ev er before. There has never been a campaign in North Carolina more important to the liberty loving people than the present one. It is time for the good citizens of the state to be aroused from their lethagy to protect our rights -given to us by our forefathers. Never before in the history of the state were there such fraudulent meth ods resorted to by the democrats as at present. They swear by the eternal gods that they are g-oing- to carry the state. But Simmons' red shirts don't frighten us. The democrats in Iredell county are getting scared. The republicans and populists are making big gains. W YOUR FACE Is Your Fortune. Throw American women snenA 175,000,000 annual! iWttons, etc, most of wuiua wre mad a dee troy skin. To Healthy CtoiptoSSiVt a' VIRGIN RUBBER MARK Restores original cWourfJE' . ly removes pimples. Sw"?61? head., and all exlC a Absolutely Harmleas. Reeuit. Qur- Write for parti cu1n iw mail. Gloves Hj SP06 W'00 b VIRGIN RUBBER CO . ta-eet, New York. 2 W- lth C . RAYSOR, SOLB AGBNT. The is TRY THIS TEST. j o?me urine.in a ?lass tumbler and let It stand 24 hours. A sediment at the bottom or I miUy, cloudy appearance indicates that the kid neys are in a dangerous condition, and th.i Favorite Remedy is badlj needed. HeakLV urine is clear and does not stain linen. y, classical, scientific and industrial ed mg. Annual expenses $92 to $132- for uci . mure man uu regular students representing every county in the State School of about 250 pupils. To secure plications ehould be made before Aur- ap desiring competent trained teachers j n address until August 15th ' 1 F. J. Y. JOYNER, Dean of College On Sultry Summer Days... you probably don't care for much meat, but what you do purchase you want to be fresh and of the highest grade. The appe'tite flags, and nothing but the most appetizing of comestibles havt any attraction for you. If we please, you're doomed to disappointment elsewhere. Better try-us first. Zimmerman & Whitehead, CITY MARKET. "if, NATTVH AND WESTERN MEATS. Telephone 4. The C. H. & D. Trains between CINCINNATI, TOLEDO & DETROIT rua through the f moui aa- -zne Miami valley and numeroii prosperous villages and citie oi western Ohio and southern Mici t&an. There ere four tirougi trains each way. Pullmaa era on night trains. THE MICHICAH FLYER. Vestibuled f rriea pari - and cafe rc, wit elegant through day coaehei. ifave? Cincinnati 1 p. m.; r rivea Toledo 6:50 p. m.; arrirrt Detroit 8:20 p. m. One tf tl finest trains In the central tta-f THE C. H. & is the direct e fro: l Cixciitsi and the south to the pspultf summer resorts of Michigan Canada. Connects at Toledo wit t o via jjttK.e ane ana wi rail lines for interior point; urwic wita rail and fteam lines for inl d and lak resort. MEALS are served In the C. 2. A D cafe cars a la carte, one tkug b ing" able to order as c.ired, t moderate prices. P UR PAST TRAINS r twees Cincinnati, Indianapoli d CU cago. Agents of coimectla; rM-di win sen you ticket routlnf t c- J3-. & D. Ry. D. G. ETWARI8, Passenger Trafflc Manager, Cinclniati, O Dancing Class. The Misses Coffin's dancing class Iff uuuren meets every Thursday after- uwu irom o ro i:sv at j. tj. haU lover . c. Johnson's etore em fttos THE LATEST DANCES AND GEB' Private lessons e-iven r.niw .' flf ia ana teima tni, k. .vii t the hall on Thursdays or at 44 PhilUl